Thursday, October 31, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 304]:~ Spread the Love

~:[CH8 - Day 304]:~ Spread the Love
It was Halloween, not Valentines, but on the suggestion of one of my runners, we dressed up as cupids and ran around practice with our heart arrow. It actually turned out pretty well for a costume I was piecing together at the last minute. However, on a day where it's full of those dressing up and masking themselves behind a costume, I thought it was fitting that we spread the love to our team on our final practice as a team. With so many festivities, it was a bit crazy, but we were able to gather the team together for one final ohana. The schedule this year is a bit crazy with rally and a race tomorrow still, but it definitely was one that we had a fairly well-connected squad who all contributed to this wonderful experience. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 303]:~ The Story of Us

~:[CH8 - Day 303]:~ The Story of Us
I always think about the athletes of the past when league finals time comes around. There was a girl who ate KFC before her first day on the team, which just happened to be a varsity race, the karaoke nights, the bonfires, the days where there were tears and the days of laughter. There were days when you hit your head on a tree and later on, you did it again, or another moment where you floating along the course to a PR. We've had athletes who first met while sitting in my van, later to be married and a few Homecoming queens and even a few Power Rangers. Yes, every league finals, the stories of the past come out and I even sometimes run into alumni, including today having one from my first team at Cerritos. Page after page and chapter after chapter, this Story of Us is being written; a story of this ohana. Everyone of us has a role to play in it and whether we think we are contributors or not, we are. There will be good days and bad ones, but it is our job to turn what could be a not-so-memorable moment into motivation to make tomorrow a better one. We may get lost every once in awhile, like the group who ran 14 miles instead of four, but when we get lost, we have a group of people who will search for us. Win or lose, rain or shine, let's rise together and continue to write this story of us. What will the pages of our story hold moving forward? Only time will tell, but we are a deciding factor in that and what we put in, is often what we will get out. While life is full of great moments, but also disappointments, in the end, you'll forget about the medals and the championships, but look back and think about all those amazing memories, things you learned and people you met. Today, we came together and shined, but tomorrow, we will continue on, as we still have many pages to go. It is the story of us, our ohana. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 302]:~ Raising Our Hopes & Dreams

~:[CH8 - Day 302]:~ Raising Our Hopes & Dreams
We all have hopes and dreams. We also have people around us who will help us raise them up or squash them into the ground. Our theme for this year is RISE and just like the wishes that are placed on lanterns that fly into the sky, our team placed goals, wishes, messages and dreams on their cards and place them to our lantern. While this lantern will not fly into the sky, as an ohana, we can raise each other up and help our goals, wishes and dreams rise. There are too many negative things around and we need each other to encourage and uplift and I am hoping that by expressing themselves and being able to see what others express will hope motivate them as we head into league finals tomorrow. While some chose to keep their message private, I loved to see the many messages written and can't wait to see the rest that appear tomorrow. Instead of trying to get ahead by pulling each other down, let's allow ourselves to rise up and just see how high we can go. Let's allow our hopes and dreams go to a place where they belong and at least give them a chance. What are your hopes and dreams?

Monday, October 28, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 301]:~ Until We Meet Again

~:[CH8 - Day 301]:~ Until We Meet Again
It was an incredible site as we finished up an impromptu ice bath. The weather was perfect despite the air quality being not as great. However, as I looked out at the setting sun, I thought about how sometimes we may take tomorrow for granted. Today was in itself a good day. I was productive, things went smoothly and nothing out of the ordinary took place. It was one of our final practices of the season and as I thought about it, I wondered who even thought about that. I can think back to my final few days of cross country in high school. It was devastating because it was a big piece of me. However, wasn't as big of a deal then as I see it as being today? We often don't think that the sunrise won't come tomorrow and that we won't see the sunset the next day, but the reality is, we need to appreciate each one of the days we are given. As I sit here, I wonder what tomorrow brings or if tomorrow will come at all, which makes me want to be ever more appreciative of the fact that I have today. Let's appreciate every moment and every person as much as possible and never assume that we have tomorrow. We don't have the ability to see the future, so why do we simply assume that we'll have the chance tomorrow to do what we should be doing today. So although I am looking forward to the sunset tomorrow, I'll appreciate it and soak it all in today hoping that we will once again meet again. 

