Tuesday, February 28, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 59]:~ Blinded at the Top

~:[CH6 - Day 59]:~ Blinded at the Top
Sometimes when you get what you want, you end up losing, as you forget what is important and are blinded by your drive to be first. Today was a day that just happened to back it all up, as I kept thinking to myself. I don't want to be first. Sure, I want to be successful, but if it means putting others down in the process in order to get what I want, then don't count me in. Often times our pursuit of the top of the mountain, blinds us from what we should be seeing. Our goal of acceptance sometimes blinds us from seeing what we gave up in order to be accepted. In reading an article about the Yonsei (4th-year Japanese-Americans), I started to see how privilege can often stop you from seeing the injustices that may exist and while individually your life is comfortable, you forget about all that you should have been focusing on. My class played its annual imperialism game today where the goal is to attain as much territory as possible, which will continue tomorrow. It's always interesting to see how greed over gaining territory can lead to bickering and arguments and while it's just a game, it's a parallel to life. I want to be successful and sure, I'd want life to be comfortable so finances aren't even a second thought, but I'd give it all up to live a peaceful life with those around me and when you put yourself first all the time, then that will simply not happen. As I've heard many times over the course of the past few months, we need to build bridges, not walls and find a way to help ourselves be successful through giving ourselves to others, as when we give ourselves to others, we find that our "wealth" increases by ten fold. Sure there are those that will take advantage of our generosity, but in the end, our focus on working with others will be what gets us to the top and if we never reach the peak, at least we'll have good people around us to make each day of this life that we live enjoyable. 

Monday, February 27, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 58]:~ The Right Combination

~:[CH6 - Day 58]:~ The Right Combination
Sometimes you have no clue what you're doing, then you end up with a combination that is just right. While you know the flavors of each item, together, you really don't know how it will mix together, but sometimes, it just meshes well together. Much as in life, sometimes things don't end up as you might expect. Something may be too salty or too sweet and you have to try to find a way to make it work. With all that was going on today, I found a way to bring it all together and make it work. I couldn't get everything that I wanted done, but I sure got a lot done and by days end when looking back. I was pretty happy with how things turned out. Some days are just truly exhausting, but when you look back on the day, you begin to see everything that you were able to pull together to make it into your final piece - the day. Sometimes it just doesn't turn out well, but with enough experience and the right confidence, you can bring it together and find the right combination.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 57]:~ Ageless

~:[CH6 - Day 57]:~ Ageless
I drove home tonight with a smile. The musical Finding Neverland reminds you to never lose your imagination, to stay connected with your youth, and to see the good that can come out of life and that's what I needed. For each of us, there is a given fact, tomorrow we will be a day older until the day we take our final breath. However, growing older does not mean much, as while the tasks of life change as we get older, it doesn't necessarily mean that we have to completely change to match that change. It's interesting how my daily life incorporates imagination. I always find my mind wandering and while sometimes I think that is a flaw, it could be just the opposite. The difficulties of life are a burden to be carried, but with the right mindset, you can make those difficulties be seen as challenges that can help us grow and to shed these things in a positive light. As while the rain could be a downer, it can also help bring greener grass and rainbows that may follow. Crowds could provide more opportunities to meet people and tardiness can also be a few more minutes to relax. Today was definitely a mixed bag from morning to end, but I wouldn't change a thing, as today was definitely a special one for me. I saw a lot, I learned a lot and I thought a lot and as I looked up at the reflection of the buildings from Pershing Square, I reflected on my life and all things to figure out where I go from here. Yes, there is weight on my shoulders as I take each step forward, but that only means I'll be stronger and those steps will be much easier when the burdens of life are removed. It is then that I will find myself flying and finding that despite days, weeks, months, and years passing, that I will never age, as my imagination is what truly is the fountain of youth. 

Saturday, February 25, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 56]:~ The Way to Start

~:[CH6 - Day 56]:~ The Way to Start
At 5am, my alarm went off. It was Saturday and it was meet day. With today being our first official meet of the season, there was excitement in the air despite the early call time. Of course, the day would not disappoint. I have not been to Downey in some time as I am usually at Nationals by now, however, this year I was able to be there. Boy am I glad I was. We had a number of promising performances as our 4x12 medaled and our 4x16 medaled. We then had our sprints team who took 1st and 3rd in the 4x1, 1st in the 4x2 and another team taking 5th in the SMR. We even had a solo field athlete take 4th in the team event in the high jump! As the great performances came rolling, the meet finally came to an end. It was a stressful few moments as the team did not arrive and the race was running early. We finally had our team and they looked solid despite this meet being so early in the season. Impressively, they ran to the #3AT mark in school history in the DMR in a fully underclassmen team. As they finished in fourth, I was impressed to see what they were capable of, as today was just day 1 of a number of other meets to come. What impressed me more is just the connections the athletes had with each other, which was great to see and made me enjoy the day even more. As exhausting as it is to sit out at a meet for about ten hours, it's worth it when you experience is as it was like today. Yes, my alarm rang at 5am on a Saturday, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Friday, February 24, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 55]:~ Getting it Together

