Wednesday, May 31, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 151]:~ Decoding

~:[CH12 - Day 151]:~ Decoding

My computer is finally on its last leg. I tried everything I could think of, but my older MacBook definitely will not be able to sustain another video. In class, students did one of the more fun and memorable assignments as they decoded secret messages during the Cold War. It always gets intense as they race against one another. In one class, the fire alarm went off (accidentally). We walked out, but once the announcement came that it was a false alarm, the students ran back to the classroom to get back to work (what a rare sight!). In any case, their puzzles were like me trying to figure out just how I would rework this video. I had everything ready, but I couldn't figure it out. In the end, however, I was able to figure something out as I switched platforms and started from scratch. It was one of the most stressful days, but I had some pleasure at the end of it when I realized I finished the majority of the video. I tried to pull an all-nighter but decided against it and went to bed hoping I can piece together the final parts tomorrow. While I am hoping for the best, I still haven't finished decoding this entire puzzle and just hope that I come across the answer. 

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 150]:~ Rolling

 ~:[CH12 - Day 150]:~ Rolling

The week had arrived. I have been vigorously prepping for this week of survival as I knew my mind and body had to be ready. I have a love hate relationship with banquets. They're great to celebrate the athletes, but they're definitely stressful to plan. One of the many hats you have to wear as a coach is an event planner. We hosted our banquet at the Sheraton since our normal spot was under construction. It's nice, but I prefer our other locations since it's a bit cheaper for the athletes. Regardless, we still packed the room so much so that I had to stop taking in sign ups (of course they were coming in after the deadline). All in all, the banquet ran well, the athletes enjoyed reminiscing as they watched the slideshow and I wrapped up the night, exhausted. Of course, instead of resting when I got home, I unpacked, went to my room, and continued editing for the MUN banquet. As one task is done, I need to keep rolling, because there is still more to go. I'm hanging by a threat and hope I'll make it to the finish line.

Monday, May 29, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 149]:~ Processing

~:[CH12 - Day 149]:~ Processing

I almost never moved from a 15 meter radius today after my morning errand. I woke up, picked up boba, and the got to work. For a third day in a row, I focused in and got work done. I created all the packets for the banquet, organized the binder, and then wrapped up the video. I had a little trouble figuring out which songs to include with the track slideshow, but settled on a few suggestions from the athletes. Of course, once I wrapped up everything for the track banquet, I immediately turned my attention towards editing the MUN video. After a week and a half of converting videos (including while I was away), I finally finished converting the footage. Sadly, due to time, I may not be able to include the insta360 clips, but we shall see. I was able to finish up the intro and all the photo slideshows, which means, there is a slight chance I can wrap things up by Tuesday after the banquet, however, I am assuming that I will be working until late on Wednesday or even until the time that the banquet starts as has happened before. Just when things seem to be going smoothly, technology always finds a way to get in the way, so I am not assuming that all will go well. For now, I'll get some rest so that I'll have the energy to work until late, hoping to wrap things up earlier, as freedom is slowly appearing over the horizon. It's starting to process in my mind that the school year is almost complete, of course, I still need to restrain myself as there is still work to do. I got to keep processing for now, until that final bell rings. Let's go! 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 148]:~ The Cherry on Top

~:[CH12 - Day 148]:~ The Cherry on Top

With two banquets this week, I knew I wouldn't have time to grade during the week and with senior finals coming up (and grades due), I figured I would need to wrap up grading of all the projects this weekend. I had a lot of the assignments graded already and just needed to review and input them, however, it still took awhile as I made sure I went over everything, trying to make sure I didn't make a mistake while doing it. Knowing me, there will be errors, but I'm hoping that they'll be minimal. Since grading took so long, I lost a lot of prep time for the banquet. I was a little worried because my timeline was off. I was going to lose even more time as my brother and his family were stopping by, but it's a sacrifice that was well worth it. I was happy to open my card and get a special personalized card from Jordan, as it was the cherry on top of this productive day. He says he wants to be an artist and I have no doubts that it would be possible. The skills he shows definitely are impressive and who knows, he may be creating the next superhero he draws! It was fun spending the evening with them, celebrating for a second day, before getting back to work. It was kind of energizing to have them over and allowed me to focus in a bit on the work I had in front of me. While I've wanted to play since Friday, I focused in and got myself back on pace. With only a few days until my first banquet, I felt pretty good that I would be able to wrap things up in time. Only time will tell.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 147]:~ Deja Vu

