Friday, May 31, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 151]:~ We Are Able

~:[CH8 - Day 151]:~ We Are Able
There's a lot wrong with this world. Sometimes I get depressed when listening to or reading the news. Crimes, hate, and simply the negativity that surrounds our world is evident and sometimes can be contagious. However, if it can be contagious, couldn't it work the opposite as well. Couldn't be see the ability in all people and despite our differences, see that we are all able? From race to gender, religion to orientation, our socioeconomic status, where we're from, and no matter or physical or mental capabilities, can't we all be seen as people with abilities? We all have the ability. The ability to accept, the ability to not judge, the ability to not slander and the ability to treat others as we want to be treated. We can live a life without prejudice or hate, but it is up to us. We don't have to be the same as everyone else, but that's just it, in our diversity, we find our beauty. Today was one of my favorite events, where we have our inclusive dance, the You & Me Prom. It's hard not to smile as you see everyone enjoying themselves together, showing their abilities to love one another, accept one another and acknowledge one another. Instead of tears, I hope that we are able to find smiles; instead of hate, I hope we are able to find common ground; instead of mass shootings, I hope we are able to find embraces; and instead of competition, I hope we are able to find cooperation. While at times, we all lose sight are blinded by our own goals, beliefs and ambitions, I hope that we are able to find that the reality in life is that people just want to be able to live, comfortably and happily. Tonight I saw it. The joy on people's faces, no matter what part of campus they are from, no matter their race or religion, no matter their GPA, height, weight, or anything that differentiates us, as tonight, we were able to see that we truly are all able. Tonight felt like the fairy tale that this event was themed after, "Once Upon a Time," however, it was no dream and it was no fairy tale; it was reality. I have never been more proud to be a Don than tonight and instead of it being once upon a time, I simply hope that we are able to see this every time. Let's live, comfortable and happily, but that can only begin when we open our eyes and see that we ALL are truly able. 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 150]:~ It's Just the Beginning

~:[CH8 - Day 150]:~ It's Just the Beginning
The end of the season didn't end on a high note. A disappointing end however, did not summarize a season or a career. As one athlete talked about her disappointing end, she kept an optimistic hope for the future. That's part of life. A major setback isn't the end, but just the beginning of where we are headed. Senior year may seem like the world, but it's a microcosm within a much greater universe that we call life. We're going to face similar setbacks and find similar reasons to celebrate. This is a cycle I see every year and as I send off another group of seniors, while there is some sadness within me, there also is great excitement for the future that awaits these athletes. Whether or not they continue to compete beyond the walls of this school, they will use the skills they learned and recall the memories they made for a lifetime. For some, it will be like our coaching staff, who return back to their roots to help mentor these athletes and for others, they will move far away, never to be seen again. In either case, however, we are now forever interconnected. I will think about them from time to time, smile at a memory that comes to mind, and even refer to them as I am passing on knowledge to the next generation. Just like this passing of the torch, it's a reminder that the present is just the beginning. As we closed out our track season, the pictures flashed in front of my eyes, as I recalled the past, but looked forward to the many empty pages ahead, as I realize that today, is just the beginning of a very long story for all of us. Thank you for the great introduction and I hope for the best in our adventures in the future. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 149]:~ Work in Progress

~:[CH8 - Day 149]:~ Work in Progress
Just like this photo, everything in life is a work in progress. I quickly stitched this together so I would have something to post, but with our track banquet tomorrow, I didn't have time to spend working on this, at least tonight. Regardless, just like our lives, we get busy and sometimes overwhelmed and we are stuck as a work in progress, but one day, we will get to finishing up that project. The reality is that life is always that work in progress. There is always something we can fix and change and even after the picture looks good, there are things that we can fix later on. In the end, however, we may find that final piece that makes us smile and appreciate the work that we put into it. They often say that life is what you put into it, but as we gave our final speeches in our senior class, a senior said something that will stick with me. Just because you work hard, doesn't mean you're going to succeed. In our lives, let's work diligently and do all we can to succeed, knowing that even if we reach our goals, there will still be things we can work on and improve on. Let's keep working on improving ourselves so that we are never caught in that cycle of mediocrity. Tonight, we definitely honored our students who were anything but, who began striving towards excellence. I am so proud of those students and so lucky that I get to work with them on a daily basis. While down the road they will also see how life is this work in progress, at least today, they can celebrate all the success they achieved. Congratulations class of 2019!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 148]:~ In the Heart ...

