Saturday, December 31, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 365]:~ Finishing with Friends and Family

~:[CH5 - Day 365]:~ Finishing with Friends and Family
On the final day of the year, I was happy to have spent it with friends and family, much like I began it. In the rush of life with careers, adventures and goals, you can easily bypass the things that mean the most in life. All the things that you can gain like money and other accomplishments, are not worth the love of friends and family who can be there by your side to share a meal, a chat, or just share their company. It doesn't matter where you are or who you are when you are with them,which makes them even more impressive. They'll be there for you when you fail, when you succeed and when you struggle, never failing to support you and never thinking of giving up on you. In the business of my schedule, I have not done the best job in meeting with you all, but I will try harder to make it work so that I may see you more, as I cannot allow myself to forget to prioritize something so precious to the top of my list. In a year where so many things have happened, you must remember that your friends and family are the ones who are your most valuable asset going forward and nothing can match the value of having them in your life. Who know's what 2017 will bring so invest the most in the most dependable of investments, your loved ones. 

Friday, December 30, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 364]:~ Transformations

~:[CH5 - Day 364]:~ Transformations
I finished the evening browsing through old photos. After spending the morning cleaning up around the house, I met up with a former runner. Some students I have are ready made and some make a transformation and really take off. This one was definitely a handful as he was making his way through high school and while one of my top runners, I ended up naming a few of my white hairs after him. Despite that, he always had goodness in his heart and also was surrounded by a family that I loved. In the end, life transformed him as he figured things out, as he goes through his radiology rotations. In talking to him, it is incredible to reflect on all the "obstacles" faced and also to remember all the greatest memories we had. I was so proud of how he has transformed and to know how great of an impact he will have on many of those he will cross. With every alum I get to see over the holidays and breaks, it makes me feel as I am the richest man in the world. Later that evening, I had another meet up and it felt good knowing that great things will be coming her way as well, much like it has for Mark. It's always sad to see students come and go, but is definitely wonderful when in the end, you see them grow into these incredible individuals that you are proud to have known. It's definitely a good lesson for us all that no matter where we come from, at some point, we can make the choice to transform and while things may get in the way, with the right mindset and drive, all things are definitely possible. I had a lot of cleaning to do and as terrible as that could have been, it was easy, as today was truly a great one. Strangely enough, by the end of the night, my room also had a transformation, as what was once an eye sore, became something I realized I should have shown this much appreciation for all along. 

Thursday, December 29, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 363]:~ Something to Appreciate

~:[CH5 - Day 363]:~ Something to Appreciate
Today was my second worst drive home from Vegas only worse than a nearly ten hour drive through wind storms, thunderstorms and accidents. After checking out at 11am, we grabbed some food then headed on our way. It would be nearly 7pm before we arrived home. As while it was a terrible drive, especially through the Cajon Pass, there was much to appreciate. Simply the fact that we were alive was a good enough reason, but the beautiful nature that surrounded us and the celebration of a great weekend made me appreciate even more the greatness of the day despite the challenges the drive home posed. Upon arriving home, I quickly grabbed some food and whipped up dinner, as I sat down and had a catch up dinner complete with a hilarious game. It was nice to simply chat and relax before grabbing a quick boba and then relaxing some more into the night. Fatigue hit me hard, but when I looked back, I may have lost a few hours, but I gained so much more in return today. Appreciate all the goodness that surrounds you, even when things seem miserable and the challenges that come your way seem too challenging, we should appreciate all the wonders and beauty of this world.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 362]:~ In Detail

~:[CH5 - Day 362]:~ In Detail
In counting down to the final few entries of 2016, I noticed that I had made a mistake numbering way back in July. It happens every year and I beat myself up over it, as I have to back and fix the number. It's an imperfection that I cannot handle. However, when walking the strip last night, I once again adored the magic of the architecture and design of all the buildings and how much detail was put into each. Much like my error, in the design and construction of these masterful works of art, there is some detail that is off that the designer is beating themselves up over. As I thought more about it, however, I wonder why we do this to ourselves. In our errors and our mistakes, we find our humanness qualities that make each of us distinct. Similarly, we judge our own selves too much sometimes from our height to our weight to our body parts and even our clothes. While not all others may appreciate the beautiful details of these buildings, those that do, do not see imperfections, rather the beauty and amazingness of these structures as a whole, appreciating the details that each possesses. This humanness is our best quality as it tests us, challenges us, and ultimately helps us grow. It teaches us how to adapt, adjust and accept. It gives us confidence when we learn to accept that we are not perfect and in reality none of us humans are. We all make mistakes, have our flaws, but that is the beauty of life and it that, we find the color in our days helping us discover who we are and what we are made of. In recent days, I have heard a number of songs that talk about accepting who we are because we are special and beautiful. Sadly, not a lot of people see it this way. In reality, know that you are all beautiful and what you see as your flaws are actually the details that make you distinct and ultimately beautiful. You'll have to deal with those who cannot see that and often who are dealing with the view of themselves, but the more we help ourselves see and ultimately those around you see, the more this world will understand that our imperfections are truly gifts that we should embrace. 

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 361]:~ The Final Tale of 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 361]:~ The Final Tale of 2016
I felt like a knight walking into Excalibur tonight. There's a lot to Vegas to despise and even hate, but also a lot of things to love. While I didn't plan on coming to Vegas one last time in 2016, I ended up here because of different circumstances but am perfectly fine that it was the case. As while the destinations I have been to have been amazing and exotic, simply the time and experiences I have had are what makes this adventure a tale. After a drive full of traffic and crowds, we arrived to Vegas. Walking into the castle, one of the older hotels on the strip, there still is a bit of magic to enjoy here. From the structure, it's amazing to see the beauty of it lit up at night. We ventured around the casino; hunted Pokemon, allowing me to complete my Gen1 Pokedex among a crowd of people wondering what in the heck we were doing chasing Porygon and Chansey, and walking to try to hatch the babies; found time to reconnect with people who were here and of course eat to our heart's content. It was chilly outside, but the bowl of Monta ramen warmed us up inside and the time being together warmed up our souls. As the night began to close and I celebrated hitting 0/00 on the table, my mind wandered not to celebrate the win here on the casino floor, but the win in life in 2016. While 2016 was full of adventure, it was also full of meeting new people, finding new experiences, growing and finding out a lot about myself. It's about seeing how much more I could be doing and giving me the drive to work on a few projects that I wouldn't have taken on otherwise. It was about accomplishing what seemed insurmountable and learning that you can never really give up when there is a glimmer of hope. Yes, 2016 was sometimes filled with stress, heartbreak and disappointments, but I know that I have grown stronger. With Pokemon driving my exercise in the latter half of 2016, as childish as it may seem, it reminded me that you don't have to always take life so seriously and sometimes just need to chase the imaginary and let it lead you on an adventure to nowhere. Yes, walking through my castle, I felt this aura of being a knight lucky to have the opportunities I do and hoping to find a lovely lady while roaming this kingdom far and wide, but until I do, I wish cherish each moment and continue to write the tales that come in 2017 knowing that each is more valuable than any of the treasures that may be held within the walls of this castle with the greatest treasure being the loved one that surround you. So here ye, here ye, this is my final few tales of 2016 and I hope that as you reflect on 2016, you find joy in not the material, but in all that can warm your soul and armor your heart with the most precious of treasures that you can find. Thank you all for being the most precious of treasures.

