Sunday, August 31, 2014

-[The General]- How Tapioca Express Equals Life


For those that may know me, Tapioca Express has become a big part of my life, which is weird because I did not always like it and slowly acquired a liking for it. Now, I have to monitor myself to ensure that I do not go two days in a row, which I have been pretty good at. For those who do not know what Tapioca Express is, it's one of the many places in Cerritos (and a few other places in its chain) that serves boba milk tea and similar drinks, which around the world is also known as bubble tea or pearl tea among a few other alias.

It's easy to become addicted to these boba drinks in Cerritos, as it easily has to be one of the cities with the most tea stops with boba around the world (I did not claim it has the most, just one of the most). Thinking about all the different places, even just the different places that serve boba can equal life, as they all have their own variety and take on the drink and have added their own spin on it. How many places in Cerritos/Artesia can you name???

Tapioca Express
Fusion Tea Bar
Class 302
Guppy Tea House
Guppy Green House
85C Bakery Cafe
Tea Bar Metro
Dolphin Bay
Milk & Honey Cafe
Boba Loca
Tea Station
Yummy Boba

This list doesn't include some of the dessert lounges and restaurants that also serve boba or that you can top you dessert with boba. Interested yet? I never really realized how good I had it until I traveled. While I know there may be other places with just as good if not better selection and choices, one of the reasons I missed home was because of this list above.

In any case, after explaining all of this, it's time to talk about why Tapioca Express equals life. It doesn't equal my life, it is a metaphor for it. Much like if you were to walk into a Starbucks, you have the same range of options as you would at Tapioca Express. Have you ever thought about it? Our life is so full of choices.

When we start a day, do we order a strawberry snow or a pudding milk tea and if we get either one of those, do we get boba, and if so, regular, mini or mixed? Should we have aloe if we get a particular tea and will it even pair well together? Should I get it half sweet, instead of the regular, should I switch to almond milk tea? Is rainbow jelly good or the lychee? How about these dessert drinks I hard so much about ... an Oreo on top, eh?

In our lives, things have become so complex and we always have to make so many decisions. Sometimes, the combinations we pick just don't work out, sometimes we discover something we never thought we would, sometimes, we're not in the mood, some times of the year, it's better to order one drink over another.

If I expand this metaphor, if I feel like a different twist on the drink, I could go to Tea Station and get more of a tea based drink or if I want more fruit, go to Cha2o, if I want something cheaper or even a better meal, maybe I go to Dolphin Bay or I can go old school and hit up Guppy's. Depending on the time of day, my choices may be limited, but there still will be choices and no matter where I go, someone will claim that one is better than another.When in life, it's no different. Every person has something different to offer and every person will view each person differently.

On our next trip to grab some boba, you should think about the whole process of what you're doing and how it relates to life. Ultimately, the lesson I leave with you is, life is like a cup of tea, you'll have the chance to customize it as much as you want and even drink it as much as you want, however, the more times you have it, the more likely you are to take it for granted and even waste some of it. Never forget to savor each drop of that tea and remind yourself just how luck you are to be able to enjoy it.

While I could actually live without milk tea boba, it will forever remind me that I need to savor all of the opportunities that life gives us even if at times it's not always exciting and sometimes when when the excitement fades, maybe it's time to try something new and see how that can spice up my life. Traveling, new hobbies, eating at new places and ordering new things, meeting new friends and the like, just like changing that new flavor may be just what you need to make that glass of tea as interesting as you want it to be.

SURVEY - Tell me about your favorite tea/boba house around and why! What are your favorite things to order there and why? What qualities does it have that set it apart from other tea/boba shops???

COMING UP - You probably won't believe this, but I have a new music video coming out about boba! Sorry, it won't be up until at least the end of the year though!

~:[CH3 - Day 243]:~ Getting Ahead

~:[CH3 - Day 243]:~ Getting Ahead
The days are closing in until the Great Cow Run arrives and I am doing my best to get ahead. As while the days may seem like a lot now, I know when it comes down to crunch time, I will run out of it. With about six days left, the labels are printed, medals are in, team awards complete, boxes arrived, team packets complete, bike tuned up, and the timing stuff, that's no longer my problem as we hired a timing company to take care of that.  With just a few more things to pick up in the next few days, it seems like if I can just secure all my volunteers for the day, things will be ready to go! Let's do this people, let's do this! Wanna help on September 6th??? Let me know! :D

Gratitude Challenge: Day 7

Gratitude Challenge: Day 7

1) I am grateful to be surrounded by motivated people who remind me that I could be doing a lot more with my life and can continue to reach out to help those around me. From those who made something out of nothing, who continue to reach out to help others, or for those who are just truly amazing. Individuals such as Kwiri, Kimberly, Victor thank you for inspiring me and I hope that I can have the kind of success that you have had!

2) I am grateful for my faith. While I may not be the best example in terms of attendance, the foundation build through my relationship with God has been a driving force behind how I live my daily life. While I will never be perfect, I do my best to model how he wants me to live and how to impact those around me with similar qualities.

3) I am grateful for everyone, everything, and more, as while this gratitude challenge was only seven days, there are a countless number of things I am grateful for, both that I have already discovered and that I will discover in the future. From the beauty of nature, to the love of marriage, to the blessing of children and more. This challenge, while complete, will move on with me as I will remember to be grateful for everything I have the chance to do, experience, and the people I get to come across, be inspired by, and love. Thank you June for allowing me to be a part of this journey.