Sunday, October 27, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 300]:~ Shedding a Bit of Ourselves

~:[CH8 - Day 300]:~ Shedding a Bit of Ourselves
I wasn't feeling well all day, it was minor, but just annoying. It didn't help that tomorrow, I had a few meetings for MUN and our cross country prep for league finals to get ready for. I got up and ended up taking a nap after trying to work. It worked for the most part. I got the medication I needed and was able to refocus. As I got my haircut, I couldn't help but think how it's like us. Every so often, we trim the edges of ourselves and cut what we think we no longer need. Sometimes we realize we cut off too much, while other times, it's just right. I think it's healthy for us to reanalyze ourselves and do the trimming every so often, leaving the past where it belongs. Carrying lessons from the past into the future is fine, as long as it doesn't weigh us down and keep us anchored to it. As while my head was spinning just a bit, my thoughts were incredibly clear as I thought about this all day. Some of us may never choose to trim the past and some will do it regularly and it's our own choice, but for me, I feel good when I take that moment to do that shedding, even when I feel as miserable as this. Tomorrow will be a busy day, but for now, I'll relax, feeling a bit lighter than before. 

Saturday, October 26, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 299]:~ All About Timing

~:[CH8 - Day 299]:~ All About Timing
The world was spinning when I went to sleep last night. It was spinning even more when I woke up today. It happened last year around this time and it happened again. I was a little nauseated, but managed to load the car and get out to t he course. It was a hot day and for some reason, the weather always times it to be hottest on the day of this invitational. What does that mean? Dusty conditions and tougher than though conditions. Our athletes battled through it and we had a relatively good performance on the day. For athletes, as it is for us in life, it's all about timing. Do I feel good on this day? Are the conditions right? How prepared am I mentally? When all those combined factors come together, we get the race of a lifetime, but when they're off, it can be the opposite. I guess it happens to us all. Before a big deadline, we want to feel energized and ready to work; during a presentation, we don't want to be ill or distracted and on big events like a wedding, we want all the conditions to fall into place. For sports, career, love and life, it's all about timing. Do we meet the right person at the right time, did we join the right company when we should have, did we just avoid a tragic moment ... the list goes on and on. A single microsecond can change your life and the path that you head down and we can only hope that it all aligns for us. We can assume that it won't all fall into place every time, but we can put our faith that it will when it matters. Day after day, timing plays a role and while we can prepare ourselves as much as possible, it takes a bit of divine intervention to place that final piece of the puzzle down. 

Friday, October 25, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 298]:~ Not All for the Scare

~:[CH8 - Day 298]:~ Not All for the Scare
We held our annual Halloween potluck. While we have a scary moving rolling in part of the house, it's not for everyone. It was great to see a combination of people, some watching the movie, while others finding time to bond in their own ways. It's always a reminder that there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution for everyone and while people should give things a shot sometimes, it's also a reminder that it's also okay to do your own thing. In the end, it was another successful potluck and it feels like we are ready for the race tomorrow.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 297]:~ Survival

~:[CH8 - Day 297]:~ Survival
As we approach CIF season, CIF is all about survival. You win and you move on, lose and you're out. The way it's structure now, there is a great chance to win CIF, but also a greater chance to lose in the first round, as all teams are about equal. It showed, as Santa Barbara was able to hang around as we won a five set thriller. As all the fall sports begin heading into CIF, they will all face the same thing. Life kind of parallels CIF, as we move from our league, to CIF and beyond. Every round gets more challenging, but is another opportunity to prove ourselves. Do we have what it takes? It doesn't matter where you're suppose to be, it matters how you perform when it matters. It's a matter of survival. Hopefully, they will continue on as I hope the same for all the fall sports, but for now, it's fine to enjoy this sweet victory. Go Dons!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 296]:~ Here We Go Again

