Tuesday, May 31, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 151]:~ With the Trend

~:[CH11 - Day 151]:~ With the Trend

K-pop has been the center of our discussion in Econ through the year and while at firs this group wanted to shy away from this project, I am glad they went through with it. Not only is it a topic they enjoy, but it also turned out very well since they knew all aspects of the industry. Sometimes we worry about doing things because we wonder what others might think, but in the end, we need to learn to worry about what we want to do. Don't be afraid to take that chance at doing something you've wanted to do because you're worried about what others may think. I was so proud in the end at the production of this group and how they bravely took on this great challenge. In five, ten or twenty years, they may look back and wonder why they every did it, but still, these were memories to be created and out of all the marketing projects I've had in the career, this one truly stood out and truly put on a show to be remembered. 

Monday, May 30, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 150]:~ The Final Stretch

~:[CH11 - Day 150]:~ The Final Stretch

I really didn't leave my office chair all day. I took a break since my neck was a little sore from sleeping a little weird a few days ago, but other than that. my eyes focused in on the task at hand. I organized the thousands of clips and jumped in and began editing. By night's end, I finished my last edit, threw in the photo montage I created earlier and then exported the main portion of the video. With one more day left to edit, I just have a few more minutes of video to finish which includes a montage I already made. There always could be tech issues, but with two exported sections, there's a little bit of weight off the shoulders knowing that I will have at least something to show if something goes wrong. With experience, my mind seems to be able to calculate the exact time needed. My body kept telling me to rest and so I took a few breaks earlier in the weekend, but somehow, I still was able to finish how much I wanted to by my goal deadline. I was right on pace. As much as you want to push yourself to get something done, allow yourself those breaks, listen to your mind and body and you just mind find that you're more efficient, as long as technology cooperates. My computer gave me a few issues here and there (since I still haven't switched to my new one), but all in all, it was a successful day. Yes, there are a few more things to do before banquet and a lot more things to do before the end of the year, however, we are officially in the final stretch where I wrap things up and then start on the new journey ahead. Let's do this!

Sunday, May 29, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 149]:~ Our Choices, Our Impact

~:[CH11 - Day 149]:~ Our Choices, Our Impact

I walked through an exhibit today. I actually didn't know what it was about aside from it being about the environment. While the exhibit on a certain level was underwhelming, the message behind the whole installation was quite deep. When you think about the message the artist is trying to convey, it definitely send you into a deeper thought about our impact in life. When I got home, as I watched a drama during my editing break, there was a message that tied in perfectly, the idea that in our lives we all have to make choices and those choices end up impacting the rest of our lives. The February the year I graduated from college, I was approached by my high school MUN advisor and he asked me if I'd ever consider teaching. I already had plans to head to New York and dive into the world of film, but something pulled me to try it out and I never left. That moment was one of the turning points in my life as it completely changed the direction of my life. Everyone has those moments that are lifechanging, however, this exhibit also made me think about the smaller things that we do. My students on Friday talked about how those small things mattered, but today, I also how those small things can matter in a negative way. All the smaller decisions we make and things we do, can also dramatically impact the world around us. As we move forward, I hope we can think about the choices we make and use those choices to have a positive change on the world around us, as while not everyone will do the same, the more that do, the better chance we have at tipping the needle towards a better world. I was exhausted by day's end, but looking back, there was so much spiritual growth as I reflected on so many different thing that I hope will slowly improve the way I do things. Life is full of choices and as we make those choices, just be mindful of the impact that choice will have on the world around you and the life that awaits you ahead.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 148]:~ Refilling the Pot

~:[CH11 - Day 148]:~ Refilling the Pot

I worked through the night editing, but not quite through the day as planned. My mind and body were a little tired from the week and I just decided to lounge a little. My friend wrote a post today that talked about how we need to make sure that we are full in order to share with others. If we continuously pour our time, energy and love to help those around us, before we know it, there won't be anything left, to help others and more importantly, to help ourselves. I often plan moments within my busiest stretches just to allow time for myself. While I like to stay focused and on pace, I block everything out and allow myself to recharge. It's the only way that come Tuesday, I'll be able to have the energy to step back in front of that classroom. Burnout is real, but it's also preventable as you must find that balance between work and self. At the end of the day, you can continue to give part of yourself to those around you, but in order to do so, you also have to save some of it for yourself, including the time to refill the pot, keeping it from going empty. 

