Monday, September 30, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 273]:~ Avoiding the Storm

~:[CH8 - Day 273]:~ Avoiding the Storm
I try to stay away from talking about politics too much especially in my blog. My goal here is to keep a positive vibe and spin and the reality it has been hard to think of something that I can say to spin the stories and the political climate in that direction. Regardless, at some point, you have to address all that is going on before the storm gets out of control. Whether or not you support this impeachment inquiry, the scariest thing about it all is the use of overstepping of boundaries, the degrading words and language used in reference to others, and the drive to save oneself versus the need to stay unified as a whole. In reality, this country has been divided for some time, however, we've gotten to a point where it's dangerous, not because of the politics of it all, but because we have someone leading this country who thinks it's okay to simply try and bully others, trying to keep his enemies down in a fight to stay on top. These times have been Robespierresque as he has departed from reality and seems to be trying to make that same ascent to a whole new level, a dangerous one indeed, as he accuses those who he deems a threat. For those that stand against him, can we show restraint and only seek the answers that are right rather than just seeking revenge? For those that stand with him, are you willing to speak up to stop him from becoming so strong, that no one would be able to stop him from influencing so many of those around him? Much of the talk lately is not necessarily of the impeachment, but of his calling the whistle blower a spy and trying to uncover who it is or in asking an opponent (Schiff) who spoke against Trump, to resign. To say that we are headed to civil war, to mock someone who has already passed, and to continue on this despicable Twitter rampage that he is always on is unacceptable. We've left the world of partisanship as now we have to ask ourselves if we must look towards protecting the good name of this nation, humanism and of course, rule of law. Retired Congressman Jeff Flake talked about how his fellow aisle members should risk their jobs so that they can save their principles and even their souls. I am not sure if I would go as far as the soul, but the truth is there that the job of a politician is not to support their party, but their people. This goes for both sides as there has been too much partisanship as of late. It's time that they look at moving forward together, rather than hanging on only to fall apart. I am hoping others like Mark Sanford will do the non-traditional and challenge for the Republican position against and incumbent President to take back their party, in hopes that they realize that they don't stand on the same platform as Trump anymore. I do not believe for a second that the hatred that comes from those tweets and words are representative of the party at all and believe that there is someone better suited to lead the Republicans. Thus, I believe that we ALL must unified to speak up about how wrong the lashing out over Twitter and in interviews is. When we allow someone to intimidate their accusers, it's problematic, but when it's the leader of your country, it's beyond comprehension. Impeachment? I can't and won't say either way my opinion on that, but we do need to stop the tirade of threats, words and opinions that are not representative of our country and the highest office of this country. We're in the eye of the storm and we have a choice, do we duck and hide or can we find a way to face this storm, not as Democrat, Republic or Independent, but as Americans. I hope our politicians can see that it's your choice to stand one one side or another on an issues, but it's your duty to stand up for what is right. No matter your stance on impeachment or the political spectrum in general, I think we must speak up and let this President know that we are not headed towards "civil war," because we can remain united to speak up over these derogatory and intimidating tweets and messages, while saving our principles and even maybe our souls in the process. It's not too late, but we're running out of daylight. Let's not wait, as our chance is slowly fading away.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 272]:~ Let Your Voice Be Heard

