Sunday, December 31, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 365]:~ The End of Another Chapter

~:[CH6 - Day 365]:~ The End of Another Chapter
The clock rolled down to midnight with the usual 3, 2, 1. It was the usual poppers, lucky noodles and TV blasting some celebratory music including Mariah, Britney and even BTS, but today was anything but ordinary. As is any day with family, it was another special celebration that I've continued to enjoy year after year. As while our family grows and it gets a little tighter of a squeeze, I appreciated the fact that we got to spend it together, whether it be spending time in the photo booth, eating, or just playing games and chatting. Life in 2017 was enjoyable and amazing, yet far from perfect, but that's how life is. Like the roller coasters I rode when my balance was off, sometimes you know going in that you may find difficulties during the ups and downs and life, yet sometimes you'll be surprised and finish unscathed. That's what makes life interesting and for the most part, enjoyable. There will be moments where darkness can overcome you and others when the beautiful scenery leaves you breathless, there will be love and heartache, there will be moments where you are carefree and others where you are stressed, but remember that no matter what, you have a circle of friends and family around you to lean on in the bad times and to celebrate with when times are good. As while at points life may be come too difficult to bear and it seems like you've reach the end, there is still much more of your story to tell and so many adventures left in the pages ahead. I never have been one to make resolutions as I feel that life is a continued cycle to try and start fresh and new. I'm not always the best at sticking to the new projects I begin, but no matter what goes on in my life, the sometimes routine annual celebration with the family are the most special in the story of my life. As while I've ventured to different continents and states, met a number of people, and experienced things I never imagined I'd be able to do, when the countdown happens, all that is amazing and special is right in front of you in front of the TV, waiting to celebrate together, to laugh together and to ring in a new year together. As while I break down the pages of my story, what makes each chapter special are the people who I am with and as I reach the end of another chapter, I know that the next will be just as special because I am surrounded by an amazing community of people like you. I am not sure why I got so lucky, but God has Blessed with greatest gift anyone could ask for in a given year and maintaining that is my life's resolution every day. May 2018 bring you Blessings, good health and great memories. Happy new year!  

Saturday, December 30, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 364]:~ Homebody

~:[CH6 - Day 364]:~ Homebody 
I don't often stay home too long, so being in a quiet home was nice for the past few days. I had the chance to wake up without an alarm, clean in peace, and even cook a few meals. It's funny how at this time of the year, I am always cleaning, prepping for the new year. As I sort through all the papers that piled up through the years, I can't help but remember everything that happened with the past year. From league championships to missed opportunities, beautiful sites to lost connections, there were the ups and downs, but ultimately, each and every memory has helped me grow and learn. As I reflect on my year and began organizing my things, I realized how quickly the year had past. As while we are busy focusing on all the things around us, we sometimes lose track of the most important thing, time. While it's easy to get distracted, let's not allow ourselves to waste any precious time, as that is one thing we'll never know how much we have left. In the midst of the chaos and stress of daily life, we often forget some of the most important things, but when you get a chance to be a homebody, you begin to see all that is important. As we head into the new year, hopefully we can clean up our lives and set ourselves in the right direction so that our 2018 can start off in the right direction. 

Friday, December 29, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 363]:~ Inside Out

~:[CH6 - Day 363]:~ Inside Out
I woke up in the morning, cooked a bit, cleaned and then headed out to do some errands and meet up with people. After my first errand, I noticed that my shirt was inside out. It's funny how in life we can make the simplest of mistakes, but sometimes in our state of panic or hurry, we make a mistake. Sure, we want to avoid the mistake altogether, however, when we make that mistake, how do we react? It's easy for us to fold when we make an error; to throw your hands up in the air and give up, however, it is our duty to ourselves to endure. It's not always as simple as flipping your shirt inside out, but the simple face palm moment can easily change the course of our lives. Let not our mistakes in life stop us from where we are going and make us hesitate in the future. Allow it to be a moment where we learn and grow, as we all mistakes, but what we do after the mistake is what is the most important. The day could have been one to be embarrassed about, but all I remember was what I accomplished and all the good quality time with friends that I had through the day. 

Thursday, December 28, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 362]:~ The Search

~:[CH6 - Day 362]:~ The Search
We're all on that search for something, whether it's an answer to our lifelong question, the love of our life, or simple the place where we belong. The journey is arduous and at times, you'll feel like giving up, but when you finally arrive at the end of that search, it simply feels this good. While I cannot say that my search is done, at least for this story in the chapter of my life, we found a spectacular destination. After taking on the task of driving hours upon hours during a short span, I stood a top a pillar look at the landscape that left me breathless. That same feeling is what you search for when you begin your journey and it's your hope that it's what you experience at the end of it. We really will never know where life will take us and who will enter our lives, but we can guarantee that we never give up on the search, as you never know what will come your way. As I arrived home exhausted, I look at this photo and know that the challenges we faced were all worth it. Tomorrow, another search continues or begins for us all and while there will be many questions we will have and many unanswered, let's not let the question, "did we really give it our all?" be one that we ask ourselves. While we all have something different that we're searching for, we should all pour our hearts and souls into the effort, as it is only then that our search will ever be complete. Let the adventure begin for us all. Carpe diem!

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 361]:~ Taken Away

~:[CH6 - Day 361]:~ Taken Away
How do you react when something is taken away from you? On this trek of ours, we faced just that. Our trail was taken away, our route was taken away and our time was taken away. It could easily have meant a disaster for a short trip, but what was taken away, only let to new and better things. Tomorrow, we'll still have time for what we missed, but today, we did things we didn't even think of. The reality is, when looking back, the only thing that was taken away, was our breath. The stunning views we captured through the lens and through the drone were quite stunning and I couldn't imagine anything better than what we experienced. While we routed our way in the dark through the windy roads due to our shortened day, we found ourselves in a little cozy town with cool, crisp, and fresh air and time to rest and relax. It may have seemed like we had too much time, but the reality is, it was nice to sit back and relax before a long day tomorrow. In life, we'll face many days where things are "taken away" from us and we must decide if we allow that to stop us in our tracks or we use it as an opportunity to continue on and discover what more awaits us. What couldn't been a disaster of a trip, ended up being a wonderful adventure full of surprises and I cannot wait for what is next. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 360]:~ Warming the Heart

~:[CH6 - Day 360]:~ Warming the Heart
It was a good way to the start the day; a bowl of Galbitang and Dogani-tang paired with good company. I couldn't have imagined a better start to a day that opened up because we decided to leave a day later. I cleaned in the morning before heading out and enjoyed the afternoon. It's always great catching up and then we ended up being able to walk around the park for a bit before calling it a day. I think it's moments like these that warm the heart. Friends can smooth over all your troubles and make them disappear. Life is tough, but it's made much easier when a friend is standing by your side supporting you. While I had another enjoyable moment later on and accomplished one of my goals that evening, I kept thinking back to the bowl of Galbitang. How different would my day be without that moment? I don't even want to know, because those are the special moments you'll never forget, the ones that will warm the heart and warm the soul.

