Tuesday, August 31, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 243]:~ Superstars

~:[CH10 - Day 243]:~ Superstars

I was focused on going to the game all day. It's a madhouse every time they have an Ohtani giveaway (or so I've heard) and so I wanted to secure the bag (or pillow). Although I was rushing, we had a tough workout so I wanted to be sure that it was a solid one. It was one of the most impressive workouts we've had all year after a good one the day before. The groups are starting to grow and we are slowly finding our depth. After practice, we jetted to the stadium and easily were there early enough. Although Ohtani didn't get a hit, he was walked twice and stole two bases including home. Even more importantly, the game was fun and the Angels ended up winning despite no hits from Ohtani. While I was sad he hurt his hand and couldn't pitch, I was glad the team rallied and pulled it together. As our cross country team adds depth, the Angels game was a good reminder that depth is key when you want to have consistent success. Even a superstar has a bad day, but if you have a strong team around that superstar, it means a much smoother road ahead. 

Monday, August 30, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 242]:~ Cheers

~:[CH10 - Day 242]:~ Cheers

You never can take a moment for granted. I was exhausted by day's end. After my first few periods, I stopped by at home to help my parents a bit around the house. The kids were running around and I used my energy to try and keep up. My body is definitely sore even just thinking of all the energy expended. I ventured back to school for practice as our athletes pushed through their loops, as we ventured out for longer with larger groups. They're starting to progress. As exhausted as they are, I hope they realize the opportunity that they have. There will be few who will have the time they do to go for a run or spend time with a large group of friends together. Some will stay connected and others will drift far apart. One of the things that I really appreciated about the athletes is how much they sacrificed to be apart of this and I hope this idea can be instilled into the new generations of athletes. I was talking to one of my assistants about how they need to learn that in order to reach their goals, they must be willing to sacrifice and they don't necessarily understand that, as gap has taken a toll on them. They do work hard, but also have to realize that if they do want to chase after those higher goals, it will take higher levels of dedication. They don't just magically happen. I hope to instill more responsibility and planning in this group as I know there will be some adjustments as we go back into a more normal, but it's something I hope they catch onto quickly. As day turned into night, I got together for a quick cheers for one of our final gatherings for now. We were able to spend a lot of time together the past few weeks, but just as I have seen throughout my life, life keeps moving forward. I never took the time we had for granted as we just chatted the night away and I hope that the athletes on this year's team don't waste away their moments as well. I was definitely tired, but there wasn't any way I was going to miss this moment. Cheers to all the wonderful days we've had and to all that await us ahead. 

Sunday, August 29, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 241]:~ A Boost

~:[CH10 - Day 241]:~ A Boost

I got a boost of energy to push me through the day. It was cool to get some swag and made it worth making those buttons for the event. It was fun to get a pack with a button in it that I made. It was just what I needed to give me the energy to wrap up the ton of work I had to do on the day. From grading to planning, from the Cow Run to Iolani, it was a pile of work that I never thought I would end up finishing, but ended up finishing anyway. As is life, you figure out all that lies in front of you and you figure out a way to tackle it all. I resiliency I learned when I was younger and the need to sacrifice growing up is what truly helped me make it through the day. Yes, I was exhausted, but not only did I get a boost from the wonderful treats, but simply from the satisfaction of wrapping up one thing after another. The past few weeks have been quite the monster to tackle with all the last minute approvals (not procrastination), however, I am slowly trekking towards the finish line and when I cross it, there will be reason to celebrate. Until I get that boost of satisfaction, I'll stay focused on what's ahead, using that grit I learned along the way to push me through to the finish line. It's not easy, but that's exactly why it will be satisfying in the end. 

