Tuesday, October 31, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 304]:~ Revealing the True You?

~:[CH12 - Day 304]:~ Revealing the True You?

Halloween is always a fun time as you get the dress up and feel like a different person. However, sometimes I wonder who is wearing that mask daily shielding who they really are from the world. To be honest, if I had a choice, I probably would feel most comfortable working behind a screen editing. As a teacher, being in front of the room and lively is important, however, for someone who is not as comfortable there, it's exhausting. Maybe I am wearing a mask daily to try to fulfill my role as a teacher and coach, as I realize how exhausted I am at day's end sometimes. At times, it's important to be yourself and comfortable in your own skin, but I guess in certain circumstances, you have to change up who you are if you want to fill a particular role. For instance, an emergency worker has to try to keep calm even when they're heart and mind may be racing or a celebrity keeping a smile on when in public. Sometimes, the weight of this can be overwhelming and leads to a number of issues especially as seen as a number of the celebrities who have to handle the burden of that daily spotlight. I hope that it can be a reminder that we should do our best to look behind the masks of people to see how they truly are doing and even going the extra mile of trying to see who they really are. In any case, as much as you can read into this day, in the end, it becomes a fun day that many look forward to in order to be creative, express themselves and simply have a great time. It was fun to see everyone dressing up today and I truly enjoyed the little skit put on by our admin, which ended up having them win the staff costume contest with their Super Mario theme! Trick or treat!

Monday, October 30, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 303]:~ The Moments We Capture

~:[CH12 - Day 303]:~ The Moments We Capture

Our photoshoot got delayed until we got our CIF shirts this year. We talked about making these back in the summer when we watched Barbie as a team and fast forward a few months, we now have them. It's always exciting to capture these pictures as they become a part of my own history, as well as the history of the ohana. This day makes me think back to all the previous shoot and all the previous athletes I have had. It's crazy to think about how many generations of athletes have passed through. This group has been exceptionally special with such a large group of seniors who have been with the team for three or four years. On a day I was extremely fatigued with a pile of work to catch up on, it definitely was a moment to help me appreciate experiences such as these. With every snapped, another piece of history was made and it will be apart of the many beautiful memories that I have made while working at Cerritos. I always wonder how many more snaps there will be, but for now, I'll just soak in these moments and appreciate the fact that I can enjoy moments like today, as I capture them one by one.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 302]:~ The Importance of It All

~:[CH12 - Day 302]:~ The Importance of It All

I'm definitely exhausted. I didn't end up driving out to Costa Mesa since the event was canceled, so I had some time to lay down and just relax for a bit. It actually was the first time since Friday I was home and not either asleep or working. Of course, as much work as the conference is, I can never summarize how important Model UN is for these students. It's not about shaping future politicians (although it could), it's about exposing these students to these world issues and different perspectives. This program is about teaching them to research, to write and to express their findings and negotiation a solution to the issue. They need to learn to adapt, to problem solve and to think on their feet as they sometimes have to improv a statement. Many of the skills you'll need in life, these students get exposed to from the start. So no matter how many hours I lose on sleep or how tired my body is at day's end, I'll almost always say, today was definitely worth it. The struggle for these students can be real, however, within those struggles and the whole process, they gain these life skills that are actually going to be applicate for many aspects of their life ahead. From the students in committee to those who worked behind the scenes coordinating, planning or helping it run, they all will benefit from this process. I'll enjoy not having to worry about planning (at least for now), but still yet, there's no doubt that I can clearly see the importance of it all and I just hope that they'll all be able to look back at say the same thing. 

Saturday, October 28, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 301]:~ When Survival is Enough

