Saturday, November 30, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 334]:~ Hit the Ground Running

~:[CH8 - Day 334]:~ Hit the Ground Running
I got an immediate reminder that I wasn't here for a vacation. I got off the plane and had to hustle to my hotel as I had to work right away. Luckily, I had to reschedule some unrealistic scheduling, but strangely enough, I was so efficient at getting into my hotel that I probably could have made those earlier times. I settled in for a bit before heading out to get down to work. It wasn't all work as I was able to catch up with one of my closest friends in Tokyo, as we hung out at an izakaya for a bit, just catching up on travel stories to kpop and more. It was an exhausting way to start, but it was fun nonetheless and I look forward to the next few days.

Friday, November 29, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 333]:~ The Best Deals

~:[CH8 - Day 333]:~ The Best Deals
It's a little saddening because I was going to miss the best deals because I was flying out. No, it wasn't a bargain at any nearby store, but the best deal we have on this day and every day, time with our friends and family. I think people can enjoy Black Friday, shopping with their friends and family as a tradition, but I think people should pause to make sure that they don't miss out on the greatest deal of all in our lives, which is perfectly free. As I venture out to see some of the friends I don't get to see often, I know that I missed out on some great deals at home, but none of those included a price tag. I used to look forward to black friday when I was in college, but strangely, it hasn't been something that has drawn me in. Whether you are out shopping or not on this day, I just hope that you are safe so you can come back to that great deal that has always been there waiting for you. Don't miss out!

Thursday, November 28, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 332]:~ Misery Fades with Company

~:[CH8 - Day 332]:~ Misery Fades with Company
It was hard enough waking up at 3:45am. Then to realize that we would have to run in the rain made it worse. The rain got harder and it turned into light hail, as we were miserable all along the course. Misery loves company, but it also can fade with company. As miserable as walking around soaked from head to toe was, it was made better being around the team and a few others. We were all miserable, but being together, that misery began to fade. We dried off after almost getting hit with a manhole cover (which exploded open seconds after passing it), then relaxed in the heated car before grabbing some McDonalds. I had a lot of work, so I did that, cooked and tried to stay awake and move from place to place. I was tired, like others there, but together, we found great joy. I am so thankful for the blessing of this wonderful family, my friends, and my team among other things. I find myself oh so lucky to be surrounded with such good fortune and company that helps all misery fade away. As I think back on the day and imagine just how drenched I was, I think about how miserable it could of been, but in the end, how memorable and amazing the day was. A day can be miserable, but with the right people around you, that misery will quickly fade away.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 331]:~ Reuniting

~:[CH8 - Day 331]:~ Reuniting
During the holiday, I often get messaged from alumni. I was heading home from Vegas and had a lot of work to do, but still wanted to make time, since this was my only free day at home during the break. After getting work done, I stopped by our CIF team's self-organized friendsgiving and then headed to the TC. It was great catching up with these ones and while there are a lot of alumni that I'll be missing over the rest of the holiday, I'm sure that I will see them. The alumni always provide good memories of the past and also it's nice to keep updated with what's going on with them all. It may be once in a blue moon that I get to see them, but in those moments, like the song, reunited and it feels so good. Yes, these are definitely moments to cherish. 

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 330]:~ Sometimes We Get the Ws

~:[CH8 - Day 330]:~ Sometimes We Get the Ws
My mom joined us in Vegas this year since UCI was playing in the MGM tournament. One of our former players is on the team. Sadly, he sat out this game, but we still got to see a magical performance put on by the Anteaters, as they won by over 20 points. It was a beautiful piece of work. Later on, we saw Ka. It was great as normal, but after the show, I discovered that I won a parlay! I was appreciative of the fact that today was full of Ws. While my focus has always been on the process, about learning and growing, it's great and awesome to collect those Ws in all areas. As I always say, enjoy these moments and just hope that more are waiting in the balance. 

