Monday, November 30, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 335]:~ Simply Impastable


~:[CH9 - Day 335]:~ Simply Impastable

Even I knew what I would be facing today and so I planned accordingly. Since I knew we would all be recovering from the break, I decided on keeping the workload light. It actually fell at a good time as we normally have work days and Q&As in class the week of Mira Costa. It worked out to be the best, as it gave the students a chance to get their work done and also focused in on asking questions that they may have had. I knew it would be simply imPASTAble to get any lecture or information through. As I myself struggled later on in the day, I decided to focus on cleaning up my digital files as it was almost complete and even leveled up to 41 on POGO. When dinner came around, I didn't have a plan for what to do, but ended up deciding to make one of my dad's favorite dishes. In the end, the pasta came out great and it had just the right balance of tanginess, sweetness, spiciness and saltiness. I finished the night with letters of recs that I'll be finishing up tomorrow, but by night's end, I realized that it ended up being a pretty good and productive day. 

Sunday, November 29, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 334]:~ Hello Friend


~:[CH9 - Day 334]:~ Hello Friend

Hello Friend! I never met you, but it was nice to meet you. I often think meeting people for the first time is the most difficult thing. I do well with people I know, but I never really want to break the ice. When you have social friends, it's really easy to make new friends, but when you are that isolated introvert, especially at times likes these, it becomes a lot more difficult. Let's all reach out and be that friend for someone especially those we don't hear much from, as they are the ones most in need. Luckily, I have had a lot of social friends who made transitioning easier, but others aren't so lucky. While some may be like me and be fine with focusing on their list of tasks at hand isolated from the world, you may just find someone, when reaching out, that really needed you at the very moment. Say hello to a friend, check in on them and just know at the very least, you've reopened communication lines with a long lost friend or a new friend. Hello friend, it's nice to ...

Saturday, November 28, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 333]:~ Smiles for Miles


~:[CH9 - Day 333]:~ Smiles for Miles

Back and forth. Back and forth. He kept running and laughing. It seemed like he was partaking in a cross country practice, but also at the same time, doing what we all hope we can continue to do, laugh and smile. It's not an easy thing to do when things are so tough. In talking to someone, they were saying how difficult it was for them to stay on top of things and to keep their emotions in check. It's true. It's much different when trying to adapt to all these changes, but the question is, can you find a reason to smile? You have to search and sometimes hard, but work hard to find it and you'll be surprised what exists. It could be as simple as a hello from an old friend, but that one smile can last you for miles. Back and forth, he never lost that smile and I hope that we can do the same. For now, maybe we can carry that smile for a little longer every day, but let's not forget that despite all the madness we face, there ALWAYS is some reason to smile.  

Friday, November 27, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 332]:~ We Never Lost ...


~:[CH9 - Day 332]:~ We Never Lost ...

We never lost our reason to celebrate, just our spirit to. I think as a whole, we've lived in a place where negativity had taken over. We were discouraged, we distrusted, and hope for what was ahead lingered. Even now, as cases climb, it is easy to get upset, discouraged or want to give up all together, however, we cannot. You see, we may have tucked away our spirit or possible lost a lot of it all together, but we never lost the reason to celebrate. Our memories still live on, our loved ones surround us and the days ahead await us. It's easy to see the struggles of today, but can you see the lights of tomorrow? We have walked down a path of darkness, but look up and maybe you'll see the welcoming road ahead. It was terrible to not have my close family and friends gather for Thanksgiving, but it doesn't mean we lost the reasons to celebrate. Holidays are just days, but the love that we have for those around us, even those who are no longer with us, will live on. Let's do our part and follow what is asked of us, let's keep our spirits up, and let's pray for better days ahead. Times are trying, but step by step, we will find our way forward and arrive to a place we thought we had lost, the place we celebrate. Stay safe and stay healthy.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 331]:~ Giving Thanks


~:[CH9 - Day 331]:~ Giving Thanks

Normally, I would wake up at about 4am and head off to Dana Point for the annual Turkey Trot. This year, I got to sleep in. I normally have to make just one dish, chicken saltado, but this year I was in charge of most of the spread. As much extra work as it was, there were definitely some benefits to it as I figured out the best ways to make certain things and got them to taste as I prefer. Regardless, I was thankful to be able to afford this dinner at all. I was thankful that even though only briefly, I got to see my family and a few friends. The total time I was with them may have been less than ten minutes, but those ten minutes were extra special. While it was me and my parents hunkered down together, I was appreciative that I got to spend time with them even though I missed the other members of my family. I understand that people are upset that our family traditions may be ruined, but if we can make those sacrifices, not only do we better our chances at slowing this virus sooner, we also increase the chances that we will all be together to celebrate it. I am thankful for so many things in my life and while 2020 has been quite the disaster, it also reminded me of all the things for which I should be giving thanks. Today is not only a day to give thanks, rather it's a day to remind us to appreciate all the things we have every day of our lives. Thank you all for your love, your friendship, and all the memories we share.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 330]:~ Etching


