Sunday, February 28, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 59]:~ Plain & Simple

~:[CH10 - Day 59]:~  Plain & Simple

I like to overdo things a lot. I make things more elaborate than they need to be sometimes. A five page paper requirement? Let's make it fifteen. How should I make this design? Let's go all in. What should I make for dinner? Let's spice it up. Over time though, sometimes you realize that it doesn't need to be that way. Often times, keeping it plain and simple is the way to go. In my hunger of the day, I was craving something salty. I kept thinking, what can I cook up to satisfy this craving. It the end, I kept it simple. I boiled some water, threw in some rice and ochazuke and I was done. It hit the spot. It wasn't elaborate and I only had to open a packet and boil some water, but it did everything I needed to do. Although it's nice when you go above and beyond, especially in times like these, it's always good to remind ourselves that we can just keep it plain and simple. We've been so trained to make what we do better than the next, but in reality, in this over-the-top world, often times the best things are plain and simple. 

Saturday, February 27, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 58]:~ Amplify

~:[CH10 - Day 58]:~  Amplify

Within our own borders, we've faced oppression and discrimination. More recently, we saw the explosion of the BLM movement and an an increase in discrimination against the APPI community. In Hong Kong, I witness the second protest and have since heard of challenges from my friends who live there and similarly, my friend in Myanmar, who I met when I visited in 2016, has been updating me on the conditions there. No matter where in the world, these conditions exist. While these are a handful of what I've faced first hand, there are a multitude of similar situations brewing across the world. It is exactly why in cases like these, we cannot stay silent. My friend in Myanmar may only be a single voice, but if we amplify the messages and information, we have the ability to change what is going on. The brutal killing of protestors in Myanmar has been a wake up call to the international community as its own ambassador to the UN speaking up against the military. As the leaders are captured and the voices of the citizens attempted to be silenced, we must raises our voices around them so that even if they are successful in silencing them, the echoes of their cries for help will be amplified. I am referring to Myanmar, but this is applicable to any form of discrimination. Currently at home, the violence against the AAPI community has amplified with so much racist rhetoric against Asia (specifically China) with the outbreak of Covid-19. The amplification of this racism shows you the impact that amplifying a message is, both good and bad. We must stop the amplification of the negative, the hate, the discrimination, while at the same time, amplifying the voices of those who are targeted by it. Those who are also in more dire situations, facing the oppression and violence, who are slowly being silenced, who live in fear of disappearing or death when they go to sleep in their own homes, and who wonder what the next day holds for them. The recent pandemic has reminded us how precious life is, but for us, a return to a more normal is possible, but if we do not amplify their voices, there will not be that normal for them to return to. To my friends in Hong Kong and Myanmar, I will amplify your concerns and hope that the international community will take notice. To those at home, let's continue to amplify that hate, discrimination, oppression and violence have no place in our lives, abroad and especially in our own communities. We must not stay silent, rather we must amplify our voices and speak louder for all to hear. Our message must be sent, but can only be done so if we raise our voices together. 

Friday, February 26, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 57]:~ Hit Pause

~:[CH10 - Day 57]:~  Hit Pause

Instead of planning how to train or strategies for the race, I spent my time in meetings planning the logistics of how to avoid interaction and allow for distancing and a smooth flow for the day. From planning locations for pick up and drop off, to the timing of having one team in with another team leaving, it's been quite the challenge to coordinate to make sure all is well. However, it also was relaxing to get through the meeting and cover all the questions out there. The workload just to host a race in itself is a challenge, but adding this has definitely makes it a little more of a challenge. Regardless, in the end, it's worth it as we can do it safely along with allowing our athletes, especially the seniors, to compete. At the end of the day, after a week of MUN, Open House prep and this, I decided to shut it down for the night and just hit pause. We all may have things on our to-do list, but leaving time to just do what you want to do and put down the to-do is probably the best things we can do with that list. Even when you are struggling, take those breaks as it may be just the preventative medicine you need. There's never a bad time for you time, so don't be afraid to hit pause every once in awhile, the world can wait. 