Monday, December 25, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 359]:~ Believe

~:[CH6 - Day 359]:~ Believe
I think when I first had to take on this role as Santa, I was a bit hesitant. I rather be off to the side and just watch from afar, but being able to take a picture with everyone a the party became something I looked forward to every year. When you have your doubts, you tend not to embrace things as easily, that's a given, which is why it makes sense that your confidence and belief in something is vital to your success. I'm big on family traditions and this happens to be one of them, as we've done this longer than I can remember. As old as we all get, it's something we all have to do and it's my belief that it's something that we need to continue to do. I know that the true story behind the holiday is not about Santa or reindeer, but truly the idea of giving and selflessness is something we all need during the holidays and should continue as we move forward each and every day. As while good food and fun are often on the menu at these holiday celebrations, the hugs and kisses, the looks of love and the sounds of laughter, and the feeling of spending time with loved ones is truly the gift we all are blessed with during the holidays. As while I've always been skeptical about Santa (since I was little), I've never stopped believing that the tradition is something that brought our family together. Do I believe in Santa? I'll leave that answer unsaid, but no matter my answer, his laughter, his joy, his selflessness and his love will be heard and felt by all, as that is something I truly believe in.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 358]:~ Reminded of the Greatest Gift

~:[CH6 - Day 358]:~ Reminded of the Greatest Gift
I've said this before and I'll say it again, this is the greatest gift we've been given in this world. The ability to love and to be loved. In the chaos of gathering gifts together and finding that perfect thing for that perfect someone, we cannot forget that what we are looking for is right in front of our eyes. The time spent with loved ones is more valuable than anything you can wrap or put a bow on and in the spirit of the holidays, it's something we should never forget. We've been blessed to be in this world and it's our task to live and to love. I don't know how I was so lucky to have such a wonderful family surrounding me. There aren't very moments in the day that I forget this and I know in the future that will never change. As while we have grown and moved on, we keep the same traditions we've had since the day I was born and for that, I am grateful. I have been at every holiday celebration and I hope that I never have to say that I'll be missing one, because even with all the wondrous places I've been and things I've done, these are the most cherished days of my life. Thank you to all those who have made and continue to make live special. I hope that you have the opportunity to love like you've never loved before, sending the greatest gift that you could possibly send. 

Saturday, December 23, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 357]:~ Fun & Games

~:[CH6 - Day 357]:~ Fun & Games
The phrase fun & games is often referred to in a negative light, as if people need to take things more seriously. However, on the other end, sometime you need to be more relaxed and find enjoyment in the opportunities that life has to offer you. Today was one of those days for me and while I got some work done, I was able to watch some dramas, make a stop in Pasadena, before closing the night out with a few hours of billiards. It was quite nice and relaxing and while I had to do a little bit of wrapping and cleaning on top of some cooking that I did, it was a nice relaxing day. As while we live in a time where work can get piled up, it's always good to step away and take some time for yourself where you don't have to worry about much except for all the fun & games. Today was that day. 

Friday, December 22, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 356]:~ By Chance

~:[CH6 - Day 356]:~ By Chance
Like that silver ball that gets bounced around in a pinball game, every movement in the game results in you ending up a different position. Much as in life, every decision you make in life, takes you to somewhere else. I was lucky enough to make the decisions that brought me close to this wonderful family who taught me a lot. Who showed me that it doesn't take much to build a loving family, who reminded me that even in the toughest of situations, you have each other to pull you through, and who taught me that even when you are struggling yourself, you can continue to give to others around you. I have been so amazed in all I've learned in my few years knowing this beautiful family. It's been tough seeing all that they've had to deal with over the years, but I am glad that every decision I made, allowed me to grow closer to them. I'm not sure if it was simply by chance or if the decisions I've made before guided me to them, but I am forever grateful that my road map guided me to them. With the holidays coming up, many will think about what they want to receive or what they want to give to others, which is the norm. However, through all my interactions with this family, I am reminded that after all the stress of holiday shopping and wrapping, we must not forget to give and receive the greatest gifts - love, compassion, and unity. Whether you celebrate anything this holiday, I hope that you make the decision that will yield the best results possibly going forward; love with all your heart, have compassion for those around you and remember to stay true and loyal to those who you hold dear, as by doing so, it will not be simply by chance that you'll overcome life's biggest obstacles in order to find yourself on the road to life's greatest joys. 

Thursday, December 21, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 355]:~ Walking Back into the Past

~:[CH6 - Day 355]:~ Walking Back into the Past
As I continue my trek down the road of piecing together this documentary/film, I have began to meet some of the people who helped make this school into the one it is today. I met an alumni from the class of 1975 and as I talked to him and interviewed him, I was taken back to the days when the school first opened. He said, not much has changed since the school opened campus-wise. There is an addition to the gym, a new track and portables, but mostly, the campus hasn't changed much over the past 40 plus years. It was nice meeting him and funny that his picture was even on the wall in the ASB room, as he was on one of the first cabinets in history. It was a nice chat and made me think about all the people who walked through the halls of the school. It's amazing to think about, but by the time we organize this, there will be about 30,000 students who walked the halls of this campus. While it was a crazy day being the last day of the school year, it will be one that I enjoy and remember as while we closed the books on 2017 on campus, I know that 2018 will not only unlock a new year, but also unlock more of the history of this wonderful school that I call home. 

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 354]:~ When the Rain Falls

~:[CH6 - Day 354]:~ When the Rain Falls
The weather has been strange lately with cold mornings, warm afternoons and returning to even colder evenings, however, I never expected it to rain. I was well prepared for it, however. It was a strange day, as with an atypical schedule, I had more time than I was used to. It was easy to get things done, I was relaxed and the night at scrip was not very busy even though it was the week of Christmas, and I sat back with an alumni enjoying dinner in a peaceful environment. The topper was running into our assistant principal (and friend) who returned from retirement again who ended up as Santa on his second to last day of school. As the rain fell that night, I prepared for an important meeting and thought that while the rain can be a hindrance and annoyance to us, the importance of the rain is of greater importance than we'll ever know. In the mountains, snow will probably fall, the fires may be calmed by the rain and the vegetation gains much needed precipitation without the need for watering. It may cause more accidents, build up traffic and leave us as a soaked disaster later on, but in the long term, the rain will benefit us all. As in life, we face storms that bring us down and serve as a hindrance, but often, there are parts of the storm that will help us in the end that we do not see, normally in a lesson we can learn, a compassion voice that swoops in to help us or simply the ability to reflect upon our own actions. I am not a big fan of rain, but before I went inside, I soaked it up a bit knowing that it wouldn't be long before the benefits of the rain would begin, as these showers will soon bring on a beautiful field of flowers.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 353]:~ The WoW Factor

