Wednesday, September 30, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 274]:~ Music to Your Ears


~:[CH9 - Day 274]:~ Music to Your Ears

Just after I fell into a deep sleep I hear music. I wondered if I was hearing things, as I knew it was too dark for me to get up already. What was it? I thought it could be an alarm, but after checking I ran into my room to see. Every time the power goes out and it restarts, this CD player starts up. It's wonderful to hear music from Clara, but maybe not at that time of the night. Regardless, it still was music to my ears. Life is going to throw things at us like that. We are going to face unplanned issues in life - a temporary blackout. The question is, will will hear the music? It's easy only to see darkness when bad things happens, that's why we have to find those things that bring a positive light so that our darkness doesn't become our reality. Even when we cannot see, the music can still be a blessing to our ears, guiding us to the answers we seek. Let's not always react to what's in front of us, but search for that music so we can find something wonderful when all around us seems dark and hopeless. This is one of those times so search for that music to your ears.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 273]:~ In the Aisle


~:[CH9 - Day 273]:~ In the Aisle

I'm in the aisle. As an independent, these debates and the information surrounding them helps sway me to one side of the other. I'm not looking for a blue wave, bur rather, want to look at each individual campaign with a discerning eye. Details, positions, voting records and more can be things to consider. However, the past few years have made this decision for president quite easy. After tonight's debate, there definitely is no question. Unsubstantiated claims ruled the night with most fact checks proved that Trump's statements were false and misleading and they were the ones he was banking on to "win" this debate. Biden had a tough time staying cool and collected and did get flustered which can be concerning, but to think of the way Trump handled himself, not many could keep their cool in that situation, which probably what he was going for. When Trump's big moment came when asked to denounce the "white supremacy" attacks and the like, Trump flopped. I'm sure tomorrow there will be some sort of explanation, but the interesting thing is, he has missed many opportunities to call out these issues. He didn't condemn Rittenhouse in Wisconsin for example. At a similar time, Biden condemned violence (rioting and looting). I hate to use my blog to post a political point, but there's never been an election more important than this one. Sadly, my vote in California matters less than in those swing states. However, I have faith that people in these areas will see that no matter how much their pockets are lines, the hate, discrimination, and lies are far more damaging in the long run. The protests have been bad in some areas, but where was the leadership to try to unify this country rather than to simply blame one side. He often says he is going to fix the problems we are facing, but the problems have developed under his watch. He had his chance, but failed. In the end however, it's not a political issue, it's a human rights issue. Treat all people equally, with dignity and respect. I was a bit sad that Biden lost his cool a few times, but it is nowhere in comparison to the daily barrage of hate that spews from our Commander of Tweets. I'm in the aisle, but today I definitely will stand by Joe and I hope that no matter how much you have gained from the presidency of Trump (for those who support him), that you can see that this country needs to see Trump and his inner circle removed. We can only do that if we speak with our loudest voices and that is our VOTE. It's not about politics, it's about character, morals and ethics, none of which this current administration has shown consistently. 

Monday, September 28, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 272]:~ What's Ahead


~:[CH9 - Day 272]:~ What's Ahead

As I sat down and edited some photos from the weekend, it made me realize how things have changed. Yes, I already knew this, but often a short weekend away wouldn't be hard to recover from. Rather, this Monday was overwhelming, trying to catch up on everything I missed. It made me think about how everything in the future will be different and made me ask myself, what's ahead. Life is going to be challenging as we head forward and there will be many new questions we have to ask ourselves as we head forward. Which direction do we go, what do we hold close and what do we let go, and most importantly, we will begin to reprioritize my life. More than ever, I realize how much of my life my foreign friends, as I took for granted the amount of times I got to see them, while I also took the time my close colleagues and friends for granted, as those routine dinner outings, stops for boba, or even a quick hello or selfie are no longer. While for many of us, our health may not have been impacted, we may have lost a loved one or will have a drastically new life ahead. I want to remind you all that we can do it. What's ahead seems daunting, but we are resilient and we can, with the help of the love of those around us, persevere. While things around us may be in shambles, stay hopeful and be ready to pack things up and keep moving forward. Sometimes the journey is long and arduous, but in the end, it's will be worth it. What's ahead will be great, but we have to keep trekking along before it can be realized. Stay strong and stay healthy.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 271]:~ Desert Medicine


