Wednesday, January 31, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 31]:~ Beyond Our Control

~:[CH7 - Day 31]:~ Beyond Our Control
Sometimes, there are things that are just beyond our control, coming in the form of love, in opportunities and in competition among other things. However, many times, we get so obsessed with trying to control what we can't that we forget to focus on what we can control. There are so many opportunities to influence what we cannot control, by focusing on what we can. It's easy to lose focus, but if we truly want to be in control, we must not try to go beyond what we can, in that, we will expand our abilities. Sadly, sometimes that loss of control comes with heartbreak. There were so many things out of our control this evening out of the game with inconsistencies and lack of basic basketball knowledge from the refs, but we also had the opportunity to counter that with what was actually in our control by protecting the ball, being more efficient with the clock and playing better defense down the stretch. Regardless, it's part of the process of life. We learn to adjust and adapt and in this case, we think about how to change things and that's by simply focusing on what we can control. In life, we cannot always be in total control, however, it doesn't mean that chaos is going to  ensue. As the heartbreak of this evening reminded me of all the challenges I have faced in the path, I began to see that with the right focus, this world is actually in our control, we just need to know how to properly use all of the resources at our disposal. With today a distant memory, we must all figure out how to best control what we can so that our world can easily become something we can control with our fingertips.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 30]:~ The Air Up There

~:[CH7 - Day 30]:~ The Air Up There
Some days just feel like you're floating on air. It's not always because something special happened, but because you just feel good. It was nice being back in the routine of things, as I rushed to get so many things organized before leaving this Friday. It will be a little hectic, but I know I can do it. As I rolled through my classes, subbed for another class, and rearranged my classrooms, I also kept in touch with my friends abroad, made progress on my Pokedex, and had a successful practice, figuring out where each of our athletes are going to run this season. The rally saw a few monster dunks to bring up the energy, I finished up the odds and ends of reservations for the MUN trips, completed some work for basketball's senior night, and I ended the night just chatting away and also wrapping up the initial stages of planning for the summer. Yes, already. Regardless, I just felt like I was walking on air and while I worry about the pile of things still to do, I know that I will slowly chip away at it and soon enough, I'll be on track and ready to go. Tomorrow's another day, so I better get everything ready to go and prepped from what's ahead. For now, I'll enjoy the air up here. 

Monday, January 29, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 29]:~ The Piece Left Behind

~:[CH7 - Day 29]:~ The Piece Left Behind
I got off to a late start, but got back into the habit of things. I wasn't feeling the best, but I knew that I couldn't miss the first practice of the season. After a pick me up at TapEx, I headed to school and welcomed to the new crop of athletes to the team. Our distance crew was well balanced between all grade levels and the season looked promising, even after a single workout. Who knows how things will turn out, but it is nice to see the veterans leading the rookies. With a busy slate, after the weight room, I headed to the Boston MUN grill and meeting, before heading off to catch up with an alum. It was nice sitting down with him and while I had ran into him a few times, this was the first time we sat down and talked for awhile. It was nice catching up and seeing how well he was doing. As I sat over my bowl of Tsukemen, I realized that I left a piece of me behind. I love where I am at, but a piece of me yearns to go back. I have a number of places I've called my second home, but seldom do I get this sad when I leave. With time, I think I will get back in the habit, yet for now, I feel the pain of the missing piece I left behind. Tomorrow, I'll really get back into the normal swing of things, hoping that I feel better than I did today, but being under the weather was not what got me down. At least I know that as far as I am away, that I will also be able to keep the memories of those days so cherished with me for the rest of my life. While I may not physically be there, I know that my spirit will wander back to the place where I left a piece of myself behind.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 28]:~ You Win Some, You Lose Some

~:[CH7 - Day 28]:~ You Win Some, You Lose Some
With a quick turnaround, I had a tight plan for the trip, however, it was more relaxed than planned as a number of schedule changes resulted in cancelations. I normally don't have this happen, but hey, you win some, you lose some. Regardless, I still caught up with a few of my friends, all of whom I have actually know for quite some time, which was nice. While I was a bit under the weather, I had an amazing time including almost getting sandbagged by my friend in bowling, as she had a turkey and actually should have had four in a row, but she got robbed. Of course, it wasn't about the winning or losing, but about the times we did have and how we made the most out of that time. Tomorrow, I will fly back and hopefully be good enough to go to work, but the memories of this mini-adventure, though just a few days, was quite worth all the hassle. It didn't go as planned, but that's exactly how life is. They say you win some and you lose some, but the reality is, with the right perspective, you never really lose. 

