Tuesday, December 31, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 365]:~ Smell the Flowers of Life

~:[CH8 - Day 365]:~ Smell the Flowers of Life
It may have been a day or a year that you stepped in dog poop constantly, but remember the moments that you smelled the flowers of life. Life is not always going to be pleasant, but that doesn't mean you need to let it bring you down. It's easy to say, but harder to do, but with the right people around you, you'll find it's much easier to pick yourself up time after time. You need those people who instead of stopping to stare at you when you step in that poop, will go and bring you a paper towel or ask if you're okay. You need to find those who will cheer you up when you are sad or even just sit alongside you when you need not be alone. Find the friend that will drive you to the ends of the earth when you need it and know just the right moment to give you a hug. My 2019 and 2010s was filled with quite amazing moments, but also had those moments where I needed the support of those around me. Instead of being those who stopped and stared, they stepped in and provided the support that I needed. I can think of countless memories that I will treasure and countless others I will look to forget, however, as we move forward, the goal is to keep smelling the flowers of life, because there are too many things in this world to enjoy to worry about what you might step in next. Sure, the world is full of dog poop and soon, you may just step in it, but instead of getting upset over it all, just know that it can serve as the fertilizer to help you grow those very flower you're hoping to smell as we move into the 2020s. Let's worry not about what we might step in, but stride confidently forward together through all the beauty this world has to offer. Happy 2020 to you all!

Monday, December 30, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 364]:~ Shedding It All Away

~:[CH8 - Day 364]:~ Shedding It All Away
It was a day of cleaning. I finished up the cleaning process, filling up both the trash and recycle bin in the process. I have a major clean twice a year and it always feels so refreshing. In our own lives, I think we need to take care of this same process. Look at our lives and shed away all the things we don't need. We don't need to go the KonMari method and take everything away, but getting away from a few things that should have been gone long before. As I said goodbye to things that once were, I welcomed in another fresh start. Without going through this process, we carry baggage we don't need or make the same mistakes time after time. By night's end, I felt good and topped it off with a delicious bowl of chili to celebrate. With the checklist done for now, tomorrow, I can focus on ringing in the new year with all that extra baggage in the rear view mirror.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 363]:~ Friends, Both Furry & Not

~:[CH8 - Day 363]:~ Friends, Both Furry & Not
Somehow, these furry friends find a way to bring people together. Their cuteness makes people smile, their hearts melt, and instantly, they fall in love. As we ventured with Duboo to this dog party, we didn't quite anticipate the response we would get, but it was amazing how much she was loved. She was shy and not too sociable at first, but slowly got use to the environment and made a lot of friends, especially with the hosts Arden and Amber. As the donations were collected to help the furry friends in shelters, it's a reminder to us all that we can also take part in finding a home for these furry friends who can bring people together, remind you and help you create amazing moments, and allow you to forget all that stress bringing you down. I was glad to have taken part in this event and hope we all find that furry friend who lifts up our hearts and brightens up our days. 

Saturday, December 28, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 362]:~ The Love, The Loss

~:[CH8 - Day 362]:~ The Love, The Loss
Today distracted me from the sadness of the day. As I spent some quality time with friends who took me out, as we hit a number of spots. Our day didn't quite go as planned, but those types of days tend to be the best. While we may not get to see each other all the time, it's those special moments that you cherish the most and will remember long after your time together. This morning our family lost one of its members. To me, it was my aunt and to my mother, it was her sister. I remember back in 2004 when my team traveled to Hawaii for our first race at the Iolani Invitational, she took the time to make the team leis by hand. Not even knowing any of my athletes, she took the time to do something so special. She came back for various family events and we visited her every time we got the chance. My last opportunity was this past year February when I was headed back from Australia, I got to see her for a bit, as I had a layover in Honolulu. As far as she was, she was never distant from my mother, which is why her passing was even more difficult for our family. My mother would make it a point to call her daily and while she did it at a normally scheduled time, she would adjust it if there was a event going on that day. From reading scripture to just a quick hello, the love they shared was immeasurable and thus the loss, especially for my mother was immense. Just like today, it is those special memories we create that will live on. No matter how often they are created, they are stored in a special place in your heart, retrieved regularly, as they are something so special. My aunt was as kind and loving as they come and I will forever keep her in my heart and mind. Her love, her selflessness, and her amazing heart will live on in all of us forever. When you love someone, you create such a special bond with them, but in turn, when you lose them, many fill a void in their hearts that can be quite overwhelming. As while it will take time to heal, know that the void is never empty, but filled with those special memories and moments you shared which will be carried with you for the rest of your life. 