~:[CH12 - Day 147]:~ Deja Vu

Last year, I went to the Angels game. I thought it was as stroke of luck, as I got a ball tossed to me from Iglesia. Sadly, it would lead to a 14 game losing streak. I originally kept the weekend open for track, but with the season ending, I had to decide what to do. Since I was working on my project, I didn't really have time to think about what to do. My mom wanted to go to the game and with tickets selling fast since Ohtani was pitching, I ended up just going with my parents. In the end, we snagged two more tickets for a small gathering hoping we didn't get a case of deja vu. The day itself had gone well as I got to sleep in (despite needing to do work), I had a delicious lunch, and a stop at Tpumps. Momentum was on my side or was it? What looked like a game that would end in a walk off turned into a disaster. A missed catch and a mistake at home based led to a disastrous extra innings loss. It meant a two game losing streak. Could this be deja vu? Only time will tell, however, when we think negatively and assume that downhill is the only way from here, we're more likely to see failure than an opportunity to turn things around. I'll stay optimistic and hope that deja vu isn't going to happen in this case, as I hope for a win in the near future. Despite the loss though, today was definitely a win and I am so grateful for all the well wishes, wonderful messages, texts and calls I received today. I am so blessed to be surrounded by so many amazing and wonderful people and even when times get tough, I know I'll have a village to help me if need me. <3

Friday, May 26, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 146]:~ Just Press Play

~:[CH12 - Day 146]:~ Just Press Play

I honestly wanted to just do nothing and play today, but I knew I couldn't afford it. I hurried home just to sit down at the computer and finish my conversions for the MUN video. As the long birthday weekend approaches, I had work to look forward to. With the school year ending earlier and earlier, however, this will be one of life's realities. Regardless, it was nice to know that I would have an extra day to get to work. It doesn't sound like a weekend to look forward to, but I've always found that when I can finish task that have been lingering overhead for awhile, it actually makes me feel better and easier to enjoy the days ahead. I focused in and started the grind not knowing if everything else (out of my control) will be finish up in time. It's in these moments that I can just hope and pray that things will pan out and if not, just adjust as best as possible to figure out a solution. 

Thursday, May 25, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 145]:~ Conversion

~:[CH12 - Day 145]:~ Conversion

It's always fun to see what the students come up with. With presentation season in full swing, the students continued their preparations, showing their creativity and ideas. While not all presentations go as planned, for the most part, I get to see these students who have grown so much over the course of the year. You think back to August when they were just starting off and for my seniors, four years ago when they were just freshman, and you wonder, where has all the time gone? Despite that, I am impressed by who they've become after time in this program. As my computers raged on, converting footage from its original format to one that can be edited together, I think my students are just the same, starting at point A and being transformed into something that will make them even more useful in the future. My workload felt overwhelming as I worked on three computers simultaneously to ensure the conversion could be completed on time, however, it's no different than all the people it took to help change us. At various points in our lives, people helped us convert into a new form that would make us the most useful form of ourselves. I hope in our lives, we keep looking for opportunities to convert ourselves and find ourselves in state that we are most satisfied with at any given moment and in a form where we can best address the situations we face. Here's hoping that we all find that form and here's also hoping that this video conversion process wraps up quickly!