~:[CH6 - Day 55]:~ Getting it Together
The end of the week finally arrived and I was able to get some things together. After running through a food run, reviewing our meet from yesterday and announcing our meet for tomorrow, we headed to the Towne Center to celebrate a successful week. Through the first set of workouts to our first practice meet, overall it was a successful day. I like how this team is so interconnected and it will make for a great season down the stretch. While we prepare for our first real invite, it was nice to have the team stick around to help organize the bags for the team. About half of our distance team stuck around to help and we got it all done in a very quick fashion. I was impressed. I was able to relax for the evening to get things prepped for tomorrow and even got to clean a bit before calling it a night. While it was a long week, it was great to wrap it up with a day like this one when you feel truly blessed. 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 54]:~ Until the End, Together

~:[CH6 - Day 54]:~ Until the End, Together
Today was a hectic day, running around trying to get everything ready for today's kickoff event, the Black & Gold Meet. We started running an inter-squad meet to get us used to running a meet and also adding a little competitive fun. It was impressive to see all the athletes with the packed 1600m to the multiple heats of sprint events. While the winds kicked up, we still had a number of impressive times that leave you wondering, just how good could this team be. The distance squad had its own challenge as the winning team would celebrate with boba. Coming down to the 3200m, it was a narrow 36-41 victory for the gold team, but in the end, we were all winners. By the tail end of cleanup, we still had a good majority of our squad around and a number of that group also had dinner together. One of the things I noticed about this group that I've enjoyed is that they stick around to the end, help out to clean without complaining, and spend additional time together beyond just time within the sport, which is important. I was exhausted, but couldn't imagine a better way to spend my night unwinding from a busy day. Aside from the times we had today, today is going to be a great season just because of the athletes we have, as they stay together until the very end. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 53]:~ All Kinds of Creativity

~:[CH6 - Day 53]:~ All Kinds of Creativity
It was a creative kind of day. In class, we discussed Romanticism and Realism and had the students begin their emotion-filled presentations. As they did, I began to see the growth, even in those who were not as emotional or loud as the others. Later that day, one of my students brought in a macaroon he made. It was spectacular and somehow, it was a lot lighter and BETTER than any I have ever tasted. It is not an exaggeration at all. Sure it was sweet, but there was a quality to it that made it spectacular. At practice, we mixed up our teams and it was great to see each area grow, as the potential for success this year will be great. In a day filled with catching up with a friend over lunch at Halal Guys and an evening walking around the city exercising and also hunting Pokemon, I looked back and smiled. When a day is more than just the routine, it makes it interesting and exciting. There were even more exciting things to fill the day, but in the end, life is something that should not just be plain and simple. Even if you don't have the resources to travel, go to an event, or even splurge on a great meal, change up your routine after work, by exercising, meeting up with old friends or meeting new ones or write or design a beautiful card for a friend to enjoy. You have the opportunity to look back on your day and smile because of all that you put into it. Don't miss out on the opportunities given to you, but not simply making it through the day, but doing something to make it extra special. Yes, my day was filled with many great things and I know your tomorrow can be the same. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 52]:~ When the Light Goes On

~:[CH6 - Day 52]:~ When the Light Goes On
There's something magical in life when the light goes on. Over 300 years ago, Paul Revere used two lanterns to send a signal from the Old North Church and somehow that light seems to be relevant today. While that light was a warning, the light I see every year is when things just get figured out and sometimes that light is my own. With conference over, I looked over the point sheets only to be impressed that most everyone had improved and are showing signs that they are understanding, engaged and ready to improve. Sure, it wasn't a perfect conference, but I saw how the students seemed to better grasp everything and looked ready for the next conference. The light has definitely been turned on and it makes me excited to see what comes about. The light also turned on for our track team as while we are just getting started, it seems as if things are starting to gain its flow and we're beginning to see great progress. I walked through the streets of this wonderful city only to realize how beautiful this city is and all the great things within it. I pass by this park every day and when you take the time to enjoy it, you realize just how luck you are to have a place like this. The light of appreciation was as bright as ever. There are things that can get better, but after chatting with a few friends and seeing all that I have around me, it's no wonder why it's easy to be positive and happy. Enjoy and embrace what you have, especially the simple things, and surround yourself with people who are positive and supportive, but also willing to give you advice on ways you can improve. As while you may not see it right away, by putting yourself in the right situations, you'll realize all that you are capable of and how great life can be. I am still a work in progress, but that doesn't mean that the light has not begun to shine for me. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 51]:~ Still Right After All the Wrongs

~:[CH6 - Day 51]:~ Still Right After All the Wrongs
On a troubled day, it still ended up right. I sit here with a headache, but still appreciate the day I had. My flight was delayed, I poured all day, my baggage took 40 minutes to arrive, the shuttle changed places where they pick up and thus I spent another 40 minutes waiting, arriving home 2.5 hours after landing. However, as I look back, I spent the day wandering around a different city, exploring its ins and outs, tasting new foods and spending quality time with people I knew and having brief encounters with people I just met. Sure, there was so much wrong about the day today, but how can you let that overpower what went right. As while the negative energy will try to take over, overpower it with the right mindset and all those rights can still lead to right. 

