Friday, November 30, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 334]:~ A Wild Treecko

~:[CH7 - Day 334]:~ A Wild Treecko
On any given day, you never know what you're going to encounter and so you have to be ready for anything. Today, I spotted a wild treecko or so I thought. Today, I bounced around with experienced of all sorts from a stop off at TapEx to a quick pause at California Adventure, a Japanese dinner, a choir performance and of course another trip back to TapEx. Who knew that the day would be so filled with things on top of Pokemon, but you need to be prepared for days where you spot more things that you expected. The reality of it all is that sometimes you just can't be ready for it all, but at least with the right mindset, you can take on as many of these things as possible. Whether a wild treecko or an old friend, whatever you encounter in a day, make the most of it, as you never know when your opportunity to do so again will appear. 

Thursday, November 29, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 329]:~ The Rhythm of the Rain

~:[CH7 - Day 329]:~ The Rhythm of the Rain
The song once said, it never rains in Southern California. It's actually pretty accurate as it rains less than 1% of the year and Los Angeles collects about a foot of rain a year. However, when it does rain, I love it. No, I don't love the traffic and accidents that occur since Angelenos don't know how to drive in non-sunny weather or the challenges that come from going from car to home or whenever I need to go. I do, however, love the pitter patter and sometimes the thunderous downpour that ensues in a storm. It's rhythmic and consoling. Whether you are happy or sad, tired or energetic, it provides some kind of comfort to put you to sleep or stimulate  you even more. The weather broke just long enough for us to finish our first day of planning for our PE dance unit and also for a quick workout at practice, but as the day turned to night, I sat at home and was put to sleep by the rain that was like a classical concerto as if conducted by the father of Symphony, Joseph Haydn. I had a lot of work to do, but alas, I lost to the rhythm of the rain and got some much needed rest. It never really rains in Los Angeles and Southern California at that, but when it does, when many run for cover, I open my ears, my mind and my heart, and soak it all in, as my heart dances to the rhythm composed by Mother Nature herself. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 328]:~ It's Just Me

~:[CH7 - Day 328]:~ It's Just Me
For some reason, when I saw this photo, I thought of myself. Someone walking down a road alone, headed towards an uphill climb. I seem to head towards challenges that at times seem insurmountable and normally, I survive. Sometimes, it's logging thousands of video clips to make a video, reading through hundreds of pages of writing, or simply taking on a trek in a short amount of time that no one thought was possible. There are few that will travel down this road, but even if I have to travel it alone, I'm going to head straight down the road, without looking back. I think in life we need to do just that. We need to take in what we hear around us, but ultimately, allow ourselves to be ourselves. We need to be able to chose the roads we head down, even if it seems like they will be the most difficult. As I wandered up this very road, I was rewarded at the top with a view of the entrance to Valletta. Just as in life, when you're able to reach the top, there is something often awaiting you. Sometimes, it can be disappointing and not worth the effort, while in many cases, you're left with something so awe-inspiring that you're ready to do it all over again. There will be days where I don't take the challenging road, but after all the obstacles I've overcome and all the adventures I've survived, that insurmountable hill is but another climb to something greater that awaits me. One day I will slow down and that hill will turn into a mountain, but for now, I'll walk down this road, ready for whatever comes my way. It's just me and I'm just fine with that. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 327]:~ Qui Vivra Verra

~:[CH7 - Day 327]:~ Qui Vivra Verra
We really don't know how something will turn out in the end. Today had a lot of misery in it, but with it comes the opportunity to make some good of the day. You make the choices you make in life and there is no way you can really predict how things will turnout. You may have an idea of where things are headed, but in reality, qui vivra verra. The only way we can see how things will turn out is by living and in my eyes, the only way you can live is by putting yourself out there to see what life has to offer. As I said goodbye to the beautiful town of Valetta, I was once again blessed with a comfortable flight as I landed in Paris. Sadly, the clouds that loomed in Paris were a sign of trouble ahead. A cloudy sky kept me from getting the video I wanted, then traffic limited m time in the city on my layover. Just when my doubts took over, the skies cleared and the photo summed up my trip, adventuring in these cities finding these little creatures. It was ironic that Mr. Mime would show up as I arrived to the Eiffel Tower. With limited time, I got my shots and headed back to the airport where disaster loomed again. A broken escape slide on the plane meant that some passengers would be disembarked from the plane. As I passed by groups of people, it was sad to see that they were "chosen" to stay back as we flew away. Who knows what that led to in their lives, whether it meant that they missed a meeting or gained another opportunity in Paris, but regardless, life is about living. You experience the good and the bad and you go with the flow. The delay could have easily dampened the mood, but I saw it as a gratefulness to have flown that day, as I ventured back, flew through customs and hung out with a friend, topping off the evening on a quick turnaround trip. As many problems that today ended with, as I look back, I was glad that I did what I did. I may never fly another budget airline again after this experience, but regardless, the unpredictability is part of the process. You make decisions, you make mistakes, you learn, but most importantly, you live. Qui vivra verra! Don't let the unpredictable future dictate your present, as you future is determined by how you live today.

