Thursday, February 28, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 59]:~ Face to Face

~:[CH8 - Day 59]:~ Face to Face
In a digital age, where face-to-face communication is becoming less common, I was happy to be able to mix modern technology with our face-to-face style debate. I think that is why MUN is becoming more and more valuable, as the face-to-face interactions decrease. The students were able to research and organize themselves online while listening and analyzing points and then returning with points of their own. It was one of the best debates these students had this year and I was proud that they finally got into the roles they were suppose to. The emotions were flying and the debate got heated by the end. These types of simulations will not always work out, but when they do, it's always a great sight to see. In a day where I had so much work to do, mostly online, it was nice to be in the classroom and help facilitate some face-to-face discussion, one of the most important skills that is become harder and hard to come by.

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 58]:~ Go with the Flow

~:[CH8 - Day 58]:~ Go with the Flow
There are days where you push your limits and do what you can to make things happen and then there are those days that you just go with the flow. Today was one of those days. As I went through the day, being productive and trying to get everything in order before I left, the day itself was one that just kind of flowed. I didn't try to overdo it or do anything heroic, rather, I just went through the steps. Sometimes, you want to make something happen to ensure it's an outstanding day, but why can't a simple and normal day be outstanding? My students will be participating in a speech contest discussing expectations versus reality and I think we live in a world where our reality is quite distorted. Social media has a hold upon us and ultimately, it is what drives us to think that there is so much more to our day that we should be doing. Sure, it's great to have all these grand adventures, but it's also okay just to relax, find someone to spend some quality time with and go with the flow.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 57]:~ A Project of Passion

~:[CH8 - Day 57]:~ A Project of Passion
I think any artist can relate. When you get started on something you've really wanted to work on, it's exciting, but can also be frustrating. You want to find more time to work on this project and you want to do do the best job possible so when things don't turn out how you want it, then you spend so much time trying to get it right. Today was my seventh release of my instatoon @igloosunday and I have been proud of it. The story is a little dry and not at all like a comic as it reads more like a book, but still, just seeing these pictures transformed into comics, has been quite a project. It also has helped that I've been able to collab with a talented photographer @kohki who is awesome and so open to sharing his work with other artists which is amazing. I may have more time to work on this after I wrap up Nationals next week, but even if I don't, it's been a fun journey. I hope you all can check it out and comment on where you want me to take the story, as any kind of guidance would be quite nice. The story started in New York, stopped off in Japan and now is headed to Korea. Let's go! I've got a lot of other work to do, so this may be my last release for a little while, but regardless, I am glad that this idea became somewhat of a reality and I hope that you all can enjoy it, even if it's just visually. Let's all find our projects of passion and instead of just talking about what we want to do, let's put it into action, because otherwise, it just remains that way, a thought that will soon disappear into thin air. Don't let your passions fade away!

Monday, February 25, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 56]:~ With Every Passing Second

~:[CH8 - Day 56]:~ With Every Passing Second
It's amazing how time flies by so quickly. It seems like yesterday that this girl was crawling around and flexing every time we asked. She has grown into a wonderful young lady who balances the innocence of a child with the maturity of a young adult. On her birthday, she could have been sad that her party was postponed due to everything going on, but she showed her maturity at such a young age, as she enjoyed this night to celebrate her birthday with a huge smile on her face. We bowled, rode rides, played games, and even hit a jackpot. As the years passed by like seconds, I was proud to see the kind of person she has grown up to be. She wasn't pouting of what she didn't have, but rather, appreciative of the night out, whatever it may have been. I think it's something I am used to. To see people grow up and learn, some later than others. With this last minute scramble, I pushed back a meet up a little bit, but was glad that I did not cancel, as I saw the same transformation with what seemed like yesterday, has been years. This time, I met with a former student who is making the push into his career. With the bar exam upcoming, we talked about how things have changed since high school and how MUN still applies to all that he is doing. The irony of it all is that earlier in the day, I was creating a flier that was promoting how MUN can benefit you in the future and almost all of it aligned to this young man. In high school, I described him as a bit quirky, he has his own style, didn't always stay within the lines, but he never pressed the limits too far and didn't disappoint. I see a lot of it. I see these students you know can make progress and while you hope to see that transformation happen in front of your eyes, sometimes, it's not meant to be, at least at that moment. I saw the transformation tonight and while I still saw the same bit of him, I also saw the parts that have changed for the better. I guess that's what makes every passing second precious. We never know how quickly the changes in those around us or even the environment around us will occur. It may be something that happens so quickly or can be drawn out over time, regardless, every one of those passing seconds is precious. I always catch myself saying, I can take care of something tomorrow or I'll make time eventually, but in that time that is missed, what do I actually miss? We are all busy and have a schedule to keep and responsibilities to take care of, but when push comes to shove, sometimes we have to realize that we must treasure even a second, as we never know what is going to change within that time. As I look back, I am so proud of all I was able to experience today and while I know that there were more seconds I could have saved, I'll treasure those that I hold in my hand. As while I cannot go back and get those seconds back, I can make the most of those that are coming my way. Whether cousins or parents, friends or siblings, treasure it all, as with each passing second, another passing second goes by and you'll never know exactly what will change within that time.

