Saturday, August 31, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 243]:~ The Best of Times, The Worst of Times

~:[CH8 - Day 243]:~ The Best of Times, The Worst of Times
"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." (Dickens) This is a day that I wish I could put off longer, but I am glad to get it over. It is one of my favorite days, but also one of my worst nightmares. The contrasts are so great that you could probably fit the Grand Canyon in the middle of it all. However, today, there were even more x-factors that came into play. Today one of my most joyous moments was to see the little kids run in the our new Spotted Calf Sprint. They were so adorable and while we may make some tweaks to it next year, it was a great addition to the meet. The other x-factor was that today was Izumi's last day with us. I think we were all hoping for a great send off, however, we had to part ways during the meet itself. As the craziness of the day didn't allow it all to sink in, as I sit here now after a dim sum lunch with the team, a KBBQ dinner with a friend, and a few things in between, you see the contrast of it all. Normally, the "worst" of times would not describe the day despite all the stress, but to have to say a quick goodbye to someone we all connected with, was definitely defeating. Regardless, I saw the goodness that has truly made my life the best of times. As we setup, as the meet went on, and as we sat together eating, I saw just how much of a village we have become. Our ohana is the key to the success of the day as there is a lot less that I have to think about when there are people who step up to volunteer whether they are a recent grad or a grad from way back when, a parent or alumni parent, or just someone who we've come across along the way who stepped up to help. Without all the people engaged and involved, there is no way we could run a meet of this size and have it run as smoothly as it did, even with the heat and humidity that rolled in. I sit her and I am sore and my eyes are heavy, but I am happy. I am happy that we have done, but also happy at how much support there is around me and the team. I am happy about the athletes that spend their Saturdays working hard to reach their goals, but also for the parents who come out and support them. I am happy at all the pieces that work together, but even happier that all those pieces come together as one. Whether you are around just this day or every day of the season, I am glad that you are apart of this ohana. I can't deny that sadness will remain in us all for a bit as Izumi departs, but I guess you can also say that we are lucky that it happened, but also knowing that this is but a temporary goodbye. No, it is not a "season of darkness," as with my ohana, it always a "spring of hope," whether we RISE or we fall. 

Thank you again to all those who made this year's Cow Run an amazing success. You were truly the stars to this wonderful Hollywood ending! Lights, COWmera, Action! 

Friday, August 30, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 242]:~ Past to Present

~:[CH8 - Day 242]:~ Past to Present
Our Sneak Peek assembly took us back to the 80s, as they showed off all the great things that Cerritos has to offer. I think this school offers so much to the students. It's more than  just about education from a book, rather, it's about learning about people and their interactions, how to deal with different settings, and learning how to step up and take responsibility. Sometimes we have our growing pains, but when we learn from those experiences, it leads us to becoming better individuals in the end. While I was a little disappointed by the respect shown at times from some of our students (the chatter that came up due to the heat), there were also moments to be proud of, such as the spirit they showed supporting their fellow classmates. The spirit carried over as we hosted our very first football game at home (at least in my memory), as you could feel that spirit in the air with the band, the cheerleaders and the crowd, but strangely in the afternoon while we didn't even need to deviate much from our normal practice routine. We ended up venturing to the park quickly thereafter to setup for the race. I ended with a spirit that I've enjoyed at Cerritos the most, the ohana spirit. Despite the poor conditions, we all worked together to get everything setup and by evenings end, we were ready for the crazy day ahead. I was tired by night's end and was excited for when I could just relax AFTER the Cow Run, but I also was excited because if today was any indication, I got a sneek peak of the wonderful season that is ahead.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 241]:~ The Bridge to Somewhere

~:[CH8 - Day 241]:~ The Bridge to Somewhere
Sometimes we are traveling along and we don't really know where we are headed, but we know that it is somewhere. We don't know if the end result will be good or bad, but the process is what mattered. You worked to get where you were  headed even when you didn't know where you were going. However, somehow, you just knew that you were headed somewhere. Life is like that. You may even have a plan, but not always a destination. What do you want to do today? That thing you want to do today, may not be something that leads you to where you ultimately were aiming to be or did it? Who knows where the road we travel leads, but one day we will discover that somewhere we are headed. My students built their bridges not knowing how it would turn out, some failed miserably, others succeeded, but no matter what, they were making progress, they were working and they were thinking. Ultimately, some surprises popped up and reminded me today that we truly are all headed somewhere. As I wandered through the halls of the school with Izumi for one of the last times, I wondered where this encounter between us would take us. As we traveled this bridge for the past month or so, we've learned a lot and I know one day I will, along with my athletes, will discover where exactly we are headed. Life has a strange way of making you take detours in  your life, but just know that  you're headed somewhere, even if there is nothing in sight.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 240]:~ Let's Dream