What are you grateful for Kwiri Yang, Patrick De La Fuente, Victoria Hulett??? (List 3 things you are grateful for for 7 days)

I wish I could tag everyone and if I didn't tag you yet and you are my friend, take on this challenge, as it is well worth the discoveries you will come across! My challenge is complete, now it is time for yours!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 242]:~ Oh Hot Dam

~:[CH3 - Day 242]:~ Oh Hot Dam
We headed out to Carbon Canyon in the morning to get in a good workout in the morning before watching our assistant coach and an alumni run in their first race. We already knew that our assistant coach was going to run but late in the week we found out that one of our alumni was also running in the same race. We did some repeats on Dam Hill as the sun began to peer out in the dusty part of the trails. Since the girls had a sleepover, we had mostly boys with us. Afterward we stopped at the Hat before heading back to school. I had a lot of work to do so I started finishing it all up, caught the Angels game and then got back to work after. I did not feel good while running today, but it feels good at the end of the day because I ran. Oh Hot Dam.

Gratitude Challenge: Day 6

Gratitude Challenge: Day 6

1) I am grateful for my beautiful dog JD. As while we gave you a male name at first and no one would notice your puppy picture as you, nothing can make a day better than coming home with you waiting at the door to greet me. Even when you are sleeping, you wake up to say hello before you pass out on the couch again. It's amazing how loyal a dog can be and I never doubted that loyalty for a bit.

2) I am grateful for the all the opportunities in my life and all those people who have helped make them happen. From my family, to my friends, and even to complete strangers, I've enjoyed so many different things in my life that I never though I would as I raced through a bucket list of things, leaving me to make a new bucket list time after time. These opportunities and my ability and willingness to do them would not be possible with out you all.

3) I am grateful for all those who I have loved and lost, as it is better than not loving at all. To all of my friends and family who have passed away, I miss you dearly but know that you continue to live on if we live a life as you would have liked us to live. To those who ended up not being compatible with me, I feel that each person I came across has helped me in discovering who I am and also what I want in life. While at times, knowing each other hurt, in retrospect, I could am thankful we had the opportunities that we had together.

What are you grateful for Jonathan, Guen, and Guillermo Boppell??? (List 3 things you are grateful for for 7 days)

Friday, August 29, 2014

Gratitude Challenge: Day 5

Gratitude Challenge: Day 5

1) I am grateful for the ability to travel near and far and for those friends you meet while on vacation or those who you meet who live a distance from you. As while you may not always talk to them, knowing you have someone amazing at a different end of the Earth is something so fascinating and incredible. From Asia to Australia through the Middle East and Africa into Latin American and up to North America, it's amazing to think about the friends I have in different parts of the globe and even in different parts of the country.

2) I am grateful for the ability to run and be active, as it has become apart of my daily life. To feel the amazingness of the wind blowing through your hair when you run as you pound the pavement, makes you feel free. As I did mental drills with my athletes today, I realized just how lucky we are to be able to be apart of this.I love running, short shorts and all and hope that it is apart of my life as long as possible. 

3) I am grateful for all those that have showed me that while obstacles may stop us, we can always overcome difficult situations and we should never allow these situations to stop us from becoming who we want to be or doing what we aspire to do. While I have my share of obstacles, the obstacles that others around me have overcome, dwarf those that I have experienced and I only hope that I can be like them when placed in a similar situation.

What are you grateful for Mellissa Felipe, Graham Kracker, Danika Hayashi, and Cindy Ravalo Carlson??? (List 3 things you are grateful for for 7 days)

~:[CH3 - Day 241]:~ Reading Rainbow

~:[CH3 - Day 241]:~ Reading Rainbow
"Take a look, it's in a book ..." I always will remember the lyrics of that song and today, I will always be the day that I realize how lucky we are to be able to have access to as much material as we do and how amazing my athletes are. I had a fairly big group of students show up to work at the library today to move books from the storage areas to the floor. They carried books and did their part to help the school get the books in order. Sadly, I had to miss the school-wide lunch to make sure we had enough time to finish. In the same place a few hours earlier, I was reminded why I love our staff so much. Just the enthusiasm that they had while taking pictures today was great and while we haven't had the closest of ties the past few years, I can already feel that as a staff, we will be much closer this year. Despite the heat of the afternoon, I took to the street with my running shorts on and ran a few miles with an alumni in the middle of our group. We ended up at the Towne Center after for a little event and finished off the night making shirts for tomorrow's run. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 240]:~ The WE Revival

~:[CH3 - Day 240]:~ The WE Revival
Today was the first day of work and interestingly enough, it didn't feel much like work at all. I wasn't dreading the day, in fact, I was kind of excited for it. I wasn't let down. I ended up at a great table, met some new people, and gained a lot of confidence in what the year ahead of us holds. I can already tell, there may be more work to do, but at least it will be productive. The spirit within the room seemed positive and people seemed very comfortable. I was a part of Team Divergent and we created a wonderful piece called, We Pyramid. It was great to see how all of our ideas meshed so well together as we swiftly completed our book right before we presented. After a meeting and some breakout sessions, we were treated to a "tailgate" party to celebrate the new year as we got a tunnel to bring up the energy, the band to give us some entertainment, the cheerleaders to help increase the spirit, all combined with some great food that filled us up. After all that, I got my room all set up, as I think I'm all ready for Tuesday! Of course, I still had the rest of the day to work, as we had our Gahr 2-Mile race. The weather wasn't perfect, but at least it cooled down enough to give a fair racing environment. It's not quite where we want to be right now, but we're slowly getting there and if we work hard enough, we can get there.