Sunday, February 19, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 50]:~ For the Record

~:[CH6 - Day 50]:~ For the Record
Because of the storm, I was able to reschedule my flight to Sunday morning so that I could go to the game last night and also still head up north. I woke up at a dreadful 2:45am and headed to the airport. The flight was empty as expected, but there were only about ten people on board! Oh my! I headed up and caught the second showing of Allegiance in theaters. The crowded up in Daly City was a little more mixed than at the Block, but it was just as impactful. Almost everyone stayed until the end of the special segment and I could tell that the story impacted so many. With this being my fourth time seeing it (twice on Broadway, twice in theaters), I wondered what change in impact it would have on me and the reality is, it changed very little. It continues to hit home and send a message that all of us need to hear in such challenging times. I am so appreciative that this story came out and can always smile to the comedic lines of the amazing and talented Janelle! Afterward, I headed to Boba Guys, took some time to chill and headed to North Beach. In waiting for the House, we wandered through the area and stopped at a speciality clothing story with some vintage looking clothes and then I ran across this incredible Record shop. The story was filled with instruments and music players and also about 50,000 records in the basement. It was a challenge to sort through, but was an incredible site to see. As I finished up the night just wandering and chatting, I realize that despite the randomness of making this trek all the way up, it was worth every minute and ounce of energy to get here. As I closed the night with the songs of Allegiance ringing through my mind, I could tell how incredible today was, as the music traveled down to my heart. 

Saturday, February 18, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 49]:~ Picture Imperfect

~:[CH6 - Day 49]:~ Picture Imperfect 
There were mistakes along the way, but that's perfectly fine. So many people strive for perfection, that they forget that imperfection happens. Running a conference is never easy and with all that is going on, it makes it more difficult to coordinate. When you have good people running the ship, it's much easier and this ship was definitely easy to sail. While we may have hit a few road bumps along the way, I was perfectly happy by day's end. It's tough to accept when you made an error, but it's also something you cannot be afraid of. We must embrace these imperfections and use them to learn and to grow. Despite our mix ups, today was a success. Not only did the ship sail in the hands of very capable people, I saw the growth of the freshman and am really excited for what the future holds for them. It was hard because a few delegates were a handful of points away with some even being half a point away, but that is part of the process. Struggle. Learn. Grow. Repeat. Without failure and without imperfection, we would move along on an easy road, but would we really be doing ourselves a service? Don't be afraid of failure as failure is just an opportunity to grow. There were shortfalls today, but there was more success in the end thanks to all those who worked so hard to make it happen. Never allow a speed bump stop you from progressing forward, as it is just a reminder to slow down every once in awhile and soak in all that wonderful things that are around you. Today was picture imperfect and that's exactly why it was so grand.

Friday, February 17, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 48]:~ A Closer Look

~:[CH6 - Day 48]:~ A Closer Look
Sometimes we don't stop to smell the roses. We often miss these finer details as we are distracted by the grandiose presentations that surround us, but often, we can find something great when we just take the time to look a bit closer. As while the storm began to roll in, a pleasant surprised graced my presence, one of my former students and Premios de Oro medallion recipient. It's difficult to remember so many students from the past, but this one, I would not forget as he has a place in my heart forever. It was one of my most memorable moments of a teacher to see a student who was struggling so much to find his potential and make a full turnaround in such a short amount of time. As I work year after year, there isn't one that goes by where I wondered what he was up to and today, I saw him at school, as he was subbing for one of our teachers. It is one of those moments where I could see and other teachers could see the finer details - the potential that he possessed. I came home soaked after a hard day of work, but also a hard day of playing, however, it bothered me not. As after drying off and changing, I sat back at my desk at home and looked at the picture from year's ago and remember how prideful I was that day. You don't often see such dramatic changes, but experiencing one was life changing for me and was a reminder that I cannot fail to look a little bit closer to see the potential that exists in all my students. It's easy to guide a motivated student, but my job is to reach those struggling the most and find a way to get them on track. It's easy to forget, but the emotions that spread through my body reminded me that the extra time and effort will all be worth it in the end. I sit here and smile, because I am so proud of who this student has become. While he still has things to figure out and a life to live ahead of him, he is becoming the man who I saw years ago and I can't wait to see him rise to success. Much as in life, let's all take the time to see the good in people, the good in the day, and the good in all other things around us, as sometimes it simply takes a second to find the finer details that we missed at first glance and those tend to be the things that can guide us to a better world. 