Thursday, February 25, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 56]:~ Still Time to Celebrate

~:[CH10 - Day 56]:~  Still Time to Celebrate

Even in these crazy times, there are still reasons to celebrate. I got a message that a packaged had been dropped off and while looking for it, I got a chance to see the birthday girl! While I only chatted for a little before heading back inside, it was great to celebrate even if just for a bit. It's definitely been a toll on us all, but it's moments like these that makes it all worth it. After a long day of meetings and trying to whip up dinner tonight (which was a lot more work than expected), it was definitely a welcomed moment. As I have thought about the last almost 50 weeks, I think about all that we've sacrificed and given up. all we've lost and all we missed out on. While I wish that people would have done their part early so this would have been under control sooner, despite having to sacrifice so much, if it means that I get to see my family and friends another day, that the strain on frontline workers gets reduced, and that things will get back to normal sooner, then I will definitely do my part. Those who have resisted all along are strangely the ones who have prolonged this issue. There is no surefire way to protect yourself 100%, but if we all just give up a little, it will actually mean a whole lot. Many have suffered so much and my heart goes out to you all, but as the numbers BEGIN to improve, it's not time to let up yet, but it doesn't mean there isn't time to celebrate. Whether a wonderful birthday or a small victory, let's not forget to smile, to laugh and simply to embrace those moments. Sure, it definitely sucks having to give up so much, but instead of focusing on what we lost, let's focus on what we gained. Strangely, I'm usually out of town, at a meet or conference on her birthday, but the pandemic allowed me to be here for this short, but sweet moment - a reason to celebrate.


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 55]:~ Special Treat


~:[CH10 - Day 55]:~  Special Treat

Just after the day had officially started, I ended up with some potentially good news, but at the same time it was a little stressful. Would it happen or would it not? With a nice morning which included some very insightful training, I ventured off and ended up with that special treat. Not only did I get the vaccine, I got to spend time with my sister who I haven't seen in so long. Normally during a normal school year, I would be able to stop by at least a few times a week, but it's been awhile since we've seen each other, although we've passed by, dropping off things and seeing each other in meetings, including earlier in the day. Thanks to her and her mom, this all came to pass. As much time as I spent figuring this all out, it just lined up all of a sudden with a day where almost nobody signed up. Regardless, it was a special treat and one worth celebrating. As dinner rolled around, I had already planned to make Korean BBQ at home, but didn't know there would be a reason to celebrate. Making my own bulgogi sauce and banchan including japchae, it ended up being the perfect balance of foods and definitely was a delicious meal. We grilled up the kalbi, marinated the bulgogi, made kimchi pork belly and then added all the sides. It was a lot of dishes, but somehow, it always becomes a pretty quick meal to make. It was a perfect way to end this fabulous day. Life sometimes throws these unexpected surprises at you and the only thing you can really do in times like this is be thankful and celebrate. Special shoutout to my sister and mom, as this was such a special treat. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 54]:~ 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 ...

~:[CH10 - Day 54]:~  1 and 2 and 3 and 4 ...

As I wrapped up track, today's wasn't about the physical aspect, but keep a sound mind. It definitely has been of key importance during these difficult times. However, while many have struggled with it, all that I've been doing has left me with little time to focus on it. Rather, I think I needed to focus more on my physical health. I need to start exercising more. Less for weight, but more to gain back some of the muscle I lost. I think many of us are in the same boat. Slowly we lose all that we had as even losing that walk from the car and around campus may have been minimal, but it was something. I guess even standing and doing those standing squats were beneficial. As I talk to my niece and nephew on the phone, one of the things they always do is stretch, dance, or bounce around. We will see just how athletic they become (if at all), but for now, I'll enjoy them running around and just enjoying themselves. While focusing on our mental health is important, let's not forget to wander around and keep at that exercise so we can maintain or regain all that strength that we lost. 

Monday, February 22, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 53]:~ Longing

~:[CH10 - Day 53]:~  Longing

This was 13 months ago. There were no "Instagramable" moments on this day, but this day seems even more special than any before. Why? It was a day where I could appreciate an amazing new place and spend quality time with amazing friends halfway across the world. It would be easy to forget a simple day like this, but then again, it is a reminder to appreciate any given day, no matter how simple they may seem. Looking at it simply, this day was only grand because it was in Japan, but when we dig deeper, there were so many more special things about this day. To simply be in the presence of your close friends and to be able to wander freely without that fear is something I will appreciate when those days return. Simply being able to eat a meal with family or even walking comfortably into the market or store will be things appreciated. As I long for those days to arrive quickly, I also will not forget to appreciate the moments that lay before me. Faith has been a big part of the process of surviving these challenges and Sunday was a reminder that we must journey through these difficult times without allowing our faith to be broken. As while I have a longing for normalcy will return, I will focus on the journey I now am taking, staying strong, but also knowing that I cannot forget to appreciate all the privileges I have been given. It's a reminder that true "Instagramble" moments we appreciate should not be romanticized, rather should be in the realism of eating, loving, and living. 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 52]:~ Luck of the Draw

