Thursday, November 30, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 334]:~ The Welcoming Spirit

~:[CH6 - Day 334]:~ The Welcoming Spirit
It was easy to wake up in the morning for my train simply because I was already awake. Since it was so close to the time that I needed to wake up, I began to work until it was time to shower and head out. It was a long trek to Amagasaki-shi, leaving at 5am and arriving sometime around 9:30am. I had some time to kill, so I walked around Osaka Castle and then wandered around Amagasaki. I was amazed at how welcoming the staff was as I met their principal and two vice principals, almost their entire staff, along with a few other people along the way. They greeted me with tea (twice), a nice tour around their school and even had someone take me around the classes when Tsipporah was working. We got to meet some elementary students as they had a cool program where the elementary students came to get taught by the high school students. They broke them up into six different rooms and had various experiments that the elementary students would perform with the guidance of the high school students. I was impressed by this and hoped that our school could adopt something like this, as it could help both the elementary and the high school. We do a little bit of this with MUN, but still think that a program like this could be beneficial. In any case, it was great to catch up with Tsipporah and to watch her in action. She has such a strong presence and great character which showed in her teaching and how the students responded to her. So many students said hello to her in the hallways and even outside the campus and we walked to grab dinner. While teaching, her positive energy showed, as her smile and laugh radiated a magnetic energy to the students. They were shy and quiet, but still, you could tell they were interested. It was a great day to sit in and while I didn't feel my best today, the day itself lifted my energy and my spirits. I still am in awe in how welcoming everyone was and just how respectful the students were. From the bowing as they passed to the attention in class to the responsibility of cleaning up the school at the end of the day, I was impressed. I hope to one day visit the school again and am glad for the experience. I ended up on an earlier train back to Tokyo which will allow me to get the rest I need for tomorrow's new adventure, but I will forever remember the amazing experience I had today. There are many things that I learned in such a short span of time and I hope that my experience will not go to waste, as I hope to use the things I picked up today in the very near future. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 333]:~ R&R

~:[CH6 - Day 333]:~ R&R
Today I planned something rare among my vacations, a day to rest and relax. I love to use the most of every minute of my days, but today, I decided to just take a chill day. I grabbed lunch with an alum at a famous tonkatsu place in Takadanobaba. It was a long line and strangely enough, we ended up in line next to a couple who went to UC Irvine and the guy was originally from Cerritos. Strange how small the world is. I was starting to doubt that the wait was a smart decision as we stood there for a longer period of time, but when I took my first bite, I wasn't in doubt any longer. The tenderness of the pork along with the flakiness of the panko was truly amazing. It almost felt like katsuobushi as the breading because it was so light. Amazing! I was truly in heaven with every bite and while I left full, was definitely craving more as I walked out of the restaurant. After a brief chat, I wandered around the area before heading back to the hotel for my planned worked day. I caught up on dramas, did some work, and found myself passed out for the rest of the night. It was nice to sleep, especially because I was a little tired and had a long day ahead. I wish I got more work done, but tomorrow, will be a train work day and hopefully I can get most of what I need done completed. As while I could have tried to get it all done today, I know that sometimes you just need to refresh yourself a bit so that you can focus on what you're doing. I guess today was my cleanse for the final stretch ahead. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 332]:~ Seasons Change

~:[CH6 - Day 332]:~ Seasons Change
The day started how it ended in awe. I guess that's how the season's are, very cyclical. As I walked into the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, I was in awe of the fall foliage that we do not get in Los Angeles. The richness of the reds, oranges, and yellows in contrast to the green was incredible and it was a reminder of how life is. The contrasts between seasons can be intense for some and mild for others, but regardless, we all go through these changes. From the days of green, where the flowers blossom, to the days of sunshine in the summer, the aging in the fall, and the final stages in the winter. The changes in life are quite evident, but the one things that remains is the core. In life, we face so many difficulties, we go through so many struggles, but we also have moments to celebrate and store deep in the roots of our life. Like the trees, we all move at our own pace, with some of the trees still green, others becoming the colors of fall and some shedding their leaves all together. As in life, we do these things at our own pace, yet in doing so, we create a beautiful display that is life, as people contrast each other, not to compare each one of us to another, but to show our differences. After a day that I ventured to one of the best meals I had in Tokyo, gyukatsu, to the heights of Sky Tree, to the hipster area of Shiokitazawa, and finishing catching up with a friend in Shinjuku, I was reminded by a message I received that in life, what we see is not always what there is. Some will show green all the time while others will change with the seasons, but the question is, is the core of the tree strong enough to withstand the challenges that life poses ahead. Are the roots of the tree solid in the ground anchoring us to withstand the tests of time with each of us anchoring ourselves in our own way - faith, friends, ohana. As I reflected on my own life, I thought about all the things I wish to shed this fall and what I want my core to be and how my choices and efforts can impact those around me. While I don't want to be swayed by those around me, one of the core values I hold dear is to provide for those around me. My evening to reflect left me in state of happiness in the joys I have had this year, the sadness of the painful memories of the past, the fear of the uncertainty of the future, and the excitement of the celebrations we have together, but just like the seasons, these things will come and go, but if we go through each of these seasons helping each other anchor ourselves into the ground, keep our core strong, what people see will not show who we are, rather will just be a part of what makes us into the people that we are. The beauty of the fall foliage will soon disappear as the winter will cause many of these trees to shed their beautiful leaves. A dusting of snow will cover the park, as many of the trees will stand bare, but much like visual beauty will come and go, the true beauty of each of these trees as they stand strong to live another season. 