~:[CH8 - Day 296]:~ Here We Go Again
Some years, the list makes itself, while others, it takes a bit more work. This year, I am happy to say that we will have a solid team from top to bottom, however, that also means we are going to have to not take some delegates that are decent. It's always great to see how some of these students grow and I always am grateful to work with them. Some of them grow to becomes great parents, amazing professionals, and even occasionally a superstar. Time and time again, I go through this process and five months later, they will be ready for one of the best high school experiences of their lives. We worked late into the night as I sat with my IAs hammering out the final list, but in the end, I know that it will all be worth it. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 295]:~ Battling the Heat

~:[CH8 - Day 295]:~ Battling the Heat
I always felt like the weather was a great parallel for life. It can get challenging and it will force you to change what you do and how you do it, but you can always find a way to get what you need despite the heat. You need to come more prepared, more focused, and ready to get a little uncomfortable. While we cut back our workout because of the heat, the athletes showed themselves and battled through the conditions. Life is not easy and thus, every day they face, isn't going to be comfortable. I like it when athletes can face these conditions in practice, so they can be ready for it in the race. Similarly, when these students face obstacles early on, I like it, so they know how to navigate it all when they grow up. I hope the weather changes soon, but for now, I guess we will keep battling the heat. 

Monday, October 21, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 294]:~ Our Differences, Our Strength

~:[CH8 - Day 294]:~ Our Differences, Our Strength
Why have a world where we are all the same? Our differences is what makes us unique and what makes the world an interesting place. I think one problem with the world today is that we try to be like each other. We strive to be like others or get compared to others when in reality, we are just our own person. I have to try my best to avoid comparing siblings or others who may look or act alike, rather, to allow each person to be their own individual. Our differences is where we find our strength and I hope that people realize this. We may all want to be tall or fit, light skinned or smart, athletic and more, but in reality, we all have qualities that others do not and we must appreciate what we were given rather than envy those who have what we don't. It's hard to do, but I think in the end, we'll be able to make it and find a way to see that our greatest strength is our differences.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 293]:~ A World of Reality?

~:[CH8 - Day 293]:~ A World of Reality?
It's strange sometimes. It's like the simulations that we run in Model UN can sometimes be more realistic than what is going on in the real world. Some of the things I've seen are just unimaginable and as we progress forward in time, it almost feels as if we're taking steps backwards in progress. I love working with my students because they are both open-minded, but also ready to stand up for their opinions. They are not robots memorizing information, rather than critically thinking trough the issues and actually making informed decisions. While the world we live in seems like a drama that never seems to end, at least I know that I see a future that is in good hands in many of the the young people that have passed through the seats of my classroom. On a day where I wish I could have been sleeping in bed still so I could recover from the hike on Saturday, I was glad that at least I was in a place where I could be proud. We live in an uncertain world, but at least I can be certain that I am truly blessed to be working with the students that I do. 

Saturday, October 19, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 292]:~ That Burning Feeling

~:[CH8 - Day 292]:~ That Burning Feeling
In my ripe old age, working out may not be as hard as recovering the next day. I could already feel my hips and legs as I wandered around the outlet before we headed home. The burning feeling in my legs was quite painful, but a morning hike, as painful as it could be, was invigorating. It was great to spend a day with a small group of the team, as we ventured upwards, stumbled back downward, stuffed our faces with good food and then wandered around for the rest of the day. It was our first "varsity Saturday" where we just kind of went with the flow and found something cool to do. As tired as I am, it was worth ever bit of time that we spent together. It just like that feeling after working out. As exhausted as you are, you feel happy that you did it. I could easily have stayed home today or go on some adventure, but spending that time to take an adventure with the team was an investment that was well worth it. 

Friday, October 18, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 291]:~ We are Ohana

~:[CH8 - Day 291]:~ We are Ohana
While family circles isn't until next week, our families got together today and had a little run together. One family actually matched (unplanned) fairly well with a good number of them wearing the team shirt today. It was fun to watch the team leave and return together, as it always makes me smile to see the ohana aspect of the program. It was a super long week and I was exhausted by day's end, but for some reason, days like today make it all go away and you end up with a week finishing on a good note. I got all my papers together by day's end, deposits made, errands ran, and even some time to enjoy the evening. These are the days you hope were your everyday and even though they're not, they are the ones that keep you moving through the days in between. #weareohana

Thursday, October 17, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 290]:~ Climbing