Friday, December 27, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 361]:~ The Intersection

~:[CH8 - Day 361]:~ The Intersection
Sometimes you have plans and because of those plans, it extends into something much bigger. After planning to meet at the Source, one meeting turned into a list of adventures that extended until the night's end. It's always hard to go out as I run into people everywhere I go, however, this ended up being kind of funny, as to how many people I could run into in a span of six hours. Every time I did, my evening got extended until it was time to turn in. I lost a lot of the production I was suppose to make on the day, but the experiences were worth the sacrifice and the labor that I will have later on, trying to catch up on what I was suppose to do. In the end, the good food, the laughter and the connections will far outweigh that production. 

Thursday, December 26, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 360]:~ The Many Sites to See

~:[CH8 - Day 360]:~ The Many Sites to See
My purpose was to take care of business, but when I finished early, I walked around and discovered some amazing see. It reminds you that even when you're not aiming to find something, you often stumble across some interesting and beautiful things. Plans are not always what make life amazing, as many times it's the spontaneous things that make life amazing. Don't always live in a tunnel, but feel free to wander and see all that is awaiting that you never saw coming. After lunch with the cousins and a basketball game, I headed back home and met up with my other cousins, leaving this as an awesome way to continue this wonderful holiday break. Tomorrow and the next day, let's all find those sites we never intended to see!

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 359]:~ Cars, Planes & Other "Thangs"

~:[CH8 - Day 359]:~ Cars, Planes & Other "Thangs"
Christmas Day is always a lax day. All our activities are on Christmas Eve, so I get to stay in my PJs, clean and lounge. I worked on transferring my data so I have less hard drives so it's easier to find things and then got a few other things done. I am so grateful for this time to relax and not do much. Although there are always things to do, today, it's a day to slow down and do what I want to do. Sorting through old files and the like may not seem like a thing to do on a holiday, but it makes me happy to get things in order. As for the gifts, it became a day for Jordan and it was fun watching him open his gifts. Every gift had some kind of vehicle. I brought him a plane from Japan and I hope that he can enjoy it. We will see, we will see. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season. You all have made me days a little brighter, a little sweeter and filled with a lot more love! 

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 358]:~ Traditions Must Live On

~:[CH8 - Day 358]:~ Traditions Must Live On
It's up to us to keep traditions alive. For as long as I could remember, I was with my family on Christmas Eve. Whether it be a talent show or Bingo, door prizes or this year a gift exchange, I've been Blessed to spend this meaningful day with those who have molded me into who I am today and who have continued to love and support me for all my days. I can't remember the exact year I started in this role, but one of those traditions has been that every person present would have to meet Santa. In most cases, only the children see Santa on these holidays, but in our family, all guests come and sit with Santa. I love the fact that I get to greet each and every guest who comes and even gather those "first timers" and volunteers to be apart of our reindeer and elves. Just like my role, slowly I know that it will be the cousins job to keep these traditions alive and I am confidence in us that we can do so. There are a lot of cool and interesting things that I have done in my life, however, none will ever match our family celebrations which are the core of who I am. If I could only live one day in a single year, this would be the day I choose. As aside from the giving that we get to do, I get to spend time with the amazing people who are the most precious in my life. As while I thought the heat may be from the layers that I wore, it may have just been the fire in my heart, burning with love because all of those precious people around me - my family. Wishing you all the most wonderful of holidays! 

Monday, December 23, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 357]:~ The Creativity Within

~:[CH8 - Day 357]:~ The Creativity Within
I often am grading, doing research or some kind of task, but I don't always get to go back to my roots of art. I got the perfect opportunity as my friend liked an artist and I decided to create something similar to that artist. it was a day full of preparing for the holidays, but was also a day I had a chance to play around with art and go back to my art background. I've always found that be able to do so is a great way to express myself while relieving stress at the same time. I think we all have some creativity within us, but we just have to find a way to unleash it. In the process of all the family gatherings and events this holiday, see if you can find some time to be a little creative. 