~:[CH8 - Day 272]:~ Let Your Voice Be Heard
One of the phrases I have my students say in my class is, "I am confident in my speaking abilities." I think confidence is one of the most important things you can have and that's one thing that Jae talked about in his speech tonight. In a way, I want to tell people to just approach a situation and be confident, but confidence is always something natural and must be slowly gained over time. I think that in order to gain confidence in something you do, you have to have confidence in yourself enough to give it a shot and not shy away from what's ahead of you. It takes time and patience, essentially baby steps. For some, it comes easier than for others, but in the long run, if you keep at it, you'll find your confidence and you'll find your voice. Jae talked about his struggles with his Korean and how Day6 has been his support group to help him learn. I think it's telling when someone who looks so confidence says some of that is lacking. However, for all of us, we must understand that we should be confident in ourselves and our abilities and believe that our voices should be heard. We have the ability to accomplish what we want if we work at it. Sure, not everything will be attainable, but you'll never know unless you head in that direction confidently. Jae did just that as he ventured into the world of music and it turns out that he found himself in the spotlight, talking to the second night of a packed theater at LA Live. Tonight, as the songs played on, I sung along and dance, but even more importantly. I heard the voice of Jae and his band, something we would not be lucky enough to hear if they weren't confident enough to give this opportunity a chance. We will all find our opportunities, but only we can decide if we have the confidence to let our own voices to be heard so we can also realize our own dreams, much like they have. Raise your voice and even if you aren't so sure, go after it confidently and just see where the road ahead takes you.  I was so proud of Jae as he stood in that spotlight and once again he reminded me that I have  to do all I can to ensure that at the very least, I teach my students to believe in themselves so that their voices can be heard.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 271]:~ Feeling Free

~:[CH8 - Day 271]:~ Feeling Free
It was a crazy day. It was almost three when I got home from picking up my friend from the airport. I was exhausted. Since I had to be ready for tomorrow, so I set my alarm for a few hours later and woke up exhausted to the sound of that very alarm. I met my friend in line and we waited to get our bands. There were people there who were camping out since Thursday. I was quite amazed at how "dedicated" their fan base would be. After we got our bands, we headed out to eat, we wandered around, and headed back to the line. We ended up in a tight spot, but a few songs in, we found some nice space and felt the freedom to enjoy the music, jump around and celebrate the beauty of the music of this band. It was great to see Jae in concert as always and to see the members again. I always love the reaction that they have when they see me. In the end, I was once again proud of Jae and all that he accomplished. He has climbed this ladder and seeing him being able to celebrate and enjoy his homecoming, was warming to my heart. There are no words to describe seeing a former student make the breakthrough and to find their way to the spotlight. In that spotlight, he made me so proud and I already know that tomorrow will just be as amazing as tonight was. 

Friday, September 27, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 270]:~ Truly Golden

~:[CH8 - Day 270]:~ Truly Golden
I sit here waiting as my friend's flight was delayed about five hours, as I have to head to LAX, but as I reflect on the day, as crazy as it was, it was also quite enjoyable. As while you're busy running around, you also find moments that you can laugh about, smile about, and simply remember, placing it somewhere special for you to treasure. This is probably similar to this moment for these five ladies, as well as the others in the court. High school is a time where there is a lot of drama and craziness, but it's also a time where you can discover yourself and also find opportunities that you never thought you would have. As much as people look forward to moving on to college and their careers, they shouldn't look too far forward, as there are many golden moments waiting for them within the days that are high school. Similarly, as adults, we should never look too far forward and allow a uneventful day become a meaningless one. It's much like the phrase the diamond in the rough, where valuable things are hidden where no one has noticed. Among those  moments, we had two of our four top 20 athletes make it to the final court, fun moments in the weight room, progress in my projects, and just life itself. There are many days in life that seem so simple, but look a little bit closer, because you might fight that those days are actually truly golden.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 269]:~ Find That Smile

~:[CH8 - Day 269]:~ Find That Smile
Smile. Things are going to be tough, life is going to be a challenge and things will not always go your way, but that doesn't mean you have to lose that smile. I'm not saying to hide all that is bothering you, but rather, when you're able, find a way to smile and highlight all that is good around you. I've always seen optimism as a key to life. However, today I heard someone say, that even when you're down in the dumps, try your best to smile. Why? Because your happiness (or unhappiness) is contagious and so is that smile. Deep down inside that chaos that fills your life, there lies a smile and a bit of optimism that can help turn the tide of the battle that resides within you. Seek help when you need it and don't hide your pain when you need help, however, when you're just tired or things just aren't working out, find that smile. Not only will it help you try to keep a positive attitude and spirit, but it can also help those around you feel the same positive spirit and vibes, which in turn, can help uplift your own spirits. Let's do our best today to make it a positive day and let's all look within ourselves to find that smile that can brighten up the whole world around us.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 268]:~ A Reminder that Inspires