~:[CH9 - Day 330]:~ Etching 

There are certain people in your life who will forever have etched themselves into your life. You will forever carry them with you and their memory. I've been lucky to live with my parents and today, my dad added another reason why I will always be reminded of him. With the back of our chairs and the covering on the seat breaking down, he took it all apart and created these seat backings. He carved out our family crest and detailed it, making an original and impressive piece of work. I am always amazed at the things he does at his age. No, he didn't do just one chair, he is working on the whole set and so over the next few days, we'll be seeing recovered chair after recovered chair. Aside from all the wonderful things he has done in my life, it will be just another thing that I will carry with me as I grow old. I'm lucky to be Blessed with amazing parents, family and friends and today was just a reminder of how awesome those people around me are. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 329]:~ The Flavor of Life


~:[CH9 - Day 329]:~ The Flavor of Life

Since I was little, I always loved to cook. I would watch my mom cook and mimic her recipes. Slowly, I've learned many of them, although there is much to learn. However, cooking has always been a part of who I am. All throughout high school I cooked with my friends and in college, I did the same. I actually lived in an apartment all four years just for the sake of cooking. As while I became busy and didn't cook as much, the pandemic has allowed me to cook more than ever, allowing me to experiment and expand my skills including a hoard of new ramen recipes. My foundation of food has led me to explore the food that exists around the world, trying everything at least once, sometimes not to my delight. Sure, they may have been some things I would never eat again, but I don't know if there has ever been regret. I've been lucky enough to explore the cuisines of so many countries while traveling, but also while at home, exploring the many restaurants we have in Cerritos/Artesia alone. Sadly, loving food this much has its consequences, but hey, in my opinion, it's worth every bite. The holidays centers around food and I am so grateful that I've been open and able to experience so many different types of dishes, but also that my cooking abilities have expanded to include so many of these. It definitely adds some flavor to life. 

Monday, November 23, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 328]:~ The Beauty of Ohana


~:[CH9 - Day 328]:~ The Beauty of Ohana

I can combine two things when I talk about what I am thankful for today, my ohana (and all my students) plus art. As an art major in college, my love for art and design has never subsided. I especially love photography and editing videos, although it's not something I see myself doing full time. Regardless, I can do just that to capture the many moments during school and beyond. I am so blessed to work with amazing students and athletes. Sure, they can be a pain every now and again, but overall, we do work in a paradise. I also love when they come back to visit, creating an unbreakable bond, as I see these athletes time after time even if it's just a quick message to check in. Watching them learn and grow is something I treasure as I try to guide them down a path that will guide them to success. I also owe a  debt of gratitude to my ohana as they were the ones that were my foundation during my toughest times. In darkness, you need a light to guide you back to where you hope to be and they did just that. I am so grateful for them, all my athletes and students, my amazing colleagues, and my ability to add some color to the world with my art. What is one of your hobbies or passions that you're thankful for?

Sunday, November 22, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 327]:~ Unlock Your Memories


~:[CH9 - Day 327]:~ Unlock Your Memories

As we head into the week of Thanksgiving, I will begin my countdown of things I am thankful for. One of the things that I've been thankful for is travel. At first, I thought, I'm not sure when I got this from. My family has never been huge on traveling, although we did a number of trips for camps or tournaments. Regardless, as I thought harder, I remember when I was young, we owned a blue Dodge van with heart shaped windows. It was the coolest thing as it had a bed in the back that converted to a table, a fridge and even a toilet (which we never used). While it wasn't up-to-date (it still had an 8-track player), it got us around. One trip I remember is driving all around California with my aunt from Japan. It was one of the most amazing trips ever and reminded me of the spectacular Golden Gate Bridge. I've been lucky enough to love the travel and see so many spectacular places in my life. While I've been grounded due to the pandemic, I still can reflect back on the amazing journeys that laid the groundwork for one of my greatest passions.  I hope to once again put my passport to use, however, for now, instead of just being locked away, I figure I can unlock the memories I have made in the past. 

Saturday, November 21, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 326]:~ Dreams or Reality?

 ~:[CH9 - Day 326]:~ Dreams or Reality?