Friday, May 27, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 147]:~ Beyond Grateful

~:[CH11 - Day 147]:~ Beyond Grateful

I ended the night with some family and friends at a baseball game. Raisel Iglesias called out to me and tossed a ball over the fence to me. We are still perplexed on why it happened, but it was the cherry on top on a wonderfully Blessed day. I actually purchased these tickets for the bobblehead, but thought, I could just buy a few more tickets and bring my family and some friends. It ended up being the perfect way to celebrate. While I enjoyed the nightcap, my seniors made this one of the most touching days I've had in my career. Originally I had planned for two days of testing, not catching that it was only one for us. One of my senior groups pretended that they were going to present a few days early to fill the void, when in reality, they duped me. I was touched by all the messages the seniors gave. Ironically, as we wrap up testing, the messages reminded me that in the grand scheme of things, focusing on getting these students a higher score on these tests is not important, rather it's giving them experiences they can grow from and learn from. Instead of pushing these students to add more classes, spending more time in academies or doing things to tally to their resumes, they should be getting involved and experiencing life and connecting with others in things they can grow to enjoy and love. It is important that they learn, but more important that they leave our school as better people with memories they can cherish. I am not someone whose love language is words of affirmation as I prefer to sit back and enjoy the satisfaction of what's been created, however, I soaked in every message and it filled me with such joy and was one of the greatest gifts I've ever received. The past few years have reminded us to better appreciate all that we have and it was evident today that the small things matter more than anything else. It motivated me to keep spending that extra time and effort doing them, as they are things these students will remember most. As I look at the first baseball I ever received at a baseball game, I smile. I will probably never really know the reason why I was chosen to get that ball, but it doesn't matter, as it was the small gesture that made it meaningful. Similarly, I hope that to my students I can toss something special to them, hoping that this small gesture will be something they can carry with them for the rest of their lives. I am forever grateful to all those, past and present I've been able to teach, coach and work with and hope that together, we can share the small things that matter most in our lives. I am beyond grateful for every message, text and thought today and look forward to the memories we can share and create together as we move forward. 

Thursday, May 26, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 146]:~ Special Moments


~:[CH11 - Day 146]:~ Special Moments

I paused as my emotions got the best of me. Recollecting one of my hardest working athletes almost reaching his goal and then falling down just before the finish line was difficult.  I was so deflated inside for him, but at the same moment, so proud. He pushed his limits and still got back up as quickly as possible to finish it off, just missing the qualifying mark. It's easy to see this as a failure, but I hope that these athletes see it as a success - doing all you can to reach what you hope to attain. We will never always get to where we want to be, but we sure can give everything we have to get there. This was that moment. As I continued, I thought about how it was a success for all these athletes to make it to the end. They battled through the pandemic, dealt with the mental strains of coming back, tried to overcome being out of conditioned, and had to balance a schedule they weren't quite used to. Many could have quit and some did, but this group of athletes held tough and made it to the end. There were some rough moments, but I am glad to share these special moments with these athletes who made it here. As I talked about another athlete who is one of the nicest guys around, I was overwhelmed when he came up and gave me a huge embrace. I've always respected him so much for all the hard work he puts in and how genuinely incredible he is, however, today put me over the top. Tonight was filled with special moments and while I was ready to head to bed when I got home, I took a second to reflect, appreciating the opportunity we had to share these special moments together. While soon these days will fade slightly or completely from our memories, these special moments will remain untarnished and remain a constant in our hearts and in our lives. Thank you again to all of our track athletes, parents, supporters and coaches who have put forth so much time and effort to make this program as incredible as it is. All these special moments will truly hold a special place in my heart.