Monday, December 26, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 360]:~ Change in Pace

~:[CH5 - Day 360]:~ Change in Pace
Today was quite the smorgasbord of tasks that came together as one. From catching up in the morning over pho to help finish off this cold to a photo shoot with the girls basketball team, it felt like different pieces of a puzzle that didn't quite fit together, yet still made a fabulous image. I was a little upset when I found out that someone had stolen some items from our track shed and made a mess that I will have to clean up soon, however, you cannot let those things ruin a day, as I used it as motivation to get things done from my oil change to finally cleaning my car to doing a good number of loads of laundry and finishing up the cleaning of my rooms. I was definitely productive and despite the range of tasks on the day, I look back and smile. It was by no means picture perfect, but I definitely will take it. 

Sunday, December 25, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 359]:~ Simple

~:[CH5 - Day 359]:~ Simple
After the presents are unwrapped and the time with family and friends is spent, Christmas comes down to one thing, the birth of Christ. It's always good to remember that while the traditions of the holiday has been so commercialized, the "gifts" we give should be our love and compassion and we should also take time to celebration Him. While we each will do this in our own way, I always think that the best way we can do this is by showing heart and compassion to those around us, by giving all that we can afford to give to those less fortunate and to those who are deserving with no intentions of hoping to get something in return. It's simple. To hear the stories of families together, of sharing, of celebration, and of love, I am always deeply touched and hope that the meaning of this celebration can shed all its layers so that we can remember what its all about. I have been so overjoyed to celebrate with my family and am thankful for all the opportunities that I have been given. I am thankful for loving and caring friends and hope that I may pass on love and compassion to you all in the coming days. After a day of family, cleaning and catching up, I ventured out to find a place to go to have a chat and we ended up stopping off at McDonalds. The technological, yet simple design of the table intrigued us as we talked into the night and by the end of the night, I knew this was the cherry on top of a day that felt so amazing. The gifts were wonderful, yet the amazing messages and quality time was what made today even more special. Whether Christian or not, I hope that moving forward, we can all show love and compassion to those around us, stranger and friend; that we can show selflessness and give as much as we can afford; and that we can show the kind of character, morality and ethics that we hope our future generations will display. To all, I wish you a Happy Holidays, no matter what holiday you celebrate and to all those who celebrate, I wish you a Merry Christmas, as we celebrate the birth of Christ. 

Saturday, December 24, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 358]:~ Let the Festivities Begin

~:[CH5 - Day 358]:~ Let the Festivities Begin
The holiday season is a little crazy and it was ever so evident as I walked into Ralph's. The crowds of people were ridiculous making me realize, I should have come earlier. Of course, the Packers game kept me at home before I finally decided to go out. I got my food, picked up a milk tea before heading home to prep gifts, cook and then relax before the family party. It's always great to see everyone and this year there were more people than ever. It was a packed house and seemed like it was fifty strong. Our food spread was amazing and added to our dessert spread, it was magical. However, the true magic was the time spent with family whether it was the photo ops with Santa or playing Bingo into the night. By night's end, we were all exhausted with most knowing that tomorrow would be another day for us to get together. It's nice that as busy as we all are, there is at least a period of time where we can slow time and spend some quality time together. In many cases, we don't appreciate enough the friends and family we have and this always is a reminder that we should make as much time for them as possible, a definite must for me. By night's end, I wanted to sleep, but I hung out for just a bit before heading home. From playing Santa to running many of the games, I was exhausted, but it was well worth it all. 

Friday, December 23, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 357]:~ Taking a Shot

~:[CH5 - Day 357]:~ Taking a Shot
I got to sleep in longer than normal, but still had to wake up early as I was meeting at pho for a short catch up. I've been eating here a lot because I have been a little sick, it's quick and the staff is great. It's super nice going in the morning too because it's not very crowded at all. Regardless, it was a nice catch up before I headed to Target to pick up a final few things before heading to LA. The weather wasn't too bad when we got there as we headed into the Staples Center for the game. We had a pretty bad start to our game, down 30-15, however, we fought back and had a shot at the end of the game to tie it. It didn't go in. However, the team fought hard and you had to be proud of their effort. While the JV team lost, the fteshman team had a thrilling game where they went to overtime and won! It's the third year in a row that they went to overtime at the Staples Center. We had a nice dinner together before heading back to the Staples for the Clippers game. Sadly, they lost, but it was nice being with the family and just relaxing for the night. As we left for the night, the rain poured hard overhead and it did not resemble an evening in Los Angeles at all. Boy do we need this rain, but it was a little troubling getting to the car with the alley we normally walk down turning into a small creek. We were soaked by the time we got into the car, but, I think it was comforting to know that we were surrounded by each other. It may not have been the perfect day, but there isn't much I would change about it, as the moments like these that you get to spend with your family are priceless. 

Thursday, December 22, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 356]:~ Happy I Am Wishing Your Holiday To Be

~:[CH5 - Day 356]:~ Happy I Am Wishing Your Holiday To Be
I knew today would be a little crazy, but with one less things, it ended up being fairly calm. As I wrapped up 2016 with some videos and classwork, I cleaned my room to prepare for the new carpet. This whole process has been a headache and now this will be my third time packing up my room in 2016! Regardless, it was nice to see a clean room and everyone that walked in wondered, what happened here? It's nice to clean things up for the new year. We often believe that how everything is when you close out the year will signify how it will be when the new year arrives. Every year it's been messy so maybe this year, things will change. After a selfie with my best friend, a bowl of pho to warm my soul and a weight lifting challenge taking boxes to my van, I headed to the town center, relaxed at TapEx before heading to meet up with a friend in LA. Today ended up being a fairly light day. As I sit here, waiting for my laundry to finish, partitioning my new cloud, and getting prepped tomorrow, I can help but think how fast this year has gone and how I am excited for these holiday celebrations to begin. While I still will be wishing everyone a happy holiday, today, I say, "Happy I am Wishing Your Holiday to Be." May you have a great one and be blessed with a greater goodness than what lies within your heart. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 355]:~ The Sign in the Sky

~:[CH5 - Day 355]:~ The Sign in the Sky
Sometimes the sign point to something that you may not quite realize at the moment, but still leave you breathless. As while the day was a little crazy between grading, cleaning, and taking care of a checklist of items, I also had time to catch up with people, congratulate some, and also write messages to a load of others. After the rain cleared and my 7th period was able to complete their dance final, I smiled as I looked up to the sky, as in a year we brought back No Rain, No Rainbows for our CIF theme, a full rainbow appeared overhead on our last day of 2016. Coincidence? I think not. It was a year where there were some challenges and adjusting, but in the end, it resulted in a year where the storms passed through and left us with a reminder that there are greater things on the horizon. What is in store in 2017? Who knows, but at least I know that despite the struggles, I have pushed through and have found myself at a place that I am content and happy to be at. While some of my hopes for 2016 did not happen, I did what I could to make it happen and stand here, rewarded with a sight so rare and beautiful that you take a moment in between all the craziness of the day to just soak it all in. No more worries of what to do, questioning if things will work out or where you should go from here. Rather, you are left simply appreciating the beauty that surrounds you and the Creator who made this all happen. For this moment, all is silent and all is well, as my hope is restored for all that is possible going forward, taking this sign as my inspiration.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 354]:~ With Every Piece