Monday, November 25, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 329]:~ A Time to Treasure

~:[CH8 - Day 329]:~ A Time to Treasure
I woke up early and my dad and I hit the course. It was just a bit chilly and we were delayed due to frost. It's been awhile since that happened. Regardless, we got out there and played and enjoyed the day. My shots were actually on target most of the day, I had a few putting and chipping errors, which is common when you don't play much. I shot well, but all that mattered was the time that I spent with my dad. We picked up my mom and went to eat and together, we spent the remainder of the day together, eating, catching up with a former athlete, and just relaxing. We didn't do much and we didn't hit any jackpots, but a day like this was more valuable than any other jackpot that could have been hit. You see that day by day, the aging process of yourself, but also of those loved ones around you. Days like these are ones that truly become the treasure. No matter who it is, quality time is the best gift that you can receive and just being around everyone today, I was as happy as could be. No matter how I do on the floor of the casino this week, I truly hit the jackpot.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 328]:~ From Point A to Point Z

~:[CH8 - Day 328]:~ From Point A to Point Z
I always chuckle a bit when I pass by ZZyzx Road, but it also brings back a lot of memories. Almost every time I drive this route, I am heading towards Vegas. From the trip where it took nearly eight hours to get there because of an accident, where drove through a dust storm or the ones where we were little with the excitement growing with a weekend at Circus Circus, this road has always been apart of it. It has an interesting history if you look it up. Regardless, yes, in the middle of the night, we were heading to Vegas, after another very full day. We would get to MGM around 10pm, we unpacked and just rested. The morning kicked off at Kit Carson Park in Escondido, as a few of our athletes were running in the Region 15 Junior Olympics. They ran well and it was nice to see themselves with one last challenge on the season. This course is tough and wraps around this area of the park a few times. My favorite place of course is the snake sculpture. We had a good lunch and headed back on my day that had me running from point A to B and all the way to Z. We all have those days that are just so jammed packed, but as we do, don't forget to take the time to enjoy the smaller moments as well. As while I wanted to rush from back from Escondido so we could head off down the 15, one of the best parts of the day, were the moments where we stopped and took some time to eat and talk In both instances, it allowed it all to soak in and just appreciate all the precious moments that are wedged between point A to point Z.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 327]:~ Only Reasons to Celebrate

~:[CH8 - Day 327]:~ Only Reasons to Celebrate
The alarm went off at 3:45am on the first day of "break." We all sacrificed this day in order to celebrate a historic day in our program. No matter how we did today, there would be only reasons to celebrate, yet later we would find there were even more reasons to celebrate. From moving up in our projected placement to a new school record, even with missing one of our top athletes, we had another historic day. It was a little sad to break down the canopy for the last time and to have this group together for the last time, but there were no tears, only joy. Reasons to celebrate were aplenty and it wasn't limited to just this day. This was a season to celebrate. From the athletes to the staff to the parents, the ohana shined. There were rough patches, but with those patches we found growth and more reasons to celebrate; we found rodents, but also reasons to laugh later on, we also found injuries and emergencies, but also found more reasons to cherish our moments together. There will never be a season that is "perfect," but that is exactly why we should celebrate. We cannot always traveled down a paved road, but that is what makes us learn and grow, but also makes our successes an even greater reason to celebrate. As we closed our season, I talked about how we need to start working on next season, as we never know what tomorrow will bring. Returning our top seven on both sides, you would expect our season to be just as successful, but you can never assume that. Never assume that the precious moments, but also the "common" moments, will be there tomorrow. Appreciate the great successes, but also the daily interactions, as all those are things we should appreciate, but also things we should celebrate. Today we celebrated history with an amazing young group of women, however, the season gave us a million other reasons to celebrate. 

Friday, November 22, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 326]:~ My Students are Dorks ...

