Friday, September 30, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 273]:~ Give It Your Best Shot


~:[CH11 - Day 273]:~ Give It Your Best Shot

I was trying so hard to get a shiny Yveltal. I searched for raid after raid and every time it didn't work out. No matter what level I was or how strong my Pokemon were, I needed a little luck to be able to get that shiny, but every time I tried, I increased my chances of getting one. As I work with my students, I always hope that even if they don't reach what their goals are, they give it their best shot. Sure you may not reach that goal you're trying to reach, but instead of looking it as a failure when you don't reach it, why can't we see it as a success that you're doing your best. We all face this same anxiety and grief sometimes when we're caught in the same situation. We give up after a few tries as we see others around us succeed in something we desperately want to do well in. I'm her to tell you that it's okay. Whether parenting or business, sports or cooking, whatever it may be, just do your best, find ways to improve and give it another shot. When it's time, I'm confident you'll decide to call it quits, but know that you should be proud about trying at all. Life is definitely challenging so let's not make it harder by being so hard on ourselves. As I hear this person and another easily get their shiny around me, momentarily I am sad, but it doesn't last long as I roll up my sleeves to give it another shot. I hope that you can do the same. 

Thursday, September 29, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 272]:~ A Little Breeze

~:[CH11 - Day 272]:~ A Little Breeze

It was a little cooler today. Was it the fact that the weather cooled off or that I ripped another pair of pants. I joke around with my Vancouver group when this became an issue and the came up with all types of theories as to why I have problems. I honestly think that I wear out my pants (which is good) and also that I try to do things that I shouldn't in them, such as run. In the end, it became a fun like joke as I survived the day a little "holier" that it began. Overall, it ended up being a good day. I completed most of what I needed to, the team had a great workout and even got to catch up with my friends in Japan as I plan for my next mini-trip there. In life, we're going to have these types of incidents. I could have made a big deal out of it, but I covered it up and went on with my business. Yes, I laughed about it with a few and really made it become a moment that is refreshing rather than traumatic. It strangely reminded me of the time in elementary when I was playing handball on the courts and sat against the pole when I was waiting my turn. A nail ripped a hole in my pants then and I had to wear my sweatshirt around my waist the remainder of the day. Maybe this is my fate, but regardless, every time it happens, I know it will be another laugh for me and those I share this moment, as it will be a refreshing moment of my day. Of course, I rather not have this happen again in the near future, but I know that it's bound to happen again soon or so it "seams." Anyone want to donate to my new pants fund? JKJK :) 

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 271]:~ A Farewell

~:[CH11 - Day 271]:~ A Farewell

My senior year, I would get to school early, and open up the ASB room. I would get to school around 7am and just do some work or chat. It was something prideful to me and I enjoyed my role in ASB as it was a great opportunity to serve the school and be involved in so many things on campus. About a decade later, I would be sitting in the office close by working my brother as the activities director. While it didn't last too long, I was Blessed to have worked with some of the finest leaders that school has seen, as they spent so much time work on campus. I remember one year having to wrap up practice, then head to the gym as we stayed until about 2 or 3am blowing up balloons for the next day's rally. While I don't venture into the room as much now, I still swing by regularly and say hello when I am dropping off a form or a deposit. Chatting with Mrs. Mac today, I recalled how, on one rainy day, I had my umbrella as a I rushed around the corner to see her and I heard a scream as I almost pierced her with my umbrella. Since they, we've laughed about that moment, but it's moments like these that have come back to my mind as we move on. The room will remain, but it will never be the same as it was before. It's the story of life. The ongoing construction reminds us that while there are things we hope will never change, at some point, almost everything in our lives will change. Often times, these moments are inconvenient, but in the long run, we hope these changes will help us improve the days ahead. Later this school year, I'll be taking down the walls that are my last connection to the first day I stepped into my current classroom. Everything I collected over the years in the room will come down and while some will return, it won't ever be the same. As I go, however, the many memories will flash back, just like they did when I saw this room in one of its last few days. At some point, these changes will become what we are used to and we may even forget what everything used to look like, however, with each and every farewell and transition we face, we get an opportunity to say our farewells so we can treasure those many memories locked away in things we find so familiar. Today I said my farewell to the room in its current state as I recall so many Blessed memories and look forward to the many memory that will be made. 

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 270]:~ A Photo a Day ...

~:[CH11 - Day 270]:~ A Photo a Day ...