Gratitude Challenge: Day 4

Gratitude Challenge: Day 4

1) I am grateful for pencils and pens as they are two of the only things that someone needs to express themselves, whether through writing or through drawing. My pen and pencil has been my outlet to express how I feel, to draw when I am bored, and to show the world all the things I cannot always express.

2) I am grateful for the elements as without them, how could we ever survive and for those old enough, how would we ever summon Captain Planet? Earth, wind, fire, water (plus heart) are the essentials to our daily lives. I will be mindful of every step as I can be glad that the ground will catch me as I step and that it is what sustains us; I will continue to close my eyes and enjoy the wind as it blows; I will appreciate that fire has allowed us to better feed ourselves and keep us warm; and I will also be mindful of the preciousness of water and do my best to conserve it and appreciate the fact that we have clean and potable water. I know there are so many people who appreciate the awesomeness and I encourage you all to join me in appreciating them!

3) I am grateful for being surrounded by amazing co-workers and friends both today and in the past (such as Jepsen, Bill, Diana, Holly, Julie and so many more ... sorry, there are way too many amazing people to name ... ugh, I need to name more ... Sue, Allison, Allison, Allison, Gina, Carey, Melissa, Melissa, James, Paul, David, Jonathan, Bill, Adam, Bryan, Stephanie, Marilou, Judy, Jessica, Cindy, Christina ... sorry if I missed you). As I attended our first day of work today, I realized that it did not feel that it was a place I had to be but someplace I wanted to be. It allowed me to better appreciate where I have ended up and has allowed me to see so much good around me. I am excited for what this year and many others ahead hold on our campus as we build our "We Pyramid."

What are you grateful for Shannon Kung, Holly Matchett, and Audrey Lee ??? (List 3 things you are grateful for for 7 days)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 239]:~ Out of the Shadows

~:[CH3 - Day 239]:~ Out of the Shadows
There definitely was not much shade today as the sun came out striking down on us all. However, we managed and were able to successful make our way through another practice. This little one came and visited us today which made the day even better. Since it was so hot, we ended up with popsicles to cool the team down. Afterwards, I caught a great dinner in at Chipotle, catching up with some people before taking in my last night before work begins tomorrow!

Gratitude Challenge: Day 3

Gratitude Challenge: Day 3

1) I am grateful for delicious food that we can eat a restaurant or whip up in our own kitchens. While some may be better than others, my trip to Thailand this summer made me even more appreciative of how lucky we are to even have food on our tables.

2) I am grateful for my students both past and present who I am proud to work with almost every day. While at times they drive me crazy when they don't stop talking, don't follow through, or do not meet expectations, it's always wonderful to see them learn, grow, and move on into a wonderful world that awaits them. Along the way, they also teach me more than I ever thought I'd know, as they also keep me in check, reminding me that there is a lot to learn.

3) I am grateful for the opportunity to sponsor a child. While I didn't think much of it at the time, sponsoring a child was one of the best decisions of my life. Not only do I have a binder full of drawings and letters, I also saw first hand the difficulties that my sponsor child and her family dealt with on a daily basis and made me realize even more how far each dollar goes. Through this experience, she is able to get more access to education, both academically and spiritually, however, I was also educated because of this process.

What are you grateful for Erika Resultay, Mitchell Lin, and  Sunny S. Fu??? (List 3 things you are grateful for for 7 days)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 238]:~ They're Grrrrrrreeeeaaattt

~:[CH3 - Day 238]:~ They're Grrrrrrreeeeaaattt
After a morning of doing more work prepping for the season, I grabbed a quick lunch with a great friend Gui, before heading back home to finish the work I didn't do. It's always funny how I end up working more on vacation, but I guess that's how it goes sometimes. It was getting hotter, so I adjusted the workout a bit to compensate for the afternoon and the new athletes coming out. After a good weight room workout, I found this one in my box of cereal. They did ask before they ate it, but thought it was funny to see how big the box was in comparison to my runners. I kicked back a bit when I got back to catch the Angels game before getting back to work again until the end of the night. I feel pretty good because things are in order, but, as always, there is more work to do tomorrow! Did I mention I got tagged in the Ice Bucket Challenge by the awesome video by Jamie??

Gratitude Challenge: Day 2

Gratitude Challenge: Day 2

1) I am grateful for beautiful art that surrounds us including architecture, animation and music among many other genres. Individuals like CLARA, Ruben, Jessie, Anthony, Christian, Chris, Priscilla Ahn, David Choi and Yoshi among many others have brought something special into this world for so many to enjoy! Keep doing what you are doing and continue surrounding us with beautiful things!

2) I am grateful for people who can always keep a positive attitude and keep smiling through even the toughest of times. While the glass may be more than half empty, they see that single drop of water as an opportunity.

3) I am grateful for all the amazing and wonderful parents out there who sacrifice so much so that their children have all the opportunities that the world provides them. I am even more grateful for those parents who take on the task of parenthood on their own, serving two roles for their child, serving as a role model that no matter how tough times get, you can always overcome!