Saturday, January 27, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 27]:~ Signs of Success

~:[CH7 - Day 27]:~ Signs of Success
I was walking the streets around Suseong Artpia before the concert and ran across a banner of Jae. It's astonishing to see someone you know posted on a sign along a major street. I was please that the timing was just right that I was able to swing over to catch this concert and to see exactly what the mania is like. As I watched, the lines were long and the fans would run from place to place for the giveaways often seen in this fandom culture. It's a different world in Korea, as the fans are true followers who know exactly what to do and when, there are systems and rules and while their camera policy is strict, it also adds to the experience as everyone gets to enjoy the performances rather than just trying to capture the moments you miss as you record. Regardless, in the end, I was proud to see the amazing performance which was quite the perfect balance between music plus an addition of a conversation on stage in between every few sets. As I sat back and enjoyed the performances, it made me think of the long road Jae has had to take to get where he was, from the performances in high school to the breakthrough show to training and now through the process of getting your group's name out there, this sign was one of success through hard work. Life will throw us a lot of disappointments and make the road to success a tough one, but if we work hard enough, soon enough we'll see our signs of success displaying all the work that it took to get us to where we are today. As I walked through the streets of Daegu after a delicious bowl of 짜장면, I realized how little of Daegu that I saw since I had to head back, but also knew that in that short time, I also saw a lot. I saw the growth of a hope and dream into a reality. Hopefully, soon, many of you will also arrive at the end of your journey, so you can begin working on your next dream. All aboard, it's time to begin heading down to the road to your own success.

Friday, January 26, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 26]:~ Quality vs Quantity

~:[CH7 - Day 26]:~ Quality vs Quantity
It's an often debating topic of quantity versus quality. This wasn't a very big meal (also not very expensive as I got a deal), but the quality of it was superb. Each of the pieces were fresh with the slightest variance of flavor for each. However, I did leave there hungry and grabbed a whole lot of cheaper food. So what is better? It's obviously varying on the circumstances and the person, but in my opinion, it's usually about quality, unless it's money of course, then I want lots of it. I've grown to not be a big buffet person and when I go, it's only a few rounds of the best things and the focus of my new vlog is trying to keep it short with good quality. We'll see how it all turns out in the end and those with multiple properties, cars, etc, may ultimately win, but the reality is, when it comes down to it, the priority is the quality of the people that surround me in my inner circle, as in the end, the quality and quantity of most other things is replaceable, but finding those few good people around you is not. 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 25]:~ Just Chilln'

~:[CH7 - Day 25]:~ Just Chilln' 
It's rare in many people's lives where you can just relax and chill. I think we live such busy lives that sometimes we forget that our main purpose here on this earth is not to work, but to be there for one another and to love one another. One of my friends told me that many of her friends work too hard and so she wants to hand them a postcard of Article 24 of the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the right to rest and leisure. In our busy lives, myself included, we must remember to take the time to spend quality time together, whether it's a picnic, time at home together, or even walking around the park, playing Pokemon Go with the ducks. Find some time to just chill and maybe you'll find that your performance and overall happiness will improve. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 24]:~ The Superhero Classic

~:[CH7 - Day 24]:~ The Superhero Classic
As we read comics about these superheroes doing amazing things, you overlook the small things that people do for you on the daily. From a loved one wishing you a good day when you leave, a nice, home-cooked meal, and even a note to get you through the day. On a day where the stress of finalizing grades is at a high, some comfort was found in my IAs who became the superheroes of my day. Amidst their own stress during finals, my IAs got together and were thoughtful in getting me a 1st semester gift. I never received something like this and so it completely caught me off guard and I loved it. However, the gift was not what was the best part, but the lovely note and the thought that they put into it. Honestly, I would have been fine with the note, as that is the piece that meant the most to me. As I look at the stash of letters and cards I have saved since I was young, I think about all the good times that I've had in my life. As while things in life may never happen like in the comics, we truly have superhero-moments every day of our lives if we are just willing to open up our eyes and look around. Today, my IAs were my superheroes. Thanks for making my story into the happiest of endings by swooping in and saving the day.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 23]:~ It's Not History, It's Life

~:[CH7 - Day 23]:~ It's Not History, It's Life
Our past is part of us. We may try to put things behind us, but the reality of life is that the past is what helps make us who we are. The criminal who is captured may rethink his future and change his ways, a chance encounter may reroute the career planning of a young adult, and so on and so on. As I looked at my two new acquisitions from the weekend, I thought, when people say let's put the past behind us, the reality is that we can't. Sure we can forgive and forget, but we cannot shed something that becomes apart of us. Our decisions today will affect who we become tomorrow, because the reality is, our past is not history, but part of our lives. As I looked and wondered how this camera worked and functioned and what kind of images this camera took, I reminded myself to live the present right, as when it becomes the past, it always reflects in who we are today.