~:[CH5 - Day 354:~ With Every Piece
I opened the day with stack full of papers I needed to grade and I knew it would be a crazy day. Before I knew it, however, the day was done and all was complete. With today being soup kitchen, I lugged over my crock pot full of chili, however, I was sad because it wasn't mixed enough and I ended up burning the beans a little. Regardless, I was happy to bring in a soup that at least when I tried it, was fairly delicious. Forgetting it was soup kitchen and rally schedule, I made plans and met up for pho during my off period. As the pieces of the day came together, I started to see each component of my life coming all together. From the classroom, to the PE class after school dancing away, relaxing at TapEx, stopping off at Downtown Disney, eating at Del Taco with stops at Starbucks, Town Center and finally Allen's. Stepping back to take a look, I admire how awesome of a day today was and how amazing life has been. However, when you look a little closer, you begin to see all the small things that went up into making something so amazing as you see each piece that has contributed to making these iconic pieces. It truly resembles the idea that every person you meet changes your life as it points you in a new direction. Whether I got the girl or not, won or lost the race, fell on stage or whatever the detail may be, it contributes to who we are and how we live our lives going forward. Sure, a simple moment or gesture may seem insignificant, however, a number of these insignificant moments can be made into something greater than we could have every imagined.

Monday, December 19, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 353]:~ A Bowl Full of Deliciousness

~:[CH5 - Day 353]:~ A Bowl Full of Deliciousness
It was Monday. Most people hate Mondays, but I don't think they're too bad. You get a fresh start to the week and while Friday is days away, your week becomes much better when you have a great attitude from the start. It was a little crazy, however, despite the fact that I was prepared for everything. I searched around for misplaced things (which I found), dealt with a stack of papers I had to grade, fought post office lines, and 405-55-5-91 traffic so that I could get my camera fixed. However, aside from the pain, I finished a lot of my grading, I found out that my camera only had minor issues and not what I had expected, and my test run for chili turned out well and am ready for tomorrow's soup kitchen. It's funny how crazy things can get, but in the end, with the right attitude, you can conquer it all. Getting home early, I found myself with so much time. I relaxed at the TC, I shopped, I cooked, I watched TV, I edited my photos and also did some work for track. It was weird, but all I could thing about today is how wonderful things fell into place. Just like the ingredients of any dish, you may not get it right the first time, but if you keep at it, eventually you will find that bowl of deliciousness that you were hoping for.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 352]:~ Friend Zone

~:[CH5 - Day 352]:~ Friend Zone
The title? Simply to catch your attention; however, today was truly about friends. As I got to relax and sleep in with no morning agenda, I showered and then headed to meet my friends. Yes, I was eating Korean BBQ again. Luckily, this place was not AYCE, so I didn't leave rolling out of there and it also was different than most places I had been to in the states. Every meat we ordered was prepared by the staff and the quality of the meat was pretty good as well. We finished our meal with a little game of the number shocking game. It was fun to test it out and so I ended up getting one for myself. We'll see how that goes. Regardless, it was a great way to end the weekend, as I haven't been able to see my friends in awhile. I then headed home to catch a few games and relax, as I took a short nap before heading back out. I had another catch up which started at TapEx went to Poke Bar and ended back at TapEx. It's always great catching up and sharing great stories and it really makes you appreciate friends. While friend zone is often shed in a negative light, I really thing that in the end, your friends are what make life bearable and memorable. As while many relationships are temporary, you often find friends who are there for your for a lifetime. 

Saturday, December 17, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 351]:~ From Start to Finish

~:[CH5 - Day 351]:~ From Start to Finish
While I have a number of activities to go through the week, I got through the toughest stretch already which allowed me to relax and sleep last night. I had to wake up early again today in order to head to school for the Stussy Sale. It always is a challenge running the sale because it's not about simply doing our job, but making sure we do it well. It's always hard to get the workers to make sure they do their job instead of shop, but it was great to have them take care of everything and leave the parking lot area we used cleaner than when we started! We locked the gates up and headed off. I wasted a bit of time before heading to our captain's dinner at BBQ Night. I always look forward to eating here because it has much better service than most places and the food quality is pretty good. Of course, if you don't come at the right time, you will hit loads of crowds. It was great to see a few alumni working there and catching up. The gift exchange was perfect as we hit no dead ends and the gifts were excellently planned out in the limited amount of time that we had! At the end of the night, a detour took me into Forest Lawn and since I was there, I ended up stopping to visit RNR. I had never visited during the holiday so it was cool to see the tree that was there with her baby picture at the very top. Even in the pitch dark, it was worth the visit. One of my captains was able to visit the site for the first time and that moment truly wrapped up this day for me as I took a few steps away to allow them to have their moment. I was exhausted when I got home, but I relaxed a bit and while I have a few things left to do, it pales in comparison to my schedule the past few months. It's time to relax, enjoy, be merry and simply smile - it's holiday time!

Friday, December 16, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 350]:~ Music to My Ears

~:[CH5 - Day 350]:~ Music to My Ears
It was already the end of the week, but today would still be a crazy day, at least through the evening. After getting through some grading, giving out tests and a short activity, I darted out to the town center to catch some performances. I helped in the coordination of the grand re-opening of TapEx to their new location just across the walkway. The space is much larger and it was nice to be able to have two former students (one an alum and one a senior) perform. They both were different, but they both entertained and it was a joy to watch them perform. Watching how taken away these two were when they performed showed the passion that they perform with and it's one of the reasons why they are such great singers. I am always so proud to see students perform, especially when it's outside of the school setting and this was no different. I left with a step in my stride as I rushed through the mall to finish up some Christmas shopping before heading back to the town center for a little staff celebration at TapEx. While I called it an early night as fatigued started to hit me and I wanted to be prepared for tomorrow, it was quite the enjoyable one and one I will remember for a long time coming, as this was one of those cool moments that stick with you. I hope the road ahead is bright for these two, but regardless of where they end up, they both have provided me with music to my ears that will help many any day a great one. 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 349]:~ Reflecting in the Rain

~:[CH5 - Day 349]:~ Reflecting in the Rain
It was the post-banquet high. The feeling of being done and the weight being lifted off your shoulders is quite the incredible feeling and while you know that a crash is inevitable, I was enjoying the moment while I could. After surviving the day full of errands, a reward pizza party and a successful dance practice with my PE class, I completed some work before heading to Disneyland. I was a little sad as the rain came pouring down, however, in the end, it was the best thing that could have happened. Droves of people left the park and the park slowly became a very tranquil place, something not often associated with Disneyland, especially during holiday time. As the empty park meant short lines and enough rides in a few hours that often takes a f ew days, it was easy to cruise through the park and enjoy all the holiday decorations throughout the park. It was even more incredible to see the reflections that shimmered on the ground because of the rain that fell overhead. Simply incredible! Words could not describe my enjoyment of the day and in the end, I sat with a friend drinking tea and just watching the rain fall and the people walk by. It almost seemed like slow motion, but despite the rain, I couldn't have asked for a better night. I even got to run into the birthday girl, Jamie! Happy Birthday! As the rain began to come down harder, it was nice to have a little bit of time to reflect before I headed to bed and much like the glimmer of the lights on the wet surface of the ground throughout Disneyland, I couldn't help but think, today was truly amazing. As I looked in the mirror when I got home, the glimmer from the ground, was the same glimmer I saw in my eye, which told me that there aren't many days that are as great as this and for that I am thankful, as despite the rain with the fun night after weeks of stress, deadlines, and fatigue, I truly found the happiest place on earth. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 348]:~ Another Chapter to Close