A photo a day keeps the boredom away. As many know, we take a photo together every day we see each other. It's been a pretty fun experience as we tend to get about a one minute chat daily. We don't talk about much, but I am glad to have something to look forward to daily and also something to remember daily. These are the simple things we missed when we were off campus. It's something that seems so common, but in reality, it becomes the thing that will be the greatest memory we have when we are old and retired. Hold on to these things that seem so commonplace and treasure them as while there are highlight moments in your life, these daily routines may be just want you'll miss the most when you're old and gray. As I look back through our photo collection, I laugh and smile, as I reminisce about these wacky moments day in and day out and look forward towards twenty years or so from now when we are about to call it quits. Will we still be taking these photos, who knows? However, even if this photo chain ended today, we'd still have hundreds of photos that we can cherish for the rest of our lives. 

Monday, September 26, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 269]:~ All Over the Place

~:[CH11 - Day 269]:~ All Over the Place

It was a little chaotic today. Well, it's always chaotic. With all the construction are routines are thrown into a spin cycle and bashed around. We're squished in a little dusty space to do drills, albeit in the shade, which is nice. Our routes are changed, which led to different groups running different ways. However, as all over the place as everything was from the classroom to cross country today, aside from being tired, things were still all good. Yes, it would be nice to just be able to do what I've been able to, but since I can't, I have to find a way to stay focused on what I should and brush off what's not necessary. When it rains it pours they say, so when you are having a bad day, just be prepared for the worst, but instead of being ready to be rained on, take out your umbrella and show that you're ready. It's easy to play the victim and allow things to be your excuse for things not going your way, but in a lot of cases, we can rise above all the issues and tackle them piece by piece. Sure I want more space and not have to yell to my team with the band noise blasting behind me, but I control what I can and I make things work. My athlete are doing the same. With mounds of homework and test, these athlete still come out to practice and some stay around for weight room afterwards, even though that pile of work awaits. With all going on, their minds are probably all over the place, but maybe this is where they feel like things are finally pieced together. For everyone, that escape where you feel whole is different, but for all of you, I hope that when things feel so scattered that you're able to tackle things piece by piece or find a way where you can piece it all back together. Yes, it was chaotic today and there will be many more of these chaotic days ahead, but instead of letting it overwhelm me, I'll take a deep breath and remind myself, that I am beyond capable and here's my reminder to you, you are as well! 

Sunday, September 25, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 268]:~ Blessing of the Heart

~:[CH11 - Day 268]:~ Blessing of the Heart

I have been blessed with the ohana, but sometimes there are greater blessings that simply being able to work with athletes and see them grow. While there is a special bond that grows between many of them, it's even more precious when I am able to see them join in a greater union, marriage. Despite the heart beating down on us, I felt cool as I think it was the refreshing feel of being able to witness something so special. I used my fan at times, but through the outdoor ceremony, I never had a drop of sweat. I smiled as I saw them together and celebrated as we danced the night away together. I saw other alumni and so many familiar faces and was glad to spend the day with them. The challenges of life have been great for so many, so it's always so precious to be able to enjoy these wonderful moments and celebrate together. The most difficult moment of the day was deciding which side of the aisle to sit on and who to sit next to during the picture. Jen won this time (sorry Brandon). I was truly overjoyed as I walked out of the site and so excited to witness their first step in their next chapter of life together. They are the fourth (that I know of) couple that has come from this ohana since I've been coaching and I know they will not be the last. Every time, I know it will be so precious as the many memories we've already shared will be topped with the many more they'll be able to share together on their journey ahead. As while there will be days where the sun may beat down on you and be unbearable, I hope you both can be the wind and the shade to keep each other cool in those difficult moments. God Bless you both on your journey ahead, as I know it will be a marvelous one. Ohana.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 267]:~ Overcoming

~:[CH11 - Day 267]:~ Overcoming

You already got the sense that today wasn't going to be a PR day. While a few may have actually done just that, most of them did not and that is perfectly fine. For all of these athletes, daily the spend additional hours after school practicing for these moments, they wake up at 5am to get to school to make the bus on time and they go home after a long day of school and practice, to do what they need to do to recover such as icing, stretching and massaging. Whether or not an athlete PRed today, they succeeded. They showed up, they put their best effort forward, they finished and even if they didn't, they tried their best. For the handful that had to sit this one out, they took on their role and they also cheered on their team. Some athletes medaled today and others did not, but the medal also didn't determine the effort they each put forth. It was hot, the course was tough, but these athletes overcame all that and competed. At the end of the day, I think the smile one the bus were because we were sitting on an air conditioned bus heading home and while some of their schoolmates may have just woken up, they already had been out and about for over 1/4 of the day. This year may not have the fastest runners I've ever coached, but it doesn't mean I shouldn't work as hard. In fact, I now am motivated to work harder to try and get them to improve so that they can all progress to that next level and as long as they're putting in that effort, that motivation will remain. My body was definitely exhausted from running around in that hot sun all morning, but just like these athletes, I overcame it and had my own smiles as we drove home. There weren't many PRs today, however for all these athletes overcame today, today was beyond successful.