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 145]:~ Truly Honored

~:[CH11 - Day 145]:~ Truly Honored

My hand started hurting a bit today. I have taken so many photos the past few weeks that I started to feel it. I already had injured my hand, but tonight, I felt it more. Regardless, tonight is one of my favorite nights, senior awards. While it's always a challenge to shoot in the lighting of the theater, I do what I can to capture the moments. It was the first time in a few years that I was able to take the full picture without photoshopping much. Piecing together these photos was challenging and I am glad I didn't have to do that again this year. I was happy to see that all the Escudo de Oro winners were students I taught or coached, with seven of them being with me through senior year either in MUN, cross country, track or a combination. I am blessed to work with such exceptional students and it's moments like these that make me realize that. They often say, don't take things for granted and I definitely know that these students are ones I will never take granted. I know just how incredible they are and every year, I'm so truly honored to have worked with them. Congratulations seniors!

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 144]:~ All This Noise

~:[CH11 - Day 144]:~ All This Noise

Day to day, we may not know what is going to change. From seeing a fence put up to a hole being dug up deeper, it can definitely be a surprise. I do wish that we would get more advanced notice and maybe even some input as they just slash and burn where they wish, leaving us to wonder, what changes do we need to make next year. However, in life, nothing will always stay the same. The routines we once had will be different and adjustments are necessary. I always tell my MUN students that they must be adaptable and I have to remind myself daily that it's something I must do. While not all change is good, I will stay hopeful that good things will come out of all these headaches.

Monday, May 23, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 143]:~ Chugging Along

~:[CH11 - Day 143]:~ Chugging Along

Survival. As we count down the number of days to the end of the school year, it seems like it's about survival. I know the students are hanging by a thread, but I am not sure that they realize that teachers are as well. However, we just keep chugging along hoping to make it to the finish line in one piece. I've actually been fine, but figuring out when to best do this and that has been the challenge. Today, I walked home during my off period and ran into the the two little ones cleaning up after our tree in the church parking lot. It's fun to spend my breaktime with them, even if it means I had to walk to avoid a parking fiasco when I returned. This testing schedule is almost done and while it may seem like it's not an issue for some classes, I teach all the way through the last day and so it's makes it a bit challenging to get everything done. I organized the folders for the track banquet, finished up the video for it, finished my senior award and printed fliers for MUN. I actually was ultra productive today which means the days ahead will hopefully be a little less crazy (I'm sure they won't be.). I think if I give people any life lesson, one of them would definitely be, just keep chugging along because as much as we may be overwhelmed, stress, or just burnt out, keeping ourselves in motion will make it much easier to start back up again. Just like in running, I may slow down to catch my breath, but I try to keep my body going to avoid cramping up. It may not work for everyone, but for me, coming to a standstill is just not an option I want to take and so I just keep chugging along.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 142]:~ A Little Creative Time

~:[CH11 - Day 142]:~ A Little Creative Time

I woke up and answered a bunch of work emails, grading some papers, and then got everything prepared for a shoot. The last thing you think I would want to do during this few week stretch of event after event is to do another photoshoot, but of course, I did another one today. My third shoot or event in a row and fourth in five days. However, as much time as it takes, it's fun to be able to see how my creative can play out in real time. It's good for all of my shoots through June which have slowly been filling up my calendar. In the end, it also is great to connect with someone else and just get to know them more through the lens. Although it ended up taking a small chunk of my day, it was a nice mental break away from the paperwork that awaited me at home. Even if you have all that work, don't forget to allow yourself to do the things that help you connect with yourself. In the end, the time you think you might "waste" doing it, is actually and investment of time to help motivate you and get you refocused on the work you need to do. For me, it's a little creative time, what is it for you?