Monday, November 27, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 331]:~ A Little Farfetch'd

~:[CH6 - Day 331]:~ A Little Farfetch'd 
I found myself wandering through the back roads on my way back to the hotel as it was getting dark. It was still early, but with the winter coming, the days grew much shorter. I had just ventured out to Meiji Jingu to Takeshita Street and a quick stop at the owl cafe. The owl cafe was unplanned, but somehow it ended up being a place I had stopped and there was no regret in doing so. I almost got pooped on, but luckily, my little friend was kind enough to avoid me (probably not on purpose). I got to rest in the morning, as the Pokemon flocked towards me in the comforts of my own bed. That's right, Pokemon Go yielded more Kangaskhan and Farfetch'd than I could ever have dreamed of. Regardless, all this was the appetizer to my day, as friend always top to the list for the day. It was great to meet up with my friend from Los Angeles. The toughest part about traveling abroad alone is having someone to talk to who speaks the same language, not just in fragments, but completely. It was a little strange of how much of a local I felt, yet how I felt like a foreigner the most at the same time. Eating among the business-likes of the area, I got the local feel, but with everything only being in Japanese, I also got the out of place feel as well. For a minute, I felt like, I wasn't here on vacation, but starting off on a new journey and I was trying to adjust to the local culture. The idea of moving here is more of a "farfetch'd" idea, but it's an idea that was fun to entertain for now. As I walked home doing the same thing that I did when I started the morning, I easily navigated my way through the ridiculously crazy Shinjuku station and continued through my day feeling like a local. I guess there comes a moment for us all where we try to adjust to our surroundings. While it's not about conforming, there comes that moment that you were searching for the entire time, to not feel out of place, while still being yourself. With enough effort, I found that moment and I know that all those struggling with finding their own path in the midst of all the craziness of this world (much like Shinjuku station), stay the course, as you'll find that moment. It's not as Farfetch'd as it seems. 

Sunday, November 26, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 330]:~ Bottoms Up

~:[CH6 - Day 330]:~ Bottoms Up
Many people associate the terms bottoms up with drinking, but personally in my life, I've never been a drinker. It started off with a bet, then it was something I chose not to spend money and also realized I didn't always like how people became when they drink, so it never was something I was into. Thus, while I travel the world, I don't go to hit up bars or see the party scene but to see what other things I can discover. Regardless, some of those things can be found in the hidden bars and restaurants where drinking is popular. It was a great day with one of my friends who I have known the longest. We ventured around Ikebukuro area and ate at a wonderful sushi place where I also finally got to eat Fugu! We ventured around the shops, stopped by the aquarium and Sky Circus and even got to see some performances at the shopping center where a number of musicians and groups were performing. It's nice to see the area and while somethings were touristy, it was also nice to mix in a bit of local flavor. In life, you have to make your choices and I've done my share and I'm definitely glad that exploration is one of them, as I've seen so much and learned so much along the way. However, today was a good day and there is reason to celebrate, so let's all raise our glasses and cheers, making a toast to a great week ahead. 

~:[CH6 - Day 329]:~ Losing Time

~:[CH6 - Day 329]:~ Losing Time
The toughest part about traveling abroad is time. You lose a lot of it normally and also suffer the consequences of jet lag. I normally sleep pretty well in planes, so typically jet lag isn't a huge issue for me. Because of the lost time, this was the shortest "day' for me, as I arrived at night with enough time to catch up with a friend, grab dinner and hang out watching a game. It was a nice relaxing way to start off my trip and while there are number of meet ups left, I'll cherish each moment, as while the time change and flight may have taken time away from me, I'm definitely not going to waste any of it. 

