Tuesday, October 31, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 304]:~ To Every Last Detail

~:[CH6 - Day 304]:~ To Every Last Detail
I've always loved Halloween. When I was younger, I used to setup a mini-maze at my house to scare people like me neighbors (right Caroline?). I setup a maze at Homecoming a few years ago as well. In terms of dressing up, I used to find whatever I could just to get a costume, but the past few years, I put a little more thought into my costumes and really have invested myself to go all in. This year, I almost got it down to every last detail. Instead of dying my hair, I should have gotten a wig, but otherwise, I tried to imitate this scene of Lee Min-ho as Tan of Heirs from Episode 15. When I saw this jacket, I knew I wanted it, but who could afford a Gucci overcoat? Not this guy for sure. Of course, in this day and age with Internet, you can find something similar and so I did and for super cheap! I knew very few people would know who I was, but that wasn't the point of this year's costume anyway. I was really happy to have nailed this costume, considering that I have been on a Kdrama binge this year. It's always fun to see everyone dressing up for Halloween and trying to show their creativity. Every year, there is something new and fresh that comes out and I am glad to see so many students getting involved. It was also good to see all the athletes who ran in their costumes today to compete for the costume title. Today was a busy day and by the time I got home, I just wanted to plop down and relax, while watching a Kdrama. It was only fitting and while I did not watch Heirs, it was all the same, as even watching the Kdrama allowed me to engage myself to every last detail. I guess in life we can just slap something together so we participate or really take the time to focus on every last detail investing ourselves in this project. While not all projects require this kind of effort, when you ultimate end up deciding to do something, go all in and you'll be surprised at what you can accomplish. 

Monday, October 30, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 303]:~ The Decision You Have to Make

~:[CH6 - Day 303]:~ The Decision You Have to Make
I don't like making these types of decisions, but it's part of my job. Every year, I have to cut our list of applicants for Nationals down to form our team. It's a little heartbreaking, but also a reality check for those who try to skate by. It's an opportunity to teach a lesson and while you don't want to have to make the decision you make, it's one that you have to make. In life, we learn the most when we fall short, when there is heartbreak, or when struggle. We find a way to overcome our difficulties and we grow, rather than just cruising along thinking that everything is okay. As while it pains me at times, I think the disservice would be if I let things slide and made it easier for my students and athletes. The tough lesson are often the ones you need to learn early on. Those who are easy going may seem so cool, but in the long run, you'll find more of what you're made of the more you struggle along the way. Of course, there need to be good times, things to celebrate and things to smile about, but ultimately, the resistance is what allows you to build strength so that you can be prepared for what's ahead. Tomorrow I post our final list for Nationals and not everyone is going to be happy with it. However, the pain that comes with seeing a list without your name can easily become motivation to improve ones self so they can avoid that disappointment in the future. 

Sunday, October 29, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 302]:~ The Palate of Life

~:[CH6 - Day 302]:~ The Palate of Life
I sit here looking at my dinner thinking, how great this will be for my palate. If it had a mouth, it would be smiling and if it had a soul, it would be jumping for joy. With each meal, I think about how it compares to life. Even with the simplest of meals, I want to try and present it well, as I believe that the quality you put into your food can represent the effort you put into life. If you think about it, we all strive to fulfill our own palates for life when we go about things. For some, the simplest of lives will do, but even then, we have something that we desire, whether it be love, adventure, power, religion, food, etc., there is something that we desire and that will make our lives fulfilled. In some cases, some of those don't fit together, much like the combinations of foods, while at other times, having all that we strive for can be harmonious. As I think of my own goals, I think about how I can piece it all together so that it can be harmonious. I think my goals are fairly simple, however, even the simplest of things have complexities that we never see coming. Regardless, I hope that we all can fulfill our palate of life. As while we cannot always have it all, we can ensure that we get a taste of the goods things in life every once in awhile. Appreciate it, savor it, and remember it when you get the chance, as just like a fine dining meal, it could be gone before you know it. With every opportunity you get, don't take it for granted, even when it's the simplest of moments, as you never know when you'll get those opportunities again. I smiled after tonight's dinner. My mouth and my stomach were content, but after thinking about how I've fulfilled my palate of life, my heart and my soul were also content. I have a ways to go, but I can honestly say that I've treated my palate well and if you haven't, it's never too late to start. 

Saturday, October 28, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 301]:~ In All the Madness

~:[CH6 - Day 301]:~ In All the Madness
Madness doesn't necessarily begin to describe a night at Knott's Scary Farm. From the crowds to the characters, it's amazing how it all works out and how crazy it can be. I was already tired from my morning venture to Hollywood, but I had to last for another few hours with our team. It's nice to have a group who hasn't been before, as they get to experience it for the first time and everything seems to be new to them. Sadly in the chaos of the crowd, we got split up a little early, but our group got to venture through a good number of mazes as we rushed through three of the mazes in the back lot before moving through the park. I was pretty impressed that we were able to get through six mazes and would have been a seventh had we stuck it out but wanted to take a group that we had back relatively on time. Although we didn't capture our whole group in this photo, we still gathered a pretty good sized group before headed into our final maze with this group. Regardless of how crazy it was, it was nice that we got to spend some time with each other to help us all survive this madness. As while it is easy to complain about all the bad, you cannot allow all of that make you forget about all the good memories you had in a day. 