Friday, September 23, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 266]:~ Just Being Together

~:[CH11 - Day 266]:~ Just Being Together

We probably could get a few more miles in on these activity days. When we have food runs, it may be a day where we lose out, but I think of it more as an investment. Cross country is definitely not seen as a shining star among the list of sports a student looks at on a list, however, it doesn't mean it can't be the shining memory of an athlete when they leave. As important as training in, having a connection is more important. Seeing athletes connect with one another when they can just hang out is worthwhile. These athletes often give up so much time to study, but also time to hang out in more of a regular atmosphere, so these days allow them to get a run in, while also just giving them time to be together. I also see athletes take this time to meet newer athletes. I saw one of my captains talking to one of the newer athletes as she tried to bring him into the larger group. It's these small things that remind just how important these days are. Life for students is already tough enough with the expectations to perform in the classroom and while we want to be competitive and want them to run fast, more importantly, we hope this experience can be one that they can cherish for years after they leave the program. Ohana. 

Thursday, September 22, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 265]:~ Staying Connected

~:[CH11 - Day 265]:~ Staying Connected

I'm not the best at staying connected. With days full of messages and notifications piling in, messages get pushed to the background and even when I mute conversations, I still can get a pile of messages and then forget to respond, even ones I wanted to respond to. It's always nice, however, when you can stay connected with people despite all the amazing amount of messages. I guess in the end you have to select a handful of message that get pushed to the forefront for one reason or another. It was great to be able to have a nice dinner with these two. It was weird to think about how it's been awhile since we ate out together even though before it was so regular. It happens a lot as alumni, coaches and friends come and go as we get busy with other things. Those connections you have get stretched like a rubber band and they either snap or retract back every once in awhile. I'm glad these connections retracted as even on a night where we had to scramble to find a place to eat before closing, we still enjoyed it, chatted and reminisced. I may never get better at responding to messages regularly, however, I'm hoping that even with the time between messages sent, that with all those who I hold dear to my heart we can stay connect for many years and decades to come. As while we may no longer see or talk to each other every day, the times we do become even more special. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 264]:~ New Routines

~:[CH11 - Day 264]:~ New Routines

After a frustrating day, it's often useful to find some peace in the day. One of the routines we've added into our weeks where we do not have a weekday race is yoga. We keep it simple and focus on stretching and breathing, but I think it's a nice break in the day. For most of these athletes, it's a moment where they can breakaway from the stressors of the day and it's nice that we can give them this moment to do just that. The day itself was like of a lull as I used it to catch up with work I needed to do such as finishing up our weekly newsletter and prepping for our upcoming meet next week, but I was able to find some peace today and at least settled my frustrations from yesterday. Life is never going to be perfect and the road will never be perfectly smooth, but you can find ways to contain the impact from all that's going on and guide yourself back to where you want to be and sometimes new routines are ways to do just that. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 263]:~ Handle with Care