~:[CH5 - Day 348]:~ Another Chapter to Close
It was a day full of preparation for the banquet and for some reason, it wasn't as hectic as normal. I had time to grab some last minute items for school before setting up and while I worked for 22 hours including the banquet today, it ended up being all worth it. As I stood at the podium at the end of the night, I thought, this couldn't have ended in a better way. While the video had a few missing parts due to missing footage, it went smoothly and was the first video I ever made that was edited on three continents. You read that right. I had most of the awards done early and in the end, it all worked out. As the seniors closed the night, I was deeply touched by their messages and it reminded me why we all do what we do. The value of the experience that athletes have is priceless and sometimes life-changing and for that, a 22-hour day is worth it. This senior group had been together for 3-4 years, as each senior started no later than sophomore year, which is a rare occurrence and it definitely made it tough to have this group leave. As while it's another chapter that will close, it doesn't mean that the characters of this chapter will be forgotten and boy were these seniors characters. To the alumni, parents and supporters, we couldn't have done it without you. Thank you for all of your time, energy, care and concern, your generosity that allows all athletes to compete and your compassion that allows all athletes feel welcomed. To the coaches, thanks for working for pennies an hour and sometimes paying to coach in the end. Your valuable leadership helps shape all of these athletes and to my two coaches who will be leaving this year, I will definitely miss you both. To the underclassmen, I hope you heard the seniors message of not taking these days for granted as before you know it, your time will come to say goodbye. Don't allow obstacles, challenges and small issues ruin the experience and see the bigger picture that in the end, these issues don't matter as much as the continuing to build the bonds you have forged with your ohana. Things will never be perfect, but it is up to you to ensure that in the end, you value each other more than being right or more than getting your way. Think of those around you before yourself and do more and think more about others than you do for yourself as when you do that, the rewards are far greater than when you put yourself first. To the seniors, thanks for the battle. You made it and it definitely wasn't easy, but I hope you see that it was worth it. I hope that the sweat and tears, the blood and setbacks, helped the smiles, the laughter, the cheering and all of those successful moments even sweater. It seems just like yesterday that you first joined us, but time flies and the chapters are over before you know it; however, don't be sad because this chapter is over, but smile because you've left pages of memories that others will read, legacies that others will remember, and laid footprints for those after you to follow. We've all fallen at some point, but we learned, we grew and in the end, we climbed to the highest peak, higher than any team has before, but more importantly, we did it together and that is the real storybook ending. 

~:[CH5 - Day 347]:~ PHOod for the Soul

~:[CH5 - Day 347]:~ PHOod for the Soul
I've been waiting this day for awhile. As I sat down with an alumni for a brunch bowl of pho, I enjoyed the little bit of leisure time in what would be an exhausting day. However, for that moment, I soaked in the environment in a place that is so comfortable and familiar and keeps me at ease. As I rushed back to my hectic day, I lectured, did some paperwork, moved supplies, mailed out items and picked things up in a matter of hours. I stopped off to watch the Middle School XC Championships, stopped off at TapEx to pick some stuff up before meeting up with everyone to watch Allegiance. While the bowl of pho is and always be a moment I can sit back, relax and enjoy, it was not the moment I was waiting for. As the day quickly turned to night as the number of hours in the day grew shorter, I arrived at the block to catch Allegiance. It was eleven months ago when I was introduced to this musical and it has quickly become my favorite. Within a few weeks, I caught the show again, sadly before it closed on Broadway. I could not comprehend how a show this fabulous with great reviews could close, but it did and left me with a void. I had something great to incorporate into my internment lesson, but sadly, I could not say, go watch this. Today, I could. Across the country, a recorded version of this musical was provided to the population to experience this powerful message. It was even better than I could have expected. I think one of the most impressive things about this musical is that the cast is so engaged and invested in the story. When someone believes so deeply in the performance that they are in, it makes the performance so much better and this for sure, fit the bill. From the reminder of how racism can change lives forever, the impact that life decisions has, and simply in the fragility of life and death, Allegiance hits every emotion you could image so quickly. It helps that I have a cultural connection to the story, but this story is not simply for people of Japanese decent, as it's a message that we all need to hear. As I think back to the moment this morning when I was sitting with my bowl of pho, I couldn't help to think that today was filled with food for the soul, from that very bowl to the ability to have one more opportunity to experience something so wonderful and amazing that is known as Allegiance. Thank you to all those involved in bringing this production to the masses, as it truly has been a magical ride each time I've seen it and just the right food I needed for my soul.

Thank you for this magical experience Janelle Dote​ Lea Salonga​ George Takei​ Jay Kuo​ Stafford Arima​ Lynne Shankel​ Telly Leung​ Katie Rose Clark Darren Lee Scott Wise​ Scott Watanabe​ Elena Wang​ Sam Tatsuo Tanabe​ Momoko Sugai​ Shea Renne​ Rumi Oyama​ Manna Nichols​ Michael K. Lee​ Owen Johnston II​ Dan Horn​ Marcus Choi​ Belinda Allyn​ Aaron Albano​ Greg Watanabe​ Chris Nomura​. I saw a theater full of people sit all the way to the end in amazement of so many experiences and stories wrapped up in this one story, a story which many never told and many others never heard, well, that is until today.

Monday, December 12, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 346]:~ A Land That is Truly Priceless

~:[CH5 - Day 346]:~ A Land That is Truly Priceless
Among the many nickles I will receive for my thoughts, one of the thoughts I had was about how priceless this land of Iceland truly was. From the amazing people to the geographical wonders that it holds, Iceland kept me off guard as around every corner, there was a new WoW and a new surprise. Going in with expectations of seeing the aurora borealis and catching Mr. Mime, while there was some disappointment in the cloudiness of the nights, these two things paled in comparison to all the others wonders I discovered along the way. The waterfalls were gorgeous, being on a glacier despite the wind and the rain was amazing, almost being swept away on the black sand beaches in Vic was memorable, and the Golden Circle was all it was worked up to be, as it was truly golden. I took this trip because I got a great deal, what I didn't realize is that great deal turned into something priceless. In my mind, I will never forget the amazing sights I never expected to see. While freezing, to watch a glacier float by in a lagoon and see the beautiful diamond-like shapes they make on a neighboring beach was something that was worth the diamonds they resemble. I also met a number of amazing people who I enjoyed talking to and getting know from my tour guides to the handful of people on my tour and finishing off with my neighbor in the plane who made the ten hours of flying time seem to pass so quickly. Sometimes your face shows a smile you cannot wipe off, yet others, your heart and your soul do the same. Yes, things could have been better. I could have had more room on the plane, better weather and my first driver could have dropped me off at the right hotel, however, in the end, the adventure showed me more than what I expected and that is exactly what you hope for in life. Surely, the dramatic landscapes and natural beauty of Iceland made this trip extra special, but what I learned along the way is something greater than anything I could even buy or see. It doesn't matter where you are or far how far you traveled, if you have not appreciated every moment that you are given whether abroad or at home. With a large amount of work on my plate, my focus will be on getting things done, but immediately after that, I will do what I can to extract the true message behind this adventure, that while you cannot control some factors around you like the weather, money, and more, you can control your perspective and ultimately how to enjoy every breath you have on this beautiful earth, whether your adventure is in Iceland or in the comforts of your own home. 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 345]:~ When We Least Expect It