[iglooSUNDAY - Blast from the Past #5]

You never forget those students who found themselves in a difficult place and found a way to make it to the top. Everyday, I am so proud of this man who figured it all out. I was blessed to be visited by him today and cannot express how happy this reunion was. Today was a reminder that there is potential in us all and if we tap into it, we can always change things for the better. 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 47]:~ Organized Chaos

~:[CH6 - Day 47]:~ Organized Chaos
If you were to walk into the room, you would assume it was chaotic. I guess that's a summary of my life, organized chaos. As chaotic as it may seem, it always seems to be fairly organized and I know what is going on, even when I don't have it all in front me. My day, was almost the same. Planning for a conference and trying to get through the day are equally challenging. As I printed out placards and credentials, graded speeches and ran our food run practice, I tried to keep all looking in order even though it may not have necessarily been the case. The release of gen2 only made it more chaotic of a day. With each minute mattering, I rolled from one place to another, trying to get it all done. By night's end, I was wrapping up our second grill (and third night session), wandering around Heritage and having a quick stop at Heritage before heading home. As I look back, the nearly 16 hours I was out today was a bit much, but in the end, it was nice to be so productive in a span of a single day. It's time to celebrate as tomorrow is Friday!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 46]:~ Just Striding Along

~:[CH6 - Day 46]:~ Just Striding Along
The day rolled on by. Volunteer speeches, nationalism posters, and of course, grill sessions. The day was full and by the time I got home, it ended up being another 12 hour work day, plus scouting. However, today was a beautiful day. As I looked up at the sky, I smiled and while my runners didn't quite enjoy the weather since it was tempo day, they still battled the elements and pulled out a pretty solid workout. We found a few new athletes and ultimately, took another step forward in preparing for the season ahead. As while the day ended though, my work did not. After weight room, I drove nearly two hours out to Santa Clarita to scout our next opponent, arriving to the game late. It might have been a bad idea to eat hot pot before heading home, as my stomach was raging as I tried to keep my focus on the way home. As I came back home, I sat and browsed through my photos and though, I am excited for this track and field season to begin. We are slowing getting a stronger team and I am hoping we are able to fill a few more gaps so we have a team with the potential to be one of the best we've had in some time. As the team did strides after the main workout, I looked on knowing that they had a lot of great things awaiting them ahead. My job is to keep them pushing forward so they can find these great things waiting for them. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 45]:~ Where Hearts Collide

~:[CH6 - Day 45]:~ Where Hearts Collide
With thoughts of fairy tale endings and Korean dramas running through my head, I walked out into the parking lot to this beautiful scene. Another late night working, arriving to a fairly tranquil place. It was a nice change of pace from a day where frustrations, adaptation, and fatigue reigned supreme. As while the strain of the day pulsated through my veins, this scene made it all go away. Today is day that often people fear and others welcome with open arms, but I've often thought that it should be a day like any other. I am truly a romanticist, as these fairy tale story lines run through my head and my plans get put into place, however, much like Hwan Ki, my thought process makes me hesitant and my armor keeps a safe distance from the outside world at times. However, while I believe and hope in these magical moments and happy endings, a day like today should be a day we celebrate every day. Too many times do we use the holidays as a time to reconnect to friends, family and loved ones. however, shouldn't everyday be one in which we celebrate those whom we love? I bought into the holiday as I brought my students candy and went to the market to get a card and flowers for my mom, yet I cannot let today be the only day. As while hearts and the color pink and red fill the air today, they must continue to shine bright day after day and night after night. Each and every night should be one filled with love, with each day capable of its own fairy tale ending. While I wander an empty parking lot alone, I will not forget to remember that when the parking spot is filled next to me, that it will not only be today that I make special, but as many of my days as I possibly can. Life will not be perfect. Some days, the light will go out, the rain will make things challenging or the lines may one day fade away, however, it is within us to allow our hearts to overcome all the obstacles we may face in life and lead us to an ending we can all celebrate. At points today I may have felt lacking, but then I remembered that while the parking lot may be empty, I must be prepared for the day when someone pulls into the space beside me so that every day can be a day as special as this one. To the loved ones around me whom I am lucky to share my life, Happy Valentines Day to you, as I send my love today and every on every day moving forward. 