~:[CH8 - Day 148]:~ In the Heart ...
I honestly prefer not to celebrate my birthday. I don't like the attention, but don't mind the gathering of people together. However, as I've grown, you always begin to see the world in a different light. As children we look for that gift that we've always wanted, but as adults, stability, love, and connection tend to have more weight. As I walked into my room today, I saw poster after poster plastered around the room and later on, my second period class added their own card, letters and notes, and even a resolution. Even as we close in on these final stressful moments of the school year with banquets and events galore, it provided a bit of tranquility among the chaos. Words have so much more power than a gift does and I always appreciate the beautiful cards and hand crafted items such as these. I felt so much gratitude today and over the weekend for those who reached out to meet, starting with my international friends and all the way through today with my students. As I think about the fact that I may not have a lot of assets in my name, the value of my students, past and present, my friends who I cherish and my family who I love, make me the riches man alive. Thank you to all those around me, as today I am as grateful as I have ever been for all the love and blessings you sent my way. As while there will be gifts I can put on my shelf, my most valued are those that I can place in my heart. 

Monday, May 27, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 147]:~ On Display

~:[CH8 - Day 147]:~ On Display
It's fun being a tour guide. When my friend from Japan came to visit, I wanted to be able to show him around. I was able to get out there and do just that and hoped that he enjoyed the day. From LACMA to Grand Central Market, we zipped across LA in the time that we had, covering a decent amount. While he will be working most of the trip, at least he got a little look at what LA has to offer. I ventured home to grab dinner with my parents and that was the end of this long weekend. I am grateful for all the love and care that people showed me today, as I have tried to answer everyone back. However, my words could never express the gratitude I have for those who took the time to send their wishes today. I am also grateful for the fact that I have the freedoms that I do and live in the world that I do because of all those who sacrificed their lives for this nation. Today was a packed day, but as I look back, I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend this wonderful and beautiful day.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 146]:~ Being There

~:[CH8 - Day 146]:~ Being There
I think one of the things about life in all areas is that being there for someone is something that is bigger than anything else. Ohtani continued his struggles at the plate, but with the win, there was a lot to smile about. I think one of the most telling signs of the day was when I saw Puljos walking alongside Ohtani after their victory handshake. Ohtani smiling and through the process, it seemed like Puljos was encouraging and joking with him. Whether or not that narrative was true, I think it's a narrative that summarizes life. We need people to be there for us when things are tough and we need to keep pushing through. Sure, we'll be frustrated, upset and even torn apart inside sometimes, but if you stand together with those around you, you'll get through it. Eventually he will and know that eventually we all will. There are so many people around me struggling with various things and I just hope that we can all be there for each other in the good and bad times. That little extra effort goes a long way. As I sat across from my friend from Japan, enjoying a good meal and then dessert later, I remember how he was struggling and to see him smiling and moving on, I was glad that he found his way through in some of the toughest of times. Of course it's all a matter of us being there for others just as much as they are for us. Life is not easy and while we will struggle, we will also know that there will be comfort in the love of those around us. 

Saturday, May 25, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 145]:~ Working from Home

~:[CH8 - Day 145]:~ Working from Home
There are a number of days when I work from home. The productivity of those days is amazing as I look at the piles of items on my personal to-do list. However, it's actually kind of nice being home and makes me realize that if I did come home right after work, there is so much more that I would be able to to do. I stayed home, cut away at my to-do list and finished the night eating a beautiful spread of food. Being out or away has it's perks, but it's days like these that you realize what you miss out on - the comforts of home.