~:[CH12 - Day 301]:~ When Survival is Enough

I arrived at school just as they were turning the alarms off. It was amazing to see so many of the students lined up ready to host this conference. It's an exhausting effort, but one where you see these students learn the work it takes to run and event and to view a conference from the other side of the room - the dais. The conference had its normal issues of a few missing placards or being short a desk or two, but regardless, it was a relatively quiet morning and day. I made an error adjusting the lunch schedule so the lines ended up being quite long, but we survived, just like the entirety of the day. We had a lot of great workers from those students at the top (secretary-generals) to those who helped me throughout the day pushing carts, carrying drinks, and running from room to room. Often times, the hard work of those moving behind the scenes isn't often recognized, but without them, things don't run as well. By conference end, I was tired and a little sore, but I also knew the day was not ending, as it was only half done. I packed up my car, changed and then immediately headed out to the OC Japan Fair. Luckily the schedule was behind so I was able to set up my gear and shot everything I was supposed to. As I sat there listening to Kaoru, I was able to relax a bit and just soak in the music as I realized, I survived the day. Everything I was worried about the day had been accomplished and now all I had to do was get these last few shots and then relax. I got them and got to enjoy the last few performances before headed back to Arcane to wrap up the evening. It was nice to chat with everyone that I haven't seen in awhile. From those who I saw yesterday to others who I haven't seen in a year, I was appreciative of all the connections I have made through this evening. I may not have been the first at school today, but we were the last at the fairgrounds tonight as everyone had closed up shop. We walked out together to a ghost town as all had left and in my own mind, I thought to myself, I survived the day. Sometimes survival is the name of the game and it's the focus, but within that moment of just trying to survive, you find these magical moments that make you realize, that through that struggle, you've gained priceless memories. Today I survived and with it, came the many gifts life has to offer.


Friday, October 27, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 300]:~ Life in Sync


~:[CH12 - Day 300]:~ Life in Sync

Things just fell into place and everything felt in sync. There aren't many moments where you feel like this, but today, things just seemed to work The day went smoothly, I got going when I needed to, ran a few errands and got to where I was going on time. I helped with setup a bit before heading to the stage, I was able to capture some great shots, but when they moved to the final group, there was a bit of a hiccup and I got pushed out of the way. Regardless, I figured it out after I gathered myself and discovered a new plan. Having your life in sync isn't always about doing things properly, but also about trying to figure out how to adapt and adjust to get yourself headed in the right direction. Today, I got knocked off course despite feeling like it was smooth sailing only to find my way back to that comfortable path. I closed out the night chatting and enjoying catching up with everyone as today was definitely life in sync. 

Thursday, October 26, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 299]:~ Golden

~:[CH12 - Day 299]:~ Golden

It was the day after league and everybody was sore, as they should have been. When it comes down to planning out a season, you want everyone to have their freshest legs at the final meet despite having logged all those miles. My greatest task it to piece it all together and get them inspired to push their bodies and hope that the training as peaked them for this day. For many, it was and even for those who didn't, they still pushed hard. Despite the soreness, the athletes stretched well they completed their traditional run. As commonplace as it has been, I always hope that they'll never take this opportunity for granted. These moments are golden ones where they are given something that others may cherish and thus, we must cherish it just as much in order to avoid complacency. Today is a reminder to appreciate what was once not. I hope that these athletes will cherish these two weeks and soak in all the experiences they have, as I know that this stretch will be truly golden.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 298]:~ Mis(aligned)

~:[CH12 - Day 298]:~ Mis(aligned)

People often hope for the stars to align, but rarely do they. It would be great if we could get what we deserve. Many of us work so hard for a task, but we never reach our goal, but does that mean we've failed? As I thought about the races today, I thought to myself how misguided the education system is. During training and district meetings, I kept hearing the words, measurable. They want everything to be measurable. Why? It is what makes schools and districts look good, but in reality, when we succeed in the classroom and on the field, it isn't measurable. The measurability factor never can measure the moment that an athlete has a breakthrough race or in the classroom, the moment a student finally understands or truly enjoys what they are learning. I want them to pass, I want them to turn in their homework, but in reality, I want them to soak up what I am teaching, to learn something from what I am teaching and to really leave my class finding something that interests them and that they love, which is often not measurable. As I think back to the race, I soaked up the amazing races that many of our athletes put together, who found that their stars aligned today. However, I also think of those who shed tears of disappointment because they didn't reach their goal time or because they fell short of the award or recognition. However, it is in these moments that I hope that they understand that they cannot be measured by these means. How can you measure the hard work and passion someone puts into their season? How can you measure how much one cares about finding success? How can you measure just how much their poured of themselves into achieving this goal? For those that today your stars were misaligned, I say that I see your success. Sure, on a measurability scale, you may not have PRed and surpassed your time, you may not have placed where you wanted to, but for most of you, I have seen all the effort you have put forth and I have felt the passion, heart and soul you have poured into this season. Don't be discouraged and don't be disappointed. While today your stars did not align, all those intangible things that we cannot measure will be the reason why your stars will align time after time, as you continue to find success. In the end, the best measure of success is, how much of yourself did you give to accomplish this goal? We won't always be able to control what we are able to accomplish and attain, however, we can always control how much of ourselves we put forth. Maybe your stars aligned today or maybe they didn't, regardless I'm proud of all you who poured all of yourself into this race and this season, as ultimately it will be what helps you find the most success.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 297]:~ Let's Get Physical