~:[CH11 - Day 263]:~ Handle with Care

It was a little disheartening seeing the athlete spend so much of their time trying to finish up their homework while on this recent trip. I know these missed two days of school, but the load of work they had was more than previous or so I felt. Regardless, I know that sometimes it is connected to the classes they choose to take. With that in the back of my mind, I was astounded at the news I got passed down to me from the district, that all my athletes in cross country and track would be required to take a seventh class (adding a 1st) unless they decided to drop the sport. With our practices being afterschool, my freshmen and sophomores were enrolled in 2nd through 7th periods. Some did choose to take that first period, but now, they were forcing about sixty students (about 25 of mine) to add a class and stay around for another hour. The students targeted are all ones who often stay at school past 5pm regularly and much later on game/competition days. It infuriated me that a district that tried to emphasize mental health, tacks on a mandatory extra hour of classes to students who get home at 6 or 7pm. They used to have that extra hour in the morning to wrap up whatever they couldn't the night before, but now they lose that PLUS get additional homework from their new class. Even worse, they gave our admin one week to fix it. The incompetence and lack of consideration that's been shown the last year from our district with unannounced construction to things like this is ridiculous. The parking lots are a mess, our events get ruined or leave us stressed trying to figure out alternatives, and the lack of communication and unrealistic expectations on all of us shows there is no understanding of how things actually work with school sites, staff and students and while there are a lot of competent people up at the district, many of these decisions get handed down by those that just don't understand or don't care. I feel bad for these students who will have to take on this additional load and just hope that they can handle what's ahead. While I know that work is required to learn and they do need to learn to have some grit in life, there are some things that are avoidable and 100% this situation is one of them, as it's pointlessly added weight on the shoulders of those who already have some of the busiest schedules. I can deal with change such as the construction is going on, but I can't deal with things like a lack of communication when these projects are sprung on us at the last minute leaving those at these sites in a bind. In the end, this situation with the students made me think of the what I cooked up today - sriracha seafood yakisoba. As I looked at it, it reminded me that balance is definitely an important aspect to most things in life such as cooking and I hope that all of this doesn't tip that balance to a point where these students can't handle it. I had just the right amount in this dish, but I worry that the district has put too much on the plate of the students with this latest decision.

Monday, September 19, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 262]:~ Bloom

~:[CH11 - Day 262]:~ Bloom

My whiteboard is always full this time of year, however, the students somehow manage to draw in some of the smaller spaces on the board. I was exhausted from the meet this weekend and so I was just trying to make it through the day, but the flower brought a little bit of comfort. As we introduce the students to MUN, I know how confused they can get during these challenging times, however, when the student navigate through these first few weeks, it's amazing to seem them blossom and grow. I'm sure that all educators feel the same way, however, when you work with freshmen, you get to witness it even more. I hope that these students begin to rebuild some of the grit and determination they lost these past few years during the pandemic (and I know they will) as I know that in order to truly bloom, they'll need to endure some challenging times. I know they can do it and I look forward to the beautiful garden that will be a result of it all.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 261]:~ On Guard

~:[CH11 - Day 261]:~ On Guard

It's always a good sign when you hear students say that they don't want to go home at the end of the trip. It often means they're having a great time and enjoyed their experience. We ended our trip with an escape room where two of the three rooms were able to complete their mission and explored around the Palace of Fine Arts, which always is a beautiful spot to go to. I didn't realize how bad the theft issue in San Francisco was, so I ended up staying on guard of our stuff which was stacked up inside my van. Not sure where would be a safe place to leave our stuff. we ended up heading down to Palo Alto and explored the Stanford area. It was a little pricier, but was kept my mind at ease as I wasn't as worried about our stuff. Although we missed a few spots that we wanted to visit, it was a good decision as we ventured around and hit up a few spots before we headed back to the airport. We said a quick goodbye and I headed off, trying to get back and avoid as much rain as possible. As I drove back, it was nice to reminisce about the trip. This group definitely was quite entertaining and a lot of it may have to do with how young they were with just two seniors on the trip. There is a lot of room to grow for this group, but I am glad that I got to spend time with them and they got to know each other better. One of the most important things about this trip is that they team grow closer together and I truly believe that they did just that this weekend. I was exhausted by the time I got home, but I sorted though some photos before calling it a night. As I did, I smiled knowing just how special this weekend was. It's always a little exhausted, but almost every time I look back, there are no doubts that all the effort was worth it. To my DLS22 group, thank you for a wonderful weekend!

Saturday, September 17, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 260]:~ Bridging the Gap

~:[CH11 - Day 260]:~ Bridging the Gap

The group missed homecoming so they did their own little mini HOCO shoot. After our race, we ventured to the beach and just wandered near the fog covered Golden Gate Bridge. We got a second view later on from another viewpoint, however in both cases, it was nice to be able to just enjoy the view. It was a late start to the day as we took a break after our race to rest and allow them one final chance to get some homework done. I used it to take a nap as it's been an exhausting few days including waking up early this morning to get to the race. The course itself was nice ,but there were a few issues such as the bottle neck at the start where a few of my athletes got pushed into the barriers and one got pushed from behind, the hill was one of the toughest they'll face all year, although it was a single big hill towards the start of the race and of course, it was tough competition as there were a number of state ranked teams in attendance. With a young inexperienced team, it was good for them to get in there and battle with these teams. I think they learned a lot and it helped them bridge the gap to this higher level of competition. Of course, the race was the last thing on their mind later that day as they smiled, laughed and just enjoyed their time together. We stopped off at North Beach before heading back to our hotel as I enjoyed a nice dinner with some of the athletes and coaches. I know the group is exhausted and sore, but I'm glad that they got to venture out and let loose, enjoyed their time together and having their own traveling HOCO experience. While they missed out on the big dance, I was glad that they had the opportunity to spend time together and find a way to build bridges with each other throughout this weekend.