~:[CH8 - Day 268]:~ A Reminder that Inspires
As I sat down for dinner, we talked about the influence of teachers in the classroom, both good and bad. Tonight was a reminder that everything we do in the classroom can make and break the road ahead for a student. Days are frustrating and there are moments you might break, but when you see what a little patience and attention does for someone, you begin to be inspired to work harder at what you do. It's not an easy trade and you have to work with a lot of different personalities and people who don't always want to be where they are or listen, but you also have the opportunity to do something more than what you could have ever thought possible. While we talked about a wide range of things, our conversations reminded me that you never really know the struggles that a student is going through and while it may be easy to give up and move on, you can also make that little extra effort that may just be what that student needs. They may not always ask directly, but sometimes, their actions are a call for help and we have the opportunity to be that hand that reaches out to them. To all the teachers out there, thanks for your hard work and hope that this reminder can also inspire you.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 267]:~ Those Long Days

~:[CH8 - Day 267]:~ Those Long Days
There are those days that are just super long. Whether it's work, a meeting, a conference or an event. Today was one of those days. From school to practice to back to school night, we were going to be at school until late. However, those types of days are always bearable when you have the right attitude and mental approach and when you surround yourself with the right people. Even when my days at work are long, it always seems to pass by quickly, as you can always enjoy your time while also being productive. Today, I did just that and survived one of those killer days in the process.

Monday, September 23, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 266]:~ Back with the Pack

~:[CH8 - Day 266]:~ Back with the Pack
You go away and you come back. It's fun to getaway, but also, when you go away, you miss those who you leave behind. While it's often times family, it could also be those who are close to you or those you see on a regular basis. For our team, it was nice to have everyone together again and while it will take a bit of time to get back in the routine of practice and just life in general, it's also nice when your back with the pack. I think it's instinct that we have that urge and even those who are more introverted, can be uplifted when in closer proximity to those they hold dear. It was fun being back and while I am tired and am turning in a bit early today, I look forward to get back in my normal routine of work, practice and my long to-do list. 

Sunday, September 22, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 265]:~ Blending In

~:[CH8 - Day 265]:~ Blending In
I think a lot of people aim for the spotlight. They want to be at the center of all that is going on, while others want to simply blend it. They don't want to stick out and they want to be able to enjoy life on their own, engaging with others, while not having to stand in the spotlight. I'd prefer the latter. Most people would not agree that it is what I would choose, but it is. It takes a lot of effort for me to get out of my shell and I rather just blend in among the shadows, virtually unnoticed, while being able to explore all that it is about. As we ventured through Portland, we did just that, stood out. With a group, we always seem to bring attention to ourselves and while not always a bad thing, it always is a bit awkward for me. I am always leading groups, but not always wanted to have to do it, not because of the work, but because it keeps me from blending in. I guess that's what we do in life. We make those adjustments and face those uncomfortable situations if the situation requires it. We step in when we don't want to and rise up when we don't have to. From the zoo to the gardens and down to the market, we ventured around - me, the coaches, and a group of 18 athletes. As while I lead a bunch of excitable and gregarious teenagers who are a magnet for attention, the reality is, I rather be blending in with my surroundings, allowing others to pass me by without a second glance. 

Saturday, September 21, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 264]:~ Not Making a Splash

~:[CH8 - Day 264]:~ Not Making a Splash
It was a little weird. There was a bit of moisture, but the mud pit was absent. There has been a lack of rain  up in Oregon, which mean that the mud pits were pretty much non-existent. There was actual sludge where the mud pits were, but otherwise, it was the nature that the athletes would get to enjoy. While the amazingness of the pit two years ago was non-existent today, it didn't mean we couldn't make a splash in our own way. There were athletes who rose up and did well, including our three top 10 finishers and a girls team who finished 5th despite missing half their varsity team. We had people who stepped up, others who battled through colds, and ones who toughed it out. We quickly cleaned up and headed back to Portland and finished the evening off with a fun time skating in the middle of Lloyd Center. Yes, we may have missed one of the icons of the race today, but we filled that void with our own experiences that made today what it was. Just like the road to somewhere, we have the chance to be disappointed by what is absent or we can do something and fill that void with something else and even pile on a little extra. We didn't make a splash in the mud pit, but found a way to do it in our own way.