~:[CH12 - Day 297]:~ Let's Get Physical

Usually the day before league finals is nice and relaxing, however, this year, with the conference upcoming and everything falling during the same week, this week has been quite challenging. Today might have been the busiest of them all. From sizing up MUN sweaters to the super quick setup media day, the day itself was packed. With our final regular season practice, we not only had our farewells, but also our preparations for league. I had the smart idea of picking up drinks for the conference today as well, so I had to unload, load, unload, then reload my car. About 1300 drinks later, my body was wondering what was going on. I also ended up loading up for tomorrow's meet since I was already sweating. Prepping for league finals felt like a walk in the park after all of that as it wasn't physically demanding. I'm a little worried how I will feelin the morning, but glad that despite all that went on today, I was able to accomplish everything I wanted to. Sometimes we face these challenging days, but the rewards for accomplishing what we set out to do will make all your efforts worth it. Keep your eye on the prize and don't give up. You can do it! 

Monday, October 23, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 296]:~ Impending Storms

~:[CH12 - Day 296]:~ Impending Storms

Is it unavoidable? Is it already here? The clouds roll in overhead, signaling the storm is drawing near. As we can often say, that we can weather any storm, but what happens when that singular, soon becomes a swarm. Can we counter fate or our destiny? What will it take to find protection, so we may survive and break free? In life, we often face these days, where the storm is coming our way? Do we face this moment head on, our do we call it a day? Life is never easy, but remember the blue skies that are there. They may be blocked from our vision, but we'll find them if we dare. We must equip ourselves and prepare for this battle that's ahead. As it will try to take us down, but I know we'll be victorious instead. To face this storm, fear is common, but don't let it take you down. As in these moments of great struggles, our strengths are what will be found. So step fearlessly ahead towards whatever storm in life you face and stride confidently so you can overcome, as soon that fear will be erased. This storm may not be avoidable, but we can weather this storm today. As while some may be fearful, we know that the storm shouldn't get in our way. 

Sunday, October 22, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 295]:~ Simplicity is Enough


~:[CH12 - Day 295]:~ Simplicity is Enough

What does it take to find happiness. I think that this has always been the million dollar question. We all are on a journey for happiness. To all of  us, that happiness is something different. For some it's seeing glorious sights and for others it's reaching a particular goal. Whether you love food or sports, whether you want to teach or be an architect, happiness can be found in a multitude of ways and in various places. Of course, often times the grandiose moments in our life are outshined by those that are simple. I have had the busiest of weeks with so many different cool experiences, but of course, something as simple as a basketball practice topped the list of memorable moments. Spending time with your family and friends is precious and while at times you may be off venturing doing this and that together, just simply being together is the true happiness that we all need. On my first day without a mandatory schedule in quite awhile, I definitely enjoyed sitting back a bit, while also having the time to catch up on work. It's in these challenging times that you truly find the appreciation in something that is so simple. I laughed here and there as I enjoyed the innocence and zaniness of all these little ones, but I also enjoyed watching how much they have grown and look forward to where they'll be in the years upcoming.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 294]:~ Survival

~:[CH12 - Day 294]:~ Survival 

With the heat staying in the 80s, it would be a bit of a challenging day at Mt. SAC today. Just standing at school, I knew it would be a toasty day and I was right. For the most part, our athletes did what they needed to do. They race just hard enough to get experience on the course, but also raced smart to stay healthy for league finals this upcoming week. I've always debating dropping Mt. SAC because of the proximity, but always know getting on the course is not only historic, but good preparation for CIF. We didn't end the day unscathed, but we should be ready for CIF, as we survived the tough conditions of the day. After getting a quick bite, I ventured over to our family Halloween party. I walked in as they were doing "races," which was a fun contest with windup toys. I got a little tip and picked the right one in order to steal a win in the first round, but didn't win the overall title. It was fun just being with family even if I wasn't dressed up as I came from the meet. I was definitely tired by night's end, but glad I made it through another fun, but exhausting day. 