Sunday, February 24, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 55]:~ Closing Out a Weekend

~:[CH8 - Day 55]:~ Closing Out a Weekend
Sunday night is normally a sad time as it's just hours before you have to return to work. To think that the weekend is already over, is a bit saddening, but when there is a reason to celebrate, it makes the ending of the weekend a little bit better. After a morning of finally getting a bit of a break, I was able to celebrate a birthday with a cousin who I am so grateful to have join our family. She is always so thoughtful and caring, showing love for others and giving more than she receives. She always brightens up the days of those around her, both through her actions and with her smile. It's always great to celebrate a momentous occasion, especially when it's someone like this, as they deserve these moments more than anyone else. As sad as it is to say goodbye to the weekend, I couldn't have though of any better way to send it off than this. To my dear cousin, I thank you for everything and wishing you the best on your upcoming special day!

Saturday, February 23, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 54]:~ Kicking it Off Right

~:[CH8 - Day 54]:~ Kicking it Off Right
My entire day was spent. From morning until the evening, I spent time at the track and with my team, as we kicked off the season with our full team at the ABC District Championships. We had a number of champions today, as they battled early on this season. Many of our athletes are just getting into form, but it was nice to see our teams show how well rounded we are, as we took a nice SWEEP of all four levels. Track meets tend to be exhausting as you sit out in the sun and can't really go very far as there is event after event to watch. Regardless, as much time as is invested, I am reminded that the time and effort are always well worth it. To see the thrill on an athlete's face when they win a race, set a personal record or even just finish, is a moment that I am proud. The ability for them to compete is already a victory in itself. It's an incentive to win, but when push comes to shove, I just love it to see them out there, giving it their all and learning more about themselves every time they go out there. The season will go by fast, but the memories of moments like today will stay with them for years to come. 

Friday, February 22, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 53]:~ Made of Dreams

~:[CH8 - Day 53]:~ Made of Dreams
When I think of fairy tales, I don't quite thing of magic like castles of ice or those under the sea. Disney paints a picture of this magical world so full of amazing things, but in this world so full of dreams, daily life itself can be made of dreams. My parents reminded me today that life in its simplest form can be what is amazing. I see them spending time together doing normal things. They don't venture out to expensive restaurants or go on extravagant vacations nor do they even seem like they want to. They're happy together doing the simplest of things and in those simple things, we find days that are made of dreams. Sure, they did venture off to explore when they were young, skiing in places all around and they also took us around as well. However, they've never been ones to really splurge and if they did, it wasn't normally on themselves. Today they celebrated their anniversary and on a milestone anniversary, many would see an extravagant vacation or a huge celebration, but rather, it was simply a nice simple dinner out at a normal restaurant. That's my parents and this celebration isn't anything less that something made of dreams. The glitz of glamour of Instagram and other forms of social media has taken over our generation, as people dream of all the great and magical things that are in store in their lives, however, my parents reminded me today that all those great things including the houses, the cars, the vacations and more, are worth far less than something that is priceless, love. Sure, there is nothing wrong with a little wining and dining, but that can't be what you expect. Good looks, physique, wealth and the like can all change over time, but if you find a way to maintain that connection, that love, during this same time period, a simple celebration like my parents had today is all you need. I'm sure my parents would have been fine staying in as well, but I'm glad they at least gave themselves this much. They showed me a love made of dreams and in the process, have created that fairy tale life I've so longed for. As while there are still things ahead of me, there is no way I can complain for all that I have in my life. Instead of wishing of things I do not have, tonight reminded me that I really need to be grateful for what I already have. As sometimes while we are too busy wishing, we fail to see that we are already living out a dream. 

Thursday, February 21, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 52]:~ The Stories That Must Be Told

~:[CH8 - Day 52]:~ The Stories That Must Be Told
It was a crazy day. I ran around trying to get everything in order and at about 2:45pm as we were finalizing our prep for our meet, lightning struck in the distance. Luckily, the storm pushed onward and we finished our meet successfully. The wind blew and the cold trekked in, but we endured. The word gaman came to my mind as I thought back to when I watched Allegiance for the first time on Broadway. The excitement and anticipation was fulfilled with a wonderful performance and a great opportunity to hear from George Takei himself and to see an old friend from the cast, Janelle. It's strange how timing all comes together. As I was freezing out on the field, I was imagining how those who were in the camps during World War II endured the cold weather of Manzanar or even worse, Heart Mountain. As much as I felt as I was struggling, I couldn't help but think about the struggles that those who had to endure through years of these troubling times or those who had to deal with the aftermath with finances, family and even simply trying to find a normal life. It tears me up inside to hear these stories as I know how devastating these moments were for all those impacted. Regardless, I am glad that almost a thousand students were able to hear these stories that must be told. When visiting memorials and museums and hearing from survivors themselves, you hear the same thing, there was hesitation in telling their stories. It was embarrassing and much like other victims, telling the story was challenging as the wounds were so deep. However, as a community, not simply of Japanese-Americans, but for all Americans, we must continued to gaman. I think this has never been more true that these trying times in which we live now. In a chaotic place where leadership is unstable, where the economy is uncertain and even the weather has reeked havoc, we must endure the challenges that are ahead of us and not be brought down by all that is trying to break us. Rather, we must take what we have learned and pass it on, so that we do not make the same mistakes that we have made in the past. This week was the Day of Remembrance and today, along with our students, we remembered a moment that we should never allow to happen again. However, that can only be done if we are able to tell the stories that must be told. Today, they were told and it is my hope that it will continue to be the case, as it is something we must all hear and something we all must remember. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 51]:~ Unfinished Business