Friday, November 24, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 328]:~ Work & Play

~:[CH6 - Day 328]:~ Work & Play
It's always hard to find a work/life balance especially if you want to make enough to enjoy that life half of the balance. However, I am getting closer to trying to get all of my work done, while also doing the things I want to do. It's not always perfect and sometimes I make an error in planning, but in the end, I'm doing what I want to do in the constraints that I have. Today was all about traveling and overall it ended up being a smooth trip. The people I sat next to all got up at the same time, which allowed me to avoid the "excuse me" moment when I needed to go to the bathroom. We all were pretty considerate of each other which is not always the case. Regardless, I got work done as I waited for my flight and caught up on some sleep on the plane. Soon, I'll be able to enjoy the adventure ahead, but since I'm losing a day, there won't be much to write about today. So I'll finish with a bit of advice, don't forget to enjoy your life and while working hard is good, working yourself to the bone is not. Always leave time for yourself. On the other end, playing is great, but also don't forget that you have responsibilities on the table. I'm sure we all know this, but just a little PSA, as I head off on my adventure. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend and I can't wait to see you all when I get back. 

Thursday, November 23, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 327]:~ Giving Thanks

~:[CH6 - Day 327]:~ Giving Thanks
I fell asleep before everyone left, exhausted, yet full of gratitude. To be together, even for a bit, with those who I love is amazing and today I got to see my ohana, my friends and my family. As I woke up at 4am and headed to the race, I always wonder why I do this to myself. I could easily sleep in and relax, rather, I go to this race. While exhausting however, it's one of the many things I'm grateful for. Similarly to squeeze in time for a friends and to spend time cooking for this meal, all the while packing for tomorrow, you wonder why you put yourself through it all. Then you realize, because it's all worth it. It's worth it to spend some time supporting the team, catching up with friends, loving your family and also praising God. In all the stress of the holidays, there's that moment that you realize why you do it all and why this time of year is so special. The holiday decorations, the food and the greetings are all great, but there is something deeper and indescribable that makes these days special. Sure, I hope that this feeling of gratitude is something that I feel all year, however, in these few days, it's nice that we can all take the time to come together to give thanks to one another. I am so lucky to have a family that is so loving and supportive. to have friends who deal with me even though I am often MIA, to have an ohana who always puts their best foot forward, and to have a God who loves me unconditionally. On this day and every day of my life, I am grateful to be as blessed as I am. I know not where the road ahead will take me, but at least I know that the road I traveled so far has been amazing, all because of those who surround me today and for that, I am thankful. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 326]:~ The True Jackpot

~:[CH6 - Day 326]:~ The True Jackpot
I ended my trip in Vegas with a quick win. No, it wasn't a jackpot, but it sure felt like one, as in a short span, I more than tripled my money. Regardless, it wasn't a relined pocket that had me beaming, rather it was the true jackpot of the day that reeled me in. From friends to family, the holidays are filled with moments that you will never forget. The food is delicious, but the time you get to spend with people is every more precious. Even before meeting up with my family, this rang every so true as I met up with a mother who shows what the true jackpot is. She cares for her family, has endured so many heartbreaks and still is as welcoming as anyone I know. She loves the people around her as much as she loves her children and those close to her. I always feel so uplifted and amazing after I spend time with her and it's no wonder why I feel rich after spending time with her. She has showed me what a good heart and faith can do and showed me what the true jackpot in life is. As while we dream of becoming rich and successful, there's nothing greater than the richness of the heart and soul. I ended tonight so full, not of food, but of love that was overflowing. However, unlike Vegas, hitting this jackpot was not accident and was not a stroke of luck, rather a dedication toward God and those around her. Her time, her energy, and her love gave her the best odds, which is why there is no surprised that she hit the jackpot and shared the joys of it with all of us. Let's hope we can all find our way to this same jackpot that is greater than any we could have every imagined. 

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 325]:~ Different Strokes

~:[CH6 - Day 325]:~ Different Strokes
He measures how often he plays on a weekly basis, mine on a yearly basis; however, that doesn't impact how we get along. Every year, our round in Vegas is a relaxing one where it's not about how we shoot, but the fact that we are playing together. It's a nice getaway from the overly-busy schedule I have back and home and while there is a mound of work I need to finish in the next few weeks, it's worth putting it aside for this quality time. We may be in very different situations, but we seem to be in sync with one another and our annual trip always solidifies it. There is minimal stress and lots of relaxation and while it would be nice to win a bit more money, in the end, the time we spend is priceless and no amount of money could make us happier. Tomorrow we venture back home to spend more precious time with family, but the past few days have been precious. No matter how many differences we have, I always know that we will be walking stride for stride by one another for the rest of our lives.

