Saturday, March 31, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 90]:~ How It's Presented

~:[CH7 - Day 90]:~ How It's Presented
When talking with my friend tonight, I thought about how life is like the food we eat. Often times, we have the same "food" but the way it's presented can make it completely different. Someone's normal situation can seem extraordinary and sometimes when something looks extraordinary, you may not see the problems hidden beneath. Each of us decides how we want to present ourselves and we proceed from there. Regardless of what we see, we should always consider that we cannot judge a book by its cover. Often times, people are struggling even when it looks like their lives are great. We must actively be on the lookout for those who need our help and while some may not want your help, there are those who are calling for help, yet won't be ones to ask for it. Similarly, in our own lives, we must do a good job of presenting all the skills and qualities we have and also not judge people by how their presentation is. If we meet each other half way, we can truly find a way to see people for who they really are. We must have the confidence to put ourselves out there and as people, we must keep an open mind so we can judge without prejudice or stereotypes. As I looked at how beautiful this dish was laid out, I wondered if the looks would match the taste. It did this time, but we cannot allow ourselves to be fooled by presentation alone and thus, not allow our eyes do all the decision making. Your stomaches will be happy that you did. 

Friday, March 30, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 89]:~ Together on Break

~:[CH7 - Day 89]:~ Together on Break
We were on break, yet almost our entire distance team showed up for the distance carnival. It's been a rough season with so many back-to-back races, but this team has held up and has performed well. We've had records, a number of top 10s and a huge number of PRs this season and the success continued on. While others were off somewhere, we were together, enjoying our first day of break, together. It was definitely an exhausting day, but when I arrived home, I knew it was definitely worth the effort. It's one of our favorite days and I definitely would not have traded it for a day off because I enjoyed spending it together with all these ones (plus those missing) on my first day on break.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 88]:~ Sprint into the Finish

~:[CH7 - Day 88]:~ Sprint into the Finish
It finally arrived. Spring Break arrived as we faced off against Mayfair, who always provides a strong challenge for us. Our distance crews were ready as we collected 71 points among the four divisions and we were able to get just enough rest to be ready for tomorrow's meet. Things didn't work out perfectly, as we won a varsity and frosh/soph race but dropped one of each as well, but we had a number of stand out performances and continued to show progress. Slowly, but surely, we have continued to grow as we arrive at the mid-point of our season. Who knows where we will head from here, however, at lease we know that we're ready to take on whoever comes our way. As we sprinted towards break, there seemed to be a sense of relief as the athletes realized there would be no class tomorrow. Hopefully, this Spring Break allows for a lot of rest time, however, I'll just be happy if we get a good number of PRs tomorrow. My body is exhausted, but at least my mind is at easy; as we arrived at the finish line. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 87]:~ 15 Seconds ...

~:[CH7 - Day 87]:~ 15 Seconds ...
They say every person has 15 seconds of fame. If you could choose, what would those 15 seconds look like? What would you be doing? We don't get to choose what those 15 seconds of fame are and if they'll actually every come to pass, but when they come, will you be ready? I don't think fame is something I've every wanted, but I wanted for those around me. I don't really like the spotlight, but love it when those around me find their way to it. I want to promote them and be proud of them, bragging about them and not about myself. Don't get me wrong, I want to succeed, but am fine if that success comes behind the scenes; it must be my introversion speaking. Regardless of when and where your 15 seconds comes, you should always arrive with the mindset that you're going to succeed and that you will shine. I always tell my students, when you think that you're going to fail, you've definitely got it right. Of course, it works the opposite, as you increase your chances of success when you believe that you'll succeed. Who knows when your shining moment is going to be, but if you approach each opportunity like it will be it, you may just find yourself with more than 15 seconds of fame. Even if you never find those 15 seconds, be content with the fact that you lived your life to the fullest and chased after those dreams you set for yourself. As while others may see it as a failure, the only true failures you found, are those moments that you never chased after those dreams. As while falling short of your dreams can be heartbreaking, they also allow you to learn and grow, so at a point that may be when you least expect it, you'll find your way into the spotlight ... 1, 2, 3 ...

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 86]:~ In Celebration

~:[CH7 - Day 86]:~ In Celebration
This time of year is always great, because I get to catch up with alumni and see how they're doing. It's great to see them learn and grow, as they progress through their  years of college. It gives me a chance to remember and reflect on all that has gone on and helps me imagine what will happen in the future. It makes it even more exciting when one of the visitors is celebrating their birthday on this very day! Sometimes, we fail to plan for these opportunities, however, it doesn't mean you cannot make the day special for that person and help them celebrate. We ended up out in Pasadena for the normal trek to Tpumps and dinner and what was a thrown together get together, became a grand celebration. By night's end, we realized that it ended up being a great day and a wonderful celebration and sometimes you realize that you don't have to plan every minute detail of your life to have it all work out in the end. 

