Sunday, October 31, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 304]:~ Dressin' It Up

~:[CH10 - Day 304]:~  Dressin' It Up

I guess you could kind of say that I dressed up for Halloween. I put back on my Japan Olympic Team apparel and then headed out to do my normal Sunday shopping, boba, and other errands. Today was a bit different, however, as I had an event to organize. A few months ago, I heard that one of our alum was returning back to LA to perform. I know it wasn't an easy road the past few years so I thought it would be nice to have an event to promote his performance and just give him the attention he deserves. Looking back, it did add a lot to my plate at the wrong times, however, it was definitely worth the time and effort and the connections I have made have been incredible. To hear the messages from his fans and to see support is something I am always appreciative. I always enjoy seeing my students find success and it's even more exciting to be apart of it. I came in and dressed up this little corner of the store and pushed it through social media. Strangely enough thousands of people came across the post. I only hope that a good chunk of those people swing by to support him or at the very least, join him at his concert this weekend. It was a bit of a challenge to load the car (as it was Halloween) and even ended up with a few trick or treaters because of it, however, when I stepped back and look at what we ended up with, I knew it was worth it all. 

If you get a chance, check it all out at Tapioca Express Cerritos and spread the word if you could. 

Saturday, October 30, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 303]:~ Cruisin' to Victory

~:[CH10 - Day 303]:~  Cruisin' to Victory

We definitely had our challenges this year, but also made progress. Athletes faced injuries at the wrong times, but others had breakout races. One minute, two minutes, three minutes and more ... PRs were spread around with perfect weather and a final chance to race at home. We ended up with 31 of the 40 medals on the day and also had 13 athletes reach all-league status including 11 first team all-league athletes, and all four team league titles. With so many athletes not ever experiencing a cross country season, it was rough as we took a step backwards and had to ease back into the process, however, at the same time, it was fun to learn and grow together. Life has it's challenges and this year, we had to weather the storm together. Our theme focused on how we must unify together so we can overcome any obstacle and for the most part, our ability to do so allowed us to make progress. We started this year with a very small A group, however, by season's end, we ran out of seats during the A group meeting. I hope it's a sign of good things to come, but for now, I'll enjoy this very moment, one to celebrate us cruising to victory. 

Friday, October 29, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 302]:~ Just Golden

~:[CH10 - Day 302]:~  Just Golden

It's always fun to have our Halloween dress up. While the students get a little more riled up as this season comes along, to see them escape from reality and be someone else for the day is fun. There always is a more celebratory mood during this time and it's fun to see the creativity that they bring. This year I decided to pass on Squid Game (although I have the costumes) and used the gear my friend sent me from Japan. I have the full podium fit for the Japanese National team. I decided to be Yuto Horigome as it was fun to watch him compete and win the gold medal in his home country. Horigome is actually a resident of Los Angeles though. I had a number of errands to do and doing so like this was quite challenging, but worth it. From setting up the course, to picking up some items and then meeting up for dinner, it was a full day that was just golden. I guess I did too good of a job with the costume as many did not recognize me and when I went to the market, some guy came up to me to ask me if I played for the team in the Olympics and talked to me how I (Horigome) was his friend's idol. Regardless, I got home and finally changed into normal clothes and spent the rest of the night prepping for the meet tomorrow. It was a long process, but the day finally ended and league finals is finally here! Let's go!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 301]:~ Doggin' It

~:[CH10 - Day 301]:~  Doggin' It

There must have been something in the air today as it was a little crazier than normal. With everything coming up and things to take care of, it felt like I was running around trying to get everything taken care of. After surviving the day, I wrapped up a fairly quick practice, marked the course a bit, got a hair cut, had a meeting, then ventured off to relax with my friend and his dog. It was a nice ending to a crazy day and just being able to relax was kind of nice. Sure, I had a lot to do to prep for league finals and even just get things together for my costume, however, I needed some time just to dog it and spending that time with a dog was therapeutic. Life can get a little crazy sometimes, but there's always man's best friend waiting to make it a little big easier. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 300]:~ Generational

~:[CH10 - Day 300]:~ Generational

It's fun to stop by and see the interaction between my parents and their grandkids. I know it's exhausting, but just to see the growing bond between them is incredible. It's funny to realize how often, it's the grandparents who get to spoil them while the parents need to take charge over them, however, that seems to be why they can love each other more. At the end of the day (for most), they get to go home with the parents and the grandparents get their break. Today, Jordan grabbed my mom's classes to remind her to put them on before they took their picture, then he proceeded to run away before the picture was taken. It's moments like these that we'll remember and laugh at years down the line. If we learned anything from the past two years, tomorrow is never guaranteed to treasure these precious moments today. 