Monday, November 20, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 324]:~ More Than Meets the Eye

~:[CH6 - Day 324]:~ More Than Meets the Eye
If someone were to describe this dish, the would probably taught about its beauty, how delicious it looks, etc. Our society often is quick to judge by appearances and often doesn't leave room to see more than meets the eye. Our society has been so engrossed in what something should look like and what beauty is, that they forget to look at the core. As no matter how a dish appears, what makes up the dish will be more important than its presentation. Getting away on vacation has allowed me time to relax and to think. It has allowed me to self-reflect and think about how I can change in order to make sure that the ingredients that go into me are high quality and will make my dish the best possible, making sure there truly is more than meets the eye. It's hard to avoid the social trends that have been engrained in our minds, however, I will do my best going forward that I can see people at their core and let that be what I see. 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 323]:~ Just Enough in the Tank

~:[CH6 - Day 323]:~ Just Enough in the Tank
It was tough for everyone after spending a day at Six Flags. We enjoyed a nice breakfast together and worked our way over to the course. It was a beautiful day and while the sun beat down on the racers, there was still a cool breeze around the park. It was a decently rough course at parks with a lot of turns which slowed the times down, but I was impressed with how our athletes came to race. Even when not feeling their best, they expended what they had and gave their best effort, which made me so proud. With four medalists and five qualifiers for Tallahassee out of five athletes, it was quite the pleasant day. We enjoyed Tpumps on our way home and I got to catch up with an alum out there before heading home. It was a bonus in a busy day, which wasn't over yet. I cleaned up, repacked and then headed out to Vegas with my dad, as we just had enough gas to make it to Vegas, yet we decided to fill up anyway. I am pooped now that I am here in Vegas, but sometimes, it's nice when you reach the end of the day and you just have enough in the tank. You may feel exhausted and ready to KO, but at least you know you made the most of your day, much like my athletes made the most of their race today. 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 322]:~ No Breaking the Magic

~:[CH6 - Day 322]:~ No Breaking the Magic
It was a little sad as we were driving out to Valencia, as it should have been a day that we could be racing. However, we didn't allow that to break the magic of the day. Since we were racing in the area, we headed out and spent the day at Six Flags and it was one of the best decisions we made. The lines were long, but not outrageous, as we were able to ride on all the best rides and also get some great photos ops among the new holiday decorations all around. This group of five was so well connected that the lines passed by super quickly and despite the fact that the rides broke down three times, twice when we were in front, they did not let that destroy the day. I think that's a good lesson for us all. Things are not going to go well, but ultimately, we need to keep our spirits up and our mind positive if we want to keep the magic up. Good things don't just come to people who are lucky, as a positive spirit and always keeping your eyes open to good things around you, gives you better odds at making magic. Don't limit your chances at creating magic, rather, make the most of each day and don't let minor delays and obstacles stop you from reaching all the good that is waiting for you ahead. At the end of the night, they thanked me for the day, but ultimately, I was thankful for another magical opportunity that they provided. 

Friday, November 17, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 321]:~ Outside the Classroom

~:[CH6 - Day 321]:~ Outside the Classroom
It may not have been the best game I have played in the kickoff games, but I still had a blast. It's one thing to get to know students within the walls of the classroom, but to do activities outside of the classroom is even more important. You get to see the students in a new light and they get to see you in a new perspective as well. It's important in order to build trust and a strong relationship so that they have more respect for you and vice versa. Regardless, the staff had a strong start and barely held on to the victory while the coaches had a pretty dominating performances. With a few studs out there, I didn't even need to touch the ball on offense much and that was probably better for us. As I reconnected with alumni and sat back and enjoyed the games, I thought, this was the perfect way to start the break. It will be a busy one, but I think I'm ready for it all. 

Thursday, November 16, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 320]:~ Our Story

~:[CH6 - Day 320]:~ Our Story
I always love grading projects like this. To look through the creative stories and messages they send through their work can be inspiring. It also makes me think about people and each of our own stories. I think within our society, conformity is very common and people don't want their story to stick out from others. They want to have similar adventures and have as few bumps in the road as possible. However, the reality is that our variations is what makes this world great. It makes us interesting and while some of that story can be sad and heartbreaking it is also what develops us as people. It helps us grow and learn and become the people who we are. While there is a template for how many movie and show scripts grow, in life, our story shouldn't fit that template. We shouldn't be afraid to allow our story to go in a direction where we want it to ahead and we shouldn't be afraid to share our story, as there is no reason to be embarrassed by our present, our past and our future. Don't confine yourself by the "social norms," rather, write the story you want to write. Don't judge people around you for the lives they life, rather be there to support them and mentor them in any way that they may need. Open your eyes to the world around you and don't think that the Hollywood script is the only way that a life should be lived. I'm proud of my story, mistakes and all and  I hope that you are too. I'm here to listen to your story and hopefully together, we can all write a scripts worth listening to.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 319]:~ The Past, The Present, The Future

~:[CH6 - Day 319]:~ The Past, The Present, The Future
It was a day of nostalgia for many of my athletes who went to Tetzlaff as they worked the middle school meet there. They got reacquainted with their middle school coach and got to see their siblings and old friends. Half of our group consisted of freshmen and the other half others, including five seniors. It was a nice mix of the present and the future of the team mixed in with those ten athletes who were once part of this Tetzlaff team. After scrip, I ended up catching up with an alumni over Korean BBQ and it was nice just relaxing a bit. I had a lot of my mind and needed to get away a bit so I could think clearly. By the time I got home, I was focused and got a lot of work done. Of course, sometimes when I work, it's simply a distraction from something I need to think about or plan. As what was ahead loomed in my mind, I was grateful to have a group of past athletes who established the foundation for this team, a present who get along so well together, and a young group who make our future look bright. The one interesting thing about the three is that as people move through their lives, they travel with all three trying to make sure they maintain a balance so that they don't live in the past, look too far into the future, or rush too quickly through the present. All three are apart of who you are, who you were and who you will be.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 318]:~ Going Viral