Friday, May 24, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 144]:~ It's Not Magic

~:[CH8 - Day 144]:~ It's Not Magic
I often hear it said that a day was magical or that it felt like magic when a day is special, however, the reality is that we are fully capable of making it an amazing day without magic. With all the Hollywood dramatization of life, I can understand why we feel we need a special skill or magic to be on our side to find success, but if we look at ourselves closely, we have what it takes to make a day feel magical. In a day where our movie screen when blank right towards the finale of Aladdin, I realized that it wasn't going to take magic to get it back on, but a technician. Likewise, it doesn't take magic to allow us to fall in love, to find a career we love, or live a happy and healthy life, rather, it takes us working towards the things we want. I ran around like crazy today, but I found some time to whip up a quick lunch before heading back to work. Finding that time was not magic, but simply planning and organization. The next time we look at a situation and hope for a miracle or some kind of magic, look at yourself as more than likely, you have the tools to find success. Today ended a long and exhausting week, but it was not magic that got me through, but the love and support of all the amazing people around me who they themselves are truly magical.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 143]:~ Always in Appreciation

~:[CH8 - Day 143]:~ Always in Appreciation
I think one of the things about life is to always appreciate everything you have even as routine as it may seem. You sometimes forget that a daily hello or goodbye or even a recognition you've receive multiple times is special. One day that recognition may not come or that person who always took the time to talk to you, even for just a bit, will be gone. Things tend to come and go and that's why we always need to appreciate all that we have. It's hard to remember this as we zoom through our day and only things that are "significant" seem to matter, but when things that we find so routine are gone, you'll notice exactly how different life can become. While we look for those postable or Instagramable moments in our life, let's not forget about those daily moments we have that are probably way more important in our lives, but only aren't realized since we have taken it for granted. Let's be grateful for that hug from a parent, that favor that someone helped you with, or even the person who sends you a text in the morning or night to say hello. Let's always be appreciative. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 142]:~ With Honors

~:[CH8 - Day 142]:~ With Honors
I always love Premios de Oro. I guess in part because it reminds me of the past, yet also gives you a chance to recognized a few students who have excelled. Sadly, like many teachers, I wanted to give out so many more certificates, which is always a good thing I guess, however, even when you get a chance to recognize a few, it's quite amazing. From those who excelled in the classroom, at conferences, or even in just their spirit, energy and determination, I love the various forms that this award takes. It's not always about who has the highest grade, but who demonstrates a full package, which may simple included breaking through many challenging moments. As exhausted as I am, I am on air celebrating such a wonderful evening and hoping that there can be more days like this ahead.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 141]:~ How Many More?

~:[CH8 - Day 141]:~ How Many More?
It was back on track, as I took leave from my rest and headed back to work. I felt much better and very few symptoms. It was nice to go and see my best friend as well, but it's also saddening knowing that soon we will be on summer and not able to take any more selfies. How many more days do we have left? For students, it's an excitement countdown towards the summer. For me, it's a countdown for many deadlines approaching. How many more videos? How many more pictures do you have to edit? How many more ... yes, that list will keep going on. Regardless, I stay steadfast and focused on what I need to do and forget about how many more, as I'll just focus on crossing off one thing at a time? So wait, how many more do I have left? 

Monday, May 20, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 140]:~ Downtime

~:[CH8 - Day 140]:~ Downtime
It was a little weird to have nothing scheduled. It was kind of like, what do I do? I knew that instead of doing the turnaround though, my purpose for the day was to rest and take it easy. I ended up focusing on editing photos and making sure I allowed myself to recover this day, so I'd be ready to work tomorrow. It was a relaxing day. I wandered a little, took a brisk walk, and had a moment with a great company. I probably did more than I should have in a single day, but I felt much better by day's end and ready for the day ahead. I think that sometimes there is so much going on in our lives that we forget to give ourselves that break that we need. Don't forget that mental health is just as important as physical health. While you may not feel depressed (or even if you do), take some time to give your mind a break, especially amidst a time you know will be stressful and exhausting, especially if you're more of an introvert. I feel recharged and refreshed and ready for these 16 days + 1 workday ahead. Let's go! 

