Saturday, February 29, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 60]:~ Something New, Something Blue

~:[CH9 - Day 60]:~ Something New, Something Blue
Aside from the thigh burning exercise, the Vessel was a great add to our itinerary this year. It was fun to kick off the trip and our adventure around and boy was it. We were able to get our rooms upon arrival which was amazing, but of course, we were all still exhausted. We dragged around the city all day, took a rest, and then ended at the Empire State Building. It wasn't a perfect day, but I'll take it. Oh, what was blue? The sky! I am wondering how this weather is like it is. Of course, rain is on the horizon, so we will enjoy it while we can. 

Friday, February 28, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 59]:~ A Little Too Much Chaos

~:[CH9 - Day 59]:~ A Little Too Much Chaos
You honestly want the day of a departure to be relaxing, but this year, it was not at all. With a field conflict, the discus for ABC District Championships was held on Friday. On top of that, we were "hosting" the meet so I had to get all that ready before I left along with all the sub plans and deal with this and that. It wasn't an ideal day prior to leaving, but that is life. You deal with all that comes with your way and try to keep yourself standing at the end. Well, I ended up just knocked out on a plane, getting some rest, so I'll take that. We will see how this week goes, but for now, I am just glad to be able to rest on the plane just for a bit before the real chaos begins. 

Thursday, February 27, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 58]:~ Kicking It Off with a Smile

~:[CH9 - Day 58]:~ Kicking It Off with a Smile
It hasn't all been smooth sailing so far, however, we were able to get a good start to the season at the Black & Gold Meet. A number of people came back to visit and participate including this little guy who stole the show with his 100m dash. He fell, got back up, and continued on. It's been a crazy stretch as we head into Nationals, however, we are almost there and even if we fall, we'll back up and finish with a smile. Track season, here we go!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 57]:~ Tomorrow's Promise

~:[CH9 - Day 57]:~ Tomorrow's Promise
Sometimes we wonder what tomorrow will bring. What will all the hard work we put in today bring for us tomorrow? Hard work promises us nothing more than the satisfaction that we worked hard towards our goals. Our performance is dependent on a number of factors that sometimes we have no control over, we only can control what we can control. Instead of looking what we should get when we work hard, let's focus on doing our best and letting everything else fall into place. Sure, sometimes you must force the issues and make things happen, however, don't expect it to happen just because you put in the work. There are lots of people who will do the same and you just have to give yourself the best opportunity by working harder than they do. I am so proud of all my students and athletes all the time because they put in all that time and effort and my only hope is that all the work provides them with the rewards they deserve. Regardless, if not, I can already say just how proud I am of them all. We kick off our season tomorrow and head to Nationals on Friday, let's just see what all this hard work has done for us. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 56]:~ Precious Times

~:[CH9 - Day 56]:~ Precious Times
I think in your teens and your 20s, you see life as a need for a huge event to make it special. However, it is in simplicity that you find precious times as the years pass by. I had the pleasure to spend time with my friend today and hold his precious daughter for about an hour. My arm was tired and at one point, my foot fell asleep, but I would not have traded that precious time for anything. She was a little wiggly at fidgety at first, but settled down and slept for awhile after. In the craziness of the day, trying to stay on top of everything and get everything ready for next week, it was a nice moment of calm and some precious times I can definitely treasure. While there are days you need those great adventures or landmark days, find appreciation in the simplest of things, because often they are grander than anything else you may discover. 

Monday, February 24, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 55]:~ Goodbye to the Everyday

~:[CH9 - Day 55]:~ Goodbye to the Everyday
Every day, I pop into my best friend's room and say hello. We've taken a selfie almost every school day the past three school years. It's a daily routine and he knows just what to do when I walk in. However, it's these every day encounters like these that we will one day have to say goodbye to. Whether it's retirement or whatnot, that daily thing we take for granted will one day be gone. Today was a day that was a difficult for so many in the basketball community and those connected with it. With the memorial service of Kobe Bryant and with pictures coming from my mom in Hawaii who attended my aunt's memorial service, it was a reminder that life is short and these things that we see as everyday things are things we should treasure deeply. From the hellos at practices to the laughs her and there to the quick chat trying to catch up, these are things we should appreciate just as much as memorable trips and extravagant outings. Why? Because at the end of the day, the people who are truly special in your lives don't need something extravagant to feel appreciated, they simply need you, your love and care, your concern, your support, your words or you ear. It's not about how the bling, but about happiness in the moment that brings a glimmer in the eye that will outshine any piece of jewelry. I will have a collage of thousands of pictures, but one day, our selfies will be no more. I hope that moment will not be soon, but I won't wait until that moment to appreciate these special moments. Everyday moments should be appreciated every day, as those will be the moments that you'll miss the most when it's time to say goodbye. 