Monday, March 26, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 85]:~ Dance Like Everyone is Watching

~:[CH7 - Day 85]:~ Dance Like Everyone is Watching
It was such a pleasure to have the Japanese Dance Drill teams visit our school. While we didn't get to see all 18 performances, our students enjoyed the ones they got to see; so much so that they try to stage a sit-in in order to see the rest. Ergo, they were sent to class while the performances went on. I too, wish I could have seen the rest of the performances, regardless, the ones I got to see left me amazed again. It's great to see the precious and energy that the teams brought to the floor and it was nice to have them in a rally setting. Throughout the day I kept hearing, "Did you go to the rally? It was amazing!" It definitely was! It was nice to have this cultural exchange, where our students get to see these performers from Japan, 250 strong. It was even better because we had exchange students on campus from Tokyo and I believe that their school also performed! It brings me joy to watch dance. For those who know me, I love to dance. Being the INFJ that I am, I would prefer that no one sees me dancing, but once I can get myself to overcome my fear, I feel free. It's often said to dance like no one is watching, but I think we should say, dance like everyone is watching. Why? Because we live in a society where we are so afraid to be judged by others, which leaves us hesitating to do something that we may so eagerly want to do. We often think of what others may think of us or how we will be judged. However, it's something we need to get over. Who really cares what others things if you're doing something you love and there's no wrong in doing it. You may not be as precise as the teams we saw today, but if it makes you feel free, then do it. Life is too short to allow people to stop you from doing what you want, whether it's a dream or a simple thing like dancing. Dance like everyone is watching and don't have a care in a world, because no matter what they think about your performance, the freedom you feel will be well worth it. Set yourself free from the shackles that society has placed on you and chase after all the things that you're passionate about. Let people judge and say what they want, because it is you who will be smiling, as you gracefully or ungracefully move across the floor. Regardless of how it looks, it will leave a smile on your face and honestly, that's all that really matters. 

Sunday, March 25, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 84]:~ Happiness

~:[CH7 - Day 84]:~ Happiness
Life will give you a million reasons to cry, to be sad or to be angry over the course of your life, but it will also give you the same amount of opportunities to be happy. Our happiness in life is all about the path we choose. Obviously, there will be elements out of our own control, however, when it comes down to it, you can choose to do all you can to find happiness or allow these other moments to bring you down. Life is not simple, but you can simplify it by appreciating even the simplest things in life. When attending this first birthday party, I began to see the truth in the innocence of this baby as things as simple as a water bottle and a doughnut made her so happy. While we may say, but she is just a baby, I think we can learn the most from them, as they see life the simplest. We face a lot of complicated situations in our life and while things may be far from perfect, we can always try to make the most of every day and every moment and maybe, just maybe, we can find that happiness in our lives that we seek. Happiness may not always come to us so easily, that's why, just like our goals and dreams in life, we must work to find that happiness which we seek. Let's keep the glass half empty or even full this week and it will definitely be one full of happiness.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 83]:~ Rising Up

~:[CH7 - Day 83]:~ Rising Up
It was another full day at a track meet, but with most of the distances running last night, I was able to go around and get to a lot of other events. We had a number of athletes shine and we also had a few tumble. The most entertaining was at the end of the 100m when one of our athletes leaned to second but lost his balance. It looked like he'd get a nice scrape, but ended up with a beautiful tumble that had it right back up. My DMR team fell just short of the qualifying mark for Arcadia and a few athletes just missed out on PRs and medals. We also had those who came through and PRs, medaled and even those who skied high, like our high jumper who easily cleared 6' 6" with this jump. Track meets are often a great parallel to life as sometimes we have those breakthroughs and sometimes, just when it looks like we're going to take a tumble, we end up unscathed. When you have a bad day, you just need to refocus and stay motivated and inspired, so that you can be ready when your next opportunity arrives. Regardless, each of these meets and every one of these moments is precious and should be cherished. I was exhausted by the end of the day and just wanted to crash, but it was definitely a great day and it's nice to see our team rising up as we hit the mid-point of our season. 