Saturday, May 21, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 141]:~ Try to UnderSand

~:[CH11 - Day 141]:~ Try to UnderSand

Most know that I am not a beach person. I actually don't mind the beach itself, but the seagulls, the wind and the sand tend to get to me. The last one, the sand, is the main culprit. I hope you can understand my point of view. When I get home, I feel like I truly am under sand. My car has sand, my clothes have sand and yes, my hair has sand. When talking to a friend, I wondered if they could create something that can just vacuum up all the sand once you leave the beach, however, it seems like, if it was ever created, would be invented after my lifetime. Regardless, despite my disdain for the beach, I enjoyed the time I got to spend with Yawnis and even did a photoshoot for him as he made new friends. It's fun to see them play together although I've always found it weird when they sniff each others rears when greeting each other. I haven't seen Yawnis in awhile, but am glad that he is here enjoying the ocean, as he vacays away from his Kentucky home. It was fun to hang out with my "son" and just relax before getting back to get some work done. I balanced prepping my work for Japan with grading for the end of the school year and organizing photos. As I walked into the garage to grab a drink, I felt a few grains of sand that I didn't sweep away, reminding me of my utter disdain. However, all things that you dislike can be tolerated when the experience is as wonderful as the time spent today with Super Yawnis & Co <3! 

Friday, May 20, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 140]:~ Inclusive


~:[CH11 - Day 140]:~ Inclusive

The energy was high as the You & Me prom kicked off and it maintained through the evening. What I love about this event is its inclusive nature and truly how everyone is just there to have a good time. There were so many great moments and made me truly appreciate all of these students at our school. I think that while we had a rough year, this event is a symbol of what makes our school great, our diversity. Our students are so diverse in so many ways and when we come together as a unified group, the amazingness of our school shines. We faced our challenges this school year, but with those challenges comes the opportunity to rise to even greater heights. Tonight was one of those moments are the students were free, energetic and just enjoying life. I hope in our daily lives we all can be the same, being welcoming to those around us. When we do, the world around us becomes a much better place.

Thursday, May 19, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 139]:~ Step-by-Step

 ~:[CH11 - Day 139]:~ Step-by-Step

Today was quite chaotic, but I took it step-by-step. In the morning, I was zooming through POs that will be due tomorrow and working my way through my deposits as well. With the deadlines for account, it's always a bit stressful especially when so many other things are going on. I survived another marathon period for testing, had our first Cold War presentation, and then made it through the day only to have to go back and work on the track banquet. My goal is to have our program submitted to graphics by Friday and of course there was a mountain of pages to finish up. I somehow got through most of it and am  just waiting on one more doc to add before I can send it in. As I mentioned a few days ago though, I like to break things down so as chaotic as it sounds, the whole process runs a lot smoother. To top it off, I allowed myself a break to grab a drink and just chill for a moment before getting back into the grind. Sure, you might consider it wasting time, but I consider it a refuel and refocus. Ultimately, I broke things down and go through my list of things to do, only hoping that there isn't something I forgot, especially if it has a deadline tomorrow. After tomorrow, there are nine full days, three half days, plus a work day and graduation. I am so ready for this countdown, yet that only means more deadlines coming. Of course, like today, I'll take it one task at a time, one step at a time. Good luck at finishing off your week everybody!

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 138]:~ An Award of Gold

~:[CH11 - Day 138]:~ An Award of Gold

Premios de Oro always will hold a special place in my heart. I think a lot when I give out my award and it has a lot to do with the one I received when I was in high school. I received the medallion from the teacher whose class I look forward to attending the most. I never felt pressured even when the material was challenging and it always seemed to be fun. Sadly, that teacher who also inspired and motivated me when I became a teacher passed away. I think about her a lot when I look at my medal and I truly hold this award dear to my heart as every time I give that medallion away, I think of her and the impact she had on my life. I always wish I could give out more certificates and medallions as I have so many who are deserving, but I am glad that I get to honor at least a few of my students who truly are golden. Much like MUN, I hope my students realize that an award is not what makes you golden, rather, it's the continuous effort you put in, the positive vibes to give off and the care and concern you have for others as you progress towards your own goals. Thank you all for being truly golden.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 137]:~ Check

~:[CH11 - Day 137]:~ Check

With the year winding down, every day is a checklist. A list of things to do as we get closer to the end of the year. Yesterday, my checklist was finishing up the Premios video. Moving forward, I have to finish up the track program, the track slideshow, finish ordering for MUN and then the MUN video plus music videos. I have photos to take and edit in between, but overall, it tends to be like clockwork. One thing after a another, it piles high, but feels so routine. The excitement grows as there is something awaiting me after I finish it all and that makes it all that much easier. Tomorrow, there is Premios and I know I'll be working on photos as well, but that just means one more check added to the list and one less thing to do. When we break our pile of tasks down, they sometimes can seem easier to conquer and instead of worrying about how many checks I have left, I just focus on the next check on my list. Don't get overwhelmed, focus in and just get that next check. You can do it!