Friday, October 27, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 300]:~ The Only Thing We Have To Fear ...

~:[CH6 - Day 300]:~ The Only Thing We Have To Fear ...
It was the night of our Halloween potluck and it was definitely a success. All the worries and fears I had, disappeared as the night went smoothly. The movie was just scary enough, we had more than enough food and we cleaned up fairly well. There were options for those who did not want to watch the movie and ultimately, being together was more than enough. As the night ended and we went our own ways, I kept thinking about how people are afraid of these types of movies, but some people are just afraid at situations in their own lives just as much as these movies. FDR once said that "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself." The reality is, he may be right. When our defense mechanisms come up and we put up walls around us, we hold ourselves back. We keep ourselves from doing what we know what we can do because of fear. We're afraid of failure, afraid of what we might find on our journey or simply afraid of everything on the road ahead. I ask you, what do you fear and why? It's not a question I can get a general answer for as for each person, the response will be different. Regardless, the one thing we must understand is that the most successful people in the world may have worried about what was ahead, but they did not fear it; they did not back down. They faced it head out to see exactly what they were capable of. I charge you all to face your fears head out and not allow them to hold you back from accomplishing your dreams. Whether it's personal or work-related, chase after your dreams and never let fear stop you from going after it. In this season of Halloween and frightful moments, let's not forget that with people by your side, these challenges become a lot less scary, however, even if by yourself, you must entrust yourself that you have what it takes to make it all right. You have the skill, but you must realize that truly, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself and we must not let that fear keep us from reaching the sky-high goals we have set for ourselves. Promise me that you will chase after you dreams wholeheartedly, now allowing fear to stop you from getting to your end goal. 

~:[CH6 - Day 299]:~ A Little Bit of Luck

~:[CH6 - Day 299]:~ A Little Bit of Luck
I've always thought that luck didn't just happen. You always have to put yourself in position to "get lucky" and that implies that you take care of business on your end and hope a few other things fall into place. However, it takes a lot on your part to "get lucky." Of course, if that is true for good luck, then the opposite must be true for bad luck. You put yourself in a position to fail. In my own life, I have gotten so lucky. Before I decided to commit to film school, I got an offer to teach Model UN and it has been my career ever since, I fell into a good job, in a good community and have had so many great experiences in my life. On the same end, in other facets of my life, I have had problems with timing and when "in a race," I always seem to finish second. I am applauded for my effort, but ultimately, I see someone else walk away with the "title." Was it all just bad luck or did I not prepare enough? Was my bad timing just my inability to act fast enough, just like my good luck of being at the right place at the right time, was due to my ability to research and figure out exactly where I needed to be. As the two lady bugs landed on my hand and wandered from finger to finger, I thought, "wow, how lucky!" Ultimately, will I have good luck or will I just position myself well so that things can fall into place? I sat around and listened to Henry - It's You and when I thought about the lyrics, it makes you think that while there may be a "right time and right moment" in life, that ultimately to get the luck that we search for, we must give ourselves the opportunity to find this "luck." Instead of simply waiting for luck to come our way, go out and grab it and make what was a dream become a reality that you never imagined you could get without a little bit of luck. While it's nice when things fall into place, always be ready to do what you need to to get to where you want to go with your own skills and abilities. As while you may believe that luck is the only way, maybe you truly don't see and understand what you're capable of. So maybe it will take a little good luck to win the lottery or a little bad luck to get struck by lighting, but for everything else, I think it's time we all start making luck happen ourselves. 

Henry - It's You - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGHFCWRKoc0 

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 298]:~ At the Core

~:[CH6 - Day 298]:~ At the Core
Family circles is always one of my favorite days, even if it's 100 degrees outside. We didn't do much of a workout, but a productive practice doesn't necessarily have to be just about the run. Every year, our family tree grows and at the core of it all is a simple idea, ohana. Being together and growing together is an important part of our program; it is the only way that we survived. In life, we often think about how we can be successfully as an individual, however, if we were to think more along the lines of, how can our group succeed, we may find ourselves moving forward together, having someone to watch our back at all times. As this family linked together and formed their circle, it was ever clear that winning is not who crosses the line first or who has the least amount of points by day's end, rather, it's about the relationships we build and the memories we create. I recently was informed that one of my alumni couples from our team got engaged and that reminded me that while often these high school friendships and relationships don't always last, that many of our ohana forge friendships and relationships that last for a lifetime. As one of my runners handed out friendship bracelets to the team, it meant more than just a gift given to her teammates, it was a sign of the connection that we all have and how important that will be to us moving forward. With only a week to go in the season, it's a little sad to think that this group of seniors will soon be moving on, however, regardless of how far they go, they will always carry a piece of the ohana with them. To all my ohana, past and present, thank you for being the core of something that will give to so many in the years to come, as it has already done in the past. Regardless of how far you go or how long you've been away, you're always a member of this ohana and we will be here to welcome you back with open arms. Today was a good day and while the temperatures soared, it would not break our spirits and it did not keep us from building something that will become apart of us forever. #ohanarnr