Friday, March 23, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 82]:~ A Bucket Full of Blessings

~:[CH7 - Day 82]:~ A Bucket Full of Blessings
As the money poured in, I couldn't believe that we actually collected as much as we did. We filled a container I never thought we'd fill, all with the generous efforts of all my freshmen students. At first, I thought this would be one of my bust years, as they only collected about a hundred dollars half way through the drive, but they worked their tails off to collect money and gave selflessly. I think philanthropy is important in life and doing so for a charity that relates to something that is so dear to my heart, makes it even more amazing. To see them give up their after school treat or even a concert they wanted to go to, gives me hope in the future and I know at least with my own students, that they will have compassion as they move through life. In the end, they became the first group in my career to collect over $3,000! It wasn't even about the amount, but the effort that they put in, until the very last moment. As the blessings continued to roll in, we had very awesome visitors from Tokyo and our team had a fun and successful night out at the Beach Cities Invitational and despite the wind, we had a number of PRs, lots of medals and even a few wins with BIG PRs! Sometimes life pours you a bucket full of blessings and you just need to be thankful for the opportunity to experience such blessings, especially when it allows you to help those around you. While it's always wonderful when good things happen to you, it's even better when your efforts bring blessings to the lives of those around you, familiar or not. 

Thursday, March 22, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 81]:~ A Final Bow

~:[CH7 - Day 81]:~ A Final Bow
Tonight was the fourth and final time that I watched Allegiance. I saw it twice on Broadway and twice in Little Tokyo and was captivated by it every time. Aside from the powerful music and great acting, the story is something that we all need to hear. I have seen this as an important topic to truly cover in history, not because I am Japanese-American, but because it is something we cannot have repeated. Sadly, the realities of these racist attitudes have reappeared over the course of history and one can only hope that they never escalate to how things were during this time in history. As I sat front and center during the show, I was so impressed on how they adapted this show for LA. The new cast shined on stage including my very own friend Janelle Dote, who kept the humor flowing through the show and danced the night away. It may not have been a coincidence that it was raining tonight, as it was just like the tears that flowed within me, as I realized there is a chance I will not get to see this production live again. While I hope that is not true, I will treasure the opportunity I had to see such a powerful show and while I was sad that the weather canceled my track meet, it also allowed me to not miss a second of this wonderful production, for which I am forever grateful. With less than ten shows left, I encourage you to catch this show while it's still running, to entertain yourself, but also to remind you that in no case, can we allow ourselves to repeat something like this again. It was a sad moment in the history of our nation and it is my hope that history doesn't repeat itself. As they took their final bows, I was sad that it was over, but thankful for the opportunity to be here. Amazing job cast, have a great final stretch, and thanks for sharing this story to the tens of thousands who will have joined you who will be forever changed. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 80]:~ Capturing the Moment

~:[CH7 - Day 80]:~ Capturing the Moment
Picture day is well known to be my least favorite day of the year. The irresponsibility of athletes leads to headaches when they ask to "borrow" as I yell out "no," organizing them in lines, and just the time it takes to piece it all together, ends up being a big pain. Regardless, at the end of the day, picture day captures some of the best moments of the season and helps create memories to last for a long way down the road. Once the day is over and I got back and look through the photographs, I smile, thinking that it just might have been worth it, before I go back to my state of frustration over how it all went. I sit here at the end of the day, scrolling through my photo reel and am glad that we had today and while I am exhausted, tomorrow, I will be happy that it's over, but also happy that it happened. It was a crazy day with meetings and collecting, grading and a meet up, and watching the weather all day, just hoping it would clear up just enough to allow for our picture day to happen. It did and was perfectly timed. I guess it must have been a sign that as much as I hoped this day would be canceled, it's something that I shouldn't take for granted, as capturing the moment is important, before we allow that moment to pass us by. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 79]:~ Surprise ...

~:[CH7 - Day 79]:~ Surprise ...
It was a day full of surprises. Some which were not so great and others that were great. As many headaches as the no so great moments of the day were, the great moments far outweighed them and made this year's surprise a good one. With a "lobbyist" coming in to visit our senior MUN class, two of our seniors were surprised with the Edison Scholarship, which amounted to $40,000 each. It is pretty amazing to have two at a school, but to have two in the same class is even more amazing. It's these kinds of proud moments that make teaching special. Of course, it's not about the award that made this moment special. It was thinking about the growth that these two made over the course of the past four years. The timidness, the awkwardness, the fun moments, the moments they struggled and more. Often times, working the the Model UN program, you see the best and worst of these students because you work with them so often, but at the end of the day, you appreciate their moment in the spotlight. It was pretty exhausting between meetings, practice, and dealing with various issues all around, but the thought of how these two changed as they breezed through the local news interviews, I was happy, not just for them, but for all those who have stepped food in the walls of our classroom. I'm wondering what tomorrow will bring, but for now, I'm too exhausted to even move and so I will lay down to rest, hoping that tomorrow will produce more great minds who can truly appreciate the world around them. 

