Saturday, July 31, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 212]:~ It Takes Time

~:[CH10 - Day 212]:~ It Takes Time

One thing I noticed with the athletes is that some of them have been locked away for awhile so they missed out on the normal activity that they had before the pandemic. I feel the same way. However, I think this year more than ever, I have to keep in mind that we are not just cycling through another year, rather, we are going to have to exercise patience this year. We are going to have to make sure that while we maintain rigor, we can be more understanding. We can make sure that while we hope for one thing, we don't let that blind us from the struggles that all of us will have. We can also make sure that we give ourselves the time to get back on track and not put pressure on ourselves to perform at a level we once were day in and day out. We may get there eventually, but let's not rush ourselves. Take your time. As I climbed the sand hill during the workout, my blister was bothering me; however, I slowly trekked myself up the hill and eventually reached the view of the top. It wasn't my fastest ascent, but I can't complain, because I made it there. I hope we all can find a way to take this perspective over the next year or longer, as we all deserve to give ourselves and others the time we need to get ourselves back on track.

Friday, July 30, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 211]:~ Lighting the Flame

~:[CH10 - Day 211]:~ Lighting the Flame

Most know how much I despise the beach, however, today it wasn't that bad. No, I didn't have a change of heart, it just had a feeling of appreciation. Bonfires are one of the favorite events of the athletes and today was no different. We had to change things up due to the pandemic as athletes brought their own food, but for the most part, they were able to enjoy the things they couldn't before. As we lit the bonfire, I couldn't help think about the Olympics and lighting the flame of the Olympic torch, signaling the start of the games. While we are nowhere near the end of this pandemic, I feel like we are slowly finding opportunities here and there to slowly crack the shell that we've been kept in for so long. I still despise the beach, but I'd spend my day here knowing that it made the day for these athletes who seemed to truly soak in the sun today. 

Thursday, July 29, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 210]:~ Pushing Limits

~:[CH10 - Day 210]:~ Pushing Limits

We were finally back at Gahr's Summer Series and while it was different, it was nice to have some normalcy in our schedule. There were less teams than normal, however, we still were able to get out there and race and see what we could do. We won a race on the girls side, second on the boys side and had a number of top five finishes which was definitely a great sign for where we are headed. The conditions made it a bit tougher than normal, however, it was nice to see athletes being able to run with other athletes to see what they could do. I know the athletes just enjoyed this feeling as they've missed out on this race atmosphere so long. There is a lot of season left, however, it was nice just to see them pushing their limits! 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 209]:~ Always Create

~:[CH10 - Day 209]:~ Always Create

One thing I like about working with other people is that you get inspired and motivated to work on your own projects. As the pandemic has limited my interactions, it opened up new ways to work with others across the world and also helped me connect with even more people working on projects I wouldn't have otherwise. The day itself was dedicated towards working on a project and although it wasn't a full production shoot, it was still fun to work on this project and just see the work and effort they put into it. We ran into a few detours along the way, but eventually we found our way towards completing a successful project. I look forward to working on these projects more often in the future as it will hope motivate me and inspire me to create even more. Surround yourself with those who help push you to do the things you want to do and you'll surprise yourself. 

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 208]:~ More Time

~:[CH10 - Day 208]:~ More Time

This week will be a crazy week. The number of hours I'll put into various things will be outrageous in comparison to what I've done the past 18 months, however, the more time you invest into what you're doing, the more results you'll get. While timing is everything, putting yourself in position to get those opportunities is key. Having a number of my athletes spend the time to dedicate themselves to this sport has been impressive and I have loved seeing them grow, learn and become the amazing individuals that they are. From start to finish, it was one of the longer days since the pandemic started, however, I felt satisfied knowing the opportunities coming my way.

Monday, July 26, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 207]:~ What's Cookin'?

~:[CH10 - Day 207]:~ What's Cookin'?

This is the kitchen I always cook in and today he was also trying to make something delicious. It wasn't edible, but it's the first step in making a junior ramen master. Noodles anyone? Much like we piece together a recipe, our days are an assembly of various ingredients. From practice to home to work and studying, everything kind of fit into place and made for a delicious day. Even the Olympics and the Angels game went my way today, which is quite the feat. As while one bad moment can ruin a day, one thing you learn from cooking that you can learn for life is, that when you add something that just isn't right, figure out a way to adjust it all to get it back on track. Let's not let one moment ruin our day, as we can always figure out a way to make it a masterpiece. 