~:[CH6 - Day 318]:~ Going Viral
People often tell me that I'm crazy when they hear about my schedule or something that I am planning on doing. I often go through with what I want because as much time and energy that it might take, it's well worth it to me. So after work, I jumped in a car and drove up to Santa Barbara to do an interview, since I didn't have practice today. A meeting with one, turned into a catch up with five in Santa Barbara and three in LA. This is exactly why, you do what your heart tells you to do. You just never know where it will take you or how great of a day it will turn into. I interviewed someone who takes a similar approach. He goes and does what his heart tells him, he designs what his mind wants him to and he creates it. With a packed schedule, it's not easy to do, but he does it anyway and ultimately, it led him to three viral videos with over a million hits with one having over eight million plus all those views stolen from him. It's inspiring to hear people tell stories like this because it makes you realize that while sometimes the people around you have your best intention in mind, they also aren't the ones who should be making the decisions. You may make the wrong decision and you'll learn, but you also have to trust in yourself enough to make the decisions you need to make, for you, not them. As I venture on this documentary project, I am beginning to the diversity of thought among people and it's really helping me see the world in a whole new light. If I had the choice again, I'd jump in my car and do the five hour round trip drive all over again, as spending the day with all these wonderful people is what life is all about. While this post will probably not go viral, in my own eyes, it will, as it is special moments like today that replay in my mind over and over because they hold a special place in my heart and that's as viral as it gets for me. Congratulations on your success NARMAK and it was great catching up with all of you!

Monday, November 13, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 317]:~ Sweet November

~:[CH6 - Day 317]:~ Sweet November
It was a bit of a eerie day. A day that we don't have regular practice when I felt like we should, a scent through my room that I wish would go away, and an emotional hangover from the weekend on top of an awkward stomach due to my spicy challenges. It would have been easy to pass this day off as a loss, but it was also a day I would be able to grab my camera and get back into photo shoot mode. The day picked back up when I discovered the join venture of Curry House and Gudetama! The egg that somehow makes you smile brightened up my day and was a great transition to the start of a sweet November day. Truly, I mean sweet. I had tickets to the Museum of Ice Cream again and we got to shoot throughout the museum. It was slightly redesigned and I liked the new layout. There were some great ideas and ended up having a few new places that we could shoot. In the end, the day that started out so dreary, turned out to be one of the sweetest of them all. I guess you can never give up on a day, as you just never know how a day can turn in your favorite if you keep a positive aura and believe that even the worst of days can become just as sweet as today.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 316]:~ Up for the Challenge

~:[CH6 - Day 316]:~ Up for the Challenge
I waited until today to take on the challenge. Yes, I was stupid enough to do the buldak x 2 challenge and the one chip challenge (carolina reaper) in the same night. NOT A GREAT IDEA! However, I survived both and am living to tell the tale. I guess this is what I do when I have a little emotionally hangover from yesterday. Regardless, it was photos, kdramas and challenges for me today, as I didn't feel in the mood to do much of anything else. I guess it was a good call because I was pretty productive and caught up on organizing all of my photos from the entire year. Regardless, I sit here with my stomach still burning wondering why I took on these two challenges. In life, we do the same thing. We take on challenges for a number of reasons. We should always challenge ourselves, but then again, we should think about why we are taking on the challenge. Are we doing it to better ourselves, to prove to others that we can do it, or do we even know whey we are doing it? For me, I thought it was best to look at each situation and make sure that the challenge I took on was worth the rewards I was getting and also something that I wanted to take on. Thinking back to today, I may have made the wrong choice and the price I am going to pay later will be immense, however, there always is that sense of accomplishment I'll feel as I am suffering through BTS in the morning. Yes, that's right, I may have survived tonight, but tomorrow is a whole different story. 

