Sunday, May 31, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 152]:~ Pockets of Optimism

~:[CH9 - Day 152]:~ Pockets of Optimism
A small fraction. A small fraction of people can ruin what is set to be a beautiful thing. When cooking, if you're suppose to add sugar, but instead add salt or if you accidentally put a tablespoon instead of a teaspoon, you ruin what could have been a delicious meal. In all honestly, there are a lot of people who are hungry; they're hungry for change. They want to see change; I want to see change. I am happy to see so may people out speaking their voice, but also enraged at the opportunists who take away from these efforts by theft and senseless vandalism. At the same time, I saw the true protesters guard the stores of their communities, even while facing harm to themselves, I saw a mayor in Atlanta trying to keep her people on the right path, I saw law enforcement connect with the protesters, protesters protect an officer separated from his squad and I saw a lot of young people let their voices be heard. There are the law enforcement who recklessly put lives on the line for erratically driving through the crowds, but also the crowds that strike fear in the law enforcement by surrounding them, there was a peaceful protest in Long Beach, while opportunists overshadowed that by looting stores at the Pike. There are pockets of optimism, but in the process, let's encourage those around us to work together to find the solution. We cannot stay silent, but we also must be responsible. Let's grow these pockets of optimism, let's encourage people to let their voices be heard, let's have people stand together, and let's work towards setting the table so we all can have a meal we can enjoy. It's not going to be easy, but I'm optimistic that we can find a way.

Saturday, May 30, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 151]:~ The Answer Within Us All

~:[CH9 - Day 151]:~ The Answer Within Us All

I wished. I hoped. I prayed.

I saw a wave of posts crash down. I saw people frustrated by what is happening and even more angered by what is not being done. As time has passed, issues that have been buried may have disappeared, but the more that they try to bury, that hole soon will become a mountain. It is something that can no longer be hidden and it is something that we can no longer allow to be buried. Sadly, we have a president who has done nothing but responded with divisive comments, attacking rivals, passing the blame and also throwing out threats. Not once has he sent a message to try and unify us together. However, our lessons from the past also teach us that a president is not the only leader we should look towards to guide us in our most troubling times. 

I cannot sit here and tell you what to believe or what you should do, but I do implore you to find that answer that is in us all. I see a world so full of anger, rage and frustration. There is good reasons to be, however, as I read in between post after post about what's going on, I also saw one that stood out, it's before we change the world, we need to change ourselves. We can be emotional, there is good reason to be, but we also cannot be filled with hate. We must turn the fear and anger into confidence and determination. We must be vocal and passionate, but also self-disciplined and show self-restraint. 

Looting, vandalism and violence is not the answer. Covering up these crimes is also not the answer. A lot of repair is needed in this country, however, that repair is needed from top to bottom. If you feel the need, get out and let your voice be heard, stand your ground, and rise up in times of injustice, but in the process, bring the greatest weapons you can have with you, passion, confidence, and determination paired with discipline and restraint. 

One of the greatest leaders of our time showed us that this approach worked. He stood his ground against those who doubted him and walked that middle ground where progress was found. It wasn't an easy road, but it is one that gained him the honor and respect that he has today. Don't allow your rights and freedoms to be taken away, but don't trample on others in the process of trying to reclaim those rights. 

There are a lot of issues we've had to face recently. I've wished that we could overcome this. I hoped that we all could find the answers within ourselves. I prayed for all of humanity, as more than ever, we need it. Let's unleash your voice so it can be heard, but let's also reveal your heart so it can be shared. 

Friday, May 29, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 150]:~ Food for (the) Thought(less)

~:[CH9 - Day 150]:~ Food for (the) Thought(less)
With all that is going on, my mind was going crazy. I just couldn't process all that is going on and the craziness in this world today. I tried to get my mind off of it all as I photoshopped a fun picture for a friend and even had a stream with my class and a meeting with my captains. However, the greatest escape for the day was food. Cooking has allowed me to get me away from the madness of the world and allow me to find an escape from this all for just a bit. It takes a few hours out of my day and makes the day go that much quicker. A friend had sent me some money to get meat since I probably won't get to celebrate in Japan with her anytime soon and my cravings of Korean BBQ and banchan were out of control. I marinaded meat in the morning, but somehow I planned this meal in my mind and cooked up everything in 80 minutes (aside from the homemade kimchi someone gave me). Sure, many of the banchan dishes were simple, but I really didn't think I could be done so quickly. I ended up with so much, a few people came over to pick up some food. From cooking the food, to eating the food, to sharing the food, I was content (for now). As while my mind will rage again, it has been food that is my ultimate escape. What have been your favorite dishes you've made during this pandemic?