Friday, September 20, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 263]:~ On the Road to Somewhere

~:[CH8 - Day 263]:~ On the Road to Somewhere
We trekked around Portland in the morning and early afternoon as we ventured around the Nike campus and all my experience from Annie paid off. I was able to give a less detailed version of her tour and we were lucky to have her guidance. While we didn't get to walk the Michael Johnson track, we ran into a few athletes doing a workout on the track and just watched for a bit. One of my athletes knew of one of the runners and snapped a picture with him before we headed off the road to somewhere else. That somewhere else led us to Pioneer Square where we found food trucks, Nike and some boba among other things. Before we knew it, it was time to head back to the hotel and it was off to Seaside and Camp Rilea. It was a long journey, but ultimately, we were headed somewhere. I think life is like that. We kind of know where we are going (or even know exactly where), but there are so many variables that come up. Meetings, commitments, the good and the bad, you hit a detour or get lost or simply are just exploring. No matter what, you'll find new experiences, new opportunities to learn and the chance to create memories you'll remember forever. That road ended up at Camp Rilea, as we were tired, maybe a little annoyed by the noise around us, but still able to appreciate the fact that we put ourselves out here, trying to find what's out there and in life on this same journey, trying to find ourselves. Don't be afraid to venture out, as even when things don't go as planned, you'll find that you have it in you to get yourself on the road to somewhere. 

Thursday, September 19, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 262]:~ Taking Off ... Again

~:[CH8 - Day 262]:~ Taking Off ... Again
It was time to take off, again. Of course, this time I wouldn't be going solo as I had my crew with me along with all our athletes. It is definitely one of the exhausting trips, although it's not very stressful. Packing every day gets to be a bit of a pain, but that's just how it has to go to make this trip work. In the end, we survived our trip to Oregon despite an hour delay on the tarmac. We were able to get on the MAX, head to our hotel, grab a quick dinner, then headed off to play some mini golf. We didn't do too much the first day, but it was a good way to start off this mini weekend trek. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 261]:~ Breaking Through

~:[CH8 - Day 261]:~ Breaking Through
It's always exciting to get ready for your first league race. You don't know what to expect and it's an all important race. Last year, all but the boys varsity team was able to find their way to the title. This year, the boys made their comeback. Last year, they scored over 70 points, while the almost same group, dipped under 40 to take the win. We have a long way to to go, but it's nice to have that breakthrough. Our trio up front powered us today and helped us lock in that W and it was an exciting topper to a day where we had done so well. We went 1-2-3 in both girls races and 2-3-4 in the boys JV race. There is no title yet, but it's a good way to take that first step forward. Now, it's off to Oregon. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 260]:~ When Life Tastes This Good

~:[CH8 - Day 260]:~ When Life Tastes This Good
When it looks this good, you don't need to do any editing. I was so impressed (as always) by the food my friend is able to prepare in his shop in Whittier. While it's a small establishment, he and his wife worked in a big chain before settling down closer to home. The skills and dishes you may see on the trendy Hollywood scene, you can get right here at home. I was looking forward to this meal all day and while part of me was anxious for the race tomorrow, I soaked in all the enjoyment of this delicious food today. Every bit reminded me of how wonderful life is and with every bite, we discover something new. Life  has it's moments where we cringe at the sour taste it leaves in our moves, but sometimes we just soak it all in when life tastes this good.