Friday, October 20, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 293]:~ In Harmony

~:[CH12 - Day 293]:~ In Harmony

We hosted another XC Halloween night as we gathered together for our annual movie plus food, games and more. This year, a few members of the team brought their karaoke machines which made for some loud, but good fun. It was great to see groups of people sing together in harmony as these are the types of things that bring a team together. I've always said that a program is better than a team, as you can have fast runners who do well, but when you have a larger group of people, there is the opportunity for mentorship, growth, learning and of course moments like tonight. It's not always about the quality of the athletes that you get, but how you develop them and as much as it seems like a team night is not part of getting better, it pays dividends in helping your team. These are the moments that help get them to go to battle for one another when the time comes for competition and it was great to see how much more in harmony they are now, than they were when the season began. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 292]:~ This is (Not) a Drill

~:[CH12 - Day 292]:~ This is (Not) a Drill

Everytime we have a Great ShakeOut drill, it reminds me of the time I experienced my first major earthquake. I was eating fried rice when the house started shaking. I froze and the rize fell off my spoon before I realized what was going on. Our school wall had fallen down and to my recollection, school was canceled that day (although I could be wrong). As we go through this process yearly, I am always reminded that as much as we take this as a drill, the reality of us living in an earthquake zone are all too real. I wondered when the next big earthquake will be and if we will ever have to evacuate like this for real. Today happen to be the hottest day of the week, so some of us were dying. Luckily, the drill wrapped up and we didn't have to stay on the blacktop for an hour. For all of us, I hope we are all prepared for the potential of a big quake. With many of us still with memories of some of the older earthquakes in the past, I figure that we have the essentials just in case. This drill is always a reminder to check everything just to ensure that we are prepared in case. Mother nature is always unpredictable so it's always wise to simply be prepared in the case that it's not a drill in the future. Stay safe ya'll! 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 291]:~ In Our Memories

~:[CH12 - Day 291]:~ In Our Memories

I got to chat with director Shin Sonoda tonight as we previewed Indelible Memories. It was an incredibly touching film that found a way to develop its story well. At first I had my doubts of the direction of the film, but with a few obstacles placed, it developed the plot that was setup in the first half of the movie. As the film wrapped up, I thought about how precious the memories that we hold in our minds are. There are so many great moments that we have that we want to keep with us forever. The question is, when those memories begin to fade, do we also lose the emotional ties we have with them? Are we still connected to those memories through our connection with those whom we share these memories with? When we become old and gray, there will be many things that we'll forget, but will we stiill be able to feel the love for someone so near and dear to our hearts, as it becomes a bond that time cannot break? I think this film leaves you with a lot of questions and I think the varying perspectives of the film truly allows it to develop into something special. The one thing I enjoy about film festivals is that you're exposed to a variety of films and many of them have a number of layers to their storytelling that makes them special, Sure, these action packed thrillers are wonderful, but there is something about the more artsy films that draws me in and keeps me focused and entertained.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 290]:~ Welcome Back

~:[CH12 - Day 290]:~ Welcome Back

It was quite the enjoyable welcome back to Crypto.com Arena as I ventured out for a preseason game at the last minute. The seats were in a great spot to get a close up of the players and I guess it was a good spot for t-shirts as we had four that we made contact with, although we only came home with one. Regardless, it was fun being back in the basketball environment and while this game itself was meaningless, it still had a good vibe in the arena as many are ready for the season to begin. Who really know how this season will play out, especially with some of the moves being made, but regardless, it's just nice to be back. In life, it's the same way. You want to give yourself a great chance at victory, but in many cases, you're just grateful for the opportunity. We headed home glad that we came out and enjoyed this game and even more excited for the season ahead. Welcome back NBA!

Monday, October 16, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 289]:~ Who's the Monster?

~:[CH12 - Day 289]:~ Who's the Monster?

The phrase, "who's the monster," resonates with me as I think back to the film Monster directed by Hirokazu Kore-eda. The screenplay by Yuji Sakamoto won the Best Screenplay at Cannes this year and the score was written by now deceased Ryuichi Sakamoto. The twists and turns of the movie truly make you evaluate life itself and the views that you have. The movie works its way through a repetition of scenes from different perspectives making you question everything throughout the film. It reminded me of Model UN, as we're forced to see the many perspectives that exist around the world. One person's viewpoint can easily be skewed and manipulated by lies whereas another may see the truth, but question what they really see. It also tackled the issues of the confines of love and happiness, leaving viewers with quiet a poetic and artistic end. With so much going on in this world, it's easy to get lost in it all and play the blame game of who is right and who is wrong. In the end, the question in my mind that pops up is, "who really cares?" Instead, the focus should be on protecting those who need our protection and stopping those who are truly monsters from taking away that innocence from this world. I could tell that some had mixed views on the film and part of it was the complexities it portrayed, but there's no doubt why this film won an award at Cannes. The night end with a great celebration from all the Pacific Rim film festive spotlight audiences with a number of UCI groups taking center stage. My mind kept wandering thinking back to the film and I am excited to watch the film again when it's released in December so my mind can be taken on this journey once again. 

