Thursday, December 31, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 365+1]:~ Lost & Found

~:[CH9 - Day 365+1]:~ Lost & Found

Tonight we normally would be gathering at my house making a spread to dream of. Of course, like most things in 2020, it was canceled. It was lost. We've lost so much. From dances to sporting events, family gatherings, vacations, and even the day-to-day interactions we took for granted. However, there was also a lot that was found. My family is not the most tech savvy group in the world, but somehow we managed to all get on Zoom and have a little chat together to countdown to 2021. Many hung on to the very end and while we were missing a few, it was nice to gather and just enjoy each other's company. It's not what we wanted, but it's what we got and in it, we found a new opportunity. It's easy to get lost in all that can bring you down in life. From the loss of a loved one, those moments you fall short, the missed opportunities and simply feeling like life is getting away from you, but in those challenging times, we must look towards finding it is what we lost along the way. There's no replacing a loved one, but we can live our lives with their love and spirit. We don't always have a second change, but in that loss, we find a new opportunity. Sometimes we simply lose ourselves, but during that time, we discover who is there for us or new people who can help us in our journey. As while sometimes things snowball down for awhile and you lose more than you find, the world is a law of averages, hang in there and keep those feet moving forward. Many of us have faced so much heartbreak this year and have found ourselves at rock bottom, but even then, look for all that is waiting to be found. I was lucky enough to have a front-loaded schedule in 2020 allowing me to do more than most, yet even still, the struggles of 2020 were real. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful and loving cast of people around me whether here in the States or abroad, especially to my friends in Asia. From Zoom calls to coordinating pickups, daytrips to some isolated location or simply throwing some ideas or encouragement my way, I am grateful for all that you have helped me find along the way. Moving into 2021, I learned greater skills in editing and using tech while teaching, a wider-range of culinary knowledge, more connections abroad (with more job opportunities), and of course a cleaner room (or it was a few months ago). While the list could go on and on, in my eyes, the value of what I found outweighed what I lost, not because it was, but because I made up my mind to believe it was so. Why? In the end, the greatest thing I found is the appreciation for the simplest things, a hug, a meal, or even just time together. All these things outshined by concerts, vacations and other events became the things you remembered not to forget moving forward. Now it's time to heal, as we pick up the pieces that we find, and while 2021 will not change how we are living overnight, it's a brand new chapter where we start making strides forward. As while it's a tragedy to have the world around us destroyed, it only means that overtime, we have the opportunity to build it back up together. It will take time, but I know what we find at the end, will be better than what we had before. I love you and wish you a Blessed, safe and health new year.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 365]:~ Mission Accomplished

~:[CH9 - Day 365]:~ Mission Accomplished

It was a day of checking things off my list. I slept in on purpose, lying around to get my last sleep in of 2020, picked up something for a friend, picked up lunch to support another friend and then did the biggest check off of them all and delivered the "gift." When I was down in San Diego to drop off gifts, I picked up the most precious of them all. Our cousins have a tradition where this one gift gets past around from one cousin to the next. I would summarize it as a time capsule of sorts. My final mission after watching the Clippers game was to find a photo I've been looking for. In the process, I found A LOT of old photos. If you get a message from me, just be prepared. After four boxes of photos, I can say, it was a successful day! On top of it all, I even did a little video editing and finished out my college letters or rec. Overall, despite 2020 having its many miserable moments, there were things on my own personal check list that I have been able to finish up. I hate how many things have been canceled and ruined, but on the bright side, let's remember to see all the "mission accomplished" moments we had this year because of the pandemic. Today is normally the last day of the year, but of course 2020 had to come with an extra day. Although this is a year most of  us want to wrap up, let's enjoy this day and truly appreciate that the moments we have in our lifetime. What missions have you accomplished in 2020?

