Tuesday, April 30, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 120]:~ Can We Just Kick it?

~:[CH8 - Day 120]:~ Can We Just Kick it?
There was a lot of nostalgia today as I begun to search through the old photo archives as I begin to post some old photos for a project I am working on. I am always working on a project, which is why I am left with so many unfinished ones. In any case, so many memories were brought back to life and I am exciting to piece everything together in the end. I was pretty relaxed through the day despite having to lecture, as I am trying to get back in the habit of it all. It will get a bit busier as the week goes on and definitely into the weekend, but I am ready for it, as I'm somewhat use to the loads of work coming m way. It feels good to finish what I needed to finish for the day, but even better to have a little time to just kick it. We all need a little R&R, so put on your PJs and just kick it for a bit :)

Monday, April 29, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 119]:~ Just (Don't) Hide

~:[CH8 - Day 119]:~ Just (Don't) Hide
I've had those days. Days you just want to go and hide from the world. You don't want to be out, you want to not be seen, yet unfortunately, life makes you go out. I think it's common for many of us to want to do this, but it's not healthy for us either. As scary as life can be, we must be willing to face it. I was talking to someone yesterday and just talking about how the youth these days need some grit. Whenever things get tough, the run away or quit, rather than facing it head on. Life is going to be tough and there will be challenges, but we have to keep ourselves from hiding from this world. It's scary, but we are fully capable. A day removed from spring break, I did want to hide, but I didn't and was ready to face the world that awaited me. Can you say you did the same?

Sunday, April 28, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 118]:~ A Piece Left Behind

~:[CH8 - Day 118]:~ A Piece Left Behind
It's always a bit of nostalgia when I go back to my old stomping grounds. I loved going to UCI, as it was one of the best choices of my life. As I walk the campus, through halls that existed even before the renovation, I am brought back to the memories of running the same conference, of all the ups and downs, the stressful nights, hours in the labs, and great memories at the bookstore. This conference also ends up being the last for the seniors, as they also finish their tenure here and leave a piece of themselves, as they take their steps towards graduation. Life is all about this cycle. It's about seeing where you were four years ago and where you are today. There will be good and bad along the way, but the reality is, it's not always about where you end up, but how you got there. The irreplaceable memories of Nationals or Davis or Berkeley among the many local conferences that were attended, will be far more valuable than the awards received. The experiences you had and the skills you gained will be more important than the grades you received and surpass many of the accomplishments you may achieve. Sure, we shoot for our goals and aim to climb higher on the ladder of life, but surpassing all the memories we gain along the way would be a mistake, as in them lie the person we are and will become. With each passing moment, we are molded and shaped by the experiences we have and the people around us. At the same time, while we are molded by our experiences, we also leave a piece of ourselves behind whether it be a school, a workplace, or a home. We impact the lives of those around us and forever leave our imprint on the past. As I look back, sure, there are things that I regret, but I am also proud to think that I gave so much of myself and experienced so much while I was in school. As while I could have put my head in a book and just focused on studying and getting good grades, I chose to experience all I could while in school and there's not one ounce of me that regrets doing so. As I look back through these halls, I see all the pieces I left behind within my memories and it is those memories that I can find myself when I feel lost. As while I may flourish and grow as grand as the sequoias, without my roots, the grandness of my future would be hopeless. It is in what we plant early on that we find our ability to rise to great heights over the horizon. We wrapped up our day and snapped some pictures, as I though that every one of these students left a piece of themselves behind today and one day they'll realize the importance of it all. The award will be fresh in their minds tonight, but in that distant tomorrow, it will be the experiences and memories that will leave the most lasting impression.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 117]:~ The Cycle of Growth

~:[CH8 - Day 117]:~ The Cycle of Growth
Freshmen walk into the classroom on the first day of school and you don't know what to expect, but what can be expected is what you get when they leave. I was sad to have ended my spring break early, as I had two days of conference ahead, but I was proud to spend it with some of my freshman who made incredible improvements, regardless of whether or not they received an award. One of the things that people take for granted when they "pass" on MUN is the benefits that they can gain when joining. Sure it's a lot of work and commitment, but shouldn't anything be that helps you grow? There will be days when people struggle, but it's part of the process of growth and while it's not always as appealing as a class with an "AP" title or something that sounds great on a resume, there are skills gained that are beneficial for a lifetime. It's also not a class just for those who are looking to go into politics, but pretty much for anyone going into any occupation that requires interacting, presenting, analyzing, researching or problem solving. I love to see the confidence grow, the ability to analyze documents, think through problems, and speak to those around them with confidence. I am prideful where I hear an MUN student speak or to hear how they did well in an interview for a college or a job. Even for the quiet introvert, while it may be a struggle at first, the experiences helps you grow in ways you could never imagine. I see most of this cycle of growth among these freshmen. We closed out the novice year with five best delegates and 1/3 of our students receiving awards. However, I was most proud of the improvements that many of them made, some of which left with no award at all. Regardless of that piece of paper, the reward they received for all of that work is something that may not be realized for years to come, but somewhere along the line, the skills they gained through this cycle of growth will naturally become something that they use when the situation arises. I hope that those who have the chance, don't pass on this opportunity, as I hope that as many students as possible can experience all the doors that this program can help open. 