~:[CH6 - Day 353]:~ The WoW Factor
It was a crazy day. I stayed up late to make soup for our annual soup kitchen. I planned to wake up early to get everything finished up and to check on the taste, but didn't have the time and ran out the door. I spilled some soup as I tried to get it into the school, as I struggled to get everything to where it needed to be. In the end, my soup turned out pretty good and was the start of what I call the WoW Factor. During practices last week, my PE class looked like they would struggle with their dance final projects. Some of them didn't have great dance routines, however, they came today to impress. They practiced and took this seriously and came out with some amazing performances that WoWed us all. Even the performances that weren't as strong, showed great improvement since they began planning and I left so happy that they were able to show that improvement over time. I got WoWed one more time, as I met with a friend who showed me what she has been working on and it reminded me why she is always so impressive. Her ability to chase after what she wants to do is something that motivates me to push for greater heights, her thoughtfulness is something I strive to have, and her courageousness to take on all these new tastes is something that I will continue to chase. I left our get together so happy, as she amazed me as normally and inspired me to create my own WoW factor moving forward. Today taught me to treasure the impressive people around me and to never underestimate what someone is capable of, as some of these athletes today simply WoWed me! 

Monday, December 18, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 352]:~ Defining Who We Are

~:[CH6 - Day 352]:~ Defining Who We Are
It's easy to be someone when things are going well. You know who you are, know your role and know where you're going. However, who are you when times get tough and when you are trying to find a way out of the darkness. With the start to the week, I began to ask myself these questions, as I was saddened with how people around me were acting. We all have things we need to correct when things don't go our way. In the shadows of temptations, it is easy to fall of course, the question is, how off course do we allow ourselves to be? How are we defined in the absence of light, which truly shows the person we are at our core. I've noticed how many revolve their days around themselves, whether it be about their goals, their wants and needs, their hopes and dreams and while there is nothing wrong with that, I think we also need to also allow ourselves to define ourselves with a we. What are our goals, what are our wants and needs and what are our hopes and dreams. In politics, in sports, in love and in life, we've often allowed ourselves to get in the way of the greater good. As I heard the chatter today, I was discouraged hearing blame, hearing people disappointed because of what they would lose, rather than disappointed in the fact that it happened and they allowed it to happen. 

"Speak up, because the day you don't speak up for the things that matter to you is the day your freedom truly ends." - Anonymous.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein

"Do not exchange your dignity for popularity." - Dr. Steve Maraboli

It's difficult to do something that isn't popular, however, some of the greatest people in history did just that, made an unpopular decision because they were willing to speak up for what they believed was right, as they refused to give up their freedom. While tensions may have arisen, they made the world a better place, because they took action. As I think about the events that have transpired, I gain even more respect for those who can speak up against the wave of popularity in order to do what is right. As upsetting as the response can be, among the shadows, the light will radiate and your true self will begin to be seen. The question is, what kind of person will emerge? Can you truly speak up for a decision not only when it impacts you, but also when you know that someone must speak up for the greater good of the people? Can you do it when you risk losing more than you can gain for yourself, when you know it will be for the betterment of those around you? So many questions have entered and left my mind as I thought about the situation and it only left me with more questions such as "do people realize that these types of situations allow them to risk more than they can gain?" Personally, as all these thoughts wandered through my mind as the emotions rushed through my body, it came down to a simple idea. In the darkness, we have an opportunity to define who we truly are. Sometimes in a blink of an eye, we must make decisions and those decisions will truly shape who we are. The good thing is that if we're willing to give up some of our pride, we have an opportunity to correct our mistakes and mold ourselves into something we can be proud to look at, every moment of every day. For each of us, this mold will be different and only we can truly define what we want this mold to look like. We all have something we can work on, so I think we can begin today by reflecting upon ourselves and ask, how do I want to be defined, so that you can being the process of molding yourself. I am nowhere near where I want to be, but today is a good day to begin heading in the right direction. Who wants to join me?

Sunday, December 17, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 351]:~ Light Up the Night

~:[CH6 - Day 351]:~ Light Up the Night
It was a chilly this evening, but the beautiful of the Enchanted Forest of Lights made it all disappear. The site was a beautiful display of lights laid out among ten different themed areas and while it was a little more crowded than I would have liked, it was still an enjoyable experience. Life tends to give you moments like this when you least expect it. When all is not working out how you had hoped and all of a sudden a moment like this is throw your way, almost like it was waiting to light up your day (well, night). Sometimes you plan for these moments and sometimes they just arrive, yet regardless, soak it all in and appreciate it while you have the opportunity, because others may not be so lucky. As we walk through the darkness of light, we must always remember that it is in our darkest times that the light will appear the most beautiful and bright, therefore never lose hope, as soon, a guiding light will lead you out of the darkness. Tonight, I was truly enchanted and my momentary walk in the darkness did not last long at all, quickly realizing just how blessed I truly am. 

Saturday, December 16, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 350]:~ In Transition

~:[CH6 - Day 350]:~ In Transition
The one thing about giving yourself the best possibility for continued success in life, is to always prepare. You're going to face the unexpected, but if you prepare well, you'll give yourself a great opportunity for success. However, that preparation cannot be short-sided. For long-term success, you must see the road ahead and step back and see the whole picture so that you know where you are headed. Each year, we appoint training captains who we work with to see if they have it what it takes to be a captain. It's not something we start in June, rather, way before that in order to best prepare ourselves for success. It's always a joy to get together for the first time, however, even more a joy to see them all grow over the course of their careers. While all the ones we train will not be a success, our process of trying to transition new captains in has helped us tremendously in finding success. It was an exhausting day dealing with the crowds at the Stussy sale and while I was wiped out, seeing this new generation of captains put a skip in my step and prepared me for the transition ahead. 

Friday, December 15, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 349]:~ Piecing it All Together

~:[CH6 - Day 349]:~ Piecing it All Together
When things get matched up properly, they make something so stunningly beautiful. Things coming together as one to form a unified piece that is the same, yet separate. It is in our unity that we find our greatest strength, as while something may be amazing, the combination of amazing things can create something that is beyond our imagination. As I wandered through California Adventure, I felt this same amazingness. I guess that is the benefit of a pass. I can simply walk through the park while running an errand before heading back to do the tasks at hand. As I appreciate the aesthetics of the park, I think about how amazing the combination of all the things are within the park and just how they compliment each other. This observation also helped me to realize that our own awesomeness is magnified when we surround ourselves with the right things. When we place ourselves in a situation where what we do and who we are with compliments who we are and want to be. In that, we find the answer to the puzzle of life. If we truly want to be the best version of ourselves, we must place ourselves in the right place and also around the right people to give ourselves the best opportunity at success. As while we may be successful, alone, we limit the potential that we have and in that, we only see part of the large picture that await us. 