~:[CH8 - Day 51]:~ Unfinished Business
I once had a theme for cross country called "Unfinished Business." I think in our lives, we all have that unfinished business we need to take care of. With the rains, we couldn't complete one of my favorite simulations on the Estates General meeting, but today, we went back and took care of it. It reminded me of this past theme, but also at various things within my own life, that have been left undone. In life, we have to choose what we go back and take care of, what we go back and mend and what we allow to fade off as a distant memory of the past. In this case, I knew that doing this simulation was good for the students to get a better understanding of the emotions of the French people. As I look back daily and decide what needs to be taken care of, I have to consider the value of it versus the opportunity cost of all the things I must sacrifice in order to complete it. Fatigued, tired and still a little ill, I kind of wavered and thought about many of these moments. It won't be tonight that I decide on what I need to take care of, but soon enough, each of these moments will be tackled and hopefully at some point, I'll find myself with most of the unfinished business settled. Closure is important, but it won't happen unless you make it happen. Today we finished our simulation and it was a success, much like I hope that my unfinished business will be as I proceed forward. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 50]:~ Heart on My Sleeve

~:[CH8 - Day 50]:~ Heart on My Sleeve
In the world of Kdramas, the frustrating moment always comes where the main gives up on their love to "protect" them, when in fact it ends up hurting them both. It's this continuous cycle that occurs time after time and while it seems eerily similar every time, I keep watching. I wondered why and thought, maybe it's because I'm like this. I am not one who necessarily wears his heart on his sleeve. Tonight was (probably) our last grill of the year as we head to Nationals soon and I was proud of the progress that many of the delegates made. As while it was a proud moment, it was one that made me realize that I still do not express my feelings as much as I should. For today, it might have been that I did not feel too well for most of the day, but I think most of it comes from the fact that I could be more open with my feelings. As I watch the frustrating cycle of Kdramas, I wonder, have I created the same world around me where in trying to protect the feelings of others, I have hidden my own feelings and emotions? Do I need to open up more or am I allowing this world around me to control what I am allowed to express? As I thought more into it, however, I also though, why would I need to show emotions the same way that others do. I think also understanding how different people are, also can help you understand that people express their emotions in different ways. For me, I have been able to express myself through my art of writing, poetry and photography. I think that I find a way to input those emotions into what I write and what I do and instead of outwardly expressing these emotions and feelings, I find some way to make it productive. Maybe in reality, I have just tucked my heart away, however, I think it's nice to also think that people are individuals with diverse thoughts, experiences and emotions. One day, I may be described as wearing my art on my sleeve, but for now, I'll let my art do the expressing for me. Saranghae!

Monday, February 18, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 49]:~ Spread Your Wings and Fly

~:[CH8 - Day 49]:~ Spread Your Wings and Fly
Opportunities present themselves to us every day, however, many are not confident enough in themselves to move forward and see where the winds take them, myself included. As I watched the pelicans on the roof, I saw them flap as they were just moving along the roof, not moving confidently. However, I wondered why, as I knew that if they had taken a misstep, they would be able to float through the air on the way to their next destination. While we may not have the wings to fly (literally), we allow ourselves the ability to soar when we prepare ourselves and have the confidence to take that step forward. Many have the confidence, but lack the preparation and many more have the preparation, but lack the confidence. As I ventured up to Santa Barbara with a buddy of mine, we ventured around, enjoyed the sights and sounds of the city behind heading back home. However, something about this moment continued to resonate within me. For those who are reading, I hope you know that within you lies the ability to spread your wings and fly. Whether it be in a career, in a hobby, in a new venture or even love, you have to confidently take that step forward after you spent the time preparing for that moment. Study, practice, and then be confident. In my class, one of the things I have my students say is, "I am confident in my speaking abilities." At some point, the lame quote they reluctantly say, becomes a reality. This same reality applies to all aspects of life. There will be those who will try to discourage you from doing so, but when you know you're ready, the only person that can stop you, is yourself. There are many things in my life that I wish I had the confidence to proceed with. I wonder how things would have changed within my life. Regardless, while I cannot change my decisions of the past, I can prepare myself for flights that are in my future. Let's all get ready together, as it's time for all of us to spread our wings and fly. 