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 144]:~ Time to Reflect

~:[CH12 - Day 144]:~ Time to Reflect

I could have easily rushed back into the fire and wore my body out, but I knew my body needed a little R&R before this final stretch. It was nice to think back and reflect on the many adventures that took place. I filled every moment between meetings and negotiations, shoots and brainstorming to experience a few things I wanted to enjoy. I was on the fence as I knew doing them would leave me exhausted, but at the same time, I asked myself, would there be another opportunity? I scouted an Edo-period city, which turned out to be a site we'll be using this summer and even compiled some ideas through my experiences at Kokugikan. I experienced things that have crossed my feed in the past and made new connections as we forge into the final stages of this project. However, as I sit back and reflect, my eyes want to close, but my mind continues to wander. As I think back to this mini journey, while there was tons of work late into the night, there were also joys throughout the day. Sometimes you just lounge and other times you run around and soak it all in. For each of us, the decision is different, but at the end of the day, take a moment to slow down, look back and soak it all in. As you discover those minute details you now realize were gems, you'll better appreciate the opportunities you had and build excitement for what's ahead. For now, however, it's time to let my body rest, even if just for a moment.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 143]:~ The Process


~:[CH12 - Day 143]:~ The Process

I think one things about being a history teacher is, I get to teach about how things came to be, rather than just how they are. As we dive into the past, we see what helped shape what we see in front of us. Just like the beautiful architecture, restaurants, and even nature, they all had their own process of becoming what they are today. For a building, it could have been various revisions to get to the beautiful architecture we see in front of us. We don't know how far the architect traveled to find the influence to build what they did. For a restaurant, I wonder how many different recipes did they try before they devised their current menu. What failed and what was their breakthrough moment? For a flower, we see the beauty in front of our eyes, but do we understand how the whole process started and what it took for this flower to look this good? Just like all these things, we must go through the process. It's easy to assume that some people are just naturally amazing, but many see the result, but not the process. The hours of hard work, the ups and downs, and all the sacrifices it took to get where they are today. People want the wealth, the fame and the glory, but do they understand the process on what it takes to get there. For some, this process will take longer. Stick with it and don't give up. Don't compare ourselves to a finished product, rather focus on your own process and your own timeline, even if this is your second or third round, each process has it's own qualities and timeline. In the end, instead of just seeing the final image, let's understand the process, as that seems to be much more amazing and inspiring than the final masterpiece we see before us.

Monday, May 22, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 142]:~ Interconnected

~:[CH12 - Day 142]:~ Interconnected

By the time I retire, I am sure that no matter where I am, I'll find someone I know. It's kind of like that already, but I can only image how it will be in a few more decades. It was great to catch up with a few alumni today, as we were able to eat, hang out and just wander. Both were kind of last minute, but I enjoy with things just kind of work out and you're able to have a few hours of time to just catch up. I wonder what my web of connections will look like in twenty years or so, but I can only imagine. I guess in our lives we are like spiders, spinning our webs and when we finally look back, all those small sections we work on, will end up being one larger web we'll look back on with amazement. I wonder what the web will look like, but only time will tell. 


Sunday, May 21, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 141]:~ Stumbling on a Gem

~:[CH12 - Day 141]:~ Stumbling on a Gem

I wasn't necessarily craving anything, but need to fill my stomach to make sure I had the energy to make it through the day. With meetings lined up, I couldn't afford for my mind to go missing. As I searched around, I came across a little spot and it truly was a gem among the many spots around. I. love how in life, especially when we least expect it, we stumble across something that's just the right fit. I love it. I wouldn't go as far and say it was the best meal I've had, but it was the perfect meal for that time. I guess that's everything in life. There may be something that's perfect, but the timing may not work out. Today, I stumbled across that gem at the right time and I hope that we all have that moment that shines among our day. 

Saturday, May 20, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 140]:~ Taco Saturday?

~:[CH12 - Day 140]:~ Taco Saturday?