Friday, April 26, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 116]:~ How We View Ourselves

~:[CH8 - Day 116]:~ How We View Ourselves
As I walked through Yayoi Kusama's Narcissus Garden, it made me realize how much has changed in the meaning of this piece over time, but also how much this piece connects to today's world. In one where people flock to a gallery such as this to capture these moments and post them to social media, paying high prices and waiting in long queues to get a short glimpse. Ironically, it all started as she "peddled" these balls, critiquing art commercialization and narcissism. It's funny how one of the first things you want to do in that room is taking a photo of your own reflection in this room full of reflective balls, but living in this selfie generation, Kusama's realization is even more evident today than it was when this garden first came about. Of course, aside from the narcissism, I think this reflective garden also conveys a vastly different message that connects to us today. While some enjoy looking at ourselves hundreds or thousands of times, many of us (even those I referred to just now), have doubts of who they are or will become. Their level of confidence is low and look for others to life them up through likes and comments while others hide to avoid any criticism they may receive. However, what we see in those reflections will change over time and our view cannot simply be on what we look like, but also who we are inside. As beautiful as we may be, no one is going to enjoy being around someone who isn't as pleasant on the inside. As visual beauty quickly comes and goes, a beautiful person within can remain beautiful for an eternity. As we walk and see our own reflections and ask, "who is that person I see, staring back at me?" you will only see the reflection of who you are inside when you have the confidence to understand that you are more than simply what you see in that reflection. If you continue to look at your reflection in the narcissistic garden, you'll never see what's inside, you'll only truly see that when you look at your reflection in those around you who reflect back the person you are to them. While it's not always the case, if you have a beautiful world of people around you, maybe it's a true reflection of yourself and how you should begin to view yourself, something social media will never be able to portray.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 115]:~ The Race with Nobody

~:[CH8 - Day 115]:~ The Race with Nobody
I sat at the horse racing game and surprisingly was winning. As I watched the horses round the track, I couldn't but help think how similar to life it was. The varying skills of people, the experience and the type of breed. While it may be possible to move up, the chances are slim and you're considered a "long shot." In life, you're given no chance against these pure breeds and in many cases, they are among the top finishers. However, there's always that chance of one could break through. Sometimes, however, in our lives, we are so focused on beating those around us that we sometimes don't realize that we're in a race of our own. All those who we thought we were challenging have gone away, as it wasn't about the competition, but rather the experience. As while we want to push forward and make ourselves better, sometimes we have to realize that life is not always a competition and being successful is not in beating others, but rather, in growing ourselves. Championships and awards are great, but if it's not something that is worked for, how valuable is that championship or award anyway? Rather than focusing on trying to top someone else, focus on developing yourself and making you into someone you can call a champion. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 114]:~ Hear Me Out

~:[CH8 - Day 114]:~ Hear Me Out
The day was filled with many pleasantries as I got to see my local friends and hang out, I won on the floor, had some good food and even made an unplanned visit to a political meet and greet. My friend gave me a heads up that Andrew Yang was speaking and it was great to hear a new voice in politics and interesting to not only hear of plans that support the people, but with some of the logistics to back it up. It's too early to decide where I am headed with my support, but it was great to listen and soak it all in before making an informed decision. I think people are so set in their ways sometimes and fail to hear a new and fresh point of view or just a point of view that might differ from their view, but sometimes it's exactly what we need. It was a smaller gathering compared to the larger one the day before, but it was also good because it was a more intimate setting. The night closed with a cherry on top as the Clippers pulled out the victory, but the victory was just the topper on a day that was quite fulfilling. I doubted whether coming a day early still despite the change of plans was a good idea, but in the end, it was something I won't regret. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 113]:~ Staying Connected

~:[CH8 - Day 113]:~ Staying Connected
We live in a world that is said to be so interconnected. Maybe it's because we seem to know how things are going with everyone because of social media. However, sometimes we forget about those that are off the grid or how social media can simply be a front for people, when in reality the struggles of life are catching up to them. As much as the internet can provide connectivity, I always like it to face people one-on-one and catch up. The value and importance of keeping a connection alive can sometimes be undervalued as a simple text or DM can never replace human interaction in person. It was great to be able to catch up and in my decision to come up a little early, it was a nice break for the solitude and tranquility of my work environment here. Yes, I still was able to get a lot of the work that I set out to accomplish done, but also found some time to get away and to stay connected. Social media is a great way to keep up to date on what people are doing, but take the time to meet with them in person to truly find out how they are doing. It can mean all the difference beyond this world wide web.