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 297]:~ Keeping It Positive

~:[CH6 - Day 297]:~ Keeping It Positive
Life has a way of challenging you daily by disappointing you and making you suffer, whether it's because of heartache, sickness or sadness. There are a number of things that can easily bring you down and today, many of those things happened around me. However, one of the true realities of life is that it's a big test. It's life's way of preparing you for what's coming next and while the surprises never stop, our ability to handle them improves vastly. It will never be easy, but by staying positive and our head up, we will find ourselves able to handle many of the difficult situations that life throws at us. Sure, we would much rather love fiercely, succeed often, and be disappointed never, however, we must expect that there are challenging moments ahead and we must be ready to handle them. If we keep our hearts and minds strong, we improve our chances of coasting through the difficult times that lie ahead of us. When someone in our lives is in danger, when someone leaves us heartbroken, when we feel alone or when we just can't get it right, we must stay positive and think that we will do our best to keep those loved ones safe, that we will have the ability to love again, that we are surrounded by great people and that one day, we will find success. Sometimes the road we face can be long and arduous, but we must truly believe in ourselves and our abilities. The famed Willie Nelson once said, "Once you replace the negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results" and while those results may not come right away, you begin to open doors around you that may one day be the key to you finding your way to the top. Sometimes those life and death moments become minimal in the scope of your entire life, however, regardless of how this moment turned out, we must keep a positive mindset and spirit if we are to have a fighting chance. Life may disappointment and make me suffer through heartache, sickness, and sadness, however, I will fight it with eyes lifted to the sky and a heart that will never quit, made possible by the positive spirit and aura that surrounds me. I'm keeping it positive and so shall you, as we head down this road towards success.

Monday, October 23, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 296]:~ It All Adds Up

~:[CH6 - Day 296]:~ It All Adds Up
A math teacher born on Mole Day? Ironic isn't it? Well, my sister was born on this day, I was happy to be able to celebrate it at least a bit. Sadly, I forgot to take a selfie, so I guess a selfie of this guy is going to have to do today. On a day like this, however, you think about how you should appreciate those friends who are ever-present in your lives. Who, even with the least amount of words, can brighten up your day and make it exceptional. It was hot, as temperatures climbed above 100F, however, it didn't feel all that bad because I was around people who make my life amazing. I cooled off with a drink from Tpumps to end the day, but as I sat at home and thought about it all, it all adds up, I enjoy life so much because I have these people around me. Appreciate those who are close to you, as they truly are the ones who make an average day great and ultimately will be the ones who keep you sane. Thank you to all those incredible people around me who truly make everything in my life add up to something special. Happy Birthday Sister!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 295]:~ Powering Through

~:[CH6 - Day 295]:~ Powering Through
It was a challenge for many to wake up after Homecoming and even more of a challenge to be in committee all day, however, they did it. They did a pretty good job all things considering. We had a small group of less than 40 students, which is a small group for us. However, they still managed a solid amount of awards and even more importantly, did a good job representing our school. As I saw them together, I kept thinking about how they all learn and grow together. While many of them may not still talk as much as they do now ten or twenty years down the road, it still is a great thing to make the kind of connections you do through MUN and other school activities. It's great to grow and learn with each, share the same struggles, celebrate the same successes, and to ultimately help each other along the way. As exhausted as they may all have been, I think they also powered each other up, giving them the energy to make it to the end of the day. I was also pooped by the time I got home, as I couldn't keep my eyes open to finish up all my work, however, I was content with what I finished and so I decided to turn in early. These kinds of weekends are killer on the mind and body, but when I think back, I wouldn't change it because as tiring as it is, it's an investment into these students who pay me back with all the precious memories that time, money and energy cannot buy and that's what keeps me powering through. 

Saturday, October 21, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 294]:~ This Sky

~:[CH6 - Day 294]:~ This Sky
I entitled what I wore tonight at Homecoming, "This Sky." This guy or this sky? Regardless, it was an amazing event and it is always wonderful to see all of your students dressed up and having a great evening. My cross country group had to spend all day together as they ran at the City of Angels Invitational. We had a pretty good performance at the meet including a runner up varsity finish and a strong varsity girls finish despite missing a scorer. It was sad that it was the last invitational for our team as we head into league finals and CIF. We all got cleaned up and got ready for the beautiful event. Our gym always undergoes a transformation as I heard person after person go, "WOW," when they walked into the gym. It is definitely out of this world! As I watched all the students enjoy their evening, I couldn't help but think how among all the stress of school, activities and life, a day like today can be something that allows them to be taken away from it all. We all need that day to do it and I am glad that many of my students joined in to be flown "To the Moon and Back." I was so exhausted by night's end that I upload my photos to the wrong album and somehow duplicated it all. However, maybe the duplication was not an error but just a sign of how amazing my mind thought tonight was. Whatever the case may be, it was a day to remember and another memory stored in my vault of things that all seem to be a dream. While my outfit was suppose to be themed to the sky, it was this guy who was walking on air. 