~:[CH10 - Day 52]:~  Luck of the Draw

There's something about me and raffles. I have pretty good luck when it comes to them and so does my dad. Is there a skill in them? I am not sure, but aside from doing work through the day, I got a little good news, as I won another raffle this year. It reminds me of the saying, you can't win if you don't try. In most cases, I get a raffle ticket just to support or just to do it, not even knowing what the prize is, however, this ended up being a good one to win, as it will be put to good use (for someone else). I ended the night getting some work done and drawing this piece to accompany the prize. Although luck could be playing a role in my life, you also have to force luck's hand by making opportunities rather than simply hoping or wishing those opportunities will come. I hope this week you find some wins, whether big or small, but remember that the more opportunities you make for yourself, the better the odds. Don't just leave it up to the luck of the draw.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 51]:~ Unstoppable

~:[CH10 - Day 51]:~  Unstoppable

Virtual teaching is challenging. You hear all the stories of the challenge of getting students on task and ready to work. However, despite the amount of challenges, there are many success stories when you find that students can also be unstoppable. I constantly talk about what is possible and to have twenty students volunteer to work a conference, another fifty attending the conference and even another spending the time to edit a video for the conference, you can't help but smile. Yes, it's easy to fold and there will be every reason to be allowed to, but when you see students rise up in these challenging situations, you appreciate their efforts. Our junior and senior staff ran a flawless conference that received rave reviews, the delegates showed great improvement, and by days end, it was another satisfying moment knowing we successfully completed another virtual conference. This marked our eighth weekend conference already and these students have impressed me every time. I cannot believe their resilience sometimes, but when they show it, the make me so proud. I am so very thankful for being able to work with such amazing students who constantly remind me that they are truly unstoppable. Here's to another one in the books!

Friday, February 19, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 50]:~ Runaway Train

~:[CH10 - Day 50]:~  Runaway Train

Sometimes you hope for more time in a day, but then the day keeps barreling forward like a runaway train. I felt like I needed more time to prep for our training, but I got the pieces together in time, was able to hold our freshmen prep meeting then headed to our training for the International. This meeting was made for a group of students from Japan who are in the class of one of my former athletes. I got to visit the school in 2017 and was so amazing at how well she was doing. Her energy and enthusiasm is infection and it was even more evident in the meeting. It's not easy to go to a meeting for something brand new held in a different language than your native tongue with a bunch of students on the other side of the world, but we had the chance to chat with them after the session ended to try to build that connection. Overall, over 50 people logged into the meeting and although it was a bit awkward, it was nice to meet them as well as the  middle schoolers. The night slowed down after the meeting with only the stress of the conference the next morning to worry about, but it's those days where you need more time, when the pace of the day can sometimes be unrelenting. Although stressful, often times, things fall into place and leaves you with a little extra satisfaction when you look at all  your were able to accomplish. 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 49]:~ The Send Off

~:[CH10 - Day 49]:~  The Send Off

After they put so much time preparing for something, it's always exciting to get to the final day of preparation, but also a little nerve-wracking as you hope they're prepared for it all. I guess I kind of felt like a parent sending their child off to school, knowing you did all you could and just hoping all goes well. Although the conference is still weeks away, tonight was the final prep meeting. I applaud this group for spending hours researching and collecting all those documents, writing an average of twenty pages of papers each for their almost 600 page position paper, and spending these extra evenings together testing their knowledge and seeing just how much they knew. It's been a crazy ride as I had up to 16 meetings in a single day, but it's refreshing to know that I will be sending them off confident that they will do well. My seniors helping me had good things to say about this group and it reassured me that the work put in was well worth it. There were a lot of other things going on today as we prepped for the Security Council Conference this weekend, however, every time I took a break, I smiled knowing that it's almost time for them to shine. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 48]:~ Warming Home