Sunday, February 23, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 54]:~ The Search

~:[CH9 - Day 54]:~ The Search
Life is like a pot of hot pot, you never know what you're going to get. With so many different things embedded in a pot, you really don't know what you're going to pull up the next time you reach into the pot. However, I guess it's strangely similar to life. You may go down a certain path, but when you're on that path, who knows what will be there along the way. Sometimes you get a lot more than you thought and at other times, you may have been left disappointed. In enjoying lunch with a friend, I thought about it. As I swirled my chop sticks into the pot, I wondered what would come out next and if anything was left over. We never know when our time will expire in this world, so we must take the time to enjoy it. Instead of complaining over what life hands us, we can either appreciate that we were given something or search around for what more life has to offer. Life is too short to complain or to take a negative view on everything. Appreciate, love, share and just live. Let's all dip our chop sticks in the pot of life and see what surprises await us next.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 53]:~ Without Skipping a Beat

~:[CH9 - Day 53]:~ Without Skipping a Beat
They say that love makes your heart your heart skip a beat, yet when reuniting with our group of friends, we surely reconnected as if we haven't skipped a beat. I wasn't feeling too energetic after a long week and even considered resting for the night, but after the conference in the morning, I jetted over to the wedding and my only regret was considering staying home. It was such a joy to see everyone, to reconnect with them all and to celebrate like old times. It's awesome to see the love between a couple at a wedding and this was no different, but it was also incredible to see the love we have together as a group. I sometimes am upset at myself because my schedule is so busy and I don't often get to see everyone, but at times where we get to reconnect, I am grateful to have such great people around me. Somehow the timing of this wedding fell between my two work travel weekends and right after my morning conference and I doubt that it was a coincidence. In the end, we did what we normally do and danced until the lights came back on and they kicked us out and it made me so happy. In life, there is a lot that we chase and hope to attain and achieve, but never forget that it's the love of friends and family that will outlast anything else. As in the process of striving for those great things in your life and careers, just don't forget what is the greatest. Tonight I was reminded of that and will forever be grateful. 

Friday, February 21, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 52]:~ Stand Strong

~:[CH9 - Day 52]:~ Stand Strong
It's been about two months since I saw Amber last, but we finally reconnected and I was able to get her the photos from her event. I rushed over from work and just made it inside, parking in a place that I thought would close at 11. Sadly that was not the case and I left the concert early for nothing. However, I was blessed to be able to witness such an amazing person perform on stage. She is a talented singer and rapper and I knew that when I first came across one of her videos and made a parody to it. Fast foward and now I was against the rail at her concert cheering her on. What I liked most about the concert was the message she conveyed to everyone there. She told personal stories that helped send an important message to her fans. "Life will only give you what you can handle," she said at one point, as she referred to something her mom had told her long ago. She opened with telling everyone to enjoy the concert they way they want to and not be afraid to be yourself and the like. She showed her vulnerabilities through her stories, but in that same sequence, she showed her growth and her strength. I was uplifted and didn't want to leave, but I worried that my car would get locked in the lot and I would miss the conference in the morning. I'm sure there were a lot more inspiring messages that came after, but even in the time that I was there, she won me over. As she said, she has her faults, but it in accepting that, that she is able to find her strength. We all have the ability to turn our vulnerabilities into strengths, we just have to believe that we can do just that. Trust in yourself, be yourself and know that you are ready to stand strong through all that life has to throw at you. While at times it may seem hopeless, stand strong, as you can truly handle all that life will throw at you. 