Monday, November 26, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 326]:~ Those We Pass On By

~:[CH7 - Day 326]:~ Those We Pass On By
I went to Sliema and St. Julian to wander and see the coastlines. It rained on me on a day I left my coat and didn't take an umbrella. It must have been a sign telling me that I should be exploring Valletta more before I leave. I am glad I did. The beauty of this city is amazing and while there is limited space, there is so much to look at. It made it a little difficult when my Internet went out, but then forced me to just explore and wandering not caring where I ended up. I ended up some place back where I started, but in the end, it was a whole lot better. As I walked through the streets that I passed by the day before. I thought about all the people that I pass by along the way. Have I crossed paths with them before? Where are they from? Are they doing something similar to me? It takes a lot for me to open up and talk to someone, so I never asked, but then again, my wondering may have stopped had I done so. Even when I heard Japanese, I was inclined to ask what part of Japan they were from, but I just left it at that, as a question in my mind. I wondered if I'd ever run into anyone of these people again. It turns out that someone on my ferry in the morning, crossed paths with me later that evening. How many more people did I not noticed. Regardless, the world is a place full of wonder, mystery and beauty. No matter how you do it, where you go and who you are with, soak it all in, knowing that the adventure is not where you are, but how you make the most of the moments you have. Tomorrow I will stop living in this UNESCO Heritage Site and one of the most historic places in the world, there will be a whole different group of people passing me by, but the experience I gain from my day, that will be all up to me. Just like people who pass you by on a daily basis, opportunities to make your day great pass by as well. It's your choice to accept those opportunities or to continue walking by. 

Sunday, November 25, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 325]:~ Walking Through History

~:[CH7 - Day 325]:~ Walking Through History
It's a small little island, but it's full of history. As I ventured to the city of Valletta, I wasn't really sure what to expect, but I was blown away by the history that was captured within the small area. There is a reason why it's considered a UNESCO World Heritage site and I needed a lot more time to explore it all. Regardless, I did what I could do in my time here and even snuck into the cathedral in between services and snagged my picture. The food was delicious and there was a lot of diversity experienced while I was here, as its location between Africa and Europe created quite a mix, as various languages were heard throughout the streets, obviously some from the tourists, but even on the local buses it could be heard. Regardless, I have another day to explore and while some of the day is dedicated to work, I will continue my journey through history, taking in what I can and hoping for another opportunity to explore this place again.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 324]:~ No Pegar Ojo

~:[CH7 - Day 324]:~ No Pegar Ojo
The first thing I saw when I arrived was this gorgeous building, which gave me a sign that this short stopover would be a feast for the eyes. Instead of doing anything big, I decided to just wander around and enjoy the beauty of the architecture and grab some food of course I was pretty exhausted upon arrival, but enjoyed every bit of it. The great thing is that all the Spanish I learned in high school paid off as I could understand a lot and even speak a little. It wasn't perfect, but not too shabby. I definitely need to come back for a longer time. I didn't get to sleep in a bed last night and will only take a nap tonight, but this beauty is worth not sleeping a wink! (No Pegar Ojo) Buenas noches!

Friday, November 23, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 323]:~ From Time to Time

~:[CH7 - Day 323]:~ From Time to Time
One of the things that keeps me the busiest is meeting up with alumni. It's always great to catch up every once in awhile and see them from time to time. I always feel bad because often I am not around to meet, but when I have the time, it is nice to get together and catch up. I was home for a bit before heading out, so I was able to grab lunch before I headed off. While it wasn't a long lunch, it was definitely worthwhile and allowed for some time to reflect on all the good times. There is a lot to enjoy in the world around us, but there is just as much to enjoy right here under our own noses. While I enjoy getting away, from time to time, I always have to make time for those who are right here at home. 