 ~:[CH5 - Day 345]:~ When We Least Expect It
Sometimes the greatest things happen when you least expect it. While I enjoyed the tour, most of the people on the tour spoke another language which made things a bit awkward when it came down to meal time. However, suddenly, things changed so quickly. It was amazing to get to know others on the tour more and by the time I left, I was sad to say goodbye to everyone. We woke up early in the morning and started our trek before any light showed. It was pretty dark as I used my headlamp to get to our destination. The results of the hike was purely amazing. As we strolled up the glacier, we ended up at this ice tunnel which was simply spectacular. Things got a little scary when a piece of the glacier fell off into the water below, but no where near us. I guess it's not the best of ideas to scale a glacier when it just rains. Regardless, we made it through and back just as it began to rain down on us. It rained as we got to the next waterfall and continued to rain through most of the tour. We made an unplanned stop to meet the Icelandic horses on the side of the road before seeing the spectacular Golden Waterfalls and the geyser. As the day progressed, I became more and more sad as my time with this group was slowly coming to an end. The darkness had already set in as we headed to our final stop. In a single moment, I was both on the Eurasian and American plates, spanning two continents with one stride. It was almost pitch dark, but I didn't care. A few of our took on an extra hike into the darkness to see our last sight, a waterfall tucked away from the main walkway. It was a great way to end the trip. I chatted on the way back to the bus as I realized how much of a 180 had happened since the beginning of this venture. As we drove through the darkness, I couldn't help think, I'm actually going to miss this and why did this connection happen on the last day. Of course, I could ask myself, what if it didn't happen at all. In that thought, I paused and soaked in my last few moments. I was the first off the bus and said my farewell before parting ways. I may never see the likes of these people again, but I will have forever shared with them memories that will last a lifetime and that we will never forget. Maybe our conversations will continue deep into our lifetimes, but if not, at least we all know, we had these three days that will always be apart of us. They say we really never know why people enter our lives and the same goes with experiences. Why did these moments happen and what will it help me with down the line? I guess it's time to stop wondering all these things and just be glad that all these wonderful moments happened and I met a wonderful group of people that I will cherish for the rest of my life, which all happened when I least expected it.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 344]:~ On the Hunt

~:[CH5 - Day 344]:~ On the Hunt
It was a struggle today. Before I left, I broke my phone so I got a temporary (horrible) phone and my replacement arrived the day I left. Then today, my MARK stopped working properly just as I headed up to the ice caves and before tonight's aurora. I tried using my backup camera in the ice cave to no avail, as I kept getting lens error. What was happening? My GoPro was in the bus. So, what a great day! However, I figured things out a bit. I got a few pictures of out MARK with a sequences of buttons that almost seems like a gaming code, I can't change the settings or review the photos, which made hunting a challenge. Despite all of these missteps, today was a glorious day. Sure I was stressed about it all and will be until I get back, but I saw the Glacier Lagoon again as it was moving, I found "diamonds" at Diamond Beach as you can see the crystal clear chunks of the glacier on a black sand beach. I walked on a glacier and ended up in an ice cave and while my camera may not have captured it all, my mind did and that's what's important. When I got to the new hotel, I was able to sneak out and catch the aurora at its peak for the night (at least until this moment) and before all the clouds rolled in. While it wasn't a clear night, there are those who came for a week or more and didn't see the aurora. For those planning on coming to Iceland, don't just make it about the hunt to find the aurora. It's no guarantee. Actually, out of all the times I've been hunting, I've seen it half the times I've looked. So while it may not have been as glorious as I hoped, I still treasure this moment of capturing the aurora. I sat here in this quiet part of town, void of most light pollution and enjoyed looking up into the sky, searching for something special. I saw the aurora and even if I didn't, the shooting stars, the stars and all the amazing things that surrounded me in this utterly tranquil moment was the greatest catch I had all trip. I'm going to miss Iceland, not for the rain and wind that pelted me with stones, but because of the wonderful people and the beauty of nature that surrounds you around every corner. Iceland is much more than the aurora, I just hope that when you visit, you can see exactly what I am talking about, aurora or not.

Friday, December 9, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 343]:~ As I Sit, Waiting and Hoping

~:[CH5 - Day 343]:~ As I Sit, Waiting and Hoping
There was bad news after bad news today. I rushed out of my room because the tour pick up came earlier than the early pick up. It wasn't all bad, as I was already ready and jumped in the van. Luckily, I was the first and picked my seat. We ventured around and picked up person after person. Our guide said, the weather wasn't good enough to go on the glacier walk so that was delayed. Then, it was the waterfall stops was delayed because of the weather (to ensure we got to our final stop). We ended up stopping at the volcano Eyjafjallajökull as the air cleared just in time. The winds blew at a mild 30mph or so as we tried to stay upright as we took photos of this farm that was once covered in ash from the volcano. It was gorgeous. As we continued on, we visited the Black Sand Beach again, this time it wasn't raining, but the winds reached upwards of 50mph (or so they say). I was pushed forward and for the first time in my life, felt as if I could actually be swept up off my feet. The black sands pelted my jacket, the waves crashed ashore, yet also retreated at the same time because of the wind. It was a moment I had to capture on video. As terrible as it felt, I figured out a system and captured these moments as best as I could, taking a pile full of sand home with me. As we ventured onward, the winds continued to be ridiculous. The van was swaying and I even saw cars pulling over hoping that things would get better. The ones somewhat blue sky turned to black as the storm raged on. It was just about sunset (about 4pm), when we arrived at Glacier Lagoon. The weather delayed us, so we missed taking photos of the lagoon in the day. I did my best to capture the moment. We arrived at the hotel and I was happy to eat the lobster trio with lobster tails, lobster bisque and a lobster spring roll. It was delicious and nice to relax indoors as the winds raged outdoors. As with most of the group, we hoped that we could see the Northern Lights tonight. The rating reached up to a 5.67, but as I looked overhead, the sky was covered with clouds. As I stayed productive and finished up 1/3 of the cross country video, I kept looking outside, just hoping and waiting for the lights to appear. I guess it's much like in life. You know that something special awaits you out there, you'll just sit there wondering if the timing and everything will all fall into place. In a string of bad news, there is still a glimmer of hope that before I rest this evening, I will get to see how glorious these lights can be. I've already been blessed to see them in Alaska, but to see them nearly three times greater would be spectacular. Today turned out to still be an exceptional day despite all the disappointments, but regardless, I sit here, waiting and hoping that the moment I've been waiting for will arrive.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 342]:~ Let Your Feet Follow Your Heart