Sunday, October 15, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 288]:~ In Need of a Charge

~:[CH12 - Day 288]:~ In Need of a Charge

I was definitely exhausted. After a very long Friday and Saturday, I had to get back up on Sunday for MUN. While it was exhausted, I was excited to be at my first MUN conference of the year. I needed a little boost of energy, still yet, I enjoyed walking through committees and watching the students that joined us. It creeped into the 90s as the hot sun beat down on the students as the award were called. In the end, our students did well including three students who took home the coveted gavel. There was a lot to do today with my instruction of the seniors beginning tomorrow, but I was able to find time to enjoy some good food and relax just enough to find that charge to get me through. It's going to be a very long week ahead, but I know that there will also be a lot of exciting things to look forward to. I hope all of us found a charge this weekend to get us through this week. Happy Sunday!

Saturday, October 14, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 287]:~ It's Only Natural


~:[CH12 - Day 287]:~ It's Only Natural

It was beautiful out. I knew it would end up being a hot day, but being outside enjoying this beautiful scene was worth it. The fog hovered over the grass all around us and it felt as if we were walking through the clouds. Although it felt supernatural, it was something that's only natural and can be explained by science. Still yet, the storybook imaginary feel it gave off was incredible. Soon thereafter, the "ring of fire" eclipse would occur and while we didn't get the full gist of it in LA, it was cool to get shots of it via my phone through the eclipse glasses. Luckily, my cousin gave me a pair to use, otherwise, I would have missed it entirely. The meet actually passed by quickly and I enjoyed getting home and taking a nice path to cool out from the outdoors. It was nice to enjoy the AC inside the house, as I awaited until it was time to head out again. I ventured out to Newport to catch one of the films for the film festival. It had a lot of twists and turns, but the faults I saw early in the film were somewhat forgiven at the end, as it tied into the overall story of the film. I ventured home and had enough time to wrap up a small proposal I've been working on to wrap up the day. The day itself felt so commonplace, yet looking back at this image, there were so many things that were quite extraordinary, from the fast times my runners ran to the beauty that nature provided us on this wonderful morning. The morning sunrise and the evening sunset can be seen as something that's so natural, however, I hope that every time we get the opportunity to witness something so beautiful we treasure it as something that isn't so natural so we learn to appreciate the beautiful things this world has given to us. 

Friday, October 13, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 286]:~ Dreaming without Nightmares


~:[CH12 - Day 286]:~ Dreaming without Nightmares

Friday the 13th is often seen as an unlucky day and tied to horror movies because of Friday the 13th. My athletes baked us cinnamon rolls and placed a sign related to the horror of this day as a fun gesture. As while this day was supposed to be filled with things that are unlucky, it was a day that was like a dream without any nightmares. After school, I ventured through the traffic of LA, which was the most nightmarish part of the day, and arrived at Hotel Cafe. I was happy to be able to shoot at the site for Priscilla Ahn's return to LA and Hotel Cafe. A long time I go, I got to see her perform here and it was a pleasure to finally reunite. I have always kept the stiching she made and sent me to remember her, but of course, her music always has resonated with me. Wallflower has always been a song I've enjoyed. She introduced a new song about her mother and I think that it also resonated with me. I knew I would probably regret driving to LA the night before a meet, but even at the end of the night, I had no regrets as I truly enjoyed the evening and the opportunity to reunite with someone so special. It may have been Friday the 13th, but I was only left with sweet dreams of this wonderful and amazing day.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 285]:~ Recharge?

~:[CH12 - Day 285]:~ Recharge?

You plug your phone in to be charged, hoping that it will recharge properly. However, after time, we've probably learned that our batteries won't be the same a few years down the road. I didn't think much of it aside from a few times when my phone overheated, but thinking about it now, the battery's lifespan was shortly getting cut short. With an email from my insurance, I found out that I could switch the battery for free and I did. While I haven't tested it out yet, just at a 60% charge, my battery lasts twice as long as it originally could have. In life, I think we do the same thing. We recharge and recharge not realizing that when we do that, our power is not what it once was. We need to find a way to change out our batteries to inject energy back into our system to level that it once was. As humans, can we do the same thing? What kinds of things will change our batteries to give us the lifespan we once had and expected? As I plan out the rest of my years in my career, I have to think about all these things as each year might get a little tougher to make it to the finish line. While time actually seems to by faster, I know that the energy consumed with me has grown in terms of percentage. I'm more tired every day and hoping I can find a way to recharge so I can keep the same level of work as before. I the end, I am happy with the switch in my batteries and hope I can find a way to make the same switch in my own life to allow my life's battery to start anew. What do you do to recharge?