Thursday, December 14, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 348]:~ Sketching a Page

~:[CH6 - Day 348]:~ Sketching a Page
My body told me to stay home, so I canceled my trip to DTLA for the Art Walk, so I could lounge around and rest. It allowed me to take it easy, as I edited parts of my first vlog that I'll be working on over the winter. As I did, I began working on cartooning photos and videos and had a blast doing it. As I thought about it though, isn't life like a comic book? Each day is a sketch in a series, with some being shorter than others. Some will sit on a shelf, never be read, while others will become popularized, as people will flock to get their hands on the newest edition. As while we script each page of our own story, we must think about what we want that story to be about. Today in Econ, we walked about the essential questions and I think life also has those same questions. Do we want the spotlight or are we fine hiding in the shadows, where do we want to go, what do we want to be and who will we surround ourselves with. There are things that are beyond our control and things we can never for see, but we have input on every single page in the sketch of our lives. Today's decision to stay home could very well have changed the course of my life or could be insignificant in changing the course of our future. Regardless, as we move forward, think about your life and answer those essential questions and figure out where exactly you want to fit in. If my comic were to sit on a shelf and never be read, I would care less as long as the contents of that comic were driven by me. As while popularity and fame can be wonderful, I'm just fine here in the shadows, happy and content, with my family, my friends, and my faith. As I look at this page, there is something so beautiful about it and while I may never be able to put it into words, it matters not, similarly to the many pages before it. As with the adventures and people that fill the pages, I am creating a compilation of sketches that I will treasure for the rest of my life. Tomorrow, I will add another page and the day after, another one, and I only hope that I can fill these pages with great moments with great people, not to show off to the world, but to share with those special people who I've been lucky enough to share my life with in this series that is of my own.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 347]:~ The Hard Battle ...

~:[CH6 - Day 347]:~ The Hard Battle ...
"Be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle ..." The movie Wonder inspired me more than I thought it would and made me reflect on life. In a day full of catching up, the movie perfectly summed up the day itself. In the movie, the battles that the main character had to fight were obvious, but with all those around him, the battles they were fighting didn't seem as obvious. From the overshadowed sister to the parents who sacrificed so much, the story solidified this idea. My day today paralleled similar battles, as I saw a brilliant artists looking for direction, one of the most incredible people I've known, facing the challenges on the job, and a college student wrapping up the loose ends of finals. Whether big or small, each of us has a hard battle to fight and while it appears that some people tend to coast along, their battles could actually be greater than the ones that appear the toughest. In a previous entry, I talked about how our society is so quick to judge and it's true. We judge by what we see, but are we truly looking? In our lives, we have to make the effort to look and really see inside of each of the people around us in order to see the battle they face. As easy as their road may appear, they each are fighting to stay afloat and to try to ensure that the sketch of their life is the one that they are striving for. Much like the brushstrokes of this fabulous artist, it is our job to look beyond the image and to look at the finer details and the think about the process it went through. There was so much to be overjoyed about today and while not all was perfect, the reflection on my own life and actions began the process of creating a road map for myself as I move forward. I thought about the sketch of my own life and what I want portrayed in my sketch. As while in life, there is great temptation to try to rise above others, to become a champion, to find your way to your goal, and to be right, ultimately, the right decision is to be kind. As while we may want to do great things, "he is the greatest whose strength carries up the most hearts by the attraction of his own," (Beecher) and it is in kindness that we can truly rise to greatness. As it is not he who receives a standing ovation that deserves the most recognition, but the one who helps lead those around them to their own standing ovations. "Everyone is fighting a hard battle" and it is our job to look in order to see who they truly and our ability to see, begins with being kind. 

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 346]:~ The Million Fish in the Sea

~:[CH6 - Day 346]:~ The Million Fish in the Sea
There's a million fish in the sea and I'm one of them. I know what you're thinking, but this post is not about love and yes, I know, the population of the world is well over seven billion. Regardless, it's interesting to think of people like fish. The question is, in what direction do you swim? Do you swim with the school of fish, against the flow of traffic, with the same crowd or a different one, do you swim solo or do you just allow yourself to float? Regardless of how you decide to swim, I think the important thing is that you do what you feel you should. It shouldn't be a case of FOMO forcing you to swim with the crowd or you being a rebel to swim against, but really, just you making the right decision for you. In life, sometimes we hide things in order to appease those around us, but the reality is when we do that we break things - trust, loyalty, hearts, and ourselves in a number of ways. We must come out of the shadows and be who we want to be and swim how we want to swim. There are a million fish in the sea and they all swim in different ways and whether we decide to swim with the crowd or in a way of our own, the only judge of how we're doing is ultimately ourselves. As while we can trust the words of those around us, ultimately, the million fish aren't the ones who have live every day of their lives as you. Be the change you want to see in the world and whether that world of seven billion people or the world that lies between your ears, but if you truly want to be that change, that decision must begin with YOU. Don't be afraid to be you, because truly you are one in a million.

Monday, December 11, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 345]:~ Leaving a Legacy

~:[CH6 - Day 345]:~ Leaving a Legacy
We had a theme awhile back that was Leaving a Legacy. I encourage our athletes to leave a legacy of their own, by giving themselves to the program, much like they should do to anything they're apart of . It's always important to not simply join something, but to join and give it your all. The past week or so, I've felt the struggle of doing so, but tonight, I was reminded that all that struggle is well worth it. It was a lot of preparation, a lot of talking, and a lot of sacrifice along the way, but what you put in, you often get back ten fold and that's exactly how I felt. Sure, there were mistakes in the program, I couldn't include everything in the video and we ran late (I guess as usual), but that's part of the process. Leaving a legacy doesn't mean  you're perfect, in fact, part of making a legacy is making mistakes, learning from them, and help guide future generations away from those same pitfalls. With a team that was both senior and freshman heavy, I wonder what the future will look like for our program, but what I am sure of is that the seniors this year have left an indelible mark on this program through the legacy they created. My brain has shut down and my body is beginning for my bed, but I will sleep well, as I will be comforted by all the wonderful moments of the night. I wish we had more time and didn't have to rush through a wonderful evening, however, regardless, I am simply glad that this opportunity existed. Today officially marked the end of the season and while another chapter closes, the words within those chapters will not be erased or forgotten, as they are things that have been ingrained in the minds of the generations to come. Being a teacher and a coach is a tough job because every year, we say goodbye to another group of wonderful people who we were lucky enough to meet and while chances are good I will see some of them again, there are many who I will never to for the rest of my life. Regardless, a piece of them will always be left with me and this beautiful ohana and with them, they take the many connections, memories and experiences they had while members of this team. Thank you to all the members of the ohana for all of your contributions, as I am a better person because of you all. The legacy you have left, is not just one with the program, but also one that impacts the trajectory of my own life, as you truly have allowed me to soar. Tonight, I will sleep well, not only because I am tired, but because I am at peace knowing just how lucky of a person I am to be surrounded with this amazing group of people I call my ohana.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 344]:~ Responsibly Irresponsible