~:[CH5 - Day 342]:~ Let Your Feet Follow Your Heart
I stood on the black sand beaches of Vik, as I thought to myself, I almost didn't make this trek. Yes, I stood soaking wet with terrible conditions for taking photos, but I was here, looking at things I could only having imagined before. The shiny rocks were scattered along this beach as it crunched with every step, trying my best to keep my camera safe and myself dry, as the waves came crashing along the shore. You couldn't get close to the shorelines, as the waves were so powerful that they could suck you in, but the thunderous sound of them was an awesome thing that no picture could capture. The birds swirled overhead and I knew, that despite the amount of work I have to do during my downtime here, that it was all worth it. I'll be exhausted, beaten and maybe even sick when I get back, but I'm glad I made this trek. I sat next to a lady who came from Wisconsin. The first thing she said was, I'm from Green Bay and she had me sold. We chatted most of the trip which was almost ten hours and by day's end, it was sad to say goodbye. She was traveling with three other friends who she has known for over forty years as they traveled from place to place. As a solo traveler, it was something that I will hope to attain in the future. I also met another solo traveler and as we forged ahead of the group in place to place, we talked and one of her dreams was to make it to New York City, as she, being from Europe, had traveled most of it. It was great to see her excitement and enjoyment despite the rain and just her energy and smile were inspiring to me. We saw the Sólheimajökull and Mýrdalsjökull glaciers and the Skogafoss and Seljalandsfoss waterfalls, I ate lamb soup and marinated lamb, heard the folk tales of Iceland, but more importantly followed my heart to a place that I had not done enough research about or planned enough for. After booking my airport transport at the wrong time and getting dropped off a the wrong hotel with my new transport, I thought that this could end up in disaster, but with every step along this beach, the reflection I saw of myself in each shiny stone along this beach, despite how soaked I was, showed someone who was exactly where they were suppose to be. I sit here editing, preparing for the banquet in the warmth of my hotel, and while I cannot see them tonight, I know that there is something magical going on overhead and something magical going on in my heart. As I left, my new friend said, I hope you get to see all the things that I wasn't able to see and as I walked off the bus towards my hotel, I simply though, if I see nothing more on this trip, meeting these wonderful people would have been more than enough. Sometimes your feet taking you to where you want to go, but often times, your heart will point you in the right direction.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 341]:~ Just the Basics

~:[CH5 - Day 341]:~ Just the Basics
As I got the airport, I got off at the wrong terminal stop since it said that my airline was at 3. Luckily it was a short walk to B. I also realized that I forgot my tripod. That was a big mistake. Regardless, I didn't let it bother me. I knew the WoW baggage policy was strict so I did my best to meet it. I made it through without any issues as I saw others trying to squeeze things in and make it work. In reality, the flight was better than I could have imagined and while the seats were not great, the rows were wide, and while you had to pay for everything, the flight wasn't too long, so what I had with me was good enough. Most of my day will be travel since I lose hours, but regardless, I'm excited for the adventure that awaits. I have no more personal trips scheduled in the near future, so I'm going to enjoy this one as if it's my last. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 340]:~ Just in Time

~:[CH5 - Day 340]:~ Just in Time
I was exhausted, but I had a good feeling about the day. I rolled out of bed and got ready for the Columbus trial. I was hoping for the trial to start a little smoother, but nonetheless, it got better as the day went on. They all started to adapt to the trial and began to figure out how to go about it. I stopped by pho during my break and I got a fortune that said, "Your random act of kindness today will spread quickly to others." It was amazing timing and I do hope that pay it forward can truly be a thing. I ventured back to school to wrap up the day before having a short meeting. It was great going to PE today as we got to shoot the first take of our music video for our dance unit! It was great to see the athletes work together and as hesitant as they were at first, they started to get better at it! We still have two weeks to go before we try to get it down pat. I had just enough time to get boba before scrip and spent the rest of the evening banquet prepping, cleaning up, packing and trying to stay sane. With my body a little fatigued and feeling a little ill, probably from all the stress, I'm staying in for the morning before heading off to my flight, however, with everything packed away and everything seemingly in order, I'm excited for the road that is ahead. Everything is in place and while I will have a lot of downtime to edit for the banquet, I cannot wait for the voyage ahead. The weather doesn't look too promising, but at least I won't be freezing my tail off as I first thought I would be. Regardless, in the end, I can take a big sigh of relief knowing that the business of the day is almost behind me and I have adventures that away me thousands of miles away.

Monday, December 5, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 339]:~ The Scramble

~:[CH5 - Day 339]:~ The Scramble
The day already had a dark cloud overhead as I read news of a former student who was missing in the Oakland fire. Later in the day, it seemed as if she was confirmed dead. It's sad to hear news like this, even when you do not talk to the student regularly. As much as I despise being in a city where I know so many people, I also enjoy the occasional run in with a former student to see how they've grown. It's sad to know that that there is one I will not be running into. She has such energy and spirit and something that I think I should strive for. She was also part of my first Nationals group, dealing with the inefficiencies of learning the ropes during which we were hit with a small blizzard. I guess it reminds us to make the most of each day and don't let the little things get you down, as you never know when a day could be your last. As the Japanese exchange students filled the campus, I was happy to welcome them and while I was saddened by my lack of conversational Japanese (or any at all), I did my best to communicate and welcome them to our school. After getting some work done, I headed to the Towne Center to have one last run in with them and on the way to my car, I dropped my phone. The screen was kaput. Not cracked, but not working. I finished my errands to Costco and forgot to redeem my certificate. I got more work done and made progress before heading to the Irvine AT&T to find out that the service center officially closed a few days earlier. I waited in line, got skipped over, ordered my replacement phone which will come after I leave, lost my phone insurance because of this debacle, and now am the proud owner of a $30 smart phone until my replacement arrives. As I arrived home, I could have been saddened and disappointed, but I kept my spirits up, finished what I could and enjoyed the nostalgia as I edited the banquet video. I finished about ten minutes and all titling in that amount of time and moved ahead of schedule for once. While I probably won't stay ahead for long, I will see the positive in the day and not let all that could have brought me down, do so. As while things could be better, they sure could be a lot worse. Today, the world has lost a number of valuable assets and despite these tragedies, it is also a great time to celebrate the lives of those that we lost and remind ourselves to appreciate every moment we have on this earth and every person we were blessed to come across. As while I may duck and hide from students from time to time, the truth of the matter is, those encounters do nothing more than enrich my soul. Today we remember this wonderful woman and pray that her life beyond this world is filled with all the great things that she deserves. 

Sunday, December 4, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 338]:~ Tunnel Vision

~:[CH5 - Day 338]:~ Tunnel Vision
Many times, tunnel vision is a bad thing. However, sometimes, it's a good thing when you got things to do and a deadline to meet. That's the case for me, as I begin to wind down towards the banquet. Sure, I still have about nine days until the big day, but the problem is, I'll be headed out of town just before it, so I got to get everything done or as much as possible before I head out. What did I do today? I focused. I avoided the distractions of the Packers and Clippers game and limited myself to a short break to Fusion. Otherwise, I was printing awards, editing photos, and making titling for the video. By days end, most of the titling was done, the paperwork all printed, and the video ready to be edited. By tomorrow, I should have about 10 minutes of the video done through the slideshows that are in the video and then hopefully, I can be half way done before I leave. It's being hopeful, but I think I can do it! As my files rendered, I did a little research for the trip, filled out paperwork, and did my last few confirmations. I still need to weigh my bags to make sure that it's not too heavy, but all in all, it was definitely a good day. The cherry on top was hearing how good our students did at Mira Costa, including winning the best school award! Yahoo! All in all, I probably did two days of work in one and I couldn't feel better. Now, I just have to keep this focus for the next two days and I will be flying high. Before I know it, it will be winter break 2016-2017!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 337]:~ Light at the End

~:[CH5 - Day 337]:~ Light at the End
We've never done particularly well at Mira Costa Novice. I think with our students just getting out of their shells, they aren't too comfortable speaking without their notes and really going after it in caucus. They'll learn and they'll grow and I have full faith that they will get better, like many in the past have. Regardless, there was some light at the end of the tunnel, as while we had similar results as last year, this year, we ended up with two best delegates! It was great to see the excitement of getting awarded best delegate and I am definitely so proud of their efforts. There are many students I know were close to getting an award, but regardless, award or not, I know that they did an excellent job and am proud of their efforts. It's always a reminder that you may not have what it takes right now to get what you are aiming for, but it doesn't mean you should stop trying. Keep working at your goals and eventually, you'll find your way to reaching the goals you are aiming to achieve. Don't give up, don't give in, as there is always light at the end of the tunnel if you keep on chugging forward. 