I mostly sat down and focusing on grinding work out today. With so many deadlines this past week, I wanted to rest a bit, but I had a pile of work I needed completed. I ended up getting nearly everything done and a few bonus items as well. I cleaned up my room while my computer was processing as it's been neglected with the busy schedule. Regardless, it's exciting to look forward to the few projects I have ahead. With some paperwork and meetings coming up, it's been a little stressful as a lot of this was last minute and unplanned due to impending deadlines, but life gets much better when you can celebrate in the end. Today, I did so with some wonderful tacos. No, I didn't eat the whole tray, but if I didn't control myself, there's a chance I may just have. Hoping that you all could find a moment to celebrate among all the chaos of the day, because every day can be a taco day. That's what I'm tacoing about! 

Friday, May 19, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 139]:~ Collector

~:[CH12 - Day 139]:~ Collector

As I continued to pack away things, people realize I am a collector. As I mentioned, the nostalgia of each item resonates with me and I truly enjoy thinking about the precious memories associated. One of the things I've collected over the year have been my selfies with Jepsen. I am not sure exactly how it started, but it has continued on and I hope that when we are both old and gray, nearing retirement, we can look back and laugh how we've changed over the years. While I probably need to Kondo my things a little, there's definitely things you should never rid from your life and this is one of the things I know I'll treasure down the road. What is something you collect that you treasure?

Thursday, May 18, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 138]:~ Securing the W

~:[CH12 - Day 138]:~ Securing the W

My family has always been a sporting family. We follow our teams and stay loyal to them. From season to season, we have our ups and downs, but it's always fun to enjoy a game with them. My parents even take it a step further as they watch so many different games. My mom knows the name of so many players on so many different teams, it's quite incredible. It's also time for one of the sumo tournaments in Japan, so it's fun to see them cheer for their favorites or root against ones they don't like as much. Growing up in a sports family, I am grateful to have learned to excel in such a variety of sports and grow active in various areas. As while there are so many things I am interested in, growing up around sports truly helped me learn and grow, in addition to the many memories we get to create together. As the Angels won and our family celebrated, the biggest W of the day was simply that we got to share this celebration together. 

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 137]:~ Present & Past

~:[CH12 - Day 137]:~ Present & Past

I inhaled years of dust as I cleaned my room. I am doing a little here and a little there as the school year wraps up. As I do, I uncover old memories from assignments to pictures along with this and that, reminding me of year's past. As I watched another period go through this assignment that I enjoy, it reminded me of so many moments of various assignments and activities that we had in the past. I think about the students who are now doing so well who walked in this classroom and others who I haven't heard from in years wondering what they are up to. Every little memento has its value and story as I pack away everything, it brings back so many memories. In a few months, I will unpack everything and place it back in the same room, but I wonder exactly how everything will look. The room of the past is almost gone and a new chapter albeit in the same exact room will begin. It's strange to think that this year will be the half way mark on my journey, so let's see what the future holds. 

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 136]:~ Finding Your Match

~:[CH12 - Day 136]:~ Finding Your Match

Today we completed one of my favorite activities of the year, North meets South. While discussing international trade in economics, I assign the students countries as they learn about their imports and exports and what makes them attractive trading partners. They then create their trading (dating) profiles to try to entice other countries to be their match. It's fun as they eagerly share what they have to offer and what they're looking for in a trading partner. It was fun hearing students offer up their packaged medicine looking for a country with broadcast equipment. Their puns and pickup lines were even better as they talked about their boats, delivery trucks, precious metals and the like. In the end, two countries couldn't find a match while the others quickly found their match. It's always a joy to have an activity that students enjoy and today was that day. Amidst all the chaos of handing out the apparel that finally arrived, a relaxing meeting at lunch and more piles of work, this definitely activity definitely left me on cloud nine.