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 364]:~ Forget the Mirage

~:[CH9 - Day 364]:~ Forget the Mirage

Tough times make people look forward to better days ahead. As they search and hope for that moment, they miss out on the opportunities that sprout out around them. I understand that some people don't have the luxury as they're focused on survival, but for those of dreaming of where to go next, don't miss out on what's in front of you now. From exploring things you were always interested in to catching up on the things you put to the side, for those who are lucky enough to be locked in at home, use the time wisely. Instead of driving through traffic or spending all that cash on concerts, vacations and events, maybe now you can find ways to spend that time wisely and also that money. I know that those who can think about these things are privileged, but it's also a reason why we should. Can we better ourselves and use that development to later help others? Can we make more money and have more on hand to donate to those in need or support a small restaurant? I often have to catch myself because I am always look ahead and trying to countdown to the day where I can get back into the swing of things, but I also need to forget that mirage that distracts me and enjoy this quality time I have to spend with my parents and to do the things I never had time to do before. Those better days ahead, they will come, but for now, see it as a mirage and put it at the back of your mind so that you don't keep hoping for those days to come and start living in the days that are passing you by. 

Monday, December 28, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 363]:~ Don't Stop Improving

~:[CH9 - Day 363]:~ Don't Stop Improving

It's easy to sit back and decide, let's just go with it. You do the same thing and don't change a think. Sometimes habits are good, but sometimes they keep you from improving. I've always thought that there are ways to improve on what you do, so I always try to experiment. In the process, you're going to fail, A LOT, but of course, you'll find ways not to do things and in the process, find a new way to do something. The results may be the same, but maybe you find a way to speed up the process or possibly you stumble upon a super successful process. Regardless, don't just settle for the norm, but aim to improve yourself or try something new every time, even if what you're doing is simply routine. 

Sunday, December 27, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 362]:~ The Best Time

~:[CH9 - Day 362]:~ The Best Time

Sunday is errand day, so I am not always home when the phone rings and my mom runs to it. It's Facetime, the best time. I know it's the time of day my mom looks forward to the most. It's not easy to be stuck inside the house, by day after day, when there is something to look forward to, it's bearable. I was getting ready to run errands after my language class and then the phone rings. It was nice to get to be on the call for a bit before heading out, as it's definitely one of the best times of the day. One of our favorite songs to play is Who Let the Dogs Out and it's fun to see him sing to the song. I did a little more editing, a little bit of homework and then avoided the cleaning I needed to do today. Tomorrow, as I say every day. One day, that cleaning will come, but for today, I'll just enjoy the memory of the best time of the day, Facetime.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 361]:~ Resourceful

~:[CH9 - Day 361]:~ Resourceful

This year reminded us more than ever of how we need to be resourceful in life. When cooking, I would always plan out every step and get just enough ingredients for what I was cooking. Now, I follow a list of goods adjusted from week to week and then figure it all out on the fly. What's in the fridge? Kimchi? Sweet, mandu it is! Don't have a steamer? Well, you can make a makeshift one. In  many cases, I forgot to buy something or bought the wrong thing, so I had to figure out, how can I make this work. That's life now. As much as we've lost, I know many of us will come out of this as better people. Let's hang in there a bit longer and figure out how to make due with what's available to us. You can do it!

Friday, December 25, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 360]:~ Worth Every Mile

~:[CH9 - Day 360]:~ Worth Every Mile

It was round two of my family photos. With the pandemic pushing us into our own bubbles, I decided to reach out to our San Diego families to drop off gifts and to get a quick snap of them in the process. This cancellation allowed me another opportunity as I got to see part of my family that I have not seen for sometime. We've always seemed to miss each other and finally I get to see my little cousins all grown up. It was definitely quite a blessing. I then trekked over to my other cousins house to drop off the rest of the gifts. It's been nice because I have been able to see them a few times over the stretch of the pandemic. It was a nice comfortable afternoon, I got some snaps in and even got back in time to whip up dinner and do a little more editing. It feels weird to be so limited during this holiday, but it's also given me time to make a trek like I did today. It was a quick turnaround, but it definitely was worth every single mile. 