Monday, September 16, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 259]:~ Efficiency at its Finest

~:[CH8 - Day 259]:~ Efficiency at its Finest
I always get this question asked of me, how to do you do so much in a day? I always have alumni meet ups and love to chat in small groups about how things are going and about life in general. When I get this question, I always talk about how I don't sleep much. However, when I think about it later, I am reminded about how much use I make with each tick of the clock. To make the most of each and every day, you have the treasure the seconds that you have. You have to be efficient and not waste any time. However, what is wasting time exactly. My checklist is very long many nights from class prep to newsletters, editing photo sets and making future plans, however, I also be sure to make time for the most important thing of all, myself. While it's not good to be flat out lazy, making time for yourself to read, to watch a drama or to just do something you love, is not wasting time, rather it's recharging so that you can make the most of the moments ahead. By allowing yourself the time you need, you allow yourself to work at full efficiency and truly accomplish all that you want to. Scientifically, it may or may not be true, but regardless, my ability to allow myself to time to enjoy my own life, is in part my secret to efficiency. Keep your  mind clear and fresh and you'll find just how much you're able to accomplish, when efficiency is at its finest hour.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 258]:~ Life is Your Opportunity to Smile

~:[CH8 - Day 258]:~ Life is Your Opportunity to Smile
Everyone is looking for a reason to smile, here's one for you - life. I think we are so caught up in making our lives into something special that we forget that there are things everyday in life that make it amazing. Sure, it might be a little contradicting seeing as I just flew back in from a trip, but the trip itself wasn't what was special, it was the food I ate, the time I spent with friends and just the adventures along the way, which could have happened anywhere. From something basic like having only about an hour pass from landing to the time I got home (including customs and immigration) to spending the morning with this beautiful Nugget. Sure there were moments that I was annoyed and exhausted, but I brushed those off to keep them from dragging me down like so many things in this world try to do. I keep saying how crazy it was to accept this opportunity with a short amount of time, but then again, because of it, I found a million more reasons to smile. I just hope that we all can find our own moments because we all deserve it.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 257]:~ Where Others Are Not

~:[CH8 - Day 257]:~ Where Others Are Not
When I heard about this place, I thought shooting here would be trouble, as I thought it would be a crowded place. It was not. I was in awe of how few people there were, as we pretty much had each area of the museum to ourselves most of the time. It wasn't as impressive as a TeamLab exhibit, but had it's own qualities that made it unique and special. I am not sure if the sparse crowds were because of the holiday, but surely enough, everywhere else was packed. Regardless, it ended up being a day of shooting followed but moments of exploring. I wrapped everything up well and will have a few final moments to explore before heading home. Often times, it's the places where people are that are the places to be, but many times, we miss the hidden gems where others are not, and when you uncover them, it makes them that much more special and impressive. I am exhausted from everything, but accepting this opportunity ended up being a great decision, not only did I have time to catch up with some friends, I also got to have new experiences along the way.

Friday, September 13, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 256]:~ Time to Celebrate

~:[CH8 - Day 256]:~ Time to Celebrate
I looked at the view below that I always seem to have. Little did I know that the streets below would become more and more packed as the mid-autumn festival celebration would begin. The stage area lit up as the celebration went on down below. The day itself was mainly focused on prepping for the shoot, however, I was able to meet up with two of my friends before my meeting that evening. It was nice catching up and hanging out and while I ended up doing an unplanned shoot at night, it was fun doing it as there was no pressure and no need to execute that perfect shot, although there were a few keepers. Regardless, the celebration went on late and even though our meeting ran long, they were still running around down below into the late hours of the evening. I have to say that the weather is perfect and while the crowds are much more than I would like, it was a great time to come to town.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 255]:~ Up, Up & Away

~:[CH8 - Day 255]:~ Up, Up & Away
I was really doubting whether or not I wanted to head out on this venture. I was comfortable with everyone I was meeting, but just not sure if doing something this adventurous was worth it or not. I jumped on a few planes as I made my way to Shanghai. In Xiamen, I almost got stuck as I did not go through the proper channels to get my transfer ticket stamped. I already headed through customs in Qingdao and though that would be enough, but I missed a step because I had no checked luggage. Regardless, I made it and was able to head on over on my flight. As I look back, as crazy as this venture is, I am excited for what's ahead, the people I will meet, the connections I will make, which may lay a path with some more opportunities here as well. I headed out with a backpack with a few changes of clothes, two cameras and a lot of excitement. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 254]:~ Progress