Monday, May 15, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 135]:~ Let the Craziness Begin

~:[CH12 - Day 135]:~ Let the Craziness Begin

Let the craziness begin ... well, I should say, continue. While this is the time of year where my schedule cranks up as I get ready for the end of the year banquets, the start of the season and planning for cross country, and prep for my summer "job," this year, it's even crazier as we've been dealing with construction, never knowing when things will be open, electricity on, and also knowing that we have to move EVERYTHING out of our rooms this year. No, I am not moving rooms, I just have to move out and then back in so they can do a little work on my room. Crazy, right? My hope is that this will be the last major move I will have to make, as for those who know me, I don't travel light. Regardless, you've got to deal and figure out a way to make everything work out. I packed a few more boxes today while the students worked and headed home to get together all the banquet material for track. I planned this and that, did other paperwork and tried to get ahead. Unfortunately, since I took care of the time sensitive items first, I still have a load of grading to do, however, I feel the productivity in my veins and it definitely allowed me to accomplish so much today. I also started my clean when I took my breaks as I prepare to leave my rooms in vacant mode for the first few weeks of the summer. I'll begin moving out this and that from my classroom and it's a little sad to see the empty walls and all that history removed, but soon enough, it will be August and I'll be redecorating my room, as a new round of craziness begins. Any takers to help put everything back up? JKJK ... as I snuck a peek at our new science building in the vicinity of its final resting place, it felt like the final stage of this school year. Things are taking shape and now, I just need to do the final steps to wrap it all up. Under 20 more wake ups, but for now, the craziness will live on.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 134]:~ My Sincerest Thanks

~:[CH12 - Day 134]:~ My Sincerest Thanks

I woke up later than I wanted to, but still was able to cook up a simple breakfast for my mom. It was mother's day today. It's an annual holiday, but definitely one we should be celebrating regularly. From our biological mothers to those who we call mom, mama or the like, I've appreciated the influence of so many great moms who sacrifice so much to make the worries in our life lessen. I have been so Blessed to have so many great "moms" in my life who have always looked out for me. I am also surrounded by great mothers who truly go above and beyond for their own children. My own mom has truly been one who has guided me and modeled for me, how I should live my life. She always is selfless and looking out for others. There truly hasn't been a day where I haven't felt her love, her concern, and her care, as she has walked with me through my entire life, observing and stepping in when needed. I appreciate that she allowed me to live my life, not telling me where to go, but allowing me to travel my own road and seeking direction when I need it. Similarly, the many motherly figures around me have always been so supportive, always pointing me in the right direction. To all the mothers and motherly figures out there, I send my sincerest thanks and all my love, as you truly have made a difference in my life and the lives of your children and those you can your children. Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 13, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 133]:~ The Big Stage

~:[CH12 - Day 133]:~ The Big Stage

It's about the opportunity. Out of all the athletes that started the season, the CIF-SS was down to just nine per event coming together in Moorpark. It's mind-boggling to think about that with over a hundred teams in every division, we're left with just nine from each team in all of these events. It's the big stage. Coaches always hope to be here and most don't take this moment for granted. After a great first jump, we were definitely down that our high jumper didn't advance, but disappointment was nowhere to be seen. Our AD put it best, you have to qualify to this moment in order to not to advance. We hoped he'd advance, but we were also glad to be here watching him. Similarly, our hurdler had a breakout moment last week. She didn't have the best start which left her in catch up mode the rest of the race, but similarly, there was no disappointment. Being here is just incredible and the only participation medal they need, is the opportunity to compete. When the youth learn that it's not about receiving an award, but the award is being able to compete, they learn to appreciate this moment even more. They both worked hard for this moment and definitely deserve their moment to shine in the spotlight on this big stage, no matter where they ended up in the standings. In the end, we did leave with a CIF medal, but even better, we left with them having experienced something they may not have imagined. We celebrated at my friend's sushi restaurant in Westlake Village as he moved from Mammoth Lakes where we first met him while he was fishing and later that week we visited him at his restaurant. The strange thing was, that the last time I saw him, one of the athletes competing today was just starting out on her journey, as it was during our cross country Mammoth Camp. It made me think back to the beginning and just how far she came to make it to this stage. Even if you work hard or have the most talent, there is no guarantee you'll be here, which is why even more, we should celebrate that we are here on the big stage. Congratulations!