Thursday, December 24, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 359]:~ Time is Precious

~:[CH9 - Day 359]:~ Time is Precious

Normally on Christmas, our family will get together in a large mass, play games and do our normal greetings. The food is delicious and by night's end, I am hanging on to make it to the end of the night, tired from all the preparing and the activities we have. Today, that fatigue also existed, but it wasn't for the same six hours that we normally spend together. If anything, it was closer to six minutes. Every year we have a Santa greeting where everyone (adults included) visit Santa. For obvious reasons, that tradition would have gone down the drain. In the end, we exchanged our gifts and quickly snapped a photos, before heading off on our way. The weather tried to deter us as it sprinkled right as we were about to start, but we toughed it out and by the end of it all, we got all of our photos, masked and distanced. I sure would have loved to hug each other, eat together and even just lay around together for hours on end, but I think today I realized even more how precious our time is, as even just the few minutes we saw each other was special enough. There will be a time where we can truly gather again rather than staggering the times that everyone stops by, however, for now, I'll appreciate that I even have a few minutes to see those who are closest to my heart. I hope that you all have a safe and wonderful holiday.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 358]:~ The Detour

~:[CH9 - Day 358]:~ The Detour

I completed another design in this editing competition as it reminded me of the many times during my travels where I got lost, made a wrong turn or simply just didn't know where I was going and discovered a new spot or found a new friend. Life is mysterious in many ways and this definitely allowed me to remember all the times where this was the case. Just because you're knocked off course towards where you want to be, doesn't mean it's a setback, rather it can be an opportunity. Like in a video game, sometimes you go to the wrong place only to discover that rare item you've been searching for and the like. This past year has already been chaotic, so why not just continue to wander aimlessly from time to time to discover what other opportunities await us. It's great to have a plan, but sometimes, spontaneity has it's perks. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 357]:~ Our Path

~:[CH9 - Day 357]:~ Our Path

I created a piece called Our Path, using images from a few photographers. The entire time, I was thinking how similar this image I was creating to our path in life. We head down a path not knowing where we will end up. A turn will bring us to a number of places and when we arrive there, we have to figure out how we adapt to that environment. While it may be easy to complain about where you ended up, our ability to make that environment our own is the key towards thriving. Some continue to allow their environment to restrict them rather than inventing a reality that will get them to where they want to go. As I talked about before, it may have been easy for us to throw our hands up and cancel our plans for conferences last spring, instead, we innovated and held multiple simulations online and have since attend four conferences this school year and have five more coming up in just the next two months. Similarly around me, I've seen people become creative with how they work and operate, adapting and learning, growing and thriving. Sure, I know it's not the same for everyone and we can't all adapt, but instead of just sitting there and giving up or complaining behind a keyboard, I hope we can all find something in the world in which we live for now and make the most of it. In life, we will always face these difficult paths and probably not more challenging that what we are facing as a whole, however, our failure cannot be blamed solely on the environment in which we are in. Let's do what we can as we head forward and hopefully, no matter where we end up, we discover something beautiful on our path ahead. I am excited for when you share that good news with me, but for now, let's all search a bit harder and find what more we can do to make where we ended up a much brighter and more beautiful place. 

Monday, December 21, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 356]:~ Celestial

~:[CH9 - Day 356]:~ Celestial 

It was winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, but 80 degree temperatures made it feel like autumn. It's amazing how time has flown by, as we have been locked away, able to possible sneak out for a few isolated adventures. It reminded me of Joshua Tree, as a wonderful celestial event would have an alignment of Jupiter and Saturn creating the Christmas star. Amidst the chaos of 2020, it may not be a coincidence that it happened on this very day. Is it the sign of hope we've been looking for? A reminder that despite all the struggle we may face, that we are being watched over? There are so many things left unexplained and they may never be explained,  however, we can still look towards each and every day and find that celestial moment or look back on some forgotten memories, as I did today when I stumbled across some old photos to the dismay of my friends. The road ahead may be challenging, but it doesn't mean there won't be moments that are truly celestial, so keep your eyes open. 