Friday, October 20, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 293]:~ When You Made It

~:[CH6 - Day 293]:~ When You Made It
It was quite a proud moment to see a former student performing on stage in front of a huge sold out crowd of crazy fans. Their concert sold out in about ten minutes as they headed through North America for the first time. For Jae, it was an emotional return to the States as he said this seemed like it was his debut. What I admire most about tonight's performance was when it was his time to address the crowd, he reminded them not to let anyone stop them from chasing what they want. No matter what they want to be or where they want to go, they shouldn't let others stop them from reaching those goals. He was standing on stage performing with his band, proving that even when others tell you there is no way, that with the right mindset, you can. As his performance closed out, he jumped into the crowd and you could see all the emotions running through his bones, as he soaked in his first performance back at home. As while I was sad that tonight was over, I sat back and admired him as he stood a top the row of chairs, as I realized how much he has grown and how much he has accomplished. Tonight, I could not have been more proud, leaving me with no words to describe exactly how I felt. I realized that he made it, proving to all others that the sky is the limit. Congratulations to you and Day6!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 292]:~ Feeling ALHIVE

~:[CH6 - Day 292]:~ Feeling ALHIVE
Homecoming Game is always a great affair. It's nice to see a dazzling display and to celebrate this annual tradition. This year, we had a really great court of very fine, young women. Of course, it always seems like we do. I love how we have such wonderful students year in and year out and definitely makes me feel lucky to be at the school. It is also wonderful to have a great crew to put on such an event. My night at the game however ended early, as for the second night in a row, I broke out into hives. I'll be searching for the reason behind my reaction, but for now, I am glad that I went to bed without the same suffering as yesterday. I rested a bit to avoid scratching and with that and some medication, my hives disappeared into the night. Today, we also had our cross country rally and it ended up being pretty good. I enjoyed how the boys brought a flag from their background, simulating the Olympic experience when they win their events. It made me realize the diversity that our team had and was glad that they chose to do that this year. As I headed to bed exhausted, I looked back and realized that despite it all, my job truly is a blessing, as it has me among the stars. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 291]:~ Dinner for One

~:[CH6 - Day 291]:~ Dinner for One
My dinner plans got changed at the last minute. It's a part of life. I looked in the fridge and luckily, I had some food that I didn't cook from this past weekend. As I ate my food, I thought about the first time I pushed myself to eat at a restaurant by myself. I think that day, I grew the most I ever have. It's a little challenging to do, especially when you put away your phone and it's just you and the meal. You get some time to think and as uncomfortable as it can sometimes be, it always can be the starting point for your own independence from the "social norm." My solo drives, trips and adventures all started because of a dinner for one and I haven't looked back since. It made me blog, write poetry and do a lot of the things I enjoy doing now and I definitely wonder how my life would have been different. As I fried up my dinner and plated it and thought to myself, it wasn't just fate that I had what I needed in the fridge to make dinner. I was provided what I needed and I know that I will be watched over as I head down this road ahead, as while I may have eaten for one, in all my solo experiences, I know I was never truly alone. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 290]:~ Tis the Season

~:[CH6 - Day 290]:~ Tis the Season
With homecoming arriving soon, it's no surprise that there are a bunch of extravagant askings. It always makes me wonder what made these askings so elaborate? Does it necessarily have to have this much pizzazz in order to be accepted? I understand how special it makes someone feel for them to put so much effort into it, but sometimes, you wonder if it slowly became  too big of a deal. It makes me think of wedding proposals and how grandiose they have also become. I admire them for all the effort that they put into these attempts, but also hope that people also appreciate the more important true-to-your heart proposals, the kind that only the true love and emotions can produce. There is no flashiness to it, but a simple and straightforward confession of love. It made me think of all the Kdramas that I've watched and in all the cases where there were these big proposals, the most touching often were the most straightforward and simple. Maybe I am old fashioned, but that's simply how I felt. Regardless, it's always interesting to see the creativity poured into these events. It always was "tis the season" of the start of basketball and my frequent trips to Westwood for some good grub. I've always enjoyed the Feast I could get in Westwood and it's always nice to have a good meal and conversation to the end the night. I was a bit exhausted and had a few things to work on with my to-do list, however, it ended up being a good day and the only think I hope for is happiness for us all.

Monday, October 16, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 289]:~ Another Voice

~:[CH6 - Day 289]:~ Another Voice
I think poetry became my voice when I was in junior high. I think the introvert in me never really was comfortable expressing myself and always left me uneasy when I wanted to say something important. Even today, I have a difficult time expressing my emotions. Over my lifetime, I've written hundreds of poems and as I look back on them, it's interesting how they are like a history of my life. It captures the emotions I felt on a particular day and allows me to relive some of the memories I have, both good and bad. I wish I was gifted with the ability to say what I want when I needed to, but in exchange, I think poetry and my blog have provided me an outlet to express myself. It's given me another voice that I've always needed. There are so many words that I regret not saying at the right time, but I know that one day, another voice will let my thoughts be heard loud and clear. 

