Monday, July 31, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 212]:~ Like Old Times

~:[CH6 - Day 212]:~ Like Old Times
It felt like old times today. After a solid practice with an impressive group making it the whole route, I took a nap and did some work to start catching up on what I needed to finish. After going through the Moltres craze of the day, I ventured out to Cham Sut Gol for Korean BBQ. TNT was back, so we all caught up and I got to sit with the Enomotos. It felt like old times growing up when we all used to go out back in the SEYO days and also with TNT it was like the old XC days. Regardless, it felt like old times and while the food was good, the time together was even better. I'm stuffed to the brim because of all the food, but my heart is even more full, as I am blessed to spend time with these amazing people. Count your blessings and cherish the loved ones around you, as while time will pass, they are the foundation that will help you stay on your feet. Thank you to all those who are a part of my past, but are the reason for the success of my future. 

Sunday, July 30, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 211]:~ Why Not?

~:[CH6 - Day 211]:~ Why Not?
I was a little tired in the morning since I didn't sleep much the night before, had a long day and even woke up early. I headed down to play a bit more, won a bit, then checked out the baccarat tournament being held at the Palazzo. Sadly, they weren't going to start until 2:45pm, so I gave up hope on joining. We had a great last few moments together at brunch, then playing our final few moments on the floor. After we finished, it was past 2:45pm already, later than I expected we'd be in Vegas. It worked out that we headed back to the Venetian, so I ended up stopping to check out the tournament and joined in. I never played a tournament before and so I wasn't super comfortable, but by the end, I had collected 229k and was in the top 25. It was a great way to end the trip. We had a traffic-filled trip home, but it gave us time to chat, enjoy the sunset, and simply spend time together. As I thought back, I wondered, would the day be different had I decided not to pursue something I wanted to get involved in? Would the missed opportunity create a void? I'll never really know, but based on my past experiences, I feel that you should always give it a shot. Whether you are successful or not, giving yourself the opportunity leaves no doubt and even motivation to improve in the future. Don't back down, even if you're intimidated, as you just might surprise yourself like I did. A great opportunity coming your way that you are not sure you can do ... should you take it? Why not? At least you won't be left asking yourself the shoulda, woulda, couldas. Go get 'em! Carpe Diem!

Saturday, July 29, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 210]:~ Lost in a DayZ

~:[CH6 - Day 210]:~ Lost in a DayZ
It's easy to get lost in life. To wonder, what am I doing? Where am I headed? What do I want in life? If life were so simple, we might live in Pleasantville. It doesn't mean that we cannot be happy, but it does mean that we need to prepare ourselves for life. We must teach ourselves, train ourselves and prepare ourselves. We must stay focused and not get lost in a daze that keeps our vision clouded. Even in a single day, those challenges present themselves and if we're not ready, it will consume us. I spent the day training, growing, and enjoying time with friends. The morning, I worked with my athletes at practice and tried to see what needed to be worked on. Coaching is a challenge because you need to be able to read people. You need to do more than just instruct, but also analyze, communicate and then implement. In reality, we'll never know how successful our plan will be until the end, but we must continuously monitor how we are progressing. After a great breakfast, I tried to take a little nap before heading out to Las Vegas. I really didn't want to go to Las Vegas itself, but was willing to go to see friends. The reality of it all is that they are worth throwing myself into a place that is like a two-headed monster. Las Vegas is beautiful and amazing, but it rears a number of challenges for people and will definitely be something that test all of your skills. When I think about it though, I guess anywhere you go, you'll encounter the same things, these tests. Be prepared because life is not easy, but when you look up, not knowing exactly what you are looking at, do not get lost in the beauty that you see. Do not get mesmerized so that you cannot use your skills to stay focused. Analyze what you are seeing and remember where you are headed, what you want, but at the same time, not forgetting that the challenges you face will not be ones you can always handle alone. I am glad to be sitting here in Las Vegas with my friends and while it's not a city I wanted to come today, I looked through the cloudiness of my emotions to realize that today was not about coming to Las Vegas, but rather spending precious moments with friends. Tomorrow, it will already be time to head out, but walking through Las Vegas, I thought a lot and analyzed a lot and will come back home focused on improving myself so I don't get caught in a daze. 

Friday, July 28, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 209]:~ New Perspectives

~:[CH6 - Day 209]:~ New Perspectives
Life is often tough because we all see things from our own perspective, but what if we started to look from all perspectives. It's hard enough to decipher your own mind and point of view, but how can you really do that effectively from multiple views. It's not something that is common or easy, but it's something we must strive to do. To look at things and say, I understand why you see it that way. The world often builds us to strive for success, but shouldn't we be focusing on progress with others as well? To sacrifice so that others can find happiness is not a common thing, but if we can make those sacrifices, we will find that our happiness can increase by ten fold. After just finishing Ruler of the Mask, you can see that while it is easy to get consumed by power, ultimately, the focus on doing what is right rather than what simply will bring you power or success, can ultimately lead to even more strength you could have gained through your own ambitions. Let's see things from this new perspective and build a place where together we can all find success, rather than having it be a race to the finish line. As in a race, there is only one winner, but that's only if you see if from that perspective.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 208]:~ There's a Light