Thursday, November 22, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 322]:~ We are Family

~:[CH7 - Day 322]:~ We are Family
One of the things that I love most is how close our family is. While I don't see them as much as I want to (it's always my fault), we've had so much history together that we always seem to flow. It also helps that we all live pretty close to each other as well. With the holidays around, it mean time for good food, rest and relaxation and of course family. After running the Turkey Trot early this morning, I got a little too much rest while I was at the family dinner. Regardless, it was great to see everyone and those who are the foundation to all other things in our lives. My goals for the next year are to make a better effort to spend time with my family and I only hope that I force myself to do so. On this Thanksgiving Day, there are so many things to be thankful for, but family is at the top of that list. Thank you to all those who have made life amazing for me and I only hope that your holiday is filled with joy, love and happiness. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 321]:~ A Closer Look

~:[CH7 - Day 321]:~ A Closer Look
There's a lot that can go wrong in a day, a week, a year, or in our lives. We can drown ourselves in all that is wrong or look a bit closer to see what we failed to see the first time around. With all the struggles we face over the course of a lifetime, sometimes, we look back and realize the good that came out of bad situations or the mistakes we made along the way. In either case, we cannot go back and change things and thus, we must learn from the decisions we made and move on. Sometimes those decisions were made int he best interest of those around us (or so we thought) and sometimes, our bad decisions were ones of our own selfish nature. Whatever the case may be, we must look forward after learning from the past. As we head into the holiday season, look not at what went wrong and what is missing from our lives and focus on what we have. The past may revisit you and give you another opportunity to fix something that you broke or a new opportunity may come your way, but that will only happen when you move forward. This year has been a busy one with its ups and downs, but regardless, the only thing I know is that I must take this next step forward. I am appreciative of all I have and as I move forward, I will continue to pick out the good in all my days so that I may keep progressing, rather than holing myself back. The wounds of the past will be patched up and eventually healed and while the scars remain, so do the lessons that will help in avoiding those same mistakes again. Take a look at your past, but make sure that your strides head into the future.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 320]:~ Taking In the Moment

~:[CH7 - Day 320]:~ Taking In the Moment
We were told that there were rumors that this course may not be around forever. It would be sad, as it has become a tradition for my dad and I to play at this course. It's a reminder that just like in life, you cannot take your opportunities for granted. While I've always wanted my mom to come along as well, I've always appreciated the opportunity to spend a few days with my dad. It's nice to getaway and since I am not home often, it's great to spend time with each other so we can create these cherished moments that I will remember for the rest of my life. We are often too busy running around to realize the things that are part of our everyday. We don't even imagine that one day that rock that's been stabilizing you for so long can one day be gone. While you'll eventually learn to stand on your own two feet again, that rock will never be physically there forever. Take in the moments you have and rather than complaining what it isn't, appreciate exactly what it is. Whether we are in Vegas or sitting on the couch in front of the TV, these are the moments I'll appreciate and take in, knowing that they won't be forever. Tomorrow is not a given so let's make the most of today by taking in every moment we can. 

Monday, November 19, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 319]:~ Sometimes It's Worth the Wait

~:[CH7 - Day 319]:~ Sometimes It's Worth the Wait
After we arrived, we headed strait to the Lotus of Siam. The health inspectors were there so the production from the kitchen was quite slow but boy was it delicious. However, while waiting for Top Golf, we waited for over two hours despite the one hour quote time and ended up scratching our name off the waiting list. I guess that's just how it goes in life. You need to decide what is worth the wait and what is not. Sometimes, you are rewarded for waiting and sometimes you're not. In the second case, I had an inkling early on that it wasn't going to work out, but I didn't listen to myself and ended up wasting an hour. In our own lives that decision will never be clearcut, but you just need to trust your instincts and go with it. Despite the disappointments, the rest of the night went amazing capped off by the amazing Le Reve and some quality time with JJ and my dad. Looking back on the day, would it had better had I not wasted those two hours at Top Golf, possibly; however, the reality is that we'll never know and why waste any more time thinking about the past rather than enjoying those opportunities awaiting me. 