Sunday, December 20, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 355]:~ Archives

~:[CH9 - Day 355]:~ Archives

As I began to dig through the archives of photos, I came across a bunch of photos that bring back such vivid memories. It's been great to have some time to do so, as normally I am just recovering from being overwhelmed wrapping up the year due to banquets and events. Don't get me wrong, the workload is still high, but the aftermath has been a lot lighter without the additional things to worry about. Sadly, one of those being the holiday party. Of course, with every memory, there are moments both good and bad and it will continue to be that way. It is us who must find ways to weather those storms, staying afloat in the process. Let's celebrate these great memories in our archives, but also remember that struggles that we faced to get to those moments, as those are the moments that truly defined us and made us into who we were. 

Saturday, December 19, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 354]:~ Truly Precious

~:[CH9 - Day 354]:~ Truly Precious

I normally only include photos I take or images I make on my blog, but this one was too good to pass up. I woke up in the morning to learn that Tiger was playing with his son today. I knew it was happening, just didn't know when. I grabbed some food and then came back home to check it out. It was truly precious. I've always watched Tiger. I know as we progress forward, I will be watching Charlie as well. While his tee is further up, he still managed to eagle a hole at the age of 11. Sure, they get to play from the best spot, but they chose all of his shots on the day and he was outplaying Tiger when they were hitting from the same spot. It was even more fun to see the joking in the group including Charlie leaving a note next to a ball in the bunker. We need things like this to make our days better as everything around us seems so miserable. There are bright points, we just need to look for them. There were some great moments and definitely some that I realized were truly precious. There is so much to complain about these days, but instead, let's focus on what we can celebrate because then our days overall also become truly precious ones.

Friday, December 18, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 353]:~ No "Brakes"

~:[CH9 - Day 353]:~ No "Brakes"

It was the last day before break and it wrapped up nicely. I still had meetings through the day from getting a drop off to online meetings coordinating events and canceling others. Of course, while the break is often a time to relax and get away, I think I've set myself up for a break with no brakes. I am going to keep on pushing through as tonight I went online and worked on my Korean and Japanese. Who knows if I will be able to improve, by only time will tell and only by putting in the time will I be able to see any improvement. I guess when you're locked inside, it might be the best time to start. I would say I knew more that I thought I would at this point, but I know there still is a lot to learn before I am comfortable in both languages. For now, I'll accept the fact that I know how say some basic things and even read it too. While some may be getting rest this holiday, I will take my foot of the brakes and go full steam ahead to see how much I can improve myself in a span of a few weeks! Let's do this! 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 352]:~ The Gifts

~:[CH9 - Day 352]:~ The Gifts

I rushed a bit and I ended up with this sad looking Santa face, but it was fun making this holiday themed curry. From the front, my reindeer looks a little better (check out my IG), but I am glad to have the ability to do this. I have the resources and the time and while it may not always work out as planned (such as Santa's head falling in the curry), you must appreciate all the opportunities you're given. I was pretty happy today as I had holiday music blasting from an alumni class that produced an amazing album, holiday cheer in announcements and watching my students have their video gain a lot of traction with about 20k views today as they try to address the issue of youth mental health! I loved all the pieces that came together and while I was sad that our last days before the break were at home, I am grateful for all these opportunities to connect with students and discover new things about them, much slower than normal, but it's great to be able to uncover them. Not going to lie, it was a terrible year, but there still are things hidden that are gems among this prickly haystack that is 2020. Let's celebrate those rather than worrying about things that don't deserve our attention. Let's celebrate these gifts and unwrap them together, one by one.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 351]:~ The Isolation

~:[CH9 - Day 351]:~ The Isolation

It was a little strange. After checking in, I walked over to campus real quick to pick a few things up and drop a few other things off. As I walked I saw almost nobody walking about. Campus was a ghost town and there was just this weird eerie feeling. I rarely go outside anymore so walking was nice especially because nobody was round. It was quite a productive day in itself, although not so much in the regard of grading or planning. I had a lot of other work to take care of today and was able to wrap it up quite nicely. I worked pretty hard on it, so much so that I fell asleep and had a nightmare that I kept getting logged out of the virtual classroom. (I guess this is a 2020 type nightmare?) Regardless, it ended up being a beautiful day and even when I dared to venture out briefly, it still felt like I was in isolation. I look forward to the day where some normalcy presents itself, however, for now, I'll go back into hibernation. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 350]:~ Santa Claus is Coming