Monday, February 13, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 44]:~ On the Journey Ahead

~:[CH6 - Day 44]:~ On the Journey Ahead
Life is often described as a journey and as walked down the final hallway before parting ways, I saw in slow motion the memories of this group on this trip. As I looked outside at 4am, I could only think,  we wouldn't be going home. With an airport shuttle that didn't show up and a few other speed bumps on the way, the thought was similar, but in the end, we took this final walk together. Similar to life, this moment is to be treasured, as never again in your lifetime will you have this same exact moment. This hallway walk may have been but a few minutes, but it allowed me to reflect on an amazing week where we survived a blizzard, caught the Superbowl Parade, nearly missed our bus, lived through a 14.8" snow day and more. While I was proud of all the recognition this team got, I was more proud of the way they bonded, accepted each other and made this trip as great as it was. There are always things that could have gone better, but nothing that I wish I could fix, as while we will face challenges, those challenges are how you find growth and how you create memories. As I took one last glance at the group walking down the hallway, I smiled one last time, as while I knew we would not be together as this one group every again, I appreciated the fact that we were allowed to be together at all. This intersection, like many others, will be one that I place in a special box of memories that will remain with me for a lifetime. As while our journey ahead may be long and arduous, these are the moments that will get me through until I finally reach the end. 

Sunday, February 12, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 43]:~ Let Fate Take the Wheel

~:[CH6 - Day 42]:~ Let Fate Take the Wheel
Sometimes when you're watching shows like Korean dramas, you often think about how unrealistic some of the situations that are posed are. However, are they truly? On the last full day of a trip, you often have time to reflect on it all, wondering how fate played a role in all of it coming together. With this senior trip, I wasn't too sure how it would end up, but when looking back on it, it had all the ingredients of a good drama, possibly lacking most of the "drama." I am not sure that it was coincidence how all the pieces fell together. From the outcome of the Superbowl to the changes in our schedules to even all the people who were a part of this team, chaperones included. As I step back and look upon the trip itself, all the memories that are built would change instantly with a slight change of an event, an addition or subtraction of someone or a change in the weather. So the question is, how much of a role does fate play? As I reflect, I was lucky enough to spend a week together with this team. As loud as they are, they took care of business by representing our school well, which I knew even before the awards ceremony began; they worked within the boundaries, but didn't forget to enjoy themselves; and we really got to know each other more, creating memories and a bond that will stay with you for a lifetime. The conversations, the people you meet, the places you visit and even just the minute details of a trip all become what make this storyline. Whether or not fate played a role, I am glad that each of the pieces came together and as I pack away my things, as the seniors enjoy their final night together, I just smile knowing that whatever happens tomorrow, the past week was worth it. You often do not realize what you have until it's gone and as this trip comes to an end, it rings true that despite the storms, carrying luggage through the subway system and even waiting for someone who overslept, there's not a detail that I would change, as each of these moments is what will make it memorable in its own way. I came back to the room with drenched feet after stepping in a puddle of slush I didn't know was that deep, but instead of getting mad, I accepted my fate and did not forget to enjoy the fact that I was here in Boston with a group of amazing people who I will remember for years to come. I'm glad most of the "drama" was absent, but glad that this story of MITMUNC '17 was told. In a few hours, we will leave our last few steps in the snow in Boston and while those will soon disappear, the footsteps in my life that this trip has created will not be forgotten so soon. 

Saturday, February 11, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 42]:~ Self Discovery

~:[CH6 - Day 42]:~ Self Discovery
Life is about the process of self discovery. It's what you learn as you move through life and how you grow through the process. It's walking through the wrong door, only to find yourself lost in a labyrinth, struggling to find a way. However, when you are steadfast in your ways, you find a way out. Our team faced the same struggles as they figured out how to maneuver through a new system. They stuck to their guns and kept with detailed statements, despite the broadness and general speeches that others would make. As I watched them dance at the delegates social after everyone had gone, I smiled. Why? Because they didn't care that everyone had left, so long as they enjoyed themselves. It was then that I realized that they figured it out. To have fun is not who you are with or even how an event is thrown. It could have easily been a moment when they left disappointed, yet they made the most of an opportunity that seemed bleak. To see them dancing so carefree with each other, I knew that they discovered something - let your happiness not be controlled by others. Similarly, in committees, they did not allow their success to be controlled by others, as they did what was necessary today to show themselves as great delegates and for that, I am so proud. As the day provided so many opportunities for self discovery, I gained even great insight as I met with Ryan for lunch, as we caught up and discussed this whole MUN world and later on, met with the man who is one of the cornerstones of the cross country program,  laying a foundation that future generations could enjoy. As the night closed out and the final scene wrapped up, I could help but see myself again in the labyrinth wondering if I'd ever get out. However, as I thought about that, I realized that the only thing that holds us back from finding our way out is often times ourselves. If we trust in who we are and our abilities, there is no puzzle too great for us to solve and at the end, we'll find our way through all the obstacles that life throws at us. For now, dance like no one is watching and you'll be surprised just how much you'll learn about yourself. 