Sunday, February 17, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 48]:~ Blood is Thicker than Water

~:[CH8 - Day 48]:~ Blood is Thicker than Water
Blood is thicker than water, by 0.006 poise to be exact, but is there something thicker than blood? This phrase can be found in writings over 300 years ago and a lot of it remains true in regards to loyalty to family overcomes all. There are many cases where this is not true, but family, blood related or not, are ones who will have my heart and loyalty when push comes to shove. Today, we celebrated something unimaginable, the 99th birthday of grandma Taira. She isn't my grandma by blood, but through my cousins, she has become someone who I refer to as such. It's such a joy to bring people together to celebrate such a momentous occasion and it was great having everyone gather. As while I am normally running around from place to place, being able to spend time with family is more valuable than anything else. After a lunch together, I headed to DCA to watch the lunar new year procession, but unfortunately the drizzle led to a cancellation of the 3pm show. I waited in the cold until 4:15pm and despite a little drizzle earlier on, it cleared up and let them perform. It was awesome to see my friend perform and was worth every moment I struggled as the wind blew. I warmed up on the way home and went back out to freeze again, as I went to shoot some night photography with my pseudo-son. Are we blood? No. However, with family, friends and even pseudo-relatives, it seems that water, blood, or simply those who have a place saved in your heart, they will all be ones who you'll go the extra mile for. As while they often say, blood is thicker than water, I simply think that love overcomes all. Open your heart and spread the love so that it can flow into the hearts of others so that they can do the same. Let your love flow as unlike blood, love can be limitless, if we so allow.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 47]:~ The Crisis of Crisis

~:[CH8 - Day 47]:~ The Crisis of Crisis
Long ago I started my MUN career. I think what stood out for me in MUN is that I had an advisor who was so dedicated to the program that he worked until almost his dying day for this program and ensured that the torch would be carried on. I still remember in class when he said that he went to the City of Hope and they said, "you have no hope." It's moments that you realize just how precious something like MUN can be. Sure, this is a job, but it is also something that has been apart of me for 2/3 of my life and when I retire, it should be 4/5 of my life. I love to see how this program transforms students, much like it transformed me. My advisor helped me transform and showed me that it was worth giving every ounce of yourself, if it meant that many of these students that came and went learned something valuable and grew. He showed me how to do MUN the right way, to take it seriously, to research and be diplomatic. As we hosted our inter-class Security Council Conference, the crisis that we introduced reminded me of all that is wrong with MUN in the circuit. We tried to keep things realistic and while every once in awhile, we keep it a bit lighter with a little bit of a sharper tongue, we keep it realistic and respectable, much like my advisor would have liked it (although he may not have liked the thought of these guest speakers/crisis). I think too many times, chairs try to entertain students to "make it fun," but the fun is in the learning and in the growing and if we have to sit and entertain, then these students are not gaining what they need to gain and learning what they need to learn. The students who invest the time into the program see progress that is unmatched in any other program (much like I have talked about before), but there are those who also learn from what is wrong with MUN. The chaos of role-playing at conferences and topics that do not even relate to MUN such as a Harry Potter Committee that try to put a fun twist in the format are set to doom the foundation of MUN. Even the idea of crisis tends to border on putting dents in the armor of something that has solidly been something that has churned out students ready for the real world. I understand, discussing deforestation or a cholera outbreak may not be what some find interesting, but if we don't make an attempt to bridge that gap and make it interesting without having to move to the extremes, then in essence, we are losing and doing a disservice to the students who we aim to help learn and grow. If a conference wants to run a fantasy-committee or even one that moves away from the reality of UN, they should create another organization, as these types of committees and conferences taint something that could be so much more pure. Traditional may seem boring, but it is in that tradition that I gained my experiences and grew to love something that has not become a part of my life. While I leaned towards submitting an article like this to Best Delegate, I felt that it should be contained to my own audience as I didn't want to make it as if I was attacking conferences around. However, I think that in my own heart, it is something that I could not have left unsaid. My MUN advisor passed before I graduated my senior year, but within me, his spirit grew. As while he told us that hope did not exist for his health, I know that the hope for what had in regards to MUN can remain alive if I keep fighting to maintain the purity of what it should be. As I watch my freshman debate, learn and grow, I know that every once in awhile, I need to throw in something to keep it light and airy, but also need to make sure that the foundation that I try and help build within them is built off the hope that my advisor once had for the program that I am now apart of . I cannot change what other conferences do and can simply avoid attending as many of them as possible, however, I will continue my crusade to try to not allow this break from the traditional ruin something that is so precious to my heart. Unless you could see the struggles our advisor went through to give us the experiences he did, you'll never truly understand why I take this program so seriously. I am so grateful to see a group of students year in and year out that share the same passion and drive for the program and who continue to make me proud every time they do MUN the right way. Whether or not their list of awards is grand, the greatest award they earn is the foundation that they built through this program, one conference at a time. 