~:[CH8 - Day 290]:~ Climbing
There were a lot of things that left me triggered today. From students who wouldn't stay where they were suppose to be to stepping on gum to drivers who were doing all sorts of things; it ended up being one of those days. However, you always work to keep moving forward. As our team headed for our hill workout, they reminded me that despite all that might go wrong, you keep climbing, never giving up. As my athletes ascending the incline time and time again, they reminded me that even when you're down in the dumps, you can rise, time and time again. As while most of the day was a drag, the end of the day turned it all around with one of the best workouts of the week. As terrible as a day may go, never give up, but keep pushing and climb your way out of that ditch, so that you see all that awaits you at the top. You will get there, but in order to do so, you must keep pushing and don't look back.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 289]:~ Accepting Our Differences

~:[CH8 - Day 289]:~ Accepting Our Differences
We live in such a polarized society. The rich and the poor, the young and the old, the democrat and the republics. We look at race and religion, gender, sexual orientation and even position/title. We have "communities," but do we have unity and if not, can we achieve it. Today, we presented about religions, in the news I heard about the parties and in my interactions, I saw the race issue arise, I kept thinking, how do we see so differently when in reality, we have more similarities than differences. The sad thing is that these "communities" do need to look out for themselves, but the question is, to what extent? When I meet someone, do I really have to worry about all the things aforementioned about them or can I simply decide what kind of person they are, by how they act and figure out if I truly want to be around them. In some ways, the internet is good, as it can mask and preconceptions I may have about a person based their looks or other features that have nothing to do with who they are as a person. I think one of the most important, but hardest things we have to do is to give some ground to each other and accept our differences so that we can find a way to connect. It's never going to happen with some people, but can't we make it work with most? Instead of simply fighting for our communities (which we should continue to do), let's not forget to fight for all people. We all deserve to be treated well and to be accepted ESPECIALLY because of our differences. Why? Our differences is what makes our society interesting. In the movie Pleasantville, you see the conformity that make the world so boring and black and white, whereas the differences in us is what brings color into this world. There's never a way that we all will be appeased, but maybe we can look at each other through a different lens and make what is different about each other, become what we love most about each other. Only accepting those who are similar to us keeps us locked in a dark room, but when we accept the differences of those around us, we open up ourselves to a world we never knew. Instead of separating ourselves, let's make it a point to end this polarization and rather use our differences to connect ourselves together. Idealistic? Possibly. Possible? Absolutely!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 288]:~ And So It Begins ...

~:[CH8 - Day 288]:~ And So It Begins ...
It's funny that at dinner, the topic of the Clippers came up and we discovered we were going to the same event. It ended up that we could carpool and thus, it was us along with a few local alumni who crashed the Clippers open practice. While it was a little chaotic due to their "clear bag" policy, it was great to be able to sit and relax and enjoy the experience. It was the first time I had been at one of these events and while I wish they did things a bit differently, it was great to see the new look Clippers in a little scrimmage against each other. It was weird to be able to sit so close to the players and see them tune up for the season, This guy even got a close up look and autograph from Trez, which probably made his night. I enjoyed catching up with the alumni who added to this "mother and son" evening. In the end, what seemed like a late night, actually wasn't that late at all and it was nice to be able to come home and relax a bit before calling it a night. 

Monday, October 14, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 287]:~ Familiar Faces

~:[CH8 - Day 287]:~ Familiar Faces
It's kind of cool when you're doing your thing and you see a familiar face. I ran into the brother of one of my former runners who has been such a blessing for us to have around. Earlier, I ran into an alumni from one of my first teams ever at Cerritos. Those types of familiar faces bright a smile to your face and make your day just a little bit brighter. As day turned to night, I ended up eating with a few friends and one of our discussions was about how we become who we are. It definitely is about the people we surround ourselves with and I am glad that I have some great people around me and have had some in the past. Treasure these people and love them like no other. 

