Saturday, November 30, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 334]:~ Rolling Through the Streets

~:[CH2 - Day 334]:~ Rolling Through the Streets
I hit the ground running in order to see as much as possible today. After arriving in Seoul, I wove my way through the train system with my friend who met me at the airport. After about an hour and a half I made it through to my hotel. The strangest thing was, when getting onto one of the subways, I actually ran into someone I knew ... literally in front of me out of all the people in the train system. After dropping off my things, I hit of Insadong, Myeongdong, Gangnam and a few other places to sightsee, shop and just take in all that was around me. It was packed out and I forgot what day it was. Ultimately, I ended the night at a small place near my hotel and I guess it was the place to be at night as it was pretty lively. In any case, I couldn't have imagined my trip starting any better. Hopefully tomorrow is just as good.

Friday, November 29, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 333]:~ Good Morning Beijing

~:[CH2 - Day 333]:~ Good Morning Beijing

Due to the time change, I pretty much lost all of Friday but woke up in China. The flight was smooth and I slept about 10 hours on the plane amazingly. The couple next to me was Phoenix and they were headed to Burma and Thailand. Neither of us could speak Chinese so everything around us was foreign to us. Regardless we made it safely and now. I'm on my final leg.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 332]:~ On the Road Again

~:[CH2 - Day 332]:~ On the Road Again
I almost overslept but woke up and headed straight out with adrenaline in my veins. It didn't allow me to think of how tired I was. As usual, the Dana Point Turkey Trot was awesome and this year it was not that cold. We ran around playing Ingress (you should join our team - green) before the race and captured six portals and then watched a few six miles including one who finished third in her age group! After, I was able to grab lunch and catch up while prepping for Thanksgiving. I made saltafo de pollo again and the sauce was almost perfect today. Enjoying the company of my family, I was sad to have to leave early but am excited for the new adventure ahead. I have my tickets, a bit of cash and dreams of all the excitement ahead.

-[LIFE]- Give Selfishly - November 28, 2013 - Happy Thanksgiving!

I picked up a book called How to be Interesting by Jessica Hagy and started reading it and found it to be quite interesting and also an important perspective to take on. I figured I could make it into series of blog posts called LIFE! Enjoy!


On this wonderful Thanksgiving Day, we have so much to be thankful for. Often times, much of what we have is because of what we have given. In no way am I saying that you should give simply to receive, but hopefully you can see all the good that comes out of giving.

All the time and energy you put into your friends and family results in friends and family for life, the money you give to charity bring you the satisfaction of knowing you helped someone else, by letting someone ahead of you and waiting a little more time in a line or looking for a parking spot may have just made someone else's day, or the hugs and kisses you give out on that day, just might come back to you. Regardless of what it is, by being generous with your money, your time, and just about anything else, you'll often find that if you want to be happy, instead of buying something, maybe giving might actually do what you think buying will do.

I'm a big believer in karma and while you don't always get something back for being generous, I feel that in the circle of life, you'll eventually be paid back two fold for your generosity. So the next time you have an extra quarter, you have a minute to spare, or just feel like giving someone you know a hug (notice I put in the "you know" so that you don't get yourself arrested for hugging or kissing a strange - haha), know that by giving it up to help someone else, you not only can help them, but be selfish in the process, knowing that it will also make you feel good.

Happy Thanksgiving to all the wonderful friends and family who have made my life as special as it is and thanks for giving your time, your energy and more, as it has gone a long way. Hopefully you have enjoyed all the wonderful things that come with giving. Be safe, smile, and eat your heart out ... not literally :)

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 331]:~ Coming Home

~:[CH2 - Day 331]:~ Coming Home
Something always feels off when I'm on the road. I'm away a decent amount, but I always love the comforts of home so much more. Much of the day was spent traveling back home to Cerritos and then catching up on work. However, the day ended with spending some time with the extended family and their friends and my first of two Thanksgiving dinners. There is so much to be thankful for and the first is coming home safely.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 330]:~ Paradise in Paradise