Saturday, August 28, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 240]:~ Light It Up

~:[CH10 - Day 240]:~ Light It Up

I was definitely tired. I had woken up early for practice, rolled through and then did some work before heading to this mini gathering. It was great to celebrate in an a fashion that may not have been normal, but still was special in its own right. I think that what we come to realize is sometimes these grand events are not needed to celebrate something that is so special. Just some good company and all the basics can make a day special. It was great to see so many faces that I had not seen in some time, yet who I am closely connected to. As while many of us have closed ourselves off to the outside world for now, it's nice that we can ever once in awhile find a way to connect to those who we hold dear in our lives. As I sat exhausted from the day, I saw the beauty of this setup and knew just how much it added to my week. It was a great way to end the week as I recharge for the busy week ahead.

Friday, August 27, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 239]:~ Drawn Out

~:[CH10 - Day 239]:~ Drawn Out

STRAWBERRY he said when he showed us his drawing. It was a great drawing and even better than he could clearly say it. He was drawing all sorts of things, but this one definitely stood out. As we stood at the end of the week, there were many things we could be proud of, just like this drawing, but we also felt like this week was a little drawn out. We all have to get used to this "normal" schedule as our bodies and minds need to learn and adapt. It will take some time, but in a way, it's nice to be able to feel that normalcy. At the end of the day, we finished up our first full team food run, I witness nature in action as a hawk had caught its prey and sat back and got some work done, but my body said enough of this week, it's time for bed. I still have practice on Saturday, but for now, TGIF.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 238]:~ Right on Cue

~:[CH10 - Day 238]:~ Right on Cue

Sometimes things just happen. Whether it's the timing of things, what you need to happen or whatnot, it's always great when you don't have to try as hard and things still work on. As I noticed that my best friend and I were matching today, today ended up being one of those days where things just matched up :) Although the weather was pretty hot, it worked out that we had a smaller group at the hill for a more efficient workout. From class time to practice time, it was a nice flow to the day where things just felt right on cue. We don't always have moments like this, so when they do happen, embrace them and take full advantage of them. Who knows why it happens, but the important thing is that it did.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 237]:~ Powering Through

~:[CH10 - Day 237]:~ Powering Through

Daily work in the weight room has been more common for this group. I talked about earlier how we've seen more athletes working out and it's continued especially among the younger athletes. I love how hard they work and appreciate the effort. It's that extra push we need to survive especially on a Wednesday during the first week of school. Sometimes we just feel exhausted for no apparent reason. This week has been mainly getting used to the full length days, however, that's when we need to find just a little more energy to push through. Half way through a race is normally when you'll hit that wall and just like midweek, the athletes will need to learn to push through and break down that wall. Sure there are times when we need that break and so we back down, but if we can, more times that not, power through, we will begin to see how much more we are capable of much like my athletes will hope to realize soon. Because of all the work they've put in, they been even more capable. Let's power through this!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 236]:~ Somewhere in the Heavens

~:[CH10 - Day 236]:~ Somewhere in the Heavens

Somewhere in the heavens is a father who is looking down on his family, happy to be able to watch over them, but sad to not be physically by their side. As I think of the student who left this painting on my desk, I can only think, he need not worry. It has been sad to hear of so many lives lost and sometimes you wonder just what you can help those who have suffered through that loss cope with it. Never did I think that one of those would reach out to me and leave me so touched. As I opened the gift, not really knowing if it was mine, I unveiled a piece that said so much in a single piece. Somewhere in the heavens are all those loved ones we lost looking down on us. They watch over us carefully and only hope for the best for us as we venture on with the limited time we have. While years and decades seem like an eternity, for all of us, our time is limited. As while use each one of those precious seconds, our loved ones watch over us. I hope we remember that. For them and ourselves, let's make the most of those precious seconds, minutes, days and years. For them, let's make sure they are comforted knowing we are living our days to the fullest. Let's make sure that none of those precious seconds are wasted. There's no doubt that the father is overjoyed seeing how incredible the daughter he raised is doing. A student so capable, so amazing, and yet still waiting to bloom into the incredible person she will become. To the student, somewhere in the heavens your father is watching over you and while the pain will be immense, take comfort in the painless days he will have as he can take joy in all the incredible things you will do. You've already shown us some of what's in store and I can't wait until all of it is display for the heavens to enjoy. To all those who have lost a loved one, today I pray for you and I hope you know that somewhere up there in the heavens, someone is there cheering you on. 