~:[CH6 - Day 208]:~ There's a Light
There's a light at all moments. Just when things are about to get dark, we get one of the most gorgeous moments in the world and vice versa, just as we are about to exit the darkness, we are greeted by light. The moments of light and dark are almost equally balanced over the course of a year, but our perspective and use of it will vary from person to person. It's easy to see the darkness that can sometimes overtakes us, but when you really think about it, the light always exists if we look hard enough to find it. Among the darkest of skies, we see the brightest of stars and it is in those stars that we can find that hope that exists for us all. As the sun set on another day, I saw all the light from the day and kept it in a safe place knowing just how the light can conquer the darkness when it surrounds us. We always have the ability to overcome it, if we just believe and understand that the  light will return to us soon. If you are suffering through tough times, keep your eyes up, as the light will soon be appearing, whether in the form of the bright sun or a star that appears so small in the sky. No matter what, the light will always be there to help guide you. 

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 207]:~ Legendary

~:[CH6 - Day 207]:~ Legendary
The day started off pretty well with group runs and a number of alumni coming back to visit. As always, it's nice to catch up and to see them around. It got better with Yoshinoya and then it was off to the Pike, after realizing that traffic would take forever going to Santa Monica. We didn't have much success at the pike and headed back to Cerritos where things were popping. I was legendary in two different ways with a 3-0 record with Lugias, but an 0-12 record with Articunos up to this point. I think the day reminded me a lot about life. We can't always have the best of both worlds. We don't need to give up, but also must realize that it's okay to fall short once in awhile and that if you keep pushing along, that you may end up finding your way to success. It was frustrating at times, but keeping things in perspective, I didn't let it get to me. When I look back on the day, it will help serve as a reminder to me, as I try to strive for legendary status. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 206]:~ Solid

~:[CH6 - Day 206]:~ Solid
I felt good in the morning, but was definitely more tired today than I was on Monday. My body got worked out, so I felt better, but the 48 fatigue bug hit me hard. I was suppose to go out after practice, but ended up falling asleep. Regardless, I ended up getting a lot done. After a good practice, I fell into the legendary trap and played for awhile, running into a number of people along the way. As the day went on, I finalized our medal for the Great Cow Run, which will be held on September 2nd. (We are encouraging you to join us at the run either to participate or to volunteer!) I then headed to practice and got through a good workout before a wonderful team dinner at Blaze Pizza since BWW was too crowded. I accomplished a lot on the day and while there were things that could improved on, some of these days that are truly side are the best you can hope for. In life, we often look for adventure and great moments, but we also must keep in perspective that an average day is amazing because it could be a lot worse. Today, I finished one of my dramas and I think they ended with a line that reminds us of something important. We go through our days and while there will be time where we feel insignificant, the best days are ahead of us. Just like the poem that is yet to be written, the song that is yet to be sung, living in the present is so important, because the best days of our lives are the ones we have not yet lived, as we all still have the best hit lying within us (The Best Hit, 2017). Sure enough, a solid day is one to appreciate, as a great one is soon to come my way.




Monday, July 24, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 205]:~ Recovering

~:[CH6 - Day 205]:~ Recovering
It's always nice to find those people who make things comfortable. After a little while of not meeting up, it was a nice day to catch up and update each other on things. As usual, I got to enjoy Ktown and all the wonderful foods that it had, especially the galbi jjim that I have been craving for the past who knows how many months. It was definitely a good meal after a tiring morning, waking up at 5am after getting home just before 2am from my backpacking trip. My body was super sore, so after lunch, I got my back and muscles worked out and it was the perfect complement to an amazing meal. I didn't get around to doing all I wanted to do on the day, but regardless, it still ended up being such a fabulous way to welcome in the week. With heavy eyes, bedtime came a little early, however, my mind, my heart, my body, and my stomach were all content. Recovery days are the best and hopefully tomorrow, all of this pampering will pay off.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 204]:~ A Little Twist

~:[CH6 - Day 204]:~ A Little Twist
We were suppose to wake up at 3am to hike up to the ridge to get some last few shots of Havasu Falls under the star-filled sky, however, it was not to be. By the time we woke up, it was already 4am. Jay and I packed everything up and we trekked up to the ridge to shoot before everyone joined us. It was definitely worth the shoot, as we got our final glimpse of this scene that seemed so unreal that it will be something I will never forget. The two mile hike back to the village that I was dreading wasn't actually all that bad and it seemed like all would end like a fairy tale, however, that was not to be. In the chaos of the helicopter lines, a little drama happened and a group proceeded to be quite disrespectful towards us. It ruined the spirit for many of us and created an uncomfortable scene. The twist could have easily ruined the day for us all, yet as we waited, I couldn't help but think that we cannot allow moments like this to make us act out of character or to ruin something so majestic and amazing. When you rise up whether it be in success or simply in the experiences you have, there will be those who try to bring you down. If you can keep your mind focused, you can keep that twist from leaving a bad taste in your mouth. I did my best to stay in good spirits and tried to forget all that tried to bring us down. I made puns, looked back at all the photos and chatted with my friends and those strangers who we had met. I blocked out the negative and allowed the positive to flow like the beauty of Havasu Falls this morning. As we choppered out, I looked down below and though about the struggle of the hike down, but also about the success or reaching the camp; I thought about the hot and humid nights, but thought about the great moments I got to spend with friends; I thought of the mosquitoes and other creatures that bothered us along the way, but also remembered the beautiful sites that will forever be etched in my mind. In the end, the twist did not ruin the flavor of the trip. As a group, we headed back and finished the weekend with a dinner together before we said goodbyes. I home alone through the darkness of the desert. It was lonely, as the friends I spent all weekend with were still back in Vegas. To stay awake, I sang to Britney Spears and one line stuck with me, "my loneliness is killing me." I enjoyed the drive home alone so that I could reflect and ponder, but as that line repeated in my head, it was a reminder that even though the beauty of this place would remain the same if I had traveled alone, the experience itself was made more magical because all of those who traveled with me. As the laughter poured out from everyone and as we relaxed and enjoyed our meal, the twist ultimately did not win, as we allowed our trip to become the pool of water that overshadowed everything else with its beauty. 