~:[CH9 - Day 350]:~ Santa Claus is Coming

It was a day of cheer and holiday spirit as we kicked off the day with one of our students with an amazing performance during Caroling in the Quad. The day continued and was pretty light. I got a lot of work done and just kind of rolled through the day. It was pizza day, so I quickly made some pizza before I went back to work. However, in all that, I almost forgot that Santa Claus was coming! The city did something special this year as the police guided Santa's float down the streets of Cerritos. They've been doing different sections every night and tonight was ours. It was a nice celebration in a year where we missed so many. It reminded me of the joys that still exist although many of those joys we once had were gone. Regardless, it is up to us to keep the spirit up these holidays and I hope that we can all find some holiday cheer through the end of this year and into the next. We've all crawled to the finish line, now we just got to cross it and start our next journey. Keep your eyes up, as when you do, you just might see something special. 

~:[CH9 - Day 349]:~ Gifts of the Holidays

~:[CH9 - Day 349]:~ Gifts of the Holidays

As the days roll on, it becomes more and more challenging to keep motivation. However, to do so, reminders of the thing that make life so great can keep you going. We've done such a range of things during cross country and today we looked at the gifts we can provide to others without actually buying a gift. During a time where money is tight and economic worries are high, we can think of ways to provide gifts that cost little to no money. I've always been a believer that the best gifts are not expensive, rather they are thoughtful. I love to receive letters or compilations of images with notes. I have a box where I keep all my old letters, messages and card. If you wrote me something, I probably still have it somewhere. Can I find it? Probably not, but maybe I could. Sometimes you think, just get rid of it, but at times, it does become hard to do so. Sentimental gifts are the things I appreciate most, as they are the best gifts of the holidays. If times are tough and you're worried about what to give, take some time to write some letters, make some cards or a collage and give that gift of love. On the receiving end, let's all appreciate knowing how tough this year was. It was great to hear the students talk and share their ideas from volunteering to making cards and more. Buying gifts is what the holidays has become about, but the true spirit of the holidays is about giving thoughts, you love and your care to those you love. The countdown begins, but for, there are still a few more days to instill some holiday cheer during a year where we need it most.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 348]:~ Build

~:[CH9 - Day 348]:~ Build

I was intrigued by today's message. At first, the message may have struck me the wrong way and people may have though, where is this headed, but by the end, I think the message struck a cord in many of us. If you look at how society is and within our own lives, we constantly look for a place where we fit in, where we feel comfortable, and find a community of like-minded individuals. As while it may bring comfort, does it truly become the place where we should be. Must we continuously hear the voices that are similar to ours of find only people who like what is similar to what we like or should we not run away from or block those voices, but rather, work with them to build. We've become such a divisive society that we have been led to destroy each others rather than work at building. It's easy to cancel someone or to seek instant comfort, but in life, should be learn to open our minds and work towards finding common ground or work towards making our current situations more comfortable? Instead of running away from problems that seem too difficult to solve, can't we seek out the resources over time to help figure out how to solve the problems that we face? These months have made me better at figuring things out, at learning and at how to create something with what is available. I think cooking is a great metaphor for life. You look at what you have and you do your best to make something that fulfills what  you're looking for including the need to satisfy that hunger. Regardless, as we have time to ourselves during these times at home, let's analyze how we've face this world. Did we hid and run away or did we face challenges face on? Did we have enough confidence and courage in ourselves and enough faith to believe that we could solve this problem and that we could build instead of seeing out a place more comfortable. Instead of seeking a place where you belong, why don't you look to build a place where you can belong by using what is available to you and creating something you never thought possible. It's a tall order, but I have faith that we can all do it and truly learn and grow by facing up to what we once ran away from and finding comfort in a place we though we never could. 