Sunday, May 19, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 139]:~ The Turnaround

~:[CH8 - Day 139]:~ The Turnaround
I tried to pull a turnaround, but I knew early on my body said, tomorrow, you need to rest so you don't prolong this. I hung out with my friend in the morning and tried to rest and relax a bit before I left. Of course I knew that I would go into the concert with a determined mindset and that I did. It was exciting to find out where my seats ended up being after getting lucky with a late release of seats. It was a whole different experience from that view and incredible to see them so close. As usual, the energy they brought to the stage was fantastic and their youthfulness shined through a bit as well, making it even better than before. It was also nice to meet great people along with those I already knew. By night's end, I was happy, but I'm glad that I knew my body enough that I couldnt handle a quick turnaround. Life won't always be like this and my body reminded me about that today, but while I can, I'll see what I can do with this body of mine.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 138]:~ Focusing In

~:[CH8 - Day 138]:~ Focusing In
I got a little bit to clean up, but I had a little bit of a break before getting back to focusing in on what I had to do. It was a day that I dedicated to work, but I also had to get some sleep, as I wasn't feeling so good in the morning. It's always around this time of year that I get a little sick and while it's not a common cold. I always take care of it all when I feel a little off. No cough, no fever, but enough to keep me from focusing in as much as I wanted to. In the end, I got through almost all of what I needed to today and even got that rest I wanted. To ease my mind, I did a little more work on my jeans and added a little Day6 flare in honor of Jae to the right half to counter the Chimmy side of my jeans. I'll get a little more rest tonight, but at least I know that I have a little less on my plate. As much as the world has to offer, there are days that you need to shut it all out so that you can take care of what you need to. For some, there are more of these days than others, but regardless, it actually feels good when you complete that to-do list.

Friday, May 17, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 137]:~ A Match Made in Econ

~:[CH8 - Day 137]:~ A Match Made in Econ
I think one of the best things about teaching is when you come up with an activity that will be both educational, yet also fun for the students. Thus, a Match Made in Econ was born. I made up a "site" called North meets South (in reference to North-South Cooperation) which has the slogan, "where polar opposites attract." Essentially, we were speed dating for countries, as they each tried to find their perfect match (for trading). Every student had to create their own profile which included a picture, a pick up line (slogan), info about their country, what they could offer and what they are looking for. After doing so, they were able to meet the other countries in the class and when doing so, they tried to figure out who matched up together. It was fun to watch them work the room and also to see at the end, whether or not it worked out for them. I think that too many worked out initially, but regardless, I know it was a fun and exciting activity that I'll use down the line. After a chat with an alum, I headed back and got some work done and while it's not all that I hoped for, I am always amazed how many hours are in the day when you don't have after school commitments. In the long run, I know I'd get bored, but for now, I'll enjoy it. As I reflect back on today, I am so glad that this idea became something real life and all I know is that most of my students today found their match made in econ!

Thursday, May 16, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 136]:~ A Little Shut Eye

~:[CH8 - Day 136]:~ A Little Shut Eye
I am amazed at home many hours are actually in a day. It's weird to be able to get home fairly close to the end of school. It's great because the day after school feels so long without that three hour practice. Regardless, the amount of work will continue to pile up, with the first group of assignments coming my way. With a few videos to work on over the new few days and some photos that I will need to send out this weekend on top of banquet prep, it'll be a bit crazy and I will definitely be ready for some shut eye, as I envied the fact that Jordan could sleep like that. As tired as you get and as much as you have waiting for you, you'll always make time for those who are important to you. I headed out after dinner to just sit and chat with a friend who needed it. He made me realize that we don't always know what is going on and that we need to make that extra effort to reach out to those around us to ensure that they are doing alright. We can get busy and we need our rest, but sometimes that rest is worth sacrificing. By night's end, I shortened that list of things to do and even did a few fun things to keep my mind at ease. Knowing how much I accomplished today, I know that tomorrow, I will definitely be able to get some of that shut eye I have been looking forward to!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 135]:~ Just a Column ... About My Best Friend

~:[CH8 - Day 135]:~ Just a Column ... About My Best Friend
It's funny because we've been friends since he first came to the school. He ended up joining my cross country coaching staff and we've been inseparable since. It was fun to watch him act out something we learned this year and cheer him on as he won the tiebreaker today. I think having someone like this and the others I talk to regularly on campus are what you need to keep the work environment enjoyable. Daily, I visit my best friend to take a selfie, have a short chat and catch up. It's hard to do that with someone who is not in the same place as you, so it's nice that he is close by. Although we don't hang out as his time after work is with his family, he is my best friend. A little awkward, but a best friend indeed. As we close in on the end of the year, it's exciting to know that we've almost conquered another year and while I look forward to the summer, it will be a long break away from my cross-building neighbor and best friend. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 134]:~ A Pizza My Time