~:[CH8 - Day 326]:~ My Students are Dorks ...
My students are dorks, but I love them. They're not really dorks, but they're silly. I knew that Thursday was my day to get everything done because kids would jet off early and the ones around wouldn't be focused. I focused on them giving thanks to those around them in hopes that it could carry into the holiday. Today I also was reminded of what I am thankful of. I am thankful for the opportunity to have a good job in a good neighborhood and to have a good upbringing with great family and friends. I am grateful for good health and many opportunities and while I am not rich, I have been able to do what I've wanted to do. As while I still had practice, I was thankful that we were doing so in a historic year, as tomorrow we have CIF Finals. After school, we had the coaches versus JV game and I was thankful to be able to play the game and also to have these silly students, cheer to have me put in the game and go crazy when I scored. Signs and all, it made the game more enjoyable and while I didn't have the best game, I am thankful for them because they lifted me up and made today feel amazing. I am always appreciative of this day, as I get to see alumni, see my students in a different light and just have a little fun before the break. Today I was reminded that we should soak in all the experiences we have, because they all are things to be thankful for, even if they are a bunch of dorks students. XD 

Thursday, November 21, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 325]:~ It's an Honor

~:[CH8 - Day 325]:~ It's an Honor
It's been such an honor making history with these girls. They work hard and are humble in the process. They reached a plateau so many were aiming for and even ran almost perfectly to our plan and projection. I was happy that ASB decided to honor them today and while it may have been embarrassing for them, they should be proud of doing what no one has done before them. From a season that started as one that may have to be a rebuilding year to one where we ended with a solid group that made it difficult to narrow it down to a small CIF group, it's amazing how quickly times can change. While we never know what the future holds, for now, I'll soak it all in and enjoy it because as I said, it's been an honor having this experience with this wonderful group of young women.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 324]:~ A Numbers Game

~:[CH8 - Day 324]:~ A Numbers Game
Numbers are stats can be good. They can give us guidance and help us figure out where we need to go. However, do these numbers do all that we need. Can you truly figure out how someone is performing or what needs to be changed off this information? Can data tell you what needs to be retaught? In some cases yes and in others no. It could be something as simple as if the student was feeling well or not, maybe they forgot there was a test or maybe the wording of the questions threw people off. It seems like more and more, our world is becoming data driven. While it provides us a lot of measurable information, there are too many things that are not measurable. When we teach or do our jobs according to the data, we may lost our ability to inspire or help them learn, rather we make them into standardize testing machines or make them become another number by taking an AP class or test. We do need to work harder and figure out what we need to change, but we should focus on our motivation to do so, rather than simply at the numbers. Although I have very few Ds and Fs on my list, I already know there is more work I can do to improve, but this listing did not provide me with anything. Instead of looking at the numbers, let's look at the students and say, what more do I need to do to reach them and how can I inspire them. I need to do a better job of that daily and not just focus on those with missing assignments as the numbers might tell me, but also focus on those who are breezing through the class, but may need more of a challenge or simply attention since they get less of it because they are already where they need them on the data chart. All of our students need attention, but the data isn't always going to point us in the right direction. My goal as I move from now and into 2020, look at each of my students and figure out what guidance is needed by whom, whether the data shows it or not. I'm not against data, but am against education focused solely on the numbers, as our students are not simply a number.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 323]:~ Getting Ready for Battle

~:[CH8 - Day 323]:~ Getting Ready for Battle
It was another gorgeous day before the weather would make it's turn. It was going to get cold soon, but we were able to snap a few shots before it did. The sky was a beautiful canvas and left us with this wonderful shot. No matter what their chances are, no matter how many people are paying attention, these ladies are going to get ready for battle. They already accomplished something that no other cross country girls team had at our school and they look to do more. While we want to place as high as possible, our goals are focused on ourselves and how much better we can get. It's easy to get caught up in all the antics of what's around us, but in this case, the only thing we can control is ourselves and that is exactly what we will work on. We'll be down one girl who was key for us at the last meet, but we're still ready to take on the competition. I've enjoyed working with this group and no matter how this battle ends up, I love how much effort these ladies have put into the preparation for it. A few more days to go ... let's do this!