~:[CH8 - Day 254]:~ Progress
You never know what will happen from one moment to the next. At the end of every season, we have to go back to the drawing board and see what we have to work with to see how the season will come out and we can never really predict what will come. Some athletes move up, some move out and others move in. While we are nowhere near where we will be at season's end, we have made some grade strides in progressing. Both teams improved by a significant amount from last year despite what we lost. District is always a good way to see how the season will go and if it is any sign, we are headed in the right direction. As I had my final meal and headed off for the airport, I was content leaving for a short while knowing that there are good things coming our way. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 253]:~ A Little Bit of Grit

~:[CH8 - Day 253]:~ A Little Bit of Grit
When I think of grit, I'm reminded of the phrase of the Memphis Grizzlies, "grit and grind." I think I grew up in that kind of environment. You work hard, spend time balancing our your time and getting things done and never quitting before things are finished. In the morning one of my colleagues faced that lack of this grit, as we have begun to see more and more people unwilling to have the grit to make it through tougher challenges. While I understand that on one hand, we have to make sure we look out for the mental health of our students, I also feel that they need to learn how to grind things out, figure things out on their own and find a way to make things work. In high school, I was in four sports, MUN, ASB and had a rigorous schedule, which was followed by a grueling college schedule where I was in ASUCI, a fraternity, worked at the bookstore which coaching and staying on top of my work while trying to balance the task of MUN - teaching a class, running a conference, and organizing a travel team. I'm not saying there is anything special about what I did or that anyone can do what I did, but I am saying that my ability to do all that I did, had to do in part to the grit and grind I gained growing up. I learned to work hard, figure out how to solve problems and deal with obstacles head on. I have many areas where I have my faults, but I also think that these students are beyond capable of making it work and figuring things out, but they must have the will to do so and be ready to face the challenged head on. It is a scary world and there is much that you want to protect children from, but they also have to learn how to fend for themselves so they can be ready to face the challenges that life has for them. I was just talking to someone over dinner about how my least favorite words to hear are, "I quit" or even worse, for them to quit or leave without saying a word to you directly, but sadly, it is something that is becoming every so common. As I looked at the new passes I made for my class of alumni who made it big, no matter how well they did in school or how focused they were, they all had something in common, the grit to make it through all the obstacles to make it where they are today. I hope that the generations forthcoming understand that and withstand the challenges, obstacles, and even disappointments that life will throw their way. It won't always be easy or even fun, but at the end of the day, you'll be a much stronger person when you weather the storm and find a way to make it through independently. The feeling of success they will receive will far outweigh the struggles they faced in getting there. While this morning my colleague faced that disappointment, I am hoping that we will find more cases of students rising up to the challenges by using the grit they've always had inside of them.

Monday, September 9, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 252]:~ Just Waiting for the Moment

~:[CH8 - Day 252]:~ Just Waiting for the Moment
I watched Jordan look outside and wait to see the birds. They'd come eventually, but it reminded me about life. We often wait for moments to come, but sometimes when waiting, we miss out on so many things that pass us by. Jordan wasn't about to wait as he zoomed away and went on to something else, but many of stay stationed and won't move until that moments comes. It's great when that moment finally arrives, but is it worth the wait? It's a tough decision, but to me, I think that we have to wait for that moment, but also not forget to live in the moment. When we look too far ahead, we overlook what's ahead of and all the great things that lie at our feet right now. Instead of hoping for a future we've dreamed about, we could be living in a moment on our way to our dreams. While we should dream and strive for great things, don't let life pass you by, as you never really know when that moment will come. 