Sunday, November 18, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 318]:~ Not Just By Chance

~:[CH7 - Day 318]:~ Not Just By Chance
Often times people think that things happen because of luck or chance. Sure, it does require good timing and things to fall into place, but the reality is that in many cases, people discount the work that is put in to find success. I think when you find that thing you're passionate about though, you put the time and effort into it and you force the hand of this world to let you find yourself on the road to success. As I stood with nearly thousands of MyDays, you could tell that their hard work was paying off as I was impressed by how loyal of a following they had with some waiting 1/2 a day to get a good spot at the concert, traveling from quite the distance or simply knowing all the chants and songs. The energy of the crowd was great, but what was even greater was the performance quality they had, which was also a testament to the work that they have put in. From the backgrounds to the transitions and the way everything was laid out, they put on a performance that all of these MyDays will remember for a long while. I left on a flight from Las Vegas only to have to drive back tomorrow, but after arriving home and reflecting on this evening, I was so happy that I decided to do what I did. As I think about the goals that students have, it's stories such as Jae's that prove that you can take something you love and make it into something that brings you success. I already knew that he had the talent, but I love seeing how he not only uses his talent to entertain, but also loves doing in the process. If you haven't heard a Day6 track, watched a Day6 video or caught a Day6 concert, you're definitely missing out a genre of music that can appeal to so many, as the stray from what we think of when we think of this "Kpop" culture. The diverse crowd re-emphasized that even more. As the energy of the crowd flowed through me tonight, I kept smiling knowing the joy that they brought to all those around me, but also because I realized how this success was not simply by chance. If you can dream it, make a plan, work tirelessly even when you can barely keep your eyes open, and proceed forward doing the thing you love and not just doing it, but doing it well. In the case of Day6 and Jae, it was extremely well and more. 

Saturday, November 17, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 317]:~ Hypnotic

~:[CH7 - Day 317]:~ Hypnotic
If you're looking for a typical Cirque show, then the Beatles LOVE probably is not the best choice for you, however, if you love the Beatles and enjoy more of a show with great set design and a little bit of the Cirque acrobatics, this is the show for you. As I spent another day away, the team enjoyed the beautiful displays in the show and even were able to be graciously escorted around backstage. It was quite the experience as a whole which capped off a day that had numerous change of plans and a load of things packed into a single day. Since we were only here for a short while, it definitely has been rushed, however, in the end, it was worth it all. These kinds of days are quite hypnotic and leave you in a daze, but when you go back to reflect on these days, these are ones you'll remember for the rest of your life. I even ended the day with a little bit of luck at the machines before calling it a night. That my friends is psychedelic! 

Friday, November 16, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 316]:~ A Reunion of Sorts

~:[CH7 - Day 316]:~ A Reunion of Sorts
The staff/alumni games always present themselves to be a day where I can dust off my old basketball shoes and a day to reunite with all the athletes I coached in the past. While I have been out of the basketball scene for a few years, most of the alumni I was on the bench for and boy, were there a lot of them. My dusty basketball shoes were more than just that today as a hole allowed my toes to pop through, prompting me to switch to my running shoes. I was able to move pretty quickly around the court which was attributed much to my friend Van who had us play basketball during his bachelor weekend and wedding and while I didn't shoot much, one of my shots was a buzzer-beating three from deep, which was a great way to end the day. Of course, the best part of the night always will be seeing all those athletes of the past and seeing how they are doing. It will probably be another year before I see most of them, but at least I know that they are well and I am hoping that life provides them with a road that can guide them to success. 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 315]:~ Finding Your Shoes

~:[CH7 - Day 315]:~ Finding Your Shoes
I often hear people saying to try to see it as if you were in someone else's shoes. What happens if some people don't even know what it's like in their own shoes? Working in a high school, I see many students looking around trying to figure out just who they are, who they want to be, or where they want to go. Heck, I am around many alumni and adults thinking the same thing. In life, I guess we are all trying to find our way and the place we belong. We are trying to find the shoes that fit us and to all of you, that's okay. The searching will be longer for some than others, but know that you'll find them. Don't settle for shoes that don't fit, rather, keep trying on pair after pair until you find that one that fits you. You may not get it right the first time, but eventually, I am confident that you'll find the shoes made for you.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 314]:~ Beyond a Menu