~:[CH9 - Day 271]:~ Desert Medicine

It's been rough for us all, but getting away and isolating yourself can sometimes be the best medicine. It's always been something I've turned to as interaction is quite exhausting to me normally, but in this time, this routine has been quite demanding mentally. I trekked into the desert and hid away from this tech world, to breathe in some fresh air and just discover more about the area, but also about myself. It may have been the best medicine to take my mind of what was wrong and to remember all the things that are right about life. I hiked, but also bouldered and even did a little chimneying along the way, seeing things from a new vantage point, which were absolutely breath-taking. Taking the weekend off, meant I would have to stay up a bit to catch up on work, but it will all be worth it, as getting away was the right medicine to keep me motivated to work and focused on all I have to do. There may not have been much around in the desert aside from nature, but it had everything that I needed for this tough trek ahead. As much as you need to work to stay afloat with all the work you have to do, find your medicine so that you can feel refreshed and keep producing quality work by keeping your mind and spirits sharp. Be careful of the dangers that are out there, but also don't forget to take care of the dangers that lie within as well. 

Saturday, September 26, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 270]:~ Disconnected

 ~:[CH9 - Day 270]:~ Disconnected

Life revolves even more around technology today. To separate yourself from work is a challenge when your phone keeps pinging when you get message after message. We get drowned by the news and the posts on social media, living through others and forgetting to enjoy our own realities. However, what can be better than venturing into the middle of nowhere and being disconnected from that world. Sadly our lives are so intertwined by technology that it's hard to get away, but it does feel nice when you enjoy the company of others and cannot be distracted by anything else, even when the way we interact is not the same. Disconnected and it feels so good. It's definitely something that I can get used to and hope that you all get a chance to as well. 

Friday, September 25, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 269]:~ Dreams & Goals


~:[CH9 - Day 269]:~ Dreams & Goals

Yesterday during cross country, our clinic was on dreams & goals. We talked about how to set them, what to consider and the steps to get there. When I found this image online, it reminded me of us, floating along (sometimes aimlessly) trying to find direction. It's easy to get lost or led astray, however, it's also easy for us to come back to the realization that our dreams and goals never went anywhere, but we may just have to redirect ourselves towards those goals and dreams (or our new goals and dreams). It's easy to get discouraged or lose motivation, but keep your eyes locked in, as you can find your way in the right direction again. Our athletes had their discussions, filled out their answers and moved on, but the lesson stuck with me as at the end of a strenuous week, it reminded me that in all of this madness, we still can't lose sight of what's ahead. While what we choose to chase may change, don't ever lose that motivation to chase after more. Happy Friday and hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, September 24, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 268]:~ Don't Be Silenced


~:[CH9 - Day 268]:~ Don't Be Silenced

We are now down to about 40 days until election day and it's one of the more consequential elections of our time. Although I vote regularly, I have not been one that has posted regularly on get out and vote! This year, I cannot be silent. As an Independent, I've always liked to look at candidates as a whole, from policies to character to qualifications. In a presidential election, that knowledge becomes greater, as the information is more available. However, in many of the categories, I still have yet to fully investigate who I want to vote for, for the presidency, there is no question. As people, we cannot look at the issues in this election, as we have a man in office who is looking to destroy all that this country is about and is dividing the people beyond belief. My friend told me, I never believed how Hitler came to power in Germany, before the Trump experience. While he may not commit the atrocities that Hitler committed, the steps to getting to where he is are not much different. He has used an extreme approach to his policies, little disregard for the systems and laws in place, he is divisive and creates and us versus them mentality, creating a dangerous environment in this country. His large rallies where he swoons groups of people are nothing but propaganda, not stating policies, but throwing out hate, racist rhetoric and misinformation. From shouting out and emphasizing "CHINA VIRUS" and "KUNG FLU" even though the House condemned it since all Asians have been facing increased discrimination, even in our own backyard to making fun of his opponents by using name calling and bullying, things that we teach our youth not to do. How do we expect our youth to grow up as decent human beings when those highest in office can't act that way? He refuses to condemn those who do what they should not have done (Rittenhouse), while falsely labeling these groups (and even cities now) as anarchist, ANTIFA, etc. He often gets lost in his own message of hate and divisiveness, yet his followers don't even realize. Did you know he called Biden-Harris both ANTIFA and Facist? Does that even make any sense? Worst of all, while he shut our border down to China, he rested on that idea that it would be enough, refusing to encourage strict lock downs and masks, creating a huge group of people who thought it was a hoax. Whether or not it was a huge threat or not, we went from weeks of lock downs to what could possibly be a year costing so many more lives than should have been lost. I actually wrote twice as much as this, but decided, I just want to say one thing, don't be silenced. VOTE. While most elections we look at the issues and even the parties, this year, let's be sure to look at restoring the morals and values of this nation.The negative aura of this world weigh heavy on my shoulders and the only way we can rid ourselves of this weight is to find ourselves once again and find the true spirit of this country again. We are a diverse nation that accepts each other for each other, that provides the American dream, that helps and roots for the underdog and vulnerable (as we were once that way as well) and to raise each other up. Let's not be bullies, let's not hate, let's not spread mistruths, let's not make it us versus them, as we are better than that. We are broken, but just like any cut or bruise or even when we face something much worse, we can heal when we take the proper steps to do so. When we deny it, we leave ourselves open for a much worse fate, so let's face our issues and work together to fix them and the first step in doing that is to vote. We are not going to solve our issues overnight even though overnight we've seen our country get turned upside down, but step-by-step and day-by-day, we'll slowly get back up and find our way back in the direction of progress. Remember it can't be about Republicans or Democrats, but it needs to be about people. Love, compassion, acceptance and hope are the things we must find and now's the time we start to reclaim it.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 267]:~ Power Chat