Thursday, May 28, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 149]:~ Finding Peace

~:[CH9 - Day 149]:~ Finding Peace
Where in this world can we find peace? I've grown up learning about all the conflicts of this world. Model UN was problem the biggest blessing of my life. I knew nothing about the class, but just joined because I knew someone in the program and along while later, my entire life has been devoting to a problem that has shown me so many perspectives on so many issues. I try to keep an open mind on any given topic and issue, but it's sad to see the deterioration of so many things (not just referencing the recent events). Without leadership, we are even more lost as a country, as we have a narcissistic leader who spent all day tweeting about Twitter (since they fact checked him) and a lot of posts trying to position himself well and take down his rivals. Sadly, his first post about the on going situation was even more divisive in a situation that already has created a divide. My blood was boiling through the day, like so many others, as I searched for my own peace through the day, hoping that we also can find a peace within our world. As I took a creative break as I have been doing through the pandemic, I decided to venture over to see Jordan and with a little dancing, changing his stoic face to one of laughter. I found greater peace as I did a virtual video/photo shoot of a friend, hoping for a future project in person when all this is said and done. There are many questions that still need to be answered and solutions that need to come forth and my only hope is that we speak up, take action, but also do it in a way that is reasonable. Much like violence that is being protested against isn't acceptable, looting, vandalism, and violence in retaliation also isn't. Sadly, many have felt like they are pushed in a corner and law enforcement will now be more on edge afraid for their own safety, which may lead to even more problems. The fear and frustration that exists is justifiable, but also remember to allowing ourselves to judge an entire group based on the actions of what ultimately is a small percentage. Speak up, this is wrong, but also remember to not allow our judgement to be clouded. Justice needs to be served, but we cannot accept violence, more hate, and looting as the answer. I just covered the units of the Holocaust and the Japanese Internment and it's strange how closely it aligns to all that is going on. I am proud that we are not all bystanders allowing this to occur as I've heard so many speak up, but let's find a way to solve this problem rather than creating a greater divide between us all. As I saw the joy on Jordan's face and connected with my friend again despite the fact that we face a huge language barrier, I saw the purity of people and a hope for peace in the future. We are a long way from finding it, but let's first think about what approach would not only get our voices heard, but also fix the problem that we are facing. When I teach about Gandhi and Martin Luther King, I am amazed at how much they withstood and how much courage it must have taken them to take an approach that was unpopular, but in the end, "an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind." Let's avoid being "blinded" by our rage and use our voices, to not only be heard, but also to fix the problems that lay before us. I feel your anger, I feel your pain, and I only hope that we can live in a world where those moments of laughter and connection, can be a norm in our lives. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 148]:~ This Journey Called Life

~:[CH9 - Day 148]:~ This Journey Called Life
Life is like that trail you picked that you thought would be cool to travel along. You really didn't know what you got yourself into. You heard how great it was and it truly was amazing, by to get to where you want to go, it's a tough trek. We all chose our paths and find that trail that is just right for us. Sometimes we bite off more than we can chew and sometimes, that beautiful path we though we were going to take is not all that we bargained for. At times we are lost, led astray or come across obstacles we never knew we'd find. Some call it quits and turn around, while others keep trekking along. Some will make it, others will not. It's a sad reality of life, but your perspective on that journey is what changes how you view it. Even if I never make it to that final destination, the journey is the actually what I am aiming at. As while I may have aimed at this highest peak, that may not be where I want to go or might not be the place that has what I am looking for. Maybe I am looking for a river with fish versus a view of the valley. Every person has their own idea of where they want to go and in the process of trekking, they may discover that what they initially aimed for is no longer where there journey is headed. In life I learned that this fact is quite alright. There is no reason to keep trekking along if that's not where I want to be or if I discover that another path is better for me. Even if everyone raves that it's the place to be, it doesn't mean that it's the place that I should be. We learn a lot as we travel along this path, we meet a lot of amazing people along the way and similarly a lot of people who are not so amazing. My own personal journey has shown me the good and the bad, it has redirected me, led me off course and even thrown me into the dirt. All the while, I've found myself dusting myself off and getting back up and using the extended hand of amazing people to guide me along the way. A number of those people swung by today, gave me a ring or sent me a message and I was forever grateful. From videos to snaps to food and even toilet paper, my day was blessed, not with the materials I received, but in the sincerity that was received. I think one thing about trekking that you learn is that sometimes less is more. You carry with you what you need and discard what you don't. You keep the essentials like food, water and medical supplies and dump things that just weigh you down. Amazing people are those essentials and today I saw that more than ever. This year has taken away so many things and for while I dream of continuing this journey, I learned that I don't have to go very far for those essentials to come into handy. Amazing people will take you further than you could ever have imagined and lift you up higher than you every thought you could reach, Someone asked me how far in the world I have traveled, but instead of those types of questions, I think a good question to ask is, how many amazing people have you met along the way. I am only part way through this journey called life, but I am already blessed and am so grateful for making life's adventures greater than even I could have imagined. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 147]:~ Wishes