~:[CH8 - Day 134]:~ A Pizza My Time
This week is the calm before the storm. The next few weeks are going to be crazy, but it was great to take a "pizza my time" away to reward my 2nd period students for all their hard work they put in for Pennies 4 Patients. We are all busy, but it was worth the extra time to get them pizza and spend a lunch with them celebrating their efforts. So many are focused on how they can do better and how they can get ahead, but while we are teaching our youth to strive for success, we should also teach them about the goodness of the human heart. This group of students averaged over $50 a person and collected the majority of the money for the school. I was so impressed and also am so grateful for them going above and beyond for those around them. Many gave up something in order to donate and I hope they realize that their efforts will not go unnoticed! We all gain something when we give!

Monday, May 13, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 133]:~ Just a Little Longer

~:[CH8 - Day 133]:~ Just a Little Longer
It's a Monday and the alarm goes off and you wish you could just have a little loner. With AP testing halfway done, I see the exhaustion and relief among the students. I know that it's a tough time, but I am also hopeful that these tough times can build some grit and toughness into these students to prepare them for the road ahead. At the same time, that fine line to ensure that they are doing alright is something that must be walked. I am hopeful that my students will succeed on their testing ahead, but I know that on this Monday, we all wished for just a little bit more time.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 132]:~ The Dish of Life

~:[CH8 - Day 132]:~ The Dish of Life
My mom is a carnivore. She tends to love good cuts of steak and prime rib. Of course, she is someone who will pass on the best so that she could give it to others. I think many of us have mothers that are the same. As I cooked up a storm on this mothers day, I carefully placed each piece of the meal together, much like she has made the dish of our lives. Her life went from exploration to adventure, to focusing on what we needed, often sacrificing her own time, money and energy. As I see her care for my nephew, I can see all that she puts in to ensure that he is taken care of and know that she did that, if not more, for both my brother and I. I am so grateful to have a mother who has given so much to me to allow me such a comfortable life. While there are ups and downs within life, she is always there to support me and show me that she loves me. As I placed each piece down so carefully, I knew that it was nothing in comparison to the dish of life that she has prepared for me, much like mothers around the world have prepared for their children. To the mothers, the step-mothers, the grand and great grand mothers and to those who serve as a mother, whether a single father, a guardian, an aunt or anyone in that role, I salute the effort you put into setting the table for the youth. It is because of you that we have all the opportunities at our fingertips and the sacrifices you have made have no valuation, as they are priceless. I love you mom and all others who have been mother-like in my life, as I owe so much of where I am today to you.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 131]:~ DREAM

~:[CH8 - Day 131]:~ DREAM
It was devastating to see your senior athlete in pain after a run through on pole vault at CIF Finals. It reminded me that we all dream and sometimes that dream just doesn't work out. I often dream of winning the lottery, skating along the ice like some of these stars or simply for a world where we can all be accepting of each other. Sometimes those dreams work out and sometimes you fall on your face trying to reach them, leaving you in pain in misery. However, you get back up and make a new dream or keep chasing after the one you've been chasing. As I watched these skaters, I thought the same thing. They've all fallen in their routines, had moments they wish they could go back and do again, but in the end, they live with what happened and don't allow it to stop dreaming. From the kid who gazes out from the top row in awe of these skaters to the elderly grandmother just hoping for someone to visit her regularly, we all have our dreams and we're all allowed to do it. We will fail more times that we succeed, that is if we succeed at all, but that shouldn't stop us from trying. Some fail to dream because they don't want to see the worst of themselves, a failure. However, the worst version of yourself is the one that has no idea of how truly capable they are because they've never tried. You'll surprise yourself. You can accomplish a lot more than you think you can. We all have the right to dream, so don't be afraid as soon enough you'll find yourself with the others in the spotlight of that very dream. #youcandoit #dream #shibsibs

Friday, May 10, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 130]:~ To Be or Not to Be