Thursday, February 20, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 51]:~ Sharpening the Edges

~:[CH9 - Day 51]:~ Sharpening the Edges
Forty three students gathered for our final grill before NHSMUN. Normally these meetings last until 8:30 or 9pm, however, we cut it a bit short since we also hold our parent meeting the same evening. However, it was enough time for the students to show their stuff as they finalized their prep for the conference. There were a number of strong speeches and we closed with a few solid ones as well that left me feeling pretty good about the upcoming trip. It was just this week that I returned from Vancouver and in a week, I'll be headed off to New York. It's crazy how busy this time of the year is, but we survive and part of the reasons is because these students are motivated to do well. You never know what is ahead, but as far as I can see, these students are ready. Their final internet assignments rolled in through the night and it's only a matter of time before we are headed as a group across the country for this conference they've put so much time and effort into. If they weren't already sharp before this, they definitely sharpened themselves up this evening. Here we go!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 50]:~ Destined for Greatness

~:[CH9 - Day 50]:~ Destined for Greatness
Do we all start on the same starting line? Do we have the same opportunity to achieve that greatness or is there a head start for some? I know this is something that is debatable among many, however, I also see it is opportunity to remind people that regardless of our situations, we must first look at allowing that greatness to grow. Even if you're at a disadvantage, you cannot approach ever situation as if you are, as you'll leave yourself further behind. I have to go about and believe that I can and those I work with can become great, as "greatness" is also something that is relative. Let's leave another time to focus on allowing us to get what we have and focus our current time on making strides towards that greatness that we push ourselves and those around us towards. To my students, my athletes, my friends and my family, you are all great and you all are destined for greatness. Keep pushing forward in what you wish to pursue and let not the discouraging world around you hold you back. Stay positive and keep your eyes on the prize so that together we can cross that finish line and celebrate. Whether we cross it at the same time or not, I know that we can all get. Whether the world paves a path for us or we have to face obstacles along the way, I know we can all do it, especially when we have each other.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 49]:~ Sometimes the Shot Falls

~:[CH9 - Day 49]:~ Sometimes the Shot Falls
It was a little rough waking up about six hours after I got home, but I am also used to it. I got up and headed to school with a little skip in my step. I was actually excited to get back. There were a pile of things for me to do, but ultimately, I worked my way through it and started the process of preparing to get back into a routine for the week. However, what I was most excited about was the game that would take place tonight. I got through the day, went through practice and even got to experience the college signing of one of my athletes. I was tired, but got my energy up to head out to Salesian for the game. We got off to a good start and had a nice battle in the first, but started to miss shots in the third and the lead ballooned a bit. We kept pushing and with just over a minute left and the lead to 16, we pressured the ball, fouled and called timeouts. Most people complain when this happens and say, accept the loss, but my brother never does and today proved why. From 16, the lead slowly dropped with only seconds going off the clock. We missed a few opportunities and lost a few offensive rebounds the last few minutes, but we got the lead down to six with about 14 seconds left. Sadly, we couldn't close it any further. My voice was gone from cheering (and yelling at the refs). The game itself though was a reminder that in life, the shots will sometimes fall and sometimes they will not. We didn't get the shots we needed, while they did. However, it's never a reason to give up. Give your all until the final buzzer and leave that court proud that you gave your all. Even if you don't end up victorious on the scoreboard, you will know what you put forth and others will see it as well. We lost, but everyone could feel proud that we didn't give up. Some days that shot doesn't fall, but when you keep pushing, when you keep working and when you never give up, one day, you find that sometime when that shot will fall. Keep driving, keep shooting and never, ever give up. 

Monday, February 17, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 48]:~ High Above the Sky