~:[CH9 - Day 147]:~ Wishes
Home. You don't need to ask anymore. It was actually a work day as I am finishing up my final few lectures for the year. Yes, the ones that take 3-5 times longer than an actual lecture. I worked from home, I stayed at home, and I got a little time to talk to my friends from home. While I dreamed of eating at this Korean chicken restaurant in Shin-Okubo, I would settle for just being able to eat out. I love cooking, but cooking as much as I have been without too many options to order out is a challenge mentally. I talk to different friends from Japan daily and we reminisce about old times and hope that we can have plans in the future. That hope is slowly dimming. It was a bit depressing as I slaved away working on the videos. However, I realized it was a blessing to chat with my friends even if I cannot see them. I also was blessed with a few special video messages from my friends Japan and Korea. As while there are many things to complain about, there are so many things that are going well. The last episode in the drama is called, "Do Miracles Happen?" As while I am wishing for a miracle, sometimes we fail to see that there are so many miraculous things happening around us. I can continue to wish, but for now, I rather just enjoy those blessings and miracles knowing that I am lucky just to have people to talk to, to share stories with and to celebrate with. Wishes and miracles come true, but strangely enough, they come true more often than we will ever realize. Look closely and you might realize what you missed.

Monday, May 25, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 146]:~ Reflect

~:[CH9 - Day 146]:~ Reflect
It's a day where we remember those who gave so much for the freedoms that we have, yet we don't always see our responsibility to protect what they gave their lives for. We live in a land of the free,  but we also live in a land with laws. We have another group who is also sacrificing so much so that our health can be protected. They deal with the threat in their daily lives of being exposed and having to sacrifice their own personal comforts to protect the ones they love. I understand that we are used to going out and enjoying our freedoms, but there also comes a point where we sacrifice that to protect  those around us. As restrictions get start to get loosened up, I hope that people can enjoy a more normal routine responsibly, listening to the guidelines set forth. We've all sacrificed so much by staying in for so long, but it all goes to waste if we don't have the self control to follow those guidelines set. In the view of some, it might be "losing our freedoms," but even if I have to temporarily give up some of those freedoms, I'm don't want to risk the life of someone else around me. To be honest, today was one of those tougher days as I just wanted to get away, but then I also remembered that I can withstand this for all those who have sacrificed so much more. After finishing up dinner, I felt better as I realized that I had a roof over my head, the ability to make a home-cooked meal, and good health. I'm not sure how much longer all this will go on, but I know that as much as I dislike these restrictions and guidelines, I'll abide by them as long as it helps protect those around me. It's a small sacrifice compared to all those who sacrificed so I can have the freedoms I enjoy today. 

Sunday, May 24, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 145]:~ The Spirit of Celebration

~:[CH9 - Day 145]:~ The Spirit of Celebration
I really can't believe that May is almost over. Many times it's because I'm too busy, but this year is because I'm looking for it to all be over. Days, weeks, and now months later, we're still in this situation. However, as I continue to say, it's helping us learn and grow. We're learning to change and adapt, but more importantly appreciate. It's sad to see the younger ones have to deal with this as well. Today was my cousin's celebration for his birthday. One of the things I noticed is how excitedly he ran around. I wish I could give him a big hug and that he could have the kind of celebration he deserved, but I was also appreciative of the person he has grown to become. He appreciated the thoughts and rolled with the punches. Through him, I saw the true spirit of celebration, the thoughts of people. I've always felt the same. I have boxes at home of all the cards, letters and notes that people have given to me over the years. I can't always remember the gifts that someone gave me, but I'll forever have these precious things that express the true spirit of celebration, the love of people who take just a bit of time to send their love. this boy will grow into a man with some fine qualities, but most of all grounded in appreciation. Life is tough for us all right now, but let's continue to lift each other up and celebrate, shedding away the bells and whistles that are unimportant and focusing on treasuring what is, the love and gestures of people. As while it broke my heart a little for him to celebrate like this, it made me smile to see him have an opportunity to celebrate what's important.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 144]:~ Wasting Away

~:[CH9 - Day 144]:~ Wasting Away
Some days you feel like you're wasting away. I let me computer do most of the work for me today. My computer is still converting the files from yesterday. In the end it will take all day. I used the time to organize files and to work on a few more projects, trying to master a few techniques I am trying to get down. My friend introduced me to an artist in Japan and now I am trying to create a few pieces similar to what he produced. Anyone know who that artist is by looking at this photo? In any case, it's not perfect, but a good draft for this project as I move forward to fine tuning a few things. There is a lot of work today in the next few weeks for other projects I am working on. Many of them may be a waste depending on how this Covid-19 shakes out, as our projects may get canceled, but only time will tell. For now, I'll work on it hoping that this fall into place. I guess I was productive, but somehow, some of these days just feel like they're wasting away. I only wish there was something more I could do about it. 