Saturday, November 11, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 315]:~ Heartache & Heartbreak

~:[CH6 - Day 315]:~ Heartache & Heartbreak 
When you think of heartache and heartbreak, you think of something you lost. It could be a love, a loved one or something so dear to your heart. I often hear a heartbreaking loss and things along those lines, all of which, someone lost. Today, we ended our season in what they call "heartbreaking" fashion, as we did not advance after falling short on a tiebreaker. We were far from having our best races of the season, but our athletes gave it their all. However, to call today heartbreaking would incorrect. As with heartache and heartbreak, you lost, but how can you lose with a group like this. With a girls team who improved by over ten minutes through the season who return with a young core, to a group of goofy boys who have just as many freshmen as they do seniors. I do not have heartache and my heart did not break because this one day cannot define a season that will forever be so precious in my heart. From setting standards with boy team time records to just being a group whose chemistry far surpassed many of those teams who came before, I never wanted this season to end, but now that it has, my heart is full, as they left no room for me to be at a loss. Sure, it would have been great to advance, to spend another week with this group, but as we part today, we have left with each other a piece of ourselves and memories that will last a lifetime. With seniors who have been in the program since freshmen year to a group who only leaves the weight room when I close up shop, often when it's already dark outside. I am grateful that I have been so blessed with a group so special and I hope that they keep their heads held high and do not let today define them or their season. Life is full of heartaches and heartbreaks, but I will not let today go down as one. The words written across our chest is what defines our day and that is why today and this season we did not lose. We gained so much this year and they only need to look on either side of them to realize that. As while our heart is considered one of our the places we are most vulnerable, our ohana has ensured that even though pains of heartache and heartbreak can be immense that the shield of ohana will continue to protect us today and everyday moving forward. We are OHANA. 

Friday, November 10, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 314]:~ Sky High

~:[CH6 - Day 314]:~ Sky High
I'm not sure how I can feel so miserable right now, yet be smiling at how wonderful of a day it was today. While my dizziness returned and I went to school on a day off, we had a solid practice, got some good shots in and I had a great trip to LA today. It was a perfect balanced day off and while I canceled a Disneyland stop so I could get some rest, I still felt sky high as I wrote my messages to my athletes on their cards. It's always one of my favorite things to do, as it's kind of like signing a yearbook for cross country, as you can say all the things you wanted to say before. I guess just like my earlier post this week, it's something that I think we should get used to doing, as people need these words of affirmation so they can also feel sky high. By staying home, I found some time to post some pictures, catch up on some rest and get some work done and by night's end, I was ready for tomorrow's CIF meet. Watching the results from today's races got me excited, but being there tomorrow will be a whole different world. Regardless of what happens tomorrow, I will be happy with this group as I've enjoyed working with them and they definitely made this season feel as if I was sky high all season long. 

Thursday, November 9, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 313]:~ To Pace

~:[CH6 - Day 313]:~ To Pace
It's tough in our world today. We always seem to be in such a hurry that sometimes that leads to us forgetting about treating others with respect. We put ourselves and our time before others and don't have the ability to wait 20-30 seconds, ultimately ruining someone else's day and saving us insignificant amounts of time. Whether it was speeding past someone and impatiently passing by or simply not taking the time to care about those around you, you could have change someone else's day, but showing them respect and respecting their time and space as much as you did your own. Sometimes we are so busy in our lives taking care of things that we miss out on the opportunities to meet people, to grow and to spend quality time with those around us. Sometimes in life, we just need to pace ourselves, by not getting ahead of ourselves and by slowing things down so that we can enjoy all that we pass by along the way. At our CIF dinner tonight, I was thankful for the time we got to spend together, as we didn't worry much about the time, rather, we enjoyed each other's company, writing notes to each other and capturing these moments into our memories for a lifetime. It's easy for us to get wrapped up in all we need to do and accomplish, but if we can do all that, yet fail to take care of those closest to our, our success in finishing all that up, ends up being a failure. It's time we slow time and respect those around us and also time for us to slow down and soak in all the things that this world has to offer us. Today, I slowed things down and enjoyed seeing our team together, enjoying each other's company and demonstrated one of the reasons why we were so successful this season, our ohana bond. While it only took a little bit more time out of my day, I can guarantee that it was well worth it and I definitely consider it an investment  into a harmonious life ahead. 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 312]:~ A Greater Understanding

~:[CH6 - Day 312]:~ A Greater Understanding
I think one of the greatest things a person can do is to enrich themselves by engage themselves with another culture. Not simply visiting another country or eating its cuisine, but to truly learn about and appreciate the culture. While I have a long way to go, I think my ability to spend the time to truly learn as much as possible has helped me gain a greater understanding of the culture and slowly, I have picked up on the language. As I sat down in the weight room, making this sign, I guess I realized that it's true for all things. If we truly want to have a greater understanding, we cannot simply be interested in something, rather, we need to invest our time and efforts to truly understand what we are trying to appreciate. I am grateful to have all the opportunities I have and be surrounded with a diverse group of people who truly have opened my eyes to the world that exists around me. However aside from simply appreciating it, I must be ready to learn and grow before I can reach that point of understanding. For now, as I put my final strokes on the poster, I begin to see that the piece came out awesome, but what was even more awesome is all that I learned from those around me who continuously help me understand the world in which we live. 