~:[CH6 - Day 344]:~ Responsibly Irresponsible
When asked if I wanted to go, I thought about the piles of work that awaited me at home. I knew I had a lot, but that didn't stop me from the irresponsible decision ... "yes," I said. I actually accomplished a lot on Saturday, so going on Sunday wasn't too bad. My workload was doable and as I sit here finishing up what I need to, I realized, I had more than enough time after yesterday's grind. However, when I think back, I'm not sure if I can say that today's decision was irresponsible. Sometimes, you have a ton of responsibility and a workload to take care of, but you also have to take care of yourself. You must think about what you want and need and at times, set aside the boatload of responsibilities in order to take care of your own priorities. I was glad to have some quality time and enjoyed the day thoroughly. I stressed all day, but it was about the nail-biting finish of the Packers, where we were headed and how to route back to Little Tokyo. It wasn't about the work that I had waiting for me at home. It made me realize, I was responsible to myself and allowed me to enjoy the day, which I did. The game was great, the company was amazing, and the experience was worth all the irresponsibility that went into that responsible decision. We shouldn't always set aside what we need to take care of, but we also must not allow ourselves to keep passing up on our own opportunities so we can service others. Today, I made that choice and as I sat in the stands of rivaling teams, I sat back and played the neutral guy and simply enjoyed an amazing game. I am grateful and will cherish this day, as even while I sit her editing in the wee hours of the morning, it ended up being one of the best days of my year. 

Saturday, December 9, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 343]:~ Good Problems

~:[CH6 - Day 343]:~ Good Problems
I finished reviewing the last MAJOR section of the video when I realized I had a problem. I already finished 42 minutes of the video and had the summer and the season to put into the video. In an ideal world. finishing 42 minutes would be fabulous with a day and a half of editing to go. Not to mention that I finished packing most of the packets and just have to type a few more notes to be ready. However, to jam pack the last 18 minutes of the video is going to be quite the challenge. Similarly, I had a good night's sleep, but it was too good. I woke up two hours after I wanted to and thus, had two hours less to work. I still ended up getting 18 hours of editing in today, which left my butt and back sore. On a day full of cross country, I wanted so badly to be in Florida today. One of my runners decided to go to the National Junior Olympic Championships in Tallahassee, Florida. With my Asia trip and a shortened time before the banquet, I knew it wasn't going to be possible to go unless it was absolutely necessary, but luckily, they streamed the race and I was able to catch it online. In the end, he ended the season on a high note, becoming my first medalist at the National Junior Olympics. I wish I could have been there, but with technology, it was great that I could talk to him and to watch him find success! I hope that next year, I'll be able to make it out to wherever it is, but I guess all the problems that I faced today were good ones to have. Tomorrow will be a long day, but I won't think about that now and just enjoy all the Ws I collected today. Sometimes you just got to lay back and soak it all in, before you worry about the storm that's coming your way. 

Friday, December 8, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 342]:~ It's Just Me

~:[CH6 - Day 342]:~ It's Just Me
It's just me. Someone who rather sit in a room alone and write poetry or blog. I'm not comfortable in large groups, in front of the camera, or being put on the spot, despite what you may think. I'll do it, but I'll be dying inside. Life has taught me how to handle these situations, but I still like the tranquility of the night after everyone has gone to sleep or being alone in a room while traveling abroad. I like a park in the morning when no one is around or wandering around in beautiful places with my camera, looking for that shot. I like one-on-ones, but don't always have a lot to say - I rather listen, (Ask me ... I'd love to catch up with you!) which is also why I don't always say what I want to say. Conversation is never easy and the awkwardness may rub off differently than I am actually feeling. I can be straightforward when asked, but won't normally reveal all that wanders in my mind. I'm not easy to read, so normally people's assumptions about me are wrong and sometimes I used it all to my advantage just for a little fun. Regardless, I'm just me. I'm part goofy, part serious, I try to never leave something undone, and am someone who will try and be as loyal as possible. While I still  am too shy and probably won't approach you when I have something to say, I think I've trained myself to handle most of the situations I want to avoid. However, when the day is over and I get to see in the tranquility of my home when no one is around, I shed all that I've become to find myself again. As I look in the camera, I see that it's just the real me - this selflie says it all. 

Thursday, December 7, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 341]:~ More the the Eye ...

~:[CH6 - Day 341]:~ More the the Eye ...
In life, you come across spectacular things, but even then, there still more than the eye can see. You don't see all the work that may be put into a project, all the workouts that have been put into fitness, the slicing and dicing in a dish, and the careful planning that goes into a movie. You see something amazing, yet the more amazing things are things you may not even realize. I think we have to take that approach in life. We don't always see the whole picture and we must keep that in the back of our mind, that there are reasons behind the success, the failure, the tears, and the laughter. Similarly, you may see a smile, but in the shadows, there may be pain or struggle; there may be a beautiful display, but the workmanship may be lacking. While at times we may stare up into the sky and think about the wonders of the heavens, you mustn't forget how incredible the creation of it all is. The thought and the design He put into making all that surrounds us, is something that we should be in awe of and amazed by. From the smallest living creatures to the mountain peaks that tower overhead, this world is an amazing place and is to be appreciated. I cannot even begin to imagine how something so amazing could be produced, but regardless, it doesn't have to keep me from soaking it all in and enjoying it all. There still a lot of mysteries in the world around me, many things I will never find out, but instead of worrying to much about knowing every last detail, I will sit her and appreciate the fact that it all exists and allow myself to continue to be intrigued by the mystery of it all.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 340]:~ Mind Taking Flight

~:[CH6 - Day 340]:~ Mind Taking Flight
Globetrotters always have the case of the travel bug. Just a few days removed from my trip, I want to get away, but I know that it's not something that is coming soon. My time and my wallet say, I need to stay home. If someone were to drop a cool million my way, maybe I'd consider it, but for now, I'm staying put so I can make some money and pay back some of those bills. Regardless, that doesn't stop my mind from traveling all around. As while the load of work piles up as my deadline quickly approaches, I find myself spacing out, looking at old photos and feeling like this bird I saw at Naksan Park where I was tracking down the shooting location of Because This is My First Life. I was productive today, yet there still was that part of me that knows that I could have finished a lot more in the time that I had. Regardless, I am excited because in a week from now, I will be working on stuff for the holidays, editing my photos and videos and relaxing by doing the things I love. Yes, I will have a mound of work to do, but I will enjoy doing it. However, it's not quite that time and just like we must do in life, we must occasionally give ourselves a reality check, kick ourselves in the butt and remind ourselves that there is still work to do. It's time to get back to the perch, finish up this mound of work ahead, before it's time to hibernate for the winter. For all those looking forward, let's cheer each other on, as the finish line is near and it's almost time for us to take flight.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 339]:~ It's Time for the Grind

~:[CH6 - Day 339]:~ It's Time for the Grind
I finished what I was hoping to finish, but didn't get ahead like I had hoped today. I did so much work and feel like I'm ahead of the game, but in reality, I know I am behind because I have one less day to work with this year. Sadly, the days will not get any easier until Monday when I can finally breathe a sigh of relief and head into the holidays relaxed. I wish I had gotten more done while I was gone, but technological problems kept me from doing so and so I'm left with what I am left with and now I have to grind it out. However, I got some motivation today as the exchange students were on campus! I love having them in my class and while I wish I could provide more exciting lessons for them, I am glad that I do get some interaction with them. It adds a little pep into my day which was full of a lot of work. I'm hoping that everything pans out and I can finish it all, but I guess when these deadlines approach, you just have to stay focus and keep from getting distracted. So far, I am doing well and I'm hoping that I can keep on chugging along. If you don't hear from me for the next few days ... scratch that, when you don't hear from me for the next few days, you'll know why! Sometimes you just have to hibernate and I guess with this weather, it might be a good time to do that anyway. 