Sunday, September 8, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 251]:~ Never ImPASTAble

~:[CH8 - Day 251]:~ Never ImPASTAble
I think it was about 10am when I posted the newsletter this week. It was a record. I guess today was a day of proving that there isn't anything that is impossible or imPASTAble. I was able to get through so much work that I was actually ahead this early in the year when I normally and struggle just to keep up, as I am catching up. Regardless, I finished things early and was able to relax a bit before meeting up with a buddy for a nice chat and meal. In the end, I ended up running into someone who I ate with at this restaurant the last time I was there. It was so weird and once again proved that nothing is imPASTAble. In all seriousness though, we sometimes get in those moods where we feel like we cannot accomplish things. We feel as if all is going poorly and we are not going to be able to stay afloat. It is in that moment that you need to find a friend, have a good meal and think confidently. Repeat to yourself, "I can do this." Whether you you say you can or say you can't, you're probably right (paraphrased Chinese proverb), and when you truly think you can, nothing is really imPASTAble.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 250]:~ Caught in a Crowd

~:[CH8 - Day 250]:~ Caught in a Crowd
In cross country, it's quite easy to get caught in a crowd. Aside from the blistering heat, the athletes had to deal with one of the most packed in courses they have had to race, ever. Rosemead kept the same size meet but crunched it into one day. The meet was already quite packed in, but this year, it was even more difficult to maneuver through the first 1/2 mile and sometimes even up to the two mile mark. It's definitely a parallel to life. We prepare so much for that moment and hoping that we can stand out, but when we get there, we face a crowd of people who are jostling for the same position. You get caught among the crowd, unable to break out of it. You must be strategic and persistent, but eventually, you can find your window if you look for the opportunity. The races required our athletes to remain headstrong and not lose confidence and focus as they made their way through the course. There is no way to predict how things will go. We may be forced to go out too hard or may fall in the process, but that's part of life. You're going to fail, but it's about getting back up from those failures and bouncing back with even more confidence. We had a pretty solid day with a good number of new personal records, but there will be better days ahead, much like we will all have in our lives. As while the crowds may keep us down for now, if we keep pushing forward, we will eventually find our way through it all. 

Friday, September 6, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 249]:~ Broadcasting Live

~:[CH8 - Day 249]:~ Broadcasting Live
It was Friday and I was excited. We survived another week and the countdown until summer begins ... just kidding. At least for me, I don't think that far ahead. However, there was a bonus on this Friday as we had a news broadcaster visit our school. Coincidentally enough, she attending an ABCUSD school down the street and was even friends with my brother in high school. It was a cool experience, especially coming from someone who has been connected to the history of the city for so long. The event trailed rolled on as we went from food run to potluck, as this became the second long day in a row. Regardless, as tiring as it was, there were a lot of bonuses to spending so much time working the day away. While we may not ever live the glamorous life in the spotlight, there are many opportunities to make our own highlight reel of our lives. While it may not be seen by the world, simply sharing these memories with a friend, is truly a memorable and priceless experience. 

Thursday, September 5, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 248]:~ Just a Bit More Energy

~:[CH8 - Day 248]:~ Just a Bit More Energy
Sometimes we roll through the day and it's a great one, but somewhere in the middle of it all, you get hit with a wall and fatigue hits you hard. I was a bit tired today and knowing I had a late night meeting, I needed to find a way to get some more energy. Just a quick bite to eat and some time to relax, chat and watch football did just that. The fatigue slowly disappeared and I had the energy I needed to get going with my day. I often found that like food, people can do this for you. While you may be too tired to do anything, the right people can get you up and about, lifting your spirits and energy in the process. I think if you surround yourself with good food and even better friends, you will have a life that you can definitely enjoy with lots of energy to go along with it all.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 247]:~ Seeking Shelter