I think it's a time where the time of dreams and reality can sometimes get confused. We live in what may seem like a nightmare that we want to end. In life, when we dream, sometimes we say we never wanted it to end. However, in both situations we learn that we can be in more control and use that blurred line to our advantage. When we have those dreamy moments, instead of being disappointed in what we had in our dream but soon lost, we can learn to appreciate similar things in our life that are dream-like. Sure they may seem everyday and mundane, but maybe they are things that not everyone appreciates. Re-evaluate those things and appreciate them even more, as you may begin to see how dreamy they actually are. In another case, maybe those dreams aren't so far-fetched. Can you make those dreams become a reality? Believe that you can and lay the groundwork for that path that can take you there. It's not going to happen by itself, but know that you can make it happen. In nightmares, both in dreams and in real life, we can really learn to either appreciate our own lives or also learn what paths we should not venture on. Sometimes these nightmares can be a warning for our own lives as we take paths we should not tread on. Overall, let's know that life itself can be a wonderful dream. I know can argue that it can be for some and not for others, but each of us in our own way have our own bubble of dreams we can make into a reality and for others we can begin to see that our own realities are actually a dream. No matter what, let's appreciate, let's be thankful, and let's work towards loving more and caring more so more of us can make life into a dream. We may seem like we are far away from doing so, but maybe if we work at it hard enough, it might just be one sweet dream away. 

Friday, November 20, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 325]:~ A Little Normalcy


~:[CH9 - Day 325]:~ A Little Normalcy

At least in one of my classes, there was a little normalcy. Normally on the last day before break, all my classes are making Thanksgiving cards for someone outside the classroom. Today, I had those who had finished all the work do a little Thanksgiving design instead. At least there was some normalcy in seeing turkeys being drawn in my class. I was amazed at how fast time had flown by. It is already fall break. I think we all needed this break. Today felt super long as I did some grocery shopping, finished up a few meetings and even cleaned my room so I could find my stash of lost mask. Of course, I should have paid more careful attention as my money was floating around the drier, as I had left in my back pocket of my pants. The funny thing is, that is perfectly normally for me. By night's end, I did a little more grading, watching some training videos, some Kdramas, and played some Pokemon. There was a lot of normalcy in the day and I just hope that one day, we will find more of it. Let's be safe as we head into this holiday. 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 324]:~ On Call


~:[CH9 - Day 324]:~ On Call

One of the best things about the pandemic are the opportunities that arise out of it. One of them is attending service for a church I've always wanted to go to, attending a virtual concert or performance or even being able to hear directly from various people by connecting through Zoom. It's amazing to think about that the Model UN community is pushing forward despite the pandemic and we have got technology to thank. Regardless, despite some frustrations from the day, it got better as the day went one, which culminated with frying up some chicken and getting a nice relaxing nap before trying to do some more coordination for our international Model UN Conference. We will see how it all goes, but for now, I guess I will see you all via Zoom!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 323]:~ In Translation

~:[CH9 - Day 323]:~ In Translation

Sometimes language barriers can be a challenge to overcome and sometimes knowing just a few basics can at least bridge the gap a bit. In a day where I spoke Spanish, Japanese and Korean, it was a day where I realized how much I need to learn, but also, how much I actually know. It was nice to end the day with a random video chat with Izumi as he just happen to ask about Pokemon when I was on my phone. Overall, despite not having a meeting for school, I had a few extra hours of meetings with my freshmen. We finished off our individual meetings with each of them, trying to get them on track in MUN for the road ahead. It sometimes can almost feel like another language when you're going over everything in MUN. However, strangely with MUN and in other languages, sometimes it just naturally becomes part of you and you find yourself speaking or understanding without realizing it. One day, I hope the languages come easily to me, but today at least I know that I have made progress. We'll see what the future hold in translation. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 322]:~ Something New

~:[CH9 - Day 322]:~ Something New

We really wanted to try to be in committee with schools we never had the chance to have in committee before, thus in the process of creating our circuit, we added what hopes to be an international (or at least nationwide) conference. I think it's kind of nice to make something out of a bad situation as I've been writing about through the pandemic. This was what we came up with. I'm hoping we can find schools who are interested and if you know of any Model UN programs around the world, please recommend them to me or link them to our site to pre-register. It hopefully will be a good opportunity and a gift to the MUN students as they can have even more interactions, connect with more people, and learn more about the community around the world. Who knows if this will work, but hey, it's worth a shot!