Friday, May 12, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 132]:~ Shining Bright

~:[CH12 - Day 132]:~ Shining Bright

It's always one of my favorite events, Premios de Oro. It reminds me of my Chemistry teacher who made me excited to go to class, as her energy and enthusiasm was evident. My medallion was from her and it makes me treasure that medal even more now that she is gone. Of course, this event is special because it gives us an opportunity to highlight some outstanding students whether it's someone who is most improved, the top students, the most enthusiastic or the most involved. It's never easy to pick the students we select, but no matter who I end up choosing, it's great to see them receive their award and shine brightly on stage. Mr. Walker returned to the stage and after a tough month or so, I could also sense his love for this moment, recognizing these great students. I think for him, just like it is for me, this moment is truly healing and invigorates me to work harder as we move into these final few weeks. In the end, the ceremony went smoothly and while I didn't capture all the moments I wanted to well, the ones that I did truly left an impression on my heart. When I am old and retiring, I know that this will be a moment I remember, as I will recall the bright smiles on the faces of the students who feel the validation of all the work and energy they put into this school work as they receive their much deserved recognition and a moment to shine bright on stage, just like they do every day in our class. Congratulations!

Thursday, May 11, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 131]:~ What a Blessing

~:[CH12 - Day 131]:~ What a Blessing

It's this time of year that I begin to realize just how Blessed I am. As I wrap up the school year with our MUN program, one of the final events has been receiving the proclamation from the city. It's never a given, but the students I work with put in months of effort in order to make this annual trip successful. As I listened to one of my students address the city council. I was proud at how well spoken he was and was reminded that I am Blessed with such a wonderful group of students. Sometimes, it's hard enough to get teenagers to do their homework or chores around the house, but these students, year after year, put in hours of research, writing, prepping and finally take on all the stress of the conference, truly representing our school, program and city well. One thing I wish I had said before we left the front of the council was, I am truly Blessed to work with the finest minds in this city. In chatting with a councilmember, he mentioned to me just how successful MUN students are, not just at conferences in high school, but in everything they do in their lives beyond. The program truly prepares them for what life throws at them. It's great to see so many of my former MUN students post updates of their success and truly reminds me how important this program is to maintain, as it develops so many successful individuals. How did MUN help you?

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 130]:~ Exclusive

~:[CH12 - Day 130]:~ Exclusive

Today, the end of the school year felt much closer. As we started to close things out, the "final events" of the year began appearing. The award ceremonies, the dinners, and the final projects and tests, it all feels so surreal that the end has come so quickly. Tonight was an event that doesn't happen every year, but I am grateful that it did this year as it means we qualified another athlete for CIF Finals, in fact, this year, it was two. It was exclusive company as our dinner was with just the final two left standing on our team. It feels a little strange with a large team to be down to the final few athletes. Regardless, it's been enjoyable as I can focus on something different for awhile and pass on my experience in other areas that I picked up along the way. We enjoyed our dinner as we celebrated this great feat hoping that this is not our final dinner for the season. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 129]:~ Walking on Air

~:[CH12 - Day 129]:~ Walking on Air

It's always great when a student or athletes has a breakthrough. In class, I felt like one of my students had one and later on in practice, my athletes seemed to find one as well. As we approach CIF Finals, it feels strange that we are working on these things, but at the same time, it's incredible to see what kind of adjustments we can make to survive another week. I had an extra skip in my step from the day already as I enjoyed showing Allegiance to my class. The musical truly is incredible and a great way to share the challenges of history. I rolled through practice without the stress of dealing with this and that, instead being able to focus on just a few things. Ultimately, the day went smoothly and because of all the progress made today, I felt like I ended the day walking on air. Many days, you'll feel like life is dragging you down, but keep pushing forward until you find your own breakthrough and discover just how high you can fly.