Monday, November 18, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 322]:~ Blast from the Past

~:[CH8 - Day 322]:~ Blast from the Past
One thing I like about teaching is that you get to see students in their true elements. Sometimes, they bring things back from the past. One of my students had a YouTube channel with his tech decks and today, they brought those back in to play with. Although it may seem "childish," it was an opportunity to see them relax and enjoy their time, rather than worrying about homework and even about the next race ahead. I think one thing that all students need is that time to do something they enjoy, no matter what it is. Thankful, our students are pretty accepting and just enjoyed watching them play. I think advice for all of us is to do the things that we love no matter what we think others might think. Even if they aren't so receptive as in this situation, don't deny yourself of an opportunity to do something that you love, even if it is a blast from the past. So rock out to those oldies, pull out those games from years ago or go styling with that old school fashion. I'll shameless do the things I love and I think I am 10x happier because of it and I hope that everyone around me can find the same happiness doing what they love.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 321]:~ A Californian Winter

~:[CH8 - Day 321]:~ A Californian Winter
It's almost December and the temperatures climbed into the high 80s. That's right, it's winter in SoCal. The sun blazed down as I had a to-do list of things for the day. I got most of the work done and escaped for a bit to catch up with some alum. I was on a high most of the day from the exciting events the day before and just coasted through the day, lounging underneath this winter sun. I am a little worried on how long this heat is lasting, however, I've always enjoyed California because of the good weather we get most of the year. Today was one of those days. Ultimately, I got what I needed to get done, connected a bit for my side work and then just had dreams underneath the warmth of this Californian winter sky.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 320]:~ Stay Calm and Move On

~:[CH8 - Day 320]:~ Stay Calm and Move On
I've honestly been looking forward to this day for awhile now. I wanted the guys to bust out huge PRs and wanted the girls to make history. However, less than a minute into the race, I almost thought that those hopes would be dashed just as they started. The girls got out to a horrible start, so bad that we had almost all seven girls at the very back of the pack. One of the things I said was not to panic and here I was panicking a bit as I ran across to try and get them to move up. You could see a little stress in all of their faces, but they also didn't make the mistake of surging, as they slowly moved up, little by little. They had to run a little more aggressive to catch up, but they did so smartly and by the time I saw them again, they were back in the mix. My first four girls were less than five points off my safe positions, but two teams ran exceptionally well and passed us up in the process, which meant, it came down to my fifth. On Tuesday, I saw a sign that we'd have a chance when our normal fifth/sixth ran super strong, which was paired with a small bit of a rainbow in the sky. Well maybe it was a sign because she stepped up and closed strong to finish as our fourth, shaving off over twenty points off her projected spot and vaulting us into the last spot. As I looked at my phone, we sat in the final spot, as two teams had yet to finish and seeing them behind us, I knew they had done it. We waited until the official posting and the celebration began. I was so proud of the girls and later was so proud of the boys for running amazing races. We've talked about it all season. We are truly blessed to have a team like we have this year. They work hard, they get along and while at times they drive me nuts, they're excitable, sociable, and sometimes entertaining. The canopies and camp site is setup and cleaned up with little effort on my part and they truly make life easy, as they exemplify what our team tries to create, a culture of ohana. It's a little sad that we will only have half our squad next week, but I am glad to have at least part of the squad for another week as they laid the groundwork and on top of that, made their own mark. We arrive that morning with hopes that we could make it in and left with that and more, as the girls also took down the school record. The team we had today wouldn't be the team I imagined on the line at this time last  year, but sometimes, things fall into place at just the right time. I guess that rainbow was a sign that someone was looking down on us, as today, we pieced together our puzzle, as we stayed calm and moved on. 

Friday, November 15, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 319]:~ Vintage

~:[CH8 - Day 319]:~ Vintage
Most of my day was focused on getting to this point. It was our last practice, but we've been waiting for this race for two long. This week was full of writing letters to each other and making posters, prepping for tomorrow's CIF race. Waking up at 6:15am the entire summer, camp, afternoon and Saturday workouts and every day after school until it gets dark were all investments to try and succeed on this very day. As we think about all those who came before us, I take on a more vintage approach to sending a final message to my athletes and coaches, the handwritten letter. I always felt that this was the most authentic and genuine way to send a message to someone and I always take the time to do this for my athletes before CIF. With technology making us move so quickly forward, it's nice to take time to go back to the past a bit and connect with it. For my athletes, I hope they understand that they don't only have a connection with the ohana of the present, but those of the past as well. All the efforts of everyone over the years has allowed us to be where we are today. To the ohana of the present and the past, I thank you and tomorrow's race is for all of us! #rnrohana 