Monday, May 16, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 136]:~ Child's Play

~:[CH11 - Day 136]:~ Child's Play

I knew I would be tired today, but it was nice that I had planned out my schedule for it so that Monday was a much easier day. I breezed through the day and was able to get back to finish up the slideshow for Premios de Oro. It took awhile to get photos, but in the end, I did get a decent compilation of photos to include in it. Of course, I got a little extra burst of energy from the two kiddos who kept nagging me to play. I went back and forth as I got some work done, then popped out here and then. I like to see the humor that even children can have as when I asked Jordan's age, he proceeded to put up two fingers. What a joker! Regardless, I do have a decent amount of work to do in the coming week, but at the same time, it will be my easiest week remaining in the year. The craziness of banquet season and the end of the year is upon us, which only means that, it's almost time for freedom as well. 

Sunday, May 15, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 135]:~ I'll Turn Left ...

~:[CH11 - Day 135]:~ I'll Turn Left ...

I was definitely tired. I could have had a relaxing weekend at home, yet at the last minute, I jumped on the bus to Davis. I don't regret it one bit. This trip was more about getting the sophomores used to traveling and gaining the experience than anything else. With APs, they didn't have much time to prep, however, we were just happy they were in there getting involved. On the way home, I enjoyed watching the lunar eclipse in the bus. I didn't realize what was happening at first, but little by little, the moon disappeared and it hit me. Right before that, we had stopped off at Kettleman City. Almost everyone went straight or to the right out of the bus, however, I was the only one who went left and I'm fine with that. Much like how many would have just had that relaxing weekend at home, I wanted to enjoy this experience with the students. Once I turned left, it really made me think about life, especially for these students. This week, someone asked me what my advice for life was. I told them, it was to do what you want to do and not let others hold you back. I've always been independent. I don't necessarily care for that social environment and explore for weeks on my own. Sure, at times there is loneliness when you want to share something fascinating with someone, but at the same time, being able to see what you want to see and do what you want to do has its rewards. I often get to do these things with my close circle and it's great, however, I also am never stopped when nobody wants to come along. Instead of thinking about what others might think, turn left if you want to turn left and stride confidently in the direction you choose. Others may join you, but don't be deterred if they don't, as along the way, you'll make connections you wouldn't have otherwise and experience things you couldn't have imagined. I didn't find anything amazing this time around, but I thought back to all the amazing memories I created and look forward to the many more that lie ahead. In a few weeks a new adventure awaits and I am excited for all the new things that will come my way. 

Saturday, May 14, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 134]:~ The Long Stretch

~:[CH11 - Day 134]:~ The Long Stretch

The conference schedule was a bit rough. The day was pretty long, but with a spread out campus, it was nice to get to all the committees. Davis always nice just to walk around. Even though it was hot, I enjoyed the shade and walking through the farmer's market. It's always nice to be here and while I wish it was cooler, it still was a great time. It was a long day, but definitely worth spending my weekend here. Even moreso, just being able to see the kids wander around and enjoy themselves made it so much better. 

Friday, May 13, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 133]:~ On the Road

~:[CH11 - Day 133]:~ On the Road

We headed out to Davis early in the morning with our sophomores who were heading out with MUN for the first time. It's fun to watch how they act in comparison to the upperclassmen. we hit traffic on the way up and while they slept early on, their energy kicked in and were chatting and singing and more. When we took our stop, they were running around and just had a good time. They definitely were a bit squirrely, but it was fun to watch especially when you're the chaperone who is not in charge. We arrived a little later than expected, but the timing was perfect. I was a bit exhausted, but it was nice to hit the road, especially with a group experiencing this for the first time.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 132]:~ Match Made in ...