Sunday, October 13, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 286]:~ Reflect & Recover

~:[CH8 - Day 286]:~ Reflect & Recover
There are many stretches in life that are quite overwhelming. It feels like you want to run away from it all and isolate yourself in a corner or on top of a mountain. It's not a moment in your life when you feel depression, but when you feel like you just want some time to reflect on the past and give your mind and body some time to recover. Life itself is a roller coaster. It has it's ups and downs as good news is met with bad news and the completion of a project is followed with a new task. However, have we ever taken the time to think the opposite such as when our hunger is often followed by fulfillment when we eat and when our searches end up in discovery? After these stretches in life, it's good to getaway from it all and just find yourself where no one else is and just soak in all that has happened, the good and the bad, so you can best figure out the path ahead. It is often said to not make decisions when you are emotional, as they are reactions, and while that is not always the case, it is also good to have some time to clear your mind. Today was my day to clear my mind, to reflect and recover. By day's end, I felt good and ready for a wonderful week ahead. Hopefully we all can find this time to soak in all that goes on in our life and sort it out so that we may continue on this wonderful journey ahead. 

Saturday, October 12, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 285]:~ Wrapping It Up

~:[CH8 - Day 285]:~ Wrapping It Up
The best feeling in the world, is when you reach the end of a string of projects. Right when I got back from Asia, I had to plan for the summer then Mammoth, then Cow Run, and finally the conference. I love the feeling after each of these events, as you feel relieved and you've wrapped it all up - successfully. Today was the finale in a string of events and while there are things here and there to plan, this was the last major event I am directly in charge of for about seven weeks. This year was a little strange as we cleaned up so quickly and I even had time to pop into a picture or two. For the first time ever, I brought all my coolers home and the campus seemed really clean when I left, as I did a few rounds around campus with students to pick up things here and there. I was proud to see how well my freshmen did and similarly proud to see the growth of my sophomores. However, at the end of the day, there were many things to be joyful about and even more things to be looking forward to. On that note, I guess I can say, that's a wrap! 

Friday, October 11, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 284]:~ Simply Together

~:[CH8 - Day 284]:~ Simply Together
I think one of the things I am asked the most is, how does your team feel so interconnected. It's true, with a team as large as we have, it's hard to know everyone, but we do have a lot of athletes that are close and so connected. As I thought about it, it's not about what we do, it's just about doing things together. When people are together, they bond together, they get to know each other better, and they keep up-to-date on what is going on. It's simple. There is no magic formula other than, you have to get them to come and make sure they have a good time. I hope that my athletes will continue to come to events and stay together, as while I want to have a good team know, I am even more grateful to see when my athletes are together down the road. Together, not just today, but for a lifetime. 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 283]:~ The Sunsets of Life

~:[CH8 - Day 283]:~ The Sunsets of Life
Two of the most beautiful moments of the day are when the light breaks in the morning and the sunsets in the evenings. The skies become dramatic and on days when there are clouds, the sky is a canvas of such beauty. As I walked to school in the morning, I raised my arm and pretended to paint the sky, imagining how I would get the softness of the clouds portrayed. However, these are two things that are almost a given every single day. Whether we see this daybreak or sunset every day, it exists. Eventually those wonderful or exhausting days will end and darkness will set in for us to rest, to anguish or to celebrate. Every day is filled with it's ups and downs, but almost every day has at least a brief moment of beauty like this. In our lives we close out many chapters in our life. The end of a career, the end of life, or simply the end of a day, but in that ending, is that sunset that we will ride into. It's a great moment to reflect on the memories, make adjustments for the future, and just simply to soak it all in. No matter what is going on, for some reason, that sunset always wants to make me pause and stare, as the stress of a day is released or an even greater smile comes to my face. No matter what this particular sunset in your life is for, take a moment to soak it all in before taking that next step in your life, as while we may run around from place to place, there's always time for a break for a moment as beautiful as this. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 282]:~ The Small Victories

~:[CH8 - Day 282]:~ The Small Victories
I think sometimes we are so focused on our big goals that we fail to see the small victories that are the stepping stones to that larger victory. Those are the victories that can help slowly build our confidence and trust in ourselves. Our society has driven us to this instant satisfaction mindset and it has hindered us from having the grit to reach these tough goals ahead. However, the small victories are not on the leader board, but rather in the successful adjustments, the mental breakthroughs, the pain free run, etc. Honestly, those are sometimes even bigger than reaching the larger goal, as we seem to learn so much more and receive so much satisfaction from these smaller victories. Life itself can be quite challenging, but let's not forget that sometimes, patience is golden and in that we will eventually find the treasures that await us all. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 281]:~ Growing Up Quickly