Monday, November 16, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 321]:~ Carrying the Torch

~:[CH9 - Day 321]:~ Carrying the Torch

One of the best things about staying home is learning. One of the things I always wanted to do, but never learned, was to make my family's special chicken soup. Sadly, being locked inside all day, I thought it was cold outside so thought it would be perfect. It was a hot day. Regardless, it was a great dish to make. Instead of small drumsticks, I got the large ones (on accident) and I added a few things in that I almost missed, but overall, it was a great Japanese chicken soup. I often cook with olive oil or butter due to time, but to spend the time to make the soup base from scratch is definitely worth it. The natural oils that come from the chicken were surreal and the combination of vegetables in the soup made it feel so healthy. The salt from the wakame was amazing and I was able to get the daikon to just the right texture. I forgot to grate the ginger so it didn't get into the soup as much, but still turned out well. Learning these traditions is something I have enjoyed and being able to watch my parents do various things that I never had the time to watch is truly one of the Blessings of this pandemic. As while we are limited, the possibilities and opportunities still do exist if we seek them out. 

Sunday, November 15, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 320]:~ The New Style?


~:[CH9 - Day 320]:~ The New Style?

Adapting to changes is not easy. In this pandemic, we've probably made more changes that we expected in a year that we may even thought possible in five or ten. Being forced online, we adapted. We formed a circuit of schools and organized ourselves to allow our students to not miss out on the experiences of MUN. Our students adapted well at Edison. We ended up with eleven gavels, over half the committees and collected 68 awards. However, the more impressive thing was just to listen to their content-filled speeches. I think while style still plays a role, substance is definitely going to be even more important, which is a great thing. Hopefully this means that students will focus on preparing more so they do have the content needed, as every conference will be a challenge, with the best MUN schools in the area in conferences every month. We organized our calendars today which stretch out into May and today it was nice to realize that aside from the amazing experiences of soaking in the experience of the cities we visit, the students can at least get the interaction and experiences of a Model UN conference. While I don't want to stay this way forever as it adds another 12 hours or more of screen time over the weekend, for now, it's been one of the successes of the pandemic. Great job to all of our students, I am so proud!

Saturday, November 14, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 319]:~ Finding Our Inner Joy


~:[CH9 - Day 319]:~ Finding Our Inner Joy

It's easy to lose sight of it especially in times like these, however, we must hold on to our inner joy for dear life. As I looked at this picture while rolling through committee after committee during our MUN conference, I smiled. I wanted to find this same joy that I saw on his face. Don't get me wrong, I love time with my family and catching up with others, but it's that carefree moment where you are living in the moment. We've battled through 2020 and in that fight, we've lost one of the things we treasure the most. While we may be limited by the pandemic, we can also find a way to do what brings us the most happiness. As for me, while the world of traveling has come to a halt, being able to communicate with my friends abroad and look back at the wonderful adventures has filled the void of the joy that I lost. As while I may not gain it all back until I can float around again, for now, it's a great consolation prize. In times of such discouragement, let's look for joy even if they are small specks among a larger canvas. We all need joy and a little bit of hope, as that will keep us moving forward and eventually finding our way to what we lost along the way. For now, let's smile, let's laugh and let's do what we can within the guidelines until we are carefree once again, living our lives without worries and without regrets. 

Friday, November 13, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 318]:~ Interconnected


~:[CH9 - Day 318]:~ Interconnected 
Today I talked to a colleague about the challenges of online teaching. We talked about our struggles, but also the parts that were good, especially when referencing collaboration, learning new technologies and improving on all our lessons. It's a whole lot of work, but it's worth it. Even in this situation, technology has allowed us to do things we're missing in person such as feeding of my niece or even just a gathering via Zoom. It's definitely a challenge to juggle everything, but imagine the challenges we would face if it weren't for technology. There is a lot to complain about, but there is also a lot to appreciate. It's far from perfect, but we can at least say, at least we have this. 

Thursday, November 12, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 317]:~ Create & Innovate


~:[CH9 - Day 317]:~ Create & Innovate

It's easy to stay stagnant at a time like this. You sometimes feel like you do not want to do anything, but then again, it's also an opportunity to improve yourself. As with everything, you can stay where you are or keep moving forward by creating and innovating. Many have done just that. You don't leave it as it is, but say, what more can I do. It's been a lot more work, leaving me exhausted by day's end, but it's been worth it all. To see the fruits of my labor, makes me inspired to keep creating and keep innovating. While this was not my best slide I created today, it was one that reminded me of the process that we must go through. The constant trials and errors until we ultimately find our answers. As while I talked about the scientific method, in this case, it's our own version of it. We try things to figure out what path we should take. We create our hypothesis, test it out and see if it works for us. If not, we go back to the drawing board and try again. At times, we face situations we never expect and we can either throw our hands up and give up or keep trying to figure it out. I implore you to keep at it, create and innovate and find your path. We all have ventured into darkness or thorny paths, but I have full faith we have what it takes to make it through. Keep moving forward! You have what it takes and I cannot wait to see what we all end up with at the end of all of this. It's a difficult time, but as I've said many times before, let's make these challenges into opportunities by creating and innovating. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 316]:~ Lost in the Text


