Friday, December 11, 2009

Editing My Life Away

So it's been about 70 hours of work since I began working on the video for the cross country banquet and I am still 20 minutes worth of video away from being done!

I guess it's not all that bad since I've actually been editing about 30 hours and am working at one minute of video being produced per hour, however, my back now hurts, and my eyes are drooping at this hour in the night. The 5:15am wake up alarm will not be pleasant.

However, I feel as if this will be the earliest I have ever finished the banquet video - knock on wood ... not to mention that the pictures are printed, the posters are done, the programs and ready to go, most of the certificates are done, the medals are on their way and the t-shirts will also be done early! WOW! 

Is this the makings of a miracle? Well, now that I remembered my credit card statement because of the banquet, I must take that back and say, almost!

Well hope everyone is doing well in the real world ... I'm headed back to my digital world!


Sunday, December 6, 2009

In just about a week, I'll be more of a regular on my blog :) ... I'm currently waiting for the files to transfer from DVD to my computer so I can start editing the cross country video. I have been working on this video for such a long time and it feels like I have made no progress.

This is the first year that I do not have to go to Chicago before the banquet so I'll have a bit more time, however, I am going to Reno this weekend, so I still am lacking that last weekend that would be helpful.

I'm about 15 minutes from being fully prepped with over 100gb of video uploaded to my computer, 50 potential songs, and of course hundreds of graphics and photographs. What am I going to do?? I hope that I can finish before I leave for Reno, but I know that will be a long shot!  If I can finish Mammoth by tomorrow though, I'll be in good shape! Let's see how it goes!

Well, for now, I must say farewell, but soon, I will be back!

Upcoming Trips:
December 11-13 - Reno
December 26-30 - San Diego (Tentative Dates)
January 14-18 - New York (Looking for a Travel Companion!)
February 7-14 - Washington DC
March 5-7 - San Francisco
March 13-20 - New York
May 7-9 - Las Vegas (Tentative Dates)
June 24-July 2 - Europe (Tentative Dates) (Looking for a Travel Companion)
August 8-14 - Mammoth
September 17-20 - Hawaii (Tentative Dates)