Saturday, December 12, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 347]:~ Desert-ED

~:[CH9 - Day 347]:~ Desert-ED

You learn a lot more when your off where nobody else is. You sit in the middle of a desert and look at an awe-inspiring sunset and your mind can wander. You can think clearly and the thoughts of this or that come to mind. As while I know that students need to find themselves in a place where they can learn all the academia they need, they also need to learn from elsewhere - the real world and in the deserted places within themselves. Often times, many of us leave what is within us untapped. We put out there what we think what people wanted to see, rather than who we are. In a meeting last week, I heard a story that has been told to me too often, showing  themselves with a mask of what they thought others wanted to see. As I thought more about it while driving through the desert, I thought about it knowing that we all do it. We all try to mask who we are instead of showing off the natural beauty we possess inside. Isolation has its way of educating ourselves. You don't need to do what I did and drive aimlessly to find your way, rather you simple need to look within yourself and find those areas that you've left untended that hold who you truly are. The places where your true voice has been hidden. The many places that you've desert. We all are struggle with these tough times, but there's no reason we can't use this opportunity to figure out more and more about ourselves and work on showing off our beautiful selves that the world is waiting to see. Instead of going into isolation to hide, let's learn from it so we can use this time to find our true selves and prepare to display its beauty for the world to see. 

Friday, December 11, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 346]:~ A Little More ...

~:[CH9 - Day 346]:~ A Little More ...

Every day we learn a little more, we grow a little more. As days have gone by, we've had to witness this growth over a phone, but starting with a little young boy who rarely showed emotion, he's now beginning to open up a little more each and every day. It's fun to witness all the new things that happen. When talking in a certain tone, it's fun to hear a repetition of that sound or even the ability to call people by their "names." As while it is normally more evident in a child, we go through the same growth. We figure out what does and doesn't work, where we should be headed and redirect ourselves or simply see the world in a different light. We may not notice anything life changing, but when we see a positive change, just a little more each and every day, as a collective whole, it becomes life changing, you become that change. You see, change doesn't happen at once, as it happens little by little. We must work at it, experience it, soak it in, process it and then start the process of change. One day it clicks, but that click didn't normally happen by chance, it happened because of all that we put in before. Keep working, keep learning and keep growing even when you don't see your life change instantaneous, as much like the pieces of a puzzle, you're laying each piece in meticulously until the final picture is finally pieced together. 

Thursday, December 10, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 345]:~ What the Pho?

~:[CH9 - Day 345]:~ What the Pho?

Five hours later, it was done. For the first time, I made an attempt at making pho. From charring the aromatics to endless simmering, I learned a lot about the process. I forgot to scoop in the process, which led to my broth not being clear, however, the flavor was actually perfect. I sat down tonight and realized how much I have learned, how much I have adapted and as difficult as this situation is, how much I've conquered in the process. There is so much that is negative around us, but I think at some point, we can all see that we've gained something, we've learned something or we came to a realization we wouldn't have otherwise. The struggles we face are unimaginable, but let's also try to not overwhelm ourselves and take something from this. Just like the broth, we've been simmering through this process for too long, but that only means we will come out much richer than before. There is a lot of cleaning up we have to do, but when we finally get it all done, I know we'll realize we've upgraded because of this all. I thank all those who have had to give an extra effort to make this work, ESPECIALLY those on the frontlines. I hope that we can think of them every time we make our next decision. It's not easy for all of us, but let's do our best not to make it harder on them. I wish you all the best and hope for your health and safety and just like a bowl of pho, the warmth we could all use through these tough winter months.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 344]:~ Combinations

~:[CH9 - Day 344]:~ Combinations

Sometimes you really just don't know if a combination is going to work. It's actually something I do so often. Will this group of captains work well together? Will these students in a group be productive? Will this lesson combined with this assignment be effective? What in the world can I add to this pork to make it edible? Yes, the last one I made a little different because food combinations is the topic of the day. Today I did a lot of pairing, putting things together I thought would work together and luckily today they did. The flavors of things I may not have put together before, just blended together and made something so wonderful. I tried new dishes today and ended up with some wonderful combinations starting with this simple appetizer at lunch. In the end, sometimes unusual combinations can work from food all the way to people. You wonder sometimes if you'd get along with someone and in some cases the people you get along with may be the last people you think you would. My advice for today? Give combinations a chance. Obviously common sense should play a factor, but the reality is, you should keep an open mind and you never know the successes that may be headed your way. Think wisely, but also think with an open mind to give yourself the greatest opportunities for success. Even when you think there is just no way, give it a shot, maybe you'll surprise yourself.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 343]:~ Escape from Reality