Friday, February 10, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 41]:~ Switching Gears

~:[CH6 - Day 41]:~ Switching Gears
The day started on the right foot as we were able to reschedule our Mapparium tour for Friday, since it was canceled the day before due to the storm. It was incredible being in there and even greater than my great expectations. The architecture in the building was quite amazing representing material from around the world. We ventured back and dragged our bags across Boston to Cambridge. The seniors actually did a pretty good job and we were lucky enough to have our hotel right at the exit. We ventured to Harvard to grab some food and for us, we ended up grabbing two lunches at Pinocchio's (Noch's) and Russell House. After walking around, we headed back and prepped for the conference. It was great to see the team so focused on the conference and while they were a little discouraged at parts for various reasons, in the end, I think they had done their part and also seemed encouraged for tomorrow. It was great being on the MIT campus and seeing the Stata Center which is one of the most beautifully designed buildings around. It was a trek to the conference opening and closing, but in the end, it wrapped up to be a great day. I've enjoyed venturing around Boston, but Cambridge also has a nice feel and I think I'm going to enjoy being around here for a few days. Live from Kendall Square, it's Cerritos Model UN.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 40]:~ Survival ... Just Survival

~:[CH6 - Day 40]:~ Survival ... Just Survival
Everyone knew what was coming yesterday. Two of our reservations for today canceled last night with the third rescheduling this morning. However, I knew we needed to make the most of it despite trying to take Southern Californians out just before a blizzard in the middle of a storm. It was snowing and the streets were pretty empty, but it was slowly getting colder as the day progressed. We played at the Public Gardens and Boston Commons as they enjoyed the snow. We didn't end up with a snowman because it was dry snow, but they partook in the Boston Common snowball fight and enjoyed a short trek through the park. When looking at the weather report, I knew it would get bad at 2pm and it was right on schedule as the snow turned horizontal and you could barely walk through the snow. The winds picked up reaching 50mph gusts and the storm officially was declared a blizzard. We watched the last few hours of the storm through the window as the predicted 14" in Boston was matched plus a bit more according to the last news report. However, a group still wanted to get dinner out, so we braved the winds and made it to one of the places still opened near our hotel. Today was nice as we rested and caught up on work, but it was a little sad to miss out on a few things we had planned. The seniors dealt with it though and made the most of the day and I was glad that they enjoyed the time that they had outside. Yes, we Southern Californians survived the first blizzard in two years in Boston and hoping that we can also survive tomorrow, as while the storm has passed, the bitter cold still remains. That is definitely bone chilling. Today was survival ... just survival. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 39]:~ Soaking in the Sun (While We Can)

~:[CH6 - Day 39]:~ Soaking in the Sun (While We Can)
It was early in the morning and no one was on the street as we strolled back to our hotel. Our bus arrived back from New York as we headed back to catch some sleep. When we woke up, we were greeted by some beautiful weather. However, it was sad to know that it would only be a short while before the big storm would roll in. We kicked off the day at the Boston Public Market and enjoyed the good food offerings that they had. We then enjoyed the aquarium, which was surprisingly cool. The setup made for great exercise and there was a good amount of offerings for an aquarium of its size. We ventured off after to grab some food and interestingly enough, I ended up at Legal Seafood after visiting the aquarium. Poor fish! We headed back to the hotel, stocked up on food for the next day (in case we can't go out) and then I caught up with an alumni. It's always great to see alumni especially when they have things planned out. To see how much they grew from when they first started is always a blessing and Lauren is definitely an example of this. After a quick catch up session and a meet and greet with the seniors, we parted ways knowing that tomorrow, this type of adventure would not be so easy. While this will be FAR from the worst storm I ever encountered on an MUN trip, the one foot or more of predicted snow and RealFeel predictions of -10 are quite frightful. My guess is we'll have a relaxing catch up day, but we will see. I'll cross my fingers and maybe, just maying, this storm won't be as bad as they say. Wish us luck as we bunker down for the supposed worst snowstorm of the winter. As Southern Californians, we'll definitely need it. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 38]:~ The Long Haul

~:[CH6 - Day 38]:~ The Long Haul
We woke up fairly early dressed in our warmest layers of clothes. It was T-minus three hours until the scheduled parade and we headed out. Along the farthest portions of the parade route, droves of people already lined up and surprisingly, it was a little more sparse at the beginning. We found our spot and camped out. It was exhausting, especially with the rain, snow and wind, to hold our ground, but we did. I was proud of the group for sticking it out and braving the storm. They were rewarded in the end. It was an amazing experience being there for the parade. The energy of the crowd, the confetti, and the happiness all around was incredible. Since the parade started late, we had to hurry to the bus station and just before the doors closed, we boarded the bus to New York. After a long bus journey, we were able to sit down for a meal in New York before watching Aladdin. Aladdin was quite fun and amazing including the set. We were able to get a few more hours in New York before heading home, so we rushed all the way down to 32nd and 5th for Gongcha and Delimanjoo, sped up to 52nd and 7th and 53rd and 6th for halal before hitting up Times Square and a few other quick stops. It was a rush and my legs were aching the whole way home, however, looking back, there isn't much that I would change. Sometimes, these days are crazy, but in the end, you learn from the experience and create memories that will last a lifetime. Not only was this a long day, but a memory I will have with me for the long haul. 