Friday, December 2, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 336]:~ Flavorful

~:[CH5 - Day 336]:~ Flavorful
While in the day, I began to see new faces as we held our first track meeting of the year, by day's end, I was eating with a familiar face. It's great to meet up with former students and see how they progress in life. To see them go from student or athlete, to friend, and possible to becoming a colleague. To see people go through what you struggled through and to help talk about your own experiences and how you dealt with them is somewhat refreshing. Regardless, as I look back at a simple day, it was refreshing on how relaxed the day felt, but also how much I was able to get done. There was so much work to do today, but in the end, the new faces and catching up with others, provided the right combination to making today such a flavorful one. As I worked late into the evening preparing for tomorrow, I think not about the fatigue that I will be facing tomorrow, but the joy of seeing all the students who are just starting out in their high school careers as freshman to those who are on their final few conferences as seniors. My stomach is full, but so is my heart and I continue to see reasons why I should count my blessings. From students, to alumni, to colleagues, family and friends, I've been truly blessed and there are no words to express just how lucky I am. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 335]:~ Back to Reality

~:[CH5 - Day 335]:~ Back to Reality
The difficulty of waking up with a normal clock was a challenge. In Hong Kong, I would be waking up at 5am easily and here, 6:30am was a struggle. I should have gotten up at 5:30am, but alas, jet lag hit me (not too hard). I was pretty happy to be back though. I was floating on air (probably because of jet lag) walking to class and when I did, I sat down in my chair and took a deep breath. Home. I tried to catch up with everything going on and then got everyone settled as we got into speeches. While I was hoping for a stronger set of speeches, I am always proud that these freshmen get up and do this. After talking to my friend about how people do not communicate, I am relieve that I am working with a group of students who hopefully will not become part of that group. As I ventured through the day, I ultimately arrived at PE, where we had a great time trying to organize our dances for the music video. It was a little chaotic, but still, I enjoyed seeing them organize themselves and plan out these dances. The dance unit is one of my favorite units and while we are crunched for time this year, I think it will still turn out okay! Of course, the reality of the workload awaiting me hit hard. I got home and sat in front of the computer, taking some time to stop off at the TV to watch the Clippers beat the Cavs and watching someone I knew on Pure Genious! I worked late into the evening and before I knew it, it was 3am! Sadly, my alarm will be sounding in a few hours, but hey, you pay the price when you enjoy your time. I didn't finish as much as I wanted to, but I'm hoping all will work out in the end. I didn't want to rush this and make a mistake, so I guess I will roll the dice to see what comes from this. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 334]:~ When It All Makes Sense

~:[CH5 - Day 334]:~ When It All Makes Sense
I hoped to wake up and leave earlier to make the most of my day, but I dragged around and ended up staying closer by before my flight. As I was leaving, I pieced together the meaning of a lot of things. The shadows of the legs standing for the ladies only floor in the hotel, the British guards recalling the British control of Hong Kong, as well as the naming of Victoria's Harbor and Victoria's Peak. As the day went on, the realizations came to me. Why does a game, lead you to one of the most beautiful scenic spots around? Why do you run across certain people or accidentally turn down the wrong street so you may discover something else? There are a lot of moments that you think just simply happen or things that are just are, but often, there is an explanation for a lot of them. Do they all make sense? No, but in the end, the light bulb will come on. I was so grateful to have this getaway. Sure the I spent a lot of time flying for a short trip and yes, I wish I could have had more time, but I am appreciative of the people I had time to spend with and meet, the sights I got to see, the experiences I had and the delicious food that is now in my belly. Aside from Farfetch'd, I left Hong Kong with a new sense of appreciation of the people, the culture, and the possibilities for adventure. There are still a number of things I want to do in Hong Kong, so I would say, my return is imminent, but with a thinner wallet and time constraints, we'll just see when that ends up being. Regardless, I rather not dwell on these things, as there are so many things to appreciate and in the end, it was worth every moment I spent there. I had a lot of time to think and to reflect and in the end I think I have grown even more as a person as I move forward. There is still a lot to learn and a lot more room to grow, but when you piece it all together, it's great when you can make sense of some of the things that have been perplexing you in life. I hope to cross paths with all my friends, both new and old, in Hong Kong again, but for now, I send my deepest gratitude to a place that I have a lot more appreciation for. I am glad to be home and have to chance to catch up with some friends, but I will be forever changed because of this land we know as Hong Kong. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 333]:~ The Bigger Picture

~:[CH5 - Day 333]:~ The Bigger Picture
It was interesting to run into someone else from California. In the middle of Asia, it's funny how the world can put you in the same place with someone just a stone's throw away. However, there's always a reason for someone coming into your life and while it may not be so apparent right away, at some point it will. After dim sum at Tim Ho Wan, we ventured to a local coffee house and ended up in a discussion about how people rarely have face-to-face conversations or have a dialogue. Much like me, they may post something on social media and forget about, not really having the necessary dialogue to truly understand the bigger picture. We attend so many lectures, conferences and through our lives, sat in so many classrooms. However, have we truly engaged in a conversation that is set to allow us not only get our point across, but to truly hear what the other side has to say and to understand both perspectives? Have we all been too loud to hear the person standing next to us making their point or completely toned them out? Another important question is, do we even care? The sad thing about it is that most people's answer to this question would be no. My friend put it this way, our posts and rants are persuasions rather than something to create a dialogue with and sadly, sometimes people make these posts without any intent to carry a dialogue. In a lecture, even when engaging the audience with questions, the only thing that is truly being done is allowing a speaker to defend and share more of their opinions and research. A lot of this is done due to efficiency and order, but could there be a more effective way? With all these protests, movements and post, it's an important time for us to think about this bigger picture. Much like a caricaturist, their view of how they see you may vary from your version of how you view yourself. The conversation was fairly deep and went on for awhile, but I definitely was thinking a lot after our conversation as it brought up some very strong points. It made me realize that when students leave my classroom discussing the issues we taked about (especially in disagreement), they're progressing towards that dialogue that is necessary in order to communicate and began down the path of understanding. I do welcome that dialogue, but also prefer that, as my friend said, it be a face-to-face dialogue, as I feel it provides a better opportunity for understanding. I think, especially in this day and age, we can't be quick to assume intent and also cannot be quick to stereotype. We all need a lot of work in this regard. I headed off to TST afterward and ventured around Kowloon Park to try and get my last full day of touring in. I love the hidden gems within the city including the park that has a "zoo-like" feel to it with areas with flamingos and even an aviary, the Avenue of the Comic Stars and even a simple Chinese garden hidden among the paths. I walked through the Goldfish Market, before exploring TST a bit more and then meeting up with my friend at Central. We caught the Victoria Harbor light show, but sadly the weather did not allow it to be seen it all its glory. Still, I appreciated the fact that I could look at the beautiful skyline of both TST and HK Island one last time, seeing the great feat in building a city as incredible as this in a place that may not have been seen as the best of land to build on. As I closed the night with dinner and saying some goodbyes, I just kept thinking of how eventually you'll find out why a person entered your life, but for now, why not enjoy the moments you have and see where life will take you. For now and in the future, let's keep an open mind and an open heart so we can begin mending together, starting with the ability to listen to each other so we can begin the process of truly understanding each other. I got some work to do.