Saturday, July 22, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 203]:~ Adventures Beyond Imagination

~:[CH6 - Day 203]:~ Adventures Beyond Imagination
I sat below the stars near Havasu Falls thinking that I almost didn't come on this adventure. Yet, I did and ended up with an adventure beyond my imagination. The second day was much better as I did not need a pack the entire time. It was hot, which made the hikes challenging, but it wasn't unrelenting like the hike in. It was a nice hike as we had a number of river crossing and points where we just walked through the river since it was easier. The climb down to Mooney Falls was a bit sketchy, but after that, it wasn't too bad. I enjoyed Beaver Falls because it was like a wading pool where you could just walk around among the various falls. It made for some good photographs and a great place to cool off. We even ran into a long-horned sheep on the way back. The experiences over the course of the day were quite memorable and having experienced them, I wondered why I even questioned coming on the trip. I evening provided me with an opportunity to have the lake all to myself just before sundown and then later on, the stars game out to allow me and Jay to get some photos of the beautiful star-filled sky above. With numerous shooting stars overhead, there were a lot of opportunities to make a wish, but who needs a shooting star when those wishes can come true in reality. As I sat beneath the stars, I just kept smiling, thinking about a day with friends, adventuring in a place unknown, and being rewarded in the end with a show that not even Disney could replicate. They often create movies and stories off the adventures in a galaxy far far away, yet tonight that galaxy almost seemed as if it was in the palm of my hand. I still made a few wishes this evening, but I already got an adventure that was greater than any wish in my imagination.

Friday, July 21, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 202]:~ Light at the End of the Tunnel

~:[CH6 - Day 202]:~ Light at the End of the Tunnel
We arrived at the trail head at about 4am. We drove about three hours from Vegas and found ourselves among a large group of people doing exactly what we were doing. The anxiety started to leave as the excitement built up; however, when putting on my pack, I was a little bit afraid. How in the world would I carry this pack for ten miles? It was bulky, yet not extremely heavy, but my back bothered me a bit. Regardless, we headed down just with enough light to not need a headlamp. The weather was a concern, but most of the first eight miles was in the canyon, so the weather was fairly cool. It was gorgeous. There were no words to describe just how amazing the hike was, but the pain my back kept me from fully enjoying it all. As we saw everyone else with only day packs since they send their packs on mules, I began to doubt that we were doing the right thing. Regardless, the feeling of reaching the village with our pack was immeasurable and I was beyond happy that I battled through to make it. I didn't realize though that the last two miles would be the worst. After checking in, we headed down for our last two miles into the canyon towards the campground. The shade that once was disappeared and it was just us against the elements. The downhill terrain was rough on the knees, my heavy pack was bad for my back, and the sweltering heat made water the essential for the day. With our group struggling, my pain turned into a bit of excitement as I came across Havasu Falls, one of the most glorious sites that I have ever seen, as I arrived at the light at the end of the tunnel. The color of the water I saw in pictures and there were truly no words to describe it. Of course, the only problem was, I still had the pack on my back and about 1/2 mile to go into camp. I made my way in and after a bit of wandering, we found camp, setup and unpacked. We arrived! We quickly headed to the lake to enjoy the water and just spend some quality time together, letting all the weight off of our backs, literally. This will be a short trip, but I have no doubts it will be quite memorable. 