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 284]:~ Progress

~:[CH12 - Day 284]:~ Progress

Our first class debate of the year began. As typical, it started off a little shaky. A few students were enthusiastic, a few more decided to share, a handful of others didn't volunteer. However, it was the first step towards making them more confident speakers. While these classes (especially 4th) do chat a lot, it's a bit different when you get into the more education discussions versus just socializing. Regardless, they did fairly well for the first day and I am hoping that the progress continues. Within my own work, I began cleaning up a few things here and there, organizing and planning and making my own progress on things I need to take care of. It's not easy and probably won't get easier, but still yet, just like my students, I'll keep working hard and pushing forward so that I can get closer to where I want and need to be. While I was definitely exhausted, I forced myself to stay awake a bit longer to wrap up some work and I was glad at how much I accomplished by night's end. Let's all keep chugging along in our own lives so we make the progress we want to see in our lives. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 283]:~ Mostly

~:[CH12 - Day 283]:~ Mostly

Growing up as a bowler, perfect only meant one thing, not a single blemish; a perfect 300. It's rare for that feat to happen and the closest I've gotten is 11 strikes, three times. For many, the same goes for whatever they do, the chances of perfection are nil. In some areas, perfection might be more manageable, but in reality perfection is but a fallacy that we'll chase for the rest of our lives. The drive for perfection may be the biggest barrier to us finding satisfaction and happiness and while I am not going to say it's not possible or should not be chased, we must also appreciate our progress even when it isn't "perfect." Today was a day that went mostly perfect. The weather cooled down a bit and was mostly fine, the workload today was manageable and of course our athletes ran mostly to the plan. We were down one of our top seven, but so was Whitney. A few of our athletes weren't feeling well, some sat out and some toughed it out. For those who stepped foot on the course, I was proud of the effort that they put forth. For most, they sacrificed their summer and free time to prepare for these moments, they dug deep to push through fatigue, they spent extra moments working on strength, icing, massaging and everything else they needed to do. While they need to keep working to reach their ultimate goal, this was a breakthrough moment for them, as they checked a box on their season's to-do list. Who knows how things will turn out when the teams are at full strength or if we'll be at full strength at all, but I'll worry about that on another day and appreciate the fact that today was mostly perfect. I doubt that with a team my size, I'll never find a perfect race day, but I'm sure that those mostly perfect days are still awaiting on the road ahead. However, even though in my mind I know that there was room to improve and things to fix, but there's no doubt that today their efforts and progress impressed me and for that, I will leave this day satisfied. In the end, the team left me with one thing that was perfect, their record on the day (20-0). Congrats Ohana

Monday, October 9, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 282]:~ The Pain Deep Within

~:[CH12 - Day 282]:~ The Pain Deep Within

It's hard to watch the destruction and devastation going on in the Israeli-Palestinian region. When I teach about historical events or we discuss current events via Model UN, it's in these moments where all those lessons become more relevant and you better understand why we need to work hard to prevent such a catastrophe. It makes it even worse when the civilians are suffering through these tragic times. Instead of spending our time deciding who is right or discuss technicalities, I hope that we can take that time to pray for all those involved. Whether it's for safety, a safe journey as they leave this world or to help them find a way to resolve the issue, the only thing that is right in this situation is finding peace. There is no easy solution. We've discuss this issue countless time and know that there is deep-rooted history behind this issue, however, I hope that the world can see that those who suffer the most are the ones who have the least, including the smallest voice in all that is being decided. I feel a pain deep within every time I hear a story or see a video as the civilians wonder why this has happened or what happened to their loved ones. I pray for everyone in hopes that we can find a way to resolve this situation, bringing those to justice who deserved to be punished, to protect those who deserve the freedom of life, and to bring peace to the region in hopes that we can contain the violence in hopes that it does not escalate to an even greater level. There is no turning back the clock and looking through a screen it's difficult to know there is only so much we can do to help, and thus, the one thing I know that I can do for now is pray and hope. 