Sunday, July 25, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 206]:~ Success & Failure

~:[CH10 - Day 206]:~ Success & Failure

I dropped my favorite bowl and it cracked in half. Sadly, inside I was torn. It's just a bowl so I will get over it, but just a slight mistake led to its demise. As I watch the Olympics, I can't help but think how this is the case for them and for us in life as well. Sometimes a split second and in others just the correct adjustment can change our futures dramatically. While in some sports an upset is much less likely, I have been enjoying sports such as skateboarding where it was such an open field. It's hard to see when someone who is usually so good is having a bad day, but it's also joyous to see that breakthrough performance. Yes, I was sad about my bowl (leaving me with only one of the two), but what I put in the bowl that remained made me happy. From early in the morning, I started my homemade chashu and I even threw my eggs in a marinade and ended up with a ramen dinner such as this. There will be those ups and downs, but with them, we can find something to celebration, something to love, or something to appreciate. Life is not always going to go our way, but it doesn't mean we have to sacrifice our happiness in the process. Skateboarder Margielyn Didal of the Philippines was limping from the start of her run as she fell awkwardly, but despite her missteps in her performance, she battled through, and kept smiling and enjoying the fact that she was at the Olympics. Just like her, let's find a way to soak in the fact that we are living and breathing. Regardless of whether we succeed or fail, at least we had the opportunity to try.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 205]:~ Reckless & Considerate

~:[CH10 - Day 205]:~ Reckless & Considerate

We were running up "the hill" on Saturday. At the top a sign that says bicycles prohibited, yet a biker comes jetting by three times, nearly hitting people in our group three times. Ninety nine percent of the bikers in the area are considerate, however, it's bikers like him that not only ruin the day for others, but make it dangerous as well. There was no pause at the top, no checking for clearance, rather a guy yelling at people to get out of the way. Luckily I am surrounded by people who are not like that. If all my friends were like this person, I am not sure how I would have turned out. When I think of those that surround me, it amazes me of how Blessed I truly am. As I dealt with the annoyance of the biker, I got to go home and celebrate the birthday of my brother. He is one of the many who have taught me so much about consideration and more. In the end, I could have let the biker ruin my day, however, there was much more to appreciate and I figured I should focus on my time on the things that mattered more. It's easy to be angry when things happen like this, but sometimes when you look back on those moments, you wonder why you didn't just move on and save your time focusing on something more important and worthwhile. What is that to me? The wonderful people who make the world around me a beautiful place. Thank you again for all being so wonderful and especially to my brother on his special day.

Friday, July 23, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 204]:~ In Us They Live

~:[CH10 - Day 204]:~ In Us They Live

I woke up early for practice, ventured over to a meeting with a friend, then raced back to this celebration of life for someone who did so much for the community, Mr. Jim Edwards. They often say, you don't know how rich you really are until your funeral and in this case, however, in this case, I think most knew just how loved he was. As I listened to the speeches and reflected on my time with him, I saw that much of what I do matched up with things he would do when coaching and working with athletes. He was an amazing leader, mentor, father, grandfather and most importantly, an incredible person. Many of us have suffered through the loss of someone important to us during the pandemic and the challenge of trying to navigate through the emotions have been quite difficult. However, by changing our perspective, it may definitely help us in coping with all that is going on. In us, they live. In us, these influential individuals continue to live as they have impacted the way we live. From the way we treat people to the accomplishments we reached because of them, important individuals in our lives become part of us in some way. As his grandson and my former athlete said, there are many qualities that he now possesses that came from his papa. For all of us, we carry a part of all those people with us, but that also means we are responsible to carry their legacy. We don't have to become them, but yet, we must remember that in order for their legacy to live on, we must pass on the many positive lessons we learned to the future generations. It was great to see so many people I haven't been able to see, but even greater to remind myself that the life I live is not just my own, but also the lives of all those who are my mentors and who have guided me to become the person I am today. While they do not make the decisions for me, there is no doubt that I think about them as I make my decisions day in and day out. In us, they live and thus as I live, it will always be us. It will always be us because although I am making the decision, it was influenced by those who taught me so much. It will always be us because the person I am today would be different without that mentor that has molded me. It will always be us, because in the end, as important as independence and freedom may seem, having someone by your side, physically or spiritually is more important than anything in the world. Jim Edwards was a special man who truly exemplified the person many of us strive to be and as we celebrated his life, we weren't saying goodbye, but rather began the process of planting to the seeds to keep his legacy going on forever. 