What are you grateful for Jamie N Young, Nellie Mancilla, CLARA ??? (List 3 things you are grateful for for 7 days)

Monday, August 25, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 237]:~ Racing Stripes

~:[CH3 - Day 237]:~ Racing Stripes
As I had the option to sleep in for the first time this summer since cross country started, I ended up waking up when practice normally starts at 6:15am and got to work on things that I needed to catch up on. With a number of messages throughout the morning, I didn't get as much done as needed but needed to go run some errands so I ended up getting away for a bit before grabbing a great lunch to add a PLUS to my day. With the switch to the afternoon, I knew we would have a difficult practice, as we did, but I didn't end up having to pick anyone up, which was good. With one water station setup for the 8 mile group, they grabbed their water and went on their way. One of our coaches will be racing this weekend and he added a little racing stripe to his arsenal. I guess that means he'll need to run a lot faster to show that off to all the others teams. Good luck!

Gratitude Challenge: Day 1

Gratitude Challenge: Day 1

1) I am grateful for the rain and storms, both literally and metaphorically, as without them there would be no rainbows and those beautiful, sunny days would seem like nothing more than the last. It allows us to appreciate all that we have and allows us to challenge ourselves and grow with each passing storm.

2) I am grateful for an amazing ohana who has always been there for me, both in the good and bad times. While it may not always be convenient to tell you this, I will try to show my gratitude for your beautiful selves more often.

3) I am grateful for lifelong friends like (June) who have been there for years and decades; who will go hang out with you at the last minute, who you can share childhood memories with, who despite the distance or time away, will always be close to your heart, and who always seem to be willing to set things down if you are in need. To those lifelong friends, I thank you for all of your amazingness.

What are you grateful for Allison Koizumi, Jennifer Jou, and Andre W Hong??? (List 3 things you are grateful for for 7 days)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 236]:~ The Road to Recovery

~:[CH3 - Day 236]:~ The Road to Recovery
My body was still rebelling after Saturday's run. While it was not long, it's difficult to run that distance when you haven't run even close to that much in awhile. So I granted myself a day off and relaxed through the day. My brother was also on the road to recovery as he had surgery that seemed to go well. I visited him in the afternoon on Sunday and he was released later that day. Yahoo!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 235]:~ In for the Long Haul

~:[CH3 - Day 235]:~ In for the Long Haul
It was definitely difficult waking up early after last night's bonfire, however, I was able to and got to school early for the morning run. With our smallest group of the year due to the workout, it was nice to have a small contained group and while I would have liked a few more athletes to go, it was easy to manage. I had not run a lot this summer so the run was a bit difficult, however, I slowly made it out to the turnaround point and got in a nice 10 miles on the day through the rolling hills. It's always a treat at the end of the run when you get to go to Teri Hawaii and enjoy a good meal to re-energize yourself. I headed home and knew what was going to happen, as I laid down and woke up a few hours later. It felt nice and since I knew how I'd feel afterward, I kept my afternoon schedule empty. In any case, as sore as I am, I feel accomplished and I guess today should kick off my training for my race in five months. Let's do this! On another note, I hope you can join me in praying for my brother who had a successful surgery today and is recovering. Hope you have a full and speedy recovery brother.

Friday, August 22, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 234]:~ Back-to-Back

~:[CH3 - Day 234]:~ Back-to-Back
For someone who does not like the beach all that much, these back-to-back events are not the most pleasant. However, I managed and this group of athletes has made it quite enjoyable. After playing some basketball, I cooked most of the rest of the way - WatBurgers, WatDogs, Spicy Chicken, Teriyaki Chicken, Kalbi, and Veggie Burgers. It ended up that I didn't need to cook as much as I did, as they stopped eating when my last batch was on the grill. As I cooked, a group of athletes kept me company and literally formed two bonfires, one around the pit and one around the grill. Maybe they were just hungry, but they made it tolerable. We also had a new freshman join us who moved from Michigan. It was great to see the team welcome her in and seemed as her and her friend visiting had a good time. In the end, the clean up went fast and I didn't have to work too hard to get everyone to help out. Now it's time to sleep, as we have one more big event day ahead before a little break.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 233]:~ Near and Far

~:[CH3 - Day 233]:~ Near and Far
As far as it sounds, the bike to the Huntington Beach Pier and back has become routine for most, as we had another 35 people join us at the pier this year. While we have the occasional flat tire or chain issues, for the most part, the pier has become much closer than it has been in the past. It always is an exhausting day, but well worth all the effort it takes to get it done. I even got to have a quick chat with Andrew Quan who happened to be working across the street for the day. Awesome!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 232]:~ On the Recruiting Trail

~:[CH3 - Day 232]:~ On the Recruiting Trail
Our team's theme this year is the roots of success and essentially it goes along with the idea that each individual contributes his or her part to the team. Whether it be the running aspect, the spirit, the fun, the hard work, the improvement, great character and more! We had a number of those athletes contribute their part to hit the recruiting trail today at the freshman orientation. They faced some difficulty with the students and didn't quite get the results that they wanted, but as the day progressed, they started to find more and more success. Ultimately, we finished with group 10, who, after one guy agreed to sign up and was met with cheers, influenced almost his entire group to sign their names on the list! While I am not sure how many of these students we'll end up having on our team, it was quite the cool experience and a lesson for us all. I always love to hear how the athletes approach their recruiting and while I have to often have to talk to them to make sure they are not being too annoying or interrupting the tours, it's great to see them out there working so hard to get new athletes. Ultimately, we ended up with over 110 new names to track down in a single day's work! None of those names were duplicates and their information panned out to be real. Let's see how many of these end up as part of the ohana come September and what each of them contributes this season!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 231]:~ Welcome to the Farm

