Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday Fanatics

It's Friday and it's wonderful!

Have a great weekend everyone! Mine will be a weekend full of homework, but after this weekend, I will be done with my masters. Hoooooraaaayyyy!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Simple Pleasures ~ Curry :)

It's the simple pleasures in life that sometimes make your heart melt :) ... I <3 Curry. This time, I used my normal recipe of chicken, potatoes, carrots and onions, added two apples, and picked scallions and cucumbers :) ... The apples, I probably will not do again or if I do, I'll cut them smaller, however, the rest of the meal but me in a great mood, all warm and toasty inside :)

Yay to curry! The quick yet delicious meal!

I also cooked up some spicy lemon herb chicken with the leftover chicken since I bough too much!! Yay! Yummmmmmy!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Impossible Years Impossible to Top

This year's play, the Impossible Years, was an incredible production put on once again by the Cerritos High School Drama Department. The characters were animated, the storyline was funny, yet serious, and was able to delivery a very important message in the process. While some of the punchlines were geared towards an older audience, the storyline actually matched the fact that some of the punchlines went over the heads of the younger audience members and vice versa. In any case, the story of the similarities and differences of parents and children and the difficulties of parents come together in the Impossible Years. Great job!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ahhhhhh ... the finish line is near :)

I guess whenever I reach the finish line, the "race" always starts again, however, I am close!

I cannot believe that I have been SO busy this year (2010). With all the miles I logged, the homework I have had to do, the grading, the planning, the meets and practices, pweh! It's been a handful, but I guess it's been memorable!

Clippers split the season series with the Lakers and just days before, I had 2nd row tickets in section 101, CENTER COURT! :) Although they got whooped by Dallas, those seats were amazing!

In any case, a few more days of editing and they'll be a little more light at the end of that tunnel calling my name! BTW, I think May 2009 was the last month I spent every night at home during the month. Living out of a suitcase :P

Here's to life!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Break

It's amazing that this spring break has finally come to an end. Over the break, I was a bit busier than I may have wanted to be and did not enough time to do all the work that I had to do, however, I guess I had enough time to finish my coursework and some of the other errands I needed to finish. I still have two weeks of video editing ahead and a bunch of grading. Good luck to me :) Here's a recap of my week.
thursday - love was in the air as we defeated mayfair for the first time in years on the girls varsity level 69-67. we also took home victory in the bfs and gfs divisions.

friday - we spent the day and night at the trabuco hills invitational. prs galore!

saturday - i went down to sd to celebrate a friend's birthday, however, before that, i had some fun with the cousins! day before easter in san diego!
sunday - with some shaking, rattling, and rolling, makoa enjoyed his easter as we rocked out together during the earthquake outdoors.
monday - how to train your dragon ~ so great :)
tuesday - the clippers girls made the dons' classic classic :)
wednesday - marked the annual spring break bonfire! 30+, not bad!
thursday - ucla fight fight fight! noodle planet and she's out of my league :)
friday - prom site touring at the globe theater at universal. great photo shoot!
saturday am - celebrate grace's birthday at ihop! :)
saturday pm - the warrior dash proved epic and even more obstacles with one barrel :) ... who was the ultimate warrior? i only did the course once, haha, so not me! janie monica brenda andrew and kat ~ good times with my party ipod mix.

sunday - homework day! after a day with the masters, i was able to finish off my portfolio and my last papers including my psychology homework week 6.
monday - tomorrow will officially end my spring break festivities with section 101 row 2 seats to the clippers vs mavericks game! yahoo!
farewell spring break! hello almost two months without a break :(

Monday, April 5, 2010

A Day of Renewal

Easter is such as important celebration in the Christian faith and I hope that it becomes an important celebration in my life as well. I'm not saying that I do not celebrate Easter, rather, I am saying that I feel determined to move on from all that's been holding me back so I can break free into a state of renewal.

Most people probably have no clue what I am talking about, but for some reason on this day, I dedicated myself to take the first step towards this process of renewal. With most goals, the reality is that you will never leave behind everything you wish to in one single moment, however, I am going to try and take that first step towards progress, something that I have not done for many years. I hope to take a step back towards the path from which I diverged in hopes that I can find my way back to the things that I love.

Ultimately, I'm not looking to gain anything from anyone except myself and from myself, I'm just looking for the satisfaction of knowing that I can overcome :)

Happy Easter to one and all!