~:[CH2 - Day 330]:~ Paradise in Paradise
There's nothing better than some QT with your family, this time it was with my father. My dad and I took our second pre-Thanksgiving Vegas trip and hit up the Bali Hai course just south of the strip. The course was amazing and felt like we were in paradise in Paradise, NV. I actually hit the ball pretty well as I hit my driver fairly well, including a 317yd drive (a good story behind this one), some close shots including a near hole-in-one with a picture of the divot to prove it, and a par away from a round in the 70s. Of course, improving my putting would have made it an easy low-70 round. Regardless, the score would not matter as the time I got to spend with my father was better than anything I could ask for. Afterward we relaxed and met up with a few people who made their way to Vegas. We hit the floor, ate including at Bacchanal (delicious), and spent some time in the sports book. It ended up being a late night, however, with not much in the morning, there will be an opportunity to sleep in. Vacation is wonderful.

- [LIFE] - Expand Your Group - November 26, 2013

I picked up a book called How to be Interesting by Jessica Hagy and started reading it and found it to be quite interesting and also an important perspective to take on. I figured I could make it into series of blog posts called LIFE! Enjoy!


I've always found it interesting to see how people become so exclusive and limit the number of people in their circles. While it's mostly portrayed in movies, I think that it's also seen in fraternities/sororities, clubs, and more. It's the, "you're not good enough," approach to life. In no way, am I criticizing any of these groups. As a coach and advisor, I also have to make selections, however, in life among our friends, we have a choice.

We've been so quick to judge in our society and trying to get a quick analysis of who people are and what they are like or are hesitant to let people in, however, why not give them a chance and let them in? Sure, it may end up that they aren't the greatest of people, but everyone deserves a fair chance. I am so lucky to have a group of friends who are pretty welcoming to new people that they meet, as it has allowed me to meet so many new people. Some of my closest friends are the best examples of this and I aspire to be just like them.

Be welcoming and maybe you'll be surprised who you meet and maybe even discover more about yourself. Could this experiment go wrong? Sure, but won't it be interesting to see how things turn out?

Monday, November 25, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 329]:~ Just Warming Up

~:[CH2 - Day 329]:~ Just Warming Up
After getting a good night of sleep, I was able to get a little work done for the cross country banquet before heading out to Vegas. The drive was pretty smooth and it was great spending some time with my dad again. Our room was pretty nice and I was impressed since they redid the rooms and also because the room was complimentary! I had a great meal at Monta Ramen and turned in early as we have an early tee time in the morning. Tomorrow, will be a long day, but hopefully it will be one to remember. For now, I say good night ... just let me do a little more travel research!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 328]:~ Cool Weekend

~:[CH2 - Day 328]:~ Cool Weekend
The weather was pretty cool this weekend and throughout most of the time, there was a beautiful blue sky overhead and while things did not always stay perfect, it was a glorious weekend to enjoy! We were able to explore San Diego while also focusing in on some competition. One of my favorite spots on the course has this amazing snake arch that the race goes through. If the lighting was better, I could have gotten a better angle. Regardless, there were some impressive performances and it was definitely a joy to watch the athletes find success. Good luck to those headed to San Antonio for Nationals.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 327]:~ Scarfing It Down

~:[CH2 - Day 327]:~ Scarfing It Down 

It's always hard to resist some good food when you head down to San Diego. Today was no exception. We had a very full day with a trip to the Rainbow Outlet, a stop at Belmont Park for some rides, games, and strolling, some Hunger Games, and then satisfying that hunger at Buca. We actually finished almost every single plate of food today, which is pretty good considering the portion sizes. In any case, I am a bit tired and hopefully I can get a good rest tonight. San Diego, you were kind today. Hopefully, tomorrow is just as great, if not better.

Friday, November 22, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 326]:~ Staff Competition

~:[CH2 - Day 326]:~ Staff Competition
This day is always one of my favorites of the year, as the staff competes against the freshman, the coaches against the JV, and the alumni against the boys and girls varsity. This year, we had a huge outpouring of staff coming out and support, as you can see and it was great to see all the talented and not-so-talented gracing their presence on the course. The truth? It didn't really matter, as the athletes won, the staff won, and the spectators, mostly students, also won. There were many laughs, many cheers, and many great moments. I tried my best to score my point goal which would earn my class extra points, however, my last two attempts at long range threes rattled in and out and sadly, I let them down. However, I awarded them points anyways since I had at least seven block and a hoard of rebounds, equal to the points I was trying to get :) ... In the end, the staff, the coaches, and both varsity teams won their respective games, but almost everyone left with a great big smile on their face and headed into Thanksgiving Break on a positive note. Thanks to all those who came out to support.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 325]:~ Maybe There's Hope