~:[CH8 - Day 247]:~ Seeking Shelter
I looked ahead planning to lose a day to today's weather. I already knew it was coming and so I flipped our schedule and used today to get our team on the same page. We had our meeting and went over some expectations and hopes for the road ahead if we wanted to chase after the goals we set this summer. I could sense the mood of the room as people thought about how much time they've been putting in and how more they need to put in. You can come to every practice, but if you don't do the extra available to you, you may not be progressing forward and could even be taking a step back. Regardless, instead of the run, we found shelter in the weight room and got in some much needed strength workouts. Midway through, some decided to head out on their own for a run since it cooled down, while we finished up our strength workouts. I wasn't even aware, but a group had gotten together and formed their own workout group, moving from station to station, which made me proud. In life, we have learn through experiencing it. We will make mistakes, fail to do all that we can, but life will give us a kick in the butt and remind us we need to get back on track and get down to business. At times we will be soaring and at others, the challenges of the world will require us to seek shelter. Whatever the case may be, we need to find a way to make the most of the situation and plan to do all that we can to ensure we make the most of our days. We need to live in the present, but not forget to plan for what's ahead. I cooled off with some naengmyeon, which was the perfect end to the day, which powered me through the work I had to do for the rest of the night. As while today we may have sought out shelter, tomorrow, we'll be ready to conquer what the world throws at us.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 246]:~ Life is Incredible

~:[CH8 - Day 246]:~ Life is Incredible
It's not easy going to work on the first day of the week, but it makes it easier when you enjoy what you do. As I navigated through my first day of the week back at work, I was happy to wrap up things from the Cow Run, unload some of that stress and begin to focus on the work ahead. Of course it wasn't all work, as I had some time for fun and games with the ohana at John's Incredible Pizza. Our annual team outing to John's was fun, as I interacted with a mix of supporters, parents, alumni parents, athletes, alumni and coaches. I love the support of those who come out and being at John's I feel like I can be a kid again. We even had our parents and athletes help celebrate my mom's birthday as they had a card and gift for her, as this felt as if it was her birthday party! As we tried to win jackpots all around and as we went head-to-head in basketball, I relaxed a bit and released a lot of the stress built up over the weekend. As much as you become overwhelmed, you also find that the relief after all is said is done equals that amount of stress you face. While I had a little more work to do when I got home, I seemed to enjoy it, as I quickly worked my way through it, not only completing it, but doing a job I was pretty happy with. While at times life may be a challenge, many days of our lives, life is incredible.

Monday, September 2, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 245]:~ What's at "Steak"

~:[CH8 - Day 245]:~ What's at "Steak"
I woke up early in the morning on this holiday to head out to the course for practice. Three other teams were on the course doing various workouts. We didn't have a large group that showed up, but a good portion of our core was there. It's days like these that show how your season is going to go. Do the athletes dedicate more of their time to the team or do they plan other activities on these days knowing that there always is practice on this day. I am not someone who is going to demand that they be there on these optional days, but it is something that I hope they understand is an unstated requirement. If you want to get better, you put that time in to get there. If you invest the minimum amount of time into something, they you will never reach that potential you hope to attain. As we celebrated our day off together, I then headed off to get myself ready to make my mom her birthday dinner. My mom will never ask for anything big for any birthday nor does she expect anything, which makes doing something like this even more exciting. I used all the burners on my stove today and made a huge mess, but was happy with the dinner that came out, highlighted by the miso yuzu steak with a pom-blueberry glaze. My stomach was full and was happy that I could finally get some time to rest, but soon thereafter I got back to work, because I knew that there was a lot at stake and every second counts. 

Sunday, September 1, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 244]:~ In Absence, Happiness

~:[CH8 - Day 244]:~ In Absence, Happiness
Sometimes lacking a schedule means happiness. Often times my schedule is very structured, but today, I kept my schedule open to work, to rest and to eat. I ended up bowling and while I did not actually eat when I went out, I sat and grabbed a drink while everyone else ate. My other "pseudo-son" was in from Kentucky so it was nice to take some time and catch up. Sometimes there are such a bounty of things to write about that I cannot pick just one, but sometimes in the absence of those things, you still can find a happy moment. I felt refreshed today and I am hoping that soon my fatigue will float away and I can find myself refreshed and ready for the week ahead!