~:[CH7 - Day 314]:~ Beyond a Menu
A menu can giving you a listing of what is in a dish, but just like a resume, these listing cannot tell you truly what quality lies within the dish. Similarly, we often judge people by the list of requirements, but miss seeing people for who they are. In the rush of getting that resume filled, sometimes, we miss out on the quality that needs to go into making us who we are, centering the dish around what is important. In the musical the Waitress, it takes a different approach than most musicals that I've seen in that it talks about the struggles of people as they try to figure out themselves within the struggles of their daily lives. I think life is difficult not only because we have to make decisions, but sometimes when we make decisions, we realize that we made a mistake and it's not easy for us to take those decisions back. The decision or lack of correcting that mistake can lead to pain, heartache and anguish, for both you and others involved. I thought a lot as I watched the musical realizing all the choices in life that I've made in that regard. The honest truth is that regardless of what our decisions are, we must live with the decisions we make, much like the ingredients we put into our food. As I slurped down all the delicious food in front of me, the questions kept churning within me wondering exactly what ingredients would go into my own life. I cannot answer that question now, but sometimes finding the right ingredients that work together is simply a process of trial and error and figuring out what works and what does not. The pies kept coming through the musical, each having its own appeal, leaving the question, what ingredients do you want to include in  your life? The only master chef in our lives is you and while others may look at your resume and judge you for what's on it, the reality is, you have the choice, so take charge of the kitchen of your life. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 313]:~ I'm in Miami, Beach!

~:[CH7 - Day 313]:~ I'm in Miami, Beach!
I brought my talents to South Beach. Yes, I ended up on the strip of South Beach seeing what more I could discover before I headed out. Miami has quite the different feel depending on where you are at and South Beach definitely has a cool art deco feel, a big party scene with a historic feel. As I walked along the huge beach front, I enjoyed the variety of lifeguard towers, caught off guard by the sunbathers, and was dying from the sun's penetrating rays. I didn't expect it to be so hot, but why would it be such a beach town if not. I ventured out and stopped by Wynwood, which had a completely different vibe. I loved how they celebrated the street art and while I wish there was more inside the area, it was nice to wander around the surrounding neighborhood and appreciate more of it. I think they rally can make that they can develop that area even more (as it seems like they are). Regardless, it was a great way to draw to a close this short turnaround trip. I accomplished what I needed to plus got in a little fun while I was at it. Half work and half play definitely makes it a great time, especially when you're in Miami, Beach! #lmfao

Monday, November 12, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 314]:~ The Heat is On

~:[CH7 - Day 314]:~ The Heat is On
Sometimes things fall into place and sometimes you have to make things happen a bit. This was a last minute schedule thrown in, but it also worked out, in some cases by chance and in some cases by shaking things up a bit. Whenever I travel, I always check the schedule of sports to see if just maybe I'd be able to catch something. I noticed that the 76ers were in town and saw that the cheapest tickets were $6. I thought, let's click on Best Value and up popped up the most amazing seats I could imagine. I am assuming that selling a single seat is hard so I figured that's why my ticket was so cheap but was in awe as I realized how close I actually was going to be. It was weird not being a fan of either team, so I decided to just be a fan of Redick since he was a former Clipper and he had quite the game. As while I accomplished what I wanted to while I was here, the weather kept me from reaching my goal. Regardless, it was fun to walk around and explore and to see what all is going on around here. As random as this adventure was, it's these kinds of trips that somehow end up being the most memorable. There are many things we need to take care of in life as we go through our checklist of items to-do, but in the process never forget to take care of yourself. 

Sunday, November 11, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 313]:~ In Uniform

~:[CH7 - Day 313]:~ In Uniform
Today, some of my athletes running Junior Olympics sported their uniforms, much like today we honored those who served for this country. I think often we take for granted the sacrifice that is made for everyone and today is one of many days that we should take to honors those who have served. We should also take time to appreciate all those loved ones around us who have made similar sacrifices in order to make our world a better place as while they may not have served this country, they have gone the extra mile to secure your future comfort. I was proud to watch all the athletes who showed up qualify for the regionals and enjoyed the remainder of the day, as I got as much work done before I had to head out. While I may not have the relaxing "time off" that a holiday comes with, I think it's fitting that on Veterans Day, I ended the day working to make sure I was ready for my students. We all wear different uniforms in life and when our opportunity comes, the question is, can we be willing to not only do what is asked of us, but step up to do more, not for the benefit of ourselves, but for those around us. That is what a solider is asked to do day in and day out and I hope that regardless of our uniform, we sacrifice for the well-being of those around us today. Happy Veterans Day! 