~:[CH3 - Day 231]:~ Welcome to the Farm
One led to another and soon enough, I had a farm on my dash board. I started with the chemo duck to support the fight against cancer. Then I thought he was lonely so I gave him some friends to spend time with. It's been an adventure as I add each one, trying to get them to stay, but ultimately, the end up staying and become part of the family. With most coming from Fullerton, a few are additions from afar, Bishop. The newbies have had a little issues staying put, but I'm sure after a day in the sun, they'll find their place. Meet the (back row) Quack, Winger, Jimmy, Fred, Webster, Swift, Taylor, Papa, Jane, Bobo, Harry, Freeta, Mary, Arddy, Hoot (front row) Squeal, Manny, Speedy, Diana, Dionne, Courtney, and Ruff. Haha ... they're really not named, but it was fun doing so. In any case, if you're every by my car, come check it out.

Monday, August 18, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 230]:~ Seven Years Later

~:[CH3 - Day 230]:~ Seven Years Later
Today is always a difficult day but also becomes a day that I can check where I am at. I've come here every year since to pay my respects, but also to just have an internal conversation with her. Often, that conversation starts before I even get there. It's amazing how a program can be changed not by someone who comes in as a super star speeding to record times but by someone who came in and worked so hard every day to improve and get better. Who knows what times she would have ran that season and beyond, but all I know is I would have been proud of her regardless. I think of her smiles, her laughter, and her energy, much of which, I was lucky enough to have on video to help remind me that you must make the most of your everyday, enjoy it, and try to make even the worst of situations into something positive. In my latest blog, "Truly Living," I worry that people will not remembers this; that those in the program will not remember this. We're always engulfed in all that we have to do that sometimes we forget all the amazingness that surrounds us and the attention we must also pay to ensure that what surrounds us gets the attention it deserves as well. People will often go the extra mile to improve themselves and reach their goals, but will they also be willing to do the same for those around them or better yet, sacrifice to give even more of themselves to help others? I ask myself that all the time. Am I selfless enough? thoughtful enough? loving enough? Seven years later, it's still a struggle, but as with many things in life, we move on, carrying the memories of her in our hearts and hoping that a program will not forget her, no matter how many years go by. The only way that is possible though is if we remind each other of all the lessons we have learned from this beautiful angel who you would expect nothing but the best from and generated generations of athletes who received the same warmth and love she may have given them with a laugh and a smile.

-[The General]- Truly Living

-[The General]- Truly Living

Some days you just sit back and shrug your shoulders. Why did I get so involved in the drama? Why was I so upset? Why did I react the way I did ... or say what I said ... or stay silent throughout the night?

Tonight was not one of those nights. I did not think for a second about the hatred I had for someone or how upset I was at someone else. I did not have much weighing on my mind in terms of drama, in fact, I don't think I had any today. Today, I was truly living - sharing what I could with others, spreading love, and doing what I could to make this day a memorable one, no matter how much or how little I did.

Similar to many, I get emotional, riled up, upset, but when I do, I try to get myself grounded and try  to step back to ask myself why? Why should I waste moments of my life upset, sad, and emotional, when I could be living these precious moments of my life. Why should I risk ending with someone on a bad note, when I can ensure myself that they knew that despite our faults and all the problems that we have, ultimately, there is nothing but love between us. Why should I involve myself in drama, when I should surround myself with a group of people who will love me unconditionally and likewise, I can do the same, creating a bond that can be described as nothing more than an ohana, hereditary or not.


I always thought that the more time passed by, the easier things would get, however, as time moves on, I realized that I must work harder to pass along this message. To make sure that people don't forget that we must make the most of every moment, that you never know what moment will be your last or the last moment of someone who you hold dear, or when it will be the last opportunity for you to do something you've always wanted to do. While I do not fear that anyone who was there that day will forget and carry the message with them forever as it is rooted within them, I fear that the generations ahead who we come across will take the sacred word ohana for granted and that idea that you must make the most of every moment that you have. To them, I leave this message ...

"Go forward and make the most of every moment you have. Treat those you love with the love and care that they deserve, treating them better than you would yourself; similarly treat strangers with respect as well. In all that you do, do it with all of your heart, your soul and your self, not for your own satisfaction, but to serve as a model for others that doing it any other way is unacceptable. 

When you face obstacles and struggles, control your emotions, keep things in perspective and don't forget to seek the help of the ohana that surrounds you. Never let pessimism, negativity and all those trying to stop you from progressing forward and reaching your goals, as overcoming all the obstacles and struggles ahead requires that you stay positive, hopeful, and courageous. Know that you will make mistakes along the way, but getting back up, learning from your mistakes, and trying again will help bring you closer to your goals. Life will ask you to sacrifice, to do things under the most extreme circumstances and to overcome odds you never thought you could, but life would never ask this of you, if you were not capable of it. 

Be good to people; expecting nothing from them but the warmth that it brings your heart. Be selfless, be brave and rise above all that aims to bring you down. Ultimately, above all else, smile, laugh, and never forget how beautiful this world can be if you look through the right lens. 