Monday, March 19, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 78]:~ A Thought in the Mind

~:[CH7 - Day 78]:~ A Thought in the Mind
Throughout the cycles of our lives, a million thoughts and words will run through our minds. Some we wish we never said, some we wish we had said, for some it was the right time and others the wrong, and there will be many that tear at our hearts, minds and souls. If we displayed all that we had come across, the view may not be so pretty, as so many of these thoughts and words try to bring us down. From disappointments to heartache, failures to those indescribable feelings of sadness, the weight of it all can easily bring us down. However, just as these words can bring us down, the uplifting and inspirations thoughts and words are ones that can change the course of your life for the better. The downward cycle can easily be stopped, by a single one of these post its on the wall, as it only takes a single pebble to make a ripple in the water, impacting all that's around it. With sadness and pain, comes the opportunity to heal and grow back stronger than before. It allows us an opportunity to soul search, to find ourselves, and to really see what we could not see before. The world is not going to lift you up, it is you that must do so before the world is able to see you on the stage that has been set for you. I heard someone say that we are not all meant to be in the spotlight, but I tend to disagree. Each of us is capable of shining in our own way and while it may not be under the Hollywood lights, our light is waiting for us, if we can find out way out of the darkness. So many will crowd us with messages like the postings on this wall, but instead of searching through each one, we must find the ones that matter. A million thoughts and words run through our minds, but we must seek out those who give us those thoughts and words that lift us up, so we may rise out of the shadows and find our light that waits for us. With a friend by my side, I think we both found at least one person for whom we can rely on and among the million of thoughts and words that I come across each day, I was lucky enough to grab the one that made this day a great one. 

Sunday, March 18, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 77]:~ Winning and Losing

~:[CH7 - Day 77]:~ Winning and Losing
With the NCAA tournament on, there will be a lot of Cinderella stories and along with those will come the disappointments. Life is about winning and losing. With every winner, there tends to be a loser or is there? I think in our society, we tend to accept the winners and losers approach. Sadly, the reality is, not reaching your goal or falling on the short end of the scoreboard, is not always losing. While it may go down as a loss in the score book, I think we all need to take a better look at how we analyze things to really understand that we are failing ourselves when we think like this and failing those around us when we use this to judge them. I've always looked at progress as a way to measure "winning" and even then, taking a step backwards or simply falling flat on my face, also wasn't considered a "loss." Too many times, we see our "record" as a barometer to judge us where we reach the pinnacle of where we want to be, but the question is, how did you get there? Did you stomp on a bunch of people? Do you lie, cheat or steal? Who and what did you sacrifice to reach that goal? On the opposite end, no reaching the marks we shoot often leave us down in the dumps, but did we ask ourselves the opposite questions? Did we make progress? Did we learn from our shortcomings? Are we now even more motivate to make progress? There are a thousand questions with very simple answers that we hold within ourselves, most of which will explain about how we approach life. I've been a fan of some very bad teams in my life and also been on some of them as well. Very early on, I learned how to view things and how to approach things and while my approach is far from perfect, it has allowed me to think differently about winning and losing. I don't get as upset when we lose, as when the loss was unfair and if I ever have come out on top through undermining those around me, in the long run, it left me more miserable than elated. I'm always trying to correct myself and help guide myself towards a better balance towards success and staying true to the path and my hope is that others will work with me. I don't expect to perfect it and as of now, I am still far away from that, however, the more steps I take forward, the farther winning and losing are from my mind. One day, maybe when I'm old and feeble, will it finally hit me that I truly have escaped this mindset, but each day I battle knowing that in the end, the greatest success is learning the right way to do things by focusing on doing our best, learning, growing and showing good character. We live in a place so awful in so many ways and while we cannot always change the world and the mindset of those around us, maybe we can work on changing ourselves - win, lose or draw.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 76]:~ Dreamin' Away