~:[CH9 - Day 316]:~ Lost in the Text

I laughed as I worked on my PowerPoint for class. I have been recreating all my presentations this year to make them more impactful. In order to avoid the problems of text changing, I create the text into graphics. If I make a mistake, problem is, I cannot fix it on the spot, but at least I know what it will look like without having to make adjustments. When I looked at this, it reminded me of the day itself, Veterans Day. We often see holidays simply as a day off, but forget the meaning behind them. We lose the message in the excitement of having the day off. However, we should always remember the meaning behind holidays and other celebrations for that matter. On birthdays we should celebrate our parents who gave birth to us, on holidays remember those who we should honor on these days and on religious holidays, remember the purpose behind it. Our commercialization of these days is what has truly allowed us to be lost in the madness that ends up like my page of text. Holidays are great, but we don't need holidays to celebrate those we love and remember those important to us and to our nation. The next time there is a celebration or a holiday, let's pause to truly appreciate why we celebrate. To our veterans, we thank you, as our freedoms we have today are because of all the sacrifices that you and your family have made for this nation. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 315]:~ Work from Afar

~:[CH9 - Day 315]:~ Work from Afar

Once again I was on my computer. From class to class I went in that virtual environment. Today I thought, I don't even really know many of my students. I only know what I can figure out through interactions online. We even held our freshmen review meetings and a Nationals interview online. We've learned to adapt to interacting online and working from afar. Listening to the news, I worried about the the political climate that exists even more. People in positions fit to serve the American people are treading on dangerous territory. Even if it's just to position themselves to keep the support gained, it's creating an even more divisive message and a sign that we once again will face a roadblock in our government. Who knows, maybe they can work together, but the election in Georgia seems too important to just sit and watch. At the very least, having a 50/50 split would mean that it would only take one senator of good conscious to switch votes in order to avoid a takeover for either side. I don't have as much faith in our Congress, but I do believe there are still those who will place good decisions over partisan votes. In addition, the decision to take part in working for this election has to do with the abuse of the position from the current senators in the state. Only time can tell if Ossoff and Warnock are better than the current two, but I do know that the ones currently in place have not always looked out for the people of Georgia. As an independent, I haven't really engaged myself in the campaign process although I constantly analyze information about candidates and on goings in the political sphere. However, I think it's time that I throw my hat into the ring here and there when I see candidates who are needed. While some have considered "moving to Georgia" temporarily to help with the election, parachuting is not often effective and that money could be used to support the candidates. In addition, if this pandemic taught us anything, we know that there is still some effectiveness in working from afar. I don't wish this to be permanent, but for now, I can make due, even though it would be nice to meet and work with all my students in person. One day that chance will come, but for now, I'll do what I can working from afar. 

Monday, November 9, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 314]:~ The Self Analysis for Efficiency


~:[CH9 - Day 314]:~ The Self Analysis for Efficiency

I think one of the things I learned early on is how to become efficient with my time. I hate wasting time, but also like to do things well, thus I find a balance between efficiency and quality. How? I often found that knowing yourself will make you more efficient. In what locations do you work the best and at what time of day. You should know the mentalities that get you going and also what to avoid (distractions) to keep yourself on track. I am able to do what I enjoy, by being efficient and often that is also a motivator for me working through things quickly by staying laser focused on a task at hand. Most of all, I like to do things in one sitting. While not everything can be done at once, I don't like a long drawn out process especially when it can be done. Recently we had a training program introduced to our school, I instituted the same ideas that I just discussed to get it done. I avoided distractions, stayed focused and time flew by as I wrapped up task after task. It helped that I had already done most of what was on the list, however, I just used my laser focus and before I knew it, it was complete. While I am still waiting on them to get checked off, it's nice to know that I knew myself well enough that I needed to focus in on it now, otherwise, it would be left out to be forgotten, much like that stack of photos that are still waiting to be edited and folders waiting to be sorted. Study yourself and know yourself and you'll find the best ways to save time, cut the corners you need while not sacrificing any quality. It's something I am glad I learned early and hope it's something that my students can also pick up. Some of them have great quality, but often are perfectionists, while others are quick, but need to work on quality. I do often get those ones with both, but if they learn how to try become efficient and to find the conditions that will make them that way, everything moving forward will be less stressful. I am not an expert and I cannot help others find their own trick, but I think this was an opportunity to remind every to figure out how to work with themselves, rather than simply following what other people do. There is not a single way that works for everyone, so I hope you can analyze your own tendencies and restructure things to make things work for you. Hope you have a wonderful and efficient week!