~:[CH9 - Day 48]:~ High Above the Sky
We always strive to be rising above when aiming at our goals and soon enough we'll be there. As I glanced out the window on our flights home, I saw the beautiful scenery and realized just how beautiful it is to soar high above the sky. When your rise up, you'll find views you never imagined you'd see with your own eyes. Today was the tenth day I was with this group. It fell at a perfect time as we had two holidays and didn't have to rush back. The weather was perfect as we saw sun in both Seattle and Vancouver and I realized this as we soared into this beautiful skyscape, gliding into Seattle. We were homeward bound and I was excited to go home, but when I look back upon a week with this group, they reminded me of some great things including how it feels to simply float along high above everyone else. We had a few hiccups through the week as all trips do, but for the most part, there weren't any problem and nothing to complain about. I am glad to be free of this group who talked so loudly and sometimes blocked the way of others after I repeatedly tried to get them out of the way, but when I looked at them, they were laughing and smiling, living in those same clouds above. They found a place where they were soaring and that's what this is all about. Sometimes I ask myself the question, why invest so much time into what I do and today, my question was answered. The memories we created and experiences we had cannot be replaced by any other experience, it will never be duplicated, as each experience is one in its own. However, to give these students a memory they can carry with them for the rest of their lives is something that makes me push even more to ensure that the Is are dotted and the Ts are crossed. Sure, there were headaches here and there, but by trips end, I was happy to be home, but even more happy that we shared the time that we did. Life is full of years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds, but you don't always get a second chance to make the most of all the time that you have. Go out there and experience the day, shed the negativity and soak in all the beauty life has to offer and soon enough you'll find yourself rising to places you wish you had been before. Eventually we touched back down to the ground and the normalcy of life will soon take hold again, but at least for these few moments, we experienced what it was to soar and because of it, we'll look forward to the day we will soar once again.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 47]:~ The Cherry on Top

~:[CH9 - Day 47]:~ The Cherry on Top
This group was very loud, but they also were cohesive. They spent so much time together and I was appreciative of a group that got along so well. As we closed out the final day of an exhausting conference, we ended up with nine of our 11 students getting awards including three gavels. We were only in five committees, so they did pretty well. However, it wasn't the awards that were the cherry on top, but the effort that they put into the conference. They worked hard, stayed focused and were detailed throughout. They were engaged and I didn't really have to get on them to stay involved. I guess it's because they love to talk. I will be happy to go home after being away for so long, but am also glad for the memories that we got to share together during the trip. We closed out the night with gelato and ice skating, as we say farewell to Vancouver. 

Saturday, February 15, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 46]:~ Endurance

~:[CH9 - Day 46]:~ Endurance
One of my students asked how she was doing. The chair said, have endurance. It was the beginning of the longest day of the conference. The students started at 8am and finished with their crisis by 2am. They had breaks throughout the day, but this day is one of the most intense I've been on in the MUN circuit. Of course, the students endured. They knew what was ahead of them and while at times they just wanted to sleep, they stuck it out and made it through until the very end. They looked drained and so was I. In life we face these same tasks. We see something in front of us and at times it seems unsurmountable. If we go in with the mindset that we can endure, in many cases, we will climb to the top. When we go in with a negative mindset, we all know what will ensue. Life is about endurance, but it is also about focusing on what you want to accomplish and chasing after it. Even if we fall short, we know we gave it our all. Today, I was proud of these students who stayed focused and engaged. They were often told they were too detailed, which I don't mind at all, as it means we've done the research we've needed to and prepared how we should have. While I give the students their freedom in preparation for this conference, they still managed to impress me, as I was satisfied in every committee I stepped foot in, whether at 10am or 1am later that evening. It was a long day, but the students endured and for that reason, I will rest easy.

Friday, February 14, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 45]:~ Love is in the Air

~:[CH9 - Day 45]:~ Love is in the Air
We walked down Robson Street as couple after couple strolled by. We were together with our team. We had a team dinner on a day celebrated by couples, yet, there wasn't a moment it seemed that they minded at all. The group had a great dinner after an exhausting day in committee. To treat them for their hard work, we gave them gifts throughout the day, culminating with a Valentines Day photo booth. They had their fun taking photos while also making wristbands. In the end they made Vancouver wristbands for the team with VAN. Eileen and I received flowers from the students, both surprises as it was a perfect way to end the evening. While Valentines Day is often focused on couples, it can also be a day where we show our loves for those who are important to us and today we did just that. We celebrated each other's company and the fact that this group is quite cohesive. It may be a day for couples, but today showed me a couple more reasons why it's so much more.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 44]:~ It's Natural