~:[CH9 - Day 143]:~ Sunrise to Sunset

~:[CH9 - Day 143]:~ Sunrise to Sunset
Working all day wasn't an unusual thing. I normally worked pretty long hours, but it hasn't been the same since this all start. In a way it's been nice, but it's also nice to feel that pressure of having through the day. I finished up a slideshow for another awards ceremony, started prepping to edit another video my organizing 5,000 files and starting the conversion process, and even wrote some letters of recommendation. By the time I realized it, it was late and I still had not done the piece that I wanted to work on. Instead of heading to bed, I decided to work on it and I was happy to have wrapped it up. When looking at it now there are probably a few things I will fix, but overall, I was proud of getting around to finishing up another project. One thing I learned while working those long hours is, you can't just work all the time, but you must find some personal time as well. It was the perfect way to finish off my day as I head into the final stretch which will be filled with a long list of things to wrap up before the end of the school year. 

Thursday, May 21, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 142]:~ With a Cherry on Top

~:[CH9 - Day 142]:~ With a Cherry on Top
It was a nice day out. I ventured to get lunch from a friends place to support them and in the process got to be outside of the house. I also was able to get a few things done like drop things off to my classroom and even threw a few things I've been meaning to get rid of. I spent the morning working on a few assignments, reviewing grades and planning for the final few weeks. There's a lot going on and a lot that needs to be taken care of and I hope that I'll get it all squared away soon. While there still is uncertainty for the future including the schedule moving forward, I guess we just have to do our best to ensure that we dot our Is and cross our Ts so that when the time comes, we're ready. I ended up frying up some chicken today. Thursdays is often a dual household dinner, so I cook double the amount. I had some fun even though I made a bit of a mess and added a cherry on top (it's actually ume - plum). I've been awaiting what is going to happen ahead, but for now, I'll enjoy enjoy today and worry about the rest another day. It looks like it will be a beautiful weekend. Soak it all in and do your best (although not easy) to let your worries melt away.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 141]:~ Just as Golden

~:[CH9 - Day 141]:~ Just as Golden
The thought of it was kind of sad. I wouldn't be taking pictures and wouldn't have the chance to hand my awards to those who earned them and continue the tradition I've experienced since I became a teacher. It is an even more special day as one of the medallions I won was from my Chemistry teacher who I was inspired by, who has since passed away. The ceremony always reminds me of her and those precious moments I had while in high school. Regardless, the ceremony went on and instead of continuing that feeling of disappointment, it became joy as the ceremony felt as good as a virtual event could be. Although the joy of going on stage and handing off those certificates wasn't in the plans for this ceremony, it was just as golden. I know there are those that will be upset that it was a virtual ceremony, but I hope they understand the work that it took to piece it together. Yesterday I talked about just how long a one period lecture took to make and this is no different. People slaved away to spend extra time piecing it together and I was amazed at the results. I was so grateful that there were those who would take the time and effort to do this for the students and the reality is, no matter the final piece that comes out, everyone involved deserves the credit. (Much appreciation to all of you!) Of course, this night belongs to the students and I was glad that they still were able to get recognized for all the good things that they do for the classroom. As always, there were so many people I wanted to give these awards to, but alas, we're limited to a handful of choices who definitely shined. While it's sad to have this special evening pass without the traditions I have grown used to, I still ended the night grateful that this evening was just as golden.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 140]:~ Off to Nowhere

~:[CH9 - Day 140]:~ Off to Nowhere
It feels like we're going nowhere fast. As we dream of adventures, we find ourselves trapped in a space, unable to get out. We dream of the skies, but only find ourselves stuck to the ground. We're off to nowhere. Some days we feel like this. Even on an overly productive day, you feel like that. As I thought we'd have more time, a one period lecture took me 20 minutes to review, an hour to record, 90 minutes to edit and 90 minutes to render and export. No this is not for the week, it's for one class for one period. Despite this, I felt good. I was happy that I got my work done, that I had time to work on a few projects I'll be working on and while I may have to do much of that work from home, it feels great to let out those creative juices. Where am I headed? Nowhere in reality, but at least in my mind, I can wander to places and even visually create a space that visualizes my dreams. Be strong. Stay hopeful. Pursue diligence. I am talking to myself, but to everyone else. Some days will be tough, some days will be busy and some days you'll find something that makes you happy. We may be stuck in one place, but don't allow that to force you to be off to nowhere. It's okay if you mind wanders and you need to get away, it just may lead you to a more productive and efficient day like ti did for me today. I wonder where I'll physically be headed after all this is over, but for now, I'll close my eyes and see where my mind takes me next. Where will you head to when you close your eyes?