Monday, April 22, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 112]:~ What's Natural?

~:[CH8 - Day 112]:~ What's Natural?
I had to wake up early today even though it was spring break. I actually almost always do. As while the break happens, our season moves on. However, I was able to get away and headed to the Huntington Library and explored all that is nature within the gardens. It's amazing to explore nature, but then you get to wondering, what is natural? Are these plants natural to this habitat? Are all these creatures natural to these environments? It seems that sometimes we ask these questions more in life than we do while explore something like a garden. We think about race, gender, orientation, skills, ability and more and classify what is natural and what is not. While I have not been the target of such discrimination too often, I've heard people being told, "you don't belong here" or called some mean and nasty names, making them question, are they natural? Do they belong here? In a world where there is so much space and so much to look at, I wonder why we can enjoy what is around us like when we are in a place like a garden. The diversity of the gardens is what makes it truly amazing, similar to this world. There is so much to soak in and when we look close enough, we will see things that we hadn't seen before. It wasn't for a second that I wonder, was this natural to this habitat? Why, because I saw the beauty in all that was on display much like we can about the world around us. Most of the people around me are like that. See the beauty that exists around you and soak it all in. Soak in the sunshine, the fresh air and know that whether or not it's "natural," it's beautiful nonetheless. We are all beautiful people and my hope is that we can all see the beauty in all those around us. 

Sunday, April 21, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 111]:~ It's About Time

~:[CH8 - Day 111]:~ It's About Time
Timing is everything. It really is. In a particular moment, hitting that game winning shot is about timing. In making it into the spotlight, it's about meeting the right people at the right time. Jackpots, jobs, relationships and more, are all about timing. However in a world where timing is everything, do we save enough time for what's important? Do we cherish the time that we have with our family and friends? Do we appreciate the time with have with people over a meal or while hanging out? Do we soak in the experiences when we get to have them? On a day like today, do we cherish this opportunity of life we have because of the sacrifices that were made? There are so many questions whether about life or love or faith that relate to time. It would take us a lifetime to figure it all out, but the reality is that we must treasure that time we have and not take those seconds for granted. No matter what is important to you, just be sure that you cherish that time before that time disappears; it's about time.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 110]:~ Life's Addicting Drug

~:[CH8 - Day 110]:~ Life's Addicting Drug
I've never been one who would ever dabble into smoking or drugs, nor do I ever really drink. However, as the "celebration" of April 20th came about, I thought about the only addictive thing in my life that I need are good people. I sat at the dinner table and around me sat our Mt. SAC team and as sad as it was that this would be our very last regular season meet together, it was a moment that we could share happily together. I think one of the reasons I really never got into it was because I've been surrounded by good people who have show me that the only thing that I need in my life is the goodness that people bring. The high and euphoria that you supposedly get, I already experience through the ones I hold dear to me. Instead of escaping from this world into a psychedelic place, I escape to various parts of this world, meeting people as I go. My family, my friends, my students and random strangers I meet along the way are addictive. Their stories keep me intrigued, their company keeps me uplifted, and the joys of life that we can share together are immeasurable and more than any bottle of whatever could bring me. Today may have been a day of "getting high," but instead, we celebrated the birthday of one of our athletes and got high on life. I've always believed that smoking, drugs, and alcohol are a waste of money and while others may beg to differ, to me, I always want that money to be spent on things that will keep me close to my life's most addictive drug, people. Strangely, it wasn't that great day on the track, but it didn't mean that our final team dinner together was lackluster, rather, we were all in high spirits enjoying a warm bowl of ramen together, on occasion sharing memories of the past. Backstreet boys and Britney Spears closed out the night on our last ride home with the seniors, as the memories of the past came zooming through my mind. As while the end came way to too soon, I'm just glad that it happened. Today I was fine getting high, but only because I was high on life, proving that I need don't need drugs or alcohol to achieve this, but rather just the goodness of the wonderful people around me; my most addictive drug. 