Monday, August 23, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 235]:~ Starting Anew

~:[CH10 - Day 235]:~ Starting Anew

I didn't think about it at the time, but none of the athletes in this photo have ever gone to high school in a normal environment. A few joined during hybrid last year, however, for all of them, seeing the school at full capacity must have been overwhelming. It's been great having a dedicated core of young athletes who work hard and even stay through weight room. We've had the highest consistency in the weight room this year especially among our younger athletes. It was a great end to an exhausting day that had both the good and the bad from the traffic in the parking lot to smooth days in the classroom, from someone taking the wrong bag home to a solid run from a few athletes and so on. There were things on both ends, but in the end, it was a great way to start the year. it will be a little interesting trying to figure out how to get used to this schedule, but in the end, it's nice to be back starting anew. I hope for all those just restarting that you've had a lot of upside since the start. 

Sunday, August 22, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 234]:~ COWnting the Days

~:[CH10 - Day 234]:~ COWnting the Days

Our summer days have gone away and not it's time to get going. I spent the day getting ready for the school week ahead and also prepping for our travel meet and the mini version of our Great Cow Run. Originally we canceled the meet, but we salvaged at least the high school invitational with a school stepping up to host it for us. It was a pretty lackluster day, but at the same time, a very busy one as I prepare for one of the stranger of school years ahead. Of course after the past few, I don't know how much crazier it can get, so I'll take it.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 233]:~ Another Hill of a Day

~:[CH10 - Day 233]:~ Another Hill of a Day

It had drizzled a bit before I headed out to practice and I asked my dad if it was supposed to rain more, he said it wasn't suppose to. The weather man is not always right. It ended up drizzling through the rest of the practice and while maybe they were right, we didn't get "rain," it still ended up soaking us a bit and leaving our feet heavy with mud as we trekked up and down the dirt trail. It was great to see some new faces including a number of first year athletes who joined us on a whim. It's not easy for this to be your first extra workout, but it makes the others seem a bit easier. As the rest of the day was left to doing work for a number of things I need to take care of, I was a little tired from the morning and pushed myself through the day. However, even though fatigue hit me hard, I am glad that we made this practice happened and got in this work during the last weekend of the summer.

Friday, August 20, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 232]:~ Generational


~:[CH10 - Day 232]:~ Generational

When I agreed to do this photoshoot, I knew it would come at the end of a long day. With cleaning and setting up, meetings and pictures, a quick stop for playtime with the niece and nephew, on top of practice, I would need to venture straight over afterwards to make the shoot happen. However, it was great to spend that time doing the shoot, not necessarily because of the shoot itself, but to see the love and connection between generations of families. While I have had a great connection with my loved ones, I miss the days of seeing my grandpa and didn't get to spend much time with my grandmother in Japan. I have known close cousins and other relatives, but never have really experienced as much of the generational love and connection personally. My friends and close family have had that and when you witness it, it has a different feel that you can't really seem to explain. There is a different kind of love that exists and is even more wholesome in many ways. I was exhausted with a lot of work coming in the days ahead as we prep for school, but taking these moments out to take these shots was refreshing. For those lucky enough to have your grandparents or great grandparents, I hope you have the opportunity to connect with them and hear their stories and even for those with only parents or siblings, take the chance to collect those stories as the one biggest regret I often hear are of those who missed that opportunity. As while you may thrive sprouting from the ground to new heights, it's the roots they provide that have allowed you to stay so ground and stand firm as you begin to tower high above.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 231]:~ Defy Gravity