Thursday, July 20, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 201]:~ Ups and Downs

~:[CH6 - Day 201]:~ Ups and Downs
It was a great morning as our team ran our annual time trial. We hit some great times and progressed from where we were the past few years including great performances from some new athletes. With a record broken and a number of top marks, it's a great sign for the future of the program. We headed to eat together, before I had to pack up and head on out. I drove out to Vegas and found myself in a very common routine of meeting up with JJ and getting Monta Ramen. It was a great last meal before heading into the canyon, which was topped off with a boba. I wasted a bit of time before meeting up with my friends who I was going to caravan down to the trail head with. I was excited, but nervous at the same time, as I took things out of my pack that I didn't need. My pack was still bulky, but regardless, I was going to have to deal with it. I was a little anxious as we began heading towards our decent, but one of things we cannot allow ourselves to do is to back off just because of our anxiety. Sure, we must use good judgement, but we also must trust ourselves that we have to the potential to do great things and find success. From racing to hiking to all things in life, we always won't find ourselves on the podium, but it doesn't mean we haven't found success. Keep working, keeping battling and find yourself heading back towards the top! 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 200]:~ The Last Meal

~:[CH6 - Day 200]:~ The Last Meal
There's always something special about the last meal you before you leave for a trip. It's not about how special the food may be, even if it is amazing; it's about the love and care connected to that meal that makes it special. In life, you never know when your meal could be your last and while I plan to eat plenty more, I will appreciate this meal wholeheartedly and be thankful to be blessed to have such a well-balanced meal. Whether we see it or not, we are truly blessed. I thought about that today. As I prepped for my trip, I began to think how lucky I am to have the opportunities that I have from a home-cooked meal to a roof over my head. I don't have to think about what I am going to eat tomorrow, which is why, even more so, I must not complain about what I do not have, but rather be thankful for all that I do. As I traveled to Pasadena and over to Huntington Beach, the traffic was bad, I was tired and hungry, but all that disappeared when I sat down to eat this meal. As tomorrow I will venture off and be disconnected from the world for a few days, I will be grateful and thankful for the blessings of the day. As while in traffic, I was thankful that I had a car to drive and gas in the tank; when I was hungry, I was thankful that soon I would have the opportunity to eat, and when I was tired, I knew I had a place to go. Let's all make an effort to not complain about all that "troubles"  us, but rather appreciate the fact that it is a worry in the first place. Let's appreciate each day as if it there is no tomorrow and savor each meal as if it is our last. To my friends and family, I love you so much and while tomorrow is a new day, I will not wait until then to be grateful for the goodness that you all provide to my life; filling my heart and soul with an outpouring of love that I will appreciate for every day of my life. 

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 199]:~ Out of the Shadows

~:[CH6 - Day 199]:~ Out of the Shadows
It was a gorgeous morning and while we didn't have the best of workouts, it wasn't too bad. The athletes are working hard and there were a lot of good things that came about today. It's also nice to see athletes who rise out of the shadows and begin to show what they are capable of as we progress through the season. For some, it's moving into the varsity ranks and for others, it's simply improvement. I had a lot of things to take care of as I finished off the list of things to do before heading off to afternoon practice, where we had yet another fairly successful day. After a nice meal, I took a shower, exhausted from the day, but smiled knowing that we are moving along. Things are moving forward and as the sun rises, I begin to see those rising up out of the shadows. For some of us, it will take awhile before we can rise out of the shadows, while others will rise quickly and will need to do what it takes to stay there. Regardless, for all of us, getting out of the shadows so we can head down a road of success and originality is is a big deal and is something we can accomplish if we continue to push forward.

Monday, July 17, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 198]:~ Return

~:[CH6 - Day 198]:~ Return
The greatest gift is when you get unexpected visitors who return to brighten your day. Whether it's been a week or a few years, for those who you have great memories with, the time frame matters not, as things just seem to flow. One of the reasons I love summer is because I get to cross paths with so many alumni and catch up with them. I get to see how they've grown, what they're up to and just catch up with them all. In a day filled with cleaning, catching up and just doing a few odds and ends, it was definitely a refreshing moment to cross paths with a few alum who decided to stop by today. What a blessing!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 197]:~ In Unison

~:[CH6 - Day 197]:~ In Unison
The day after the BBQ is always a little rough. Not only are there things to pick up and a few things to do, but it's always harder to wake up. Regardless, I got up and headed to the Obon festival at the OC Buddhist Church. I've always enjoyed celebrating at the event and this year, I was around for both the taiko performances and the Bon Odori. I love watching the Bon Odori as a combination of experienced and novice people join in, young and old, and of all races. I think it's great to see people put in the effort to join in and have a great time. I also enjoyed the food, games and company of great people, many of whom I ran into and had a chance to quickly catch up. Today made me miss Japan even more and pushed me to work harder to stay connected with my roots. My body didn't want me to do too much today, but I am glad I got out of bed for this. Whether you believe that the spirits of your ancestors return during the Obon, in either case, I know that they were there celebrating with me, as were hundreds of strangers doing their best to stay in unison.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 196]:~ A (Super) Hero