Thursday, July 22, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 203]:~ The Drive


~:[CH10 - Day 203]:~ The Drive

One thing that I think that will be hard for many people to regain is the drive to accomplish the things that they chase after. It's been such a challenge to try to adapt to this new life that often times we sacrificed things we wanted to go after in the process. As I see athletes during their workouts, I can see the struggles they have in pushing their limits, however, many do. Many of my athletes never really lost the drive, while other struggles to find it. It's going to be a constant battle, but I also assume that much like my athletes, I will face the same struggles. In the afternoon, the athletes showed some of that drive as they pushed up the hills and worked towards getting the workout done. It was one of the harder workouts of the year, but in the end, they pushed through and did exactly what we would have hoped. We will all face these moments that we may have once thought were so routine, however, if we prepare for the battle, we will be much more likely to succeed as we strive towards reaching our goal. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 202]:~ Transporting

~:[CH10 - Day 202]:~ Transporting

I could taste the difference, but somehow, this bowl of ramen still transported me to the small ramen counter in Shinjuku Station. Afuri recently opened up a ramen bar in Downtown LA. Previously I had drive up to Cupertino to fulfill my craving, but this was much closer. With the borders closed, almost 18 months later, I am desperately hoping to return to Japan again soon. However, this bowl or ramen provided me some solace as I dreamt about the sound of the train rolling into the station, the crowds crossing the street near the station or the slurps of ramen of the customers. The welcoming of the workers as you walked into the door played in the back of my mind as the steam from the bowl didn't just warm up my face, but also my soul. I was thousands of miles away, but for just a moment, that emptiness within me was fulfilled. Life is full of things that can transport you to a place or time you wish you were. I think the pandemic amplified the impact that these transportations have had. Being separated from my friends, missing out on opportunities and just being able to be present on those very streets has been a struggle, however, in some way, today provided me with a happiness that added one more piece to the puzzle, at least for now. For all of us, we yearn for something we used to do, but at the same time, maybe there can be something that helps fulfill that emptiness until the opportunities we had present themselves once again. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 201]:~ Complete

~:[CH10 - Day 201]:~ Complete

You can do something well, but if you don't finish it off properly, you end up with something incomplete. As I think back on this round of golf, it made me think of what our lives can often feel like. Today I played nine holes and had seven birdie putts. I ended up with two birdies and a high number of putts. I played well, yet couldn't "seal the deal." In life, we are not always going to be able to wrap things up so easily, even when one aspect of it seems to go so smoothly. As I worked my way through the course, it felt nice as I was striking the ball well, but when I got to the green, it just wasn't the same. So where do I go from here? I have to work at it and figure out how to fix what left me incomplete. When looking back, it was simple as my focus not being there on a seemingly easy task. In life, sometimes we get a little sloppy when things feel so mundane, but that is also where we make the mistake. In the NBA, they say, be sure to play all 48 minutes, in baseball all nine innings and in football, all four quarters and ultimately in life, we must do the same. Focus on finishing off what you started and work on what you need to improve to finish it off well. As while life is a challenge, it doesn't mean you can end up finding something complete at the end of the day. I got some work to do, but next time, I'll make those adjustments so this time, I can finish it off in a way that I can be happy. It might take some work, but in the end, it will be all worth it.

Monday, July 19, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 200]:~ Beary Fun

~:[CH10 - Day 200]:~ Beary Fun

Mondays are exhausting, yet they are also exciting. With two little ones visiting on Monday, it means a lot of fun, but a lot of energy expended. After a somewhat busy morning, I had to expend a bit more energy running around the house and keeping an eye on one of these two as they ran around. They have so much more energy than before, which is great to see, but they always are keeping you on your toes. As the day wound down, I struggled to keep my focus on my work and had to take a very short nap before cooking dinner, but regardless of how I feel by night's end, I look back and think about how it's definitely worth it, no matter how tired I am. I'll spend the rest of the week trying to refuel my energy tank, but it's worth it all as it was a beary fun day.