~:[CH10 - Day 231]:~ Defy Gravity

I think that it's good to stay grounded in life, but at the same time, sometimes we need to defy gravity and take that chance to do something more than we could even imagine ourselves doing. We need to create a good foundation, but in order to see what we can do, we need to take that leap of faith and see just how high we can fly. As we started work today and headed into the new school year, I know that it's been a challenging time, but it's also an opportunity to see if we can in fact, defy gravity. Let's put faith in ourselves and our abilities and see just what we can do. As we move forward, be smart, but also don't be afraid to challenge yourself as we are all very capable.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 230]:~ Better Together

~:[CH10 - Day 230]:~ Better Together

Today is never an easy day, but just like this day years ago, our ability to survive is together. Ohana was born and it still seems to ring true. As I spent the day getting work done for the days ahead, I ventured to practice and had the team do a more relaxed and fun run. It was a day for them. With two of my best friends showing up, it was also a good day for me. With alumni passing by and athletes working hard in the weight room, this day was full of surprises and moments that truly made today a much better day because we enjoyed it together. Life is too long of a journey to enjoy alone and it through the support and love of others that we will find the joys and happiness it possesses even when times are trying. I don't ever for see a time where this day won't provide a bit of a challenge for me, but today I was reminded that even when we have these types of days, we can always find a way to make them better, together.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 229]:~ Blood, Sweat, Tears

~:[CH10 - Day 229]:~ Blood, Sweat, Tears

I ran errands in the morning, attended a meeting, did paperwork, followed up by homework all before practice began. It was pretty exhausting. What I've noticed from the athletes other than having to reteach so many things, is the toughness that we will have to build back into the athletes. We've always had those days where athletes drop like flies and can't finish their group's workout, however, today I felt it more so and sat the team down. I wanted to remind them that there will be bad days, but we also must find a way to tough through the moments we can push through. Many lost the ability that they will need when it comes down to the final push in a race and now it's time to find it. This group has many who have realize the importance of just opportunity as I see the blood, sweat and tears they put into practice, however, there are others on which the pandemic took its toll and will have to rediscover what they lost. I think this group is a sample of what is being faced in the world as we all try to figure things out and how to get back into the routine with the mental focus to get things done. Many have lost the passion they had and have to rediscover whether it be in sports, in arts or just in life. It won't be easy for us, but we must prepare ourselves for the blood, sweat and tears ahead. Just as I told my athletes, we will have those days where we just can't, but there will be other days where we say we can't, but we have it in ourselves to do it. Those will be the breakthrough days and the ones that will help us find our way back. We can do this, especially if we do this together.

Monday, August 16, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 228]:~ Next Gen

~:[CH10 - Day 228]:~ Next Gen

As this group sat at the back of the van, this group declared themselves the next gen of our team. We have a lot of senior boys a top of our varsity group and this group of boys are the ones that might be taking their place next season. While we still have the season ahead, one of the things about a program versus a team is that you must begin training the next group of athletes before the one before it leaves. When you focus only on the varsity group, you'll be left with a group unprepared for what's ahead. In life, I think that's something to remember. Sometimes we get so bogged down and focused on there here and now that we forget to prepare ourselves for the days ahead. While it's important to stay focused, we must also be prepared and part of that preparation is gearing ourselves up for the next cycle of life. This is a common trend in everything I'm involved in and to see things flow means the process is working. However, with the gap we faced due to the pandemic, only time will tell if we can properly pass on all the good things we want to pass on to the next generation.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 227]:~ Burning Rays

~:[CH10 - Day 227]:~ Burning Rays

It was hot. I knew going to an afternoon game would mean a thinner crowd, but it also meant more challenging temperatures. After getting some work done in the morning, we headed to the stadium and enjoyed being out, but also, found a way to shade ourselves as well. It's great to enjoy a game, but also smart to take a break and venture around. I normally stay put in my seat during a game, but it was nice to get out of the sun and have us all walk around the stadium for a bit during some of the downtime. In life, we may want to always hang in there and persevere through the difficult moments, but sometimes we need to know when to catch some shelter and avoid getting burned. I know in many situations we can handle difficult moments, but sometimes it's just smarter to move on and at the very least take a break. The suns rays could have beaten down on us all game, but we did take our break and it was a good refresher to help us enjoy the rest of the game. On top of it all, we didn't miss anything important during our break. As we head into the final days of summer, I know there will be may moments when we just want to try to last through it, but every once in awhile, let's remind ourselves, there's nothing wrong with taking a break and putting a short pause when things get overwhelming. 