Monday, May 18, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 139]:~ Work in Progress

~:[CH9 - Day 139]:~ Work in Progress
I've always been a person who tries to fix things and make it better. Along the way, I learned that while perfection is good, I also can't obsess over every last detail. Finding a balance between good quality work, but also avoiding stress and anxiety. However, despite that fact, much like my art, I think that we as humans are that work in progress. People seem to strive to be perfect, but in reality perfection is but a fallacy that many chase before they fall flat on their face. As when you find "perfection" there will always be something greater than where you are at. Rather than that, I like taking the approach of seeing our lives as a work in progress. We have ambition, but we're also not looking towards perfection, we're trying to better ourselves, but at the same time, we don't allow it to consume us. In all facets of my life, this work in progress has been the case. From work to my personal life, I've always tried to find ways to improve myself, yet I've also learned to balance that with finding the time to enjoy my time. We're going to make mistakes and fall down every once in awhile, but that's why we patch ourselves us, let ourselves heal and work on improving ourselves again. This time really has allowed me to see what I need to work on and to look back at all the times I've fallen and what I can do to make sure I don't fall in the same way again. I can't go back in the past and change the decisions I've made or the things I didn't do, but I can step forward confidently knowing that when the time comes, I can make a better decision. An artists mind never stops as it's always in the process of creating and we as humans should take on that artists mindset and keep working on creating the best version of ourselves, imperfections and all. 

Sunday, May 17, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 138]:~ Touching the Heart

~:[CH9 - Day 138]:~ Touching the Heart
It was one of my grocery stops for the month. I normally have two and along with that I swing by and grab some boba. This time, I ran into two while touring through the TC and we ended up just chatting a bit. It's weird to have to keep your distance, but you do what you got to do. Regardless, it was nice to be outside on a nice day and be able to chat even though we were at least the minimum distance apart the whole time. A hand shake, a pat on the back, a hug are all things you take for granted, but not being able to do those things reminds you to appreciate it all. However, much like this moment did, my video chats later on the day made my day and touched my heart. As while it's tough to make it through a day, to chat with someone from the area, up north, or even someone from Japan, really warms up the heart. I was overjoyed by night's end and looking forward to the next, even though tomorrow will be filled with grading and planning. In the end you realize though that the greatest things are not the adventures you take, but rather those small interactions you have. As you often don't realize what you had until it's gone and it's definitely something I've experienced. Let's use this opportunity to appreciate these "small things" more, as this time has allowed us to magnify them to help us see just how special these "small things" truly are. 

Saturday, May 16, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 137]:~ Unplanned

~:[CH9 - Day 137]:~ Unplanned 
Some things just tend to work out. I didn't stick to my agenda today and at the end of the day I was fine with it. I did the main thing I needed to complete and just let everything else just go. I cooked lunch and dinner, finished up the video I needed to finish and then jumped in on a last minute chat. I had planned to clean a little more, but it was worth it just to find time to relax, as I waited on my computer to do the rest of the work. I'm not sure if it's how things went or just because I let everything go, but I felt much lighter and the food tasted so much better. Each and every bite of my kimchi jiggae went down well and even though I improvised here and there with what was available to me, it turned out pretty nice. With the jiggae topped with pork belly and a side of pajeon, it ended up being a perfect meal, before our chat later that evening. I strangely am getting used to this whole deal, but every day has its ups and downs. However, sometimes in those things that are unplanned that you find the momentum to make your day one of those gems. 

Friday, May 15, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 136]:~ The Search

~:[CH9 - Day 136]:~ The Search
I've found solace in making art. As while it's been a time where many of us feel lost, sometimes we rediscover things we've loved and had lost alon the way. I don't think I ever lost art, but have not been of fond of it as much as I am today. To be able to work with images and connect with others around me has been an amazing discovery. We each have something like this and for those who have not found it, I hope that you do moving forward. We don't have to be super productive during this time, as for some, it will be a challenging time, but find something that brings you happiness and can comfort you in this time of difficulty. I would love to hear your journey and what's you've found or are looking for on your search, but regardless, good luck on the search.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 135]:~ CATsu Curry

~:[CH9 - Day 135]:~ CATsu Curry
I only had fresh rice, so it was a little challenging to decorate this dish, however, I ended up with a fitting design for this CATsu curry. It was a day that I felt a little of the bittersweet feeling of moving forward, but also wishing things were different. Normally, I excitedly anticipate the end of the year as we celebrate so many great moments, however, as I recorded the names for graduation, I felt that absence that I know exists out there. The one good thing I have seen is that people have made an effort to still make these moments still special for these seniors. People care and are taking the time to fill this void as much as possible. I know that we want things to be the same or greater than they were for those who came before them, but just like in life, sometimes you make due with the situation you're in. I know only having fresh rice isn't the same as what's going on, but it's a reminder that we can still make something we can appreciate out of the cards we are dealt. While it's great to celebrate a birthday, receive a diploma, or even just see the ones you love, it should be equally as nice to see them make the effort to send their love and to make an effort to make you feel appreciated. As I've said before, it's easy to let these moments to drag you down, but instead of dragging your feet or moping around, put on a pair of dancing shoes and dance. As while you cannot control all that is going on in the world, you can control what you make with the time you are given. I ended the night with another yoga session online with my friend from Japan. She knew that I need to relax and so she guided me along a path to help me relax. I had a peaceful night's sleep and while I wish I could be doing what I normally am, I didn't let that stop me from making the most of the time I had. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 134]:~ Digging into History