Sunday, July 18, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 199]:~ Learning to Recreate

~:[CH10 - Day 199]:~ Learning to Recreate

One of the things about life in order to keep it interesting is to take something and recreate it. It not only makes good use and avoids being wasteful, it allows for creativity and avoids the boredom of something old. Sure, something that is traditional or routine can be a great foundation, but it's nice when you can mix it up and figure a new way to recreate things. While most of my day was filled with work, it was nice to see the tonkatsu I made recreated into something just as delicious, yet so different. In our lives, when we feel that we need changes, we don't need to start anew, rather we simple can look at how we can change up what already exists to make it something we never realized could exist. As I scarfed down the katsudon, it felt familiar, yet at the same time oh so different and just like in our lives, all it took was a little makeover - a re-creation.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 198]:~ A Little Sun

~:[CH10 - Day 198]:~ A Little Sun

I had a bit of trouble sleeping. A little nap here or there always leads to a challenge at night. I try to avoid those naps to allow for a good night's sleep. Regardless, I still had things to do. Our team met up at the beach and got in a little run along the sand. It's been a pretty solid group showing up to the additional practices and it looks like a promising road ahead. It was nice to get out into a new place and just soak up the sun. The athletes looked like just being out there was a blessing for them, as they seems to appreciate even more these simple things they may have once taken for granted. This is an annual routine for us, but today felt anything but routine. This will be the first of many days that feel like this and in the process, I'll just kick back and soak up a little bit of sun.

Friday, July 16, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 197]:~ A Little Treat

~:[CH10 - Day 197]:~ A Little Treat

It'll be a little tougher on "fun Fridays" to figure out games we can play safely, but at the same time, having them is definitely a plus for the athletes. While we make those adjustments to all the things we used to do, we figure out new things we can do in the process. (Any ideas on new games?) It was a nice push into the weekend as I had time to cook up dinner real quick and got through a list of things to finish up before the weekend with a few more left to get done. Answering a back log of emails and doing this and that has definitely not been fun on top of everything else, but every time you get a check mark, the day feels a bit better. On a random treat to myself, I planned to get boba since I missed closing time yesterday, but it worked out since it meant I got some quality time with these two. It was nice to chat a bit in a familiar place and just catch up, taking myself away from that laundry list bombarding me all week. Yes, there are still things to get done (and I know people waiting on them), but this was the little treat that I needed to motivate me going forward. What little treats to yourself get you going?

Thursday, July 15, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 196]:~ Powering Through

~:[CH10 - Day 196]:~ Powering Through

Day 3 is normally the toughest for athletes as after the soreness of day 1 and 2, they kind of fall into that fatigue mode, however, day 4 not only saw a time trial in the morning, but also a run in the hills later in the day. The morning had our boys running the fastest time trial mark in our program history, while the girls had the best showing in seven years, however, it's just the starting point. The only factor that determines where we go from here is how much they are willing to work. Powering through these difficult days is the way that they can do it and it was nice to see so many people show up to practice albeit more difficult when you're trying to coordinate it in a new way. It was nice to be back in a routine, but at the same time, I still need to boost my own energy and focus so I can better power through these days. Slowly, but surely I am getting there, but right now, just like my athletes, I am powering through. What gets you to power through those busy days?

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 195]:~ Stop By

~:[CH10 - Day 195]:~ Stop By

I had to drop something off today so it was nice to be able to get a quick reload in when I did. I've wanted to do this stop by for awhile now, but with the craziness of how the school year ended and being away for a bit, it just didn't happen. As our days our often packed from start to finish, figure out if you can squeeze a bit of time before you need to get back on your way, especially if it fits in with things that you need to do. This stop by definitely gave me the energy I needed to finish up what I had to do through the day as I search for that efficiency button to make the most of these days. Adjustment week one status ... still adjusting. Where should I stop by next?