Friday, February 15, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 46]:~ Abnormally Routine

~:[CH8 - Day 46]:~ Abnormally Routine
The day before a conference is pretty routine. Speeches, announcements, questions and then prep. That was the case for my classes today and with a food run afterward, the day was pretty routine, except it wasn't. I walked into the door at home by 5pm and it seemed like I had an eternity to finish what I had to do with time to spare. The day was similar to many others I had before, however, today, I felt the comforts that many other can enjoy, time. There wasn't a rush, there wasn't time constraints, there were things to do, but not a lot of pressure to get them done too quickly. I took a quick deep breathe and smiled. The time I had allowed me to think back to the weekend and a wonderful transport to a land so far away. When I took this photo in the garden, it helped me think of how I stepped into a different world so quickly. While my pictures took me away, I was still so grounded at home, enjoying this beautiful time I haven't enjoyed in awhile. Many of us are so busy that we're always running around, but adding something abnormal to that routine may be just what you need to revive yourself and make it so you have the energy to keep going forward. I found my escape today as I looked back to the weekend, remembering the many great memories I found in such a short amount of time. I hope that you all can also find yours so that you find the ability to recharge, regenerate and find that happiness that awaits you just outside that routine of yours.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 45]:~ The Beauty of It All

~:[CH8 - Day 45]:~ The Beauty of It All
It rained today. Scratch that, it poured. My pants were soaking wet. My socks were too as I stepped in a puddle. As I looked around though, there was chocolate, balloons and flowers. In a matter of time, there was sunshine. Valentine's Day is often looked at in a negative light to those who are single and with excitement with those with someone by your side. However, can't we also enjoy the beauty that is all around us. It was by day's end that the sun came out and the rain had stopped. I walked in to get a drink and came out with a rose. It was not a rose of true love, but rather one of thankfulness. Jokingly, someone at another store asked if that was for her and I paid it forward and gave her chocolate. The joy of receiving and giving  is greater than the meaning of this day. Sure it's often classified as romance, but it's also about the love that we can share with those around us. Even with some bad news and the water that flooded the streets, by day's end, I was still smiling alongside my family and talking with friends so many miles away. Yes, it's a day of love, but love is greater than a single relationship, as a love shared with the world around you brings even more beauty to it all. I almost passed on the opportunity that popped into my head, but now I realize that in that time you make that split second decision, the path that is ahead changes instantaneously, for better or worse. It may rain again tomorrow, but hey, it doesn't mean there will be any less beauty around me, as long as I keep my eyes open to see it coming my way. Happy Valentines Day. May the love of this world be spread so that we can defeat all challenges that come our way.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 44]:~ The Humanity of It All

~:[CH8 - Day 44]:~ The Humanity of It All
On September 11, 2001, the United States suffered one of the most horrific acts of violence every seen. In the darkness of this moment, a light came shining from the small island town of Gander Newfoundland. The attacks left a number of planes diverting elsewhere which included Gander which welcomed these temporary visitors who outnumbered their population. Come From Afar documents these amazing events in a musical form and demonstrates the true humanity that came out of this terrible moment. With great struggles come great opportunities and the people of Gander are a symbol of that message. We live in a world where we think about our imagine, what we posses and what OUR goals and dreams are so much that we often forget to treat others with dignity and humanity. Myself included, we need to find a way to put a greater emphasis on being humane people and going against the current trend that is displayed all around us, even among the leadership of this country. I am often embarrassed when I travel as the questions regarding our leadership are questioned, yet I am always reminded that we do not need to follow suit. We can be like the people of Gander who displayed their humanity, who welcomed people from all around the world and who impacted a number of lives, far beyond what is displayed within the time frame of the musical. As I watched, I thought about all that I could do to show a similar hospitality as they showed and truly become someone who displays the humanitarian spirit so that people like my nephew can grow up in a world that looks at helping lift each other up, rather than tearing each other down to get the things we want. This world we live in today, has not been a representation of where we should be, but it is not something we have to live with if we are willing to step up and do our own part to spread the humanitarian spirit. Unexpectedly, I left the theater motivated and inspired to do more than just the norm, not just so that I can find success, but rather, so we can all raise each other up so we can ALL find success. It didn't take a second thought for the people of Gander to do what they did and I hope we all can take a lesson from their playbook, as they came to the aid of thousands of people, sacrificing so much in order to aid them in some of the darkest of times in the lives of many. It was a day that many of us want to forget, but is also one that we have a lot to remember, from the people of Gander to all the brave souls who sacrificed their health and their lives to save strangers from the wrath of this world. We all have the opportunity to be that light when others find themselves in darkness, but unless we  make the effort, we allow darkness to conquer all. Let's do our part and give humanity a chance; what do we got to lose?