Saturday, November 10, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 312]:~ A World Away

~:[CH7 - Day 312]:~ A World Away
Today was suppose to be a day off to relax and recover, but turned into a full day that took me a world away. After an amazing Clipper game at Staples, I ventured around to finish up some errands before I headed to meet up at the World on Wheels. The time changed to 10:30, so I had to find a way to burn some time. I thus headed and stopped off to just chat for an hour or so and then headed back. I thought I might just skate for a bit and then head back so I could rest, but little did I know that I would be taken away. It's been ages since I've been on quads, but after ten minutes, I was floating along and so was everyone else around me. I got the most amazing vibe while I was there, as people were carefree and in the own world. It was nothing like I had expected as the skills, the dancing and the energy was beyond amazing. I guess when you dive into something you've never been apart of before, you see things you've never seen. That's what makes spontaneity so amazing. The experiences you miss are when you hesitate when an opportunity presents itself. When the invitation was made, I took it and because of it, I was rewarded with this incredible evening. I though the rink would close at 1:30am as it said on their site, but today there was a special due to the holiday and so at my departure time, the rink was still packed. I would have enjoyed staying even longer, but even getting the opportunity to experience what I did, made me realize how much more there is for us out there to see. Tomorrow's a new day and I hope that you find something that will take you away into a place you've never been as while routines bring comfort to your life, pushing those limits are what give you experiences you've really never knew you missed. 

Friday, November 9, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 311]:~ How the Cookie Crumbles

~:[CH7 - Day 311]:~ How the Cookie Crumbles
Sometimes you just don't catch the breaks you need, as that's just how the cookie crumbles. With a solid race last week, one of our top girls got sick, which was bad timing for our crew. As the wind picked up, the conditions slowed down the times, but we sat in good places with our #3 girl moving up to a new PR. However, everything after that left us in a difficult spot and despite a great effort, we fell short of qualifying. It doesn't discount the efforts we got on both sides. I love the energy and spirit of the teams and how they have grow together. In the end, it's really not about the races in the season, but rather, how they grew together, how they improved, how they worked and what they learned along the way. Wins and loses are going to come and sickness and injury will hit, in many cases, unavoidable; however, what you can control is what they leave with when they move on from your program, in our case, our ohana. My hope is that they see that it is always more than just a sport, rather a place where they develop themselves so they can be prepared for all that is headed their way in the future. It's a place for them to connect, to love each other, and to create memories that will last them a lifetime. It's an opportunity to get lost and find oneself at the same time and really see what you're made of, when you face obstacle after obstacles, simply trying to get back on your feet. It's difficult, but in the end, you begin to realize that it was all worth it. It was a sad moment as we began to realize that it would be the last time that we would bring it n together as a group, however, today was not our final hurrah. Our young team has seen what it takes and my hope is that they come back with a vengeance know that in order to move forward, we need to be better. It was a little nice coming home early and being able to get some work done and even just relax a bit, but I did wish there was a tomorrow. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't as we realize that sometimes, that's just how the cookie crumbles.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 310]:~ Messages We All Need to Hear

~:[CH7 - Day 310]:~ Messages We All Need to Hear
No matter who it's delivered from, there are always messages we all need to hear. On Monday, I mentioned that I had met the Bladress, a young woman who roller bladed across the US to raise money for girls education and to show the world that people are genuinely open and nice people. It's a scary thought to make that trek across the US especially without money, relying on the hearts of people around the US. Regardless, her story was quite amazing and caught the attention of my seniors. The more I hear of the story and the more impactful I see the message being, the more it brings me joy. She was amazing and I was happy that she was able to come speak to my class. I told her that the highlight of my day was that Northern Cafe, where we had lunch, began serving chicken with chili peppers again, but on the real, it was her ability to tell her story and impact the lives of these students today. While I was exhausted after making the drive to LA to pick her up, but in the end, it was well worth it. My eyes were opened as this incredible story, became a reality in my own life, as it helped make me want to do more to reach out to others, to trust others, and to help people see each other better. This world is full of tragedies and news headlines that are so negative that we forget that it truly is outnumbered by the number of amazing stories that occur every day. It's strange that the message we always report is ones that overshadow what is truly important. As I said my goodbye as her car rolled away, I am not sure if our paths will ever cross again, but it doesn't mean that she will not impact my life moving forward. As while people come and go, the messages they send through their words and actions can stay with us for the many days ahead. Today, that message left us all truly blessed. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 309]:~ Oh, Baby!