Friday, September 16, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 259]:~ City Adventures


~:[CH11 - Day 259]:~ City Adventures

With so much homework to do, we got a late start to the day, as I left them eat and do homework after our morning run. A few were able to get a few more hours of homework time in before we ventured out for the day. We hit up inner sunset and enjoyed some food before heading to Alamo Park, well known for the Painted Ladies. We had passed the original Full House house earlier and then ended up here to take some photos and just chill. The athletes ended up running to the playground and played tag for a bit before we headed out. After all the hours they spent working on homework, it was fun to watch them run around and play tag, enjoying time they should have in their youth to just play around. We headed to Lombard Street then over to Oracle Park. The athletes beg and pleaded with me to be able to attend the Giants' game since they were playing the Dodgers. We were definitely more of a blue section as all but a few athletes cheered for the Dodgers. It was freezing in the stadium, but the athletes enjoyed the game even though they were all a bit tired. We headed back to our hotel and looking back, we had such a full day of fun and exciting city adventures that I hope they'll never forget, as while the sights were great, it's more memorable when you get to spend these precious moments with your friends. 

Thursday, September 15, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 258]:~ Stay Focused

~:[CH11 - Day 258]:~ Stay Focused

I knew it would be a rough turnaround. My alarm sounded at 3:45am and my body was sore from carrying everything in and out of my van. I eventually woke up, packed my car and then dropped a group off at the airport. No, I was not riding the plane, but drove up solo, taking bags and equipment for the meet. I stayed focus as I drove and actually didn't get tired. The traffic was light so I was able to quickly make my way up north and met up with the team there. We ventured to Berkeley via the BART after checking into our hotel. We grabbed Marugame before heading to campus. It was wonderful to stand at the gate and have alumni after alumni stop by. Some saw our messages and made a stop while others actually walked by and recognized us. I was amazed at how many people I saw in the short span we were there. After saying our goodbyes, we zipped over to the pier and the wharf and just adventured around, enjoying being out and about. We ventured back so the team could get some homework done. I was a little sad at how much work the athletes were given, however, after a fun day, some of them got down to business and focused in on their work. I know they're exhausted as well as they just wrapped up their first league race, but I think just like me on my drive, they focused in and were able to get some of that work done despite the fatigue. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 257]:~ The Battle

~:[CH11 - Day 257]:~ The Battle

I packed my van and it was completely full. It's weird to have seen it as I felt as if I wouldn't need as much for this meet. I was wrong .We finished setting up the course and got to the course to battle. The past few days was message after message about athletes either being out due to injury or illness. The issue mostly hit my girls team as I lost two varsity athletes initially, then one replacement, then another replacement at the very last minute. On top of it all, we were out a chunk of our JV team. Regardless, they still fought hard as our JVs finished second, our boys surprised and had a chance, keeping it close in third, while the girls had a freshmen step up as they took the win. It was a very chaotic day as I sprinted home, unloaded and loaded my car getting ready for tomorrow's trip. I came home after a quick dinner fairly exhausted and just hoped to be injected with the energy I need for the long haul tomorrow. I'll sleep well, as while we may not have pulled the big upset, I can sleep being proud of the effort this group put forward today as they truly battled.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 256]:~ Cooling Off

~:[CH11 - Day 256]:~ Cooling Off

After practice, we zoomed over to Artesia to setup for the league race. I was thinking I could try to get it done during the day tomorrow, but didn't want to risk it. A nice little crew joined me as they helped me setup the course for tomorrow. I am always so grateful when these athletes, alum and coaches join in on lending a hand especially when there is no reward for doing so. In the end, I treated them to some Jamba before I headed off. It definitely was a little warmer than I envisioned it would be today and after all the hard work, I was glad we could relax and enjoy some time to cool off from a long day. I'm hoping for the best tomorrow, but at least I know now that tomorrow won't be as stressful as we got most of the work done today because of this wonderful crew.