~:[CH9 - Day 267]:~ Power Chat

I am always overjoyed because I know that on the daily, I get to hear the voices of the many future leaders and trailblazers of this world. The confidence, knowledge and skills that Model UN students leave with open doors that may not have been opened before. Granted, I work with some of the best students on campus, but even then, I get to see them learn and grow. We held our first training specifically for the fall conferences and it was quite impressive. Just letting the students run their training and not having to say much is the best feeling in the world as an educator. I got to hear similar powerful voices, including one that was previously in Model UN (Chelsea Clinton). As I listened to Olivia Fierro (Good Morning Arizon), Maia Shibutani and Chelsea Clinton talk back and forth about their books, about sports and the Olympics and about the importance of woman defining their roles and setting their own norms, I was inspired. With the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I felt it was even more of a reason that women needed to make an even greater push towards eliminating any of the biases against them. Clinton's book revolves around the stories of women in sports who broke down barriers and Ginsburg did just that. It's a time where all people need to become more aware and raise their voices, as all this time we've prepared ourselves for this moment. In our current state of affairs, we find ourselves failing in so many areas and in danger of a complete removal of our voices and rights. Just like so many groups of people had to rise up against the discrimination and boundaries that limited them, we also must also keep those boundaries from boxing us in. We have the power and we have the voice, but we have to use it and listening to all of these power chats today, it reminded me that we have what it takes, but we just have to not be afraid of this challenge. I am grateful for the wisdom and inspiration and hope that we all can find our voice, as our future really depends on it. Most importantly, don't forget to register to vote! It's the greatest way to amplify our voices. 

~:[CH9 - Day 266]:~ Eating ... Almost as Much


~:[CH9 - Day 266]:~ Eating ... Almost as Much

It's pretty much like having pet caterpillars. They feed on our plants in the backyard and boy do they eat A LOT! They just much away and you'd be surprised how they eat and then poop with that cycle continuing. Regardless, my parents want to keep them around and let them live preying on our tomato tree. I feel like at times I've been eating this much during the quarantine. Cooking has been my thing, which also means eating has been as well. I've curbed it a bit, but still. The good thing is I've experimented with so many different foods, the bad thing is, about a month ago, you could tell. HAHA. I'm back to normal and been cutting back on the portions (not the experimentation) and wonder if the caterpillar will too or if it will keep eating until it's time to go. Who knows! Only time will tell and we shall see. What's the best food you've cooked or eaten over these crazy times at home?

Monday, September 21, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 265]:~ A Little Laugh in a Crazy World


~:[CH9 - Day 265]:~ A Little Laugh in a Crazy World

I couldn't wrap my mind around the utter ridiculousness of the day. I didn't really have the words, however, a friend that's been in the thick of it all, reminded me that we need a little humor in our day. I did a piece earlier that talked about how we all need a hug (which we do), but thought the laugh would be more fitting especially with my friends comments. We live in a crazy world, so much so that I wonder if this is real life and not a movie where everything unrealistic happens, yet it's happening in real life. Yes, we just need something like this to take our mind off it all and we just need a laugh. We need to chat with a friend or family member on video chat, we need to trip or do something silly that we can laugh at or just look at things that are funny. My friend posts a lot of images of his dog who finds the most peculiar poses and I always make images out of his photos. This is the one I made today. Yes, it's definitely a crazy ride, but let's find moments in the day where we can just laugh and enjoy the parts of it that we can. Find a reason to laugh and hopefully this can be one of them. 