Monday, February 6, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 37]:~ UN-Triggered

~:[CH6 - Day 37]:~ UN-Triggered
It was a gorgeous day outside today. Blue skies, a little chilly, but overall wonderful. While it won't stay like that for long, we made the most of it, as we strolled from Boston to Charleston along the Freedom Trail. It's pretty amazing how much we've been able to do in a day, but we went from church to church, graveyard to graveyard and site to site, while also making some stops for some good food. The most memorable moment of the day? There may just have been two. The misery of walking up 294 steps to the top of the Bunker Hill Monument was terrible, made better by a photo shoot in the park right after. As terrible as it was, it was a great bonding moment for the group who struggled through the experience together. The second was our hot pot dinner out as we had a real conversations, leaving our phones together at the center of the table so that we could just talk. Sure, we were exhausted and tired by days end and dreading what was coming in the days ahead, but there was no reason not to smile, as we definitely discovered a lot today and not all of it was just about Boston. From touring to shopping, eating to walking, it was a fun-filled day truly giving us a Bostonian experience. It easily could have been a day where the students left upset from all that we packed into a day, but they truly seemed at ease and by days end, were happy to be here. 

Sunday, February 5, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 36]:~ GOAT

~:[CH6 - Day 36]:~ GOAT
We arrived at the airport so early in the morning. I was tired and my stomach was acting up and things didn't look like they'd be off to a good start. However, even when things are down, you need to keep your faith and your hope. The day paralleled with the Superbowl today and eventually intersected. We ate in Chinatown and enjoyed a great meal before walking over to get a view of the city at the Skywalk in Back Bay. We headed home quickly to catch the end of the second quarter and the halftime show. It didn't look good for the Patriots all the way down to the fourth quarter where I almost left to take the students to the market, however, with one thing leading to another, things got better, much like the day. From a good meal, to a good halftime show, and ending with a Patriots victory, it was quite an amazing day. The Patriots went with a never quit attitude as they had one of the greatest comebacks in history led by one of the greatest of all time. The night ended with us walking down the streets of Boston with fans flocking to the streets and everyone celebrating, which our students joined in on. While as a Packers fan, I wish that they were in the Superbowl and celebrating at this point, it's pretty cool to be in the city where the winning team is from. I guess today just reminded us to never lose faith because you never really know what can happen. This group is a bit loud and vocal, but they made today fun and together we got this trip off to a great start. 

Saturday, February 4, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 35]:~ Days In

~:[CH6 - Day 35]:~ Days In
I hate staying in too much. I always feel like I'm wasting the day away, especially when there are places that I want to go. The morning was spent packing and the afternoon, paperwork. I got everything organized for tomorrow and then sat at the computer and clicked. It was the wrong idea. I landed up watching some Kdramas, which is completely out of the ordinary, but one reason I stay away from the television is that I do get hooked pretty easily. I started with 내성적인 보스 the moved on to 내일 그대와 and completed all of the available episodes online. They're fairly new, so it wasn't an extreme amount of time. While I got out during the late afternoon, I stayed in and got everything done early as I watched episode after episode. What got me hooked? I thought that I connected with 내성적인 보스 because of the relation to the more introverted sides of the CEO Eun. I noticed how much he thinks in situation, similar to how I do and while I am an extroverted introvert, I could relate to a lot of his struggles. In 내일 그대와, it really makes you wonder who you have crossed paths in in your life that you will cross paths with again and how those interactions change the dominoes that fall after that event. Regardless, the afternoon wasted away and while I felt miserable for not doing what I had hoped after just feeling blah, it was nice to rest my mind and body and rejuvenate my soul in a day in. I guess we all can afford one of these days every once in awhile. Tomorrow is an early rise, so I say an early good night. See you in a few hours world. 