Sunday, December 22, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 356]:~ Where Our Roads Lead

~:[CH8 - Day 356]:~ Where Our Roads Lead 
Life is like a choose your own adventure book. For those who never read one, it's one of those books that you choose what happens after each event and that will determine what page you read next. For every choice we make in life, it leads us down a different road. Where do our roads lead? I enjoy the days where I can do some work, but also have some time to think. I always need to recharge by having my alone time and today, I locked myself in doors and got things done. I definitely felt accomplished by days end. I thought long and hard about where my road would lead. I love my job, I love the opportunities I have and while there are things to fix in my life, there aren't too many major changes I would make. People will always try to convince you to do this or that, but ultimately, it is has to be you who makes that decision and chooses where you're headed. Some paths will have blue skies and smooth trails, while others will be stormy and have tough terrain. Regardless, we chose that road and we must find a way to maneuver through it. It won't alway stay that way, so we must weather the storm and persevere or soak in all the beauty while it lasts. No matter what we choose, prepare to make the most of ever moment and never allow the challenges of life to drag you down. As we close in on the end of this decade, I am a little afraid of what the future will bring, but excited at the same time. As while there will be anxiety and doubts, there will also be opportunities galore. No matter where your road leads, stride with confidence and keep pushing forward.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 355]:~ The Load Off My Shoulders

~:[CH8 - Day 355]:~ The Load Off My Shoulders
I often asked how I do so much. As I woke up in the early AM, I was at school before 7am and we spent the entire day working on campus. We picked up every speck of trash from our event and were done by 4pm, leaving a bit of time to go home and get ready for the captains dinner. This is exactly how I am able to do what I am able to; good support and leadership around me. The stronger people you have in your inner circle, the more balanced your workload and the more you can focus on what you need to do. From parents and supporters, alumni, captains and the athletes/students, the more responsibility they can learn to take on by themselves, the less worries I have to have. Everyone today took their role, most of them knew what they needed to do and for those that didn't, today they learned. It takes time for everyone to learn the systems and routines, but when you set them in place, you don't have to always have a presence, rather, you allow those people around you show that they can take the initiative and that they are responsible to carry out those tasks. With leaders around me, it takes a load off my shoulders and makes a great amount of tasks doable  and that's how you do as much as you can in the amount of time we are given. Create a system people can believe in and work in and you'll find that load being taken off your shoulders. I am so grateful to have a wonderful group of people around me who give so much of themselves and who truly deserve the credit for everything that I am able to do.

Friday, December 20, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 354]:~ A Step Ahead

~:[CH8 - Day 354]:~ A Step Ahead
I have no clue how a teacher gives a test on the last day. Not that I am judging their choice, it's that it's so chaotic on that last day and today was definitely just that. With a double assembly, it made it even more chaotic. I stayed up late finishing up a video for the assembly and was tired already, but running around, carrying things and finishing up things for 2019 left me racing to catch up. Regardless, I got it done and the day ended. The only things left were to prepare for the Stussy Sale and to go to the game that evening. It was a terrible start for the team as they missed free throw after free throw and were a bit sluggish. However, they refocused and sealed the win against the crosstown rival team as they were just a step ahead of the competition. The atmosphere was intense and it was an emotional roller coaster, but a wonderful way to end the night. I was tired and just wanted to plop down when I got home, but I also smiled knowing that it was a great day and I am truly blessed to be where I am today. 

Thursday, December 19, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 353]:~ A Whole New Dance

~:[CH8 - Day 353]:~ A Whole New Dance
It's become a tradition; our annual dance off. Our teams work on dances through December and it culminates with a dance championship. For some, it's a matter of getting it done and many of those groups see huge improvements. For others, they show off their skills and excel and some even surprise themselves. All the groups made a good effort and worked hard to ensure that their performances were strong. A few showed good energy and entertained the audience, which was our largest draw yet, as we did a little bit of promo to our team. For most of them, it was something out of their element and that made it even better. They spent time working on something they hadn't before and some ended up surprised with the results. For all of us, taking this break from our routines is something that can actually keep us sharp and our minds fresh. Working constantly towards a goal is important, but it also important to allow your mind and body the opportunity to experience more and sometimes find something else we are good at or at least can have a little fun with. This group brought us all a joyful, joyful performance as they created their own re-enactment of a scene from Sister Act and it was just one of many that left us cheering as they explored our own new dance in life. 