Monday, December 4, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 338]:~ I'll See You Again Soon

~:[CH6 - Day 338]:~ I'll See You Again Soon
I sat at home for hours working on a pile of work that built up over the week. Yes, I was officially home. Sadly, there was a lot of work to do and the week will only get worse. Of course, that was expected and my week is clear so I can work on it all. However, my mind kept wandering as I browsed through photos and thought of all the memories I gained on this trip, all the people that I met, and the experiences I had that I wish I could relieve. I had my share of missed opportunities, moments of nearly missing my train, and even moments of feeling bloated (a result of food which was too good), yet those are also were moments I would like to relieve, as they added to the memories of this amazing week. It wasn't an accident that my photo of the day turned out a bit gloomy, because that's how I felt while leaving. Many times, at the end of my trips, I am excited to leave. Today, as I said my final farewell, I kind of just stood there, because I didn't want to leave. I know I have a lot of studying to do so I can communicate better and add dots on the map on where I want to visit, but I wish I could already fast forward to the day when I will return. From picking up things from the school here to catching up with friends to finding new adventures, I felt a little at home this time around. Of course, there are always things that draw you back and there are definitely things I am excited to do now that I am back and people I've been waiting to see as well. My path back to Asia may be soon, but I guess I will have to see where my road is destined to lead. There is only One who knows where that road will lead and I will listen hard for guidance on where I should be headed. Tomorrow, I will not be walking and finding something around every corner, I will not find my own corner of peace and quiet, and I will not get to enjoy the surroundings of the colors of fall, but then again, life is not about living in the past, but looking towards the new adventures to lie ahead. As while I left a piece of myself back in Asia, it will not hold me back from moving forward into all the possibilities that lie ahead. I have a mount of work to do, but also a mound of things I want to do. Slowly, I will allow those piles to diminish and before I know it, the time will come when I can see you again. To the streets I now know as my second home, thank you for the memories, both good and bad. This will go down as one of the best trips of my life, simply because it was filled with great food, great people and great memories. There was nothing too grandiose about this trip, which is why it was simply amazing. 

Sunday, December 3, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 337]:~ Truly Entertained

~:[CH6 - Day 337]:~ Truly Entertained
As I walked through the streets around JYP, we ended up in the Gangnam-gu area and walked along the shops near Apugujeong, which were all closed in the morning. It was nice to see the K-pop Star road statues and even see the start of a filming of something in the same area. Today would be the end of my trip to Seoul, but it was also the favorite of my days despite yesterday being so full of activities. When looking at the JYP building, it was cool to see Day6 displayed on the front of the building. I thought about the challenges of being a star in Korea were as people were probably always out in front hassling them. Regardless, we got to eat out at a KBBQ place nearby and just as Jae said, it was delicious. The workers were super friendly and it was the type of KBBQ where you didn't have to do much of the work. It was great to see Jae finding success, as they recently performed a collab with Got7 at the MAMA awards in HK. I keep hoping for a huge breakthrough for him and the group, as they have been working so hard to make it all work. We finally had our chance to catch up on his "home turf" and while the time was short, it was definitely QT. I think one of the greatest lines from our conversation definitely had to be similar to what he said at his concert, when you really want something, you can't let those around you stop you. You can't let discouragement and disappointment stop you from going after what you want to do. As unconventional as the path may be, if you go at it with all of yourself, you may find that you will breakthrough. Ultimately, for all those with a dream, chase it and maybe you'll find yourself a top one of the biggest stages in the arena in which your passion falls. In the end, Seoul was a quick, yet entertaining trip and I cannot believe that my time in Asia is almost over. While there were mistakes in planning for this trip, it all ended up unfolding well, as I head into a challenging week when I return. Sometimes things don't work out as planned, but you cannot allow that to distract you from the moments that you have in front of you. As each of them is a precious one given to you, you must cherish it and enjoy it to the fullest, whether you are working, playing or exploring. I waved goodbye to my friend who was heading on a different route back home, as I went down the escalator knowing that at the same time I was waving goodbye to Asia again. While I still have a half day left, when I reflect back on this trip, which was filled with such a variety of memories and meeting with a number of people, I keep thinking of how truly entertaining and memorable this trip was. As while I may never make it to the main stage in life, just as Jae said, I won't let anyone stop me from trying. 

Saturday, December 2, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 336]:~ Good Soup for the Soul

~:[CH6 - Day 336]:~ Good Soup for the Soul
For those who have traveled with me, you know that I try to fit as much as possible in a day, but even I wondered how today was possible. I planned today out pretty well in order to use as much time as possible to show my friend from Japan everything on the list and then more within the only full day that we had. We headed to Naksan Park and hiked to the top to see the sights of Seoul as we wandered along the Seoul Fortress Wall seeing the sights where we would end our night. We ventured down through the Ihwa Mural Village and while I was sad that they painted over the koi stairs, there was a lot of interesting art to check out as we hit up the underpass before making our way over to World Heritage site Changdeokgung. We ventured to Gyeongbokgun and checked out the guards at Gwanghwamun Gate before exploring the palace grounds. We ended up wandering through the Folk Museum Grounds before we hit up the Bukchon Hanok Village area to see a few sites from Temperature of Love among a few other dramas. I was so happy to even be able to get the signage at Good Soup which was still up, even though the interior was already taken apart. To think that it was all a set was pretty amazing, especially when considering the floors of the same restaurant were shot at different locations. After, we ventured down to Insa-dong and headed through the Ssamziegil and age an amazingly large lunch that added to the day. After venturing to a few sites from Goblin, we headed to the crazy streets of Namdaemun Market and then over to Myeong-dong. As it started to get dark, we headed up to N Seoul Tower and while we had some bussing issues, we finally got up there, saw the sights, took the photos, and even finished the night with chicken and "beer" or soft drinks. Regardless, as full as today was, it wasn't just about all that we did, but the fact that we were able to do it together and enjoy our time catching up, exploring and discovering the undiscovered. I guess traveling can truly be that good soup for the "Seoul" that we are all searching for and so we mustn't miss our opportunity, as we really never know what we are missing out on unless we get out there. Tomorrow, I'll head back to Tokyo already, but there's no doubt in my mind that Seoul was truly amazing and gave me the perfect soup for the "Seoul."