~:[CH9 - Day 134]:~ Digging into History
I think this time has allowed some people to dig into their family history as they clean and find items they forgot existed. As while I had done the same, today, I received my Allegiance package which was full of history! It arrived just in time to allow me to incorporate some new material into the internment unit. There have been a lot of references to the internment in the last year, so I think it will definitely be one that they will be able to connect with a bit more than in years past. As while we spent so much time at home, digging into history reminds us that today is only a small fraction of our lives and the history of this world. While it's easy to waste away the hours of the day, let's do our best to dig into our own histories and discover thing we may have never known.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 133]:~ Tranquility

~:[CH9 - Day 133]:~ Tranquility
Somewhere in the world, we can find a place of tranquility. A place where we can find peace of mind and relax. As I worked through the day, it was quite stressful as I graded the work from last week and edited lectures for this week. Of course, I was looking forward to meeting my friend later on for a yoga session. It was nice to be able to relax except for the times where I realized how inflexible I am in certain areas. Strangely, my friend said I was actually quite flexible as I said, I disagree. We may have been thousands of miles apart, but together we found a tranquility despite all the chaos that exists in our world today. As I continue my series of working with pieces that exists and making them into something new, I find a sense of peace and calm that helps me work through these days at home. The time passes quickly and in the end, I find some peace of mind. Who knows how much longer life will be like this, but if we can find that place of tranquility, it may easy our minds and calm some of our anxieties.

Monday, May 11, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 132]:~ Dreaming in Reality

~:[CH9 - Day 132]:~ Dreaming in Reality
This time has felt like a dream, yet we are in reality. The chaos, the sadness, the anxiety and fear; all of it is all too real, yet also seems all too unreal. I dream of being far away, but yet, I haven't left my office for quite some time. As I created this compilation, I tried to encompass my current state of thoughts, a jumbled mess of the desire of freedom, the design of a creative, the pace of a city, and the calmness of nature. However, amidst all this chaos, these is a bit of calmness and serenity that I've found that has created a symbiotic relationship within my mind. At times it feels like a numbness, but it also feels like comfort. It some ways it is distorted, yet somehow it leaves me in a state of peace. We've lost so much within this crisis, but at the same time, there's been so much gained and in someways, I am grateful. As while at times we may not know where we are or be able to explain the jumbled thoughts within our mind, we'll eventually find ourselves, our path, and our reality. These days may seem like a dream, but it's also a chance to dream up, our new reality that lies ahead. The direction which we were headed can be redirected so we can find a place that is tranquility within the disorder. The band of one of my former students (Day6) released their new album today. The titled of the album, Demon, addressed the demons we face in our lives as we struggle through difficult times and their new title track, Zombies helps us come to terms with those same struggles as we hope to find better moments in our days ahead. It summed up this clutter that filled my mind as I hoped for even better days ahead for us all. Instead of waiting until it's too late to share our memories together, let's share one of those precious memories or compliment those close to us, to help life each other out of this time of disarray. As while alone the struggles may seem overwhelming, together, I know that we can make our reality into that dream we hoped one day could be realized. 

A few images in this piece are from the wonderful work of @kohki from a previous collaboration! Visit his IG and check out his amazing work! 

Sunday, May 10, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 131]:~ Warming the Heart

~:[CH9 - Day 131]:~ Warming the Heart
I just talked about untold stories and woke up to the news of someone close to me losing someone in their life. Whether or not those untold stories remained or if they were passed on, we all may never know, but there is something else that we can know. In our lives, we may not be in a position to change the world, but even if we cannot do that, we still can do things to leave warmth in the heart of those with whom we come across. This gentleman that just passed did just that. You could sense his caring soul and compassion for others as he sacrificed so much for his family, his friends and also his community. It meant a lot to me to hear this news directly from the family, as they are ones that have held a special place in my heart. As we celebrate all the love that mothers have given, whether it's those who are expecting, those who have lost, and those, whether biologically or not are called mom, I know many of us can say that they have left something warm within our hearts day after day. I have been lucky enough to have had a second mom-like figure in my life since high school and gained another when I started coaching at Cerritos. My mom already overwhelmed me with love and care all my life, but to be surrounded by them, as well as so many other wonderful motherly figures especially my friends, leaves me blessed beyond belief. As while this world is filled with madness and moments that are simply and truly crazy, let's not forget that the greatest power that we have on earth is to be able to leave something warm within the hearts of others. As I cooked my meal today, I made sure that I put all my heart into making a dish I knew my mom would want, even though she'd never ask for it. It meant a lot for me to be able to do this and I hope that in my life, I can leave so many warm things in the hearts of those around us. One of the things that I loved about the gentleman who passed away today is that he put people above politics. He took the time to celebrate people, to honor them, and to love them. I could tell how much he loved his family and how appreciative he was for the opportunities he had. He passed leaving warmth in the hearts of many including my own and I hope that we all can do the same. 