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 299]:~ Luck of the ...


~:[CH10 - Day 299]:~ Luck of the ... 

It's really funny. I always wanted to get into trading, but never really got around to it. The pandemic allowed me to jump in and figure out how to go about it. The market is definitely all about timing. Jumping in after hearing about the trends means you probably will end up losing out. Catching the trend on the upswing and waiting is a big key. Of course, while you can study as much as possible, timing and luck has a lot to do with it. I jumped into the airlines, NKLA, AMC twice, TSLA, and a lot of the cryptos including SHIB. I had pretty great timing. Sure there were times where I sold a little early or on the downswing, by most of these trades happened just at the right time. I would definitely not suggest jumping into trading while not knowing what you are doing, but when you do your research and have your strategy, it becomes less about luck and more about strategy. Of course, luck can definitely help you out. To all those who jump into the trading field, I hope your holdings go to the moon. 

Monday, October 25, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 298]:~ Catching Up

~:[CH10 - Day 298]:~ Catching Up

It strange when you go from seeing someone almost daily to almost never at all. Life changes and so we must adapt. Even when moving to Kentucky, we still kept in contact and met up when he was in town. Now that he is back, I see him a bit more, but still not with the same regularity. Of course, it has been nice to have him around to catch a game here and there and just enjoy the games. Although the Clippers took a blowout win, we still enjoyed all the plays until the final buzzer. Most people I know would have wanted to leave ASAP. While we almost got a free hat, a free shirt and a free sandwich, I don't mind trading it for the opportunity for us to both be free to meet up and catch up. I look forward to more opportunities with him and others as we carve time out of our schedules to all catch up. While things will not be normal for awhile, at least we can being the process of reconnecting, as while it's not the same as before, because of it all, the time has become even more special. 

Sunday, October 24, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 297]:~ Time

~:[CH10 - Day 297]:~ Time

No matter what time I start working, I always finish around the same time. My work days always run between midnight and 1am. Although sometimes earlier and sometimes later, it always seems to fall into that zone. On occasion, it's because I get caught up in a drama, watch a game or the like and others, just because I actually had that much work. It's weird how when time is limited you work so much more efficiently. As much as I hate procrastination, it tends to be a much better motivator. While getting work done is important, I always find that since time is limited, make the most of it and really allow yourself to do the things you want to do, rather than focusing on checking things off your list. As I said before, things can wait, but you shouldn't always put yourself at the back of the line. Give yourself the time you deserve.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 296]:~ Dancing the Night Away


~:[CH10 - Day 296]:~ Dancing the Night Away

All that was taken away was forgotten, at least for the time being. The students came in droves as about half the school joined in on our Homecoming dance. Sure it was in the quad, but it didn't change the fact that they had a dance, In the morning, there was some worry as rain came down. The rain was good for cross country as the dirt of Mt. SAC was padded down and it wasn't as dry, but for the dance, since it was outdoors, it would have been a disaster. After an exhausting afternoon at Mt. SAC, I rushed home and changed to enjoy the dance sans any more rain. Yes, it was a bit chaotic at times, but in the end, these students had the chance to forget their worries and just enjoy the night together. 

Friday, October 22, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 295]:~ In a Snap

~:[CH10 - Day 295]:~ In a Snap

I was able to clear my schedule and take photos for my cross country seniors (and some juniors). With Mt. SAC on Saturday, I knew they would be missing out on that opportunity and so I figured it was worth making time to do this. Earlier this week for picture day, I took a picture of the seniors and was pleased to see just how many seniors stuck it out. Although it wasn't easy, they held out and are wrapping up their final season of cross country. Many of these seniors are four year members and it's tough to do, especially with a pandemic in the middle. However, they came out in the spring and now back out in the fall. You really never can predict how things will change and how things can go, so all you can do is put yourself out there, put in the work and see what the end result is. I am proud to see the results for this group of seniors. In a snap, time passes by and in a span of what seemed like days since your freshman year has actually been four years. Make the most of the days we have, because in a snap, time will pass us all by.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 294]:~ Last Step on the Court