~:[CH8 - Day 281]:~ Growing Up Quickly
You hear the story quite often. A child having to step up to raise a family or fill in as the guardian to their younger brothers and sisters. It's not an easy role as sometimes they're not ready to step up into that role. However, it pushes them to grow up quickly. In cross country terms, when you have a number of veterans leave, it requires the young ones to grow up quickly and that is what is happening to our team. A few years ago, the boys started the process and have grown, although the path was tough, they've not only improved themselves, but the team around them. The girls lose a big core of  their team last year, but have bounced right back, taking down team times from previous years. They're not a veteran team by far, but they've already taken the strides towards making history. With PRs galore and team times improving weekly, who knows where both teams will end up, but I'm sure we're headed in the right direction. It's not really fair when you don't get the same amount of time to slowly develop into the role, but when you grow  up quickly, you may also find opportunities that you wouldn't have had before and find the independence that will quickly bring success your way. 

Monday, October 7, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 280]:~ WATER'vre It Takes

~:[CH8 - Day 280]:~ WATER'vre It Takes
We lined up the Hydroflasks today. It was actually quite funny. To see them in order makes you realize what kind of array of colors you have. However, despite the beauty of that spectrum, the row made me think of water, an essential to life. Today had a few bumps early on in the morning when I got some not so good news. It wasn't devastating, but made me think. Much like water is essential to our lives, so are the relationships we have, especially with our family. I have been so busy working and getting things done, doing things on my list, that I think I failed to see that I should be doing more to spend time with the foundation of my life and the thing that is essential in all of our lives, family. We are busy people by nature, but we should do whatever it takes to make times for the loved ones around us who have given so much to us and in exchange, we must give that love back to them plus more, not because we are obligated, but because we want to. Not everyone has a perfect relationship with their family, however, there are people around you who deserve this attention, whether blood related or not and today was a reminder to me that we must not put them aside for all that is going on in our lives now. Make the time for them much like they've always made time for you. As much time as you think you have, you might be wrong, because in an instant, that foundation you've built everything on, may one day soon disappear. Treasure it and make sure you take the time to appreciate it. Do whatever it takes.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 279]:~ QT

~:[CH8 - Day 279]:~ QT
It's always great to go out for good food, but it tastes even better when you're out with your friends. I am not always the best at making the time to go out outside of work and travel, but I am glad that I made the time today as it was great to see my friends. I always hate when it's been this long since I've seen them since I know it's usually my fault. Regardless, it was a nice relaxing day after a busy Saturday and although there was a number of things I had to do, it was also things that weren't too stressful. From brunch, I ventured out and met with another friend as we did the exact same thing, simply quality time. Quality time is sometimes underrated and while I don't just want to be sitting around all the time, it's nice to take that break and find the time to enjoy all that life has to offer you. Today was that day and now I am ready for the week ahead!

Saturday, October 5, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 278]:~ Get Up & Dance

~:[CH8 - Day 278]:~ Get Up & Dance
It was a tiring day. While we didn't have to wake up early, we headed to Central Park around 10am and right from the start, it was chaotic. Overall, the races went well despite the warm temperatures and after running over 10 miles while coaching, it was time to head back to school and get ready for Homecoming. We already lost half our team on the ride home, as they were already getting prepped for the dance, so it was nice to have some space, but soon, it would be crowded, as I would be in the gym, snapping away. It's always great to see the students dress up and have fun. They did just that as they danced the night away. I think these moments teach us that even when we don't really want to, sometimes we just got to get up and dance. We may be hesitant or shy, lazy or simply too exhausted, but if you find that extra ounce to do it, you'll find yourself in another moment that will be a piece of the fabric of our wonderful memories. I was tired, but being at the dance brought me new energy and I have to say that I enjoyed it, thoroughly. Next time the chance comes, even when there are reasons for you not to, get up and dance. 