While things may not always fall into place, while life will hand you sadness, pain, and sorry, while you may never become a millionaire,  and while you may never see yourself on the big screen starring in a feature film, you will find yourself truly living when you touch the life of someone close to you and cement a place in their heart for an eternity. It is then that even in death will you find yourself truly living."

As we all move on with our daily lives, whether it be to work, school or wherever else the winds may take you, remember this. Seven years ago, I learned to do this and to make the most of every moment and today, I remind myself of what I must set out to do. Will I forgot along the way? I am sure I will. However, if the message is truly being carried on, I need not worry that there will be someone there to help me back on track when I stray from the path. As while darkness will surround us all on our journey at some point, it will required us to search for that light that can help guide us to our destination. Use your light, not only to guide yourself, but to help others find their way, as it is together as an ohana that you will find yourself truly living even when darkness tries to overshadow the beautiful and wonderful light that shines within every one of us.

RNR Ohana

Sunday, August 17, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 229]:~ Extreme Selfies

~:[CH3 - Day 229]:~ Extreme Selfies
Can you even tell this is a selfie? In the new day and age of selfie monopods/sticks, phone activated cameras and the like, taking a selfie is easier than ever. Yes, I was holding the camera in this shot which was just after a quick catch up session. It's always nice to see how people are doing, even if it's just for a little bit. The day itself was a fairly relaxed one with a morning meeting, followed by a mound of paperwork, some design work, and then some little league. I really wanted to watch the amazing Nishibayashis run, bike and swim to success, but I forgot about a meeting and it was a bit too late. Glad to see that the tri was a success! In any case, while the night fades away, I realize how much of a thought provoking night this has been. I'm mentally exhausted so I guess it's time to sleep. Yay for selfies. 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 228]:~ Growing Up

~:[CH3 - Day 228]:~ Growing Up
After a good morning of running and feasting, I was able to enjoy a beautiful celebration for Eriel Uy. It was so incredible to see the beautifully decorated room and it was great to catch up with a number of my former students and to catch up with a few other people I knew. It's so amazing to see all the different aspects of an individual and all that they do, the lives that they touch, and all that they've accomplished as they grow up. Tonight, all of that was on display through the videos, the loving messages, the amazing performances and more. It was such a fun and entertaining night and while it ended much later than I anticipated, it went by so quickly. Thank you Eriel for allowing me to be apart of all of this. I know that much success awaits you in the future ahead. You have grown so much over the course of time that I have known you and I hope that the growth continues because there are many people that are just waiting for someone as amazing as you to enter their lives.

Friday, August 15, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 227]:~ A Beautiful Summer's Night

~:[CH3 - Day 227]:~ A Beautiful Summer's Night
As I walked through California Adventure, I realized how beautiful of a night it was. It wasn't too hot, but not cold. I walked with my t-shirt and shorts not freezing, but not sweating either. The streets weren't too crowded and as tired as I was, I was in a good place. Although I dreaded being there for a full day, we all made the most of it and ran into a few people along the way that made it more interesting. The lines were short, as aside from Toy Story, the longest line was waiting to get into Cove Bar, which was the biggest disappoint of the night, because at exactly 9pm, we were at the VERY front of the line being told, there were no more tables. However,with a few minutes wait at Radiator Springs, walking up to California Screaming, and of course, winning the Toy Story challenge we received by two athletes who were also at the park, it was a good and fun day. Of course, what better way to end a great day than with a beautiful World of Color display that while delayed, was fabulous as we watched it from the center. I am exhausted but in the end, it was all worth it, as a ticket to California Adventure, did not go to waste!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 226]:~ Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner

~:[CH3 - Day 226]:~ Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner
I'm not too sure where the phrase came from, but it is a phrase that summarized the day for the most part. After a morning time trial, I headed with a group to browse for some shoes before returning home to zoom over to John's Incredible Pizza. I played some games with Nalani and Makoa and we ended up winning pretty big! Makoa got his prize from the winnings. Afterward, I headed to Gahr where we started to show a bit more improvement, but know we are not quite where we want to be. With one second place finish, the day ended with one of our girls running the fastest time of the day. Instead of a chicken dinner though, we headed to a place with a bird as its mascot, Red Robin. With over forty people in attendance, it was definitely a great night and showing the spirit of this year's team!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 225]:~ Stop Bugging Me

~:[CH3 - Day 225]:~ Stop Bugging Me
Sometimes, you simply see a bug and swat it away and never look to closely at it to recognize how it functions and how amazing these creatures can be. What I originally thought to be a Japanese Beetle turned out to be a Green June Beetle (I think) according to what I found online. The beetle was found on the ground during our practice and looked as if it was hurt, so I fed it water with a Q-tip. It seemed to enjoy it so I kept it around me as we proceeded to the weight room. I continued to feed it water and it seemed to gain some strength back. It started fluttering its wings but did not start flying. Afterward, I found some granola bar on the ground, so I crushed it and fed it to the beetle who scarfed it all up. I couldn't believe how much it ate. With a drip of water, the beetle feasted in its new buffet. When I got home, I almost dropped the beetle and it ended up flying away after two hours! I got some amazing pictures and videos with my phone! In the afternoon, I played catch up in Newport Beach at Bear Flag Fish Company. It's a great place for poke lovers and knowing that, it was the perfect place to catch up, so perfect that the day before, we both had Pokinometry and stopped at the Anaheim Packing District without pre-planning it. I was already filled to the brim but decided that TapEx would make the day perfect and so I stopped off before heading home. Not only was I productive when I got home, I finished most of what I wanted to for the rest of the week today! It's a great feeling when this happens and while some of the work made me a little sad, ultimately, I am glad that I am done with most of it! So the next time you see something that you think might be a pest, maybe it will be just the thing that makes your day and motivate you to do more than you every thought possible!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 224]:~ Piled On