~:[CH10 - Day 294]:~ Last Step on the Court

One of the hardest moments to watch as a coach is to see the final moment of an athlete on the court. With most seasons, they come to an end on a sad note, as the percentages of you coming out as the championship is low. However, what I hope most from athletes is that they appreciate the time they have while on the team. I know it's a lot of time and dedication as they have to miss out on this and that, sacrifice this and that, however, the camaraderie they gain, the moments they create and simply the opportunity to compete cannot be matched. As we rushed to try and get one athlete who was cramping back on the court for those final moments, unfortunately that cramp never went away. Regardless, a sad ending cannot destroy all that was built over the years on the team. Although that moment is the last step on the court, the thousands of other steps take on the court outweigh this moment. As while the tears flowed, it's less about the loss than it is about being the final time they will be together. Most of these athletes will not compete in college and I think few realize the void that will be left when they move forward. As while the extra time in the schedules will be nice, there are so many things they will miss that they may never have thought they would. For those luckily enough to return to the court again, treasure each and ever moment and for those seniors who this was the last moment, thank you for all that you have given and I hope that you enjoyed the ride. Congratulations on a great season.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 293]:~ Precious Moments

~:[CH10 - Day 293]:~ Precious Moments

There was definitely an eerie feeling today. When attending our meeting today, I discovered that our throw coach and assistant football coach had passed away. Originally I had though he had gone off the grid and was found, but I was sad to hear of his passing. I had come across him when he was at Bellflower, although my memory of him was a bit foggy, however, for our team, he showed up at the right time. I told him that we had already distributed our stipends, but he willingly took the role as a volunteer for the opportunity to simply work with the athletes. We had a few years where the team was coaching themselves as a captain took charge and worked with his teammates, sacrificing his own performance. When Coach Peters came in, you could see the exciting me, this athlete and the team had. It wasn't just about the work, there was some fun and excitement to it, athletes reached personal bests, and we even had new athletes join and grow the team. With few girls on the throws teams, we shifted a few athletes who only had one event to the throws for another event and he gladly took them in, worked with them and left a lasting impression with them. They always say that someone comes into your life at a just the right time. The moments I had with Coach Peters were precious and I could feel just how special he was, however, it's sad to say that our time together was short. We always wish we had more time with people after they pass, however, it's important that we don't take a single moment for granted and make the most of ever second we are given. While we only had a few moments together, those moments were precious especially for the athletes that he worked with. There is no doubt in my mind that the impact he had in just the short time he was with us will be evident for years to come. My heart is heavy, but I am confident that he is looking down upon us as he brings joy to the heavens much like he did here on earth. May we cherish all of our precious moments with our loved ones always. To Coach Peters, thank you for all the countless lives you blessed, may you rest in peace. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 292]:~ Another Chance

~:[CH10 - Day 292]:~ Another Chance

I never look forward to this day, however, somehow, it felt like it went by a little better than normal. Almost everyone (just one) remembered their jersey and they weren't too bad through the process. As I took my senior photo, I was a bit sad that last year's class didn't get this opportunity, but also glad that we didn't miss out on another year. This was a very large group of seniors, many who have been around since the start. I hope that more than anything, these athletes learn the lesson of appreciation and knowing that while it's easy to complain about how hot it is, how exhausting a workout may be, or about having to race before Homecoming, that they should appreciate that this opportunity even exists. I hope they think about all the opportunities they lost so that they can truly appreciate that they had an opportunity this year to enjoy a more regular season. It's not always easy to see things as they are going, but I hope that they at least catch a glimpse so that they can appreciate this chance before it passes them by. It's easy to forget the challenges we faced in the past, but it's in remembering those moments that will help make the days ahead much greater, as we realize that this is now another chance for us all that some will never be so lucky to have. I hope that we all can make the most of it.