~:[CH6 - Day 196]:~ A (Super) Hero
I was tired; I had to rush to get my room prepped; we were a little late setting up as the time passed by so quickly, but it didn't matter at all. I was soon quickly greeted by a smiling face and from there, it became an amazing night. Batman vs Superman played in the background, as person after person rolled in and it couldn't have made me happier. The smiles, the warmth, the love, and of course the food came together in order to make this evening a great one. I always love to see my family and it's one of the reasons why we host this event year after year; a close friend join us on his actual birthday and blew out the candles with me, and I got to enjoy some quality time with everyone who made this day amazing. I could care less for the celebration as long as I could still have the gathering, as having everyone together is what makes it amazing. As the night began to wind down under the lights of the backyard, I was thankful for all those who joined us, for those who made tonight possible especially my mom, and of course, for the moments that I will carry with me until I am no longer walking on this earth. I started to wrap these special moments before placing them in a special place in my heart before I opened up one of my cards. Strangely enough, with the superhero movie and the superhero I gave to my brother as a gift, I received a card that talked about superheroes. As the card thanked me for what I had done, I could not help but think that this message could be one that I write back to many of those who joined me tonight. I was appreciative of the words I exchanged tonight, but those words also helped me to realize even more, how great the people around me are. I knew that they were all special, but when others reconfirm what you've known all along, you gain even more appreciation than you had for them before and treasure just how lucky you are. There will be days where you feel sad and lonely, where darkness can overcome your life, where you feel you've passed that point of no return, but when you're surrounded by amazing people,  you can overcome any of the obstacles you'll come across along the way. I don't fear many challenges because I am confident in the people around me, just as much as I am in myself, as no matter how skilled, knowledgeable or well-connect I am or become in life, the people around me are those who are the superheroes who will help me when I need it most. I am grateful for those who have raised me up, have shared memories with me, have challenged me, have comforted me and more, as you are all truly superheroes in my life. At my brother's wedding two years ago, I focused the message about heroes, as some of my fondest childhood memories of us were dressing up as Batman and Robin, yet the superheroes I have in my life everyday need to no costume. As while the superheroes we know  are often referred to as the "caped crusader" and the like, the superheroes I know, need nothing more than their caring hearts and trusting souls. As while others may chase the riches of the world, the treasures and gems are those people that stand at your side who shine because of how beautiful and wonderful of a person they are. I've read over the card a number of times and I can't help, as I realized that while superheroes are often portrayed in fiction, I'm lucky enough to have that be my reality. 

Friday, July 14, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 195]:~ Sun Sets on the Week

~:[CH6 - Day 195]:~ Sun Sets on the Week
We had a pretty good practice. Our first game day was a success, as we began to wrap up our first week of the season. Of course, it was a busy day, as we had our first even of the season, bonfire. It's always pretty fun being with the team, but being at the beach is quite the challenge. Regardless, it's worth it and I had a good time playing basketball and volleyball. It was a pretty nice day to be at the beach and despite some issues with the grill and the like, it ended up being a wonderful day. I would say that this first week of the season (and my first week back in the country) were quite successful, as we saw a lot of new faces, a lot of new talent, and aside from the team, I also got a lot done. There are many more weeks to go, so I better stay focused, but I know that time will pass by quickly and while the sun sets today, the sun will rise not too long in the near future. Be ready and vigilant, as we always must be prepared for what a day may bring. 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 194]:~ Catching Up

~:[CH6 - Day 194]:~ Catching Up
Being dragged along on a run, never felt so good. I actually did fairly well during the workout today, both in my morning warm up and under the sun during the tempo. I could tell that I had not run in awhile, but still, it wasn't too shabby. It was nice being back with the team and running. We had our first dinner together and it looks like it will be a great season. I love the summer because there is time to do just that. Run, catch up on things and meet up with people. I also caught up with an alumni who I had not seen in awhile. It's always refreshing to see how people are doing, reconnect with them and really see how their lives have changed (or not). Regardless, I always hope that their lives are going well and that they are on the road to a health and happy lifestyle. I was pretty exhausted when I got home, but gathered up enough energy to watch the finale of a show I've been watching and clean up a little bit more around the house. There is still a lot of work to do in the next 48 hours, but it sure feels good to catch up a bit, even if I'm being dragged along. 

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 193]:~ Day by Day

~:[CH6 - Day 193]:~ Day by Day
Getting back into the process is always a challenge. I always seem to fall asleep around this time of year at least once during the day, as I adjust to the schedule, however, it isn't all that bad. Today felt like the longest day ever, as I am not use to having so much time on my hands. Sure, I have a lot to do with cleaning and preparing, however, in the end, the day has so many more opportunities. With it being the first Wednesday, we had our annual scavenger hunt. It was great to see a group of new faces going out, but the group with the most returners won despite not finishing first, as they read the directions. Regardless, the experience is not about winning, but about meeting new people, growing, and discovering new things about each other. There is a long way to go, but glad that everyone is beginning to ease their way into the ohana. I grabbed lunch with a friend, finally caught up on a few shows, cleaned and then slept the night away. I would hardly call the sleep a waste though, as I need to build up some energy for the busy second half of the week. When there is a pile of work to do, all you can do is go day by day, but also not forgetting that sometimes, you need to just let your body be. Do your work and take responsibility, but also don't forget that in this busy world, you also need to reserve time for yourself. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 192]:~ FREEdom

~:[CH6 - Day 192]:~ FREEdom
Our first practice went well, as we had a good showing on the day with a lot of new faces. While it's early, it looks like it could end up being a very good season. It was a perfect day for my first day back, as there were free Chick-Fil-A if you dress like a cow day, an easy task for our team, as we are the hosts of the annual Great Cow Run & Higashi Roman Memorial Run. This year will be a special one, as we celebrate our 10th annual event. It was also 7-11 Day, as slurpees were being given out for free. Of course, our team ventured to both sites. After showing our spirit, I cleaned a little, lounged a little, and just caught up on things I wanted to catch up on. I ended up eating out for lunch and boba, but in the end, I enjoyed the freedom of being home. There are many days ahead and we'll see if this enjoyment lasts, but it sure is great to be home, for now. 