~:[CH9 - Day 343]:~ Escape from Reality

In these tough times, we all need an escape from reality. Whether it's Netflix, a book, a pet, or even just some quiet time meditating, we all find a way to take ourselves away to ease our minds. For me, often times, driving can do that. Not necessarily driving through traffic, but taking the car and finding a place where I can safely explore. While today was not an adventure like that, in a drive thru event, I got a moment of it seeing the city from a perspective you rarely see. With a beautiful sunset sky, the city had a glow as I passed by a hanging tree. For a moment I was taken away on that very escape and it made me forget about all the struggles around me. Each of us face these struggles daily and while it's easy to be overcome by the weight of it all, take some time to find your escape. I try to encourage my students to do the same and I hope that we all can ease our minds on a regular bases. While we may not be able to go very far, it doesn't mean we cannot take our minds and wander off on a brief adventure away from our current realities.

Monday, December 7, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 342]:~ The More Things Change ...

~:[CH9 - Day 342]:~ The More Things Change ...

They often say, the more things change, the more things stay the same. It was weird. If this was a normal year, my entire weekend would have been spent editing while trying to do any MUN Conference. What did I do this weekend? Edit, while trying to monitor a virtual MUN Conference. Sadly, I am not editing a cross country banquet video and getting ready for that. In some ways, it's good since the level of sterss is way down, but I still had an edit to finish, prepping a video for CHTV after our interview with the Shibsibs. I guess we tend to go back to our roots no matter what the situation is and so editing on the first Monday in December was once again a reality. I am sad that things have changed so much, but at our core, remember that while we want to work at improving ourselves, never lose yourself either. It was such a pleasure to wrap up this video and while I had major trouble with my drives after I finished, I was able to figure it out (as always) and get the project done. I am mentally spent, but am happy to have wrapped another project. 

Sunday, December 6, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 341]:~ Multitasking


~:[CH9 - Day 341]:~ Multitasking 

This weekend I was stuck in this "command center." I normally am only stuck here when editing, by now, it's a full time position. My three monitors and two computers run the show. On the second day of being here, I also had an event online and church service on top of the conference in a short span. It was the ultimate test of multitasking. I realized I couldn't record committee and try to edit, so I gave up on that until later in the day and just ended up chatting with friends. I did my normal Sunday routine of groceries and boba, which made today feel like two days rather than simply one. However, with the way things are, we can truly become multitaskers to a degree we never imagined. As while there are a lot of downsides to all this, I know my productivity is definitely going to be at an all time high.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 340]:~ Just a Minute

~:[CH9 - Day 340]:~ Just a Minute

It was a crazy day. I was up early prepping my students for their conference, as a few came in for help before it began. I ventured through committee after committee and before I knew it, the end of committee arrived. It's crazy how fast time passes, but also how hard it is to be an advisor in a virtual MUN world. You can't go over and tap a student on the back when they fall asleep or aren't paying attention. It is easier to send messages like words of encouragement though. At the end of the conference, I had to jam out to pick up something and drop something else off. It was a great excuse to see friends I haven't seen so long. It was literally just a minute, but hey, it was a valuable minute at that. We often take for granted the time that we have with each other, but now, I think we won't fail to do just that. I closed the night with a drive-by birthday celebration, saw some Christmas lights on my way home and then locked back down to have a online planning meeting and editing session. It was a long day, but a productive one with at least some quality time mixed in. 