~:[CH2 - Day 325]:~ Maybe There's Hope
 "My past has not defined me, destroyed me, deterred me, or 
defeated me; it has only strengthened me." - Steve Maraboli

It's amazing that even in the simplest of things, the deepest of messages is available to you. Messages to remind you that there is always hope out there for you on the horizon. Today was not a bad day and not a day that I needed inspiration, but it's always great to find inspiration and a message that tells you to keep moving forward no matter what obstacles you are facing. In the past, I had times where I figured I would have to give up and when thinking back, I did give up. However, when looking at things from a different perspective, you mind won't allow you to give up, because you can always find hope in hopeless situations if you see the positive that can hide behind the clouds above. There were days I thought were the toughest of my life and now I see them as a few of the pieces that have come to my current form. For that, I am thankful for all the pain, the misery, the tears, the heartache, the defeats and moments where I felt hopeless, as they have broken me down, but also allowed me to rebuilding stronger. There are no hopeless situations, but only opportunities to find greater accomplishments in life.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 324]:~ Pack Your Bags

~:[CH2 - Day 324]:~ Pack Your Bags
Traveling is something I learned is more valuable than owning things. The experiences you get while traveling are much more valuable than the latest bit of technology and while technology is a big part of my life, I rather do without something new for a new experience that may last a lifetime. I am not sure what did it this year, but I've took a leap and started to explore more, finding new adventures at every turn and while I do not have the time to take a long trip, I've been able to plan a lot of smaller trips to start me off on my adventure. Awhile ago, I got  a fortune that started it all that said it is time for me to be spontaneous. In response, I took a number of trips and haven't stopped since. I got another one yesterday which I shared that said, take a trip with a friend. I guess that could be my next project :) ... regardless, I hope I am ready for the different environments in all the places I will be as their temperatures are all over the map if I looked right now ... San Diego (60s), Las Vegas (50s), Seoul (30s), Green Bay (30s), San Antonio (70s), New York (40s). 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 323]:~ Compiling the Numbers

~:[CH2 - Day 323]:~ Compiling the Numbers
This time of year is always crazy, as I have to compile all the numbers from the races this season as I begin to prep for our banquet. There are so many numbers in each race that sometimes your eyes just want to pop out. Regardless, I made a lot of progress for the banquet today and while I may feel ahead of schedule, I will be behind once I begin traveling around this weekend. Pweh, another day down, a few more days to go!

Monday, November 18, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 322]:~ Sock It To Me

~:[CH2 - Day 322]:~ Sock It To Me
It's amazing what a new pair of socks can do to you. I felt so good wearing these socks and it was only for a little bit. I decided to model them. Regardless, socks can sum up life so well. There aren't many matches for socks and in many cases, each sock has it's perfect match. However, sometimes, socks end up forever alone, once with their perfect match but never to be again. Socks also come in a range of colors, shapes, etc. Isn't it strange how socks can emulate life itself? Aside from the socks, today was a good day as class went smoothly with one of my favorite topics, the Renaissance, our tower building contest, topped off with a nice team run. Now it's time for bed after making a few more reservations and also setting up my personal cloud, yahoo!

November 18, 2013 ~ True Happiness

"Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself" - Og Mandino

I have a lot of things that I have wanted in life, however, in most cases, they make this truly glaringly true, that nothing you can buy will bring you true happiness. The best times of my life have been spent with my family and friends, in seeing the growth and progress of students, and to share in so many wonderful experiences with others - a smile, a hug, a shoulder, or simply a word of encouragement. There is so much going on in this world and we are always busy in a world full of stress. With very simple gestures, you can relief the stress in someones life and maybe even change their life completely.

I've always wondered if I am truly happy and wondered if not, what would that feel like. However, when you wake up in the morning with a smile and can smile at numerous moments throughout the day for no reason, maybe you have found the secret to happiness and ultimately success. As while some may use money as a measure of success, I feel that happiness should be the ultimate measure of success.