Thursday, November 14, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 318]:~ A Little Bit of Love

~:[CH8 - Day 318]:~ A Little Bit of Love
It's heartbreaking to hear about a school shooting and even more so when that school is one you've worked with before and is close to home. It's never okay for this type of thing to happen and even more of an issue when we don't do much to address the problem. So many times, these people say, I didn't think it could happen here. Students don't take the drills as seriously as they should, as they do not believe it could happen at a "safe place" such as this, however, these are the places they happen at. What is the root of this problem though and how can we fix it? Someone who can answer both questions will be indebted to a number of people, but the reality is, we cannot just sit back and watch. While we may not have any political power and protests may not do much, what we can do is worry even more about the people around us, especially to those whom we have no connection. We can continue to love those who are close to us, but we need to find a little more love within us to reach out to those who need that connection. Could one more person have stop this student from doing what he did? Whether or not the answer to this is yes, spreading more love doesn't take a lot of effort and even if it doesn't work, something positive comes out of it. Sure, we can talk about gun control, restrictions and more, but why don't we start with something we can do in our own loves. Send out some love, reach out to someone who looks or sounds like they're in need, take the time to talk, but even more time to listen, observe, and simply care. We've become such a polarized society, attacking each other, standing OUR ground, stepping on others to get ahead, impatient and looking for instant gratification, or simply focusing on ourselves and discarding those around us. Maybe it's time that the change starting with ourselves, using a grassroots approach. Reach out to someone who seems lonely, connect with friends who have disappeared, continue to reach out to loved ones and remember that while our position may feel important, it's not always worth getting in an argument over. There's a lot I can change and a lot we can change and while some of it is in the political realm, a lot of it we can start fixing right here at home. Who knows what kind of impact this will have, but at least we're doing something to make this world a better place and hope that it will be a place we can hear less and less about things that took over the headlines today. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 317]:~ No Matter the Odds

~:[CH8 - Day 317]:~ No Matter the Odds
I just finished watching a drama. The chances of the couple falling in love? It was just 1%. The 1% that can make you abandon someone or the 1% that makes you love them. It's a small number, but that small percentage shot means, you have a chance. The odds may be in your favor or they may be against you, but the odds matter not. Why? The odds are predictions. Sure, those odds can often be based on facts, but no odds can measure people and their will power to make things happen. As we celebrate our CIF journey once again, we look at those odds and say, they matter not, as it is in our efforts that we will find if we measure up. The predictions are just that, predictions and it's up to us to determine where we stand. Whether we are favored or the underdog, we still have to perform and earn our spot and along with it, our pride and our respect. In anything you do, don't let the odds get you down or on the other end, overconfident. Walk into every situation as if you're evenly matched so if you're a giant, you don't get slayed and if you're "David," you give yourself every opportunity to accomplish the impossible. Life will throw all kinds of situations at you and it's a matter of how you approach it that will determine just how you'll end up. That 1%, both good and bad, is a game changer, now we just have to see in which direction our route will change. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 316]:~ Finishing Touches

~:[CH8 - Day 316]:~ Finishing Touches
As I look at the dates getting closer to 365, I wonder where the days have gone. Slowly (very slowly), it's getting colder and it seems like winter may actually arrive. However, as it gets closer, I realize that the end of the season is quite near. Today, we fine tuned ourselves and looked sharp as we headed into CIF. Today being one of our final hard workouts, it was nice to see the team firing on all cylinders. Similarly, it also is some of the favorite times of the athletes, as they write messages to each other. I always wonder what they are going to write on their cards, what memories they will share and what advice they will give. This always seems to give the finishing touches to a wonderful season. It got cold quick as we finished up our workout, had our meeting, iced out and then headed home. Hopefully tomorrow, there will be more great moments ahead. 