Friday, December 4, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 339]:~ Toughest Part

~:[CH9 - Day 339]:~ Toughest Part

It's been tough for us all. I think if we just had to stay home and see those who we loved freely, it wouldn't be as hard. The fact that there is such a challenge from seeing people we are used to seeing every day or when we see them the time is incredible special has been the toughest part. I know it's not easy for grandparents, for instance, to be apart from their grandchildren. The highlight of the day for my parents is Facetiming with their grandchildren. To see the joy on their faces is incredible and makes me happy as I know the rest of the day is not as joyous as those precious moments. We all kind of face that dilemma. The struggle of moving through a day, trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I know it's not easy, but we are almost there and I hope that we can hang out for just a bit longer. Do what we need to and make sure that we stay focused, as we are facing the toughest part, avoiding Covid-fatigue. Soon enough, those Facetimes will become embraces and I guarantee you, those reunions will be emotional. For now, however, to ensure that many of those reunions occur, let's try to do our part. It's not convenient, but if we can bear it. Stay safe and healthy.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 338]:~ 'Tis Still the Season

~:[CH9 - Day 338]:~ 'Tis Still the Season

Since I was young, our family gatherings is what I look forward to the most. I travel a lot, but I refused to miss a family gathering so I always plan around it because they are so special. That being the case, I know that it will be painful to forgo these gatherings this year, but it's worth the sacrifice for everyone around. We may be able to find a way to do it safely and while it may not have the same flair as before with a wonderful spread of food or games such a BINGO, we can still have the time to be with each other. Even if we must go virtual, simply the reassurance of knowing we are safe and healthy, the ability to chat and connect even for a bit, etc, will be worth being able to celebrate in the future rather than having an empty seat in the future which is the reality for so many already. 'Tis still the season where we can be happy, celebrate loved ones and be merry, but we have to change our mindset from what we had to making the most of what we have. The spirit of the holidays is truly that. Don't let all that is going wrong bring you down, by make this holiday even more special by keeping a positive spirit and sending even more love towards all those who matter the  most in your lives.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 337]:~ Perfect Timing

~:[CH9 - Day 337]:~ Perfect Timing

The one thing I learned about perfect timing is, it isn't always about luck. It is true that things need to fall into place for things to happen, but often times, you're in that position because of things you did before it. In a service a few weeks ago, one point in the message was that you really can't judge how people are able to do certain things or have certain things without know the work they put in to be able to. Sure, they could have been lucky or privileged, but often, we don't see all the time and effort people put in to make things work. In our call today, I did talk about how things fell into place and it was perfect timing. however if you combine the time it took for me to build up connections or the time it took for a student to pursue their passion of researching Olympians, it was more than just perfect timing. Without the time spent to build connections, it wouldn't be possible and without the time pursuing the interest of Olympians, taking this opportunity may not have been a thought at all. When you put in the time and work, you open up doors and opportunities come flowing in. Sometimes it feels like you've worked so hard and no opportunities come through, but don't lose faith, don't back down and keep working towards your goals and dreams. Sure, some people are truly lucky, but instead of seeing it from that perspective, let's try to see the work that each person put in to get there so that we motivate ourselves to do the same. If you feel you're unlucky or that the timing never really goes your way, instead of blaming anything and everything, figure out what you can change in the process and keep trying to get to where you want to go. One day you'll discover that perfect timing is not simply based on luck alone.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 336]:~ Here, There & Everywhere

~:[CH9 - Day 336]:~ Here, There & Everywhere

I honestly cannot believe we've arrived to December. I thought that being stuck at home, the time would be like a sloth, slowly moving through. However, I guess with all the work that we feel like we have to do, time seems to fly by. It's sad that I haven't been able to meet my classes in person, but today I realized one of the best parts of virtually learning, it's being here, there and everywhere. If we were in person, I wouldn't be as accessible, a lot more stressed (even though there is so much work to do right now), and also running around from place to place. Instead, I can instantly be transported to a help session by clicking on a Zoom link while grading at the same time and finishing up college recommendation letters. For those who are multitaskers, this is wonderful. For introverts who are multitaskers, in a way, this is heaven. While I do miss the small interactions here and there, all the amazing events and other random occurrences, we can always find a reason to appreciate the time we have now. Life is definitely a struggle, but we must find ways to celebrate the opportunities these days bring.