Sunday, November 8, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 313]:~ Make No Mi"steak"


~:[CH9 - Day 313]:~ Make No Mi"steak"

It's one of my mom's favorite things to eat, steak. I was trying to clear out last week's groceries, as I just got a new batch of food this week. I made cauliflower rice and topped it with bell peppers, asparagus, shishito peppers and of course the steak. I even made my own steak sauce. It was a delicious meal, but the work steak, made me think about the word stake. As I scoured the news for information I was reminded that although we may have celebrated yesterday, we cannot rest today. There is a lot at stake and we cannot simply sit back and watch. We must be engaged and vocal about the changed we need to see. In my letter to America, I did talk about how we have to be willing to work with each other, but we also have to make sure our intentions are known. At the same time, however, we must be willing to sacrifice a bit to truly give this country what it needs. Until we are willing to make those concessions, we cannot heal and we cannot grow. Our wants are important, but fulfilling the need is even more so. As I chowed down on my steak, I thought about all of this. There is a lot of work to do and a lot of problems to solve, but together, I know we can slowly chip away at this mountain of issues that face us. There is a lot to work on, but just take it one bite at a time so we can truly savor the flavor of progress. Make no mistake, it will be difficult, but if we are willing to work together, we can do this, TOGETHER.

Saturday, November 7, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 312]:~ A Letter to America

~:[CH9 - Day 312]:~ A Letter to America

I am just one vote of the almost 150 million who cast a ballot on election day. I may not be in a place to write a letter to America, but if we each use our voice, we can become a chorus of voices. What we do with that voice is up to us and so is the way we act as we move forward. As Biden said in his acceptance speech, we may be opponents, but we are not enemies. The last four years and even longer have been a brutal battle, where we've left each other bruised and beaten. We've teetered on the edge of opponent and enemy and it's led us into darkness and despair. The divide I see in this nation is deep, but we must try and see that while it will take time, we can slowly rebuilding the bridges we burned.

Many Republicans saw the problems that existed and cast their ballots for Biden. They saw that while ideologies differed and policies were not aligned, that character was an important factor. It's hard to side with someone who you don't agree with, but sometimes you have to see what is needed to solve the problems at hand. I've heard many argue that it's not the fault of one person or that one person cannot repair all that is wrong with this nation. Biden himself said this is the case, which is why this is a calling to Americans, to put your differences aside and work towards repairing and healing this nation. Only fighting for our side while not listening or cooperating with the other is what got us to where we were today. While it existed before Trump camp to office, it was made worse by the negative and divisive rhetoric he spread. We are better than that. 

It was a joy to see people so overjoyed with a sense of relief after the election was called. I too felt that sense of joy and relief, but that celebration will be short lived if we don't do our part. We must be willing to ALL make the sacrifices to get this pandemic under control. We must figure out a way to keep the country moving forward, but that also will take people following rules and doing their part. As while you want to celebrate, it's not a time to gloat or to hate on those who were on "the other side," but rather follow the same message Biden wishes us to all hear, the only way to repair this nation is if we become one, not red, not blue, not in between, but united.

There are many who are pessimistic about the road ahead and it's understandable. It will take time, but it will go faster if we do our part, if we find it in ourselves to forgive, to listen and to welcome strangers just as much as we welcome those who were alongside you during this journey. Let's understand that after a brutal argument or fight, we have two choices, to continue to fracture or to begin to heal. Character, not policies, will be the foundation of our rebuilding process.

To our elected and appointed leaders, know that your decisions will make or break this nation. The people have spoken with their vote. While you have a responsibility to represent your constituents, you have a greater responsibility to represent this nation. Do what is in the best interests of this nation and not yourselves or simply your constituents. All parties have engaged in tactics that were focused on re-election or "blocking" the opponent, but your job is to negotiate and find a solution, which means making concessions. I heard so many politicians in their campaigns talking about the need to work across the aisle, as they send blame to the other side, it's time to stop. The respect for our politicians might be at an all time low, just like the morale in this nation, but it's our time to building rebuilding what we destroyed one block at a time.

I remind us all that this process will take time. We must first begin to work on ourselves, to reflect and figure out how do we make ourselves better people. As I taught during my religion unit, the similarities of people of all faith is that we want to treat everyone with respect, fairness and equality and even those who have no religion, I hope that you believe in the this idea. If we can rebuild on this foundation, our nation will be unshakeable. Why? We are a diverse nation and we must celebrate it, rather than letting that divide us. 