I have so many great family and friends around me, I am gifted with opportunities because of all of the great people around me, I have all that I need to survive and each day, I am able to take a deep breath in a country where I am free with a job that I love and a life that I live with no regrets. I guess if that is not true happiness, I am not sure what is.

I am on a quest to spread this happiness and hopefully get a few drops on myself as well. I hope to reach out to as many of you as possible soon in 1000 Ways to Say by IglooSUNDAY. Hopefully it will not only bring happiness in your life, but allow you to spread happiness to others. As the world is not where happiness is found, but in the people who live in it. Let's make sure that the happiness within us is shared with all around in hopes of bringing peace, contentment and joy to the world.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 321]:~ Real Men (and Women) Wear Pink

~:[CH2 - Day 321]:~ Real Men (and Women) Wear Pink
After a day at CIF, I headed to Arcadia to go to another race, this time to watch some of our athletes run in the association meet of the junior olympics. With a team mixed with athletes of different schools, it was great to see them all together and having a good time. There were some fast times on the day and even some PRs set. Yes, the team wears pink with the team name Go Bananas. The hope is that there will be a greater connection to the breast cancer awareness community in the future. We'll see what comes out of that. Afterward, the team headed out to eat some Korean BBQ. I ate a little too much, but enjoyed every bite.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 320]:~ Ends and Beginnings

~:[CH2 - Day 320]:~ Ends and Beginnings
The last day of cross country is always a sad day. You see a group that has worked with you for so many months together for the last time. While there is always next year, there will always be seniors who graduate, some who do not return, and new athletes to create new bonds with. This group has been polar opposites, with the girls being a fairly inexperienced group who progressed their way through the season and ran to the third fastest CIF time in school history. To give you an idea, this team ran a 110 minute team time in September and worked their way down to a 102 this past weekend. The boys have been together for four to five years, as some of them ran together on their junior high teams. Five guys being four year athletes and two first year varsity athletes. We had two guys injured during the race and yet still finished with the second fastest CIF time in school history and  a gap of 1:07 from our 1-7. While it was the end of our season, we now begin our focus on our new season in 2014. Unfortunately, my plans had me in rush to head out to another event directly after CIF. I had to change plans due to this and found someone at the last minute who lived in LA to go with me to meet Clara C before her concert (Thanks Melody). We were able to eat a light dinner at a cool Beer Garden near Hotel Cafe with Clara C and it was cool just to sit and chat. We also go to sit at the front table and enjoy with the best view. With her support of World Vision, I was able to have a new beginning with another child in the Philippines to replace my former sponsor child who was too old for the program. It was great to be able to find a replacement and also help a child in desperate need in an area hard hit with disaster. After saying our goodbyes, we also had a little additional time with our new friends we met, as we hit up Thaitown before calling it a night. It was a bittersweet day, but I could not be more proud of team for their efforts today, yesterday, and all the days that came before that.

PHOTO CREDITS - Jessie Lee is an amazing artist who is still training but has already created some amazing work! Look at this piece she drew of me and Clara that Clara signed!

Friday, November 15, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 319]:~ Royal Dinner

~:[CH2 - Day 319]:~ Royal Dinner
The queen herself went around and took photographs with everyone and I was lucky enough to get one with her. An exhausting day that ended an exhausting week finished with my second time to Macaroni Grill in two days. It was quite funny that the celebration ended up here, but in the end, I got to try something different and the food was, once again, delicious. Regardless, we celebrated and enjoyed the company of so many people. Did we feel like royalty? Maybe not, be we did feel special in the presence of the queen!

~:[CH2 - Day 318]:~ Great Feast

~:[CH2 - Day 318]:~ Great Feast
It was a great feast, celebrating something often taken for granted. While we have qualified for CIF every year, there are many teams who do not. Thus, I always remind our team, that being here is something special and not something that should be taken as a given. It is something you earn. It was a great day and a great night, however, I was exhausted and passed out as soon as I could.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 317]:~ Beauty Day After Day