Monday, July 10, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 191]:~ The Words I Should Have Said

~:[CH6 - Day 191]:~ The Words I Should Have Said
There are always those moments in life where you get put on the spot. Where there are those words you want to say, but you can't say it exactly as you wanted and you remember only after your opportunity has passed. I'm usually quick witted in relaxed back-and-forth conversations with friends, but when it comes to speeches, I often take a bit of time to organize my thoughts. This was the case when I gave at a speech at my cousin's wedding that I didn't know that I was going to give. I think I said much of what I had hoped to say, but after the fact, I thought, why didn't I say that. Regardless, my cousin knows how many great memories we shared, from the all-night muffin making adventure to the 24-hour movie marathon. I spent an entire summer at her house and over the years, the number of memories we have created have been countless. From the holidays to cousin adventures, it has been a fabulous run and now, I am glad we can include a new family member in Meff, who fits the mold of this family perfectly. I am so grateful to think back to all the memories we had from the tooth-capped dancing videos to the falls in DC, you've always done it with your heart in your hands, ready to share with those around you. I'm glad you found someone who does the same in Meff. It was a fabulous weekend and while I was there the shortest, I still left the island incredibly happy that I was able to share in this moment. My body will regret it later, but my heart will never forget this precious moment. I hope that your future is full of love, adventure, and stories that you can tell for the rest of your life and I hope that I will be there to share in those moments, not just with you anymore, but also with Meff and the Ramos family. I may not have said all that is in my heart, but I know that words would never be enough to express it all. As while there are words I should have said, there are always feelings and emotions that can only be shared through our moments together and I know that we have many years ahead to do just that. As while in life we search for the words to say in those moments, don't forget that your actions are what matter most and are worth more than any words can possibly say. 

Sunday, July 9, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 190]:~ Sail Away

~:[CH6 - Day 190]:~ Sail Away
I was a little sad in the morning. I had a dream I won $100 million dollars and woke up in the same financial situation as I was when I went to sleep. Regardless, it would all be made up for with a fun adventure with the families. All of the families joined together for this adventure on the water. It was amazing to see how clear the water was as we jetted across it on this wonderful boat. It was just big enough for us all, as we sat and enjoyed the beauty of the open waters. We stopped at Starfish Point where the starfish come to mate where we enjoyed the shallow waters. We moved to deeper waters at Sting Ray City. I was impressed on how connected our captain was with the stingrays and instantaneously he connected with the stingray without giving it food at all. He seemed to have it trained despite it being in the wild and somehow, over his almost four decades on the water, he could tell them apart. It was a bit rocky in this area and felt a little nauseated after this top. However, it soon faded away as we headed to the snorkeling spot. I was able to get my drone to fly overhead and catch some amazing video, which I should have done at Stingray City. Regardless, it ended up being an awesome day which was capped off with a great meal. I found it interesting that everything here in the Grand Cayman is closed on Sundays. There were a few restaurants plus things here and there open, but even our residence office was closed today. In the end, the sun got to me as I laid down on the tile floor, then moved upstairs to my room. What was suppose to be my last night in the Cayman Island turned into the longest dream, as I slept through the sunset and also the night itself. I sailed away on an adventure in my dreams, right after a dream sailing day with all of the family. While often our dreams are the ones we think to be amazing things we wish could come true, like a $100 million dollar prize, the truth is, that today, reality won out because of all the people I shared the day with. 

Saturday, July 8, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 189]:~ Rest & Relaxation

~:[CH6 - Day 189]:~ Rest & Relaxation
It was one of the first days in awhile I truly got some rest and relaxation. In most cases, I am on "vacation" or on a "trip," but it's never really been truly relaxing. There's normally a schedule, a plan and a list of things to do. Today, there was none. It was, do as we needed, when we needed, and how we needed. I flew my drone in the morning, went back in and relaxed, cooked breakfast and dinner because I wanted to, and just enjoyed the day. It was nice not to have a deadline, a schedule or a list of things to do. It may be one of my last days with this type of schedule, as we begin to roll into the summer season and school year. It's a bit crazy to think about, but I guess the bad part of going away during the summer is that your summer feels awfully short. Regardless, at least I had today to lounger around and enjoy doing absolutely nothing that I needed to do, only what I wanted to do. It's a blessing to have such a beautiful view, even if it is beachfront. While the beach and sand may not be my place of choice, I couldn't imagine a better place to have a getaway just like this. 