Sunday, October 15, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 288]:~ Out of this World

~:[CH6 - Day 288]:~ Out of this World
It was a strange day. I got to sleep in for once and while all was going well, there were a few disappointments in the football world for me. Regardless, the world goes on and while I did some work for the week, I also had a little time to enjoy a perfect evening at California Adventure. The temperatures were perfect in the evening and the park traffic was dying down just as we entered. We were able to get on Guardians of the Galaxy twice and finish off the night at Toy Story. A perfect amount for a easy Sunday evening, where I felt comfortable and relax and a perfect way to end the weekend. While the weather kept me in most of the day, I was glad that we decided to go out. Sometimes, these last minute decisions end up being the best ones and trusting in your choice is half the battle. Wishing you all a wonderful blessed week ahead. 

Saturday, October 14, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 287]:~ Up for Debate

~:[CH6 - Day 287]:~ Up for Debate
It was definitely an early morning as we got ready for the conference. It was dark when we arrived to school, but before I knew it, it would be the end of the day. Days pass by so quickly when things get hectic and how you handle all that under pressure really goes to show what kind of person you are . It was all a blur and I don't remember too many details, but ultimately, despite some chaotic moments, the day ended up going pretty well. We ended up serving lunch to over a thousand people in about 50 minutes, we printed about 400 awards, and lasted through 12 hours to arrive at the end of the day. It was also excited to see a lot of my freshmen in action, as they began their journey in their Model UN careers. At the end of the day, I stopped at TapEx and just sat there for a moment, as I was exhausted. I didn't want to get up. Today was also the day of my buldak video. I started late at night and made a fabulous dish rather than just eat it straight up because I didn't want to be so basic. However, I think by doing so, I ended up diminishing the impact of the spiciness. I guess that I will just have to eat it straight next time so I can really determine how spicy buldak really is. I guess that's also still up for debate. As I close out my night, I am satisfied knowing that I completed another big event on my schedule and also checked off a challenge on my to-do list. Regardless of whether or not today was the best day ever, what's not up for debate is that I am thankful for each and every day and all the experiences I am able to have. 

Friday, October 13, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 286]:~ The Adventure Awaits

~:[CH6 - Day 286]:~ The Adventure Awaits
Sometimes we don't plan on an adventure. We just end up there. We have a good day simply because we took a chance and we went the extra mile. As I peered out my window, I enjoyed the sights of the airport and thought about how the last few years of my life have been. I never really had a road map these past few years, but as I picked and chose different adventures, I found myself learning more about myself and discovering so much about the world around me. I met so many new people, I saw so many new places and did things, I never thought I would. I've grown to love the adventure and realized that without these past few years, I would be a different person and in a totally different situation. Would it be better or worse? Who knows, but when you're happy where you are at, it doesn't really matter. As I look back, I am glad that I took that leap of faith. I had a few moments to spare to think about all this as I saw the plane land of the person I was there to pick up. This decision would also lead to another adventure, a food adventure. I guess in life, there are so many paths that we can take and that one decision we make today, could drastically change what our tomorrow looks like. For better or worse, I am ready for the adventure that awaits and am grateful that I have the opportunity to make that choice. As while I may not always know where I'm headed, at least I know that I keep moving, discovering more about myself and all that lies outside of these walls. 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 285]:~ Stepping Up

~:[CH6 - Day 285]:~ Stepping Up
It's always a crazy time of year. With the conference coming up and cross country in full swing, I'm always running around. This week is always exceptionally crazy as we try to prepare the freshmen for their first conference as well. That's why it's always nice to have people who step up and volunteer, especially when they have nothing to gain from helping except for the satisfaction of giving a helping hand. While many will say they are too busy, there are those who step up in your life and always make sure that you have what you need, who assist you even when you're busy and you know always have your back. You obviously don't want to abuse their generosity, but at the same time, it's nice knowing that they are there for you. I am grateful to have found these people in my family, among my friends and even in the large mass of students and athletes that I work with. Thank you for all that you do and for always going the extra mile to help out. Life becomes a lot easier when you have those people who step up in your life and just know you all are a difference maker in my life.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 284]:~ Going Retro

~:[CH6 - Day 284]:~ Going Retro
For the second time this year, we brought back our retro jerseys, a design that was used almost forty years ago. Back then, the team was a lot different, but regardless of how it was, a program's success is often derived from its history. Many of the top times in history come from around when these jerseys were worn and while many of those records are being challenged, it's all in thanks to those who have come before. As while one's success is often derived from what that person does and the skills that they have, the road would not be paved without those who came before. For those who ran to those who made it more than just running and to those who made it into an ohana. Each group has provided its own piece to this puzzle and made it into the masterpiece that we see today. Often times, we take for granted to opportunity that lies before us. We give up too easily, get discourage or disappointed, or flat out abandon what we have, however, if you truly think about what so many people before you gave up to make this program work,  you begin to realize the weight that lies upon your shoulders. It is not a weight that requires you to run fast, rather, it's something that requires you to build off of the foundation that has been laid so that this program can continue to grown and stand tall for many generations to come. We had a successful day today at our second league cluster. We collected a record of 21-3 among the four levels, however, we were able to do it because of what everyone else before us gave up in order to make this program what it is today. Never forget to thank those who have given you opportunities and sacrificed so much so that you can be where you are and enjoy the things that you do. Never take for granted the opportunity that you have, as when you do, that is when you destroy the very thing that so many people sacrificed so much to build. The blood, sweat, and tears all going to waste in an instant. We cannot allow that to happen and thus, we must treasure all of these moments we have and remember exactly why we should appreciate this opportunity provided to us from those who have come before us. I don't think we took it for granted today and I hope that it's something we never do. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 283]:~ Staying Focused