Monday, January 22, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 22]:~ A Labor of Love

~:[CH7 - Day 22]:~ A Labor of Love
Every year around this time, my time becomes so precious, as there is so much going on, Meeting after meeting, grill after grill, and project after project, I always feel as if I am trapped in a whirlwind. As I uploaded the 26 documents totaling over 500 pages, I took a deep sign of relief and smiled. While there is still some work to do in the form of corrections, the task is pretty much complete. As while some say I am crazy for spending the time that I do on this, it does tend to be a labor of love. Sure, I get paid for it, but all the extra time and effort is not work to me, but rather something that is quite enjoyable. To see the finished document makes me smile and provides me with the satisfaction that I completed it in conjunction with my students. After research and corrections, the final document is the reward and that is when you know you are doing what you love. I think that is definitely the goal for us all, to find what we love to do. While we may fall into situation where we have no choice in the matter, the reality is, we sometimes have to force the issue and take some risk to find our way down the path we want to go and while we may not all reach our dream, the path in getting there also has a value that no money can buy. Obviously, we all need a foundation and stability, but at some point, if you dread what you do every single day, maybe it's time to head towards the things that you love or at least find a place where you'll be free to do so.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 21]:~ The Flavors of Life

~:[CH7 - Day 21]:~ The Flavors of Life
I missed my bus, a spilled glass of water led to a river flowing on the bench and the rain poured down as I walked back to my hotel, but I wouldn't trade this experience for anything. Sometimes the food that you order doesn't taste exactly how you imagined, but that doesn't mean you avoid food altogether. Just like food, there were will times where the things thrown at you are just plain rotten, but if you keep moving forward, there are delicious flavors awaiting you in the future. I had a wonderful day with a friend, got good news delivered to me from another, and I landed safely back home, where the weather was just perfect. As I look back on a day with some challenges, I don't regret a bit of it, as in the end, it was truly filled with the flavors of life. I look forward to another day of being able to experience all that life can throw at me, as I try to find the flavors that suit me. Be patient though, because sometimes, the best foods taking a little time to prepare. 

Saturday, January 20, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 20]:~ The Doorway to Something Greater

~:[CH7 - Day 20]:~ The Doorway to Something Greater
As you wander around aimlessly, sometimes you wander into a place that is so amazing. Just as you are in awe of you where you are, you turn and see something so amazing. Sometimes, life is like this. You are thrown into an amazing situation and with each turn something you find something greater. However, in life, while we want to search out for great things, sometimes in search of it, we miss the greatest things that are right underneath our noses. Sometimes the sole reason for our being is left in the shadows in our search for something greater. As I wandered from city center to Pike's Place and then sitting down to watch the Greatest Show, I came to this realization. In the search for something greater, we also have to remember how great we already have it and not forget to treasure what is truly valuable. As while the world around us will provide us with opportunities, we cannot neglect those who have always been for us and are truly the greatest thing in our lives. As while we may keep on this search for something greater and strive to be well known, from the movie the Greatest Show, "You don't need the whole world to love you, just a few good people." If you have that, isn't that something greater than anything else you can find around the world? As I wander through this world from place to place, seeing what is behind each door, I will stop search for something greater, as I already have what I need right next to me, those few good people who love me. 

Friday, January 19, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 19]:~ In the Chill of the Night

~:[CH7 - Day 19]:~ In the Chill of the Night 
It was a strangely chilly day with a momentary warmth in the afternoon, but the night got colder when I headed up north after work. After getting off the light rail, I wandered to my hotel and dealt with the cold breeze that ran across my neck, blowing off my hood, leading to cold ears on top of my already cold hands. The night was even colder, as I was solo for the day, as everything I have planned is over the weekend. However, there was something ever so peaceful about the day itself. As I looked out the window, I saw the Space Needle and on my walk, I soaked in everything around me. Sure, it was cold and I was a little tired, but it was nice wandering the streets of a city when everyone else is indoors, escaping the cold weather. It was miserable at times being out, but I wouldn't want it any other way. In the chill of the night, I definitely found a moment to relax and simply chill in the peace and quiet the surrounded me; just me and the slight gusts of bone-chilling wind. I love this city a lot and I cannot wait to wander around it more, but until tomorrow, I'll just relax here a bit, enjoying the view from the warmth of my bed. 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 18]:~ In the Wise Words ...