Sunday, September 20, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 264]:~ Work in Progress

 ~:[CH9 - Day 264]:~ Work in Progress

Life is a work in progress. I didn't spend a lot of times on detailing this piece. I just wanted to do something therapeutic so I just painted at my desk with minimal space and used a box to mix my paints. Every time I set it down, however, there was something else I wanted to fix even though I knew, I wasn't trying to make the perfect piece. I guess that's life. Sometimes, we do something thinking, let's just get it done. When we do, we look back and say, let's work on this again. Life is a work in progress. We will continue to work on things until we are satisfied while other times, we are satisfied with simply getting it done. Our tune will constantly change and our focus will fade in and out, however, no matter what, decide what makes the most sense for you and nobody else. Don't stress yourself about perfecting something, as you must always keep in mind that we are always a work in progress, constantly changing and adapting to the world around us!

Saturday, September 19, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 263]:~ Paint the Town


~:[CH9 - Day 263]:~ Paint the Town

Paint the town has a whole new meaning. Since we can't go venturing around the city, our team hosted a paint night via Zoom! It was a great way to bond as a group and reconnect with each other. While it was mostly familiar faces in the group, it was nice to have a few fresh faces. Overall, most of us aren't artists, but we still made some decent paintings even if we messed up here and there. I'm sure it would be better if we had more time, but hey, it was better than a bunch of nothing (or work) all day. To top it off, it was the day that my brother and co visit! While I was a little stressed with making sure all went well for paint night, it was still a fun morning to kick off the day. You may not be able to go out and about, but it doesn't mean you still can't have a great time. Thanks for all those who showed up tonight!

Friday, September 18, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 262]:~ To Be Remembered


~:[CH9 - Day 262]:~ To Be Remembered

Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a trailblazer. She has a lot of firsts to her name along with a list of accomplishment we all can dream about. However, her work didn't just help her earn a spotlight, but helped address the issues of sexism, gaining more rights for women and other groups along the way. She was one not to just fight for causes she cared about, but to rally others to fight for the same cause. She also reminded us that the challenges we face in life are but opportunities for the future. She was an example of how you can use an obstacle and turn it into an opportunity. Many of us are facing that dilemma as we see the challenges ahead of us. From our own personal struggles to the struggles of this nation. Instead of becoming discouraged, her passing should remind us that we must continue the fight, much like the message with the passing of John Lewis. She also encouraged others to not react out of emotion and to tune out the negative rhetoric, something we hear way too much today. Sadly, Ginsburg had to leave with the world in chaos. Most knew she was fighting as long as she could because she knew how important it was to survive. However, while she did not live to see a woman president or left when we are facing issues we've never faced before to this degree. she left us a mission to continue fighting so that all her work doesn't go to waste. Instead of bowing out when times get tough, we should be hopeful knowing that opportunities await and when other spew hatred, lies and sling mud, keep your eyes focused on what's ahead. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is not going anywhere. Her message and her fight will continue to live on and along with being a figure that will be remembered forever for what she did in law, she will also forever be immortalized as the RBG. You truly fulfilled your role of being "someone who used whatever talent she had to do her work to the very best of her ability," and then some. Rest in Peace.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 261]:~ Release the Hold

~:[CH9 - Day 261]:~ Release the Hold

I usually only cook this dish on birthdays, but I decided to make our house special seafood spaghetti just because. While I can't have as many fresh ingredients as I normally have since I limit which stores I go to, it ended up turning out pretty good despite the fact that I made due with what I had. Not to mention that I forget to buy sausage when I went to the store this weekend. Regardless, I guess at times we just need to enjoy things now, rather than try to save them for special days. I often realize when I'm writing a card for someone that I need to do a better job of spreading that message and love on a daily basis. Let's not hold back and share and love like we do during the holidays or special events, because in reality, every day together should be a celebration.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 260]:~ Heated