~:[CH6 - Day 283]:~ Staying Focused
It's our routine before big races. Get focused on what we need to do. This year has been strangely nice. I wish we could reduce our injuries and illnesses, but overall, I think that we are starting to make progress. This is one of the ways we do that. I think in life, we often run around too much, overwhelm ourselves and get ourselves too worked up. What happens then? We don't think straight and we often act rashly. I do it often and I realize after, that I should have acted differently. Life is tough. With so many things to worry about, it's hard to stay focused, but staying focused is one of the main ways we can find success. Clear you mind, relax, and let the stress float away. It's not going to happen the first time you do it, but if you make this a routine, you may soon find yourself thinking a lot more clearly. We'll see tomorrow if this session worked, but regardless, I am glad that they all too the time to join us in getting prepared for tomorrow, similarly to how I hope we all can stay focused on what we have ahead of us so we can all find the best outcome possible. 

Monday, October 9, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 282]:~ Fighting Fire

~:[CH6 - Day 282]:~ Fighting Fire
It was sad to see the flames rising on television and to hear stories of people impacted by the fires. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to get a warning in the middle of the night, letting you know that you had to grab what you could and go. All the money, time and energy you put into your home and your life, all gone in a few moments. Sure, the materialistic items can be replaced, but the emotional distress and the loss of memories will be immense. Even thirty minutes away from the smaller of the fires going on in California, the smoke rolled in, reminding us that something tragic was happening and that lives were being impacted. As we all look up to the sky, we hope to see a beautiful blue sky painted overhead. As the smoke tried to roll in, it reminded me of the battles of life. As much as we want a perfect world with a blue sky, there will always be times where someone tries to take the perfect world away. Even when that perfect blue sky is covered, you always have to know that it is always there. It may not be visible, but you need to keep the faith that it exists, even when you almost forget that it is there. At times, it may be sometime before you get to see it, but you can never lose hope and must always keep fighting so that blue sky will once again show itself to you again. Look around and know that in these times, you have people around you to help you, to guide you and to life you up closer to that sky, so you'll be ready when it shows itself again. Don't give up as soon the blue skies will return. To all those struggling through this and other disasters, I will hope and pray that you all find the faith to keep fighting so that you can once again see the blue sky overhead. I do not know how long it will take or how difficult the road will be, but I have full faith that the skies will clear and you will once again be able to smile.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 281]:~ To My Friend Kwiri ..

~:[CH6 - Day 281]:~ To My Friend Kwiri ...
I haven't been feeling too well lately, but I knew I needed to get my body to go to this event. In these times, many people are looking towards what they will be getting, especially on their birthday. Today, however, we celebrated the birthday of my dear friend Kwiri and all the "gifts" were being donated to charity. I've seen people do this before, but to throw an entire event and do it all in the name of good causes made it especially special. She socialized like she normally did and even wrote each guest a handwritten thank you note before the event to hand out as each person left. It makes you question if you should also be doing more to help those around you. Regardless, this post is not about inspiring you go to out and do something good, rather it's an open letter to a special friend. To my friend Kwiri, thank you for being such an awesome and amazing friend to me and to many others around. You pour your heart and soul into everything you do, making sure that every detail is taken care of, similarly to how you reach out to those around you to make sure that they are also taken care of. You give back to the community so that they can have more opportunities than you had growing up and so that you can help contribute to providing them a fighting chance. You inspire and motivate, much like you've done with me, as we've had many conversations in times where we both were struggling and needed someone to turn to. You showed me that anything is impossible, as you challenged those who told you can't, to prove that you could, time after time. You've overcome things that others couldn't have imagined and you've grown into someone that is respected and loved by so many. I think it's strange how life introduces you to the right people at the right time. Who would have know that a table mate at a wedding could become one of your most trusted friends almost four years later? We've read books together, shared our insights, sent encouraging words and you even came and talked to my class. Today as I left, you thanked me for coming early and for staying at the bar through the whole event, but the entire time I was there, I kept thinking, this is something I can do to  help you provide to those around you. You always do so much and carry the burden for so many and today was just a little of what I could do to help take some of that burden off of your back. We are similar in many ways, which is why I think we get along so well and that is also why you should always know that when you need an extra helping hand, to call on me. I'll be here to help lighten that load off your shoulders. Today we celebrated a special day for a very special person and there wasn't a doubt in my mind, that is was worth every ounce of energy and every moment in time. In life, we don't know what the future holds for us, but if karma is real, there is a lot of good fortune coming your way down the line, as you've done so much to help so many around you. In our world, there are so many things that we "treasure," but the reality is that a friendship like yours is priceless and worth more than anything else that anyone could ever buy. To my friend Kwiri, thank you for guiding me, motivating me, and inspiring me; helping me to become a better person by showing me that there is so much more we can do in this world. I wish you the happiest of birthdays and thank you for allowing me to be apart of it all. #kwiri3.0