~:[CH11 - Day 132]:~ Match Made in ...

I was tired yesterday. After hosting the pizza party and going to both CIF matches, I uploaded pictures until late. I was tired, but the assignment during 1st period made today just a bit easier despite the crazy schedule. We are on our international trading unit and one assignment I created was a "trading" profile for every country. How it works is, every student is assigned a country and creates a profile. What do they have to offer (exports) and what are they looking for in a partner (imports)? They make it fun and truly try to grab people's attention, but heed to my warning of keeping it appropriate. After giving their pitch, they go outside and try to find their best match. Seniors seem to enjoy it, while also seeing them act out the negotiating role of trade partners. While most of my MUN students are all too familiar with trading, this assignment truly makes them dig deeper into the details of a country as they try to figure out how to best match themselves with another partner. In the end, I found my way home and used the remainder of the day to get things done for our track banquet while also packing and getting ready for Davis tomorrow. While I am sad I won't be heading to CIF Finals, at least it meant I'd be able to go to Davis. I guess this year, Davis was the best match for me. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 131]:~ A Double Dose of Semis = Finals

~:[CH11 - Day 131]:~ A Double Dose of Semis = Finals

It worked out nicely. Our two racket sports both made it to semifinals and they both were playing at home. One at 3pm and one at 4pm. I went out to the tennis match first and enjoyed them cruising through their matches. So fast that even though I was only about twenty minutes late, the first round of singles already was completed. The team is quite strong and while Heritage put up a good fight in doubles, were pounced on them in singles and took the overall win 15-3. They'll play in the finals Friday at Claremont. The badminton team was up next and it looked like their matches were quite competitive. Alhambra definitely had a few strong players, but we ended up winning a lot of the close matches and pulled away for and 18-3 victory as they cruise into the finals against Nordhoff at Arcadia on Saturday. It was fun to see both teams advance in a spring season where we already have two plaques (championship and runner up). Regardless we will add a plaque, now the only thing left is which one will they get? Add it to the girls basketball runner up title and we've had quite the year this year with five CIF plaques. I got home later than expected and so I couldn't finish everything I had hoped to, but it was well worth it as I saw our athletes perform incredibly. Congratulations! I am so proud of you!

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 130]:~ Cooling Off

~:[CH11 - Day 130]:~ Cooling Off

I had a craving for a Peach Me so I headed over to Tastea and got my free sample along with my drink. It was a good combination as I down the sweet milk tea, then took on my regular drink. I had a list of things to complete today and so it was nice to be able to make a quick stop, then get back to work. It gave me a little inspiration as I worked and sadly watched the game that I could've gone to, but didn't. The Angels had a no-hitter, 12 runs and just a stellar all-around performance on top of the MVP bobblehead and presentation. While I was sad, it was also nice being home, enjoying my drink and getting work done. While I missed something pretty cool, I didn't miss my chance to cool off. 

Monday, May 9, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 129]:~ Take Ws

~:[CH11 - Day 129]:~ Take Ws

I knew it would feel like a rough day. I got to sleep late after finishing some work and when I woke up, I felt the fatigue. I made it through the day, however, finished off my few things on my to-do list and then jetted over to the tennis quarterfinals game. It was great to watch the team do so well even despite the wind that made it extra challenging. They pulled off a 12-6 win against Rancho Alamitos and advanced to the quarterfinals. Our badminton team also won and advanced, both who will be playing on Wednesday at home. As while I am sad that we did not have practice today, it is nice that I can head out and support the other programs still competing and help support them in hopes that they can collect those Ws! We got one CIF title and two runners up this year already, let's aim for a few more! Keep it up Dons!