~:[CH8 - Day 130]:~ To Be or Not to Be
To eat or not to eat, that is the question? As we visit the writing of Shakespeare, we find that in life we have those options and we live with the choices we make. For my students last night, it was do I study. For me today, it was do I eat or deal with traffic. In life we make those decisions daily and for every one we make, there is an opportunity cost. As I weighed that opportunity cost, I made some good decisions and maybe others that I am not sure of. Should I have passed on this meal or not drank that tea? Truly, we never know what the right answer should have been, as life leaves us guessing where our life is headed. Quickly, our lives can take a turn and sometimes, they snowball so quickly, we don't realize what happened. That avalanche could start from a single decision. So what is it ... should we be or should we not be? The choice of talking to someone or leaving them behind, taking an offer for an outing or staying home, and so on and so forth; ever decision leaves us wondering, what would have changed had I made a different choice. The other day I was talking to my class about those "choose your own adventure" books and I guess life is like that. For every decision, we're directed to another page, never really knowing what could have happened. However, that's life and instead of pondering on what we passed on, let's focus on dealing with the cards we were dealt. I enjoyed the bowl of ramen by the way and smiled and how things simply came to be. 

Thursday, May 9, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 129]:~ A Family Dinner

~:[CH8 - Day 129]:~ A Family Dinner
"So what are we celebrating? Is it a family night out?" the waitress asked us. Sure, that's what it was, a family. I laughed inside because the sister of one of my athletes gets mistaken as a daughter of one of our coaches. As we prepared for CIF Finals this weekend, we had our congratulatory dinner. I guess that past few years it may have been easy to take it for granted, as we had a few "very likely" qualifiers, but it was nice to have someone get through. It was a day where I did realize the importance of family. I think sometimes we are so busy "making a living" or "taking care of things" that we forget to pay attention to those around us. They have such a regular presence around us sometimes that we take them for granted, much like we did pushing forward to CIF Finals and beyond year after year. Sadly, I've had someone near me lose someone close to them and it's tough to know exactly what to say to them or what to do? For everyone it's different and they handle it in their own way, but I think just being there for them is important. To those who mourn, I hope that you can seek the help of many around you who want to help you. The heaviness of the loss is heavy and there are many around you who want to share that burden with you even though you may not see it that way. We all will face this loss some day and that family dinner that you had will shrink in size over time. The happiness of birth and the sadness of death is part of life and the cycle at this very dinner table, where we have an unpredictable list of guess, unknowing of when we will come and go. However, it's important that while at this table, we enjoy each other's company and appreciate the time we have together, as no matter how the food tastes, just be there for one another is one of the most important things. It was a pretty fund dinner and I had a great time, but it was even nicer to go back home and spend some time with my family, as I was reminded not to take having them for granted.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 128]:~ The Match Up of Life

~:[CH8 - Day 128]:~ The Match Up of Life
Our badminton is great. They're ranked #4 in CIF in all divisions, however, they matched up against the #1 who had all kinds of top end players on their squad. Sometimes you just get those types of match ups in life. You work hard, you're talented, you got some breaks, yet, life doesn't always dish you out favorable results. You're going to fall, you're going to fail, life isn't going to be "fair," but can you expect it to be? That's the match up of life. Life is definitely tough, but you have to dig your feet into the group and face it straight on. It will raise you up and smash you back to the ground, push you and pull you and make you smile and tears, sometimes almost simultaneously. Of course, we can sit and complain or mope about it, but it won't do any good. We just need to have some grit and battle to the best of our abilities. We need to grind through the stress of the day, focus on those challenging issues we face, and stay hopeful, even when life takes loved ones away from us. We're going to have fights, we're going to lose people, we're going to fail, but it doesn't mean we ever give up and it doesn't  mean we ever stop fighting. Life is Darwinism, but Darwinism is a survival of the fittest, but it doesn't always mean physically. If we can work on all aspect of ourselves, practice by facing challenges head on, and reaching out to those around you just as much as you allow them to lean on you, then I think you're read for this match up that life has for you. Eventually you will break through and while you may be that one creature that will never get to the top of the food chain, there isn't a reason you cannot try to get to the top. It's life and as long as you have the confidence that you're ready, you'll be able to handle this match up with our toughest opponent of all, life.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 127]:~ The Balance