~:[CH2 - Day 317]:~ Beauty Day After Day
I am not sure what has been up with the sky lately, but it has been truly amazing. Each time I look up, I am so pleased to see what is up there. I love it so much and plus the warm evenings have also been pleasant. Not too hot or humid and not too cold. However, in every day, there is such great beauty, whether it is a small gesture, small successes, or even great friendships. Today, I got to celebrate a special day with an old friend and I got to catch up with another friend over a wonderful dinner. There is always something so beautiful about having people around you who you can just pick up where you left off and continue on like you haven't missed a beat. I am so lucky to be blessed with so many wonderful people in my life and am glad to have them all in my life. Simply beautiful.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 316]:~ Just Sweet Enough

~:[CH2 - Day 316]:~ Just Sweet Enough
Sometimes it can be a bit overpowering, but today was just sweet enough. With enough time to catch up on work and the enjoyment of some good food and treats throughout the day, today had to be up there among the better "first days of the weeks" this year. While I have no clue what the future beyond this weekend holds for our practice, I'll just have to assume that this will not be the end but just the beginning of a grand adventure that is just sweet enough. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 315]:~ A Bowl Full of Joy

~:[CH2 - Day 315]:~ A Bowl Full of Joy
Two types of salad, three meats, some rice, and all kinds of things nice. It was quite the interesting day with a long morning practice, a bowl full of pho, a wonderful nap and time to catch up on absolutely nothing except for rest. Lazy days are sometimes a required part of someone's day, but now I realize why I like to have a lot on my plate, otherwise, it turns into days with no productivity. I still was able to enjoy a nice basketball game, scarf down some amazing food, cut my hair, and the most exciting of all, install final cut on my new editing mac book pro. This year's video will hopefully be exceptional since I will have a better machine working on that final product! Buckle your seat belts, as it's the busiest but most fun five weeks of my life.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 314]:~ Progress

~:[CH2 - Day 314]:~ Progress
This was only our second year back at UCLA for BruinMUN after a short layoff from the conference and while the normal crisis concepts bring down the conference and the ideas of Model UN, the conference itself wasn't too bad. We only brought our advanced groups to UCLA and none for the novice level groups, which may have impacted our delegation as a whole, however, we ended up with 53 students receiving awards (and even more with research awards) of the 80 or so that we brought to the conference including eight students with gavels and 28 with outstanding. It was a little weird heading home when it was already pitch dark, however, in the end, there was much to be proud of at just the beginning of MUN season. It was also great catching up with a few alumni and just enjoying the great environment of UCLA and Westwood. Now, it's time to rest and enjoy a half day off after practice tomorrow morning.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 313]:~ Eagerly Waiting

~:[CH2 - Day 313]:~ Eagerly Waiting
There has been a lot to look forward to lately. Today, I received my tile from the + Pool project in New York. I thought it would be cool to sponsor such a project. I also got to look forward to a relaxing day of catch up where I got to do ALL my laundry and for those that know me, you know how many loads of laundry that is! I also was looking forward to the release of our cross country heats for prelims! It's always fun to hit refresh and start researching right when we get the sheet. Of course, I have a lot of trips to look forward to as I begin to plan San Diego, Vegas, Seoul, Green Bay and San Antonio, all in the next month. I am a little impatient, but I don't mind this wait, as I know it will all be worth it in the end.

Friday, November 8, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 312]:~ ARRRRRguably the Best

~:[CH2 - Day 312]:~ ARRRRRguably the Best
This was one of the best ways to end the week, as we ventured with our team to the Pirate Adventure Dinner in Buena Park. I was not sure what to expect from this, but in the end, I think it was quite the enjoyable time, cheering for our red pirate who won the title of first mate. While he may not have been as cool as some of the other pirates, we still enjoyed ourselves and cheered him on. This followed a long day at work with notes, more notes, a great stop at Yoshinoya and a time trial. I am totally pooped from this stretch of events and I think it's time to catch up on those Zzzzs and finally get to cleaning! It's sad to think I am happy to have time to clean. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 311]:~ Keeping the Focus

~:[CH2 - Day 311]:~ Keeping the Focus
It's a new experience having 16 days before CIF competition, but it actually has been quite nice, as we have not had to worry about racing and more about practicing, learning new things, and getting healthy. This stretch still has another week before we have a "real" race, but at least I feel that we've been productive and have time to do some things we haven't yet been able to do. We still are carrying  a pretty good sized team, but obviously much smaller than our normal crew. While I miss the larger team, it's nice to be able to focus on this group and we are so much more efficient with practice. Today itself was a crazy day as we missed out on our third period and I had to have our first Nationals MUN meeting, which is always a thrill. Regardless, I survived and hope that the rest I got today will pay off for the next month, haha.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 310]:~ Setting Sun