Friday, February 3, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 34]:~ Unbroken

~:[CH6 - Day 34]:~ Unbroken
It was a gloomy day as the overcast sky soon made way for rain. It was a hectic day as I got everything prepared as I was leaving for Boston in a few days. It was a sad day, as we mourned the loss of an amazing woman, Gina Mitskus, who gave her life to others and the Lord with a smile on her face until her very last moment. With so much going on, I needed to hear the message that stuck with me at her memorial service. In class today, while I am still hoping for the breakthrough of a few students, I began to see a few others show more of what they are capable of. To see them grow inspired me to continue to work hard to do what I could to help contribute to the development of the minds and spirits of these students. In my lifetime, they will teach me just as much as I can teach them and in exchange for that, I must make it a point to work tirelessly on their behalf. As while many things in life can be broken - material possession, reputations, and body parts - there are two things we cannot allow to be broken our spirit and our faith. As I left the service today, I couldn't but think about this. Those two things are things that we are able to give to those around us, as they are renewable and nearly limitless. They are two things that the more you give, often times, the more you possess. They are also the two things that against all odds, will give you the best opportunity to find success and to help will others around you to success. We live in tough times and in life, things will be given to us and taken away,  however, in the process, those are the two things we must protect with all of ourselves, as those are the two things that can help us recover from any obstacle that we face. These two things can calm the storm of a hectic day, brighten your day on a gloomy one, and leave you with a smile, when all else seems in disarray. When it's time for us to take our final breath, our life will not be judged by all that we possessed, rather by all that we gave away, as those who we gave to, will return to carry on your memory. As I heard the stories of how prepared she was to pass, I thought about all the baggage that I may carry with me if I were to pass and realized that while I have done my best to maintain my spirit and my faith, it is far from enough. I thought of all the grudges I've held, the moments I have yet to apologize for, the greater attention I need to pay to others and know that there is much work to be done. They said she passed with a smile that showed that she was at peace and it made me reflect on what I must still do. As I saw the  breakthroughs in class today, I was so proud, but as I sat at the service, I kept thinking, I need to do more. We all can do more. In these challenging times, it's easy for us to get upset, to hold grudges, to distance ourselves from others. Sure, we must protect our beliefs, our ideologies, and ensure that our rights are protected, but we must not forget to respect the beliefs, the ideologies and the rights of those around us. As I said in an earlier post, we all have failed in some way and now it's time for us to mend our souls, to fuel our minds, to grow our spirit, and to solidify our faith. We must not turn towards others and judge them, but rather look at ourselves and ensure that we do what we can to ensure that our spirit and our faith can remain unbroken. Today, we said goodbye to an amazing woman who passed too soon, but while she may be physically absent, her spirit is something that will eternally be unbroken. 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 33]:~ Caught by Surprise

~:[CH6 - Day 33]:~ Caught by Surprise
Sometimes you're pretty sure how things will turn out and they turn out the way that you thought, but in other cases, you get caught by surprise that things end up working out. Like a dish that seems so unusual being quite the amazing dish. At the end of the day, we cannot always predict what the end result of many things will be, which is why we always must give ourselves an opportunity and put ourselves out there. It's a challenge. It's hard to make yourself vulnerable and risk failing, but as I talked to my students throughout the day, I challenged them to put themselves out there to see what they can do and what they are capable of, because you just never know when you'll surprise even yourself. It's great to have such a reflective time and it often comes when I talk to people, as they get my cycle of thoughts going and I appreciate all that I have around me, as they are what make me see the world around me clearly. I am not always the best at trying new things, but forcing myself to do so has taught me that I must do it much more. The last few years have been extraordinary because of that and I hope that you all can also find great moments when you realize all that you are able to do. Sometimes disappointment will follow, but all those disappointments added together will never amount to the feeling of success you will find when you finally have that breakthrough. I am confident you all that breakthrough waiting for you, but only if you put yourself out there and use all the skills and tools that have been given to you. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 32]:~ Hard Boiled

~:[CH6 - Day 32]:~ Hard Boiled
Gudetama didn't like this ending and neither did I. Some days, just don't end well. Things can be going right when it takes a turn for the worst and before you know it, you're hard boiled. Your hopes for the future, your dreams, not following through on your plans, the distancing of your relationships, and more. Different events are faced by different people, yet we all, at some point, find ourselves here. The question is, where do we go from here? In talking to my students, many of them fear this. They do not want to fail, thus, keeping themselves safe and secure is often better than taking risks to see what you're made of. At other times, those failures come because of a lack of preparation, focus, and attention to detail and those are the moments I cannot handle. Regardless of what the end result is, unlike Gudetama, our fate is not final. We can reverse the course of our actions and mend as much as we can. It's definitely a challenge doing so sometimes, but in the long run, the lessons you learn and the growth you show really are worth the struggles. People are going to try and put you down, hold you back and find a way to get themselves ahead and leave you to boil, however, with a positive mindset and the right support around you, you can overcome these obstacles and ultimately, avoid the pitfalls of life. Yes, there are a lot of things to doubt in this world and often things that leave you questioning, but ultimately, you just have to believe that you can rise up and find your way past all the obstacles that stand in your way. You are awesome and don't you ever forget that.