Friday, April 19, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 109]:~ They're Human Too

~:[CH8 - Day 109]:~ They're Human Too
It was a day where I had to catch up and run errands. I had to wake up early to venture off to the Consulate of China, grabbed lunch with an alum, and cleaned. I caught up on some work that I had put off for a bit due to track and and then spend the rest of the night enjoying the Angels game. I originally planned to just get the giveaway and then head home, but decided to get a better seat and watch the game solo. I like to go to games alone sometimes when I just want to shoot and enjoy without having to worry about a conversation throughout the game. Sometimes, it's just like that. As I sat back and watched before the game, I was reminded of how we look at athletes and others who are famous and wish we were them. We think that there life is all about the glitz and glamour, but then we're reminded in moments like these that they're human too. They have emotions, they have their issues, and they succeed and struggle like the rest of us. We only see the billboards and commercials, them in the spotlight, but fail to see what we should be seeing. Much like we have our 9 to 5, athletes are constantly working out or preparing their minds, singers are practicing their notes, writing and on the PR trail, actors are constantly perfecting their craft and seeking out other auditions and so on. As they find success, it seems like they have it easy, but along the way, they also had to move up the ladder like the rest of us. Even in their roles, they're not under the microscope of millions, criticized for every movement they make from breakup to every word they say and every post they make. I on the other hand, don't have to worry about a mob following me when I grab lunch or sit around. It might be tough to turn down millions of dollars, but they do so in exchange for so much of their own personal comfort. The time away from home at an age where they could be with their families and always having to face criticism when things are not going well. As humans, we should also see that they're human too. I hate to read the comments on sites because of all the negativity and criticism and makes me empathize with even the most disliked personalities. They are human too and I hope that we can treat them as such. As while I could be upset of the mental error on a play, I can't justify it if I am looking for some slack when I turn in paperwork late at work. I did the simple task of running errands and catching up today, but I am okay with that. As if I had the opportunity to make millions because of a skill I had, I don't mind the simple day-to-day interactions I can have without the disruptions of what those millions of dollars may bring. It may be different for others, but that would be my choice, because hey, I am human too.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 108]:~ The Top of the Podium

~:[CH8 - Day 108]:~ The Top of the Podium
It's complete. Our first season in the 605 league wrapped up this evening with a beautiful meet that despite its normal frustrations, had a lot of good that came with it. Trying to run to peak performance and still focus on the road ahead was a bit of a challenge, but it's something that I, as a coach, must adapt to a bit better as time goes on. For now, I was proud of how my athletes fought and battled. There were tears and pain, anxiety and disappointment, but there was also excitement and joy and memories to last a lifetime. The athletes battled injuries and illnesses shoulder to shoulder and rose to the top of the podium. Some of them will never get that first place medal on that stage or compete in CIF, but the opportunity for them to be apart of something like this will hold a special place in their lives for years to come. Whether it's the lessons they learned, the memories they create or the bonds they formed, it is in all that is not an award where they will find themselves a top of the podium of life. I am always proud of my athletes who are victorious, but also just as proud of those athletes who continued to battle and never let anything stop them. Those who never give up are those who hold a special place in my heart. In life, there will be tears, there will be pain and there will be sadness. Hopefully these athletes will learn to leave behind what holds you back and move on, that their eyes will open to the world around them, and they'll see that it's not about the victory, but about the process that truly becomes what the victory is about. I'm exhausted, but as I reflected on a regular season that passed by so quickly, I am grateful for all the experiences I had and truly believe that it's in their battles that they found the truest of all victories. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 107]:~ Just Love What You Do

~:[CH8 - Day 107]:~ Just Love What You Do
I powered out of work after practice and was able to get to the Forum for the Black Pink Concert. I found a pretty good deal for the ticket so decided to go and was glad that I did. I ended up in an area with a bunch of tall people which made it a challenge to see at times, but being in that environment and seeing them on stage, made me think about my own life. I can see that there will be days that will be good and also some that will be bad. It's part of the process, however, when you get to do the thing you've always wanted to do, when you truly love what you do, you can handle all of that. There are days like today, where a class just isn't on your good side, but in the end, you keep your cool and see that it's worth facing the lows, because this is where your heart is. As I watched this group on stage, I thought, it must be exhausting to do what they do, but it was also amazing to see the beauty in their performance, their passion for their music and their love to be on stage. They seemed to truly enjoy it all and soak in these first steps in their journey ahead. The road ahead may become arduous and maybe their enjoyment is just a facade, however, what I saw today were four amazing women thrilling a crowd with all of their amazing talents. Find the thing you love to do and you'll never work another day for the rest of your life. I can't imagine myself anywhere else, but where I am today. One day, that my change, but for today, this is where I belong. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 106]:~ The Chance for Redemption

~:[CH8 - Day 106]:~ The Chance for Redemption
I remember it clearly. My athlete tumbled on the far side of the track as he was on pace to PR and also to break 5-minutes. That race left him devastated, as it was a tough way to end a season. However, fast forward today and he is just one day removed from conquering that hurdles, qualifying for finals and breaking that time barrier, and two days from taking a step that he missed on that day in history. History is just that. It's something that is in the past and something that we can build off of as we push forward. For him, it's an opportunity to shake that memory from his mind and erase that barrier that he has had to live with since that moment. For all of us, we face a moment in our life that is so devastating that it keeps us from comfortably moving forward. However, it is in that failure that an opportunity arises for not to only reach for what we were trying to accomplish, but to surpass it. It's an opportunity to learn and an opportunity to grow so that when the chance comes, we can take redemption. For this one athlete, that opportunity came and went as he got redemption, but now he aims at something greater, the greater that we will all find once we face our fears and get redemption.