~:[CH7 - Day 18]:~ In the Wise Words ...
Growing up, I always heard things like, in the wise words of (put an important person's name here). It made me think, I guess that I should listen to those around me, because there are always people speaking these wise words. As my class rolled through the philosopher's forum the past few days, I was reminded that the wise words don't always come from those around you, but sometimes from yourself. While we got off to a slow start, the ball started rolling as the students began impressing with their words. It's always fun to see them get dressed up and into their roles and they are definitely always impressive. I think it left me in the right spirit all day despite how crazy of a day it was. I spent almost every moment that I wasn't teaching in a grill session, quizzing my juniors about their topics for Nationals. In the end, we wrapped up the philosophers' forum and now we head on to wrap up the lessons for the rest of the year. However, despite this simulation coming and going, I hope that these students realize that while there are many wise people speaking around them, the wisest voice that can guide them is with their own selves. As they gain knowledge and experience, it will be the one thing that can guide them in the darkness and help them figure out all the obstacles they will face along the way. It will be the most dependable guide for them, as in the wise words of Steve Jobs, "Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice," as that is truly where you'll often find the wisest words. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 17]:~ Yeah, That Just Happened

~:[CH7 - Day 17]:~ Yeah, That Just Happened
It was a crazy day and I knew it would be. I started prepping early for the philosophers' forum and had to run that simulation all day on top of grading NGO projects in class. However, it never eased up after that. Since I was headed to LA, I grabbed a meal with my friend out there and was going to head to the game, but the person I was suppose to go with got sick and so I searched and was finally saved. Lucky for them, today would be quite the treat. From the discounted ticket against a good team, getting in early for pregame warm up, celebrating Korean Heritage Night with music and even a parting gift, along with a high five from the whole team and of course, a W. There are moments in life where you think about it and realize, yes, that just happened. While I have met the Clippers team before and took pictures with them a few years back, seeing them pregame like this was a new experience. To see them hyped up and to have the opportunity to wish them luck before the game, was quite the experience. They're moments you'll treasure for ever and when you realized that it's something that actually happened, you can't help but smile. Enjoy these moments and don't take them for granted and while you should avoid having these moments keep you in the past, there is no harm in enjoying these moments when you finally wake up from that dream and realize that it's real. Yeah, that just happened.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 16]:~ In Comfort

~:[CH7 - Day 16]:~ In Comfort
It's always nice to find friends who accept you for who you are. Those friends who don't try to change you, but try to accept you as you are and even sometimes add to their weirdness because of you. It's those friends who you can be comfortable around and who help you be fine with who you are. Those are true friends. As you get older, the connections you had with some friends slowly fade away, while others become stronger. It's sad because there is no reason for the distance, but simply because of time, energy and also, just proximity. Regardless, no matter how often I meet up with my friends, I am glad to know that we are all supportive of each other. I am reminded of the days where people tried so hard to get people to like them and for them to fit in. It's easy to get lost in it and all feel uncomfortable doing things you really don't want to do, but when you find those friends who make you feel comfortable, that's when you know you've won. You may be a little off, but your true friends understand you and will accept you as you are. They'll give you advice if they thing you can do better, but ultimately, they don't force you to change course. Tomorrow, I continue my selfie a day with my BFF Jepsen and for me, it will be the most comfortable thing I do all day. Now for him, that's another story. 

Monday, January 15, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 15]:~ Page After Page

~:[CH7 - Day 15]:~ Page After Page
I've never been big into reading. The most I read every year is the first few weeks of January, when I cover 500-600 pages worth of position papers and another 20-30 topic synopsis that around about 30-40 pages of content each. I always feel smartest around this time of year, as I learn about new topics that the are engulfing the world. My eyes are about to fall out and my back is sore from sitting so long, but it's such a satisfying feeling to complete all of that work. I had a mixed bag of papers this year, but was fairly satisfied with how they turned out. They're not great, but also were not bad. As I scrolled through them, I filled my brain and now I need a few weeks break from any type of reading. I know, I'm dreaming. Regardless, as exhausting as this process was, I think that the knowledge available to us is necessary for us to make the wisest decisions. As we just covered during the Enlightenment, you can use reason to make decision and figure things out, but you are not as reasonable if you do not have as much knowledge! The more you know, the better decisions you can make, normally. Regardless, let's make an effort to fill our minds, not just with academia, but also with experiences that will help us learn and grow, helping us become reasonable people. On MLK day, I guess it's only natural to quote him, "Education must enable one to sift and weigh evidence, to discern the true from the false, the real from the unreal, and the facts from the fiction. The function of education, therefore, is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically." - Martin Luther King, Jr. Now, more than ever, I think we need a properly gain knowledge so that we can differentiate and avoid the pitfalls that we have already faced. Moreover, it's not only about learning, but also gaining a true education, by focusing on something even more important than all the knowledge in the world, good character. As to finish the rest of his quote, "Intelligence plus character is the goal of true education," as without character, we will be lost, "like a whip without a compass, merely wandering nowhere." As while we turn page after page, let's not only learn, but also put high morals, values and character at the forefront, so that we can sail in the right direction. The worlds of MLK rink every so true on this very day and I only hope that the world can see that we are headed off course and I hope we can right this ship, before we lose our way.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 14]:~ Pile It On