~:[CH8 - Day 240]:~ Let's Dream
I think this picture sums it up well. As kids we always have these big dream, as we are allowed to sleep the days and nights away. While children never sleep as long as parents would hope, it seems as if they have quite the amazing dreams, as their imaginations run wild. Fast forward a few decades and we begin to sacrifice that sleep for work and for family, losing out on the rest, but also losing out on the time we have to dream. Why are children and even teens allowed to dream, but as adults, when we dream, we are almost classified as living in a fantasy world? Why can't we continue to dream? While we may never really get the rest we need, we can still find it in ourselves to dream of what greatness we can find on the road ahead. There are many opportunities, but by the time we grow much older, we stop looking for them or fail to see them all together. Whenever I see this image, I always want to be in the same pose, exhausted from all the deadlines and things on my to-do list, however, even if I can't catch up on all that sleep, I hope that I will continue to dream of all the great things that are awaiting me in the future. We all will grow old, but much like Peter Pan, let's not lose our ability to hope and to dream. Open your eyes to the possibilities out there, continue to have faith in the world around you and truly believe in yourself and your potential, as there are great things awaiting you ahead. Let's shed the mundane routine of an adult life and let's all dream together. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 239]:~ A Shell of Oneself

~:[CH8 - Day 239]:~ A Shell of Oneself 
It happens to easily and all too often. You work hard trying to achieve a goal and you fall short, you fall in love and have your heart broken, or you spend too much time stressing out and work yourself into the ground. You often can find yourself veering off path. You head in a direction that you don't want to head. An injury or illness, stress, a death of a family member or friend or some type of failure. Sometimes things go well, but you spend entirely too much time trying to maintain that performance. It's easily to become that shadow and that shell. You can easily find yourself going through the motions, emotionless and without that passion you once had. Where did it all go? As I worked tirelessly through the day and through the night. I went from one checklist item to another. I designed the bibs, made the buttons, sent out e-mails, clarified this and that, organized files, printed more, checked through rosters, go through practices and plan and plan again. There is always something to do when a big event is coming up and when you have a string of them coming, it's not easy to take care of. Then an unreasonable e-mail that just throws you back off course when  you felt like you had focused in. I often get the question, how do you do it and how do you stay focused. One is efficiency. You use the most of your time and try not to waste any of it. You plan out the order of how you will do things and how you will save the most time. You stack up your resources so they'll always be ready and you'll never run out, which may cause a delay. Plan for the worst as you must assume that everything will fall through so you figure out, what will I do if it fails. However, the biggest way I avoid becoming that shell of myself is that I leave time for myself. As much as someone may want me to give them information, I don't forget to write my blog or poetry, I don't forget to message my friends, I don't forget to save a little time to unwind by watching Kdramas or sitting down with a friend over a drink or a meal. We have a lot of responsibilities in life and a lot of things we need to do, but why do we do all these things? We do them to have a better life and without taking the time to care for ourselves, all the success we achieve will be worthless. Be efficient and don't waste time, but spending time on re-energizing yourself with a little music or good company is not a waste as all. We need our social lives just as much as we need to be productive, we need our time of tranquility, just as much as we need to prepare for the next meeting, and we need to live and love, just as much as we need to reach that next deadline. There's a lot on my plate, but while I am at it, I make sure that I put the things I like on that plate, otherwise, I fill myself with nothing really, which will set me down that path of becoming that shell. Life may never get easier, but it doesn't mean that we cannot enjoy what life has to offer. Work hard, but play even harder. 

Monday, August 26, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 238]:~ Making Due

~:[CH8 - Day 238]:~ Making Due
It was a little crazy of a first day. Trying to get everything together, is not an easy thing, especially when you fall asleep the night before when you have a few things to do. Regardless, I got it all done and went off to school to meet the new students. I pronounced names with 95% accuracy (a record), and all the schedules of my IAs worked out. It was rolling. While all was not perfect. I got a good sense of what the year would be like and was excited for what's ahead. We had our normal wave of new athletes come out on day one, but most of them were out the entire summer which was nice. We will have an influx this week, but already our new athletes are powering our team. While they have to get used to the cramp space that we're put in, they always find a way to make due. I think that's the key in life. You're not always going to get the best conditions, but if you make the most of what you're given, you'll find that what you're given actually is often times enough.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 237]:~ Just a Bit of Magic

~:[CH8 - Day 237]:~ Just a Bit of Magic
We spent the day at the Magic Castle thanks to an invitation from a former student. It was great use of the invitation, as it was something that Izumi had seen on television and he loves magic. One of the young magicians was actually from Japan! We were ooooohed and ahhhhhhed by the magicians, especially Anson Lee who just eased his way through his routine. We ended up out on the Walk of Fame later and saw Izumi's eyes light up when he saw Jackie Chan's star. Overall, in life, we find some of those days that have something special and that you'll keep with you for the rest of your life. These are the days we should definitely treasure, as they're the kind of days that have just a bit of magic to them. 