~:[CH10 - Day 290]:~ Hand in Hand

~:[CH10 - Day 290]:~ Hand in Hand

I was exhausted today by days end, but today was a day where my energy was well spent. I think that's the difference. You don't mind being tired at the end of the day as long as you feel as if you've done something productive with your time. Of course today was special since there some touching moments through the day. From a chat with a friend, to a homecoming proposal, an awesome workout and watching my niece and nephew walk hand in hand. As much energy as I spent today, to see these moments was well worth it all. As I finished up some tasks in the evening, I looked back at this photo and just smiled. Just a few minutes earlier, my niece and nephew were hollering. The next thing you know, he takes her by the hand and walks her around the house. Those feel good moments are just what we need to extract us from the pit of stress and frustration, from anger and anxiety and more. Instead of worrying about this and that, I just kept smiling imaging this moment as they strolled down the hallway. In reality, there was much screaming, running around and yes, I had great timing and got two number 2s, however, these are the moments you live for, as they are priceless. From walking hand in hand as children to a father walking his daughter down the aisle and then decades later, the child walking their elderly mother around the block. The cycle of life will change, but how precious this moment never will. Cherish these moments as while they are simple, they are the moments that will fill us with more happiness than we will ever know. 

Sunday, October 17, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 290]:~ Sunday, FUNday?

~:[CH10 - Day 290]:~ Sunday, FUNday?

I was clicking around, playing with my insta360 footage from the meet. It's actually pretty cool and fun, but in the process I was reminded I've had a practice, meet or conference on every Saturday since July except for one. It often means that Saturday evening (sometimes) and Sunday become my weekend. Of course a "day off" often means grading, planning or compile times or media from the week. Of course, I always try to block a "no work" time to make sure that I do get at least some break during the weekend. In a world of technology and social media, this need for instance responses has create a feel that we must always respond to the messages we get right away. I try to stay firm on the block of time if possible, although sometimes it's unavoidable. I know we all have a laundry list of things to do, but I guess just like cleaning like Marie Kondo, we should also do the same with our to-do list. What do we really have to do now and what can wait. It's important to get it done, but not at the expense of you and your health, physical and mental. Whether it's going to church, shopping, brunch with friends or sitting doing absolutely nothing, be sure to make your day off, your fun day.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 289]:~ Quick Fix

~:[CH10 - Day 289]:~ Quick Fix

It was the first time we ran at Artesia for a cross country meet. Their newly redone field was an awesome setting for a start and finish. However, without an opportunity to check the full course, it was at the end of the first girls race that we realized the course was off. Later I discovered that I had an extra lap on the track and turned too early on the blacktop. During the second race, we made the adjustment to add the distance on the blacktop and figured out a way to get the right markings for the varsity race. Life throws you challenges regularly and the question is, how do you handle the situation. Luckily, not only did I have my competent staff, I also had two former coaches who just happen to be there as well figuring out the problem. In the end, despite the dry and warm conditions, the races went smoothly and lots of people went home happy with this blazing fast course. I was definitely exhausted, but exhilarated with how things went. Our younger athletes are improving a lot and everyone else is shaping into form. We discussed it as we sat later that evening drinking boba and just enjoying a non-busy evening for once. As much as you plan, things will go wrong, but it's your ability to adapt and fix things that will help you set things straight. Even if you think it's too late, do you best to right the ship as best as possible.

Friday, October 15, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 288]:~ In Waves

~:[CH10 - Day 288]:~ In Waves

It definitely was an exhausting week. There are its ups and there are its downs, however, I've learned that you just have to find a way to go with the flow. It was tiring to stop at home as I was hounded by the little ones in a good way. I was tired since I loaded my car and marked up the course for the morning. I was happy to be able to meet with my friends online for a little get together. I was frustrated with a parent who was being unreasonable. However, I tried to brush things off and just enjoy the waves. You'll be tired, frustrated, and simply spent, however, one thing I've seen myself do is truly brush off the weight on my shoulders and find joy in the things that make you happy. Life will be a series of waves for the rest of your live. Survive the dips and enjoy the high points. Sure I could let a parent ruin my day, but I rather sulk in the happiness of finishing up setting up the course fairly quickly. I could let exhaustion get the best of me, but rather play even harder and just enjoy this quality time we have. I've talked many times about how life is about perspective and how we see things, but sometimes things are truly not going so well, but we have to find a way to allow ourselves to not get crushed under the weight of it all. Survive the dips and let's ride those waves, as while life can sometimes drag us down, we can do our best to fight and wave the stress and worries goodbye.