Monday, May 8, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 128]:~ Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

~:[CH12 - Day 128]:~ Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

I think I am quite used to goodbyes. Being at a school for so long, you say hello and goodbye to so many. Athletes, coaches, colleagues and more, you have to connect with them, work with them, and then say farewell to them. I wouldn't say it's gotten easier, but I learn to deal with it and try my best to stay connected, even if it's just once in awhile. Of course, I get used to the here today, gone tomorrow feel as even when they come back to visit, it's normally a quick reconnect. Regardless, no matter how long the visit is, I always appreciate the fact that they reach out and we are able to spend some time catching up. I'm not sure how things will change down the line, but for now, I'll keep trying to carve out time to have a little catch up. To forewarn people, I am not great and always finding the time, but I will honestly do my best, as I appreciate the opportunity to reconnect. 

Sunday, May 7, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 127]:~ Thankful

~:[CH12 - Day 127]:~ Thankful

My plans got canceled for today and I was actually kind of thankful. I was exhausted. We arrived home late last night and all I could think of was going to sleep. It was a little stressful after the long day and on top of it all, the bus nearly got hit on the way home as a car veered in front of our bus trying to avoid a stalled car on the freeway. I was thankful to be able to have a restful morning and even to be waking up at all. As we looking up and enjoy a beautiful sky, I hope we can be thankful that we can soak up the simple beauties of a day. Our sports teams may not win, our plans may get canceled and this or that may not go our way, but at least we can wake up and appreciate life. For me, today definitely was not fulfilling like I had originally planned, but by night's end, I was still fulfilled. I was filled with good vibes after chatting with my friends from Japan, plotting out a schedule for the week and even while watching a few episodes of a show I wanted to catch up. Because of today, tomorrow and the next day may be a little busier, but that's okay, because today was fulfilling. It was a beautiful day and for that, I am truly thankful.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 126]:~ To Heights Unknown

~:[CH12 - Day 126]:~ To Heights Unknown

We started the day on the track with good news. Our boys 4x100m team finished with a breakthrough race. While they didn't advance, they found a new season PR and were just 0.61 seconds out of qualifying. It's a lot for the race itself, but still yet, it was an accomplishment for our team. It ended up being a long day as we woke up early and headed out at 6:15am. We hit no traffic (unlike last year), so we were the first to arrive. I haven't enjoyed being at Ventura mainly because it only accommodates enough space for handful of school's canopies. This year, they didn't regulate as much, so even getting there early didn't mean we got a good view as a few schools setup so we couldn't get a direct view of the track. Of course, we made the most of the situation and focused on competing. We had a number of solid performances, but had a breakthrough in the 100m hurdles as our athlete busted to a new PR despite being sick this week and qualified with the fifth fastest time. Our high jumper cleared the first height on his first try and while he struggled a bit as we made adjustments with him to try to help him on the higher heights, he still managed to deal with the stress of a jump off and advanced to finals as well. Next week, we'll have to travel just as far as we have our two athletes who advanced and who knows what they'll be able to accomplish, however, no matter what they end up doing, just like our athletes who finished this week or two weeks ago, we'll be proud of them if they give it their all. Injuries, illness or just bad days may hinder them from time to time, but it won't make us any less proud as when they push their limits and test what they're capable of, they're preparing themselves to figure out just how high they'll be able to fly. I know that many of my students and athletes will reach heights unknown as their potential is limitless, as they learn to tap the well of their own potential. It was 10pm when we arrived back home which meant we had a 16 hour day, but I can guarantee you that those 16 hours invested will provide returns greater than what I could ever imagine. Let's look forward to see how high they will fly in the future.