~:[CH7 - Day 14]:~ Pile It On
Sometimes I sit and wonder, why in the world did I do all of this. You try a combination of things that you think that you can do and you realize, they just don't work together. Whether it's what you volunteer for, the group that you decided to assemble for an event, or even the combination of foods that you ordered. "Why did I do this to myself?" you ask, when you realize that sometimes it actually works out. After a day of grading, Pokemon hunting, football, and keeping up with MUN, I ventured out and watched Coco after eating at one of those places that tries all these combinations that few places dare to try. While I have heard of a mac & cheese burger, to actually order it for once was an experience on it's own. Whether or not I would order it again, still remains to be seen, but I know that when I tasted it, it seemed to actually work, that is, if you could keep the mac & cheese in the burger. It was quite the messy feast, but in the end, it wasn't about the food, but about seeing the bigger lesson that sat in front of me. If you think something is going to work out, you really don't know until you try it. People will try to deter you from what you are chasing after and sometimes, you need to open your ears and listen, but sometimes you heart tells you otherwise. Be smart in your decisions, but also don't be afraid to try a combination that someone else may see as ridiculous, as you really never know. As I sit here thinking about what sat in front of me, I kept thinking, "what in the world," but in the end, you just never know. Much like in the movie Coco when Miguel chases after what he dreamed of, we must not let ourselves from chasing our dreams, even if that means putting mac & cheese on top of a burger. 

Saturday, January 13, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 13]:~ To Learn & Understand

~:[CH7 - Day 13]:~ To Learn & Understand
I ended the day exhausted as I rode home from Huntington Beach. I just left a friend's house and on the way home, thought back to the keynote speaker at the opening ceremonies. She talked about how our job is not to change people, but to converse with them so we can understand each other and learn from each other. Too many times, we try to get people to be like "us," however, it is in our differences do we discover so many unique and wonderful experiences, which is why our differences should be embraced. Life is full of choices, but if you choose to learn and understand by opening yourself up to the diversity around you, rather than to simply find your own route, you may discover a greater success than you would have otherwise. You will find yourself learning and growing from the people around you and learning to better understand your differences, seeing the world from a new persepctive. Today, my students did just that at our MUN conference and despite our novice team only being thirteen strong, we ended up with four gavels, two outstanding awards and a commendation. It was quite an impressive feat for a small delegation. As while some were happier than others at the end of the awards ceremony, later on, they will realize just how much they gained from this experience, more than any recognition could. As while this world is in disarray and their is an unsure future ahead, we can always create stability within our own lives when we are willing to see beyond our own vision, by opening our eyes to the world as seen by those around us.

Friday, January 12, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 12]:~ Almost Perfect

~:[CH7 - Day 12]:~ Almost Perfect
I remember back when I was younger, I barely missed a perfect game in bowling on a few occasions. I've bowled since I was very young and aimed at getting that elusive 300. However, at some point you realize, that perfect may never happen. I am not trying to say this is a sad depressive way, but something more realistic. Perfect just may never come in your lifetime and that's perfectly fine. As in life, we are sometimes told to make it perfect, but we ourselves are imperfect souls. Our imperfections are what make us diverse and interesting and make the daily grind a challenge, yet entertaining. If we lived in Perfectville, it could be quite boring, so I'm fine with the imperfection. While today was almost just that, perfect, the fact that the boys just fell short of pulling off the victory against one of the top teams in CIF, it's a part of life that we need to accept and not hang our hat over. We need to keep pushing forward and while striving for perfect, not be discouraged when we cannot get there or if we realize that we may never get there. As in the process of striving for perfection, we learn things about ourselves and we discover even more things about life that we never knew before. We find in ourselves the ability to overcome obstacles and recover from disappointments and while it may hurt, we end up coming back even stronger. While we were so close to completing that perfect day, today will still become a memory I will keep with me, much like those few times I nearly had that perfect game. Whether it will be nearly for the rest of my life or not, I will never be able to tell you that, but in the end, however things turn out, I'll be perfectly fine with that. As while perfection may never come, there is nothing more perfect that a life full of challenges, obstacles and learning. Our imperfections are truly our stepping stones towards greatness.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 11]:~ Class is in Session