~:[CH7 - Day 76]:~ Dreamin' Away
I shouldn't have laid down at all, as a "better angle" at the television led to a longer nap. Of course, it was an exhausting week, as I ended it with three straight days of track meets. It was nice to take a little nap, however, and dream away, despite the fact that I missed out on a meet up. I guess spending the rest of the evening dreaming was a perfect segue in my reflection of the weekend. In life, we all have our own dreams and as we dream, we face the realities of the ups and downs of chasing those dreams. In some cases, we fall flat on our faces and our force to get back up again; in other times, it can feel so cruel, as while you coast to your dream, you fall just short; and then, sometimes when you least expect it, you have a breakthrough and end up in celebration, reaching or even sometimes exceeding your goal. On a day like today, I guess sometimes it's luck, sometimes it's all the hard work you put in and in other times, it's a combination of both. The reality of chasing those dreams is that sometimes you've done everything you can to perfection, but it just wasn't your day. Of course, the biggest thing is, you can never stop dreaming. Whether you adjust your dream or keep chasing after it, dreaming allows you to push yourself and to build hope, confidence and motivation. It is when we lose hope that we find ourselves in a downward spiral, losing our way. Whereas, no matter how many times we fall, when the dream exists, we still have a reason to get back up and keep fighting, day after day. Today was such a contrast between great performances and the ones you have to pick yourself back up from and yet, between to near misses and the breakthroughs, we must continue to dream, even when it's least expected. I never expected myself to fall asleep tonight, but it was just a reminder that in our lives, we must keep dreaming away, as you never really know what will become of it. 

Friday, March 16, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 75]:~ Battle with the Elements

~:[CH7 - Day 75]:~ Battle with the Elements
It wasn't the best day, but it was pretty close. With a good number of PRs and good performances, the rain tried to ruin the day, but the PRs just kept coming. Even after racing yesterday, our team came out ready to go and ready to battle all the elements that faced them. From a number of huge PRs to our relay team running the now 5th fastest mark in the state, the day was filled with highlights. We collected medals, had our laughs, and sheltered ourselves from the storm for a bit, before cheering on our final few athletes. I'm hoping that tomorrow will not be as miserable in regards to weather, however, I am hoping that the performances can match up or surpass our marks from today. We still have a ways to go as mentioned yesterday, but our battle through the elements today was hopefully just a sign of things to come. With the rain pouring down, you might expect a bus full of unhappy athletes, but the mood was positive, as much of the team was happy with how things fell into place. As while life may make things difficult, you can always come out on top with the right mentality and the readiness to battle everything that stands in your way. 

Thursday, March 15, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 74]:~ The Points that Matter

~:[CH7 - Day 74]:~ The Points that Matter
I was upset towards the end of the meet. Sometimes people do things without thinking and the hope is, the end up realizing what they did wrong. I am not sure if they quite got it, but in the end, you have to do what you can. Regardless, I didn't let that spoil a fairly good first outing for us. While it would have been nice to take home all four wins, we definitely made a lot of progress today and I was happy with how we started out. The times that are being produced are definitely a step up and it's now just a matter of improving on those marks. It was a little crazy today, but I think that things will settle down and so I can focus what needs to be focused on. We have things to work on so that these athletes can see the points that matter. In sports and in life, there are things we don't know and things we need to learn and while it may be frustrating when those points are covered, the hope is, eventually, things will fall into place. We will see soon enough.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 73]:~ A Story Unlike Any Other

~:[CH7 - Day 73]:~ A Story Unlike Any Other
It was a hectic day. While I have done many conferences, I haven't really done a "field trip" before and this would be my first. However, as much of a hassle it was, it was well worth all the trouble. We were lucky enough to attend the Los Angeles showing of Allegiance (140 strong), which is not only filled with great music, but has a story that is one that must be told over and over. I was lucky to have the opportunity to watch this musical twice on Broadway, three times in theaters and finally, I got to see it back here in Los Angeles. While I brought my seniors to see it in New York, I was so happy to be able to bring a larger group of my students to see it. With a story line that has it's ups and downs, it strikes every emotional cord within you, with a story that is often left untold, even within the generation of Japanese-Americans who live here today. Being able to share this experienced touched my heart and be able to once again reconnect with my classmate from high school was a big added bonus. I was reminded by my mother today that we actually had attended the same preschool way back when, as I searched up old photos of us in an old production. I realized that we even had our own story, as we shared a stage way back when. While I wasn't on stage today, many of my students thought that I was, as a character in the show resembled me in some ways. As I watched Janelle on stage, I was taken away by a character who kept the humor throughout the musical and also touched our hearts so deeply all the way to the end. I was so proud to see her on stage and so thankful that this story is being told. The cast came out to greet the droves of students who were around and I was lucky enough to have some time to chat with her, along with my fellow Watanabes who were also in the musical. As I thought back to the original cast on Broadway, I was also pleased with how they adapted this to fit the stage in Los Angeles, adjusting what was necessary, while continuing to tell a story unlike any other. Other musicals may dominate headlines as people around the world sing their tunes, but Allegiance is one that will be forever rooted in me. It definitely is a story unlike any other and am grateful for people like Janelle and this amazing cast who are delivering an important message we all need to hear; something for which I will be forever grateful. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 72]:~ Rain or Shine