Together let's repair the institutions that are broken and work against this ideal. Instead of cancelling those who work against the ideals we hope to have as the core of the rebuilding process, let's use it as an opportunity to teach, to learn, to grow and even to rehabilitate. "Cancelling" someone does nothing more than create a greater divide, rather let's see if we can lend our hand to those who have fallen and maybe they too can be part of this movement to heal. We all make mistakes and bad decisions, we all get lost and lose sight of where we are headed, but that doesn't mean we cannot get back on track. Someone will never be willing to change, but at the very least, we must look towards giving them the opportunity. 

There will be a lot of hard discussions and battles going forward, but let's use it as an opportunity to unite by listening to each other and by finding opportunities where there are differences. Instead of seeing differences, let's see diversity; instead of problems, let's see opportunities to change; and instead of seeing fractures, wounds and division, let's see an opportunity to heal and work together. Down the stretch, Biden emphasized a positive message, imploring us to unite and I think if we can find a way to put down our pride and repair what is broken, we can become one nation, UNITED.

I am just one vote of the almost 150 million who voted this election, but I am one more voice calling for unity, change, and asking the people of this nation to give ourselves a chance to heal. With every voice that follows, we can create a melody that will inspire others and building something that nobody can topple. We may be opponents, but not enemies and at the end of the day, we're all Americas. Let's all shine our lights so we can rise of out this darkness so we can begin to heal this fractured nation. It won't happen overnight, but if we keep moving forward, we will get there. 

Friday, November 6, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 311]:~ Just a Little Longer


~:[CH9 - Day 311]:~ Just a Little Longer

Sometimes we are so focused on getting things instantly, that we forget that good things often take time. We often see things that take time as a delay, but what if it's just growth or maturing? Would we want to eat a fruit or vegetable before it's ripened or fully grown? I, myself, have had to figure that all out as we go and have to keep reminding myself that I can just wait a little longer. As I made a short trek and faced "delays," the time gave me opportunities to think, reflect and take in all that was going on around me. As I waited for the results of the election, I only knew that it was leading up to a more dramatic ending. A blowout win is less stressful, but an overtime buzzer beater leads to a huge celebration and it won't be long before we get to celebrate this victory. For now, we can wait just a little longer and hope and pray all falls into place. As I drove back down a dark road, I knew that soon enough, the sun would shine on a new day and I would be able to soak in the light after this long stretch of darkness. The time is ticking, but in that time, it's making what's to come a little sweeter.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 310]:~ Designing Our Future


~:[CH9 - Day 310]:~ Designing Our Future

I was weeks away from heading back to Asia to do another collab, but everything shattered and all that work went down the drain. I've found the ability to get work done, piece things together, and even add in a few fun projects here and there. As I was working on my most recent piece, I was thinking, how WE are in charge of designing our future. We live in a time where we are so divide, where hopelessness runs rampant, and were many of us fear what's ahead. I had my cross country class complete an assignment where they talked about their anxieties and fears, but also how they could help each other and themselves. It made me think about how demoralizing times have been. There is no doubt, we are divided more now, than any other time in my lifetime. However, it will be our fault if our future is filled with the same story. Why? We must now take the reigns and the power to make this world a better place. We first have to stop categorizing each other as Democrats and Republics (of which I don't fit in either strangely) or any other comparison and just see each other as people. We have to be willing to listen rather than just talk and we need to learn to empathize. We must love and not hate, while looking at what is best for society rather than always only choosing what is in our own best interest. Let's protect each other, even if that means inconveniencing ourselves or being uncomfortable. Let's educated ourselves by researching deeper into things rather than simply reading headlines and by hearing both sides of the story, rather than just the side we want to hear. I could go on and on about what needs to change, but I want to remind you, that it's not a problem of the system or anyone around us, but the problem begins with us. We must become a better person and spread that idea to others. It won't happen right away and you'll meet resistance, but if you want to truly have a future that eliminates many of the problems we face today, it won't be easy. The ugliness I see all around me is not who we are. We are better than this and I know that we can eliminate all of the problems we face, but we can only do it, if this future is designed together. As we go to bed tonight with a clearer picture of the political future (although not 100% clear), let's be reasonable, let's be responsible, and instead of taking a step back, let's take a step towards each other. We may differ in ideologies, beliefs, background, and more, but we can still connect with each other, love each other, grow together and most importantly, learn from each other. The fastest way we clean up the road ahead is if we all do our part to pick up the mess that we all made. If we made the mess, own up to it, if we didn't, let's still lend a hand and help clean it up, because it's going to take all of us. I'm not sure when I will be headed to Asia again, but for now, instead of complaining or sulking, I'll make the most of the opportunities I have and appreciate that at the very least, I can still design and connect with people around the world, designing a future that we all can be proud of. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 309]:~ Unfinished