Friday, October 4, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 277]:~ A Garden of Golden Roses

~:[CH8 - Day 277]:~ A Garden of Golden Roses
In the end, only one person is crowned the queen, however, there's no doubt that this court and many of our students are a garden of golden roses. I am always reminded of how blessed I am to be at my alma mater, a school that I am so proud of. While at times I want to pull my hair out, the reality is that this school is a paradise compared to most. The students are a pleasure to work with and while they may act like teenagers from time to time (sometimes all the time), they have great hearts and character. There's no place that is perfect, but I can guarantee you that coming back home was the perfect place to me. As they announced the queen and the fireworks went off in the air, the crowd cheered and continued to into the night, no matter what the score was on that board. As while only one received the golden rose at halftime, I looked back to see a garden full of them, the wonderful Dons of Cerritos High School.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 276]:~ Just Hanging Around

~:[CH8 - Day 276]:~ Just Hanging Around
Today was one of those that I just wanted to get through. I was tired and hoping to find the end of the week sooner rather than later. My body and mind was tired from the meet and overall, it was just a day of survival. However, no matter how busy a day is, the ability to get home and just relax is the best feeling in the world. To leave your phone in the corner and to simply answer to no one, is what life is about sometimes. You need to be responsible in life, but some of that responsibility in life comes when you make some time for yourself to recover and find a way to re-energize yourself. Tomorrow, I am hoping for a day full of energy, but for today, it's time to lay day and just do absolutely nothing. Sadly, with a new test given out tomorrow, "hanging out" for me today will be writing an exam, but maybe after that, I'll find that time I've been looking for. One day, one day, that time will come. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 275]:~ Pack Attack

~:[CH8 - Day 275]:~ Pack Attack
It wasn't a perfect day, as we got edged out in one of our races, but we left the day holding first in all four divisions. The girls were impressive as they took the top three spots for varsity and the top ten spots for JV. Our top three girls smashed last year's record-setting mark and our first was just off that time. The boys JV held tough and waiting for the right moment to strike to take the win while the boys varsity, despite getting edged, had six of the seven better their times from last year. So while it wasn't perfect, it kind of almost was. There's still a lot of work to do, but in the end, we will do our best to fix the problems and be ready for the road that lies ahead. Cross country is a sport where training is important, but instead of training, there are other things you can fine tune to improve your performance. When we analyze this race over the next few days, we will find just what we need to change so we don't make the same mistakes again. Even in a win, there are things we need to work on and we have a few weeks to do it. Let's see how this all goes! 

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 274]:~ The Challenge of Love

~:[CH8 - Day 274]:~ The Challenge of Love
The show may have been a bit too risque to take my mother too (with me at least), but aside from the wonderful voices, the story is what really reached me. I left the theater deep in thought over the challenges of love. In all our lives we face these same challenges from the love and loyalty to family, the love we have to those we hold dearest, and the love for a God who we revere. However, in our loves that love gets tangled and twisted, the timing of that love is off, or a lack of understanding or communication leads to its demise. Loving fearlessly means that we risk breaking our hearts when it doesn't work out or when a loved one such as a family member or significant other is taken away. Sometimes when we feel that the world is against us, our love for God fades, leaving us in a dilemma. No matter the love and who it is with, it is a challenge. I think the greatest challenge in my life is not only to love, but even more so, to be loved. In all honestly, the direction I am traveling in this sea of love is like a vortex that takes me to a place unknown and indescribable. However, no matter how love challenges us, we continue to love, we continue to fail or get hurt, and we get back up to love once again. That's the power of love. In my life, I have learned that love is not about romance, it's about caring for others, trusting each other, and building a mutual respect. To hear each other and to be comfortable sharing with each other, are all part of this process of love. Thus, in my own world, the word love is used kind of loosely, but not freely. I only give to those who I hold dear, but don't limit it to a relationship. The scenes from the musical still run through my mind and while I do not want to give much away, I do say that much like the musical, love is a challenge, but I am fine taking on that challenge so I can pass on my heart, my joy, and all that I can pour out to those around me who more than deserve it all. Yes love will break you and it will make you cry, but it will also be the foundation of your being, whether family, friend, significant other or every once in awhile, even a stranger - love fearlessly.