Saturday, May 9, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 130]:~ The Untold Story

~:[CH9 - Day 130]:~ The Untold Story
An author was giving excerpts from her book as she talked about strangers. It mentioned how we as people may know someone, yet still be strangers. How many stories do we have that have been left untold. Often time, the stories we hold within are about pain and other times it's about love. As she talked, the question that was posed was, "do you know how many untold stories there are in your heart." I heard my dad working so early in the morning and stepped out to see him working away. Many may not see him in this light, be his is one of the greatest craftsmen, with ideas coming left and right, then having the ability to execute that plan. However, that story was all too obvious as I've seen it so many times. Today, I thought, I wonder how many stories from his life I haven't heard, similarly, how many of those stories haven't I heard from my family and friends? In times like these where the road ahead is uncertain, you wonder if it's time to search those untold stories and share them with those you love. Many of these memories you've held within for one reason or another or you simply haven't shared about some moments that are precious to you. Those untold stories that lay deep within our hearts are read to be told and it's a better time than ever to share them with those you love. Even those you are closest too are sometimes strangers and hopefully as you unravel all those untold stories, you'll find yourself closer, as you erase strangers away. 

Friday, May 8, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 129]:~ Finding Peace

~:[CH9 - Day 129]:~ Finding Peace
I was working on a project for a friend today and thought about how I've been able to use time to check some things off my to-do list, but also allowed me to have the time to help out others. I've wanted to help in that regard for some time, but it took awhile to do so and now I've been able to do it. While I hope for things to go back into a normal pace and rhythm, I have also enjoyed this time to work on a lot of things including finding peace. I think it's a difficult thing to handle this situation until you come to terms with settling things within. It's not as easy for others who face a lot more issues whether it's the discomforts of home, the worries of the future, or the severing of relationships, but if we focus simply on settling things within ourselves first, it seems like the rest of things will come a lot more naturally. I found my inner peace as I worked with my friend today and an although it was a day full of productivity, the greatest thing that I accomplished today was when I was just sitting by my lonesome searching for that peace within. 

Thursday, May 7, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 128]:~ Just Super

~:[CH9 - Day 128]:~ Just Super
Superman, Supersized, and Superbowl are some words that come to mind when I think of the word super, but tonight it was about the last super moon of 2020. It reminded me of the last time I hung out with my friend from Japan. It wasn't too before the whole stay-at-home ordered happened. She just came and was going to stay for about six weeks, which turned into the worst six weeks to come here. Sadly she went home only seeing a few things. It kind of reminded me that life tosses us lemons sometimes. The last few days, I've walked out to the backyard, grateful for the plants growing there. I picked off a few lemons and thought of that phrase. Most people say, make lemonade, but instead, I made lemon chicken with carbonara. It's so easy to be blinded by the challenges that face us. Life is difficult, there's no sugar coating that, however, every once in awhile, nature minds us, that actually, life is super. We often use super to describe something that is even better than great, however, I think that it's times like these that truly remind us that even every breath we take is super. If you haven't done so already, check out that last super moon of this year, but by the time you wake up, the moon may have gone away, but the super is here to stay, every day and every night. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 127]:~ Dishing It Out

~:[CH9 - Day 127]:~ Dishing It Out
I've always had a fondness with cooking. I cooked a lot growing up, then throughout college and even up to now when I had time. Plating was always a big thing to me possibly because I watched one to many cooking shows growing up. My dad always used to say that I should become a chef, but then paused at that say that it definitely is a tough job especially because of the number of hours you have to put in with minimal days off. Regardless, this crisis has given me the opportunity to play around with new ideas and recipes and has opened up a host of new ideas. It's allowed me to experience that chef life that I never chased after, helping me to realize, I rather be able to just experiment at a home kitchen. I've also become resourceful in the kitchen, as I am no longer cooking in huge portions, leaving days of leftovers, rather,  making food that can last for two days and using the remainder of the packaged meat for another day. It's been a great learning experience and can't wait for what the future of cooking holds. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 126]:~ Let's Celebrate

~:[CH9 - Day 126]:~ Let's Celebrate
May the 5th has always been a day to celebrate. I always have woken up to this cutely designed helmet laced in money for children's day. Yes, I know, I probably am too old for this, but it still has been a tradition. It also has been my own tradition to save these as is. As a young child, I disassembled it as soon as possible to get the money off of it, but as I got older, the money became less important and the sentimental value of it became its worth. It also has been a celebratory day as it's my cousins' birthdays. Yes, they are brothers and yes, they were born on the same day five years apart. Amazing, right? I've lived next door to them my entire childhood and work with one pretty much every day for awhile now. We ended up with a large social circle, social distanced chatting into the night. It was nice to get out even if it was just for a bit, but of course, there was still work to do to prep for the next day. It was a great day and even in quarantine, there are reasons to celebrate. I hope we can continue to find more day by day.