Sunday, October 8, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 281]:~ Back in the Day

~:[CH12 - Day 281]:~ Back in the Day

This whole yearbook mania is bringing back in the day vibes as I am reminded of so many great memories of the past. I guess the past is always apart of us as we travel from moment to moment in our lives reflecting on what we've done while going through what we are doing. In life, while we want to learn and grow, the past can always be a remind of things we should or should not do and allow us to reminisce of times we may never have back. While I believe we should always live in the present, there's no reason why we can't take a moment to go and enjoy the blasts from the past. On this Sunday filled mostly with work, I head into the week with memories of my high school days as I get to see so many of our youth live out their days. What is your favorite memory from your high school days?

Saturday, October 7, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 280]:~ The Warmth of Memories

~:[CH12 - Day 280]:~ The Warmth of Memories

I was amazed by the fact that it's already October. Time has flown by so quickly and before you know it, the end of the year will be here. Today, I thought back to just a few months ago as I ate with an alum in Tokyo at the infamous Ichiran. I thought of it because I made my own Ichiran at home, but of course, it wasn't the same. Regardless, as I slurped down the ramen, the memories of the amazing summer came flowing back in and that brought some warmth to my heart and soul, as I remember some of these great moments. I think that our memories are one of the things that keep us going. While I enjoy my day-to-day life, these memories also remind me of the many things I have to look forward to whether it's an amazing concert, beautiful sights or simply time with family and friends. I've always said that I work hard so that I can play hard and it's these memories that remind me to keep pushing forward so that I can enjoy life even more when the time comes. I finished off my bowl of ramen, but the warmth of those memories stayed with me all day. Soon, the cold winter will be approaching and I hope that we'll be able to create memories like these to keep us warm until the warmth of summer returns once again.

Friday, October 6, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 279]:~ The Glow Up

~:[CH12 - Day 279]:~ The Glow Up

After the pandemic, the rallies we once knew were gone. There were few that knew what rallies were like so all the knowledge passed down from generation to generation was gone. It was the first year we return to the gym and our team did our best to help bring back the rally atmosphere. So many people put in so much time to make this rally what it was. They shot videos here and there, they choreographed and practiced dancing, and most importantly, they brought their energy. Our theme going into the rally was, just be sure you have energy and it will all be good and it sure was. The rallies found their glow up and I hope that it stays that way. It was a particular fitting rally for us as it was a neon rally. I got a bunch of glow-in-the-dark items and other items that lit up just for this day and it ended up being perfect. Ultimately, all the work the team put in paid off and hopefully it will lead to a lot more amazing rallies as we head forward. Ohana!

Thursday, October 5, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 278]:~ Out of Focus

~:[CH12 - Day 278]:~ Out of Focus

Although it was the day AFTER a meet, it was another chaotic day during a chaotic week. It definitely is hard to stay on top of things and focus, but at the same time, during weeks like these, you need to focus in even more. Of course, it didn't help when you're trying to prep for the rally ahead and have to try to remember this and that. With an errand to run after practice, I arrived home at 9pm and had just enough time to send a few more videos to my captain to edit into the video. I was so impressed by her efforts. She took on that role that many teenager cannot take on, as she took charge of the process. Some do not accept that well, but in times like these it's needed to get things back into focus. She adjusted the choreo and had them practice, created videos, communicated with the participants and ultimately edited the video. It's been a little tougher to teach lately with so many out of focus, but it also makes you appreciate it when you see your students step up to take charge to steer the ship in the right direction. I took also focused in and got some work done for a new project I am working on for November and it took some willpower, but I also got things on track hoping that for all of us, we'll see amazing results from all the work that we put in.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 277]:~ From the Shadows