~:[CH9 - Day 260]:~ Heated

There was some talk about being overwhelmed this morning. I sometimes hear how people talk about teachers having it easy, whereas it's the opposite. In the long run, it may end up being a good thing because we will have so many resources, but essentially, we all are starting from scratch. Every day, I am working on the next lesson and my computer is slowly dying. It's sad that I will soon have to purchase a new laptop because of all this extra time I'm spending on it. (I'm accepting donations ... JK) Regardless, we're surviving. Today I spent five extra hours editing videos for back to school night. Luckily I work fast, but for those teachers who haven't done this before, I worry it will take them hours upon hours. It may not have been the smartest thing to choose to do videos for each class, of course, I guess it avoids some of the potential technical issues on the day of back to school night. Still yet, with all this on our plate, we are forced to attend PDs that are not repetitive (if you went to training) and not useful when we really need training on these mandated forms or could use more time to complete Keenan (which took more than the two hours we were given) or work on this back to school night videos. Strangely it seems like they keep piling more on us, as if it is a plate on a buffet of food I didn't to eat. However, while the pile keeps getting larger, you have to be grateful that you have a job at all and that you can still find a way to work with and inspire students. As I sat outside in the hot sun getting a hair cut (finally), instead of feeling the heat, I was grateful to be able to have someone to cut my hair. As I looked up, a beetle appeared, then I caught glimpse of the praying mantis, with a quick stop over by a hummingbird. I couldn't help but smile. The pile of work slowly disappeared and I was focused on productivity as my frustrations faded away. I had a fresh haircut, my work was done and I'm comfortable and healthy. There are a lot of things wrong, but when you really look at it, there are a lot more things that are right. So what the store ran out of my favorite drink or I'm accumulating white hairs, the fact of the matter is, instead of complaining, I should give thanks, instead of being frustrated, I should be appreciative. Times are tough and they may be for some time, but we are resilient, we are persistent, and as long as we are breathing, we will keep fighting. Let's keep at it. Let's never throw in the towel and let's lift each other up so that we can see the praying mantis in our life; the small hidden treasure in the day that can bring a smile to your face (well at least for me). It's there, we just have to look up and find it. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 259]:~ Finding Comfort


~:[CH9 - Day 259]:~ Finding Comfort

Maybe it would have been different had we not been in this pandemic, but despite facing a tragic ending to the season, I was upset, but not devastated. I guess I realize that there are far more important things at this point. I guess things get put into perspective when you face even greater challenging times. Still, I needed to be comforted and I went to my art to find that. It allowed me to find some calm. Similarly, earlier in the day, I found the same comfort after a morning of spotty internet (which added a bit of stress to the day). I made a corn chowder (sans potato) ramen. Sound disgusting? You'd be completely wrong. It was quite amazing. In times where we get upset or find huge disappointments, turn towards something that can help you find comfort and peace. Food and art have been mine, what's yours? Just remember that in most cases, life will go on and as much heartache as you may face, there await so many amazing moments. There's definitely comfort in the fact that better days lie ahead.

Monday, September 14, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 258]:~ Trial & Error


~:[CH9 - Day 258]:~ Trial & Error

It's been awhile since I've made okonomiyaki. If you've never done something before or haven't done it for awhile, it's a process of adjusting to get it right. Every time you work towards it, you can improve and make it better. It wasn't bad, but wasn't as good as I had hoped, which means, I'll work towards making in better in the future. Life is like this. You need to learn from the past, adjust and make sure the next time around you correct your errors. Who knows if I'll ever get it right, but you'll never know unless you try.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 257]:~ Build, Not Destroy


~:[CH9 - Day 257]:~ Build, Not Destroy

It was a frustrating day. It would have been easy to get mad and upset and destroy all that was around me, but instead, I decided to build to let out my frustrations. I got a few Japanese sets of their version of Legos and built an amazing cherry blossom tree setup along with a ramen shop and sushi shop. I channeled my emotion and built, rather that stay frustrated. It's easy to be frustrated and in turn, let your anger out, but instead, why don't we work towards channeling our energy so we can built. We live in a time where everything is so negative, where there is competition and hate, but why not change our world into a place that is positive, where we work together and where we love. A place where we can work together to build, rather than tear each other down. Politics has divided us, but we can find a way to unite ourselves, transcending the influences around us. Today I built and I felt better at the end of the day. Even though when I was just about done, the building I did fell apart. I refocused and got my emotions together and salvaged what I had built. Stay calm, stay collected and find a way to build. Let's build bridges, let's build understanding, let's build trust and let's build a better future so that we don't face times like these again. 