Thursday, October 14, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 287]:~ Climbing to the Top

~:[CH10 - Day 287]:~ Climbing to the Top

The start of every season is a challenge. We need to teach and mold the new athletes exactly what to do, depending on the veterans to do it; however, with two generations of athletes without experience and a small group of those who have "been through it all," it was definitely a strange season where the routine things were no longer just that. Regardless, there is something refreshing about starting with "young blood." They may be a challenge to guide at first, but their enthusiasm for what is happening is infectious. As we sprinted up the side of the river channel, they actually seemed exciting and the aura I got from them today was not what I had expected. It was warm and it was a challenging workout, but they pushed themselves and climbed to the top, time after time with some doing it over 50 times. To think that I had to find the few veterans who know where the workout started made me laugh tonight and as frustrating as the limitations have been this season, today was one that we definitely rose to the top. Although at times we dread these difficult moments, I think the past year and change definitely allowed us to appreciate things we may have taken for granted, where the routine becomes special and another opportunity to climb out of these holes in which we were thrown. We all will be on our own timeline back to where we want to be, but in the process appreciate these glorious moments and days, knowing that these small victories will eventually lead us to the top. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 286]:~ Unveiling

~:[CH10 - Day 286]:~ Unveiling

It was great to see them revive something we weren't sure we'd have. As the initial Homecoming was canceled, we rescheduled and we were able to host the normal top five rally, albeit outside. Regardless, to be able to do anything these days allows you to appreciate what we took for granted before. On a day that seemed overly busy, I caught up on all my grading and paperwork, I helped out at home for a bit, planned a few things here and there, helped coordinate something during lunch before running out to the quad for the announcements. The day was loaded even after that, however, the unveiling of the revival of the top 5 rally truly was a blessing. Over the next few months and years, we will experience a lot of these moments. When talking to a friend, we discussed how exhausting it is to just keep up with all that is going on. A more normal is a challenge with all the obstacles we must overcome to make them happen. However, when we finally get the chance for them to actually occur, you realize that all that effort you put in to making it happen was truly worth it. I am so tired right now from a long day, but there isn't an ounce of me that wishes to have changed anything about the day. The road ahead will probably will be filled with days like these, however, with each unveiling, I will appreciate the opportunity we may have once taken for granted. Let's all get ready to unveil what's next.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 285]:~ Sprint to the Finish

~:[CH10 - Day 285]:~ Sprint to the Finish

I was amazed to think that we are just weeks away from the end of our season. It's tough when things move so quickly and a little sad we missed out on things such as potlucks and the like, however, we are now in a sprint to the finish. Life has throw us into a tailspin, but we have been able to hang out and now are trying to get back on track. While it will take some time for us to find some type of normal, at least for now, it's nice to be able to get back into some kind of rhythm, although a slightly different wavelength. I come to the realization that we can't expect things to get back to normal, but at the same time, why not make things better instead. Find ways to make things more efficient and simply enjoy the ride. We are now in a sprint to the finish and I hoping for the best down this home stretch. 

Monday, October 11, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 284]:~ That Moment

~:[CH10 - Day 284]:~ That Moment

I stopped at home knowing the kids would be running around and they were. I had a bit of work to do so I tried to do it without getting too distracted as they asked me to go here and there. I kept doing it, then running back, still sore from the weekend. As I finished up my work and was about to head back to practice, there was a moment when they sat down as Jordan posed everyone into their seats. We got a family photo. It's funny how crazy the day can be, but then there is that moment where things seem to pause or just go well. There were definitely some rough patches in a day that was mostly good, but then there was this amazing moment in all the chaos of the day. To capture that moment is golden and is something that can be treasured forever. As while nothing can replace that exact moment, a picture can say a thousand words, but allow us to recall this very moment in time. What was "that moment" for you recently?

Sunday, October 10, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 283]:~ Something New

~:[CH10 - Day 283]:~ Something New

As we get back to "normal" we're going to do a lot of getting back to the old, but it wasn't too long before we already had something new. We moved into our first in-person advanced conference, which means we had to show up for a second day. A second day of ordering food and a second day of running around. However, the second day runs a lot smoother, is a lot shorter and actually allows you to go through and make sure everything is taken care of from the day before. It made Saturday a bit easier for cleanup as we had Sunday to focus on anything else we missed. We ended up not missing much, as it was a pretty calm Sunday and again, with some people stepping up, it made it run so smoothly. I had half a day to enjoy and while it definitely is more exhausting with that extra half day, In the end, this something new was a success and while we get back to the old in the coming year, let's not be afraid to try something new. 