Friday, December 1, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 335]:~ What Luck!

~:[CH6 - Day 335]:~ What Luck!
I originally was planning to come to a concert here in Seoul when I planned my flights. When the dates were different than what I had scheduled for, I was a bit bummed. However, it turned out that Clara C ended up having a concert at the same time that I happen to be in Seoul, amazingly! I've been following her music for quite some time now and have seen her a number of times in LA, Atlanta and in Seoul and even had a few chances to sit down and eat with her. I love her energy and spirit when she performs and today was especially entertaining as she was speaking in Korean and even changed some of her lyrics to Korean, as well as French! What talent! It was much colder in Seoul than in Tokyo and as I walked the streets of Hondae, I was dying, but in my heart, I was warm to the beautiful music of Clara that always seems to pull at my Heartstrings. Sometimes things just fall into place and instead of wondering how it all happened, I am just going to enjoy the moment and appreciate just how lucky I am. 

Thursday, November 30, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 334]:~ The Welcoming Spirit

~:[CH6 - Day 334]:~ The Welcoming Spirit
It was easy to wake up in the morning for my train simply because I was already awake. Since it was so close to the time that I needed to wake up, I began to work until it was time to shower and head out. It was a long trek to Amagasaki-shi, leaving at 5am and arriving sometime around 9:30am. I had some time to kill, so I walked around Osaka Castle and then wandered around Amagasaki. I was amazed at how welcoming the staff was as I met their principal and two vice principals, almost their entire staff, along with a few other people along the way. They greeted me with tea (twice), a nice tour around their school and even had someone take me around the classes when Tsipporah was working. We got to meet some elementary students as they had a cool program where the elementary students came to get taught by the high school students. They broke them up into six different rooms and had various experiments that the elementary students would perform with the guidance of the high school students. I was impressed by this and hoped that our school could adopt something like this, as it could help both the elementary and the high school. We do a little bit of this with MUN, but still think that a program like this could be beneficial. In any case, it was great to catch up with Tsipporah and to watch her in action. She has such a strong presence and great character which showed in her teaching and how the students responded to her. So many students said hello to her in the hallways and even outside the campus and we walked to grab dinner. While teaching, her positive energy showed, as her smile and laugh radiated a magnetic energy to the students. They were shy and quiet, but still, you could tell they were interested. It was a great day to sit in and while I didn't feel my best today, the day itself lifted my energy and my spirits. I still am in awe in how welcoming everyone was and just how respectful the students were. From the bowing as they passed to the attention in class to the responsibility of cleaning up the school at the end of the day, I was impressed. I hope to one day visit the school again and am glad for the experience. I ended up on an earlier train back to Tokyo which will allow me to get the rest I need for tomorrow's new adventure, but I will forever remember the amazing experience I had today. There are many things that I learned in such a short span of time and I hope that my experience will not go to waste, as I hope to use the things I picked up today in the very near future. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 333]:~ R&R

~:[CH6 - Day 333]:~ R&R
Today I planned something rare among my vacations, a day to rest and relax. I love to use the most of every minute of my days, but today, I decided to just take a chill day. I grabbed lunch with an alum at a famous tonkatsu place in Takadanobaba. It was a long line and strangely enough, we ended up in line next to a couple who went to UC Irvine and the guy was originally from Cerritos. Strange how small the world is. I was starting to doubt that the wait was a smart decision as we stood there for a longer period of time, but when I took my first bite, I wasn't in doubt any longer. The tenderness of the pork along with the flakiness of the panko was truly amazing. It almost felt like katsuobushi as the breading because it was so light. Amazing! I was truly in heaven with every bite and while I left full, was definitely craving more as I walked out of the restaurant. After a brief chat, I wandered around the area before heading back to the hotel for my planned worked day. I caught up on dramas, did some work, and found myself passed out for the rest of the night. It was nice to sleep, especially because I was a little tired and had a long day ahead. I wish I got more work done, but tomorrow, will be a train work day and hopefully I can get most of what I need done completed. As while I could have tried to get it all done today, I know that sometimes you just need to refresh yourself a bit so that you can focus on what you're doing. I guess today was my cleanse for the final stretch ahead. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 332]:~ Seasons Change

~:[CH6 - Day 332]:~ Seasons Change
The day started how it ended in awe. I guess that's how the season's are, very cyclical. As I walked into the Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, I was in awe of the fall foliage that we do not get in Los Angeles. The richness of the reds, oranges, and yellows in contrast to the green was incredible and it was a reminder of how life is. The contrasts between seasons can be intense for some and mild for others, but regardless, we all go through these changes. From the days of green, where the flowers blossom, to the days of sunshine in the summer, the aging in the fall, and the final stages in the winter. The changes in life are quite evident, but the one things that remains is the core. In life, we face so many difficulties, we go through so many struggles, but we also have moments to celebrate and store deep in the roots of our life. Like the trees, we all move at our own pace, with some of the trees still green, others becoming the colors of fall and some shedding their leaves all together. As in life, we do these things at our own pace, yet in doing so, we create a beautiful display that is life, as people contrast each other, not to compare each one of us to another, but to show our differences. After a day that I ventured to one of the best meals I had in Tokyo, gyukatsu, to the heights of Sky Tree, to the hipster area of Shiokitazawa, and finishing catching up with a friend in Shinjuku, I was reminded by a message I received that in life, what we see is not always what there is. Some will show green all the time while others will change with the seasons, but the question is, is the core of the tree strong enough to withstand the challenges that life poses ahead. Are the roots of the tree solid in the ground anchoring us to withstand the tests of time with each of us anchoring ourselves in our own way - faith, friends, ohana. As I reflected on my own life, I thought about all the things I wish to shed this fall and what I want my core to be and how my choices and efforts can impact those around me. While I don't want to be swayed by those around me, one of the core values I hold dear is to provide for those around me. My evening to reflect left me in state of happiness in the joys I have had this year, the sadness of the painful memories of the past, the fear of the uncertainty of the future, and the excitement of the celebrations we have together, but just like the seasons, these things will come and go, but if we go through each of these seasons helping each other anchor ourselves into the ground, keep our core strong, what people see will not show who we are, rather will just be a part of what makes us into the people that we are. The beauty of the fall foliage will soon disappear as the winter will cause many of these trees to shed their beautiful leaves. A dusting of snow will cover the park, as many of the trees will stand bare, but much like visual beauty will come and go, the true beauty of each of these trees as they stand strong to live another season. 