Saturday, August 14, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 226]:~ Surf On

~:[CH10 - Day 226]:~ Surf On

Today, I cut myself off from the world. I rested, I took personal time, and just allowed myself a break. As I did, I thought about this sign that I saw yesterday and really appreciated the idea behind it. We all found our lives coming to a halt, but many of us were able to keep surfing on. Some of us wiped out, but it doesn't mean we can't get back on the board and surf on. As I watched surfers throughout the week, they all had their wipe outs and in most cases, they all got back on and surfed on. It's a good lessons for life. Some are more experienced than others and will wipe out less, but the more we work at it and the more we try, the less wipe outs we'll have. There will be some rougher than others, but still, the main point is to keep surfing on. Take your day of rest like I did, but keep going forward and never let life overwhelm you. When it does, find someone to help get you back up and surf on together. 

Friday, August 13, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 225]:~ Together

~:[CH10 - Day 225]:~ Together

It was just nice to be together. I think the team enjoyed experiencing different things together. Although it was tough to meet at all these different locations, when we all arrived together, it made for a nice trek. Life definitely has thrown us some obstacles we hope we will never have to face again, but for now, we've navigated some and will figure out how to navigate through more as we head forward. However, if we venture through these challenges alone, it is much more difficult than if we can do it together. As we walked down the final stretch of beach, I know it was hot and they were all exhausted, but at least we were together. I hope in life we can all find those people we want to keep close and adventure forward with as that is the best way to navigate especially during the most difficult of times. 

Thursday, August 12, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 224]:~ Much More To "Sea"

~:[CH10 - Day 224]:~ Much More To "Sea"

I wasn't sure if I was going to kayak. I don't really enjoy the ocean. However, in the end, I decided to go out and was glad that I did. To venture out made me realize all that I would have missed had I not gone. The world provides us with so many thing to see and although you may be able to see it from one perspective, being there gives you a perspective that is often times unrivaled. We ventured out and enjoyed the time we had, exhausted from paddling, some a little sea sick, but still having time to experience joy that has been missing from our lives. It would have been easy to pass up this opportunity, however, many took it on and in the end. What more do you hope to see?

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 223]:~ Nostalgia

~:[CH10 - Day 223]:~ Nostalgia

Today felt a little nostalgic. As we walked through Old Town, I took a picture of my two little cousins and it reminded me of the days when my older cousins would take me around. I remember going to Six Flags when I was little and getting on Viper although I was just at the height line. From trips to celebrations, our family has been very close knit even if we didn't get to see each other as regularly. I think that for all of us, the memories of these experiences will become these types of moments and as we venture out again and start to see the world even more, I hope we look to create memories we can hold onto and in our lifetimes revisit them. As while sometimes these places may remain for a long time, our lives are limited. Appreciate the moments we have and truly experience it all. The weather may not be great, your may be tired, but trust me, just going out and experiencing life will be worth it in the end. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 222]:~ From Start to Finish


~:[CH10 - Day 222]:~ From Start to Finish

Today was definitely a marathon of a day. As we ventured to this beautiful park to get in a good workout, the hill proved to be a nice challenge. It would be a long day, but you can't just make it through the beginning, you need to keep pushing through until the end. As we wandered for miles throughout the day, we were able to enjoy many of the things that came in between. I was impressed with the connections we were able to build and all the things we got to enjoy along the way. In life it's one thing to get started, another to get yourself to keep pushing, but it will take every last ounce to get to that finish line. As we look at what feels like an insurmountable obstacle in front of us, I hope we can remember that good things await us as we progress. Today, despite how exhausting it was, I think that by day's end we realized that our gains were worth all the effort we put into the day. 