Saturday, September 12, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 256]:~ What You Choose


~:[CH9 - Day 256]:~ What You Choose

I made pizza. I decided to make a few different ones and so made a Japanese chicken yuzu pizza and a Korean pork belly kimchi pizza along with my normal. It made me think about our lives and how we choose what we include in our lives. Sometimes the wrong combination or the wrong timing, will leave a foul taste in our mouths. Too much or too little of something can also cause the same thing. We try to find the right balance in our lives and at times, things we add don't change the flavor, but just may leave us overloaded. In any case, we have to think carefully about what topping we include, from the friends that we have to the things we partake in. Luckily, many of my friends have complimented my life and have been a blessing. Today I was able to catch up with one of those friends (as well as a few others through virtual means) and it made me grateful for these beautiful blessings of life. Choose your topics wisely and find the right balance in your life so you can taste the amazingness of this world!

Friday, September 11, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 255]:~ Design Your Role

~:[CH9 - Day 255]:~ Design Your Role 
It was 9/11 and I was going back and forth to check out the memorials and events going on for 9/11 in between classes. I remember going to NYC and taking a boat to see the skyline in March 2000. One year later, I would take a similar boat tour and see a different skyline. The loud streets of the city were quiet in those parts, as six months later, you could still feel the pain of 9/11. The subways still had missing poster for loved ones and the city was forever changed. I've been to New York every year since and it's amazing to see how it's changed. Seeing the 9/11 memorial being built and visiting it year after year has been a blessing. You think of those working that day, you think of the first responders, and all of the friends and families impacted. As I thought about it, many of the first responders would probably say, it's part of my job to do this. For many, they gave their lives to save others. We all will not be in a position to do what they did, but we can all approach what we do with the same mindset. We can do our job, not just as we are asked, but making the most of it, especially when it impacts others. As a teacher, these are difficult times and the amount of work we all have put in has been immense. The non-tech teachers probably are having the toughest time, but while you may not have all the bells and whistles, just the fact that you're trying says, you've done well. To all of us, we have our roles and let's be sure to do the best we can in those roles, not just for ourselves, but for those around us. It's easy to get complacent or lose motivation, but when others are ones who can help push you, sometimes it gets easier. As much time as it took to create the link tree and create a tutorial, I felt good knowing that others could benefit from it. I know that many of you are in similar boats, but sometimes don't notice the impact you have with the effort you put forth. As I closed out my classes today just talking about 9/11, it was a reminder of times that we can never forget. It's a reminder of all those who went above in their roles and a reminder of just how precious each and every moment of every day is. Let's treasure each moment and in the process use this time to appreciate those who we hold special in our hearts. As while we always look towards tomorrow, this tragic day is but a reminder that we should never wait. As I remember walking through Grand Central, those images of those posters will never leave my mind. The though of loved ones waiting ate at my soul. I wondered if they gave their last embrace or said their last goodbye . I hope all those who passed this day are now resting in peace and all those who lost loved ones have found peace and calm within their hearts and souls. Treasure each moment we have and make the most out of every one.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 254]:~ Adventures


~:[CH9 - Day 254]:~ Adventures

It was cool to see the Shibutanis release their book. I'll definitely be checking it out the next few days for casual reading to recover from an exhausting week. However, the book did make me sad a bit just because it reminded me of Japan and the time there that I lost. Their adventures through Tokyo will definitely make me miss the city even more. Regardless, it is a day to celebrate and be excited for something new. Most of us have gotten into more of a routine, but since we are saving some of the time we had on our commutes or even time we used to go out, maybe we can do something we always wanted to do, but never had time for. I'm sad I have been missing out on Japan, but am glad I've been able to do as much as I have in the time given to us. As while we can see it is opportunities taken away, there are always new adventures waiting for us if we keep our eyes open.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 253]:~ So Close, Yet So Far


~:[CH9 - Day 253]:~ So Close, Yet So Far

When you can't work on a project in person, I guess it's nice when technology has advanced so you can do it over the phone face-to-face. Instead of e-mailing the visuals back and forth, you can just show them on screen and talk out the details. It was fun starting the day with a virtual meeting where everyone could share their ideas without that delays and disruptions, yet also be able to get all the content done. It was definitely a long day, but got even longer, as I had to try to work with KST to coordinate this meet up. Regardless it was a wonderful discussion and definitely looking forward to a collab if I am ever able to get out to Korea. I think one thing about the pandemic, as while it separated me from those who I am close with and see every day, it did get me a bit closer to those who I was distant with. Most who know me know I hate talking on the phone, video chatting or even just be around large groups, but I'm dealing with it well and it's been a great outlet to stay sane. So if we've been distance, feel free to reach out so we can find a way to reconnect. With technology, we're just a click away. 