~:[CH7 - Day 11]:~ Class is in Session
The world is the biggest classroom and life is its greatest lesson. We have so much to learn each and every day. Whether it's learning from our mistakes, in academia, trying a new recipe or muscle memory, our mind, body and souls are always ready to learn. In my class today, it was more than just a lesson about the French Revolution, but about privilege, about emotions, about inequality, and ultimate, about understanding. As in life, we always try to ultimate understand what we are learning and how we can improve the next time around. Today, I fixed some of the issues that came up with a recent project and tried out a new recipe, adding to my collection of knowledge and experiences that will help me grow in the future. Each and every day should be like this, where I don't just go through the routines, but find a way to learn and make each day a classroom session. Many of my students dread going to school, but what they don't realize is that every moment they live is when class is truly in session. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 10]:~ Tale As Old As Time

~:[CH7 - Day 10]:~ Tale As Old As Time
Many dream of a fairy tale ending, much like the set of Disney movies which included our theme, Tale as Old as Time, from the movie Beauty and the Beast. It was a fantastic premier put on by the sophomores with a beautiful backdrop and all. As I enjoyed a day that was full of feasts and great moments, I thought of how I don't need a fairy tale ending. I think we are so engulfed in these dream weddings, these dream vacations or dream (fill in the blank) that we lose sight of the fact that best things in life are often the simplest. Sure, it would be a dream to win the lottery and live a life where I didn't have to worry about money for the rest of my life, but I'm fine leaving that as a dream. Why? I appreciate what I have and I think that it already is a fairy tale lifestyle. Sure, I'm not going to own a building or even a house in my lifetime, I won't drive a fancy car and I won't end up marrying a movie star, but I'm perfectly fine with that. The truest tale that is old as time is simplicity. Two people who fall in love, the person who loves what they do and inspires others because of it, a family that sits around the dinner table or television and enjoys the evening together, these are the fairy tales. As much as we are inclined to make our world seem like a fairy tale through social media or how we strive to make it that way through what we flaunt around and who we chase after, ultimately, we must not forget that in reality, our fairy tale is right in front of our eyes. Strip away the castles and fancy clothes and you find two people falling in love, a family watching over them, and something as simple as the fate of two people coming together. I may never have my name on the Hollywood Walk of Fame or ever see myself on television, but there is no way that you can tell me that my life is not a fairy tale. As I snapped pictures and laughed the night way, I thought, how else would I enjoy living? There are still many things that I hope to do in my lifetime, however, chasing after a fairy tale (fill in the blank) is not one of them, as I don't have time to waste on that. I'll leave those dreams as dreams and focus on enjoying the simplest thing with the warmth of friends and family, in the goodness of a delicious home cooked meal, and in the satisfaction in knowing that I survived the day; that in itself is a dream come true. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 9]:~ Lost in it All

~:[CH7 - Day 9]:~ Lost in it All
I did a second take as I saw the sky reflect across the water soaked ground. The storm was passing by and the beauty that I looked for yesterday had shown itself. The light had finally shown through and the beauty I've waited for had finally arrived. As I stopped to stare out in the distance, I got lost in it all. Life is tough. A day full of stress and fatigue is tough, but the challenges and obstacles of life, the heartache, the disappoints and the tears make it tougher. Regardless, despite all the struggles and the pain, you are shown something that gets you lost, where the fine line between reality and dream become blurred, where you seem to get lost in it all. Life is not an easy gig for anyone, however, we must endure. As while we work so hard, we catch ourselves lost. We make mistakes, we forget things, and we let our emotions get the best of us, but that's exactly what makes life interesting - unpredictability. While watching a new episode of a drama today, I think this story fit this blog the best. A chipmunk worked so hard to gather two acorns for the winter. The chipmunk ate one and buried one for safekeeping. Unfortunately, he could not find it and felt as if he was at a loss. However, after the winter and into the spring, that acorn grew leaves, sprouted into a tree and gave way for a forest of acorn trees.  (Just Between Lovers) Whether on purpose or not, we are destined to spread our influence and make way for something magical and as we site today looking at the awesomeness that life has to offer, we can sit confidently knowing that as we are lost in it all, we will spread our influence and soon, we will harvest from the forest of our own creation. As I sit her lost, thinking of all of the missed opportunities and the dark moments of my life, I wish that I can change the way things have gone, as while there have been some great moments, I may not be where I hoped I would be. However, even if by accident, I must know that eventually, something I planted along the way may grown into something even grander than I could have imagined, sometimes, it just takes a little longer to show itself. As I take one more look at the reflection I know that while it may have yet to be seen, that one day, I'll see the sprout that I've waited for for so long. 