~:[CH12 - Day 277]:~ From the Shadows

For each of our, our goals in life are different. For some, we want to be the best, for others, we just want to be apart of something and still others simply want a challenge in their life. As we approach each race, we always want to excel, but our definition of what excel in may differ. When will we be proud of our race or what exactly is our end goal that will leave us happy? Someone sent me a post that asked, what if we lived life like a cross country meet. Instead of being the best, some will be happy with a new PR or simply crossing the finish line. Some will build social connections with others on the team and who knows, they may end up married like a number of my former athletes. Others may simply want to be involved in something, want to take on a new challenge or maybe they just want to stay in shape. Regardless of their purpose out here, I hope that these athletes learn to persevere when times are tough, to connect with others and feel apart of something, learn that disappointments are opportunities to learn and grown, and  ultimately I hope that these athletes never give up and cross that finish line. While with the chaos of setting up on a course that was not ours and making sure all went well, I didn't get to see much of the races going on, however, I didn't need to watch much to know what was going out there. Many of these athletes were testing their limits, learning, growing, and testing themselves and ultimately, overcoming obstacles to reach that end point. For some, it takes a lot for them to realize that it's not simply about making varsity or winning, it becomes about finding yourself by coming out from your own shadow to find who you truly are. How do you find yourself? Through adversity, through exhaustion, through disappointment and through challenges, we end up struggling, yet in the process, we learn more about ourselves and ultimately uncover the person we are or can now envision the person who we could be. At the end of the day, we had some amazing performances and for some, they were disappointed on how things turned out, but there's no doubt that I was proud of them. Life in itself has been overrun with a toxic atmosphere due to egos, competition and rankings and I hope that together we can work on cleaning up this place so we can learn to appreciate each other and celebrate each other, from the person who excelled the most, but even more so for the person who overcame the most to get to that finish line. I am not someone who believe sin participation trophies, however, I do believe in applauding those who participate in a way that demonstrates why this sport is so amazing. There are many challenges ahead the next few weeks, however, in the process, I'll definitely remember not only those who won the championship, but also who championed perseverance and never gave up as they stepped out from the shadows.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 276]:~ A Heartfelt Message

~:[CH12 - Day 276]:~ A Heartfelt Message

It was chaos today. From trying to get prepped for tomorrow's meet to holding picture day, one of the most challenging days of the year, I felt the weight of the day on my shoulders. I wanted it to go well, but knew just how much I had on my plate today. Strangely, I survived and there wasn't as much stress encountered through the day. We wrapped up on time and I headed to the OC to catch Rina. I've always appreciate the artistry of Rina, but even more so, I've appreciated how brave and courageous she is. Rina is never afraid to be who she is and I think looking around, it empowered many in the crowd to be themselves as well. If you her story, you know how much she struggled through and overcame and to see her on stage makes it feel as is she has broken through the shackles that have kept her down and risen to a new level, Still yet, through her performance, she delivered powerful message that reached her fans and even more so, a heartfelt message to her friend that also paralleled a message to all those who listen to her wonderful music. Whether or not you stand for what she does, Rina can empower anyone to speak up for what they believe in. I hope that at the end of the day, whether it's smooth sailing or chaotic, that we are able to be comfortable in who we are and what we believe and when in doubt, I hope we can hear that heartfelt message from Rina reminding us that we are not alone. 

Monday, October 2, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 275]:~ The Sun Sets on Another Day


~:[CH12 - Day 275]:~ The Sun Sets on Another Day

The light shone through my car window as the sun set on another day. Every day we wake up i the morning, go through our tasks and arrive at this very moment, in awe of the beauty of this golden hour. The sun is at its most beautiful just as it hits the horizon. Almost every day, we're lucky to witness this beauty and after we finish what we need to, we close our eyes and wake up once more each day. One of these days, we won't wake up and our time on this earth will end. We cannot predict when or why our time will end, but we can make the most of these moments every day. We can enjoy it tomorrow is one of the worst things you could say and is even worse than not even realizing the beauty that is next to us, as we put off enjoying this beauty to a time that is not guaranteed. Enjoy the beauty around us as while we may take for granted the opportunity in front of us, we just never know when it will be our time and the sun sets permanently on our life. Hold your loved ones close, cherish your memories even more and take advantage of every second instead of every minute of every day. I walked to my car and smiled looking at the beautiful sunset not knowing what tomorrow would bring or if it would even come. Regardless, I was not worried as I made the most of today and truly enjoyed every bit of beauty within it. 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 274]:~ Having a Ball


~:[CH12 - Day 274]:~ Having a Ball

There's no doubt that I was sore today. I knew I would be when I went to sleep last night. I probably racked up at least eight miles of running yesterday at the meet. As exhausted as I was, I still woke up early, relaxed a bit, then got to work. I focused in until it was time to catch Jordan's practice. It was fun to watch them on the court as they have showed improvement over the past year. I don't get to watch them all the time, but when I do, I definitely enjoy it. Today, I couldn't stop laughing as it was so fun to watch them run around and beg kids as they were having a ball on the court. Ultimately, the day itself wasn't the most productive, but still yet, I was able to accomplish some of the things I needed to do and left just a few things for tomorrow. It definitely is fun to see these youth sports from a different perspective as you probably can recall some of the moments you had growing up, but may have forgotten how zany you were. Watching these kids running around, trying to figure out this new skill makes me wonder how I actually was growing up versus what I recall when I think back to these precious moments of my life.