Monday, September 12, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 255]:~ What You Leave Behind

~:[CH11 - Day 255]:~ What You Leave Behind

It's important to accomplish great things in life and reach the goals you hope to, but often times people forget that what you leave behind leaves behind more of a legacy than any accomplishment you can attain. As I look back at all those who I appreciated the most, it was those who took the time and gave back, leaving behind a trail that others who follow will be able to follow. As one of our greats from the past TNT came back for a run, it was great to see him give some advice and help the athletes learn important tips that they should be doing in order to ensure that they were at their peak of performance. It made me miss the days that he was coaching regularly. Regardless, many of the things that have been passed down, have been from many of those who all left behind something greater than their own personal accomplishments. What you leave behind and how it impacts the future generations is something that I hope we all consider when we do things. I know for many, you already do that, sacrificing so much for your family and giving them a nice trail to follow ahead. It's great to see my alumni do the same and help their ohana find their way down the path that lies ahead of them. This year, I do have one of my least experienced teams of my career, but it's in moments like this that we find the ability to grow and progress, especially when this less experienced group is eager to learn and get better. As many took on the challenge and soaked in what they could, I stood back and watched as they learned things that have been passed down through the years. As while we can build a mountain of awards and accomplishments, can we also leave a trail for others to follow and even surpass us simply because of all the things we left behind for them to use? I hope to see many more days like today, as it's truly a joy to watch the seeds planted and even more exciting to see just how they will grow. 

Sunday, September 11, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 254]:~ Soaking in the Sun

~:[CH11 - Day 254]:~ Soaking in the Sun

I actually had piles of work to do, so I didn't stay outside long, but it was nice to get out and have a nice relaxing brunch with the cool breeze in Long Beach. I was try to figure out how to fit everything in, but I just pushed things aside, delayed them a bit, and made time to socialize and just relax. As much as we have going on, I constantly remind myself while writing that I need to make sure to take time for myself and today, I did just that and soaked in the sun. When I got home, I knew I couldn't finish everything I had piled up, but I did what needed to be done today and then had the rest waiting for tomorrow. Although it's not something I'll do regularly, it was nice to just chill and leave some of the responsibilities for another time. Don't forget to pause and soak in the sun once in awhile. 

Saturday, September 10, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 253]:~ Through the Darkness

~:[CH11 - Day 253]:~ Through the Darkness

It's been a tough week with the heat. I can't remember a time where I canceled a few practices and a meet during a single week, but we did. The storm came through, helping calm the fires and cool down the heat, allowing for a wonderful race at Rosemead. Although the humidity was still up, the athletes pushed through as we saw 17 new career PRs from our squad as they raced through the night. I think back to the one year where the lights actually went out during the race and the athletes couldn't see a thing as they tried to navigate the course. It was funny as the athletes turned on their cell phone lights, trying to light the way. This year, they didn't need that as they lights remained on, but it was great to see these athletes rise through that darkness and find success. While not everyone had a race to remember, I know that if they keep working, they'll find that moment to breakthrough like many found today. I just hope that when they face times of darkness, they keep moving forward until they find a light to guide them to the finish. The athletes made me proud as they cleaned up quickly after the meet as we headed home in a joyful mood. We faced so many challenges this week, but it was great to end the week the way we did.  

Friday, September 9, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 252]:~ Bloom

~:[CH11 - Day 252]:~ Bloom

I was running around trying to prep for the race on Saturday, get these photos done and prep for a meeting later on I had in Santa Monica. As I checked one thing off the list after another, it felt good to get through the day and finish all that I hoped to finish. I knew the rain would be my biggest hurdle for my meeting at night, but in fact, it ended up being a blessing as the roads cleared with less people out and about (or so it seemed). Sometimes we assume a storm will keep us from doing what we planned smoothly, yet sometimes that storm is exactly what we need to begin to bloom. Smooth sailing seems nice, but turbulences prepares us for the difficult times ahead. I know this day was a challenge, but it was great to look back and see the many things there were to celebrate, starting with the wonderful production today during lunch. As we celebrated the top five, I thought about how this year's class faced some tough times with their freshman year being cut short. Yet despite the storms they faced, I hope that this year is one that we see them truly bloom. 

Thursday, September 8, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 251]:~ Up in Ashes