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 352]:~ Motherly Spirit

~:[CH8 - Day 352]:~ Motherly Spirit
It was our final night working with MUN for the year and it was nice to see this group of ladies come in at the same time. All three are mothers and are ones who have shown that care and compassion for their own children, but also for those around them. I think one of the most important things we encounter in our lives is that motherly spirit. The strict yet loving atmosphere they provide helps us grown and they provide us with what we need. They always seem to persevere and I am ever grateful for the love I have receive from my own mother. As we head into the holiday season, it is always a reminder to be thankful to that mother or mother-figure in your life while they are still around and to also pass that same spirit on to those around. As while not physically on this earth, the spirit of a mother lives on through the love that she has passed on. I am lucky because my mother was overflowing with that love and so I can generously give it to those around me. To all the mothers and mother-figures out there, I am thankful for you. Thank you for making this world a more loving place because all that you do for those who you hold dear. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 351]:~ Skying High

~:[CH8 - Day 351]:~ Skying High
At the last minute, I postponed my jury duty so I can take photos for my brother. They played at the Staples Center against Downey in an official game. Their team has been quite impressive after getting big wins against Los Al, Serra and Crespi, as they edged their way into the top 100 teams in California after not being ranked in their division. I've always been impressed by my brother and his ability to get teams that may not match up size-wise and sometimes skills-wise, but get them to compete. In the end, they got another W and the Clippers did as well. I was exhausted, but enjoyed the moment when you can witness those around you skying high.

Monday, December 16, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 350]:~ The Right Angle

~:[CH8 - Day 350]:~ The Right Angle
It feels amazing when although you have things to do, there is no need to finish it immediately, so when someone calls you, you can swing over and enjoy some time together. Sometimes you wonder if being that busy is too busy, but ultimately it's how you look at it. Much like a pool table, your perspective changes your shot and that in turn helps determine your success. You look at the shot in front of you and may make it, but how does that set you up for future success? Each shot you take impacts the other and occasionally, those around you impact what angle you can take next. Sometimes it all works out while at other times, you're left in a situation that seems hopeless until those opportunities start popping up. I ended up cleaning a whole lot, getting my work done, and enjoyed a little bit of time away. I took a shot and things fell into place and I hope that we can all find that right angle to set us up for success.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 349]:~ De-stress

~:[CH8 - Day 349]:~ De-stress
Life is full of challenges, it's full of deadlines, and it's full of disappoints. You'll get sick,  you'll get tired, and you'll just want to find a place to hide for a bit. Although I passed that stage with the end of the banquet, I know the future holds more of these moments, but also opportunities to de-stress. The world is full of people who will bring you down, who will try and take advantage of you, and try to stomp on you to try to get ahead, but don't let them fool you. This world is full of more people who are there for you than not. The ones who try to get an edge are a minority in this world full of people waiting to help and step up to help you. They are the de-stressors. Today was a busy day. I had a list of things to do, but in the end, I connected with a number of people who reminded me how wonderful life is and all the great things that exist here. They are the ones you eat with, grab a tea with or just chat with. There's no need to impress, as you just have to be yourself and you truly are at ease. I don't like to be out in big groups, but with a handful of people I know, it's the way to connect without being overwhelmed. Although I bounced from meet up to meet up today, it was worth the effort as each provided me with more of a reason to smile and more of a reason to relax. Although today was not a stressful one, any leftover stress slowly began to fade away and what was left was just me. The checklist is mostly done and now it's just time to cruise through the week and it was made much easier with the help of all those who lifted me  up today. 

Saturday, December 14, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 348]:~ Too Much Drama

~:[CH8 - Day 348]:~ Too Much Drama
I'm not too sure why I watch Kdramas. I normally don't have time so I sacrifice sleep to watch it and ultimately, I hate drama in life. It's funny how frustrated I get when there is drama, yet I want to see how it turned out even though I normally can predict it since they use such a similar template. Regardless, today was a gift to myself where I decided to do minimal work and maximum me time. I ate, I relaxed, and while I did some work with my photo shoot work, I enjoyed it. Maybe there was a little too much drama in these shows for me, but this is where I get my dose so I don't have to experience it in true life. In some ways, it makes me feel better since I don't have to live through all the situations these characters must survive through, of course would it be nice to have the luxuries they are able to afford. Whether you love to watch sports, dramas, music videos or whatever, take a few hours or even a day and just let yourself be. Life is too short to always be on the go, slow down and soak it in every once in awhile. Today was that day for me and as much time as I wasted, it was well worth it all.