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 311]:~ Something Rotten

~:[CH6 - Day 311]:~ Something Rotten
There was something rotten in the air today. My classroom had a slight odor, later realizing that it wasn't just isolated to my classroom. Regardless, I wondered exactly what that scent in the air was today. With sadness on how the election turned out and a few other things, it took a musical to remind me that when things seem rotten, you need to take a step back and see exactly what you're not seeing. You need to open your ears and your eyes so that you can truly evaluate where you are so you can figure out a way out of the mess. My life is far from a mess or from being rotten, but regardless, I can still implement strategies from even going near a place like that in the first place. A positive spirit, perseverance and a smile are big components of that success. As while all may feel like it's collapsing down on you, you also need to see the opportunities that lie where you currently find yourself. Not all days will be rainbows and sunshine, as sometime you have to sludge through the mush. However, you need to keep moving and keep your spirits up if you ultimately want to guide your way out of that rotten mess. Life will also be a challenge and in that challenge, you can begin to discover who you are and what you're made of. As while sometimes these moments are not pleasant, these are the moments that help mold you into the person you are today. As the musical goes, sour grapes become wine and those lemons can become lemonade, if you have the right mindset and never give up on moving forward. There were somethings that were rotten about today, but I'll never let that ruin that perfect ending that I am currently working on.

Monday, November 6, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 310]:~ Words of Affirmation

~:[CH6 - Day 310]:~ Words of Affirmation
People often assume that others know how you feel. I never assume that, but expressing myself has also never been one of my strongest suits. I've lost so many times because I couldn't say the right things and the right time or took to long to gather the courage to say them. I think that's awhile back, I switched our old tradition for this tradition where we write letters and messages to one another before CIF. I think that this opportunity to write these words of affirmation are important as you never really know when you'll have the chance to let that person know again. While some take it more seriously than others, I think it's a great bonding moment and a positive activity that goes a long way, especially towards truly making the group an ohana. Similarly in my own life, letter writing has always been a way that I can express gratitude towards others and while it may be more effective in person, at least I am able to clearly gather my thoughts and let a person know just how much they mean to me. I am still a work in progress, but I know that as I provide these words of affirmation to people, it will also help them grow, so that together we can grow into something more beautiful than we could have ever imagined. Take some time out of your day to give some words of affirmation to those around you, especially those closest to you who you think know what you're thinking, as they are sometimes the ones that you unintentionally neglect the most. Make today a day of words of affirmation! 

Sunday, November 5, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 309]:~ Foundation

~:[CH6 - Day 309]:~ Foundation
Life will often try to break you down. I am not sure if it's on purpose or if that's just how it is, but time after time, you feel as if you're going to get torn down. Many times in my life, I've struggled and when all else fails, the Word has been the foundation on which I stood. While the world around me was shaking, it was my faith that kept me grounded and standing. However, one thing I realized is that whenever times are tough, people turn towards the Lord for help much like they turn towards the resources around them for help. Much like you don't want to only talk to a friend when you need something, I think religion is the same way. It can't be something you only turn to when times are tough, but also something you appreciation and celebrate when times are good. It should be something that is celebrated for the smaller things such as breathing and the fact that around us, we have good people who we can depend on. As I sat down with a friend tonight, I kept thinking about this, not because I wasn't paying attention, but because I was appreciating the moment I had with this friend. As I listened to her talk about her work with the Church, I kept smiling knowing all that she was doing to celebrate God and to ensure that she was helping to build the fortress rather than just depending on Him to provide the foundation. Just like friendship and love, faith is a give and take. You cannot only take, you must also do your part and give and if you do not, you truly have not completed your end of the bargain. Tonight I was thankful and as I thought further back to the days, weeks, months and even years before, I smiled because I was grateful to the Lord for all that was provided to me. While I know that the Lord will be there to keep me standing, I will not be content in knowing that I have a strong foundation as I can ensure a more stable path moving forward if I also contribute to the strength of the foundation, as I cannot just ask when I have not truly given all of myself. 

Saturday, November 4, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 308]:~ The Moment You Realize You Can

~:[CH6 - Day 308]:~ The Moment You Realize You Can
It was one of my favorite CIF Night on the Towns. After climbing at this center with my friend Jamie, I knew this would be a good place to bring my team. What I loved most was watching them struggle and then overcome it so that they could make that breakthrough, much like they do in their races. I think it's common to us all. In life, we face very challenging situations and in many cases, some of us give up. We think to ourselves, "there's just now way," and give up not knowing just how close we may have been. As I watched one of my athletes, she looked as if she was about to give up, but she kept at it. She was tired, her body wasn't as strong as when she started and simply, it was a difficult course. Just when I thought she was going to give up, she pulled through. She had that moment where she realized that she could do it and she did. I've been so happy since that moment. For all of us, we have to have these moments. For many of us, the difference between those who have those breakthroughs and those that don't are that those that do were stubborn and never gave up. Sure, skill has a role in our ability to succeed, but also, our determination can make up for some of what we may be lacking. I see so many people simply give up when times get tough and that's exactly when you need to work hard to make it right and use that failure to motivate you to find success. I encourage you all to never give up too easily, to keep pushing through and to fight until you cannot fight anymore, as you'll discover a lot about yourself through the struggle. Find out what you're made of and you may even surprise yourself. As she hung mid-way through the wall, I couldn't help but think, it's okay to come down, as you could see the frustration radiated from her, however, she tested herself to see what she was made of and that breakthrough moment is something that will remain with me for many years to come. I was happy as I drove home today and I hoped that as our season progresses that each and everyone of these athletes will have that moment, the one where they being to believe in their potential. Many times this is what simply can divide the cans and the cannots and I hope more than ever that you begin believing that you can.