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 194]:~ Catching Up

~:[CH10 - Day 194]:~ Catching Up

I haven't seen this guy in forever, but I got a few minutes before getting to work to say hello. It's always tough getting back into the groove of things, especially when there are a pile of things to do. Normally I log these messages daily, but just like catching up with those I haven't seen, there are only so many hours in a day and my body is feeling it. Getting use to the early wake up hasn't been hard, but getting the work I need to get done in a day is more difficult, when it feels unending. Regardless, I caught a bit of a routine and with a few adjustments, I'll be as efficient as ever. A huge number of deadline loom over the next few weeks, so if you don't hear from me, you'll know why. I did carve out a block of time for myself, but still it will be a "fun" few weeks of work as I find my way towards catching up, as I look forward to catching up with you all as well!

Monday, July 12, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 193]:~ The Real Restart

~:[CH10 - Day 193]:~ The Real Restart

It was a bit weird. I hit the alarm at 5am and tried to get up. About 20 minutes later, I was finally up, took my shower, then headed to practice. What did I notice? It was the real feeling of a restart. Last year, we had the adapted restart, but this year, we have more of a real restart. Masks still are a thing here and there, but for the most part, it felt like a normal practice, with a few minor changes. After not having to going through this routine, everyone's memory was a bit rusty I had to do a little more teaching than normal and then doing things like wiping down the weight room after use and reminding the groups to stay distance were things that I hope eventually will be a thing of the past. Regardless, it was the real restart. I got my normal first day of practice fatigue, but not before I had to spend some time with the little ones during their visit. I tried to take a few naps, but they always wake me up. I now will have something to do every day for the rest of the summer, but I am hoping that it will lead to our real restart to life, something we've all been looking forward to. Life will never be the same, but at the same time, it's a chance to wipe the slate clean and chart a new path ahead. How will you plot your path ahead?

Sunday, July 11, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 192]:~ The Adjustment Back

~:[CH10 - Day 192]:~ The Adjustment Back

We all have to get used to adjusting back to a more normal. I feel like I am making a double adjustment. Regardless, I found my way back to a routine and doing a few things that I used to do before. There wasn't much on the plate for this day as I knew there would be a lot to prepare for the days ahead, however, I also had a few things on the checklist that were added since the pandemic, a few responsibilities on Sunday. As I did the shopping once again and got back into the routine, it was nice to finally adjust back and try to get back into a routine. Our heads and even hearts may not adjust right away, but slowly, I know we can find our way back into a new routine balance what we used to do with what we've been doing. I think life has always been that, but we've been thrusted into doing it a bit quicker. We shall see what the future holds, but for now, the adjustments feel like I am heading in the right direction. Are you?

Saturday, July 10, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 191]:~ The Connection

~:[CH10 - Day 191]:~ The Connection

It was wonderful to see two of my colleagues and friends find a connection. In a time where things have been challenging, others have found ways to make the most of this time, finding changing in a way that will start them on the right foot. I loved seeing the gazes they gave each other through the night and even more so, just being able to see the love and joy spread amongst those able to attend. I think that the celebrations ahead for us all will be just as joyous as the disconnect we had over the past year and a half will make our ability to connect so much joyous. Everything we do will have so much more importance and significance and significant events will feel extraordinary. Congratulations to these two newlyweds, as I hope that their journey ahead is as spectacular as they both are. 

Friday, July 9, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 190]:~ Dreams of Days Past

~:[CH10 - Day 190]:~ Dreams of Days Past

I actually stayed in Dallas before heading back to LA It's been quite a journey, but with time gain it was nice to not lose the time. As I dreamt about all the wonderful memories I have had, I imagined them as I passed through the beautiful clouds of the sky. On days where land sees these clouds, they normally only see gray skies, while we see the beauty of the formations high above those storm clouds. It's easy to lose track of time and dream and dreaming is something we should never forget to do. Thinking of the unimaginable or recalling beautiful memories of the days that have gone by give us a warmth within our hearts that keep us pushing forward. It's not long before the formation outside of our window comes and goes, but the memories of them will live in our hearts forever. Nest time you get the chance, just stare outside your window and soak in the beauty of this whole new world around you, not only filled with beautiful clouds, but within them hidden dreams of days pasts and hopes for the days ahead. 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 189]:~ Step Off the Train