~:[CH3 - Day 224]:~ Piled On
Morning practice went well with my top girl and boys running solid workouts. As the morning progressed, I started craving Yoshinoya, so I made a stop on my way home. I enjoyed the deliciousness before taking a short nap. The nap didn't help as much as I wanted as it was still hard to focus on the work I had ahead to do. Afternoon practice was in Irvine as we got in a very good workout along a beautiful trail. Heading out as far as we did, we got to see a few views I hadn't come across before. On the way home, I was able to stop off at Pokinometry to get a bowl of deliciousness similar to last time, but with a bit more toppings. I also ended up with a quick stop at the Anaheim Packing District. The parking was pretty bad and it was pretty crowded for a Tuesday night. I ended up running into Ali, Kacie and Lisa while I was there, which was nice. In the end, I didn't get anything from there, but was greeted with Frostbites when I got home, which gave me just what I needed for a good night's sleep.

Monday, August 11, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 223]:~ New Friends

~:[CH3 - Day 223]:~ New Friends
It was tough waking up for morning practice on the Monday after Mammoth, but I was able to get to school before the 6am start. We go early on Monday's to finish before it gets warm. The athletes did fairly well, getting in their 10. We got a nice treat afterwards as we got a few visitors including this cutie, Adele who is being trained! She is quite the doll and even came to my rescue when I called for help lying on the floor. After spending the morning playing with the dog and working out the knots from the week in Mammoth, I was able to get my car door fixed, finally! It was the first time I got to drive it in over a week! Most of the day was left to clean up after Mammoth, total up the points for Mammoth [camp won by the younger girls (red) condo this year], and just catching up on some sleep. I was able to grab some TapEx today, which pretty much made my day. While in Bishop, I bought a ghost pepper beef jerkey. I wanted to wait until I had a bathroom nearby when I ate it. On my latest vlog, I ate it and finished it. Sadly, it was not as hot as I thought it would be. Care to try it, Phil Hulett?

On a side note, it was sad to see the news of the passing of Robin Williams. He was in so many of the movies I saw growing up and he was such a great actor. While I never got to meet him, those who had always say how great of a guy he was. While he filled our lives with laughter and joy, whether as a genie, as a woman, as a fantasy character in Peter Pan, and more, it makes you realize that you never really know who needs your help. While he may have had some documented depression issues, as funny as he was, it could have been his way of calling out for help. Let us all remember to never forget to reach out to those around us who may be calling for us to help them, as it may be the difference in their lives. RIP to a wonderful man - Robin Williams.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 222]:~ Saying Goodbye

~:[CH3 - Day 222]:~ Saying Goodbye
The morning after Mammoth is a difficult one to wake up on. However, after trying to stay up for the end of the Angel's game marathon, it was even more difficult. Of course, I did and even had time to put away the coolers, clean up a bit before heading out. My phone was dead, so I didn't receive any of the messages being sent to me, as I found out that I was suppose to be ready to go to eat. Without my van, I got picked up, as we headed to Ocean Star for dim sum to say farewell to this kid, Thien-Nam To. The day also included Half & Half, Piranha Sushi, and Snowflakes and by the end of the day, I was rolling. It was not the easiest to say goodbye, but it's always expected that this day would come. To my psuedo-son who said "I quit" almost every day, who I almost cut freshman year, who ditched practices to flip, who became the first boy to make CIF Finals in XC, to the kid who became a great coach and an even better friend, I wish you nothing but the best in Kentucky. While I know you will miss us and all that SoCal has to offer, I know that being away will show you a lot that will help you along in life and I know that you'll come back an even better and more successful person, ready to distribute legal drugs to the world. Show them all what SoCal people are all about!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 221]:~ Heading Home

~:[CH3 - Day 221]:~ Heading Home
And today ends my twelfth Mammoth Camp as a coach at Cerritos and my 19th overall. I can't believe how fast time flies including this week. While I love the experience of camp and working with the athletes, it's always great to head back home to where you can find your comfort zone. The drive back was smooth, as we arrived back on time. After cleaning up, we headed to Sweetee Thai and enjoyed a delicious meal. A great week, coming home, and a delicious meal to the end the day with great friends, what more could you ask for?