~:[CH10 - Day 48]:~  Warming Home

You often hear of people having house warmings, but do you work on keeping that home warm. As the winter months fall upon us, as much of the country is facing a winter crisis, can we find the true warmth within our homes. I had a big workday today as there were a lot of checkboxes to fill, but because of the efficiency, I found myself with a little more time to cook up dinner. When I was little, on those cold (by SoCal standards) mornings, I would pop open a can of vegetable beef soup. I could proclaim that I made it, but today, I actually could. With a little leftover BBQ from Valentine's Day, I needed to pair it with something and with some sirloin tips, I ended up making vegetable beef soup. It was strangely the perfect dish to create that warmth. However, the warmth was not from the soup itself, but just from the smile I got from joking around with my parents as my dad tried to sumo lift me in a joking way. Throughout the pandemic, we've been able to see every tournament since it's been a year. As we joked around, we shouted out "hakki-yoi" or "nokkota," phrases you often hear being yelled essentially saying you got this or keep going, you're still in it. The soup warmed our bodies, but these are moments that warm the soul. While it was brief, as I quickly headed back to work, it was exactly what was needed to warm our home. These moments will not be ones I can experience forever, but they are ones that will live on forever. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 47]:~ Time 없어

~:[CH10 - Day 47]:~  Time 없어

It's been a crazy few weeks. Time is precious, but even more so now. It's not a stressful busy, however, as I feel productive and the work that I am getting done is worthwhile. From finishing up material for this weekend's conference to studying, the additional work I am doing has been fulfilling. Of course, that also meant I had to rush to prep dinner. With some leftovers already, I was able to fry up some of the bacon and sausages I had. If you ever get a chance to get the chicken sausages from TJs, it's totally worth it for a quick meal. Top it with sauerkraut and you got yourself a quick fix. Of course most of the night was spent studying Japanese and Korean, as I continue my quest of learning at least basic conversational skills for when the borders open. I kept telling myself (and my friends/clients) that I need to learn and I realized a few months back, now I have no excuses. With someone keeping me accountable, I've been on tasking and learning and while it's a struggle, there is progress. Sure the truth is time 없어, but it matters not when you enjoy what you're doing with that time you're spending. There are definitely other things to do and that I want to do, but this is both enjoyable and now I am finally going to keep my promise to myself and my friends, which means that while I have no time, the time I used was priceless.

Monday, February 15, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 46]:~ Empower

~:[CH10 - Day 46]:~  Empower

I think we all have learned something new over the stretch of almost one year now. Whether it be about a new hobby or simply how to log into Zoom, the knowledge we have gained has been incredible. I decided to sign up for a graduate course on empowering and motivating students. It may have made me busies than I have wanted, but on the eve of finishing up the course after quizzes and papers, it's nice to learn and grow while seeing all that you have been missing. It's interesting to see how to balance your own control over situations and make them better when you empower those around you like the students in your class. It's always been said that true leaders do not command. This course furthered my thoughts into the classrooms as teachers keep this same balance by empowering their students to be apart of the learning process. It is not always easy to implement these and a huge challenge to implement it mid-stream, however, when I implement some of these strategies, I hope that it makes for an even more productive classroom environment. With loads of new ideas and resources, hopefully I can build a better and stronger classroom environment, as I also empower myself in the process - with the knowledge to help me grow. It made for a busy stretch, but I think in the end, it's well worth the time spent invested into the course. By tomorrow, I will have submitted my last assignment, but the process itself is only beginning.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 45]:~ The Right Choice

~:[CH10 - Day 45]:~  The Right Choice

I relate to those people who can't keep a plant alive for the life of them. With a busy schedule, I fail to tend to my plants and before you know it, they're dead. Heck, I even killed a succulent. That's pretty bad. As my day was once again busy, as I worked my way through my education class, my language homework and did some work for "The International," I thought about this plant I bought for Valentine's Day. Why did I pick this one specifically? Sometimes your failures in life are not because you are inadequate, it can sometimes be because you haven't found your match. No, I don't want to discourage you from pursuing what you are doing right now if you're struggling, as I know that adaptation can allow you to succeed. However, maybe there is a match that is better suited for who you are and your skill set. Again, pursue what you want to do, but also explore other avenues. I tell my students all the time to seek what their passions are and not to simply follow what everyone else is doing. Their choices and their beliefs are not necessarily what is right for you. Flowers are a common purchase on Valentine's Day, but maybe that potted plant is not right for you. For me, the choice would be something requiring a little less attention, yet still having the same appeal. Will it survive? Who knows, but all I know is that it has a better chance than the orchid or even the basil plant who see me as that kid from Toy Story who terrorizes all those toys. The right choice for me is not the right choice for you and I hope that for each of us, we make the choices that are best for us, finally allowing ourselves to grow.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 44]:~ Angles