Friday, July 7, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 188]:~ To Love is Paradise

~:[CH6 - Day 188]:~ To Love is Paradise
You never know when and you never know how. At some point, you'll discover love. You'll find someone who matches you in such a way that it seems like you two were created for each other. When you're together, it will be paradise. While not all love stories are as Hollywoodesque, there's no doubt that when two people are in love, it is paradise. It is that moment of connection you never thought you'd have, but the same one that you now do not believe you can live without. Sometimes, despite love, timing or distance is the biggest obstacle, while in other cases, you avoid all obstacles with a clear path to paradise. I was so happy for today to focus on the union of my cousin Debbie and Meff. From since I can remember, the joy I saw between Debbie and Meff was incredible. Debbie is the type of person who always sees the good in people and wants to go out of her way to help others. She has an incredible fighting spirit within her and a heart that is truly golden. It is only right that she found someone similar in Meff. While the trek here was a little challenging, it was in this moment that I felt, it was all worth it. The plane-to-plane adventures and fatigue that came with it was worth it. The overcoming of the hatred of beaches, sand and the ocean was worth it. It was a joy to witness this union of two people who saw that their love was truly paradise. For many of us, we hope to find someone as special as their union, as the bonds that they created are clearly strong. Though it was a small wedding, the connection that everyone who attended had together was clear and it was the comfort in celebrating this joyous occasion that helped in making the day so special. As I sat back and watched the ceremony, I wished that paradise would one day come my way, as that is a happiness that I hope my future will bring. Who knows when it may come and when I may miss it, however, if it happens to come my way, I know that if it is anything like the union I took part in today, that it will truly be paradise. Congratulations Debbie and Meff!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 187]:~ To Where We've Never Been Before

~:[CH6 - Day 187]:~ To Where We've Never Been Before
I'm a creature of habit despite what people may think, which is why adventuring off to a place I never been is not the easiest of things. To not know exactly where I should be going or how things will be, is a bit unnerving. Slowly, I've overcome it, much like overcoming the ability to adventure alone. I never thought I'd take a flight alone, but little by little it's become easier and easier, even the ones that are longer than ten hours. I'm not going to be a social being on the plane, but at least I'm getting myself out there. By the end of this weekend, I would have taken thirteen solo plane rides in the span of a month. As I flew through the clouds, I began to think, this is exactly how we grow. We throw ourselves into the fire. We research, we plan, but by the end of the day, we really just have to get there and get our feet wet. As slowly the anxiety faded away, it completely went away when I heard familiar voices calling my name. I found my relatives. I was overjoyed to see them, amazed at the wonderful place we will get to stay in over the next few days, and treasured the opportunity to grab a late night meal with them the day before the wedding. While I may have never been here to the Cayman Islands before, having family around me will make this place all too familiar. I will have to figure things out as I go while I am here, but I am comforted in knowing that at least this time, I won't have to do it alone. I sit here repeating my nightly routine, but to break my habit, at least I have something new to write about. Make tomorrow another day you explore, as whether it's alone or with the people you love; you'll grow, you'll learn and you'll discover ... three things we should do every day.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 186]:~ Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

~:[CH6 - Day 186]:~ Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
It wasn't home for very long. It seems like just yesterday I arrived home ... wait, I did. Soon enough, I found myself doing laundry and packing. I'm pretty exhausted and if there wasn't an important event attached to this trip, I might have considered staying home. However, much like my deadlines, I must carry on because in the end, it will all be worth it. I did take a little time of the day to take care of a little media. I think it was pretty cool that we ended up getting this done and collaborating a little bit. It's always great to see alumni do so well in their lives and you always hope for them to have as much success as possible going forward. While we had a missed opportunity, it was great that we were able to connect in the little time we both had. Lucky for us, our timing was impeccable this time around. With a quick roam around Cerritos, I got my things together and ready to head out, as I count the days until I can take a deep breath. Much like those who lead a similar life, props to you all for continuing to move forward when your feet are dragging along. While you cannot forget to allow yourself a break, those stretches of times where you're in the grind will help guide you to things even greater than you could have imagined yourself. Today, I was reminded that you never know what can happen and sometimes, it all begins with a little spark. Until tomorrow ... 

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 185]:~ The Grand Finale

~:[CH6 - Day 185]:~ The Grand Finale
As I sat beneath the fireworks overhead, I left a little disappointed. Our city had minimal ride choices, a fireworks show that while ending with a visually stunning performance, was not matched with an audio finale that just failed, but most importantly, it was missing the community involvement in putting on the events which added something special and allowed a great connection between people, something of which we celebrate on this day. The bringing together of the nation that we know of today. Regardless of the letdown, it was far from a letdown to be back with my family and spend a little time with them on this day. I purposely scheduled my flight so that this could be the grand finale to mark the end of this leg of the trip before I leave again. Much like a fireworks show, my trip had its ups and downs. Lugging three bags for most of my trip was such a pain and dealing with the humidity was even more of a challenge. I learned a lot and realized some things that I should have thought of logistically in advance. I got rained on, traveled for 48 hours straight before my first hotel night, sweated like a dog, and had a few moments which I could hit replay. However, for the most part, while there were moments that I was disappointed, I focused on what mattered and allowed the highlights to shine through. As while this post could focus on nitpicking at every thing that could have been improved, I will highlight the good food that I ate along the way, the accomplishment of seeing one of the most beautiful sites I have ever seen (Taktsang), meeting some wonderful people and catching up with a huge number of others. I re-explored places I've been, found new places to see, did things I never have, celebrated connecting with people all around Asia, and even was blessed to spend two days with my sponsor child and her family. From Tokyo to HK, Thailand to Bhutan, and Seoul back to Tokyo, it was an incredible journey. In life, there will those moments that light up the sky like the fireworks and no matter how good or bad each of those moments are, appreciate that they happened, even when it ends up being a dud. As while it could be easy to complain, I am just happy that we have this opportunity to celebrate this day, thanks to all those in history who made it happen, those who helped begin the process of helping our country evolve and to those who continue to defend this nation day after day. We may live in a day and age that we may not be the most excite to celebrate who we are as a country, but let's be proud and let's help each other light up the sky so that we can help create a performance we all can be proud of. 