Monday, April 15, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 105]:~ Never Giving Up

~:[CH8 - Day 105]:~ Never Giving Up
The expected frustrations of being a meet managers showed themselves once again. People not taking responsibility for what they're suppose to do, others trying to get me to adapt the rules to make it work for them, and the stress of coaching, hoping that things will all fall into place. Despite the pains, this new league provided a fairly smooth introduction, as the efficient meet finished much quicker than expected. However, I needed a little stress reliever by day's end, picked up my camera and got some shots as we closed out the night with the 200m, almost an hour before I thought we would be done. I smiled in amazement. Of course, the end of the night paralleled something that I teach my athletes and hope they remember for the rest of their lives. No matter how skilled your competitors are or how intimidating they look, you can never give up and keep pushing forward. I saw it on countless occasions through the day and by night's end, I was screaming out "quietly" out loud trying to not wake anyone up, containing my excitement. Thirty one points down and the Clippers came back to win game 2, facing an opponent with the "Death Lineup" of all-stars, the all-starless Clippers who were projected to win 33 games this season, took a victory at the Oracle. Sure, it's simply one game and the Warriors are still a heavy favorite to win the series, but you can't argue that it wasn't a feel good moment. A scrappy bunch of athletes who were given no chance (the worst odds to win a series in 30 years) never game up and came back from the largest playoff deficit in history. That's why you play the game and you never give up. The walls around you may seem insurmountable, but you don't let those around you take you down. You just play and hope that things will fall into your favor, even when they have every advantage possible. Thursday, the Warriors could go back to their winning ways, but there is no way that the Clippers are going to go down without a fight. I'm hoping that my athletes see it the same way. Regardless of whether they're favored or not, I hope they come out racing their hearts out and never giving in to those trying to tear them down, as you just never know what will happen, even when it's truly David versus Goliath.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 104]:~ A Lot to Learn

~:[CH8 - Day 104]:~ A Lot to Learn
There are always life lessons. We learn when we are babies, when we are in school, when we start working and even when we are elderly. Life is a non-stop process of learning. As we celebrated the first birthday of Jordan, however, I thought about what I would most want him to learn. In my first year with him, I learned how to better carry a child, how to liven him up, and how he reacts at different times of the day. You see what his favorite toys are and what he likes to do. As he stared as his smash cake, unable to smash it, I thought of something that I hope he can learn. I hope that he can learn to be himself. When everyone is telling him to smash the cake, I want him to be able to decide for himself whether to do so or not. I want him to raise his hand and ask the tough question. I want him to be academically smart, but also learn how to become street smart and knowledgeable in all that he is interested in. It isn't often that you get to spend so much time with a little one and see them grow day-by-day and week-by-week, but when you do, you see the incredible process of learning and growing and all you can think is you hope for the best for them. In this case, my hope is that he can continue to be himself as he was today. The world will teach him the tough lessons, but hopefully he learns to stay the path and proceed forward when he wants to. While he should listen to his parents, he will also have to one day make those decisions himself. Life is like that. I hope that we welcome all the lessons life has for us, as they can only make us better even when they tear us down. These lessons will teach us about ourselves and the world around us and it is in these challenging moments that we will learn the most about ourselves and how we can continue to be ourselves. Some will falter to the influence of those around, while others will be steadfast and avoid being moved. Jordan has a lot to learn, but in reality, my hope is that he learns to walk soon, because tomorrow is my day in the "walking pool." Just kidding, I hope that he learns that in life, there will be the ups and downs, but all will be right if you stay true to yourself, your values and your morals. It's only been a year, but I learned more than I could have ever imagined. 