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 252]:~ Give Support

~:[CH9 - Day 252]:~ Give Support
The days are getting busier, but still there is time to pick up a quick lunch. When you get a chance to do so, it's a great idea to go out and support a friend or family who has a business. Not only does the opportunity give you a chance to support them, but you get a quick chance to catch up. Although I wasn't out for long, just this brief interaction was a great energizer for the rest of the day. Whether it's someone close to you or even a place you frequent often, when you have the chance and if you have the means, give support. Also keep an eye on those around you and see if there is someone who may need someone to reach out to them. It won't always be evident especially since we are apart, but keep your eyes open, as you never know what a few minutes reaching out to someone can do. It's times like these that we all could use a little support. We can get through this, especially if we do it together.

Monday, September 7, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 251]:~ The Sky is Falling

~:[CH9 - Day 251]:~ The Sky is Falling
We had some documents to transfer, so we made it into a mini outing, getting in some good outdoor social distance time. As we peered out, the ash was floating in the sky, strangely, it was a good time to be wearing a masking (double purpose). It was a nice start to a "day off" working. Yes, it always seems that labor day is my busiest day of the year, whether it's getting ready for school or wrapping up the Cow Run. Yes, it is a chaotic time, but there are ways to find a break from the craziness. I was able to run a few errands before going back into the bunker. The good thing? I was super productive! I guess the best thing from all this is that by the time it's all over, I will have SO MUCH material and will have lessons plans ready for when I am absent. From recorded lectures to ideas for various new activities, I think all teachers will be a gold mine of material. It's a lot more work, but it will be worth it in the end. I do have a lot to catch up on still even after working most of the day, but taking some time for yourself is never a bad thing, especially in times like these. Be safe everyone!

Sunday, September 6, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 250]:~ Milestones

~:[CH9 - Day 250]:~ Milestones
It's the 250th day of the year and I am here to talk about milestones. It's always great when those around you reach those milestones. There are so many things to celebrate in this world and sometimes you just have to seek them out. Today was one for a former student who I often promote. It's strange how time flies and how much things change, but the journey for this man has been amazing. He spontaneously went to a tryout for a show and ended up in the finals. He got signed and the rest is history. He always had a silky smooth voice, but I've been more proud of him speaking his mind and allowing him to reach out to his fans. I love the work of Brene Brown and when he showed his vulnerability to his fans of almost 2 million, it made me think of the strength and power he was showing. He was real and it's this realness that has really allowed him to be where he is today. They reached their fifth year anniversary. It's amazing how times flies. I've been luck to catch their concerts in LA, Korea and even Europe earlier this year. Of course milestones don't need to be things celebrated by millions, but they should be things that give us a million reasons to celebrate. Our milestones are just as great and just as amazing. We often look towards celebrities as mentors and superheroes, but why don't we celebrate someone who's been a mother for five years just as much of a superhero? They both require hard work, they both require sacrifice and showing vulnerability and they both should be celebrated. In times like these, we should look even more towards celebrating all the milestones we can, as we definitely have many more reasons to celebrate than we do. As "normal" as some things seem to be, let's celebrate them, because those milestones deserve just as much attention as any other. Let's celebrate!

Saturday, September 5, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 249]:~ Smile More, Frown Less

~:[CH9 - Day 249]:~ Smile More, Frown Less
There are many reasons to frown, but even more to smile. Let's smile more. It's always a joyous day when we get our visit, even when there is record breaking heat outdoors. As while there were many reasons to smile today, there's been a lot terrible news going around lately and a lot of reasons to be upset, I talked about how it is our duty to speak up when these injustice occur and to do everything in our power that we our voices are heard. We cannot simply enable people to mistreat those around us because we remain silent. If it's not for you, then look towards the generations coming after you. Politics aside, we cannot allow someone who threatens our core values out the door, displaying not a single ounce of character. No matter what is accomplished and how wonderful things are (which they aren't), that person does not deserve to represent a country like this. The negativity and the hatred is at a level it's never been and it's our job to change it. Speak up and don't stand idly by. As while we are upset, angry and maybe sometimes sad, we cannot let that stop us from taking action. We must step up to the plate to help resolve these issues and by speaking up, we do just that. My hope is if we do what we need to do, we'll deal with the root of the problem and slowly regain all that we lost. However, one of the most important things we can hope to regain are the many smiles lost the past few years. We deserve a life where we can be happy and that's not going to happen if we have another four years of this. Let's frown less and smile more and that starts by speaking up, spreading the word and voting. We can't stand idly by, otherwise, our smiles may be lost forever. 

Friday, September 4, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 248]:~ I'm Human, Are You?