~:[CH10 - Day 44]:~  Angles

I had a list of things to do and a few things to pick up and found myself waiting for my order to arrive. As I waited, I kept staring at the angles and shapes that surrounded me. Normally, I would be sitting in a restaurant or shopping inside, but instead, I enjoyed the open air and just looked around. When we look around we can see the new angles and which we view life. It's different, but that doesn't make it worse. We need to adapt, but that doesn't mean it requires a big change. We will see how our lives change as we move forward, but for now, look at life at these new angles and see if you like this view better. Often times we get stuck in such a cycle that we forget that a new perspective on things can change how we proceed, but when we are force to change, we might find ourselves in a position where we see a whole new approach that improves how we go about things. The remainder of the day was spent doing work as I seem to have gotten a whole lot busier, but for now, I'll enjoy the view and see what I can find from this new perspective. 

Friday, February 12, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 43]:~ Making It Butter

~:[CH10 - Day 43]:~  Making It Butter

Everyday is a clean slate. Some days will be fabulous and other may be a struggle. It's tough when your days gets off to a bad start, when things go wrong or something or someone frustrates you or injects anxiousness or stress through your entire day. It's sometimes hard to rid yourself of this especially when we are struck at home. However, when these moments come, sometimes it's good to move on by cutting out what is weighing you down. As the day went on, things got better as I came across people who injected some inspiration into my day. I worked hard, studied harder and even added a little buttery dish to make my day better. I guess butter can make things better (my arteries may not agree). It's easy to get bogged down by things in life, but in that process you may just miss out on all that awaits. 

Thursday, February 11, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 42]:~ Floating Away

~:[CH10 - Day 42]:~  Floating Away

Today was a good day. After class, I ventured out to drive my parents to get their second vaccine shot. Hearing all the information about the reactions to the second made me want to go if my schedule allowed. Luckily, it did. I was happy that no symptoms ever appeared. Earlier in the day, I took a quick walk to school, as I needed to pick up our stash of Nationals sweaters so the students could get theirs for the upcoming conference. As I did, I noticed the dandelions on the way. Normally, these dandelions would be non-existent as somsone probably would have picked it up and had the spores blow away into the wind. However, with few people around, they appear and stay. I think it was a good reminder that despite all the challenges we face, things continue to grow and even things that didn't last before, may actually last longer. The beauty of the world and all around us has not disappeared, rather it continues to grow and will show us things we may never have seen before. Let's not think that all things in our lives are floating away, rather, they're just waiting for us to return.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 41]:~ Meeting Expectations

~:[CH10 - Day 41]:~  Meeting Expectations

There are a lot of meetings that can be done with an email, however, at times there are those meetings that meet or exceed expectations. Today was one of those. The morning PD was awesome as we heard from those who faced incarceration during the internment. It was a great lessons to remind us of the challenges they faced, which is far worse than what we are facing today. Once you hear their story, it's hard to complain about the situation we face today. After our department meeting (getting a pop in visit from the cuties) and individual grills, I got to catch up with some of the icons of our school as we began planning the 50th anniversary of our school. I know there are a lot of these icons who have played a big role at making the school what it is today, however, it was great to see these names that many would recognize instantly. It will be a big project and this is just the first step, but having a meeting means we are making progress. While we have a tentative date down, I know things will begin to become more solid in the future. After watching the drama unfold on the Capitol, I took a few calls to go over details, an interview and a catch up, ending the night with well wishes to my friends in Asia who already reached their Lunar New Year celebration. Overall, meetings are sometimes difficult to sit through, but it's days like these that remind me that meetings aren't always that bad, they sometimes exceed expectations.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 40]:~ Satisfaction