Friday, August 8, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 220]:~ Rising Up

~:[CH3 - Day 220]:~ Rising Up
On one of the most challenging days of the year, 47 people made it to the lake from our group this year, as we trekked all the way with the 3100 foot elevation gain. The record was once again broken as a pair made it in 56:46 even with our new assistant coach waiting one of our athletes. I didn't think I was going to head towards the lake this year, but I definitely wanted to help Melinda get to the lake, so we slowly trekked the last leg of the hike together and made it! The rest of the day saw some rest, some good performances and videos, and of course, a last night together as a group.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 219]:~ Unified Through Competition

~:[CH3 - Day 219]:~ Unified Through Competition
Camp Olympics is always interesting to see as you never really know who is going to rise to the occasion. This year, the counselors did another fantastic job on a lot of the games, but a few others teams did come through and surprise here and there. After a great morning at the Craters and a successful camp olympics, the teams came together in their meetings to hash out their plans for the season. It's always great when they can get the discussion going on what's ahead. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 218]:~ A Little (Un)Friendly Competition

~:[CH3 - Day 218]:~ A Little (Un)Friendly Competition
After a beautiful morning run on the ridge, the team got together for their first day of outdoor camp competitions. The counselors really did well throughout the day while the rest of the teams were able to split various competitions. After a day in Mammoth, we headed down to Bishop to get in some bowling. Along with the normal camp comp games, we had a challenge. One of the parents and my cousin Marcus challenged me and that parent's daughter, one of our captains. In the end, it came down to the last frame where we snuck out a two pin victory! Definitely a great day of (un)friendly competition.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 217]:~ Life's Delicious

~:[CH3 - Day 217]:~ Life's Delicious
The morning brought a beautiful, new hike into the fold, as the fires forced us to change plans a bit. We drove down to Rock Creek Lake and hooked up to the trailhead in the area to hike through the lakes. It was a very beautiful hike and although we missed out on one of the favorite hikes of the group, they seemed to enjoy it. After getting a work day to prep for various activities, we headed to Eagles' Landing and got in a quick afternoon workout. Some of the athletes were happy to run the trail after missing out on it last year. We headed directly to the Nike Outpost and stayed for a bit longer than expected since we had a big group buying items. After dinner, each team brought in their cooking item for the burger and dessert challenge. This year I was in charge of our burgers so I made a rosemary burger, a kimchee burger and a guac-bacon burger. We had crepes for our dessert. We ended up finishing first and second. It was definitely interesting seeing all the creations and it was definitely a delicious night.

Monday, August 4, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 216]:~ Scenic Adventures

~:[CH3 - Day 216]:~ Scenic Adventures
The morning started off at one of my favorite runs, Convict Lake. The weather was still a bit cold and so we did our normal run but not much more. We got our breakfast together in a fairly quick fashion which gave us plenty of time to relax and enjoy. We headed to the park to play our annual coaches/alumni versus athletes game, as one of our athletes finished her career 0-4. It ended up being a closer game than we had hoped but pulled away late. After clinic, we did a limited workout due to the smoke that rolled in from Reds Meadow. Our experimental chicken night was a success where we had BBQ pineapple chicken, healthy chicken with peach juice, strawberry chicken spice and home friend chicken. We ended the night with skits and a few camp comps which ended up being pretty fun. Looks like this year's competition will be close.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 215]:~ No Rain, No Rainbows

~:[CH3 - Day 215]:~ No Rain, No Rainbows
As we woke up early after a challenging Friday, we had a challenge early on at our meeting spot, as an athlete overslept. Not hearing from him, we were about to leave, when he arrived, late but on time enough to catch the bus. On the ride, it rained almost the entire way, something I've never experienced in my 19 years going to Mammoth. However, despite the rain, it wasn't a difficult ride at all, except for one time we had to drive next to a truck who was spraying water in the air. We got to all our stops early and with all the help we have up here, the unload process went pretty smoothly. We had our normal run without any additional work because of the rain, but with everything changing because of the rain, just remember - no rain, no rainbows. Always know that while our lives may be filled with storms that there is always something good to look for as long as you're looking for it. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 214]:~ The Uphill Climb

~:[CH3 - Day 214]:~ The Uphill Climb
 Yes, I kind of just feel like that. Exhausted and beat from a day full of challenges. After a beautiful morning practice with overcast skies, pho was calling loud and clear as it was perfect weather for it. After a quick meal, we began the long dreaded day, which started at Costco. After getting through under my guestimate, we packed it all up in very timely fashion and it seemed like all was good. After picking up a few more things, I realized that I finished my paperwork early and figured, it would be smooth sailing. I spoke too soon. The stationary bike wouldn't fit in my van then my van door wouldn't close which resulted in me having to rent a car last minute and then we had to switch two cars. While the lady helping us was nice, they definitely provided some difficulties for us. After figuring everything out, we loaded the cars and of course, it starts to rain. From the warm weather Thursday to rain on Saturday, I guess Marcus' rain dance really worked. However, with the help of a great support group, I survived the day, I packed, I moved everything in position to be loaded in the morning and I am going to get a good night's rest tonight after a fantastic dinner. I'm hoping for blue skies this week in Mammoth, however, if not, at least I got some training in early to prepare me for any obstacles heading my way!

Friday, August 1, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 213]:~ Shop 'Til You Drop

~:[CH3 - Day 213]:~ Shop 'Til You Drop
I love shopping for Mammoth, but I hate prepping for it. Today was the first of two shopping days for Mammoth, as we took home a boatload of items from Costco ... four flats in fact which turned into four flats and two carts. In any case, buying all this food was quite exhausting but we have to go and turn around and get some more tomorrow! The morning was filled with fun as we had our annual Watermelon Relay. We tried hard this year, but only lost one watermelon in the battle. It ended up being good since we had a lot to eat. The rest of the day saw cleaning and sorting as tomorrow is the big prep day. I need some luck tomorrow to get everything prepped and completed.