Friday, December 13, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 347]:~ Learning, Growing

~:[CH8 - Day 347]:~ Learning, Growing
It's great to be able to see Jordan grow and learn and even more so to be able to do so under the watch of his grandparents. I stop by during my breaks and check in on how they are doing and often, it's reading, playing games, and even gardening. He's not going to get in the dirt anytime soon, but just learning how the tools work and the like is a good start. He points at the fruits and you can see his curiosity run wild. While my dad would probably love to see him picking up weeds and leaves from the ground, at least for now, he continues to learn and grow, but more importantly, have that quality time with his grandparents and I'm lucky enough to witness it all. It's a precious time you'll never get back and as an uncle, I will cherish it as well. 

Thursday, December 12, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 346]:~ It's Not About the W

~:[CH8 - Day 346]:~ It's Not About the W
All last week and this week, it's been non-stop planning. It's great to reminisce about the season as I prepare, but also a stressful process as well. The day of banquet is the worst, as you're mentally tired, but then become physically tired as you move everything to and from the site. In the end, however, all the effort goes out of mind, as you're reminded why you put in the effort to create this moment. The stress of it all is overshadowed by the emotions and feels of this evening. As I listened to the seniors close out the evening, it was a definite reminder about what is important. While we had one of the most historic seasons in our program's history, it mattered less than the impacts we all had on each other's lives. When you focus only on winning as a coach, you may win a championship, but you lose an opportunity to connect, to help the athletes grow, and help them overcome problems within their own lives. As the seniors spoke, the reminded me of this as they talked about their own challenges and how they arrived at where they are today. Success is not making CIF Finals for the first time or winning that championship, it's about striving for those goals, while helping to make everyone better in the process. We accomplished some great things this season, but in the process, we found a way to help each other learn and grown, we helped each other when times were tough and cheered for each other when we beat our PRs. We were a smile when someone was down, a laugh when you needed stress relief and an ear when we needed to get things off our chests. Championships, records and reaching goals are great, but having a successful program needs none of those. Our athletes have found success, but it's mainly because they found each other; they found a way to raise each other up and make themselves better; making us all better in the process. Every hour I put into this banquet and this season was worth it and it was not because of how historic it was, but because these athletes saw it's not all about the W. #ohanaRNR

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 345]:~ It's OK with Chazuke

~:[CH8 - Day 345]:~ It's OK with Chazuke
It's easy to get disconnected from the world when you have to work on editing and prepping for the banquet. There isn't much time to eat and when you're sick you feel ever worse. I often think that those quick fixes are what get you through and for me, one of them is chazuke. With a bit of rice, you can get a quick meal by boiling up some water over the rice and the packet of chazuke. Simple, yet delicious. I added a bit of yuzu and ginger and it packed a punch and brought me the energy to finish up all I had to work on. Amazingly, I got to doing the final render before going to sleep and so all I have to do in the morning is check it and spend the rest of the day moving items for the banquet. It still will be a crazy day tomorrow, but for now, I feel okay because of this chazuke. Never forget that when your back is to the wall, sometimes the simple answers are what will get you through. 

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 344]:~ A Little Bit of Fun

~:[CH8 - Day 344]:~ A Little Bit of Fun
I already expected that each one of the days this week will be full of work. Editing always takes awhile and with a deadline, there is no time to spare. The students probably face the same pressures as they try to stay on top of all of their work. However, after our dance class, the athletes relaxed in the quad for just a bit. I think it's important to take those breaks so your mind doesn't get so overloaded. I normally take a break every five minutes of video that I complete. It allows my mind to clear and my body to move into a new position. The end results? More focus and more productivity as long as I can restrict myself. I think sometimes parents overwork their children thinking that doing more is always better, but sometimes, taking that time away for a little stress relief will actually make a student more productive, at least that works for me. As while I can't be spending too much time away from production, I know that some of those breaks are absolutely necessary. Find some time to have a little bit of fun and you just might find your secret to productivity! 

Monday, December 9, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 343]:~ The Memories We Keep

~:[CH8 - Day 343]:~ The Memories We Keep
I keep mementos, most of them. I have a huge box that I store them all in. These mementos are what define me and help remind me of some great memories of the past. My IAs gave me a photo from their weekend shenanigans and it was nice that they thought of me when they were enjoying themselves. As I look back at the mementos of old and new, I always am glad that I've been able to experience as much as I have. While there will be good times and bad, they all are apart of who I am and have shaped me into who I have become. I hope that the future holds good things, but am at least glad that the present are memories that I will cherish forever and have become moments I refuse to take for granted. 