Monday, November 11, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 315]:~ One Move at a Time

~:[CH8 - Day 315]:~ One Move at a Time
It was CIF Night on the Town again, as we ventured off to climb together in our CIF bonding activity. They took on the task of learning how to climb and spot, while also challenging themselves to see what they could do. I was impressed at how fearless many of them were and the breakthroughs that others had. The process of moving up a wall hold by hold is just like the road many of them took as they ventured up the ladder in the sport. Some moved up quickly, while others slowly took their time. In the end, this night ended how we hoped, with a team celebrating together, the continuation of this CIF week. No matter that activity we do, it's about being together and I am glad that this team had the chance to spend the time they did together. We will progress forward and just like their climb, we'll make one move at a time. 

Sunday, November 10, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 314]:~ Just Chill

~:[CH8 - Day 314]:~ Just Chill
It was a little strange. I had work to do, but my schedule on the day was pretty empty. It's weird to figure out what to do with the day, but it's nice to just sit back and chill. This time, I chilled with these two dogs and wandered around, played some Pokemon, got boba, before getting back to work. I have to admit that it feels weird not to have something scheduled on the day, but it is also pleasantly nice as well. Take some time of out your day and just get away for a bit. Forget all that is wrong in the world and find something that makes you relax and smile. Just chill.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 313]:~ The Waves of Life

~:[CH8 - Day 313]:~ The Waves of Life
Life is like the ocean. The waves come in and out in what seems like a sea of repetition. Back and forth, the water sways, almost the same as it was before. However, when you look at it closely, the pattern is never the same and you cannot always predict how it will approach. At times of storms, the waves are stronger and at other times, it is calm and peaceful, much like people. What the ocean holds is a mystery to us all, but all we know is in its mystery is something amazing. We all have something amazing within us and as I stood in front of my CIF team, taking a picture by the beach before we left after our practice, I though of how we are so lucky to experience life itself. If life were predictable, it would be boring and while we would want to have a series of waves as we want it, it also makes you look forward to the days of excitement. You cannot control the waves of life, so why should we be anxious about what is to come? Enjoy it, celebrate it, and appreciate it. As while there will be good times and bad times as these waves roll in and out, it's the fact that these waves continue to roll in that we should be appreciative. As while the storm will bring dangerous water or something may wade in the shore making us proceed with caution, it will pass and soon enough, we can once again enjoy the beautiful shores that hold the waves of our life. 

Friday, November 8, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 312]:~ Self Awakening

~:[CH8 - Day 312]:~ Self Awakening
I'm watching a K-drama (no surprise) that is based in a comic book. The characters eventually become self aware of their situation and see what they can do to change that. Similarly, the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee was a musical our school put on that partly had a commentary on something similar. With each of the characters facing their own issues, the spelling bee became less about the words they were spelling and more about the pieces of their own lives that impact them. From having two fathers to the pressures of being perfect to the simple attempts at getting recognized, these individuals known by their resumes and labels, seem to have their own self awakening, breaking free from the shackles that bound them. I think it's a daily occurrence as I see students face such anxiety and stress over being perfect or going to an amazing school and more, which leads them to missing out on the experiences that were meant for them. Through all the activities I work with, as while I push athletes to try to reach their potential, I also don't forget that it is also an opportunity for them to enjoy something outside the confines of these expectations. In the process, these students have a self awakening and not only find something they enjoy doing, but learn a lot about themselves in the process. It's not something confined to students, as adults are faced with the same expectations and pressures. My hope is that we all can break free from these story lines that we think we must follow, so that we can all forge our own paths that may seem so non-traditional. It's risky and we may not always succeed, but wouldn't that allow us to be ourselves and to break free from these social expectations that have weight down so heavy on us all. Just like in the K-drama, the pages of the rest of the comic have yet to be written, so let's be sure to write a script that fits us and not the mold that society tells us to follow. Just then maybe, we can wake up and discover ourselves, rather than the person that everyone else wants us to be.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 311]:~ It's a Numbers Game