~:[CH10 - Day 189]:~ Step Off the Train

Did you ever have that moment where you're like, I should ... but you didn't? I headed all the way to Incheon to get my final test (something I won't miss, but appreciate that they do) and headed back to figure out what the rest of the day would hold. I wanted to stop off at Wolmi and I finally figured out a route that wouldn't take all day. It was sad to see how dead it was (although it was a weekday), but also appreciated the fact that I could enjoy this place while fairly secluded. It was weird being in such an area with such a different feel. The seaside village type of feel was more evident with less crowds, but still had that resort town type vibe. I took a sky train to view the area from above before headed back into the city. As I wasn't sure what to do with the rest of the day, I was sitting on the train and realized that I was near the location of Sandox from StartUp. I was debating whether or not to stop off and then just said, what the heck, let's go. I explored and then took an extremely long walk over to the Floating Islands and Banpo Bridge. I wasn't sure if there would be the water bridge show and if it would be too early to light up, but the long walk, allowed me to be there when the show happened and the buildings lit up. I passed on my last potential spot to head back and grab a quick bite before the "store curfew" and then went in and rested and planned my day of packing. It's not FOMO, but sometimes your instincts tell you to just do it and in this case, stepping off that train gave me a few last experiences before I jetted off. Don't be left with that moment where you say, I should have, rather seize that opportunity and see where it takes you. It could end up being a long adventure to nowhere, but my view is at least I got some exercise (or an experience). Regardless, in many cases, stepping off that train will lead you to something unexpected. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 188]:~ Reflect

~:[CH10 - Day 188]:~ Reflect

It was great to have some time to catch up with a few people today. I woke up early to stroll through Apgujeong again. It has some nice little brunch places in the area and I've already experienced the liveliness of the area at night. I then headed over to the DDP where they had their TeamLab exhibit. It is always an unmatched experienced and while the Tokyo location always is top notch, the Seoul exhibit is pretty nice in itself. My feet were dead by days end as we strolled back and forth getting everything taken care of while enjoying good food and good views. As I looked back on the day and this stretch, I really appreciated the fact that I was able to explore, enjoy things, while still staying safe. It's interesting how much of a contrast it has been to see what life is like here versus at home. I wonder how I will feel going back home where my mask may redirect attention and where I will no longer be able to walk out my door and easily get to where I need to go, rather facing the lengthy traffic all around. However, no matter what, I am grateful for this opportunity to not only meet people I knew, but also make a few new friends who I hope I can visit once more. The world is a beautiful place no matter where you venture off to. While I hit up some places that were amazing, some of the best spots and experiences were ones that you could probably find anywhere where you are. While we all may be itching to getaway, just know that sometimes the greatest getaway is closer than you think. Stay safe and health and I hope to see you all soon!

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 187]:~ Tearing Down Walls

~:[CH10 - Day 187]:~ Tearing Down Walls

I had a lazy morning. I needed some rest, but then got up and went to work. I hike up and down these hills to see something more beautiful than I could have imagined. I randomly found this place only to discover how much I needed this view. In life we sometimes don't realize what we are capable of. When we focus on what we are doing, we overcome all the obstacles that face us, whether a mountain or something beyond our control. However, when we go in with the right mindset, our ability to overcome increases. Although we cannot guarantee success, we can guarantee satisfactions in our efforts. The signs along the wall said do not climb on the walls, but today, I tore them down as I pushed through to the top and the view was my reward. As today I walked the most that I have since I arrived. I was satisfied and while I also had time to meet with a friend and then visit a few more areas, this was the feat that I will remember the most, for the day and maybe for the trip. I hope each one of you finds a way to tear down those walls that try to keep you from reaching what you aim for and sometimes what you never knew existed.