Monday, July 3, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 184]:~ The View from Above

~:[CH6 - Day 184]:~ The View from Above
I had a relaxing morning as I decided just to sleep in for a bit before heading out. Sure, it was my last full day, but it has been a long trip. I ventured out to a few places I have been before, but didn't really have a recollection of all the details I like to look at. I stopped off at Senso-ji Temple and Nakamise Market in Asakusa. It was great to wander around and just watch the crowds of people interact. It helped me remember when I visited this temple last nearly twenty years ago. I only remembered a few things, but it's nice when it can bring back those memories. From the steps of the temple, I ventured to the views from the Tokyo Skytree. The last time I went earlier this trip, the line was too long and I risked missing my flight if I went up, thus, it was nice to head up for the first time and catch a glimpse of the city overhead. I finished the night off by walking around the Marunouchi area, near the Imperial Palace. As I was a little crunched for time due to the late start, I only ventured around a bit before catching up with my friend Natsuko. It was definitely nice catching up as we ate dinner with a great view of the cityscape which included our pizza which had "wild rocket" as a topping. That added to the night full of good conversation and laughter and it's like we picked up where we left off last time. As we talked, I really appreciated how many good friends I have in Tokyo and how just wonderful they are. The time flew by so quickly and the end of the trip came near. It was hard for me to say goodbye as I know it will be a little while before we get to see each other again. During this round in Asia, I definitely realized how much I enjoy being in Tokyo and I hope that it is not long before I can visit again. Exhausted, I put my head down for a bit, but as I did, I enjoyed this wonderful feeling that made me feel as if I was walking high above the ground. It reminded me that good friends can make the impossible, seem possible. 

Sunday, July 2, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 183]:~ Not Lost in Translation

~:[CH6 - Day 183]:~ Not Lost in Translation
It was a day where translation was key. I met with two groups of friends who did not speak too much English, so we did our best to translate our way through the day. In the morning, I reconnected with a few of our home-stays from over twenty years ago! I have since seen two of them once, but have regularly talked to one. It was great to share stories of the past and catch up with them. It's been awhile since we've seen each other, but it's wonderful when things really don't seem to change. It was great to roam around from Shimbashi to Ueno to Shinjuku and finishing up in Shibuya. I had one of my friends wander with me through the evening, but even not completely understanding everything, we didn't lose the message in translation. After we all had parted, I had planned to grab tea with another friend in Shibuya after. Similarly, there was a little bit of a language barrier, but we overcame it and ended up grabbing a late round of Korean BBQ with her friends. It was great getting to know everyone, as I made a new group of friends. I think it's amazing, but even with language barriers, technology has made communication so much easier, plus I think with the right people, communication is more than just the languages we speak. I really enjoyed seeing the happiness and joy of us all connecting again and with so many years to catch up on, it was truly a memorable day that I will not forget. There were a lot of amazing sights today, but nothing was better than our ability to seamlessly communicate and not get lost in translation. 

Saturday, July 1, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 182]:~ In Style

~:[CH6 - Day 182]:~ In Style
My alarm sounded at 3am. I was exhausted, yet I had to get up to head to the airport. Just like that, my time in Seoul had come to an end. I realized, I probably should have spent more days in Seoul. Regardless, I headed out to the airport, expecting the worst. Why you may ask? I got a budget airline to Tokyo so I knew there would be interesting baggage policies, etc. However, it ended up being pretty normal with a 15kg limit and even had food on the flight. It wasn't as bad as expected. On top of it all, the lady checking me in, cut my "overweight" charge in half! With Jamba Juice in my stomach, I went on my day and headed to Tokyo. I picked the wrong station, yet was still able to stay on to get to my station. Score #2. It held on just enough so I could get my bags to my hotel and they let me check in early! Of course, my first meal in Tokyo would not be complete if there wasn't Yoshinoya involved! I had gyudon with natto! Dinner allowed to get some ramen and gyoza, followed by a night of claw games, wandering, and enjoying all the sites that Shinjuku had to offer. Being Saturday, there was a good buzz in the air. With two friend meets ups on the day, it made me realize that I would be enjoy my final leg of the trip, as I get to see so many people these last few days. I guess I truly will end it in style. It's been a long journey and while I wish I could stay on vacation forever, my empty wallet reminds me that I have to get home. Regardless, much like in all things you do, finish what you are doing out right so that the last thing you remember completes all that you put in beforehand. As while it's easy to get tired as you head towards the finish line, always remember to finish it in style!