~:[CH8 - Day 127]:~ The Balance
I ran into an old friend as I spent some time catching up with an alumni. Even for a short while, it was nice to see them and helped me relive old times. It's strange how life moves on so quickly as we head our separate ways as we desperately try to stay connected only to find ourselves traveling further apart. It's not that you don't want to see each other, but sometimes, life has other plans. As I sat and watched Fiddler and the Roof, I began to see the parallels of this with our own lives. How do we balance work and play, family and friends, saving and spending, and so on and so forth. How do we make time and who do we make it for? How do we invest our time and our money? What is the most valuable to us and are we correct in what we are valuing? All these questions entered my mind, but no answers really seemed to come out. Sadly, that's how life is. You don't realize how off your balance can become sometimes and all you need is a bit of a shake up to help you reanalyze it all. I guess that it's tough because I've been so invested in so many things that I haven't maintained the balance I've needed. In the end, we'll figure it all out, but we do need those reminders to let us reflect and that I did. I smiled and I enjoyed my dinner, glad to have run into that old friend, knowing that down the line, I shouldn't let it be as long until we cross paths again. I need to take the time to say, hey, let's catch up (not soon, but sooner!) Much is the case with others in my life and it's only when I make that conscious effort that it will all balance out.

Monday, May 6, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 126]:~ A Step in the Right Direction

~:[CH8 - Day 126]:~ A Step in the Right Direction
Earlier I posted the first view of my website and now it's slowly coming along. It's a challenge to decide what you want and how you want it displayed, but slowly, you find a way to make it work. Sure, I still need to change the fonts and some designs, but ultimately, you can find yourself excited for what you've created so far as you continue to make progress. Life is like that. Sometimes you feel as if you're standing still, but all it takes is one step in the right direction and all of a sudden, you find yourself doing the right things and making the right choices. I'm hoping that I can piece it all together, but for now, I'll just take a step or two, hoping that it's in the direction of progress.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 125]:~ The World's Your Stage

~:[CH8 - Day 125]:~ The World's Your Stage
It was quite a taxing day. After editing photos all evening. I woke up, finished some work, then headed back out to Simi Valley to see the Celtic Women perform. I didn't realize how far it would be, thus, I actually had to leave early to make it back to Pasadena. I was sad to leave since they were great performers, however, sometimes schedules just don't work out as they should. I finished the evening at the BTS concert, as I was able to sit and enjoy with members of the army themselves. My "kpop" group is and will always be Day6, but I did want to experience what it was like to be among the BTS-crazed fans and it was definitely as expected, I left deaf in one ear, but appreciating the fandom. As they closed out the night, they each had their moments to share their thoughts and it was quite touching. RM once again brought a message that was deep saying that while the fans were their army, they were also the army of the fans. As you think about it more, it is quite true. We revere performers, athletes, and other entertainers, however, without the fans, they wouldn't be the people they are. Each and every day, we actually all have the opportunity to be center stage in our play known as life. Shakespeare noted that we all have our entrances and exits and everything in between is our performance. We seem to look towards these people with envy, but do not realize that every day, we have our own audience watching. We have the opportunity to perform, but is it an act that others can respect? While we don't want to be who others want us to be, we also ensure that we do the things we want in a respectable way, knowing the influence we have when we are "center stage." The fans left to the long lines for the shuttle and traffic for the lots, however, aside from BTS music that would continue to blast on their radios and their minds all night, I know that this will be an experience that will resonate with the Army. They truly are spectacular performers with a stage show that is made to WOW us all, just like we have the opportunity to do each and every day of our lives.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 124]:~ 18 Hours Later

~:[CH8 - Day 124]:~ 18 Hours Later
I just got home and finished uploading pictures from prom, 18 hours after I started loading my car for CIF. I spent most of the day under the surprisingly hot sun, but if I had a chance to do it all again I would. I was debating on whether or not to go to prom, as I was pretty exhausted, but in most cases, when you have that inkling you should go, you should. It was a pretty fun evening and it was always great getting the photos. Since there wasn't a need to edit, I was able to get the photos up quickly and even all those after the day started, I was able to finish. People sometimes wonder why you'd work in a school setting with all the headaches and hassles and considering that in other jobs you have the opportunity for greater pay, but it's seeing athletes falter, but still keep a positive mindset, celebrating with them when they have a break through and experiencing moments they'll never forget such as their prom. It was an opportunity to celebrate the firsts of many as they step onto this next level of racing and it was a day and night to celebrate the lasts for these seniors, whether it be their last race or last high school dance. Yes, I am pretty exhausted as I am finishing up, but at least it was time well spent and memories collected that are truly priceless. As while I could have been resting at home, I was glad to be able to share these final moments as these seniors take their last few steps towards their next stage in life. Eighteen hours later, I don't regret a single thing ...