~:[CH8 - Day 311]:~ It's a Numbers Game
Yes, life is a numbers game. You calculate scores, you look at stats, and ultimately, you balance those dollars. You need to know numbers in order to make things work from measurements to distances and straight to the bank. The first thing we cover in Econ focuses just on that. From buying a house or car to the loan for it, utilities and food, the cost of children and pets, vacation and even a wedding. It's fun to see them work with the numbers and try to see how they can make it all work. In many cases, they are able to figure it out. I see all these posts about the need to teach basic life skills and yes, we get a chance to do that right here. Paying taxes and budgeting to name a few things. The day continued with numbers in the form of time and you could even say it was still a numbers game, as I ate with the 775k subscriber YouTube animator. Life is and will continue to be about the numbers but we don't have to let the numbers define us. The time on the clock can be improved, budgets can be balanced, and the temperatures can be prepared for, however, numbers are just that - numbers. Regardless of our times, our GPAs, how many followers we have or how many points we had that last game, at the end of the day, it matters less than all the experiences and all the love that numbers cannot measure. It is true that this is a world full of numbers, but ultimately, we have the power to rise above it all and make it more than all of that.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 310]:~ Find People Who Make You Happy

~:[CH8 - Day 310]:~ Find People Who Make You Happy
I think one thing I notice when I am around my team is that they enjoy each other's company. It makes it annoying sometimes, because they always want to talk to each other, but I think in the end, their time together is one of the many joys among a day that is full of stress. Why would we want to spend those precious hours with people who make us unhappy? Yesterday, I talked about love and today, I pair it with happiness. Riches and material wealth can bring you comfort and temporary happiness (maybe), but will it surround you with people who will make you happy? I often found that the people I shed from around me were those who brought me down, who saw the negative in life and who liked to dive into drama. I have to catch myself from time to time doing the same. However, when I find that the people around me make me happy, the stress goes away and my days pass by as I am left with a smile. We never can predict who it will be, but find those people, not who you've known for a long time, but those who make you feel good, who bright a smile to your face, who make you happy. When you find yourself always down or talking down about others, think about whether or not it's worth your time or you're just make your own days sour. Find a path of positive thoughts and you'll find that your days will have a lot less drama, a lot less stress and tears, and a lot more smiles and happiness. No, it's not a perfect formula, but surrounding  yourself with good people often will increase your chances of finding more happiness in your days. As I looked at my athletes today, they were filled with such joy and happiness and it made me smile, because I could see them lifting each other up. I hope these days continue, as while I can hope for a championship, a jackpot in the lottery, and more, I often see that all we really need is the ability to find people who can make us happy and who we can do the same for in return. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 309]:~ Falling in Love

~:[CH8 - Day 309]:~ Falling in Love
Falling in love is almost always connected with love with a partner. However, can't falling in love, be as simple as falling in love with the day. A hopeless romantic may think about love in terms of a relationship, but couldn't they also see love in the form of a sunset or a memorable moment in a day? There wasn't anything outstanding about the day, but a lot of things that I loved. From the work that my athletes put in, the feeling of rolling through a day, a fun night with good company, good food and just great memories. Some are lucky enough to find the right person to fall in love with, but that doesn't mean that all of us can't fall in love, as there are so many things we can fall in love with. From food to travel to music to nature, find something to fall in love with and make it something that drives your passions. We all searching for love, but sometimes, maybe we are not looking in the right place, as it may be in something that is a daily occurrence. <3 p="">

Monday, November 4, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 308]:~ The Right Mindset