Saturday, October 9, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 282]:~ My Back Says We're Back

~:[CH10 - Day 282]:~ My Back Says We're Back

I got home and had that feeling again. The soreness of the back and just body aches. After hosting a conference, this was the feeling from running around, carrying things around, moving this and that, and more. It may not seem like it, but a conference is a physical venture. There is a lot of work involved and without all the moving pieces to make it work, it doesn't function. It was a challenge to check everything off to make sure it worked, but in the end, it was a strangely smooth Saturday. Our SGs were definitely on top of everything and we had a lot of volunteers and support through the day. I definitely was out of commission for the rest of the day, but it was nice to simply lay down and rest before ANOTHER day ahead. There are so many things to worry about, but somehow things simply fell into place. We're back and it's wonderful, I will just have to see if my body agrees tomorrow. 

Friday, October 8, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 281]:~ On the Fly

~:[CH10 - Day 281]:~ On the Fly

After work, I had to run an errand in LA and was still deciding whether or not to attend an event I had scheduled that evening. I decided to cancel going to the event as I had to wake up early the next day for work, but still ended up running the errand. Since it was in LA, I hit traffic and had to try to plan around it all. I stopped by my friends for the first, another shop for the second and then looked at the traffic and draw dropped since the time to get home was incredibly long. On the fly, I decided to stop by one of my favorite restaurants in Koreatown and grab a bite. It was the right choice. The food was delicious and the traffic time decreased significantly. We are often focused on going from point A to point B, but sometimes we need to find a point in between or take a squiggly line to our destination. I love to be efficient, but sometimes you need to let that control go and just go with the flow and this time it allowed me to find a better flow of traffic. I was definitely tired when arriving back home and had a lot to prepare for tomorrow, but definitely ended the day more satisfied, especially when I looked at the clock and realized, I would still have been at the event, as I was already dead tired. You don't always make the right choices, but on the days you do, it's just truly golden.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 280]:~ By Chance

~:[CH10 - Day 280]:~ By Chance

It was speech day, which means we're in the final stretch before the conference ahead. Who knows if everyone will be ready, but what I do know is we've given them everything we have to prepare for this day. I was impressed by the speeches so far and while we still have half to go, I can be half confident that my freshmen will survive this weekend. It's a bit crazy as we head into it as I bought the final few cases of drinks, picked up a few odds and ends and wrapped up a few final check list items. As we played our lucky draw competition which we use to give out boba to our team, I thought about how our luck can often play a role in how we do. I've been lucky when deciding when to buy in or sell of stocks or cryptos the past two years and in other areas, my timing was great. Is it by chance or is there another factor playing in that we don't realize? If I survive this weekend unscathed, I'll figure it's not just by chance, however, I think it's obvious that when do you do what you need to do, the odds improve in your favor and although things may be by chance, you give yourself a better chance the more time you put into it. Let's invest our time into the things we want to reach and even if we don't get to where we want to be, at least we can increase our odds of everything falling into place in the process. May the odds be in your favor always.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 279]:~ Pacing Our Way

~:[CH10 - Day 279]:~ Pacing Our Way

It's always one of my favorite meets of the year. It's great to take a little break and focus on PRs versus the competition. While we "score" the meet, it's about times and trying to reach a new PR. Our team paced their way to some great performances as we were able to take all three individual wins. More importantly though, we had a large number of PRs as the weather played in our favor and our athletes challenges the course well. After this race, we only have three more races left in the regular season that passed by so quickly and while the 2/3 of the season zoomed by, we'll be pacing our way through the final stretching hoping we can all rest and recover as we head into our most important races ahead. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 278]:~ Weight of the World

~:[CH10 - Day 278]:~ Weight of the World

I wandered through the aisles of Costo getting ready for our conference and wandered as I only found water and diet Pepsi. The stock of most of the sodas was nil. I was astonished. Of course, I had a number of headaches at Costco this time around. They refused to do two separate transactions for me and the pizza we bought just fell apart while my heart already ached from the fact that I couldn't order a deluxe and add onions. Regardless, we figured out a plan as we ventured to Sam's Club and we were able to secure most of what we needed. As we carried drink after drink into the MUN room, my body was tired, but not too tired to see if I could carry all the chip boxes into the room AT ONCE. I got it through the doorway, but failed when I tried to set it down. Needless to say, the weight of the world came crashing down. Regardless, it was nice to be able to do this once again after a stretch of missing out on our conferences. It will be weird to be back in person, but at the same time, a nice way to kick off what hopes to be a fabulous year ahead. I still have some things to pick up, but for now, I'll rest after a hard day's work.