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 43]:~ Speaking Up

~:[CH8 - Day 43]:~ Speaking Up
It was a killer day as I went from 7am to 9:30pm at work today. From class to practice to grills, I was a little exhausted by night's end, but that's just how things are. Regardless, I didn't feel tired through the day, as I was so focused on all that was going on. It was nice to see some growth among the team and especially from those since freshman year. One of the best things about MUN is to see the students bloom from freshman year until now. Even the experienced ones can change drastically and you see just how much in a matter of years. This program is challenging, but if you put the time and effort in, the growth can be astronomical and I am so proud to be apart of it to see their changes. I always think about how blessed I am to work with the students and every time Nationals comes around and we have meetings late into the evening, I am never dreading it, as it's impressive to see just how amazing these students are. They're not just prepared for the conference or even school, but they've prepared themselves for life. 

Monday, February 11, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 42]:~ The Luck of Timing

~:[CH8 - Day 42]:~ The Luck of Timing
Timing isn't everything, but having the luck of timing is important. A day too early or too late or even a second too early or late can mean the difference between one thing happening or not. To miss someone in passing or to run into them, all depends on this timing. Life never tells you when things will happen, you just have to put yourself out there and see what happens. This trip allowed me to cross paths with a friend from Japan, catch up with my friends from Australia and even had enough time on my layover to visit my aunt in Hawaii. I know that tomorrow I am going to pay the price in terms of fatigue, however, isn't it all going to be worth it, when I look back to see just how wonderful these past 90 hours have been. Sometimes you try to master plan things or you hesitate because you're not sure if you want to do something, my suggestion for you is to let nature take it's course and put yourself out there, as you never know what you're going to find. The opportunities that await you are plentiful, but only if you open the door for them to walk through. Now is a great time to start and while you don't have to go on a crazy adventure, at the very least, take the opportunities that come your way. As when you do, you'll begin to see how more often than not, the luck of timing will fall on your side. So the question is, is it truly luck or are you forcing luck to be on your side?

Sunday, February 10, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 41]:~ Music to the Eyes

~:[CH8 - Day 41]:~ Music to the Eyes
The second half of the day consisted of me meeting up with a friend from Japan. We ended up connecting and playing a little bit of PoGo before parting ways. I headed from our meet up to the much anticipated Sydney Harbor where I wandered to catch the right shot of of the Opera House. Realizing that it was about time for sunset, I jumped on a ferry and tried to get a good angle of the Opera House. I was in the area for almost four hours just lounging, walking around and soaking in the beauty of this place. It's amazing how visually stunning something like this is and there is no picture that can truly capture its beauty. It is something that you just have to see for yourself. Regardless, as the evening closed out and I took in my last views of the area, I headed back and grabbed some chimaek and fell asleep as I was trying to wrap things up for the night. I slept soundly tonight. It could have been that it was a two part day or simply that I was soaking in all the beauty that was Sydney. As the Opera House normally serves as a place that people go to hear the beautiful acoustics, tonight, this place was music to my eyes instead.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 40]:~ Part I of II

~:[CH8 - Day 40]:~ Part I of II
Some days feel like two days and some days kind of are. I lost some time as I crossed over and pretty much lost a day. It was technically Saturday still, so I dubbed today, part I. It was great to be able to catch up with friends and explore the city. There is always so much to see in a new place, but as strange as it is, I feel as if I flew into Asia, as my surroundings felt so familiar. I guess staying iat the edge of Chinatown and Koreatown is great way to stimulate that, but regardless, today was like the graffiti on the wall, a little bit of chaos, but a sight to see. I am so happy that I caught to catch up with my friends and only hope that next time, I can find some more time to hang out and even visit their side of the town. From the part I crowd, one was from Melbourne and happen to be in town, while the other was local. In days that feel like forever, you can choose to either sit around or make the most of them even as tired as you may feel and I definitely chose the later. We wandered for miles and as exhausted as I was upon return, I knew it was all worth it. 

Friday, February 8, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 39]:~ Giving It a Rest

~:[CH8 - Day 39]:~ Giving It a Rest
Sometimes you need to give your body a little bit of rest especially before you venture off. I did just that and let myself recover a bit and ended up in the skies. It will be my last personal flight until summer so I wanted to be sure to be able to enjoy the time. I think that we are often in such a rush to finishing what we have to do and to work through all the piles of work that we have, but sometimes, we need to find that opportunity to let it go for a bit, forget about it and venture off. As I saw the blue waters below, I smiled knowing that I would have some time to relax. It was a blessing to find such a great deal and because of it, I was able to get away further than I could have imagined. While responsibility is important, being responsible to yourself is just as important. It's something that you should never forget. 