~:[CH9 - Day 309]:~ Unfinished

I thought at the very least we'd have a clearer picture by today, but there wasn't. Seeing that, I released some stress from a day glued to the computer screen and worked on my golf game a bit. I strangely hit the ball fairly well and I felt better (although sore) afterwards. There is so much going on and the day paralleled that. I had review meetings with each of my students for two hours, as we figured out what we needed to work on moving forward. I think that is exactly what we as a country need to do. I understand that process is taking long, but it's unfinished. Much like we are not going to eat what we cook before it's done cooking, we cannot dissect the winner of this election until all the votes are counted. Our system has it's flaws, but it's simply dangerous to call the system a fraud. It's far from it. There so much to say, but I don't want to digress. Let's wait until this process is finished so we can get a complete product. The vote is unfinished and we must continue counting until every vote is counted. Doing anything less would truly be undemocratic, no matter what party you are from. My hope is that by tomorrow we will know, but if not, you might find me at the range again, launching my stress into the darkness. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 308]:~ Too Close To Call


~:[CH9 - Day 308]:~ Too Close To Call

In 2016, I learned a lot about counties in the US, especially in the hotly contested areas during the election. I learned about the voting process, the party affiliations and more. This year, as I watched the election, I could zone in on those areas and it helped me get a better idea of how things would play out. I was hoping to know the status of the election before I went to sleep, but it ended up being too close to call and seemed waiting wouldn't do much. As a note, the outstanding votes in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and George tend to be mail in ballots, early voting or skew Democratic votes, however, only time will tell. I, along with many others, was disturbed by the fact that Donald Trump would step up and give a speech about how continuing to count would be a fraud, while also saying that calling a race already (Arizona) was non-sense. It is dangerous for a candidate, especially when they are a president, to question the legitimacy of the democratic process especially when few irregularities occurred. Voting counting and certification often goes into the next days or weeks and we should definitely continue until every vote that fit within the guidelines of their respective state are counted. We ALL lose if that's not the case and when our democratic process is challenged. I cannot say I am not disappointed, but I will go to sleep after eating a fabulous dinner and wake up ready for more hours of statistical analysis. I wish I could say otherwise, but for now, it's too close to call.

Monday, November 2, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 307]:~ The Hope For Something Better


~:[CH9 - Day 307]:~ The Hope For Something Better

Today, I had a fabulous dinner. My dad's friend gave us some fish that was caught and so we sliced it up and had a delicious dinner. Tonight was good, tomorrow will be better (toro). While that is the case, I hope for something even better that that toro tomorrow. There is a lot of anxiety and fear association with the election tomorrow. It's sad to live in a time where reckless driving and harassing is praised by our president, where hate and division is spread and where people are afraid that their votes won't be counted. I never thought that I would live in a time where attempts at voter suppression would occur, but hey it's 2020. No matter what happens tomorrow, I hope that we find it in ourselves to not create chaos and violence, to treat others with respect, but at the same time, be ready to raise your voice in the case of actual wrongdoings. We've found ourselves living expecting the worst and that is not the life we should be living. For tomorrow, let's hope for something better, but at the same time, the way we achieve something better is working on bettering ourselves. Sure, it takes others to make things work, but we only make it worse when we lower ourselves to their levels. Instead of expecting the worst, let's make it into a time we can hope that the greatest days are ahead of us, because they truly are, but to get there, we must work together. For now, I'll enjoy tonight's dinner and sleep comfortably hoping that tomorrow we find something much, much better.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

~:[CH9 - Day 306]:~ Just a Second


~:[CH9 - Day 306]:~ Just a Second

It's strange to think that it's already November and we have but two months left in 2020. I know how excited people are to move into 2021, but I hope we realize that if we don't do our part, it will last much longer that that. It doesn't mean that during this time we can't safely do things and enjoy the beauty that is around us. I sat out just for a short bit and enjoyed the sun that I rarely see. It's weird that my eyes hurt to see it, as I only see the light from indoors now. Today though, I took a second to venture out during the day, had a quick chat and then headed home. While it was just a "second," it was what I needed to refresh and recharge, as I got back home and finished through my grading slated for today. While I didn't get ahead of what I wanted to do, that little break didn't put me behind, but it did a lot for me, allowing me to clear my head and have positive thoughts for a week full of anxiety for many. For now, let's soak up the sunshine and just hope and pray for the health and safety of us all. We've lost so much time, but let's try to reclaim it, just a second at a time.