Monday, May 4, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 125]:~ A Time to Wait

~:[CH9 - Day 125]:~ A Time to Wait
I was editing a lecture for my class and when I popped in my video clip and clicked render, this popped up. It's a huge video file, but not this huge. The 11GB video file brought up a three day rendering time. Of course, it was a bit of a glitch and I was able to fix it, but it did remind me of something, Part of what I talked about during the video was "instant gratification." We live in a time where we can order something and it could be in our door in hours. Some feel inconvenienced when they have to wait for someone to pull out of a parking spot (sometimes rudely zooming around them) or if they have to wait in a line. However, I think this time also reminds us that patience is key. Growing up in a Christian school, I heard that word a lot - patience. We were taught about the need for patience in our faith and the same kind of goes for the time. We have to have faith that our patience will pay off. As I mentioned in a previous post, I understand that people are anxious and upset, but the lack of patience can also make all that we've already done go to waste and put others at risk. I was reading an article from a restaurant owner who defied orders and opened his restaurant and the statement and there were a couple of lines and quotes that got to me. "Customers said they are tired of being stuck at home." He also said "he believes he and his staff are young and healthy enough to survive COVID-19 if they contract the virus." The worst of his quotes was, "On a sunny day like this, no one is at risk." I know we are tired of being at home, I am the same, but we will soon get there. Even if we are young and can survive it, the people around us may not be and why even suffer the effects (and costs) that come with contracting COVID-19, and even if it is a sunny day, we are all still at risk. To everyone, I know it's a tough time, but hopefully we know it's a time to wait yet soon, we'll be at the end. The finish line is in sight, so let's just pace ourselves and cruise to the finish, rather than pushing it too early and collapsing before that line and having to take longer than we originally anticipated. It's worth the wait, if not for you, then for that person next to you. 

Sunday, May 3, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 124]:~ Tough Choices

~:[CH9 - Day 124]:~ Tough Choices
On a normal schedule, Sunday is usually a day of relaxing and catching up. Getting some work done and a little bit of relaxation for my mind. However, with our schedules out of whack, this Sunday became about grocery shopping, stocking up, grading projects, and making some tough choices. Sometimes it's easier when there is less to choose from. When there are quality items galore, it's hard to pick the one that would be best. Today I had to choose my IAs for next year and sadly, I had to pick from an amazing pool of people so qualified that it hurt not to pick them. I want to give a kudos to them all because in many other years, it would be an easy choice. Last year was also difficult, but this year was in a league of its own. I tried my best to look at schedules and balance personalities and I hope that my choices were the right ones. Life is all about these tough choices as while at the grocery store it was simply, chicken or beef (or both), in other cases, these decisions have a huge impact going forward on my life and others as well. I really thought through the selection process as I hope we do with all important decisions, but in the process remember that when you're on the other end, the choice that is made should push you even more. If you're not chosen, push forward and forget your own path and if you are chosen, prove that you deserve the title you're given. We don't have control when people make choices, but we have control of the choices we make from there. I ended the night streaming another banquet video for the team and then catching up with my friends and it definitely helped me unwind from a day of tough choices. 

Saturday, May 2, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 123]:~ Room for Zoom

~:[CH9 - Day 123]:~ Room for Zoom
"Can you meet tomorrow?" My normal response to this question would be, "I have ..." (insert event or responsibility here). On a normal basis, I wouldn't necessarily have the time to always meet up for a short chit chat or pow wow. I wanted to, but time didn't always allow that to happen. Fast forward to 2020 and that packed schedule I once had is filled with a different schedule. I still have the grading and meetings on the weekdays and cooking during lunch and dinner, but otherwise, I've been able to schedule these "face-to-face" meetings with friends and the like, even though they are virtual. It's strange how much our lives have changed, yet goodness can be found in different forms and it can also give us the realization of the things we've neglected. Later that evening, I live-streamed our banquet video from this past year and although it wasn't a chat session, I think just being together and doing things together in a more "normal" type situation is definitely healing. Although I wish I could be doing what I normally do around this time, it's great to be able to do some of the things I couldn't before. Sometime we lose things, but in the process, we also gain things we never expected.

Friday, May 1, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 122]:~ See Food, No Seafood

~:[CH9 - Day 122]:~ See Food, No Seafood
One of my favorite memories that runs through my mind is people saying, "do you want to see food?" and then opening their mouths. I saw it on TV, but also in real life, always falling for it. It was strange to remember that today. With the stash of meat out in the fridge (aside from frozen meat), it was time to get a little creative. I had two Italian sausage links, some bacon, and some frozen chicken. I had more than enough vegetables and so I ended up with a great idea, paella! Of course, I didn't have shrimp or mussels and wasn't about to go shopping just for those two items, so I made due with what I had. It would not disappoint. Resourcefulness has become a key word in my life right now. I've found a way to make things work. It's been nice to catch up on things and to save money, yet constantly having to make things works has kept my mind stimulated and the time pass by a bit quicker. In the end, I figured it out and ended up with a decent tasting dish despite winging it. With some added time with the ohana, it was a wonderful day even if it wasn't a seafood kind of day.