Saturday, April 13, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 103]:~ A Little Diverse

~:[CH8 - Day 103]:~ A Little Diverse
I've been overloaded with track lately, so it was nice to have some MUN mixed in. Another early wake up brought me to Claremont McKenna with 40 students. It was a little crazy as I forgot the check, left my camera at home and also was without my portable charger on a community day and on the opening day of playoffs. A bad combination? Definitely. However, it was great to watch the students in committee doing their thing. As normal, I had a few students who I had to have a little chat with, but also a lot that I could just sit back and watch them go. Lunch brought a little fun as I walked around with the students and enjoyed Claremont's International Fest where we could experience food from all over the world! It fit perfectly with the conference and added a bit more fun to the break. Sadly, it was an unsuccessful community day for me as the power ran out on my phone, but probably was a blessing in disguise as it kept my eyes up to the world around me. As we live in a world so tech driven, it's nice to be reminded that there is a lot of beauty around us and today it was all wrapped up in this diverse experience.

Friday, April 12, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 102]:~ The Same Story

~:[CH8 - Day 102]:~ The Same Story
If my life was a book, the story would stay the same. We arrived in a new league, but my role was exactly the same. Printing papers and going through the process of organizing and planning. I'm never really sure if I am a teacher, an event coordinator, an editor, etc. I guess my experience as a coach, my degree as an artist, and my credential as a teacher all come together to allow me to do all that I do, but funny thing is how cyclical it all is. As we plan for another league, the process of going over events and trying to organize it all seemed all too familiar. While the drama and a lot of the hassle from the old league disappeared, it seemed so routine. The pages of this program brings back memories of all the league finals of the past and my hope is that I can get through this without a hitch. I love league finals, but also don't look forward to all the extra work coming my way. Yes, it's the same old story, but it doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 101]:~ Sweeping Through the Day

~:[CH8 - Day 101]:~ Sweeping Through the Day
It was the first time in our school's history that all four levels were undefeated, which means we won district and league on all four levels. It definitely was weird joining this new league, but despite what others might say, we had just about the right sized team to do it. We were well-balanced in events and in divisions and while some may say you don't need that many athletes, it truly helps to not only score points, but also develop a program. Those who try to shrink our team to benefit themselves fail to see the benefit that a program has on the athletes. They spend so much of their lives studying and trying to get things done that this is their break from it all and probably the only opportunity that some of them will have to be on a competitive team. Today, my team made me proud as most of the athletes stepped into roles they hadn't been in, whether moving up to varsity, trying a new event, or running an event they may not have wanted to. It was sad to seniors run their last race or at least last regular season race, but it all culminated with the final three events. With a close match up on the boys side, it was a late add into the 3200m that helped us to a 1-2 finish, then falling behind in the 4x400m, it was a late surge (51) from our anchor to take the edge, followed by a new record by our vaulter to close out the evening. While I wish we had some of the depth that our old league had, it was nice to finish with this kind of battle to truly make it feel like a championships race. Soon, it will be on to league finals, but for now, we'll sit back and enjoy this and soak it all in. It's not a victory by a handful of athletes, but one that we all share together, as it is together that we train, we encourage, and we rise victorious. Congratulations!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 100]:~ A Milestone of a Day

~:[CH8 - Day 100]:~ A Milestone of a Day
A number of milestones were reached on the day. Today was the 100th day of 2019, the last practice of the regular season with our team, the last regular season game for Ralph Lawler and of course, the first birthday of this little man. It's amazing how it feels when we reach a milestone. In our minds, it can sometimes just be another check mark on a list, but in our hearts, we feel something special. It would be easy to bypass this day and let it go by as "just another day," but before we know it, these "just another days" will soon be one of our last. We cannot be in such a hurry in life that we miss these milestones and take the time to appreciate them, because they don't last forever. As we look towards chasing after our goals and dreams, don't forget about the things that we are living for. As Shannon L. Alder once said,"If you chase anything in life, chase the things that get you excited about living. Chase the things that give you hope, happiness and a glimpse of a better life. Chase the things that make you want to be a better person. Chase the things that inspire you to think, create and live joyfully." While some of the things we chase will bring us recognition, awards, and riches, let us not forget the things that truly inspire us to be better people. Today was a truly a milestone and it helped me remember what to treasure in life. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 99]:~ I'm Not Joking, Really

~:[CH8 - Day 99]:~ I'm Not Joking, Really
I always wondered by I didn't become an actor. Sometimes I play a role so well that I fool myself. It even left people wondering if I am joking or not. I actually love this shirt and it describes me perfectly. There were a handful of amazing people who thinking highly of me, but most say this shirt fits me well :D One of the things that MUN taught me to do well is to allow me to adapt to my environment, even if it was not my natural state. I can be welcoming, relaxed, profession, and free spirited. In actuality, I rather be sitting at home in a quiet corner editing, behind the scenes taking photos, or in my room journaling. Yes, I love that introverted life and every day is requires so much energy for me to play the role. Sometimes when I am quiet people wonder if something is wrong, but the reality is that it's actually just me. By day's end, I'm often mentally exhausted, but slowly I've learned to re-energize myself by doing the things I love to do, which includes my daily block. I become chatty when nervous, I talk when needed, but the reality is, to describe me, not many would be able to do so. I actually love that bit of mystery, as it plays to my advantage and leaves people wondering, am I joking or not? All I know is that the majority of people will truly never know. 