~:[CH7 - Day 72]:~ Rain or Shine
Between preparing for Allegiance and Open House to practice and meeting up with people, Tuesday was a crazy day. It was tough enough with everything we had to do, but the rain just compiled the issues on the day. However, life goes on. No matter what life throws at you, you need to get ready to work and that's just what I did, along with my team. We battled the rain through the intervals and when I looked around at the end of the day, there was no one left around us on campus. We were the only ones still practicing. Even after, the athletes stuck around in the weight room until it was time to go setup for Open House. I was so happy at how the workout went and how many people stuck around for open house. Life can be tough sometimes, but when you take the route that isn't as easy, as much trouble as you face ahead, you also grow and learn so much. I know that while today was tough, these athletes will grow to not shy away when conditions are tough, as I know they'll be ready to go rain or shine.

Monday, March 12, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 71]:~ Restructuring

~:[CH7 - Day 71]:~ Restructuring
It's always a challenge getting back into the swing of things on the day back from a trip. This is one of the many times I've had to do this and now, it's almost like a habit. Regardless, there is always a need for adjustment and a little bit of restructuring of the mind to get things settled. The day actually passed by fairly quickly and it was nice to see everyone's faces again. While there were piles of things to take care of and a line of endless questions, in the end, I survived and am excited for the day ahead. I accomplished most of what I needed to do and I know that with just a bit more work, I'll be all caught up that quickly. Tomorrow will be a monster of a day with Open House and all, but I know in the end, I'll survive like I always do!

Sunday, March 11, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 70]:~ Welcome Home

~:[CH7 - Day 70]:~ Welcome Home
I sat at home, having some time to reflect on the trip and getting everything back in order, slowly but surely. It was sad to lose a day, but being home, countered any sadness that I felt. Sometimes I do take being home for granted, but I was quite happy that I was finally home. While I didn't do much outside of the house today, it was nice to do a little catch up outside for a bit. The talk helped me reflect on the year so far, how things have been and where I am headed. Who know's what the future will hold, however, it made me realize that there are some things I need to work and focus on moving forward. I'm excited to get back into my routine and while it won't be set right away, I can already feel the structure coming back into my life. While I enjoy the freedom of being away from the bell schedule, it's also nice to have a more predictable and common schedule for at least a bit. As you reflect, what is it that you see? Hopefully, it's a bright future ahead with promise! Keep your head up, your eyes open, and your mind positive! 

Saturday, March 10, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 69]:~ Honors Aside

~:[CH7 - Day 69]:~ Honors Aside
It was a little disappointing to hear the story of how one of your delegates was forced to sit down during formal caucus and having that same country use the introduction our delegate used in committee while giving their speech in the General Assembly Hall. It shows the side of Model UN that I have grown to despise. The underhandedness and backstabbing that sometimes goes on in committees is not what I hope for a Model UN conference to include, but it something that has become a reality in the world of Model UN. However, that is exactly what makes me more proud of my own delegates. I am proud to hear them speak, using the 8,000 documents our group collected and demonstrating the information gained through the late nights and all that the other time they used after sacrificing something else they could have been doing. This group started on the road of struggling with the preparation process, but grew together, learned together and unified together. As while I am proud to take home multiple delegation awards, the true honor is in all the learning that they gained. Learning how to get over all the underhandedness they encounter by trying to stay true to what they should be focused on, as I hope that they never feel like they need to sink to that level. I knew very little about this program when I entered my freshman year in high school, but when I left, I realized its importance when my advisor gave every last ounce of his energy to this program before passing away. I saw how it helped me grow and helped me understand what it meant to my life. He showed me the foundation you need to become a good delegate, but showed me even more about being a great person. Today, as I stood in the General Assembly Hall, I was proud of my students as while there was disappoint and discouragement in some aspects in their hearts, none of that entered my own heart. Each year, I am proud when I hear them speak with a content-loaded speech or how they speak confidently using nothing but the information that fills their brain, injected there by hours and hours of hard work and preparation. The award will sit and collect dust and over time, people will forget that the award was even won; however, the knowledge and experiences gained are things that will add to the foundation that will support them for the rest of their lives.