Saturday, October 7, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 280]:~ Surf's Up

~:[CH6 - Day 280]:~ Surf's Up
I woke up and felt like a tidal wave landed on my head. My world was still spinning and I almost called out for a meet for the first time. I'm glad I didn't. Despite the warm temperatures, our athletes performed well. The boys varsity started our day with all five in the top 24 and led to them to the top of the podium and set the table for a fairly good day. Our girls then stepped up their own five athletes who received a medal and ended up in third, despite having one of our freshmen run the wrong race. I guess it worked out though since she led the freshmen girls to a third place finish behind her second place finish. The entire day, my spinning world would return and a few other issues arose during the meet, however, just like in surfing, when you wipe out, you need to get back up, paddle out and go at it again. The waves can be unrelenting, but with the right drive and mindset, you'll eventually succeed. I saw a lot of athletes find their way to success today as they overcame obstacles to reach this pinnacle. We still have a ways to go, but midway through the season, it was nice to see the athletes stand up and master the waves that had taken them out previously. While there were some difficult moments today, by day's end, there was good news all around and left us comforted in knowing that things are going well. While a little discomfort still remains, I know that I can overcome this, and I'm never going to let these waves keep me down. #surfsup

Friday, October 6, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 279]:~ Spin Cycle

~:[CH6 - Day 279]:~ Spin Cycle
Life can get so routine for people, They wake up, they go to work, they go home to eat dinner and start again. It's a cycle that is almost dizzying. As I sat at my computer with my head feeling as if it's in a spin cycle, I thought to myself, how lucky am I that the schedule is not mine. On a given day, there are a million wrinkles that differ that lead to such an interesting day. It can get exhausting, but as I sit here now, even with my head turning, I know that all the energy spent is an investment in the lives of these amazing individuals. Today, our team got in trouble, but it was a ffew of the athletes got upset at their teammates for slacking off and stepped up. I didn't raise my voice one, as they took care of it with the team. It wasn't easy for the captain to speak up, but he did and broke the cycle of me stepping in to disciplinarian role. It broke that cycle and was an impressive moment. Sure, it disrupted the norm, but it might have been exactly what everyone needed to hear. Sometimes the same voice leads to comfort and routine and mixing it up a bit will gain the interest of those who are here to learn and who are here to be guided. With a homecoming rally, where we had one of our cross country girls make the top five to a potluck where it's always nice to see a good mix of athletes attending, today was anything but the spin cycle. While I can't figure out why my head is spinning and don't feel comfortable at all, I still am smiling because I realize how awesome life is. I understand that even in bad situations, can we find a glimmer of hope, know that we have the potential to fly to the moon and back. Today was simply magical, it was surreal and a lot of it had to do with the fact that I am not a member of the spin cycle, throwing routine and repetition out the door leaving an opportunity for many new and exciting opportunities. As while it's hard to say where we are headed from here, all I know is that I need to remove myself from the spin cycle so I can find the extraordinary that lies within our every day.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 278]:~ The Scents of Something Far Away

~:[CH6 - Day 278]:~ The Scents of Something Far Away
It is often said that food is the essence of life. It probably is true. Think about all the small pleasures that food gives us that become monumental. From curing our hunger to bringing back memories of the past to putting a smile on your face, food has a way of doing it all. As I stared down at my bowl at such a blessed meal while having a conversation with amazing company, I could help but think about the memories of the past. The scent took me back to a place I can barely remember to a time that only exists in the locker of my mind. Instead of the pleasant memories I wish for in my dreams as I laid my head down to bed, the aroma brought a sadness, filled with good moments that did not last. The past can be a painful thing; many times, people choosing to try and bury it. However, the truth is, the past is what guides us in the future as we learn from the mistakes of our past, as we build towards the betterment of our future. As the soup based boiled with so much goodness floating in it, I was taken away to a time where my greatest pain can be summoned simply by the aroma of something this delicious. This memory of this sadness is only temporary, similarly to the happiness of other memories, regardless, I was amazed at how a simple scent can bring up so many memories of a past that is too quickly forgotten. As I remember moments alongside my mother in the kitchen, I wash away many of the painful memories with some of my favorite memories that I still carry with me today. Food is the essence of life, but it is also the essence of memories, of dreams, and of love. As while the memories of the past can sometimes be painful, the reality is, the scents of the past are exactly the things we cannot allow ourselves to forget. As far as these scents will take, it can also make something so distance seem so close, bringing comfort and warmth along with it.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 277]:~ The Search