~:[CH9 - Day 248]:~ I'm Human, Are You?
Life is difficult and I think that we make it more difficult on ourselves. The hate that surrounds us is immense. I am lucky that I am surrounding by a group of people who are loving. I am grateful every time I think about all the wonderful people around me, including my incredible athletes and students. However, as I look beyond, there is also so much hate out there in the world. Peoples' eyes and ears are closed to those around you and then open their mouths only to say what they believe. It's fine to believe what you want and even speak about what you want, but also look at all sides before you take your position and more importantly, treat those around you with respect. There are no sides in humanity. We are bound to make mistakes and I hope people understand that. Who we were, doesn't have to be who we become. Hope people can understand that as well. People can learn, grow and change, that's apart of life. However, those who stay in the same cycle of hate and disdain are those who we need to move past. You will not agree with me on everything and I with you (and maybe on most things), but really there is something that we should agree upon, that we should each try to treat each other with respect. I know 2020 has been quite the emotional roller coaster. Let's try to wipe our slates clean, take a step back and say, what do I need to change. For me, I know in my class, I will learn to have more patience and do a better job of trying to understand the students point of view. In our training before school started, we had an amazing speaker who reminded us that our perceptions of people are not always the truths we believe. It is my goal to make sure that I see their perspective as much as possible. It's a difficult time, but lets keep our eyes and ears open, keep an open mind, and open up our heart to share with those around us. 

Thursday, September 3, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 247]:~ The Precious Gift

~:[CH9 - Day 247]:~ The Precious Gift
Life has an interesting way of reminding you what's important. I worked through the morning and took my break and had quite the adventure during the break. Without going into details, let's just say, it was a reminder that the most precious gifts we have are life and each other. It was definitely a day to celebrate as it was my mother's birthday! Normally I am super stressed around this time as it's just before or after Cow Run and during the season. This year, however, I had work to do, but mostly had time to spend. What did I do, I took on the tall order of cooking TWO time consuming dishes, both of which used the oven. It was hectic, but worth it despite the smoke detector going off a few times when frying the chicken. By the end of the day, I had chicken Parmesan over truffle oil smoked bacon mac & cheese. While it doesn't seem so difficult, it's quite laborious making the sauce from milk, cheese and eggs (including grating the cheese) on top of cutting bread to make bread crumbs and dealing with the tomato puree for the sauce. Regardless, it was worth it as my mom was happy with the meal. I ventured out to do a food drop and when I returned, my relatives stopped by to wish my mom a happy birthday. This happened just after visiting my other relatives down the block. It was almost as if we were having a family party without the gathering. It's difficult to celebrate this way, but makes it even more special knowing that people made the effort to see you. We ended the night with a mochi ice cream "cake." It's not easy living like this, but at least we are living and I am glad that today was a blessing reminding us of our most precious gift - life.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 246]:~ A Virtual World

~:[CH9 - Day 246]:~ A Virtual World
As difficult as it has been recreating everything I've ever had, it's also been fun trying to figure out new things I could do to make class interesting. Sometimes students would do work and we would walk around and look at each other's work, but it's difficult to do virtually. Well why not create your own virtual gallery? Using Google Slide, you can create a gallery, place their work in the gallery and link it to another page. I used nine samples for this round and it didn't take as long as I thought it would. There was a nice tutorial on YouTube if you want to give it a shot. I'm sure this can also work for writing as well, as you can link their paper and then zoom in on the piece. It does work better when the pieces are landscape rather than portrait, but hey, I just added some backgrounds. Regardless, it's easy just to get upset and to give up or you can use this as an opportunity to innovate. As while it does take more time to do all of this, one, now I will have it for years to come and two, what else am I going to do with my time since I am stuck inside. Let's make the most of these moments, even if it's virtual. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 245]:~ Finding Ourselves

~:[CH9 - Day 245]:~ Finding Ourselves
As we have more time to think and re-evaluate ourselves and our lives, we begin to think about what we can improve on, what we need to leave behind and how we can strengthen ourselves for the road ahead. We discover things that we should have realized and never really saw. As while I know we are busy trying to figure things out and ways to survive, when you do have those moments staring off into space, see in what ways you can add to your canvas and what things you need to work on and change. Cover up what you no longer need  and in its place, find something that will improve yourself and your life. While you still want to be good to the people around you, you have to be able to by happy with yourself and who you to positively influence those around you. Let's work on our canvas so we can picture ourselves in a way we never thought possible. For most of our, our true portrait is greater than we could have ever imagined. Let's find it!