~:[CH10 - Day 40]:~  Satisfaction

It's nice to have a day off, but it's also tough to get back into the swing of things despite having that day off. However, it's great to get into the classroom and try to pass on lessons you truly enjoy teaching. While I enjoy activities more, there are just certain lectures that are much easier to share. The hard part is knowing what the students thought of the lesson. I moved on to meet with training my Nationals teams and furthered the MUN day with planning some trainings for our international conference. I transitioned to the other side of the screen and became a student in my language classes into the night and definitely am learning the language, but also learning some strategies to help me work with students to help them learn as well especially in these times at home. While for me, these classes have been one of my outlets to deal with all of this, it still reminded me of the stress that comes with trying to finish homework and still do other things that I enjoy. I finished the night enjoying the porkchops I made with creamy gravy. It wasn't the typical way I make porkchops, but without the gravy I usually use, I was forced to make my own. That in itself was satisfying. Of course, setting off two fire alarms got my heartrate up a bit, but in a full day like this, although there is fatigue and stress, it was definitely one that was truly satisfying in the end. I hope that you can find a day like this during these difficult times, even if it's just once in awhile. Keep our heads up, our hearts open and our minds positive.

Monday, February 8, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 39]:~ Taxing

~:[CH10 - Day 39]:~  Taxing

This school year has definitely been taxing. It's been rough to stay on top of things, however, it's  a day like today that allows us to clear our minds. I added things to my schedule to keep myself busy, in a way it allowed me to focus, but also left me little time for other things. These breaks have been quite nice to have from time to time and although it would be nice to have a few more, I'll take days like today. As I scarfed down this sriracha mayo bacon burger, I felt relaxed and soaked in the time, a little time for family, a little time for myself, a little time for work and yes, a little time for taxes. Yes, on top of all we have to deal with nowadays, we still have our everyday responsibilities. Yes, it's been taxing, but when you can fight through and overcome these difficult moments, the road ahead will feel a lot smoother. I know that we are struggling, but when you get a chance, take that break, clear you mind and try to refocus for just a little longer. Life right now is taxing, but just like our taxes, I know in the end, a refund is waiting for us all. Let's hang in there. We can do it. 

Sunday, February 7, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 38]:~ In the Bubble

~:[CH10 - Day 38]:~  In the Bubble

It was the first time in awhile that they've stopped by and it's amazing how much growth can be made in a matter of weeks. We skipped the holidays and any other events and just have brief outdoor interactions. Regardless, it's truly a blessing to spend time with them and even go outside, which is actually outside of my bubble. Typically I travel outside that bubble for these visits, to get my packages, and to pick up food (including boba). Occasionally I have to grab something from work, but for the most part, that bubble and I are well acquainted. I've discovered just how much you can do from within. From carrying out those interviews I probably could have done online to training, conferences, and even learning. As while I cannot wait to move beyond this space, at least for now, I've found my way to make the most of this time and space. 

Saturday, February 6, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 37]:~ Hear the Music

~:[CH10 - Day 37]:~  Hear the Music

The day itself got off to a rough start after hearing the difficulties my friends and colleagues have been facing. It's definitely been a tough time for many of us and it's tough to get ourselves motivated. My stress reliever when I need to think or when I need to let off a little stress is to pick up a pencil and marker and draw. I used the opportunity to practice my Korean, but in the process found my outlet for all that was dragging me down.  Later, I was chatting with my friend from Japan and was telling him how I was sketching today.  I've always enjoyed drawing, but even more so, I've grown to love mixing media as I took that drawing and put it in a design. It's amazing what technology allows you to do, as you take a work from paper and piece it into something fabulous. Sometimes it's for work, this time, I added another piece for my friend. I think we've all found our frustrations in the past year, but it's reminders like today that tell us, there are good days ahead. I went on to do three more pieces today, but this one brought back great memories of concerts and all those things we haven't been able to do. While I hope that things will get better and I can finally roam more freely, at least there are opportunities like these we stumble on, yet truly become music to our soul. I hope that we all can hear the music that will bring us back the joy that has been hidden away. I know it's tough to be motivated, but I only hope that we can turn up the volume and hear the music that will get us back on our feet. 

Friday, February 5, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 36]:~ Let the Grills Begin

~:[CH10 - Day 36]:~  Let the Grills Begin

I realized I should have account for more time for every meeting, as the tended to take longer than the five minutes banked for each grill. However, despite running a little late, the five minute gap allowed me to catch up a bit, as my busy Friday came to an end. My normal schedule has kept my 4:30pm to 6pm gap for prepping dinner and then my night's for homework or classes. It will be busy for a bit longer, but it is nice to be able to to interact with students more even if it's just testing what they know. Regardless, when the night's end arrived, I was glad that it finally was the weekend! 