~:[CH8 - Day 308]:~ The Right Mindset
It wasn't my plan to stay very long at the council meeting. In fact, I had a scheduled meeting at 6:30pm, so I was going to rush back after sticking around for just a bit. Late last night, a text told me that our meeting was canceled and it ended up that I could stay the entire evening. Coincidental? I think not. It was amazing to hear all the wonderful speakers from those who spoke about technology to others who spoke about economics. However, the last panel talked about sports and how they made their way to where they were and where they go from here. In one of the closing questions, the conversation about athletes and their mindset came up. Bobby Webster, who is the youngest GM in the NBA (Toronto Raptors) talked about the mindsets of people. I guess it was true that often times, most of the obstacles athletes and people face are mental. They provide their own road block, as they concern themselves about what didn't happen and lose sight of where they are and where they can be. Another speaker talked about focusing on the steps and not getting to ahead of yourself in the process. Ultimately, they all came up with the point that the obstacles they faced though were one of the driving forces that got them to where they were today. All in all, things fell into place and I think it was for good reason. I gathered up some material to use during this CIF stretch and ended up with a wonderful evening chatting and hanging out. We even closed the night with a last minute scheduled performance from Miyavi and I grabbed the perfect spot to shoot during the performance. While Mondays tend to drag on, this Monday became one that was greater than I could have even imagined. I hate networking and meeting new people, but with the right mindset, I overcame it just enough and it made for a night to remember. 

Sunday, November 3, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 307]:~ Music & Me

~:[CH8 - Day 307]:~ Music & Me
I was raised with music coming through my ears. When I was young, I would hear the songs of KOST103FM playing through the radio as my mom cleaned the house, I listened to hard core rap because of my brother, moved more to R&B and Hip Hop, got accustomed to classical, ventured into the boy band era to EDM and even international music including Kpop. It's always been a part of me and as I see my parents helping to take care of Jordan, I realized how much music was woven into my fabric, as they play records that I'm sure I listened to when I was  young. It's strange because at all parts of the day and in any given situation, music runs through me. With such an eclectic upbringing, there seems to be a song for every mood, which I like. Today was a day where it was me and the music. A few songs from the past, but mostly songs from the band of one of my former students, Day6. I got this in the mail this week and I laughed a bit as I opened this. Why would I have this? Regardless, it was a funny thing to receive and something I can put away into my box of treasures. The discs will go along with the many others I have collected over the year, but as while I haven't played a cassette tape in decades or placed a needle on any record recently, I could imagine a world where it was just music and me. Music has a funny way of taking you away and I allowed myself to enjoy that feeling on one of these rare days off. I'll pop in Entropy and listen to it over and over, soaking it all in, adding to the foundation that has been build all throughout my life. Open your ears and hear all the beautiful music around you, as it will find a way to take you away and leave you in a place you never could have imagined, whether real or imaginary. 

Saturday, November 2, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 306]:~ A Little Fright for the Night

~:[CH8 - Day 306]:~ A Little Fright for the Night
Every year, our team gathers for another spooky evening together. We ended up with a pretty solid sized group, as we ventured through a few days after Halloween. Because of it, the crowds were down and we were able to get to eight of the nine mazes at the park plus added a show and a ride. This group was a fun group and didn't split off at all the entire night. It can get a little exhausting to do events like this, but they payoff is great as it is how these athletes get to spend time with one another and get to know each other better. In the end, we ventured home and we all got an extra hour to sleep, as it timed out well with daylight saving times giving us an hour back. For now, I bid adieu to this time of year, as the spookiness of the season is going to disappear. However, we look forward to even better times and the times of friends and family, is soon to appear. 

Friday, November 1, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 305]:~ Perfectly Themed

~:[CH8 - Day 305]:~ Perfectly Themed
The date of our original rally was postponed since we were away at a meet that weekend and so we sat at the final week of the season with a rally date. The rally had a Hawaiian theme and matched perfectly with what we are all about. It's always a joy to see the team enjoy moments like these. I have vague memories of these moments, but I do remember being around my friends when doing things like this. I hope for them, it will be the same. We ventured from rally to meet, as we headed to Whittier Narrows for the Apache Invitational. The meet was a bit warm and the times were so so, but it was a good way to end the regular season, although strangely with a non-league meet following the close of league finals. With another event tomorrow, we have one more day together, before a few days of rest before we get to work for CIF. For now, we'll enjoy these moments that are perfectly themed and definitely seem like it's not a coincidence at all.