Friday, May 5, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 125]:~ Wrapping Up

~:[CH12 - Day 125]:~ Wrapping Up

It's always a little strange on the last day before CIF. You call it the last practice, but honestly, don't want it to be. While you want to advance, you also treat playoffs as a do or die situation. You push your limits and if you break through, you keep moving on. Today was our last practice before prelims. It was quite a strange feeling as we had one athlete in every area advance, but also just one or two in each area plus relays and vault. It made it a little challenging as the training plans were all over the place, but at the same time, it was nice so we could all focus on our athletes. As we closed out our training, we hoped that today would not be our last practice, however, even if it is, we wrapped up this season quite nicely. I'm not looking forward to wake up early tomorrow, but at least I had a restful night allowing me to get everything together before tomorrow's big day.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 124]:~ In the Landscape

~:[CH12 - Day 124]:~ In the Landscape

I looked at the photo and was in awe. One of the artist displaying his work had some incredible pieces. Of course each piece was over $30,000, but at least I could enjoy it by just looking at the details and just how incredible they turned out. I was exhausted by day's end, but still ventured out to Alex's gallery show. I have always enjoyed watching his photo journey and to see the photos on display was incredible. It was nice to wander around and look closely at the pieces. I love how different the four photographers in the gallery space were and how they each captured what they were hoping to capture in the landscape of life. For everyone, we all have something in our lives we hope to capture. Will we ever be able to capture it how we want? I doubt it, however, in some ways, the way we capture it allows us to find something special in that given moment. While talking to Alex, we compared the output of our photos to a ice dance performance and to a speech, as while often we practice and try to get it spot on, the end result doesn't always end up coming out as we planned. Because of it, however, it adds it's own character to it. In the still frames of our lives, we may not be able to capture what we hope for in a given moment, but I hope what we end up capturing is a moment we can appreciate and treasure. If you were to have a snapshot of your life, what is a moment you would capture in that still frame of your life? 

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 123]:~ Togetherness Matters

~:[CH12 - Day 123]:~ Togetherness Matters

The one thing you cannot discount is togetherness. No matter whether it's school, career or life, being together with others matters. People are each others support system and being together with those close to you matters. As we ate together for CIF, it was wonderful to have everyone together. What made this year special is that we had at least one athlete from every area qualify which showed our togetherness. Together this team found success as they motivated each other, pushed each other and supported each other. We all need that person on our side, but when you have a team that is unified and together, you'll be able to find what you're looking for right around you. Together <3

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 122]:~ Feeling Appreciated

~:[CH12 - Day 122]:~ Feeling Appreciated

Even this early in the week, I was happy to receive gifts for teacher's appreciation week. For me, it's never about the gift. Often times, if I receive anything, I have it or it's something I don't use or don't have space for. Regardless, I appreciate it and then try to make the best use out of it. I was grateful simply for the thoughtfulness of the students who took the time to wish me a happy teachers' appreciation week. While they have taken the time to recognize us, I hope that they see that we do all the work that we do for them, the students. I am always so appreciative when I see a student find success especially after they struggled as it makes all the time and effort you put into helping them succeed worth it. While I received a few gifts this year, my truest appreciations are reserved for my students of past and present, as they are the ones that make this profession so rewarding. 

Monday, May 1, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 121]:~ The Stories We Write

~:[CH12 - Day 121]:~ The Stories We Write

I found this pen while cleaning. I picked it up and pretended to write. However, it made me think about how every day we get to write a story. Some days have something more interesting than others, but every day has a moment we can recollect, which becomes part of the stories of our lives. When we are old and gray, just how many of these stories will we have and who will be there to enjoy us telling them about these incredible moments. In life, I hope that our stories are plentiful and adventurous. As while it's easy to fall in the trap of a daily routine, I hope we find some deviation from the norm so that we can find a new story to tell and begin writing a new chapter in our lives. I always wonder just how our final book will turn out. Will there be a happy ending? Will I have to struggle or will it be smooth sailing? Who will be the memorable people we meet along the way? No matter how things turn out, I hope that we find stories we can carry with us for the rest of our lives and ones that can be shared with the future generations for a lifetime.