~:[CH11 - Day 251]:~ Up in Ashes

Some days, the weight of the world just crushes down on you. Early on, the announcement of the death of Queen Elizabeth II was on the hearts and minds of many. Soon thereafter, we got the announcement that our meet we were preparing for was canceled and of course, the one day I decide to wash my van, the next morning (today), it sprinkled on top of the ash, creating spots all over my newly washed fan. Sometimes things in our life go up in ashes. Not everything we work on will pan out and not everything we hope for can be obtained. Regardless, through the challenges of the day, whether the weather, the loss of a loved one or any other obstacle, we can find those glimmers of hope that something great is coming on the horizon. We enjoyed a trip the towne center, casually lifted in the weight room, and instead of coming home exhausted from a meet, I got to go home and just get a little bit of work done. I looked up to the sky and saw a beautiful spectrum among the clouds taking me back to the morning, where the sky looked amazing. Albeit, I looked at the sky through my stained, recently washed window, I still was impressed as I looked up to the sky, feeling the incoming heat, the humidity that caused the precipitation and the looming dark clouds waiting to attack. At times we get hit unexpectedly hit with a storm, but even when we're engulfed in it, I'm sure we can find that sun peeking through, injected hope in our day that we felt went up in ashes. Even during the worst days, ever lose hope as better days will come your way.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 250]:~ Getting Focused

~:[CH11 - Day 250]:~ Getting Focused

Our practice was canceled. With tomorrow being the race, we had a meeting scheduled and instead of running, we did mental drills. The solar panels were a blessing in disguise, providing a nice large shaded area that was definitely cool, especially with the breeze. It allowed us to have a comfortable session of mental drills, trying to focus for tomorrow's race. It's a challenge to do this with a hundred athletes, however, aside from a few who chucked or kept moving around, many did their breathing, their tension release and their visualization drills. I think the mental game is often overlooked in sports and other activities, however, I try to focus on them often for all the things I do, from the classroom to sports. This year, we brought in yoga for our easy days, which focus our day on breathing and stretching and it ties nicely into trying to do mental drills as well. By the end, I know that some are much more relaxed and focused and while there may never be a time where we can get everyone to stay focused the entire time, I just hope that even if they just get a little, it will help a lot when they face their challenges ahead.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 249]:~ Starting Fresh

~:[CH11 - Day 249]:~ Starting Fresh

Every year, it's the same. I get a new fresh batch of students who know little, if anything about MUN. From scratch, we teach many of them and hope that they grow into the program. For those that do, the sky's the limit. It's not a program that is about those interested in politics or even international affairs, but for those looking to grow their confidence, their ability to speak and write, to learn more about the world, to work with others, analyze and to solve problems among many other things. It's simple to say that on paper, it isn't always the most attractive choice, but when you look at the end results of our alumni, you may realize just how far a student can go. While we don't have a victory with every student, when having a discussion with my seniors last year, so many who were on the verge of quitting, stuck it out and said how grateful they were they didn't make that choice. True, it's not for everybody, but it is a class that anyone is capable of doing. I hope as time goes one, more freshman realize this. As while we've had an influx of those coming in to join sophomore year, the freshman year is truly where you build the foundation and learn all you need to know so that they can truly grow during their sophomore year. Years ago, I gave up my plans of going into film to teach in this program and while I sometimes wonder what life would be like in if I had stayed in that field, I don't regret the opportunity I have to start, year after year, with these students ready to show off what they're capable of. Wish us luck.

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Monday, September 5, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 248]:~ Recovery


~:[CH11 - Day 248]:~ Recovery

This always ends up being my recover day. Every year we host the Cow Run on Labor Day weekend and every year, Monday is a day I catch up. From laundry to sleep, I'm usually behind on everything at this point. Regardless, I took some time to catch up with Softserveboy :) While I was in Japan, I picked up a few albums and my friend graciously gave me the ones she had after she got her photocards. He wrote these albums and did so well. I think of how difficult the pandemic was for many, but he made it a stretch that I saw so much success from him and I am so proud of each and every work. From the House of Blues to the world stage, it's incredible how much he's accomplished. Even on days where I have piles of work, these types of moments energize me and I truly appreciate even the smallest bit of time I can spend with someone. The future is bright for this guy and I look forward to being mesmerized by all the wonderful songs he writes, produces or even sings in the future. My body is still tired, but for now, my mind has finally made its way to recovery. 

Sunday, September 4, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 247]:~ Even Worse

~:[CH11 - Day 247]:~ Even Worse

I thought Saturday was bad, but when I went out early in the day, I could already tell that today would be even worse. As I looked forecast, I did want to stay where the AC was blasting, however, I ended up going to K-Play. I am glad I did. As while it was hot, the event itself was enjoyable. To see people out there dancing their hearts away, performers on stage, and even fans interacting with their favorite artist, it was definitely wholesome. I was able to trek over to Anime Impact to visit Jessie and then headed out to enjoy the outdoor performances and grab a drink the process. I was amazed at how many people were out despite it hitting 108F during the day and even more amazed that some were in costumes, dancing. As I looked back at the photos and videos I shot through the day, I was happy just looking at the people smiling and even though it was worse outside, that heat must have brought more warmth to me inside, as my heart was full for joy from the day. Great job to all the performers and organizers of this wonderful event! 