Sunday, May 8, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 128]:~ With Love

~:[CH11 - Day 128]:~ With Love

I've always been loved unconditionally. I'm one of the lucky ones. To have a supportive system growing up from parents and other family members and friends. It's on days like these that I am forever grateful to just be with my family. I'm always running around and almost never home, but the past few years of the pandemic allowed me to spend time and home and give back by cooking for my parents. All the years I've been fed and provided for, may not have been paid back by the last few years, but I am so glad I at least had this chance and hope many more opportunities reveal themselves in the future. I am sure many of you feel the same way that I do, there will not be enough time for us to ever pay back what our parents (and today, specifically our mothers) have done for us. Never in a million years they say, but I wouldn't even be able to do it in a billion more. As I sit and watch my parents care for their grandchildren now, it makes it even more evident of how much love they've shared and I can image all the things I didn't realize growing up that they did for me. Today, I once again got to cook for my parents and aside from all the glitz and glamour that sometimes comes with the day, simply being together was more than enough for us. As while there are so many grandiose things we could've done, all that matters is that it was done with love. To all the mothers or those who served a motherly role, we appreciate you, love you and owe our lives to you. Thank you for all those love you've given us so that we may take it and share it with others we meet along the way. 

Saturday, May 7, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 127]:~ Backtrack

~:[CH11 - Day 127]:~ Backtrack

The beginning of the season had its miseries. We had to try to get athletes back in the groove, others to follow along and try to get them to focus on reaching their goals. On one of the most frustrating days for me as a coach, I got on my athletes for cutting a run short and somehow things began to change. I don't know if it was that moment or just the timing, but athletes began to PR, the focus came back, and we finished the season on a strong note. Not only did our top athletes do well, but our newer athletes began to step up. Similarly, other areas found their groove despite a rough start and we ended on a strong note. Although we had nobody advance, we had a boy who joined high jump just a few weeks ago, hit the mark for the last qualifying spot, he just had one too many misses. We had a huge number of PRs and those who were knocking on the door of qualifying. We had a moment in this season where we backtracked, but sometimes, when you do so, you only allow yourself to wind up to launch yourself to greater heights. Often when we face setbacks, we give up or lose confidence, whereas, those are the moments we need to regather ourselves and use it as momentum to push forward. We did just that and found ourselves ending on a positive note. In the middle of the season, I wasn't sure I'd look back on this season in a positive light, but after our bus ride home where the athletes sang together for almost the entire 90 minute bus ride home, although I yelled at them a few times to keep it down, I definitely smiled knowing that we ended on the right note; a note I hope carries on into next season. Great job to all our athletes on a wonderful season.

Friday, May 6, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 126]:~ On Target

~:[CH11 - Day 126]:~ On Target

It was finally Friday. For some reason, this week seemed extremely long. With AP testing, CIF week, and just everything else, it was definitely crazy. Regardless, in class, it was pretty lowkey with a trading assignment, a reading, escape rooms and then practice. I had to order food for tomorrow's meet in Ventura and also pick up other supplies for the race tomorrow. I was able to get out to the badminton CIF match and saw some alum while I was there. I also had a meeting to work on a future project upcoming and also a few more meetings in the evening for plans this summer. In the end, today, things just felt on target. I shed the weight of things I cannot control and focused on what I needed to do and wanted to do. As I reflect back on the badminton match, one of my students was struggling a bit in the first set. He refocused and they turned things around. For all of us, it's easy to lose our focus when we get flustered or upset, but in the end, we need to refocus so we can be on target, it's not always easy, but we can do it. I definitely was tired by week's end, but excited for tomorrow's meet!

Thursday, May 5, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 125]:~ Friends & Food

~:[CH11 - Day 125]:~ Friends & Food

On my break, I ventured out and met my friend for a quick meal at a nearby restaurant. It's always nice when you hang out and it feels like you didn't miss a beat. It's been awhile since I've seen some of my friends and so it's definitely nice to be able to see them and catch up when time permits. I think in reality, with all the "cool" things and events going on, the only thing you really need in life is good friends, family and food. Obviously, life is much more complex, but when it comes down to it, these three things (at least for me) are the foundation of my life. Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 124]:~ Squeezing In