Monday, January 8, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 8]:~ Giving Pause

~:[CH7 - Day 8]:~ Giving Pause
California doesn't often get a "storm." Our storms are good days for most parts of the world, but as spoiled as we are, we take shelter and hide from a droplet that falls from the sky. As while we associate storms with the bad, they are opportunities for us all to give pause. As while the challenges faced with the storm are annoying, the storms also provide moments of beauty such as the reflections that fall to the ground and the ripples that form when the water strikes the surface. There is the beautiful pitter-patter sounds and of course, the glorious rainbows that follow. While it's easy for us to hide away from these storms, we must not be afraid and know that we can withstand them and secondly, that there are opportunities if we simply stop and take a look around. As while it's only natural for us to scurry to shelter, take a look around and see that there is always more than meets the eye and those who understand that, can find light in even the darkest of situations in life. Some people see so much wrong with the world around them, but until you open your eyes and look around you, you'll always be lost in the dark.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 7]:~ Back to Reality

~:[CH7 - Day 7]:~ Back to Reality
I looked at my alarm before I went to sleep and cried a bit. After a long day of catching up on work, I realized that my alarm would be going off sooner than the time that I went to bed a few days over the break. It must sound like the same story that all the other staff and students are going through. It's painful, but I know that I'll enjoy it. Often times, it's nice to get away, but at the same time, personally, I enjoy being at work and on campus. Somethings can be annoying, exhausting or upsetting, but overall, the day goes by quickly and I have good, positive energy by day's end. I love the break and all that I was able to see and do, but I'm excited for tomorrow to come. Today, I sat around a lot and did some work and I know that by tomorrow, I'll feel accomplished, as if I was able to do a lot in the short amount of time that I had. Tomorrow is back to reality, but if you really thing about it, reality isn't so bad sometimes, especially when you have the right outlook. 

Saturday, January 6, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 6]:~ Using My Time Right

~:[CH7 - Day 6]:~ Using My Time Right
I used a little right hemisphere action, as I was able to use some of my artistic skills. As a teacher, I get some time to do what I enjoy doing when the time comes, but to imagine that I could have been doing this for my entire life, still intrigues me. Regardless, I don't have any plans to leave anytime soon, so in my spare time, I felt like I should begin working on small projects on my own. While I don't enjoy talking to a camera, I felt that if I made short vlogs, I might be able to use my creative-side while also keeping my talking to a minimum. Thus, I created Wat's Up in 60, which is a series of vlogs which will have the main content (excluding intro/credits) run in 60 second intervals with a few videos that will run a few minutes long, which will be referred to as Wat's Up in 60 x 2 (etc).  Hopefully it will be something I can keep up with, as I have been compiling video for the past few years on my various adventures for this purpose. I think in our lifetime, there has been so much emphasis on the academic aspect of things and there is a need for us as educator to ensure that both sides of the brain are used equally. While the myth of the hemispheres of the brain may have been debunked, the reality in life is, we need to balance our lives so we can truly learn, not just what's in a book, but about life, culture, and more. As while it may seem beneficial to gain as much knowledge as possible by studying away, sometimes, the reality is that there is a need for some right time. 

Check out my first vlog -
[iglooSUNDAY - Day6 feat JaeSix (vlog 2018:v1)]

Friday, January 5, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 5]:~ A Little Closer Look

~:[CH7 - Day 5]:~ A Little Closer Look
Much like the city of Las Vegas, who would have thought that in the middle of the desert, you could make so many people gather together, in this case, to look at a bunch of rocks. Sure they are colored, but aren't you amazed that these seven pillars of rocks could attract hundreds of people daily? Much like the city, people saw the potential that lied in this place and did something to make it interesting to so many people. Can we do the same in our lives? Can we make a situation that seems so plain or even something that may seem unreasonable into something that draws the attention of those around us? It's easier to make something that already draws the attention than that of making something out of nothing, but not only does making something out of nothing make it more special, it shows that imagination and skill that you have to think outside the box and not follow the norm. You'll face doubters and others who will try to stop you but ultimately, if you truly believe in something, you'll be able to do it. Look at each situation like a blank slate and make the world your canvas in 2018 and beyond. Don't avoid things just because they don't seem interesting or because you don't think it will be fun or successful, taking a closer look and analyze it before you make your decision and you may soon that you can create something that no one ever expected. The world is waiting for you, so come and check what's behind each door to see what magic you can make. 