Friday, March 9, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 68]:~ Hanging with the Crew

~:[CH7 - Day 68]:~ Hanging with the Crew
It was sad that this was our last night in New York. The weather, aside from a brief storm, was pretty amazing and things went pretty smoothly through the week. We had just a few people get slight colds, but we also avoided the sick bug that plagued groups of the past.  It was also nice to spend time with a group of chaperones that got along well. We were able to do our own thing while also have our moments together such as tonight at the delegate dance. It has definitely been an exhausting week and the students were tired when they left committee, but they also had amazing energy at Stardust and carried that over into the social. I love that they ended on a high note and while only time will tell how tomorrow will play out, I am definitely proud of the progress they made through this whole process. The road was not easy, but in the end, it's been nice hanging with the crew. 

Thursday, March 8, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 67]:~ The Back & Forth

~:[CH7 - Day 67]:~ The Back & Forth
Conferences are an interesting beast. One day, things are going spectacular and the committee takes a 180, while in other situations, it does the opposite. I think learning to deal with this is one of the best things about Model UN. The students have to learn to adapt to every given situation and see if they can in fact navigate their way through these difficult challenges. It is emotional and definitely a challenge for them to learn how to handle the situation, but in the end, it teaches them a lot. Things in life are usually not going to go perfectly, however, there are always ways you can navigate difficult situations. Learning to keep your cool in finding a solution to the problem is important. I always see these situations come up in my own life and I think back to how I handled the situations in Model UN and how I see my students doing it. Life is a back and forth like this and while sometimes these back and forths are more serious in nature in real life, the reality is, the skills to navigate through these moments are the same. Stay positive and know that you can make your way through even the most difficult of times and don't forget to enjoy those wonderful moments you truly deserve. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 66]:~ Opening Night

~:[CH7 - Day 66]:~ Opening Night
The opening night for anything can be a scary thing. The butterflies run through your stomach, as a million thoughts run through your mind. Whether it's for sports, a musical or for Model UN, the feeling is all too similar. It becomes even more nerve-wracking when you get an ominous sign with a bad winter storm that drops inches upon inches of snow to the ground. However, much like was the case during the trip, the group rose above it and pulled through. On the first night of the conference, they spoke a good amount of times and we were able to catch many of them speak. It was a great showing after we battled through many ups and downs during our preparation period. It's always exciting to start things up and while you never know where you will head from here, it's nice to know that you got a good start. As we braved the winter storm, we also were able to brave the challenges of committees, closing off our opening night on a great note. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 65]:~ Bursting Bubbles

~:[CH7 - Day 65]:~ Bursting Bubbles
It seems like chasing after a dream is like trying to catch a bubble, no matter how hard you try or how careful you are, it bursts. Life is difficult, but it often works like that. Regardless, time after time, we try, hoping that one day, we can capture that bubble. However, whether or not, is it caught, isn't it something you want to keep trying? Did you not enjoy it? Did you not learn each time you failed? Life isn't always about the finish line, sometimes it's about the process. It's about how you grew and developed, what you learned and even sometimes, who you met along the way. In a day full of running, walking through Central Park, art and a conclusion with Wicked, I began to see that while we may never catch that bubble, all the memories I created in chasing it, is what I am most fond of. I thought about the many struggles I went through in trying to achieve my goals and the same issues that I face today. As while I have failed to catch that bubble time after time, the only thing that has been diminishing are my fears and concerns, as through this process, my confidence has grown. Tomorrow, I may see another bubble and I will continue to chase it, because even if it bursts in the palm of my hand, it's another opportunity to develop myself. Our day was summed up with this picture, as we enjoyed this beautiful day and had many memories created on a day where our bubble burst. As it made me realize the answer to my question ... as while it's discouraging each time the bubble bursts, what do I lose by chasing that bubble time after time? 

Monday, March 5, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 64]:~ A Closer Look

~:[CH7 - Day 64]:~ A Closer Look
I think it's always nice to take a closer look at ourselves and what we do. We often lose sight of who we are and what our purpose is. There is so much we need to take care in this world that it can be overwhelming and it's easy for us to become lost. However, there is no reason why, our reflection can help direct us, rather than misguide us. As I had some time to work on my friend on a project, we talked about how important it was to take a closer look and to really see what could be done better. Life is like that. We need to take a closer look and not be super critical, but rather, to use it as a devise to make adjustments within our own lives. As we ventured through the UN, Grand Central, the Museum of Natural History and then to some reflection time, I did start to think about myself and what I need to change. It's never an easy process and there is a lot to figure out, however, in the end, when we go in for that closer look, you'll find things about yourself that you may have never known. Life is a process of learning about you, you just have to be willing to take a closer look to learn as much as possible.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 63]:~ Rising Up