Friday, November 3, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 307]:~ Framing a Moment

~:[CH6 - Day 307]:~ Framing a Moment
I ended the night on Sawtelle, finishing up a good meal after a good night talking about old times. I thought, I wish I could frame this moment. Before this, there were countless moments that I felt the same way. In our lives, it's amazing to think about how many moments we just want to freeze. Those moments that are so memorable and amazing that you feel as if you want it to last forever. A picture can attempt to capture that moment, however, truly, there is nothing that can really stop time and frame that moment. In our hearts, our minds and in our soul, that moment can last as is forever, however, every millisecond of every day moves in real time and the reality of it all is that we cannot stop time, not even for a moment. As sad as this may sound, it also means that we must savor each moment as we cannot stop time, nor can we go back in time. We must live in the moment so that later on in our hearts, mind and soul, we can frame that moment we so desperately want to relieve. Focus on capture all the details through our senses rather than a camera, as while the camera may give you an idea of what was happening through a photo, soaking it all in truly can allow that moment to live on. Tomorrow, there will be a number of times where I will have a framable moment, however, instead of capturing it, I will do my best to live it as that is the true way to frame a moment. As we finished up our CIF photo shoot before our run, I kept smiling seeing how incredible of a moment this truly was. To see the smiling faces of the athletes, to see them grow together, and to be the lucky one working with them, is incredible and while I may not be able to physically frame this moment in time, in my heart, mind, and soul, this moment will forever be captured in the art gallery of my life. 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 306]:~ There are Big Ships ...

~:[CH6 - Day 306]:~ There are Big Ships ...
There's often an opening for Model UN speeches that goes ... "there are big ships, there are little ships, and there are ..." As I thought about that quote, I thought about which ship is more important. In that last blank, I could put championships or I could put something that is far more important than that - relationships. If you think about it, in sports, most teams are striving toward winning a championship, however, with that mindset, often times you lose. How many champions are there? Sure, you can be a champion of character or something of the sort, but in reality, if your goal is simply championships, nine times out of ten, you're going to lose. I choose relationships. As an ohana, it has always been hard because with such a massive team, not everyone gets a chance to get to know each other as much as I would like. One of the greatest things about it though is that I see people talking that I would never have imagined would become close. That's how this team is. It's like putting them all in an ocean and watch the relation"ships" build and grow. Today at league finals, we took home two championships, we set team time records and more, however, the greatest thing about today was seeing the team hang around the park long after the meet was over, to see about twenty parents come to the park to volunteer, to see alumni visiting and to see all the athletes laughing and smiling together. It's nice to win a championship, but it's nicer when your focus is on the relationship. To me, the little ship is championship, as while the teams who find a lot of them rise to glory, when that glory fades, the big ship sails through the fog, as the ever-steady movement of relationships will continue to stand strong long after the glory has faded. I was so proud of our teams today. There were so many PRs set in these perfect temperatures, however, I was even more proud that the team finish the regular season together on the best ship of them all, the ohanaship.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 305]:~ The Beginning of the End

~:[CH6 - Day 305]:~ The Beginning of the End
It's the beginning of the month, but today was the last day of practice for our seniors. I didn't realize how big of a senior class we actually had until we took this photograph and it brings back a lot of memories. About 2/3 of this group are three to four year seniors and the memories that we have created over that time have been immense. To see them grow, to remember their first days, and to see them battle through the ups and downs has been something special and tomorrow, we end it all at Regional Park, a place they know so well. It's always that bittersweet moment where you are happy to celebrate this moment, but sad knowing they will never be together like this again. To all my seniors, thank you for all that you've poured into this program, whether it be for one year or four years, you each have contributed something to make this program as special as it is. I am grateful that we have had the opportunity to share so many memories and so many more momentous occasions. While together we have failed and fallen short, we also got back up together and found our way to places that no other teams before us have gone before. While at times I yelled at you and became frustrated, I am glad that there are many more moments of smiling and pure joy. Thanks for making the skies bluer and for filling the sky with beautiful rainbows that we can all enjoy. Tomorrow, let's go out with a bang, but more importantly, tomorrow, no matter what we do, let's be sure we do it together. #ohanaRNR