Sunday, December 8, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 342]:~ Error: Out of Memory

~:[CH8 - Day 342]:~ Error: Out of Memory
I worked all day and now my mind is fried, just a bit. I knew today would be a grind, but it can be a bit challenging to get this all done with the deadline approaching. The good news? The video is half done. The bad news? The video is only half finished. How do you see this situation; half empty or half full? Regardless, the work that you put into things is worth it all in the end. The end product you get to see has a value greater than all the energy you put into it. It's really an investment and you'll find that the effort will be worth it all. I got another few days like this before the banquet, but soon enough, the weight of it all will be lifted and this error message will soon disappear. I actually enjoy this creative process, I just wish there was an endless amount of time to complete it all. Unfortunately, life is full of deadlines and one is approaching fast. In the end, however, I've enjoyed reliving the memories of this season and look forward to the day that I get to watch the full video in its final format. As for now though, I'm out of memory and my error message is saying, get some rest. Rest I will with a video that is half done. 

Saturday, December 7, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 341]:~ Crazy Days

~:[CH8 - Day 341]:~ Crazy Days
I worked most of the night prepping for the banquet so I was a little tired when I arrive today. The buses were packed, so we had to figure out the right combination of people in order to perfectly fit into the buses. It started off as a crazy day and would end much more peacefully. As I wandered through the campus, I enjoyed seeing the upperclassmen and how they have changed over time. As I looked at my freshmen, you could sense how timid and hesitant they were and I could only think, I can't wait until you break free and shine. We often struggle at this first away conference, but it's part of the process. You get up, you learn and you work harder. You figure out that you can't just wing it and put in the time to work and come back stronger. I saw some of those improvements, but they are not all there yet. I love the energy of this group, however, as while they give me headaches sometimes, they're always good for some good comic relief. I went home and was met with a pile of editing and will continue to edit through the night, however, as much work as is left, it won't take as much out of me as the crazy day I had today. I finally can sit back, take a deep breath and work in peace, just the way I like it.

Friday, December 6, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 340]:~ Trapped

~:[CH8 - Day 340]:~ Trapped
Sometimes you desperately want to break free, but you're trapped. Whether it's with time, money or even just being inside, we are sometimes limited by factors that are often outside of our control. It's a troubling feeling, but it's also one that we can maneuver our way around. As while we may feel trapped, there's no reason why we can't make use of all that we have available to us. I always like to ask myself, "Did I use all the resources I have?" Exhaust them! Find a way to take every approach before giving up on being trapped. Sometimes there's just nothing you can do. Like today, I was stuck at home the entire night working on preparing for the banquet. I wanted to go out, but alas, my circumstances forced me in. I had to change my mindset, as I saw the freedom that was forthcoming along with the satisfaction I would gain by the final product of this time I'm investing. As while we may be physically trapped at times, our mindset is key in making our situations bearable. Use your resources and find the right mindset and even those days that lock you down, you'll be able to navigate through without any problem. 

Thursday, December 5, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 339]:~ Step by Step

~:[CH8 - Day 339]:~ Step by Step
Most of my runners are not dancers. Their rhythm, a bit questionable at times, however, step by step, they work on their moves and eventually piece together a routine. It's been one of our traditions to have our dance unit and group performances and it's been fun doing so. Even those who I wasn't sure what they would end up doing, got a good amount of work in and I started to see some progress. Just like in anything we do, we may not be skilled at something, but it doesn't mean that we can't put the time in to work at getting better at it to see exactly what we can do. Almost all of them will not be dancing on stage in any competition anytime soon (although I do have a few from time to time), however, by the time it's the day to perform, I find that they've worked to create a masterpiece, one step at a time.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 338]:~ Knowing What You Want

~:[CH8 - Day 338]:~ Knowing What You Want
Being at home has it perks. I got to relax a bit and spent time with this guy while others were at work. It was a funny moment when we grabbed his shoes and just looked at us, telling us with his actions that he wanted to go outside. He was persistent, but also, he knew what he wanted. Sometimes, I don't have a clue what I want. The decision of what to eat always weighs on the minds of so many. However, there are others times where there is no doubt what I want. I know exactly what I want and how I will about getting it. I've had people try and convince that I wanted something else, but I knew better. While "what I wanted" was not always what I needed or should have gone after, I think it's important for us to learn through our own mistakes and decisions which direction we should go. We cannot be afraid of chasing after what we want, otherwise, we'll never know if we have what it takes and the grit and grind it takes to get to that goal.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 337]:~ Life's Reorganization