Monday, April 8, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 98]:~ The Cycle We Create

~:[CH8 - Day 98]:~ The Cycle We Create
I have thought about this a lot lately and today, I thought about it even more. The cycle of life that we live in is one that we create. As the seconds on the clock tick by, it's another passing moment where we have the choice to make our decisions and thus influencing the outcome of a number of other things that we no direct control over. For some, our decisions will influence others for the better, to chase after similar occupations and to find similar interests and on the end, however, it could negatively influence them to go down the wrong path and create a society that is toxic to all those who live in it. Sadly, I feel that in the larger frame, we have an environment that is toxic. While we each have our bubble that we can influence, the environment beyond that bubble can change the influences we have on those around us. We see from the top of our leadership in this country that it is okay to badmouth and bully our way through life and throw a tantrum when things don't go our way, yet simultaneously we are running segments about bullying and its impact on those around us. It's great when a leader can change things like the economy and make progress in some areas, however, if they contradict the traits we hope our offspring will have, then is it even worth the gain, even if it's significant? I'm hoping that the people of this country realizes that progress, success, and winning is not worth sacrificing the morals and ethics that must be the foundation of our lives. As I mentioned, we often have no control over what we influence, but we can control how we act and what we do so we can try to create a cycle around us that we can be proud of. While it may be a small bubble that we influence, if a majority of us do it, maybe, just maybe, we can counteract that influences of those who reside above us. While in some cases we choose our leaders, even when we don't, it is up to us to determine the type of life and environment in which we live and not simply follow the commands of someone leading us astray. It's easy to blame others for our issues, but ultimately, it comes down to us doing what we need to do, to try and change the things directly around us, hoping that this grassroots approach can change the world for the better. As I meet with alumni and see the good they are bringing to this world, I am hopeful that we can all create some positive momentum all around us. #dosomethinggoodtoday #keepitpositive 

Sunday, April 7, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 97]:~ As Smooth as Ice

~:[CH8 - Day 97]:~ As Smooth as Ice
The line was out the door and about 45 minutes long, but people waited; I waited. I guess that's how the times are these days. People go with the trends, even if takes time, energy and money. I guess the name fits, as when seeing the line (and probably the drinks), I wanted to respond omo omo omo. Overall the drinks were good and the day itself, fabulous. Relaxing, stress free and while I was able to get things done, I didn't allow myself to be overworked today. Sure, things could have gone better, but there is no reason why a day like today couldn't be described as smooth as ice. It's all about perspective. Trends will come and go, but what's important is that you find the time for yourself to enjoy the world around you, whether it's waiting in a line for the newest trend, wandering around a trail, or just spending time with those around you. We all have places we want to spend our time and energy and as long as we remember to do that, life will undoubtedly be smooth as ice.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 96]:~ The Hours We Invest Together

~:[CH8 - Day 96]:~ The Hours We Invest Together
The time we put into our friendships and relationships, our jobs and our interests allow us to stumble across the results that we do. Some naturally have the ability, but while that may be the case, often, when we put the time into the things we love, it often leads to something greater than we could have ever imagined. Year after year, I see this to be the case as our teams spend hours trying to perfect their craft in hope that it will lead to their success. While they may realize it or not, their hours invested together also create something that cannot easily be broken. When people truly invest their time into something together and work at it, it results in something that one cannot achieve alone. In all stages of life, from amateur to professional, and across all genders and nationalities, this is the case. It's sad to see when these athletes come to the realization towards the end that this is the end of the chapter of the book of their lives, as all those hours they put into together, are slowly coming to an end. Soon, it will be the last practice, the last league meet, the last league finals and the last competition, period. Sometimes, they don't realize it until it's too late, but even when it's all over, all those hours they invested together, will create something that will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Soon, we will all go our separate ways. As a teacher and coach, I have had to see this year after year, however, no matter how far we all go, there always is that connection because of the hours and the blood, sweat and tears. A few days ago, I mentioned that life has its ups and downs and similarly, in those hours of toil, there were those ups and downs, but it's moments like these that will last in our minds forever. Treasure those hours you put in and be willing to invest those hours, because in the end, it will all be worth it; immortalized in the pages of your life will be those who you invested hours together. 