Monday, October 4, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 277]:~ Weathering the Storm

~:[CH10 - Day 277]:~ Weathering the Storm

Our theme for the ohana this year is weathering the storm. I figured the challenges of the past would be something we would need to work through and boy was I right. You can see the challenges that didn't exist before as students and athletes try to adjust back into the classroom. Being about the figure out how to deal with things is something that these students will need to figure out and slowly we are getting there. I feel for them sometimes as I know how difficult it is to get back into the rhythm, but also know, if we loosen the chain too much, we are going to lead to more problems down the road. On our team, that adjustment is slowly happening as I see more and more athletes getting it and while some still have not, that progress is an important factor breaking through. Of course mother nature provided us with another little challenge as lightning turn into rain as we sat in the weight room and enjoyed the beautiful storm overhead. Upon arriving home, I captured even more as I enjoy the lit sky that helped weather this storm a bit more. Life has its storms and every time we come across these storms, we must figure out a way to get through them. In most cases we cannot avoid the storm, thus instead, we must figure out a way to survive it. As the sounds of thunder filled the air, I thought of the "battle" going on in the heavens as the flashes of light filled the sky. As while our days in many moments has been dark, just like the lightning, we need to find that spark that will help propel us forward as we weather another storm. 

Sunday, October 3, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 276]:~ Blocked In

~:[CH10 - Day 276]:~ Blocked In

I got a private tour and had all of SoFi to myself. Just kidding. The reality is that we just had good timing and I got a shot in this beautiful spot in the gorgeous new stadium. My friend is a season ticket holder to both teams and so I got the amazing opportunity to catch a game and explore the stadium. We left early to avoid the traffic and breezed into the lot. We had plenty of time and enjoyed the game, although it ended up being a "blowout." We decided to head out a bit early to avoid the traffic, but unfortunately we got blocked in for about 75 minutes. We weren't actually far from the exit and as I said, we left early, however, the parking lot jam had other plans. While I complained about how SoFi charged an arm and a leg for parking yet had an inadequate system to get people in and out, I realized that there was little we could do and just enjoyed our chat as we sat back waiting for things to clear. In life, we are going to get blocked in and make no progress for long periods of time, however, sometimes we just have to be patient and enjoy where we are at. While we want to feel success, sometimes to get what we want, we need to be patient and eventually you'll get there. Get there we did and while it was 75 minutes later, it ended up being a quality 75 minutes plus a day that was structure almost as well as SoFi itself. Life is already challenging enough, let's find a way to make our days filled with more positivity even when we feel like we are blocked in.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 275]:~ Riding the Wave

~:[CH10 - Day 275]:~ Riding the Wave

It was nice not to have to be at school at 6am, however, we rolled in a few hours later and of course people were still late. The temperatures were pretty warm, but they were cooler in Huntington Beach. It took us a bit longer to get to the meet since our driver couldn't make the exit, however, we arrived just in time and got underway. Overall the athletes had some good races and we even had a good number find their PRs for the day, however, there was a good aura around the athletes today as not only did they seem to enjoy themselves, they also ran with a little more determination and grit. It's been tough to get them to push through the challenging times, however, sometimes when you just ride the wave when things get tough, you find that moment you can catch that wave and hang loose. At the end of the day, we brought home three surf board trophies and truly had a wonderful day. 

Friday, October 1, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 274]:~ To Rest or Not To Rest

~:[CH10 - Day 274]:~ To Rest or Not To Rest

I felt good throughout the day. I had energy through class time, did a quick alum catch up, and then ventured back for practice. It was great to do a little catch up and was a nice break in the middle of the day. The temperatures rose a bit, but strangely it didn't feel too hot; however, it hit me hard. After a nice hill workout, we hit the weight room and my body felt a little tired. It could have been from the COVID shot or simply from a busy week, regardless, when I got home I decided just to take a nap. I hate doing it as it sometimes throws off your schedule, but today, I figured, why not? I took a nice nap, woke up, ate a late dinner and then got some work done. It felt a little refreshing to take that nap and still was able to do a little work. Sometimes we have a lot on our plate and the "go go go" mentality reigns, however, sometimes we got to tell us ourselves, it's time to rest even when there is a pile of work to do. Tomorrow, I will work tomorrow, however, for today, I shall rest.