Monday, August 9, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 221]:~ Good Things Take Time


~:[CH10 - Day 221]:~ Good Things Take Time

For those who have eaten BBQ and enjoy it's deliciousness, you sometimes don't think about the time it takes to get to that point. With the Olympics wrapping up, that same thought crossed my mind as we don't get to see the years of work that these athletes put in including all the successes, but more so the failures. Sure, some of these athletes may have more talent than others, but if you don't cultivate it, it's worthless. Similarly, you may get a good cut of meat, however, if you don't prepare it properly, it goes to waste. Good things take time and when you put the time and effort into the things you want, you'll find that you'll have a whole lot of deliciousness coming your way. As we head through the end of summer, remember that. It won't be as simple as just showing up, rather, you need patience and you need to invest time into what you ultimately are aiming for. 

Sunday, August 8, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 220]:~ Lane to Success

~:[CH10 - Day 220]:~ Lane to Success

I woke up and did some work, before heading out for the day. I ran a few errands then stopped by the bowling alley to watch my little cousin bowl in a tournament. It was nerve-racking to even watch and I know the nerves were tough to deal with. I thought back to the time when I went to the bowling state championships and even though I started well, my lane broke down and that got my nerves worked up. I ended up having a bad game, but at the same time, I think I learned a lot in the process. The lane to success is not always easy. It comes with those days where you leave an open frame or even through a gutter. Is it disappointing? Of course! However, a single mistake will not mess up an entire game. Take your life frame by frame and do what you can to make the frame you are on the very best. Just like bowling, every so often you get to reset and start fresh. Learn from the mistakes, celebrate the great frames of life, but more importantly, keep moving forward down that lane of success. In the end, my cousin made the finals and finished fifth, but in the process, the more important success was simply all that was learned in the process.  

Saturday, August 7, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 219]:~ Curiosity

~:[CH10 - Day 219]:~ Curiosity

I think it's interesting to observer how curiosities lead to learning. As I finished up practice and headed home, I got to see these two play, but also learn and explore. They look at things with that curious look and it leads to them learning more and more about various things. It's great to see. Later that day, I met with my friend, then ventured around for a bit longer. All throughout, I had various moments thinking about things, asking myself a question (as I would as a child), then Googling the answer. The generations now will have technology to help them answer some of these questions, but still, for now, they're learning through observing and experience and soon through their questioning. I hope that we as people always stay curious and open our eyes and continue to experience things, so we can always be learning and growing. Google has a lot of the answers we are looking for, but often times the best answers come when we learn them ourselves as curiosity drives our desires to know more. 

Friday, August 6, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 218]:~ A Little TIREd

~:[CH10 - Day 218]:~ A Little TIREd

It's week's end, but I definitely was a bit tired. From practices to golf to meetings, it was an exhausting week AGAIN. It's nice how summer has it's opportunities, but the planning that comes with the summer season is exhausting, even more so that planning a school week. Regardless, I pushed through and went through my to-do list for the day. From making galbijjim to taking my Korean class, there were a number of smaller tasks on the agenda and I breezed through them despite the fatigue. I took care of moving things to my classroom or the shed and even cleaned up a bit before night's end, but finished satisfied, yet tired. I am glad that the end of the week arrived and my weekday morning practices are over, however, just a very small part of meet will miss it; a very, tiny bit. 