Friday, April 5, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 95]:~ It's Time to Chill

~:[CH8 - Day 95]:~ It's Time to Chill
Some weeks, you're just ready for that moment you can let loose and enjoy the weekend. Today, as I lounged around with Jordan, I found that moment where it was so nice to be home and just able to relax and not worry about too much. There was work to do (and I did it), but there was also time to shoot the breeze and relax. Working hard is great, but playing hard is just as important. Don't forget to maintain that work-life balance, as all work and no play, will bring some misery to each of your days! I'm a bit tired from this week and have another event tomorrow, but at least for now, I can say, TGIF!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 94]:~ Leap Over Everything in Your Way

~:[CH8 - Day 94]:~ Leap Over Everything in Your Way
As I sat watching them leap over the hurdles, I snapped this shot thinking of how we all face a row of hurdles in life. With every few strides, we face another obstacles. In some cases, we will clear them, in some we will fall and get back up, sometimes we will lose momentum and try to regain it, once in awhile we barely clear it, and there will be those days were we never get back up. I once read a graphic online that said life without its ups and downs means you're dead (referring to hemodynamic monitoring). We are at all different stages in the process and clear the obstacles at different times in our lives. For some, we get an early jump star and for others, a late start puts them behind. We ended up winning our races today in a sweep, as we leaped over the obstacles in our way today and every time we fell, we escaped the troubles that awaited us. Tomorrow may be a different story, however, through the process of these ups and downs, we will find a way to soar through moments of our lives unscathed. Never allowed yourself to get knocked down to a point where you can't get up. You're never defeated unless you allow yourself to think you are, so on those days that you end up on the floor, raise up your eyes and keep pushing forward. Step by step they went over the hurdles and by race's end, we ended up victorious much like you all will find yourselves soon enough. We all have the ability to be victorious as long as we train ourselves to do it and believe enough in ourselves to keep pushing forward and to have the determination to get up when life knocks us down. Rise up and leap over everything that stands in your way.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 93]:~ Still Frame

~:[CH8 - Day 93]:~ Still Frame
I think that photography is awesome because it can capture moments that the mind cannot always remember. While I have a fairly vivid "moments memory" where I can recall certain moments in my life in great detail, I also can forget just as easily and it's photographs that help me remember. While I despise picture day because of how tedious it is and how it can be a waste of a practice, it also allows me to capture that still frame within my life. There are over 30 millions seconds in a year, which means there are over 90 million still frames within our lives. How many of those will we remember? While it would be cool if we could remember them all, for now, I will cherish those that i have been able to capture, as I can use my "moments memory" to help find the frame to start at. By day's end, I was truly exhausted, however, the energy spent ended up being worth it, as the 1,200 photos I took between picture day and prom premier would be place in my still frame vault of memories.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 92]:~ Those Moments Meant for Smiles

~:[CH8 - Day 92]:~ Those Moments Meant for Smiles
I ran around today; literally. My body wasn't ready for the shock of my sprint around the track in khakis and a button up. I felt miserable for a bit and would soon have to bounce from place to place trying to do all I wanted to do. With a tighter schedule in the day, it meant that it would be a full day with a load of work to do when I got home as well. As overwhelming as the day was, the feeling of accomplishment and the uplifting moments of reconnecting with people give you those very moments in your life that you're meant to smile. The past are moments for you the reflect on, but truly the present in itself is both an object and a description of what this moment is. Even if these few hours I take out of my day mean less time for me to work, it's a worth sacrifice for quality time with those who make life precious. I kept thinking through the night that I am truly blessed to have spent so many great moments with family, friends, colleagues, and students who all gave me a reason to smile. Tonight was no different. I could have easily allowed the struggles of recovering from a measly sprint, but instead I found a number of reasons to smile. By midnight, my video was complete, my list of tasks for the day were done, and all I had to do was think back on the day and reflect on it all and I ended up doing it with a smile. Sometime you step forward not knowing where you're going or why you're doing it, but do we always need to know where we are going or why? Sometimes when we take that step forward, we find moment that stick with us for awhile or help us rekindle our past. Regardless of what it was, today was one that I put in my treasure trove of memories, all of which were moments meant for smiles. ëŒ€ë°•

Monday, April 1, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 91]:~ The Right Match

~:[CH8 - Day 91]:~ The Right Match
In life, we are always searching for the things that match us. The right schools, the right person, the right career, etc. Do you know the feeling when you find that match? It's truly incredible to have that feel and most days I find that feeling when I work with these students. I may be lying if I said EVERY day, but even on an off day, I am still grateful for the opportunity that I have. Today, as a few of my athletes match, it reminded me of how lucky I am to have matched with so many things in my life. I always say that life is unpredictable, but what is predictable is that life will give you opportunities to find that match if you keep your eyes open. Today, we were all in sync and truly in each other, we simply found the right match. That's no joke.