Monday, July 5, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 186]:~ In My Seoul

~:[CH10 - Day 186]:~ In My Seoul

I started the day at Soul Cup and then soaked in more of what the city had to offer. As I wandered once again through the Olympic Park, I recalled the first time I visited here and found some new spots throughout the park. It's a beautiful place and even better when it's completely empty. It wasn't the best weather, but I managed. I ventured to all the spots I had on my list for the day, then met up with a friend in a nearby neighborhood. As while we often search for the amazing and miraculous. while I got some of that, I also got some of the peace and quiet that definitely reaches down and touches your soul.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 185]:~ Hello Jeju

~:[CH10 - Day 185]:~ Hello Jeju

It was a last minute decision, but I ended up doing a day trip down to Jeju. I went to meet a friend and we ended up hitting up a lot of local stops and enjoying foods that are best in Jeju. Bomal Kalguksu was one of those dishes and it was delicious. We paired it with an abalone rice and it definitely had a different flavor to it. After a little more venturing, we parted ways and I met with an MUN advisor in Jeju. He wanted to chat and ask some questions, so we did as he drove me back towards Jeju city. I parted ways with him after we arrived and headed to adventure some more. The suggestion from my friend was a joke, but I went to check it out and maybe it wasn't a good idea. It was interesting still, but I won't go back. Haha. By that time, it was pouring again. I caught the bus and headed back into town, however, I wanted to eat first. I found a little restaurant which was delicious and then walked into the airport as I wasn't 100% which bus to take me into the airport. The walk was longer than I had thought it would be and it was slower because of the rain. I made it, however. It was packed in the airport since most of the people are taking domestic trips and just happened to be a Sunday. I avoided people at all costs and finally boarded. Many flights were delayed, but ours was not luckily. I flew home with enough time to catch one of the last trains back in. It was a long day, but well worth the trek down especially to get some quality time! 

Saturday, July 3, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 184]:~ Curtain Call

~:[CH10 - Day 184]:~ Curtain Call

The day started off a little off beat. I made a little blunder, but overall it ended up being a funny story. While it would have saved me time in the long run, I was fine with it happening as I figured things out and it was a reminder to really look into all the details before you go to do something. I joked around after it happened and I'll have to have a do over in a few days. Regardless, I wandered a bit and was excited to meet my tutor for the first time in person. What a nice person he is! It was pouring rain, but we will enjoyed seeing Wonpil in his performance and then finished the night off with some BBQ. It was amazing to see the mass amount of people in the audience today. Since it was his final performance, not only was it sold out, but he would make a closing speech. It was great to hear and I was also happy because I was able to get some shots during the curtain call. Wonpil has always struck me as a more quiet person and while his character displays much of how he is, I think he does open up a bit more than normal which is great to see. I enjoyed seeing this side of Wonpil rather than just the band Wonpil. While the lights went out on this chapter for Wonpil, very quickly a new chapter will open as they will release a new album in a few days as the excitement is definitely ramping up among their fans. The rain poured down which made the day challenging, but truly there was not much that could have ruined this wonderful awesome day.

Friday, July 2, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 183]:~ Living in the Drama


 ~:[CH10 - Day 183]:~ Living in the Drama

It's one thing to watch a drama and feel like you're there and another to walk as if you are in the drama. As I ventured through Petite France and Nami Island, you get that sense of being teleported to a new world. From My Love From Another Star to Winter Sonata or others like When My Love Blooms, you get the feel of what it was like and transforms the drama itself. It was fun to explore and it was more than just me on this tour, which was nice for once. Of course when exploring, I went off by myself most of the time as I do not like to waste time at all. My legs are dead, however, I would do it all over again to make the most of the time that I am given.  Of course how do you end the day ... grabbing some chicken at a drama spot of course. Today was exhausting, but it was well worth it all, as I was living the life in the drama. 

Thursday, July 1, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 182]:~ Plotting

~:[CH10 - Day 182]:~ Plotting

I think too often than not, people now thing of getting from point A to point B, which is fine, but sometimes they forget about plotting. You need to find your way from point A to point B, but you can't always make a straight line and a straight line was definitely impossible today. I ventured down to Frankie's for a quick meet, then found a few spots here and there that I wanted to check out. It was cool to be able to make good use of the time I had as I plotted from one point to the next. When I exhausted one list, I ventured to the next and found a few more, discovering a few gems along the way. I ended in a spot I was familiar with and while I'll be back here for an exhibition later, it's always nice to catch this place, especially at night. There are a lot more place I plan on adding to my plot, but for now, I'll rest in satisfaction knowing that I did what I could. It was an extremely efficient day, but another one where my muscles are asking me why. I know one thing, plotting is definitely plotting against my body and forcing me to get into shape very quickly.