Saturday, September 3, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 246]:~ Burning Up

~:[CH11 - Day 246]:~ Burning Up

As usual, I didn't get a lot of sleep before the Great Cow Run. I went to sleep about normal, but of course, waking up at 3:30am has that impact on your sleep schedule. I was worried about the temperatures as I've been watching it closely for the past week or so. I adjust the schedule and hoped for the best. After a wonderful Higashi Roman Memorial Race, the Spotted Calf Sprint also went off well. It looked like it was rolling after the chaotic start to the morning. We were rolling and then I saw a helicopter and my worst fears were confirmed as we had to shut down the meet for a little while until the situation was resolved. Luckily, it was only about 10-15 minutes, but that also meant more heat. If you're around cross country, you're used to the situation you face at these meets as athletes push their limits, but sometimes, they do it a little too much especially when tough conditions like the humidity play a role. In the end, we shortened a race and canceled two. We didn't want to risk having any more issues. I was sad, but still wouldn't change my decision. Still, my athletes threw on cow suits at the end of the meet and walked around a bit. I wondered how they wore those suits in that weather, but it resulted in some pretty epic photos. We cleaned and I walked around once again to make sure we put everything back in its place and then I headed home to unload. I was supposed to go to another event in between, but sadly, it took me awhile to put things away and I had to leave again not too long afterward. Through this whole process, my mom was there working the event, even though it was her birthday. I always am sad when it falls on the 3rd, but at the same time, the cow is one of her favorite animals, so maybe it's a blessing in disguise. Originally, we were thinking of just having a dinner at home, but in the end, we found out Ohtani was pitching and went to the Angels game instead. We were able to be about twenty feet from Ohtani and see him up close and top of it, got to see him pitch a gem, the Angels get a win in extras, fireworks following the game and took home an Angels cowboy hat. I was definitely tired and still recovering from being in the sun all day, but it was worth it. Even when you are burning up, sometimes things are worth dealing with. To see the athletes push their limits and enjoy the fun cow theme and even dealing with the fatigue, but allowing my parents to see Ohtani, is worth it. There will be many more times where I'll just want to hide away, but every time I will try my best to think if it's worth it to do something, even if it means I'll burn up in the end. Happy Birthday Mama Wat!

Friday, September 2, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 245]:~ Change ...

~:[CH11 - Day 245]:~ Change ...

Finish this sentence. Change is ... 

For those athletes who have been in the program the past four years, they've dealt with this. As we setup for the Great Cow Run, once again, we were at a new site, the fourth in four years (if you include a virtual run). I am a person who doesn't like change much. I have my routines, I know my schedule in my head and I go with it. Sure, I travel to new destinations, but the structure on how I do things, also is the same. I also like to visit similar restaurants despite the fact that I do explore from time to time. When I plan banquets or travel, I use or stay at the same venue, mainly because it's convenient. Overall, however, if you plotted my life, you'd see so many routines there are. Of course, I learned that in order to keep myself focused and motivated, I throw in something to mix it up. Sometimes when you try something new, it doesn't work out, however, at other times, it may just add something you want to put into your daily routine. I hope that even if you don't like change, you try something new every once in awhile to fine tune how you do things. You don't have to change the whole structure, but rather just add a new coat of paint every once in awhile. I hope for the day that we can once again return to setting up the course at Knabe Park, however, for now, I'll deal with the change and embrace the new challenge and new environment. 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 244]:~ Investment


~:[CH11 - Day 244]:~ Investment

The stock market is always interesting. Lately, it's felt more like a casino than a place where you can invest your money. You could study the business model of a company and even track their progress, but it wouldn't mean you have a solid investment. Even if you know how to read a chart and study trends, you could make a bad choice. In many things in our lives, however, often times that invest of time and energy can go a lot longer. Although injuries and other setbacks can derail us and make our lives into a game of chance, we greatly increase our chances when we put the time in. I loved seeing a solid group of athletes return to the weight room day after day, staying until late. We didn't get a chance to go this summer due to construction, but it seems like they're trying to make up for it now. I am hoping that these investments that they are making paired with the sacrifices that are required when doing so, will be worth it in the end. I know that things don't always pan out how we imagined, but even if the end result is not good, I hope that my students realize that even if they don't reach their goal, their investment helped them grow along the way. Let's all make that extra effort and see how we grow into the future.