Monday, November 27, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 331]:~ A Little Farfetch'd

~:[CH6 - Day 331]:~ A Little Farfetch'd 
I found myself wandering through the back roads on my way back to the hotel as it was getting dark. It was still early, but with the winter coming, the days grew much shorter. I had just ventured out to Meiji Jingu to Takeshita Street and a quick stop at the owl cafe. The owl cafe was unplanned, but somehow it ended up being a place I had stopped and there was no regret in doing so. I almost got pooped on, but luckily, my little friend was kind enough to avoid me (probably not on purpose). I got to rest in the morning, as the Pokemon flocked towards me in the comforts of my own bed. That's right, Pokemon Go yielded more Kangaskhan and Farfetch'd than I could ever have dreamed of. Regardless, all this was the appetizer to my day, as friend always top to the list for the day. It was great to meet up with my friend from Los Angeles. The toughest part about traveling abroad alone is having someone to talk to who speaks the same language, not just in fragments, but completely. It was a little strange of how much of a local I felt, yet how I felt like a foreigner the most at the same time. Eating among the business-likes of the area, I got the local feel, but with everything only being in Japanese, I also got the out of place feel as well. For a minute, I felt like, I wasn't here on vacation, but starting off on a new journey and I was trying to adjust to the local culture. The idea of moving here is more of a "farfetch'd" idea, but it's an idea that was fun to entertain for now. As I walked home doing the same thing that I did when I started the morning, I easily navigated my way through the ridiculously crazy Shinjuku station and continued through my day feeling like a local. I guess there comes a moment for us all where we try to adjust to our surroundings. While it's not about conforming, there comes that moment that you were searching for the entire time, to not feel out of place, while still being yourself. With enough effort, I found that moment and I know that all those struggling with finding their own path in the midst of all the craziness of this world (much like Shinjuku station), stay the course, as you'll find that moment. It's not as Farfetch'd as it seems. 

Sunday, November 26, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 330]:~ Bottoms Up

~:[CH6 - Day 330]:~ Bottoms Up
Many people associate the terms bottoms up with drinking, but personally in my life, I've never been a drinker. It started off with a bet, then it was something I chose not to spend money and also realized I didn't always like how people became when they drink, so it never was something I was into. Thus, while I travel the world, I don't go to hit up bars or see the party scene but to see what other things I can discover. Regardless, some of those things can be found in the hidden bars and restaurants where drinking is popular. It was a great day with one of my friends who I have known the longest. We ventured around Ikebukuro area and ate at a wonderful sushi place where I also finally got to eat Fugu! We ventured around the shops, stopped by the aquarium and Sky Circus and even got to see some performances at the shopping center where a number of musicians and groups were performing. It's nice to see the area and while somethings were touristy, it was also nice to mix in a bit of local flavor. In life, you have to make your choices and I've done my share and I'm definitely glad that exploration is one of them, as I've seen so much and learned so much along the way. However, today was a good day and there is reason to celebrate, so let's all raise our glasses and cheers, making a toast to a great week ahead. 

~:[CH6 - Day 329]:~ Losing Time

~:[CH6 - Day 329]:~ Losing Time
The toughest part about traveling abroad is time. You lose a lot of it normally and also suffer the consequences of jet lag. I normally sleep pretty well in planes, so typically jet lag isn't a huge issue for me. Because of the lost time, this was the shortest "day' for me, as I arrived at night with enough time to catch up with a friend, grab dinner and hang out watching a game. It was a nice relaxing way to start off my trip and while there are number of meet ups left, I'll cherish each moment, as while the time change and flight may have taken time away from me, I'm definitely not going to waste any of it. 

Friday, November 24, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 328]:~ Work & Play

~:[CH6 - Day 328]:~ Work & Play
It's always hard to find a work/life balance especially if you want to make enough to enjoy that life half of the balance. However, I am getting closer to trying to get all of my work done, while also doing the things I want to do. It's not always perfect and sometimes I make an error in planning, but in the end, I'm doing what I want to do in the constraints that I have. Today was all about traveling and overall it ended up being a smooth trip. The people I sat next to all got up at the same time, which allowed me to avoid the "excuse me" moment when I needed to go to the bathroom. We all were pretty considerate of each other which is not always the case. Regardless, I got work done as I waited for my flight and caught up on some sleep on the plane. Soon, I'll be able to enjoy the adventure ahead, but since I'm losing a day, there won't be much to write about today. So I'll finish with a bit of advice, don't forget to enjoy your life and while working hard is good, working yourself to the bone is not. Always leave time for yourself. On the other end, playing is great, but also don't forget that you have responsibilities on the table. I'm sure we all know this, but just a little PSA, as I head off on my adventure. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend and I can't wait to see you all when I get back. 

Thursday, November 23, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 327]:~ Giving Thanks

~:[CH6 - Day 327]:~ Giving Thanks
I fell asleep before everyone left, exhausted, yet full of gratitude. To be together, even for a bit, with those who I love is amazing and today I got to see my ohana, my friends and my family. As I woke up at 4am and headed to the race, I always wonder why I do this to myself. I could easily sleep in and relax, rather, I go to this race. While exhausting however, it's one of the many things I'm grateful for. Similarly to squeeze in time for a friends and to spend time cooking for this meal, all the while packing for tomorrow, you wonder why you put yourself through it all. Then you realize, because it's all worth it. It's worth it to spend some time supporting the team, catching up with friends, loving your family and also praising God. In all the stress of the holidays, there's that moment that you realize why you do it all and why this time of year is so special. The holiday decorations, the food and the greetings are all great, but there is something deeper and indescribable that makes these days special. Sure, I hope that this feeling of gratitude is something that I feel all year, however, in these few days, it's nice that we can all take the time to come together to give thanks to one another. I am so lucky to have a family that is so loving and supportive. to have friends who deal with me even though I am often MIA, to have an ohana who always puts their best foot forward, and to have a God who loves me unconditionally. On this day and every day of my life, I am grateful to be as blessed as I am. I know not where the road ahead will take me, but at least I know that the road I traveled so far has been amazing, all because of those who surround me today and for that, I am thankful. 

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 326]:~ The True Jackpot

~:[CH6 - Day 326]:~ The True Jackpot
I ended my trip in Vegas with a quick win. No, it wasn't a jackpot, but it sure felt like one, as in a short span, I more than tripled my money. Regardless, it wasn't a relined pocket that had me beaming, rather it was the true jackpot of the day that reeled me in. From friends to family, the holidays are filled with moments that you will never forget. The food is delicious, but the time you get to spend with people is every more precious. Even before meeting up with my family, this rang every so true as I met up with a mother who shows what the true jackpot is. She cares for her family, has endured so many heartbreaks and still is as welcoming as anyone I know. She loves the people around her as much as she loves her children and those close to her. I always feel so uplifted and amazing after I spend time with her and it's no wonder why I feel rich after spending time with her. She has showed me what a good heart and faith can do and showed me what the true jackpot in life is. As while we dream of becoming rich and successful, there's nothing greater than the richness of the heart and soul. I ended tonight so full, not of food, but of love that was overflowing. However, unlike Vegas, hitting this jackpot was not accident and was not a stroke of luck, rather a dedication toward God and those around her. Her time, her energy, and her love gave her the best odds, which is why there is no surprised that she hit the jackpot and shared the joys of it with all of us. Let's hope we can all find our way to this same jackpot that is greater than any we could have every imagined.