~:[CH7 - Day 63]:~ Rising Up
Starting from Lady Liberty and moving to the 9/11 Memorial, a strange feeling begins running through your body. You think about the impact that a tragic event that 9/11 had on the city of New York and the world. Being in New York every year since the attack and even the few years before, I've seen the site from it's old form to devastation to the process of rebuilding. As I looked at it today, you could see that as time passes, a new beginning has been forming from the ashes. While many may not be happy with the political climate in this nation, it doesn't mean that we ever lost the fighting spirt and the ability to rise up. It is in our darkest times that we must rise up and become a greater form of ourselves than we were before. As we struggled through the first day, our group began that process of getting back on track and made this Sunday a glorious day. By day's end, I was tired, but I was happy. Many people from our group struggled on the ice, but found a way to be celebrating on that same ice by the end of the day. It definitely paralleled how we should approach life. We shouldn't back down from the challenges and difficulties we face, rather, we should tackle them head on and find ourselves better than when we started. Standing in the Oculus, I was amazed at the beautiful structure that had risen up and as you begin to look around that area, you begin to see a new beginning. It's still not easy, as the memories of 9/11 still linger in the hearts and minds of many, but just like in life, we must continue on, not forgetting the past, but still focusing on our future. We should keep looking forward, knowing that there are better things ahead of us. 

Saturday, March 3, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 62]:~ Turbulence

~:[CH7 - Day 62]:~ Turbulence 
I used to believe in these fairytales. That is something that is no longer. It's not because I've become apathetic, but rather, I've come to realize how great life actually is. I've seen how our imperfects are what can make life perfect and how turbulence in our lives brings opportunities. As the plane approached swaying and rocking, that turbulence was all to real and a foreshadowing of a day that matched that turbulence. In some cases it was bad, in others, it was manageable, but regardless, it was present. It reminded me the reason why I don't believe in fairytales, because they aren't what we should be hoping for. The darkest times in our lives often allow us to see that the light is even brighter than we imagined, the trials and tribulations we face are what make the most out of us, and the heart that breaks may just be the thing that allows us to shed the protective coating that shows us the true heart that we've never really found. This year, more than ever, the experience has been different than in year's past, but it doesn't mean it was any better or any worse, but it was its own. It's too early to tell what this week will bring and even with a little turbulence, I cannot put a label on the day. Even the most devastating of situations can be a blessing that we won't see until years down the line, but for now, we'll survive the turbulence and just know that better things are headed our way. I may not believe in fairytales, but it doesn't mean I don't see the great things headed our way.

Friday, March 2, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 61]:~ A Break from the Storm

~:[CH7 - Day 61]:~ A Break from the Storm
Sometimes life fills your days with storm as you expect the worst for what's to come. Just as you are about to flail your hands up and surrender to it, a break in the clouds happens and you are able to enjoy the time that you thought you wouldn't have. Today was one of those days as the craziness and chaos of prepping for today was temporarily pushed aside as I got to enjoy a food run and also some downtime before heading to the airport to take this year's group to Nationals. As we sit in the airport waiting for our delayed flight, there is still some light in the day despite the storms that tried to ruin a day with so much goodness within it. As I sadly leave one group behind, I take another on an adventure that is sure to be one to remember. As we headed towards security, the students waved goodbye to the crowds of parents who came to the airport as they began their adventure. I am not sure what storms this Nor'easter will bring, however, I know that I will not assume the worst, rather, I will try to find the break from that storm, as it will give me a moment to appreciate the goodness in this world even among the worst of storms. It's hard to see these moments when things are so chaotic, but if you keep your eyes open, you'll be able to spot those moments before they pass you by.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 60]:~ To Your Marks ...

~:[CH7 - Day 60]:~ To Your Marks ...
It was quite the crazy and hectic first home meet day. We always use this meet to get used to hosting a home meet and it ended up being a nice reminder of what we need to have when we have our next meet. Regardless, we kicked off the year with solid times and I was pretty happy as I sat down for dinner with the team, thinking about how they ran on the day. While there is definitely some fine tuning to do, I am happy where we are at. While I wish I could have enjoyed this more, with everything going on, I didn't have enough time to breathe and enjoy this moment, but soon, I'll be on a plane, resting as I head off on a new adventure. There still are many more things to do before I leave, let's see if I can get it all done.