Friday, May 3, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 123]:~ A Perfect Seasoning for the Day

~:[CH8 - Day 123]:~ A Perfect Seasoning for the Day
It felt like a long week, so having a relaxing Friday was the perfect way to spice up the beginning of the weekend. I decided to cook as I had to run errands for CIF tomorrow. I picked up food and cooked it up real quick for a nice and simple dinner. I wish I had more time to cook, but with so many things on my plate, I'm limited to these moments where I can pick up what's needed during an errand. It was a bit sad as today was our last guaranteed practice. Since it's qualify and move on, we don't know if there will be another week, however, regardless of how it ends, I am definitely glad that it happened. Appreciate what you have, as just like the next meal you may have, you never know when something you take for granted, will one day disappear. 

Thursday, May 2, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 122]:~ Blessings

~:[CH8 - Day 122]:~ Blessings
I think sometimes we are so quick to react to situations in our lives that we fail to see the blessings that we have in our lives. When things go bad, we run away, rather than facing them head on to see what we are capable of. On a day where we set our goals in class, I talked to the class about facing challenges in our lives head on, rather than taking the easy route. While these obstacles in our lives can prove to be challenging, they often can actually be blessings in disguise. They help us find out who we are and what we need to work on and ultimately, discover all that is great around us. Sometimes we are blinding in seeing those blessings, but on days like today where you have your CIF team laughing and enjoying each other's company or have a student who you've seen grow so much sign a letter of intent, you discover that you are truly Blessed. We have a decent sized crew traveling to Moorpark on Saturday and I just hope that they see that no matter what happens that they are blessed to have the opportunity to compete. There is a lot in this world that we can complain about, but a lot more things in this world that we can be thankful for. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 121]:~ Unforgiving

~:[CH8 - Day 121]:~ Unforgiving
I want to say to my students, work hard and this world will reward you, but that's not always the case. Sometimes when you work hard, you just make yourself a target because people think they can take advantage of you. You spend free overtime working and instead of rewarding you or simply supporting you, they try to take things away from you, thinking you'll continue to along your way without complaint. Sadly, it's a world that we live in. A place where those who work the hardest, aren't always rewarded as much as those who have connections, know how to work the system or others who speak the loudest. It's really sad and it definitely is something that takes the motivation out of you. The target you create because of the effort you put in could be your downfall or it can be the thing that keeps you afloat. It would easy to throw your hands up and say, "I give up." The society doesn't always work in your favor and those who make it that way, don't always see how they are being manipulate or how they are destroying what they are trying to produce. It's disheartening, but then again, we all need something to wake us up and remind us that while we want to work hard, we also have to stand our ground and speak up for ourselves. We cannot simply become a mule to society, but rather we must stand firm in this unforgiving world. As I wandered around the Pike, I sensed the seriousness of our thoughts, but also felt the calmness in wandering without worry, giving my mind a moment to process. As while it's easy to be disheartened, we must know that life will throw these moments at us. We will find moments where things come crumbling down when we worked so hard to build it all up, but then we  must simply turn around and start building again if it is what our heart desires. As I kept my ears open this evening, while I heard a story of pain, I also heard a sense of hope, the same hope that resonated in me knowing that with every step forward, the world around me will light up if I keep progressing forward. The world will try to take you down,, it will try to use you, and it will be unforgiving, but we are built to withstand all that this world can throw at us. However, it's not our job to simply withstand it, but rather, we must be able to face the unforgiving world around us, much like we were built to do. We are strong, we are resilient, and it is in this that we will find our ability to survive this place. I couldn't imagine the struggles of others around me who have it worse, but I know that if we truly believe in who we are and what we stand for, we can take on this world around us, as unforgiving as it may be sometimes.