~:[CH8 - Day 337]:~ Life's Reorganization
It's my last day before I head back and go back to work. I wasn't too sure about taking this opportunity this time around, but I jumped in and took it still. Things were a little chaotic and I wasn't ecstatic about how things were organized. Things were going well, but unless you look at all the pieces, that success you find will be short lived. This time away has given me an opportunity to clear my mind and think. While I didn't finish much in terms of my to-do list, I was able to being the process of reorganizing things to figure out the changes that I needed to make going forward. There's always a time and process for this, but as I head back, I think I'll have a clearer track towards fixing what needs to be fixed and fine tuning everything to ensure that things run smoothly, not just now, but for the long run. When you take baby steps, you can slowly build yourself up, but if you fail to see the bigger pictures, those steps you take may not be in the right direction. By having a combination of both, I'll hopefully be able to point myself on a path I can continue to be happy with, improving myself, while also building towards the future. It's a process that we have to all make our own, as like no Christmas tree is alike, how we building our own reorganization plan must be something that we own. As I looked at this tree at the Ginza, I couldn't help, but think about how different it was than others I have seen, but it didn't change how amazing it was. Don't be afraid to be different, be bold as long as your confident and happy about the way you've done things. There are a lot of people telling us just how to do things and how to change, but ultimately it is up to us to build the final product and the most important thing in that process is to include you. I'll be sad to leave my friends and all those who I met recently, but at least as I know that as I head back, I'll do so ready on the new path I've built ahead. 

Monday, December 2, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 336]:~ Gaining TRACKtion

~:[CH8 - Day 336]:~ Gaining TRACKtion
I had spent most of the day working and doing some things here and there. I would later meet up with my friend. However, the glow of the golden hour was something that caught my eye. I took out my phone and sat there looking at the tracks below. I wanted to get closer, but the fence and the wires kept me apart from it. It's life. You see something that you want, but there will always be barriers in your way. You want to go after that goal or get that shot, but you have to find another way to get what you want. I saw a graphic the other day that I saw once before. People see the tip of the iceberg that is success, but they fail to see the struggles that come with it. The sleepless nights, the breakdowns, the sacrifices, all contribute to the success that others perceive, yet they do not always see what it takes to get there. I myself have felt the barriers that have kept me from my personal goals, but knowing all that it takes to find success, I will continue to work at it, as I hope that all those who read this do the same. Success does not come easy, but it does not mean that it will not come. Expect to invest all of yourself for months and even years, but if it's something you really want to achieve, then you'll work for it. Set smaller goals for yourself to measure your progress then make the leap to realize that goal you've been shooting for all this time. It won't always work out, but life is about gaining traction and using that to continue to move forward and to continue to work for goals that you hope to one day achieve. I could sit here and tell each one of you that I believe in you, but before I can do that, you have to believe in yourself and part of that is going in with the right mindset. Believe you have what it takes, prepare yourself for the struggle, then invest all of yourself to start gaining some tractions towards that goal of yours. Soon enough those barriers will disappear and you can, as I did today, enjoy that golden hour that awaits us all.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 335]:~ Jam Packed

~:[CH8 - Day 335]:~ Jam Packed
My busiest day of the trip was today. I had to wake up early and grabbed a quick bit with a friend before heading to work for most of the day. I was able to get a lunch break and spent it with my friend from Taiwan who happens to be working here now. We went to one of my favorite sushi places, but we had trouble making a reservation so we waited, awhile. I had to rush back and get to work and was exhausted by the time the shoots ended. However, I still had plans to meet up with one more friend late at night. I am not sure why I stuffed so much into a day, but when I got back, when I looked back, I am glad I did, as I made the most of it all. As busy as it has been, it's been great meeting up with old friends and through work, meeting new ones. I've already connected with a good number of people and have expanded my network. Of course, I could have done without my thirty minutes at Shin-Okubo station which was literally jam packed, as I was getting squished and pushed. As frustrating as it was, I laughed to myself as I could only think, this is what my schedule for the day felt like. In any case, I don't think I would want to have it any other way.