Monday, November 28, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 332]:~ Out of the Ordinary

~:[CH5 - Day 332]:~ Out of the Ordinary
A part of exploration is to find that hidden gem or just something that is worth discovering and boy was today a true discovery. I woke up for a morning food tour where most everything was ordinary. coming from an Asian community, the dim sum, wonton noodle soup, milk tea, char Sui and egg tart. I did get a good history of things, however, which was a great addition to my Hong Kong experience. It was nice to walk the streets of the wet market, watch a soccer match in the middle of the city, and to sit with a stranger in a cramped and crazy restaurant. I also enjoued seeing all the dried seafoods and hearing the reasons, purposes and uses for them. After hanging out with a friend in the afternoon and resting for a short bit, I headed out to Jordan to meet my second tour guide. His service was not as well organized as it was just starting up but was definitely the more memorable of the tours. Along the streets of Jordan, I was able to enjoy some cuisines that most would fine scary, gross and maybe even appalling yet much like in life, I always feel that sometimes you need to give things a try (especially when it comes to food). We ventured from.a stall that served stinky tofu and cow organs in an "aged" broth to a store with a cleaner marinade where they had duck tongue and pig ear. That was just the start. We ventured around to grab some pork and snake soup which had five different types of snake in it. It was delicious. They also had some interesting wines and not being a regular consumer of alcohol, I didn't want to get it, but I let my adventurous side go. They had three wines - snake gallbladder, snake penis and gecko. Yes, you heard me right ... gecko. I know what you're thinking. Let's just say I didn't try the gallbladder and despite getting a full shot of the other two, I only took in a third of each. I ventured to a Michelin rated restaurant (at one point) that served garlic fried frog legs. It was much like the crab I had the other day as garlic was fried and pile on, but boy was it delicious. Of course, on a food tour, I couldn't eat too much. I wrapped up my dining cuisine with desserts. I started with a gelatinous herbal black tea with turtle she'll in condensed milked before heading next door to get egg next soup and a dessert made from the fat of fillopian tubes. Yes, I know what I ate. All in all, it ended up being a grand adventure and while it ended up costing a little more than planned due to it just being me on the tour (otherwise it would have been canceled or I would have tried less), it was worth every penny and still fairly inexpensive as he did not charge a tour fee and left me with some beautifully self-designed maps. In the end, I ventured to a lounge to meet a few other friends after they got off of work and stayed for just a bit before heading back to my hotel. I've gotten very familiar with the MTR and the neighborhood so quickly, yet tonight realized that as comfortable as I am with navigation, there is still a lot out of the ordinary that I may never get used to,,which may be the case in every place I visit. In the end, I met some great people and enjoyed this wonderful day and while I was beat and exhausted, I realized it was worth every ounce of energy expended along the way.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 331]:~ A Week in a Day

~:[CH5 - Day 331]:~ A Week in a Day
As I stood atop the city once more, it was incredible on how a single day could feel like a week or at least like multiple days. I haven't been gone too long, yet it already seems like I've been gone forever. Have I been taken away by the charm of Hong Kong? I learned to appreciate a number of things while I have been here. As I walked around the city, I noticed that their scaffolding, even for their high rises, where made using all bamboo. To see them create it was a spectacle. While the Avenue of the Stars was under construction, I enjoyed the celebration of movie stars, much like the Hollywood Walk of Fame. I enjoyed the skyline of Hong Kong and how it was backed by the lush hills and mountains that were great to trek through. The views, the lights, the old school yet modernized, the attention to detail when designing food, and the combination of oriental and western culture, has been quite amazing to see. The transportation system, aside from the traffic, is great, as I traveled via train, ferry, taxi, and bus and the same card I used for that, I could buy a drink from a vending machine with. From visiting a temple to seeing the flamingoes in Kowloon Park to crossing a group of sailboats while crossing the river to hiking up to the top of Victoria's Peak, it was quite the full day, but well worth it. My friend served as my tour guide and while she didn't have to, went out of her way to show me all that she could about Hong Kong. It was great to hear stories and chat and she even took me to a place famous for their crab, despite her being allergic to it. It's amazing that this city has such a different vibe that I expected and even allowed me to see what the city is like when the sky is blue and it isn't drenching me with rain. My feet are a little bit sore and my body is tired, but it's all worth it when you can fit a week's worth of adventures in a single day. As I said good night to this day, I'm excited for the adventures that tomorrow will bring, as these first two days have been amazing.  

Saturday, November 26, 2016

~:[CH5 - Day 330]:~ Lost in a Storm

~:[CH5 - Day 330]:~ Lost in a Storm
As I arrived in Hong Kong, I entered with a clean slate. I had very little plans in place aside from blocks of time to spend with a few friends I intended to meet. I ended up booking a few tours on the flight, but left the rest up to chance and planned it as I went. As we were landing, I saw a reverse rainbow, much like I saw before our prelims race where fate seemed to be on our side. Today was no different. I wondered, where was the rain if that rainbow appeared. Soon enough, it showed itself. Instead of a bus to my hotel, they ended up sending me a car since I was the only person using the transfer service to the hotel. I arrived early, yet I also ended up having a room that was ready for me upon arrival. I had time to shower and rest before I headed out. After meeting my friend a little later than planned due to traffic, we headed out to hike Braemar Hill. I followed him through the trail and as we did, it started to rain. As we ventured trying to figure out the trail wondering if we should continue, it started to rain even more. Eventually we got to a spot where we could take photos, however, as nice as the view was, when I looked back at the view we were suppose to have, I realized that it was not the same view. We trekked back to the start of the route and followed a new set of directions to the view that we were looking for. For a moment, we were stuck in misery in a torrential downpour using everything we had to protect us from the rain. However, in the end, we arrived at a spot that while normally crowded was empty for us to enjoy without anyone there to distract us or get in the way. Yes, it was a miserable hike, but through the storm, our rainbow was an uninterrupted view that held just long enough, before the rain began to fall once again. It could have been easy to get upset or frustrated in the situation, but how could I? I was enjoying a wonderful day with a friend, exploring into places uncharted. At every turn there was mud, but at every turn there was also something new. A new view, a new perspective, and a new view of the world that I had not seen before. My top layer was drenched as well as my backpack and everything in there; my ride home was even more comfortable in the bus, as I was soaked, but my heart was full of joy. As while the storm continued to rage on all night, I could not stop smiling, as my adventure began with something greater than I could have ever imaged. As we finished the night at shabu shabu as I was about to fall asleep, I knew that my trip couldn't have started off on a better foot. Sometimes when you are lost in life, you have the same choice, hopefully you should to smile and find out what awaits you at the end of the storm; it just might be paradise.