Thursday, August 5, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 217]:~ The Uphill Battle

~:[CH10 - Day 217]:~ The Uphill Battle

the light hit perfectly through the trees. It was a great ending to a wonderful day. We started in the morning at Brookhaven, I worked through the afternoon, then ended with this workout and some nice ramen that evening where I ran into one of my students. These long days are exhausting, but in the end, these uphill battles are completely worth it. As I looked at how I've lived my life, I thought about the times I took shortcuts and realized that while nobody may have noticed, I knew it impacted me. It was those mistakes that made me work harder in as many instances as possible. Sometimes, there are smarter ways to do things while other times, you only have only so many hours in a day, however, whenever possible, fight that uphill battle and don't back down. It's easy to skip a day or to give in, but when you don't and you keep working, in the end, you'll see the results that came from the investment you made. Even if it's not what you aimed for, the blood, sweat, and tears you put in will be a satisfaction unmatched. Today was long and arduous, but the satisfaction from the day was undeniable. Tomorrow's a new day ... will you take the easy road or you will take on that uphill battle?

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 216]:~ Appreciation

~:[CH10 - Day 216]:~ Appreciation

I think it's nice for us to appreciate what we have. Today as we had the athletes complete a scavenger hunt, they came back with some amazing picture. Sure, not all of them were great, but when you looked at them, you could see the appreciation they had for just being able to spend time together in a place that was not home. They were able to meet new friends or see friends they haven't seen for awhile. Even when I was eating with an alum later on in the day, we talked about how they seem to just appreciate more and take more advantage of the opportunities they have. This year we've had the most athletes participate in weight room and a consistent group going to the extra workouts. As I completed work and finished off other tasks I had on my agenda, I was happy just to think of the opportunity these athletes have had. Life definitely threw us a curve ball and sure we may have missed it the first few times it was thrown at us, but soon enough, I think we learned just how to hit that ball out of the park. While there is a lot to worry about and a lot to be stressed about as we move forward, I hope we can also look to appreciate things we once thought as everyday opportunities. I see my athletes doing it almost every day and I hope that it's something we all do as we look forward to the better days ahead. 


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 215]:~ On a Roll

~:[CH10 - Day 215]:~ On a Roll

I was definitely on a roll, we at least for 16 of the 18 holes I played. Despite those two bad holes, there were a lot more highlights on the day as I was on a roll. A few weeks ago, I couldn't sink a put to save my left, but then fast forward and I made a few great birdie putts that surprised me. With one of our four some out of town, my dad joined us and it was fun to be able to spend some quality time with him. Because of those two holes, we ended up tying, but I was just happy to be able to spend some time with him. The day itself was full as the round of golf came after morning practice and before afternoon practice. By the time I got home and had my Korean class, I was beat. Regardless, one those days when you're the busiest, you often find yourself being the most productive as you're truly on a roll.

Monday, August 2, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 214]:~ A New Way


~:[CH10 - Day 214]:~ A New Way

I think we are so resistant for change sometimes. I think we get comfortable doing something in such a way that when we are forced to change things up, it can be frustrating and difficult for us. After a tiring morning with practice and spending time with the kids, I ventured out to the range. We lacked a set of left handed clubs so for the nine year old brother who had only known golf left handed, we taught him how to hit right handed. Well, we didn't do much teaching, he did it himself. He did use a left handed grip, but still managed to hit some nice shots. I think that was a good reminder that although there may be one way we've been taught and we learned that even if it's a challenge, we should just give it a shot. Many times we will go back to our old ways, but we may just discover that we are quite capable to do thinks other ways as well. Let's never sell ourselves short and discover what we truly are able to do. 

Sunday, August 1, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 213]:~ Screen Time

~:[CH10 - Day 213]:~ Screen Time

There are a few video projects I need to work on and today I spent the day working on one. I had issues with balancing the colors since I made the mistake of using a range of cameras, but overall, I thought that I would be good on clips as I went through it. While I will finish later this week, it ended up being a day of screen time between this, some paperwork and of course the Olympics. Being behind a computer was the theme of 2020-2021, however, it's nice to get back to it every once in awhile after trying to stay away as much as possible. As much as we had an overdose of technology during the pandemic, we can also discover how necessary it is to what we do. I will have a few long days in front of the computer the next few weeks, but at the same time, that means productivity is probably headed my way as well and for that I am excited.