~:[CH7 - Day 309]:~ Oh, Baby!
Even when I'm busy and overwhelmed, carrying loads of items to school and running around, it's always nice to slow down, come home and see this little boy. Every time I see him, he is growing and doing something different and always brings a smile to my face, even if it's for a minute. The day itself wasn't too bad aside from all I had to remember to carry, but it just seemed that it was check off item after check off item. From work to practice to MUN to prepping to personal errands, the list won't end until after I finish writing this blog. Regardless, through all the stress of a day, this face will brighten my day and make me smile. It's a guarantee. No matter if you're dragging through the day or it's a glorious one, you're day will get better every time we see each other. Oh, baby!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 308]:~ Dress for Success

~:[CH7 - Day 308]:~ Dress for Success
CIF dinner is a culmination of the celebrations we have for the season. Through the obstacles that one faces through the year, we arrive at the dinner with those who have survived multiple years of torment to enjoy the dinner on this very day. It's more than just celebrating that we're going to be competing at CIF, but also as a day to remember all they've been through to get to this point. The seniors have seen those around them come and go, but these seven stuck together as varsity members along with another 13 seniors. I am proud of those who last through whether they made it to CIF or not, as they stayed true to the team and to the program. Our photo shoot reminds me that it does take a lot of effort, time and energy to stick with something over your career and I should be proud of all my seniors for taking the time to dedicate to a program and contribute to the legacy of it. With three juniors on our team, it meant that our team is very underclassmen heavy with 18 frosh-soph members. It makes me excited for what's ahead and I just hope that the underclassmen can learn from these seniors that although times will get tough and the easiest option is to quit, that you should stick it out and figure out a way to stay a part of the ohana until the very end. To these seniors, I am sad to see our time together slowly coming to an end, but know that it was definitely a good run, literally. Tomorrow will be our second to last practice together before prelims and as the countdown begins, I arrive at this bittersweet moment not knowing whether to be sad that it is ending or happy that it happened. I always will choose the later, because the memories we created were truly priceless. 

Monday, November 5, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 307]:~ Motivation Helping Overcome Pain

~:[CH7 - Day 307]:~ Motivation Helping Overcome Pain
My head still was hurting a bit, my back was sore and my emotions were a little off. I've always been more of a stonewall of emotions and today was no different. Regardless, whether mental, emotional or physical pain, it all becomes something you can deal with when inspiration and motivation surrounds you. One of my closest friends is working on a project to help all those in need, to create champions and to help student identify who they are and essentially find direction ( She has always been a life supporter and motivator to me and I have appreciated all the support that our group of three have provided each other over the years. It's people like this that make these difficult days easy to overcome. I was also lucky enough to meet another motivation in my life over the weekend, the Bladress. She completed an amazing 3850 mile journey across the United States on roller blades depending on the generosity of people to get by. Her stories exemplify that there is goodness in people beyond what we realize and that with the right people, people are willing to open up their heats and homes to those around. In the process of the journey, she raised enough money to support the education of 61 girls. I was reminded that even on a journey like this that sounds so impossible and thus so amazing, that anything is possible. That even when you're physically drained, emotionally weighed down, or mentally fatigued, that you can push through and do something that others think is simply crazy. Yes, today was a tough day for me, but I used my stonewall to keep my emotions in check and stayed positive, using the motivations like the ones aforementioned to make it through. As I drove down and back to Carlsbad for a quick errand turned into a journey, I didn't think, this is going to be a miserable ride, rather, I thought, I can deal with this, because those around me have overcome so much more. In the end, the journey was worth it. As difficult as the past two days have been, my heart was no longer heavy and my spirits were definitely up! We have to choice to let our pains in life stop us in our tracks or we can continue to push forward to see what is possible. We will never accomplish those things considered great if we cannot get through these difficult times and with the right motivation and inspiration, it's all possible. I am so Blessed to have these people around me and look forward to all the amazing people awaiting me in the future, as they are the ones who will help you overcome all that is difficult in life. 