Thursday, February 7, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 38]:~ Into the Sunset

~:[CH8 - Day 38]:~ Into the Sunset
The sun began to set as the athletes rounded the corner coming off the run in the wetlands. Nike had gone out of their way to show our athletes a great time and the athletes were ecstatic to have had the opportunity. Nike has always given our athletes great opportunities and I am always impressed by the lengths they go to outreach to the programs. It was a nice way to end the day, as it was a hectic one as I had grills, an observation during first, an observer during second and third, then I took the observer to one additional class before talking about it all over lunch. It was great to get some insight into our school versus those in Shanghai. Rushing back to make the basketball game so I could announce, I kept smiling thinking about how great the day turned out despite being a quite hectic one. I rushed from obligation to obligation, but it all began to fade away as the sunset melted away the daylight on a day so clear that the silhouette of Catalina was as evident as ever. Some days you find a pile of stress headed your way, but there's always a way to find a release to make the memory of all of that fade away into the sunset. Life is a challenge, but it's not something that cannot be managed if you have the right mindset and take the opportunities made available to you. While I was hesitant at first to take this on because of my schedule, I was so glad that we took this opportunity, as it truly was a highlight that many of these athletes will never forget.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 37]:~ A New Year + 1

~:[CH8 - Day 37]:~ A New Year + 1
The lunar new year cards came rolling in onto my desk. With each coming year, whether it be on the 1st of January or on the lunar new year, it's always a time to look at ourselves as see how our lives have been. It's about studying the past and changing what's in our future for the better. While I am not a person who is going to make a resolution and aim for a drastic change, I do like to use this time to analyze myself and my progress to see exactly what I can be working on to better my life. It's good to practice this, not just on these holidays, but throughout the year, to avoid leaving ourselves outdated. With a busy day on my plate, I sprinted through the day, moving from task to task, but also remembering that sometimes, you need to slow down a bit and ensure yourself that you don't miss out on great opportunities that may have previously passed you by. As I tried to communicate with my observer, finish up POs and deposits, pay attention to the trade talks and finish up our philosophers' forum, I realized that as much as the work piles up, with the right spirit and when you focus your energies in the right place, it still is easy to smile. A new year can mean a fresh start or simply another opportunity to adapt and adjust so that you can keep pace with what's ahead. To all those who celebrated yesterday, I wish you the best during this upcoming new year! While it's a day late ... Gong hei fat choy!

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 36]:~ Spreading Knowledge

~:[CH8 - Day 36]:~ Spreading Knowledge
There is knowledge all around us. Whether it be in school, in careers or even on the streets, we need to try and pick up as much as we can as this fast-paced world goes zooming by. It's no wonder that we often miss out on a lot of the information available to us. I think it's often overlooked that we need to have street smarts and experience in the social realm, just as much as we need to have book smarts. I think the emphasis is always on memorization and gaining knowledge, but not always using that knowledge to the best of your abilities. That is why days like today make teaching exciting and fun, seeing the students learn and make progress beyond the text of the book. The interaction, ability to think on their feet, to challenge themselves and each other, and the analytics, all play into skills that they will use on a daily basis in real life. While there are other classes that can benefit you, I've always felt that what is gained in MUN is greater than something you can quantify. The skills you gain that you can use in real life, the confidence that can grow within you and the knowledge you gain that is beyond what is found in a textbook is immeasurable. I once was asked when doing WASC to give statistics to back up the success of our program and the reality is, often times, the numbers we throw out cannot measure how successful our students will be and how prepared they will be for life. I am always so proud when I meet back with a former student just to see them exude with confidence, to see how eloquent they have become and how successful they are. I'm sure other programs produce students similar, but it's nice to see that the work being put in is paying off. This simulation is one of the favorites among the students and it's always great to see just how much a freshman is capable of, as I am left in awe following the rigorous debate that takes place. Of course, while they will learn a lot about the Enlightenment and various philosophies, they don't necessarily see the other knowledge they are picking up in the process. While in many cases, it's like pulling teeth to get this information from the students, today, it was great to see the information and question just flowing from them. The knowledge wasn't being stored away in the brain, but spreading around the room, exactly as it should be. Tomorrow, we will wrap up our debates without the fancy dress, but it doesn't mean that the experience will be anything less than extraordinary, as it is their minds that will light up the room.

Monday, February 4, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 35]:~ From the Shadow of the Storm

~:[CH8 - Day 35]:~ From the Shadow of the Storm
It was a battle coming back to school and to do so during a storm, made it even a bit more challenging. The rain held off for the most part, but being in the weather reminded me that we all have our moments where we got lost within the storm. We make bad decisions, we get emotional, or we just abandon the places we were meant to be, not knowing a reason why. Sometimes, when you step back out of the storm, you begin to see that you overreacted or made a mistake. Learning from these moments is the exact thing you want to do in order to come out from the shadow of these storms. The longer you hide within these shadows, the larger issues you face. Storms are guaranteed to come and go, but you are the one thing in your life that will be ever present. Trust in yourself and lead yourself out of the darkness so that you can see the light that lies in front of you. In life, sometimes you think it's not the right time and that you're not ready, but there is no time like the present to walk out of the shadows. In life, when you discover that moment when you realize that it's time, you'll see the beautiful skies you've been missing all along. Whether or not tomorrow we wake up with clear skies or not, if you're persistent enough, you'll find your way to where they are present, as nothing can stop you unless you allow it to. Take that step, in this new year, it's definitely time. 