~:[CH2 - Day 310]:~ Setting Sun
The sun set on such a busy stretch of my life ... the past six days. While it hasn't been the busy six days of my life, being sick while trying to last has taken its toll. I know I will survive as tomorrow night, I will be able to rest and relax for the first time in a week, but I am glad that I am going to survive this. Obviously, the year will continue to be busy, however, at least it won't be as crazy.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 309]:~ On the Campaign Trail

~:[CH2 - Day 309]:~ On the Campaign Trail
After a long and exhausting day, I had practice, a Nationals mini-simulation and had just enough energy to head to Lynda Johnson's election night dinner. It was great to catch up with everyone that night including the Gal Pals, a group of supporters and friends of Lynda Johnson, who all happen to have a son or daughter who ran cross country at Cerritos. It was great to enjoy the night and eventually see Lynda Johnson's name on top of the polls. At last count, with one precinct left to report, she was a top by 3%! It's great to know as I head to bed that she will be re-elected, as she has done such a wonderful job for our district and I know will continue to do so as her love and passion for everyone will push her to do the best for all of us.

Monday, November 4, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 308]:~ The Suite Life

~:[CH2 - Day 308]:~ The Suite Life
Adjusting to Daylight Savings is always tough, especially when you start up your first period as well. I normally wake up early, but am able to do work in the morning. Now with first, I have to get up even earlier if I am to make any phone calls for the day. Regardless, with a little nap, I survived and headed to the Clippers game after school. I wasn't anticipating the environment in the StubHub suite, but it was amazing. The seats had an amazing view, we got free food and drinks, and got to see one of the most entertaining games I've been to with the Clippers scoring 78 points in the first half, which would have been 80 if not for the referees. Houston surrendered with almost five minutes left in the game and put in their subs, but we still stuck around to see the Clippers score a whopping 137. While we need to play better on defense, that was an amazing offensive game.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 307]:~ All Grown Up

~:[CH2 - Day 307]:~ All Grown Up
It's amazing how times flies. It seems like it was just yesterday that it was September of 1997 when I first met Jenn. I'd run into her, Eleen, and Shannon almost every day at snack as we went to our lockers in what is now the 600 building. There are no lockers in there anymore, but still are the many memories that we had since then. In high school and college it was MUN conferences such as UC Riverside and chairing conference, the dances, and watching you grown and be active in sports and activities on campus. In life, you were always the greatest of supporters, helping me chaperone in Mammoth and New York and being there where I needed someone the most. You were there when I was my most vulnerable, I hope that I can be there for you as much as you've been there for me. I am always so impressed by your energy, your positive spirit, your amazing creativity and your love for everything around you. I know that in everything you do going forward, you will be success and I hope to be there to witness all of your greatness. Thank you again for being such a great an amazing friend and I hope that we can take more jump kick pictures in the future. Congratulations to you and Wayne and I wish you two the best going forward.

~:[CH2 - Day 306]:~ Waves of Tranquility

~:[CH2 - Day 306]:~ Waves of Tranquility
It's weird what nature can do to your soul. It can make you relax and enjoy all that is around you and make you forget the stress that is around in this world. It was great to spend a few days by the calming and soothing beach and while I probably could have stayed a few more days, I am happy to have had the opportunity. Will I one day take residence by the beach ... probably not; however, it was a great getaway and a much needed rest.

Friday, November 1, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 305]:~ A Spooky Night

~:[CH2 - Day 305]:~ A Spooky Night
I was truly exhausted tonight. After a long week, I kept wanting to go to sleep today. However, it was not a day that would allow for this. After school, I headed to eat then to Knott's Scary Farm. It was fun to be in that atmosphere again and there were definitely a few good scares in the open area, however, I feel that some of the mazes were not up to par of what they've had in the past. It also seemed as if they had less mazes this year. The place that inspired me to have my own "haunts" couldn't be getting that bad, could it? Regardless, it was a good time and with an empty park, it made us able to get through every maze and even a few big rides too. Now, it's time to sleep.