Sunday, November 4, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 306]:~ Staying Focused

~:[CH7 - Day 306]:~ Staying Focused
My head was pounding, my neck and back were stiff, and I just wanted to lie in bed. I did for a bit and got some rest, but today would be a whirlwind. Things I had not planned for arose and things I had planned for, got changed. Life is like this. There will be multitudes of things on going and you're never going to be able to predict it. There are too many factors too consider including how you're feeling, how others will react, and the external factors that no one controls. Through it all, you need to stay focused on what's important to you. As we close out our season this year, I've been lucky to have a group of athletes who created their own identity and in the eye of the storm, focused on what they wanted our team to be like. They created their own team and handled things the way they wanted rather than the way they had been done before. The day did not end on a good note for a number of reasons, but that is part of the process of life and you really just have to keep your eyes focused. There will be days where you are misguided and lost or when all you've known becomes unfamiliar, but if you are focused, although it may take some time, you'll find your way through it all and soon you'll arrive exactly where you were hoping to be. 

Saturday, November 3, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 305]:~ Around the Track

~:[CH7 - Day 305]:~ Around the Track
Normally when we are talking about track, it's around the track and school and not a race car track, but today it was. After going over the CIF heats, I headed out to meet the team for our annual CIF Night on the Town. We always do an activity and this time, we jetted around the track. It was fun to watch the athletes, especially those who improved over the course of the three races, most of whom let go of their fears and just went after it. I guess it parallels racing a lot where you just need to take the plunge and hope things work out in the end. One of our athletes who was too short to ride in the adult race last year, ended up leading most of the race in her heat, finishing second in the end. I made it to the championship heat after winning my qualifying heat, but in pole position number three and getting taken out a few times, I ended up in seventh. I tried to make a furious comeback with a few 27 second laps (one that even qualified for the top 100 laps of the week and month), but in the end, it wasn't enough. Regardless, win or lose, I think we were all winners in the end, as we enjoyed each other's company and became closer as a team. 

Friday, November 2, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 304]:~ Capturing the Moments

~:[CH7 - Day 304]:~ Capturing the Moments
It may be a little bit of a hassle right after league finals, but holding our photo shoot the day after has become a tradition. As I think back to all the photo shoots we have had, I think that this "event" has become an important moment where we make and capture memories. We are always in such a rush to do things that we forget to slow down and enjoy the ability to soak in these moments and appreciate that they exist. It's easy to take qualifying for CIF for granted, but this year more than any, these athletes appreciated the opportunity they had. We did our normal and after dinner, I took a short rest before heading out to Santa Monica. It was a trek and I was exhausted, but I guess it was just another opportunity to make a memory to store in the book of life. Don't forget to smell the roses and appreciate even the smallest of moments, as you never know when those opportunities will be given to you again.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 303]:~ Continuing the Rise

~:[CH7 - Day 303]:~ Continuing the Rise
The conditions may not have been ripe for PRs, but it didn't mean we didn't race well. While the list of PRs wasn't huge, I was impressed by the performances we had on the day. We swept the top 11 spots in girls JV, took 9 of the top 12 in boys JV, went 1-2-3 in girls varsity with all seven making all-league and the boys just fell short of moving up a spot, but ran well. On a day where the stress of getting everything mounted as the day went out, it was nice to let out a sigh of relief at day's end. This year felt like quite the struggle with so many new athletes that we had to help learn the ropes, but by seasons end, they began to understand how everything works and they began to improve. By no means was this season easy. We were short-staffed, but we had a lot of support and in the end, the season worked out to be a good one. We still have CIF coming, yet, to evaluate it up to this point, it definitely can be categorized as a successful one. We lost 16 of our top 20 boys and a had a team that had no varsity scoring experience EVER, but they learned, they grew and they righted the ship. The future looks amazing for the program, but it all depends on if they continue to ride this wave or momentum and continue the rise or not. I was inspired during the evening as I compiled data and sent out the final results. Before I knew it, it was early morning, but I was already excited for tomorrow to come. In life, we may not always be presented with all the resources we need to do what we hope to do, but somehow, you find a way to make it worth with a combination of hard work and the support of those amazing people around you. A situation is never hopeless unless you give it the power to be.