~:[CH9 - Day 44]:~ It's Natural 
It was one of those days that things just tend to flow. Although it was raining in the morning, it didn't slow us down. We were able to just have enough time at our spots despite the fact that they walked incredibly slow. They all took a spirit animal quiz and it was no surprise that a lot of them got sloth. We saw a sloth at the aquarium as we enjoyed the marine wildlife and also walking through Stanley Park, as it was the only way to the aquarium. They were pretty worn down by days end. We ended up eating at a Korean restaurant and they all decided to call it a night. They went back and prepped for conference. We've had a great time touring and now it's time to get down to business. We enjoyed the great outdoors and all it has to offer, as they got a little different scenery than they're used to back at home. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 43]:~ Another Season

~:[CH9 - Day 43]:~ Another Season
We weren't the most prepared group on the mountain. In fact, you probably could say we were the least prepared, however, we still enjoyed the beautiful conditions and experienced another season, something we really don't have in LA. Since we weren't dressed for the part, we just enjoyed some time sledding on the mountain which still was a little bit of a task as it was a bit more exciting than I thought it would be. They raced down the hills and had a good time adding a bit of competition to it. After a day where we spent enjoying the beauty of Capilano Bridge, we were tired, however, somehow we spent almost four hours up on the mountain, catching the sunset before heading back down. The day ended up better than I had expected and they got to enjoy another season they don't always get to experience. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 42]:~ Right on Time

~:[CH9 - Day 42]:~ Right on Time
It was before 6am and we were already lugging our luggage across Seattle trying to make it to the station. We made it and had just enough time to check in our luggage before boarding our train. The staff helped us get our own train and while others could go into our car, most people walked in and then found another car to stay in. It was nice not having to worry about others and appreciated a nice trek across the border. We must have had good timing, as we had great weather and while we all exhausted, we pulled ourselves out to enjoy the city and even grabbed some good food along the way. It's almost conference time, but for now, we will enjoy the beautiful sites of the city including this landmark in Gastown.

Monday, February 10, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 41]:~ As Fine As Glass

~:[CH9 - Day 41]:~ As Fine As Glass
It was a gorgeous day, almost too gorgeous. To see the blue Seattle sky was amazing, but we also had a wonderful day starting with the Space Needle and Glass Museum to a fun day in MPop. The students were excited that they had a Minecraft exhibit, although I did not have much exposure to the game. This team simply just likes being around each other and it makes it an easy trip. We've eaten together for a few meals already, which is more than we do during most trips. We closed the night off with watching the Oscar winning Parasite on our movie night and while they opted for this over a musical, I think that they appreciated it just as much. It was definitely a day as fine as glass and definitely as priceless. As while we may let these days pass on by, I think it's important that we appreciate them just like a piece in a museum. I know I will. Off to Vancouver! 

Sunday, February 9, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 40]:~ When the Sun Sets

~:[CH9 - Day 40]:~ When the Sun Sets
It was strange, there was sun in Seattle in the winter. It meant a beautiful day where we got to venture out and enjoy the beauty of the city. From the morning tour, to Pike Place Market, the pier and the sculpture garden, we had sunshine and even a sunset. As I watched the students enjoy the view of the sunset, I couldn't help but think that soon, just like the day, the sun will set on this trip and their senior year. However, even when that happens, the memories of this trip will far outlast this moment. As we sat around eating dinner and even shopping at Walgreens, this group just wanted to chat together and be together and that told me these would be moments they would hold on to for a long time down the road. Life can be crazy and will have its ups and downs, but when you drop all the drama, you drop all the judgements and just enjoy what is offered to you, you get a day that carries on even when the light has faded. On a day where the sun shone brightly in the beautiful blue sky, the light of the day far outlasted sun and that is a day more beautiful than any other. 

Saturday, February 8, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 39]:~ And We Have Lift Off

~:[CH9 - Day 39]:~ And We Have Lift Off
There has been a little craziness the past two weeks, but we arrived here. My cold settled down a bit and the weather wasn't too bad. We ventured out to Chinatown as they celebrated their lunar new year today. The streets were packed with vendors and lively performances were ongoing in the nearby park. We still had our share of craziness today, but regardless, it was a great start to the trip. I don't think that this group separated much at all, as they seemed to stick by each other's side throughout the day, which is nice, although together they are quite the loud bunch. I also was able to run into an alumni today. I am amazed that was only day one, but a great day one it was. We have a number of days left on this trek, but at least for now, we started with a safe liftoff and survived awake by night's end. Although we sunk to the bottom of the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Escape Room, I'm sure everyone felt as if we were floating through this magical day one. 