Thursday, January 4, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 4]:~ When You Fall Short

~:[CH7 - Day 4]:~ When You Fall Short
I've heard myself say many times before ... "I almost (insert phrase here)." That almost could be anything from reaching a goal to winning a jackpot to attaining something that I wanted. Life is full of near misses, both good and bad, however, when you fall short of something you're pursing, it can be heartbreaking. We often have high goals and it can be discouraging to keep falling short of what you're trying to attain, however, with the right approach, these disappointments will help you grow rather than bringing you down. When you keep falling short, you must analyze your approach, learn from your mistakes and then adapt; however, you cannot allow falling short stop you from chasing something you so desire. People are going to tell you to find a new goal and/or adjust it accordingly and when they tell you this, you may realize that you might. However, you must also really think if you actually are capable of achieving what you are chasing, if you believe it to be true, don't allow others from deterring you form chasing your dreams. Sure, your goals may be sky high, towering overhead like the High Roller, but chasing after these goals teaches you more about yourself than you could have ever have learned otherwise. Be wise in setting your goals and chasing your dreams, but when you decide to go after them, chase them fiercely and confidently, as you never know what you are capable of until you try and try again. I hope to see you high above after you reach your goals, as I have the utmost confidence that you all can do it. I may have fallen short on a couple of occasions today, but I will learn from my mistakes and come back ready to tackle all that comes my way to achieve what I hope to do and when I do, I'll be looking forward to seeing you at the top. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 3]:~ Keep on Swinging

~:[CH7 - Day 3]:~ Keep on Swinging
Today was the beginning of the slot tournament. It wasn't what I expected, as it was hilariously exhausting. Using both hands, you have to exhaustingly hit the buttons as fast as you can using one hand and selecting items with the other. As I befriended the man in the chair next to me, we laughed about how tiring it was and how we weren't conditioned for it. Regardless, I kept at it and while I am not high on the leaderboard, it was a fun experience. My body needed a bit of a rest today, but that rest allowed me to enjoy the day, even the floor wasn't too hot until the end again. We ventured to the new location of Lotus of Siam and it was quite beautiful. While the disaster to its room at its old location may have been a pain, it seems like it could be a blessing in disguise. With some good food at Tacos el Gordo and Lotus of Siam, we ventured to Top Golf and enjoyed the fun competition that it offered. For first timers, these two picked it up pretty well and gave me a run for my money. With a day of ups and downs, you realize that you just have to keep swinging, as while you may not find success on a given day, you can't allow yourself to give up. You battle, you fight and even if you get knocked out, you do it knowing you did all that you could. I'm exhausted now, but the battle through the day was well worth it and today, I truly felt on top of the world. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 2]:~ Away We Go

~:[CH7 - Day 2]:~ Away We Go
It's the second day of 2018 and I already hit the road for a slot tournament in Las Vegas. I am not one to go to Vegas for a tournament, but when it's free and your room is comped, it's worth the trek out. I planned on using this trip to just get one last bit of relaxation before the rush of the new year and all that comes with it including the multiple MUN conferences and that's just what I got on day one. It was a plan as we go kind of affair and not what I was used to, but strangely it was nice. The traffic was smooth on the way out and ultimately, it was a great time. The floor wasn't too kind to us early on, but we made a comeback at the end and evened things out, which is just fine with me. Regardless, it isn't about the slot tournament or even being in Vegas, but simply the experience of being out and about, exploring new things and allowing new experiences to come my way. While nothing extraordinary really happened, I relaxed in my incredibly wonderful room, away from it all. With holiday cheer still lingering around, my spirits were up and I hope that they'll carry me to some great moments over the course of the next few days and I hope that these first few days of the new year are a great start for you all. 

Monday, January 1, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 1]:~ Taking a Bite Out of 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 1]:~ Taking a Bite Out of 2018
After midnight, I think Max was a little hungry during our photo shoot as he didn't quite realize that my face wasn't, well ... food. Really though, it was a nice moment between Max and I and it made me think about this upcoming new year. Why you ask? It's because a new year is similar to this moment in that we must be ready to take a bit out of the new year. We must approach it in a manner where we are not afraid of the challenges that await. Sure, it goes with knowing that there will be disappointments and heartbreaks, but the more we risk, often times, the more we can get out of it. There are those who will play it a little more safe and that's perfect fine, as it's your life to live. However, for me, I will be approaching 2018 ready to take on new things and ready to take a bit out the year right away to see what I come out with. Luckily, Max was just playing and he didn't bite me and I survived this post-midnight shoot unscathed, however, no matter what, I'll give 2018 my all and see what I am made of. I still have a pile of projects planned and I hope that 2018 will finally help me realize the end of some of these projects. Happy New Year and let 2018 be better than the one that came before it.