Thursday, February 4, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 35]:~ Feast

~:[CH10 - Day 35]:~ Feast

I had a decent amount of work to catch up on along with the growing number of meetings I have for Nationals. However, you always need to make time to enjoy the feasts that await you. I normally can make dinner in about 45 minutes, but I knew this dish would take a bit longer. The work itself isn't that bad, but the amount of time it takes in the oven required an earlier start. I prepped everything and pieced it all together and then waited for it to finish up. Sometimes things take time, just like in life. We will find that what we may want will take longer than something that is much quicker to make. At that point, we can weigh our options and decide whether or not it's worth it in the end to spend the time. Those are the choices we have. Take the easiest way and make something we can accept or spend a bit more time to chase after what we want. We won't always know how it will turn out, but there is satisfaction in knowing you went after it in the end. Regardless of the route you choose, do it to the best of your abilities and enjoy the feast you have at the end of it all.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 34]:~ Blessings

~:[CH10 - Day 34]:~  Blessings

One of my greatest blessings in life was sponsoring a child in Thailand. It was great to write to her regularly and I even got to meet her and her family a number of times. The precious memories we still share today and I am so grateful that God brought me to this organization. When the sponsorship ended, I debated whether or not to jump back in and I did as it's already been nearly a year and a half with the new sponsorship. It's always such a blessing to read the letters, see the drawings and really connect with someone so far away. It's great to pass on the Blessings of Christ to someone so far away. Similarly, as I ventured out briefly tonight, I felt even more Blessed catching up with an alumni. It's always a pleasure to see them, how've they grown and where they are headed. In these tough times, it's things like these that inspire me to keep pushing forward and give me a purpose. It's great to be diligent in work, but adding these joys are what make living truly a Blessing. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 33]:~ Let the Games Begin

~:[CH10 - Day 33]:~  Let the Games Begin

Normally during this time of year, I would be walking around campus setting up clues to our scavenger hunt on campus. Obviously it's not possible as we are at home, so instead of the campus, I divided up the city. Students picked which areas of land they would pursue using their own criteria. Some used the restaurants or stores they liked to pick their areas while others picked where they lived, the parks they enjoyed or tried to avoid conflict and tried to predicted which plots would be the least contested. Although after the fact I realized I made too many squares, it still made for some interesting discussion within their groups and more interactive times as students had to negotiate whether to concede, split the land or go into battle, which simply was a spinning wheel. I lost the double-crossing aspect to the game, but still was able to simulate the idea of splitting up a map and paralleling it to imperialism. Adaptation has been key to surviving these difficult times, but when you learn to do so, sometimes you discover some amazing things just like today.

Monday, February 1, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 32]:~ Royalty

~:[CH10 - Day 32]:~  Royalty

It wasn't the clearest screenshot as I didn't get this moment at the time, it still captured my favorite moment of the day. While this simulation normally has our class dress up when they are in class, we couldn't do as much being at home. Still yet, our queen and king found a way to get into them theme. When they both realized they had a crown, a bit of laughter occurred with both of them (and maybe the whole class) with another moment after the crown fell off. The discussion in class was great and although online, we still have managed to figure out how to make things in work. In fact, the discussions almost became better as the students had more access to information as the discussions went out, being able to look up points through the simulation. As we hope for change as the days go on so we can once again see each other face-to-face, it's moments like today that still keep me motivated as I move forward. These are the days we highlight as true royalty.

~:[CH10 - Day 31]:~ Win, Lose or Draw

~:[CH10 - Day 31]:~  Win, Lose or Draw

I wouldn't say there is really any winning in Model UN, but it is nice to see your students recognized for their hard work. While they may take it as gesture, I also like to commend my students on a job well done. Honestly it can be tough to do well at a conference especially when you don't know what a chair is looking for. What kind of style do they like? You can only arrive at a committee, ready to do what you do. Without much pressure on my seniors to go above and beyond, they still displayed to me that they will do that no matter what. Across the board though, they stayed focus for all 20+ hours and really stuck to their guns and truly demonstrated the Cerritos Way. While we did miss some people from our group shot, we did have a fairly small delegation and yet still managed four gavels and three honorable mentions. I was definitely proud of their hard work and even more proud that they gave up so much time for this. "Win, lose, or draw," these students definitely were winners, as they gained experienced that they could not get elsewhere and displayed skills that I know they'll be able to use for the rest of their lives.