Friday, February 7, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 38]:~ For Them ...

~:[CH9 - Day 38]:~ For Them ...
There were so many boxes to check off today. With a list of things to do, I had to take care of them all to ensure it was taken care of before we left. From food orders to paperwork, leaving supplies in the right place, and packing. Within there, I grabbed a quick lunch with a friend and even saw little Jordan before I left. He had his fun running around and is learning how to go out and about and even trying to figure out how to work the gate. It's a moment like this that makes your heart melt. Later on, my students were showing off their stuff as they started opening speeches for simulation in class. While they didn't have much time to prepare, they got their content together and had pretty solid presentations to start. It is for them that we must raises our voices and fight for a society that will protect us and treat us right. I hope that they can find themselves in a place where they have their freedom of choice, aren't afraid of retribution when they do right, and have good role models to follow. I don't want to see them restricted because of fear or because of some regulation place on them, but I want them to be able to thrive and show who they are. For a while, I had no fear about the direction of this country,  however, never have I been so embarrassed while at the same time so fearful. Differing in policy is one thing, but to be vial, derogatory, attacking and vindictive as a leader is a whole different issue. I worry not that the policies that I support won't be put into place, but more so that the actions of those in power will influence the minds that have such promise. Let's raise our voices, but more important, let's take action by being engaged and using our greatest power, our votes. Situations like this often leave us discouraged as we think, there's nothing we more we can do. Rather, that is just the time that we must speak even louder and march even longer to ensure a better life, not just for ourselves, but for those who will be those leaders of tomorrow. Instead of arguing about policies and differences, let's focus on first building a foundation of character and morals. Building upon that foundation by guiding them to learn perseverance and grit, by challenging them, encouraging them, while also avoiding to carry them or clearing a path for them. Let them learn and decide for themselves, to think critically and learn how to work and negotiation with others rather than simply trying to get their way. As while our current political system seems to be in disarray, at least we can look towards our future and see what we can do to make their future better, not by trying to influence them to support a certain side or policy, but rather, by giving them the foundation that all people should have so that they can make the right decisions. It doesn't mean that they will always come out on the winning end, but that doesn't mean that this process wasn't a success. 

Thursday, February 6, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 37]:~ Leaning + Fun = Win

~:[CH9 - Day 37]:~ Leaning + Fun = Win
Sometimes it's hard to keep the experiences light while trying to go through a lot of material or sometimes the class is just not meant to do certain activities, but when you can incorporate the fun into learning, you definitely get a W. With one group of students creating an apple alliance to some wonderful culture presentations, the lessons were education, yet also fun. Balancing that fun with focus can be a challenge and with every class, the approach must be different, but once you find that balance, you're bound to succeed. I was impressed by the artistic and creative skills of my students and while there still a few who need a little push now and then, today was a day that they mostly were on tasking and doing the quality work I strive for. This same learning + fun went into the night as we stayed late for Nationals grills. We worked on some of the skills they will need for Nationals, but I think most every left with a positive energy and vibe with a little extra something in their brain. Sometimes you find a day that you say, "I wish everyday could be like this," and while hardships teach you a lot, it's also nice when thing just sail along. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 36]:~ What to Leave and What to Take

~:[CH9 - Day 36]:~ What to Leave and What to Take
Life is a constant process of evaluation. You think about what challenges to take on and what challenges to leave behind, what memories to take with you and what memories to leave behind and the like. It's a process and not an easy one; however, it's a necessary one. It's easy to leave things behind you should have taken with you and to carry extra baggage you left behind, however, in most cases, you have another chance to fix the mistake you made. There will be many tough moments in your life that you can learn from, carry those lessons, but leave the pain behind over time. Similarly, you can carry the joy of success with you, however, if you only carry joy, you won't be as ready to handle those challenges that await you. Life is an interesting battle of its ups and downs and while I may have lost you miles ago, I hope you remember to self-reflect from time to time and to double check the direction your heading. It's easy to daydream when you're coasting along a isolated stretch of highway, missing the exit along the way. When life feels monotonous, don't allow yourself to stray of course, but rather, constantly look at what changes and improvements you can make to ensure you're exactly where you need to be. Take a quick glance in your mirrors and make sure you don't forget those important things you may have accidentally left behind. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 35]:~ The Darkness Approaches