~:[CH11 - Day 124]:~ Squeezing In

We ran to Share Tea today. It was the first time we've done that and while they didn't run back, it was a nice little change from the norm. With AP testing and CIF, we were missing a few, however, a few other areas joined in on the fun and it ended up being a fun time just relaxing for a bit before our dinner. I watched one of my runners who also does tennis lay down an amazing three sets 6-1, 6-0, 6-0. It was amazing, although I already knew how good he was. After chatting with an alum, I realized how tight the timing was and I rushed over to Sweetee Thai to meet the team. I have enjoyed our switch over as we used to have to wait forever to get seated and now, it's a quick process and the food is still delicious. It was definitely a great night and fun to watch them interact and just enjoy chatting and taking photos. It took awhile before they headed home, but I didn't mind much as it was nice to see them chatting away and enjoying each other's company. Life is quite busy, however, there's no reason why we cannot squeeze in as much as possible. Fill you days with the things that bring you joy and put a smile on your face. Today definitely did just that. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 123]:~ Leap of Faith

~:[CH11 - Day 123]:~ Leap of Faith

Our high jumpers headline our team as we head into prelims. Historically, some of our top performing athletes are jumpers from a champion in the triple jump to two state qualifiers in the high jump. It's great that we have such a talented group this year and I am just hoping that they can break through and find the right jump. For all my athletes, we're aiming for PRs and our best marks and they will just have to throw themselves out there and hope that they can hit those marks they hope to achieve. In life, we fall into these situations where we don't know what we should aim for. It's in these moments that we need to take that leap of faith and aim for the sky. We have the potential to soar, but we have to allow ourselves to leave the ground. Much like my athletes, we have the potential for great things, but we have to put ourselves out there to see what we are truly capable of. Let's all take that leap of faith in all the things that we do.

Monday, May 2, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 122]:~ Forever and a Day

~:[CH11 - Day 122]:~ Forever and a Day

It feels like forever and a day that I've spent with my cousin. We grew up next door to each other and now coach alongside each other. It wasn't always a path of roses (mostly when I was young), but now I enjoy our time together more than ever. There aren't many who can spend as much quality time with a cousin as I do and it's been such a blessing to have him around. While sometimes I have to watch him more than the athletes, he keeps a good balance between doing his job, but also keeping it fun. He's had such a great year this year as a coach and I am happy to be able to celebrate his birthday in person (a few days early). It was a nice cast of people joining us together and I was happy to be able to make it out. There are always those people in your lives that are a mainstay and he is definitely one of them. Despite the swirlies when I was young, I am happy with all the times we've had together and all the memories we shared. Happy early birthday to my cousin :)

Sunday, May 1, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 121]:~ The Right Mindset

~:[CH11 - Day 121]:~ The Right Mindset

 I came across Mindset as one of our alum was part of their productions. Essentially it's an app that has content from various artists who share their personal stories and struggles with others. From intimate conversations with their parents to stories they never shared about their own struggles, the content takes someone seen as an idol and shows a humanness we often don't provide to them. There were two moments that stuck with me. The first was when they were discussing the highs and lows of life. One of the artists talked about how they didn't have any lows as they addressed their mindset when facing these challenges. The difficult times are when the opportunities to find great things come and it reminded me of one of our past themes, No Rain, No Rainbows. We all, idols included, will face these ups and downs and our mindset can help us overcome even the most difficult of times. During Tablo's segment, two moments hit me deeply. One was when his wife told him that it's okay to cry. I think bottling up emotions is definitely unhealthy and allowing yourself to let it out allows you to find a path to recovery more quickly. He closed with some powerful words and it made me think of all the people in my life who have struggled with depression, anxiety and more. There is a reason for all of us to wake up tomorrow and as difficult as the road that we travel now, waking up day after day, as miserable as it may seem, will allow us to find those extraordinary moments that are awaiting us. We may not see those moments in the darkness, but there coming and every time we wake up, we're one day closer. Life is definitely a challenge, but with the help of the loves ones around us and the right mindset, I know we'll all find those extraordinary moments that await us. I closed the night cooking for my friends as we enjoyed the rest of the night together and I thought, maybe these were one of those moments they were talking about. When times are tough, just know you can always reach out and I'll do my best to help be a light to help you navigate the dark roads you face. As endless as they sometimes seem, great things await.