~:[CH6 - Day 277]:~ The Search
I think in life sometimes we are given things while at other times, we must search the world around us for it. Personally, when it's given to me, I have a harder time than seeking out what I need. It's difficult because it's pretty easy to take the easy road, but sometimes, the more challenging road is exactly where you need to be in order to learn, to grow and to mature. You need obstacles so you can problem solve, you must work hard so you can appreciate the fruits of your labor and you must be ready to overcome doubts and fears so that you can become unstoppable. Yes, life is about this search. As the athletes ran across the course today, you could tell that many were on that search. I could see the sadness and pain behind the eyes of some, the pain in shins and  knees for those in "I" group and sorting of various options to give one the best chance moving forward. Regardless of where their search will guide them, I know it will help them grow, help make them stronger and help them appreciate all the luxuries that they have in life. I took one last look at our athletes and smiled as they headed off into the campus during the race and while I quite enjoyed that the the boys had pulled out the win today, I was even more proud of all those who have continuously poured all of their efforts into this adventure. While they do not know what tomorrow brings down this trail, at least they gave themselves the opportunity along this search, to discover something amazing about themselves.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 276]:~ Finding the Ohana

~:[CH6 - Day 276]:~ Finding the Ohana
It doesn't always happen instantaneously. However, over time, people grow together and in each other, they find a place of comfort; a place of love. They find a place they can call their own and be around people who they can rely on. It doesn't happen for everybody, but many, will eventually find their place. Picture day is one of my least favorite days of the year, but it also tends to be one of my favorites as I see these connections coming together as the season continues on. People who knew nothing about each other grow together and face the daily struggles together. They deal with my wrath together and they celebrate together. There are definitely challenges that come in the process, but like most things in life, if you are willing to push forward, you will eventually find your way past all the obstacles in your way especially when you have the support of our ohana. As I snapped this photo on my phone, I first thought, wow, this photo turned out great! However, when I look closer, it was more than just the quality of the picture that was great, but seeing how close a freshman and a senior can become and to think about how these runners treat each other. They're will always be moments when they must endure, but when you're around so many incredible people, it's hard not to be successful in finding your place among the ohana. It may not have happened instantaneously, but today, I got a piece of what our perseverance has made, and I couldn't be prouder of the results. The world is a tough place and while we each will find a time where we fall, it's nice to know that you have an ohana there around you to help pick you up when you do fall. #ohanarnr

Monday, October 2, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 275]:~ We Must Rise

~:[CH6 - Day 275]:~ We Must Rise
It was not easy to wake up to the news today. You begin to realize just how important saying that last goodbye or I love you is. How, in a blink of an eye, your world can change. It's scary to think about this world and all that is going on and it's even scarier just how unpredictable these times are. These types of moments harvest emotions within us that we never knew we head, but that also means we must be ready to control those emotions and channel them in the right direction. In our lives, we have seen so many tragic events and it's easy to get upset, angry, and frustrated. It is easy to shout out, speak out and look for vengeance, but instead, we must look to rise up. It the wake of this tragedy, it's our opportunity to rise up together, to speak up, to make changes and to help those who are in need. Back in college, I ran a Model UN Conference and I entitled the conference, United We Rise, Divided We Fall, and that is more true now than ever before. It's an opportunity to stand together and say, we are not going to take this. As I spent the day around my students, athletes, alumni, and friends, I realized how special they all are to me and that my efforts are not about me, but about protecting them. The sadness of this news will not leave me today or anytime soon. There was a pain that went through my chest today that didn't really go away and I felt disheartened and my stomach, sickened; regardless, I saw the glimmer of home in this situation and know that I must work hard to try to bring us all together, so that we stand a chance to put an end to all this madness. It will be tough to succeed anytime in the near future, however, if we stand a chance, we must stand together and rise. Rise to heights where all the evils of the world cannot reach us and where our memories will be filled with laughter, joy and smiles; moments such as these. Soon, I may lay my head down to go to sleep, but soon enough, we'll begin to our ascent and together, we can do this. 

In memory of all the victims of the attacks in Las Vegas. My condolences go out to you and your family. May you rest in peace. 

Sunday, October 1, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 274]:~ Staying Sharp

~:[CH6 - Day 274]:~ Staying Sharp
I received a package yesterday. I opened it today and was surprised to receive these beauties. I've always liked to cook. When I was young, I would hang out in the kitchen and watch my parents cook and I think that overtime, I soaked it all in and cooking became second nature to me. I am nowhere near being a chef, but it's a nice skill to have to share with those around you. Today, I had a lot of time to reflect, as I caught up on work and got some things done. My to-do list was shortened and while I thought about many things today, the blessings of life were on my mind. The knives were beautiful, but it wasn't the knives that were amazing, but how each blade was crafted and the care that was put into the creation of each. I think each of us was created that way. We all have our shine, we all have our purpose, and while at times we may become dull, we will always have the opportunity to be restored to our former glory with the help of those around us. When we neglect what we need to do, often, we leave ourselves at risk of being ruined. As while many of us stray from the paths that we should be on, we should know that no matter how dull we get, there is always hope for restoration and for rebirth. We always have the chance for hope to be restored and our purpose to be revealed to us. There is plan for us all that He has prepared for us and my hope is that we all can realize it. When I opened up the box, I saw the shine of something so glorious, but no, it was not the knives that shined, but rather, something within me that reminded me that I am never alone. There is always someone looking over my shoulder, as He is making sure that his creation never goes dull. If you have faith, no matter where you feel like you are in life, restoration is always possible. Never forget that. Even when you think it's time for you to retire for an eternity, He will show you that you have a lot more to give to this world. My to-do list just got a bit longer.