~:[CH9 - Day 35]:~ The Darkness Approaches
*whistle blows* ... "Touchdown," says the referee. The coaches approaches and says, "the ball never crossed the plane of the goal line" The referee responds, "well, I think he did." The coach throws the challenge flag. The referee announces, "I am not going to check the replay footage because I already made the right call." ,.. After the game the reporter asks, "The ball never crossed the plane of the goal line, why did  you call it a touchdown?" The referee responds, "there wasn't enough evidence to overturn the call. I get it, I see the eye rolls. However, I'm afraid that darkness approaches us and it will engulf us if we don't do much about it. It's funny because the past few days, we've seen our Senate, vote to deny witnesses and documents and then the same Senators have the audacity to say, they voted no because there was not enough information. They voted down calling a specific witness who said they had direct knowledge, they even voted down the ability of the Chief Justice to allow witnesses and documents at his discretion. They argue they should have already had a case, but what do you do when witnesses you subpoena get denied and the documents you requested, never get sent (or released after the vote occurred). The chances of a guilty verdict was slim (as I said before), however, it's the job of the Senate to have a trial. A trial is where they evaluate evidence to determine the verdict, but they refused the evidence and thus, did not fulfill their duty to hold that trial. In my opening analogy, fans would have been irate if this had been the case and the citizens should be the same. No, it's not a matter of party, but a matter of duty. The Congress failed. We have a broken system from top to bottom and on both sides of the aisle and there truly needs to be a change or else, the darkness will engulf us. Many of us feel the same, but we all feel helpless. We need to find to fight partisanship and polarization and while it's become more so under Trump, the problems started long before. It's a sad day for our country and I hope that we all can see it and I hope that we can find a way to fix our system so it works for us. As while we live in the United States, we live in times so divided that soon enough, if we can't unify back together, the darkness will be the one that reigns. Let's hold our government accountable; fans would do so, let's ensure that citizens will do the same.

Monday, February 3, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 34]:~ Hanging On

~:[CH9 - Day 34]:~ Hanging On
I said goodbye and tried to leave and then he rolled over. Was it in protest? Sometimes it's hard to say goodbye when you're having a great time together. I guess with friends or family, you internally throw that fit, caught in that bind where you need to go, but want more of that quality time. However, at some point, you must say goodbye. I felt that when I said goodbye to Jordan. It was cute. It was a much needed lift from the grind of the day. With all that is going on and all on the to do list, it inspired me to work a bit harder and to do a bit more. We all hang out to those precious moments, as we should, so let's all hang out just a bit longer to those we love and cherish each of those seconds, as we really don't know how many more of those moments we have.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 33]:~ The Talent Around Me

~:[CH9 - Day 33]:~ The Talent Around Me
Today was a day where I had two things to accomplish, get some rest so I can recover and to catch my last chance to watch my friend perform if I felt up to it. I felt just well enough to do it, so I set out and caught the show. I'm definitely glad I did. I am so appreciative that I have so many talented people around me involved in the arts. Not only is it a good way to collaborate, it's also a great way to celebrate their excellence by catching their show. Sure, it becomes demanding in the time it takes to get out to those events, but I am always so appreciative. Although someone spilled water all over me during the first procession, I didn't allow it to ruin me soaking in the beautiful performance. It was a gorgeous display of beautiful colors, culture, and of course, talented people. As while there wasn't too much on the agenda today, I at least got one of the two things done. Now I just have to kick this cold. 

Saturday, February 1, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 32]:~ The Extra

~:[CH9 - Day 32]:~ The Extra
We didn't have to have practice today, but these athletes accepted that offer and took the extra time to go the extra mile. While it conflicted with another school event, those who could go went and it's always a blessing to see when athletes put in the extra effort. In our own lives, I think we can look at ourselves and say, do we do that little bit extra when it's not asked of us? So many of those around me do and I think it's contagious to force me to do more when needed. We all strive to accomplish certain things in our lives and I hope that at every opportunity we have, we put in that little extra to make it worthwhile, even if it we already surpassed where we wanted to go in the first place.