Sunday, February 3, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 34]:~ A Day to Recharge

~:[CH8 - Day 34]:~ A Day to Recharge
Most of you know that I actually don't like being among too many people. After a school trip, it's definitely necessary to recharge a bit and while I was suppose to do things today, I just couldn't get myself to move. I got some odds and ends done and relaxed a bit. I didn't even end up watching the Superbowl, bur rather, watched some Kdramas as I loaded photos and caught up on things I needed to catch up on. It feels nice to have a day like this that could have been full of things, but ended up being mostly time to recharge. Today gave me time to think about all that I need to work on and things that I need to prioritize moving forward. With about four more weeks in this crazy stretch in my schedule, I know I'll need the mental edge moving forward and it's days like these that help me gain it. 

Saturday, February 2, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 33]:~ Bittersweet

~:[CH8 - Day 33]:~ Bittersweet
We said our goodbyes at LAX and headed our separate ways. For the first time in nine days, we would be apart. It seemed like I was away for forever, however, I also thought, when does it not feel that way. The joys of traveling take you away to places you want to see and enjoy, but the comforts of home are even more welcoming. As we wandered around Downtown for the last time, the bridge between home was built as the results from the conference in Huntington Beach were announced. Our seniors celebrated as they heard about all the gavels that our students came home with, a number I am still not sure of, but know that it is no less than a dozen, which is amazing. It was great to see how excited the seniors (in Seattle) were to hear of the success of their peers, the only problem is that the whole airport probably knew what happened. Yes, the part that I may not miss too much, as I venture back the peace and quiet of home. In Seattle, things had cleared up a bit as we left, while at home, I was welcomed with just a bit of rain, but enjoyed the tranquility of hearing the pitter patter just outside my window. My appreciation of these trips may not be as evident right away, but as the time after the trip passes, I grow even more fond of having these opportunities. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the moments on the trip, but as time passes, I become even more appreciative of the opportunity. It's not about getting away and exploring, but rather, being able to share that experience with my students and seeing their reactions and to appreciate the impact these moments will have on them. To see them meet international students and to discuss things that many adults cannot even discuss. I love to see them struggle, work through it and then find a breakthrough in the end. Most importantly, after the trip is done, I love to see them reminisce about the moments on the trip and ultimately have these moments to help them create moments of their own going forward. When arriving home and going through my piles of mail that have been waiting for me, I realized sooner just how much these types of things impact these students. I received a letter from a parent (one who I am very close with) and in it had an assignment that her son had completed. To read it, especially soon after arriving home, quickly reminded me to appreciate these opportunities I have to give these students these moments. I thought back to a moment today where an outrageously large dog wandered through Pike Place Market and a baby reached out his hand towards the dog. As different as this scene is from what I have been talking about, it actually is very much the same. We often see a moment like this and while it may be precious at the time, it grows even more precious over time as you begin to let it sink it. That's just it with these trips. I feel inspired after this trip and have enjoyed these beautiful memories we have made while on it, but I know that as time passes, these memories will become even more precious. Yes, I am glad to be home. The temperature is just right, my bed will be waiting for me, and everything I need is right here, but it definitely is bittersweet, as by being home, also means that I am not away. As sad as that is, I know that the memories are things that will be able to continuously take me away, bringing me back to these moments that are so ever present in all of our lives going forward. 

Friday, February 1, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 32]:~ POP

~:[CH8 - Day 32]:~  POP 
Pop Culture is defined by what is style or trend among the younger generations. Obviously, these trends change over time and over generations, but the interesting thing about pop culture is that it's not popular when it first starts up and even at times, it's resisted. I think within our own lives, we are so narrow-minded that we do not see all the possibilities available to us, sometimes leaving ourselves at a disadvantage. On a day where we ventured up a structure of the World's Fair in Seattle, were in awe through the spectacular pieces of glass, and enthralled with all that was included in MoPoP, we discovered a number of things that were resisted and even protested. Some could not see the entertainment value in horror or horror, neither could they accept certain genres of music. The narrow-mindedness almost kept us from some of the most incredible art within our culture, however, it was the artists who kept pushing through, never allowing their doubters to deter them. That's just it! We must take those steps to better ourselves by not allowing ourselves to be deterred. Even if it's not popular at the moment, you must take the small steps to make it be seen and heart. Our lives are like pop culture as we face the challenges of being ourselves as we find ourselves and seek out what our lives means. Those around us may not be accepting (or we may not be accepting of others), but hopefully we understand that it is pushing our boundaries that we find ourselves while discovering something that may eventually take the world by storm. Who knows if a breakthrough is on the horizon, however, regardless, it is up to you in order to decide where your road leads, as you search for that component of pop culture within our own lives that really only has to be popular with one other person and that is ourselves. Be confident in your abilities!