Saturday, August 24, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 236]:~ Many Reasons to Celebrate

~:[CH8 - Day 236]:~ Many Reasons to Celebrate
The cake came out with a question mark on it, but no matter how many years it has been, there were a million reasons to celebrate. Mama Nish has definitely been such a supportive person in the lives of so many, as a teacher, as a parent, and as a long time supporter. She always has a great spirit and always is looking out for the team and all her children, including those who are "adopted." They have always been so welcoming and it has influenced those around her. We also had a final event for Izumi and while he will not be leaving us just yet, it was one of the last events before he leaves next week. It has been great to have him around, whether to chat or joke around. I know that many people will miss him, but for now, we can celebrate that there is still time left! Earlier I ventured out after a morning meetings and wandered around LA, headed to grab lunch with my pseudo-son, as I got a birds-eye view of Fig near Staples Center. It was a gorgeous complex and is quite an amazing place. There were so many reasons to celebrate, just like in life, there are so many things that we can celebrate as well. While it's great to go after big dreams and to celebrate big successes, some of those small victories and moments are definitely worth celebrating.

Friday, August 23, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 235]:~ A Selfie a Day, Keeps the Best Friend at Bay

~:[CH8 - Day 235]:~ A Selfie a Day, Keeps the Best Friend at Bay
I may force him to do it, but my best friend Jepsen and I continued our selfie a day streak today. We added to our collection of photographs as we begin to get back into the swing of things. It's one of those days where you feel productive, but there are still so many things for you to do. I felt like I did what I was suppose to, but still the list of to dos will be long. As we ventured back into our afternoon food run mode, I was able to find some time to relax and get some work done without thoughts of a deadline ahead. Sure, the next week will be ridiculous, but that's just part of the process. For now, I'll worry about not forgetting to take a selfie a day with the BFF. Here's to a great year!

Thursday, August 22, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 234]:~ Burning It Up

~:[CH8 - Day 234]:~ Burning It Up
It was the first day back to work for me and it was our final race of the summer. As I finished up as the sun blazed down, I wondered how the day would go. The morning went smooth, I finished up what I needed to and got some work done in between. I headed to Gahr and realized that a hoard of my athletes showed up for the race - 70 strong. We had quite a number of people improve on their previous marks and I was impressed by how we ran. Our girls highlighted the day with their freshman/junior top five, with our frosh/soph girls being the largest of our groups. They burned up the course as the temperatures cooled. Our team hosted one of our final summer events as we headed to KBBQ to eat together. We ended up with over 50 people and ended the night on the right note. Yes, it was quite the exhausting day from start to finish, but it was inspiring to see such a great performance to finish off the summer. Yes, I will miss those long breaks throughout the day, but it's also nice to get a little routine back into my day.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 233]:~ Cue It Up

~:[CH8 - Day 233]:~ Cue It Up
I already got the sense that summer was at its end. While I didn't have my alarm, I woke up to the thoughts of what I had to do today. I got up, sent out e-mails, recorded, and finished up all I needed to for the Cow Run. It was a non-stop work fest on the day I wanted to simply do nothing. The feeling of accomplishment is sublime, however, and it was worth the time that was put in. After surviving another warm practice, I headed out to one of my last bowling adventures, but realized my hand wasn't completely healed. I then had another outing lined up and finished the night shooting pool. It was a nice way to relax after quite the busy day. It's weird how quickly the summer came and went, but I guess that's the way that life goes. As unprepared as I am for tomorrow, it's time to get myself ready to cue it up, as the school year is quickly approaching. As I bid farewell to this short-lived summer, at least I know that I made the most of it and head into the school year refreshed by a load of memories I pocketed along the way.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 232]:~ Time to Train

~:[CH8 - Day 232]:~ Time to Train
I've always admired my dad's creativity. He comes up with ideas and is able to do the handiwork to make the final product. I often can think of an idea and try to make it, but when you see his final products, they always come out superb. In his most recent attempt, he created a wooden train for Jordan. It moves and connects together and has all the features of a train you could buy in stores, but was made at home. I guess it's something I will eventually have to learn, as I cannot allow those skills to pass me buy. I actually noticed there are a lot of things I hope to pick up and learn and as I've learned from those around me, you can't procrastinate on learning about these skills, but also about many of the stories that are shared among family. What makes this train special is not even the skill it took to make, but the love that accompanied the creation of this beautiful peace and no amount of training could ever teach you that. These types of things will probably survive longer than any of us, but the memories attached to them will remain, which makes these types of things extra special. 

Monday, August 19, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 231]:~ The Farewell Dinner

~:[CH8 - Day 231]:~ The Farewell Dinner
Week after week, it will be a time to say farewell and also to say hello. As while the students of the past are leaving, it's almost time to welcome the new students. I've always been asked if it is a hard time for me, but for some reason, you get numb to the goodbyes and also feel as if it's never a final goodbye, but rather a,"I'll see you again soon." Life has a way of keeping people together and while not everyone stays together, there is a good majority of people who stay connected and will continue to do so as time passes by. From time to time there will be moments where you miss people, but it's moments like these dinners that make it so your left with such great memories. Strangely, tonight's dinner was at a place where so many failed team dinners were planned, but at least this time we were able to get it to work. Farewell, we will see each other again soon.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 230]:~ In the Spotlight

~:[CH8 - Day 230]:~ In the Spotlight
At the last minute, I decided to pop into KCon and catch a few shots and to stroll around all the booths that were available. I wanted to check out what Day6 merch they had, which was more than the last time I went, and also just to see if I ran into anyone. When stopping at the Toyota booth, Holland came on stage to greet his fans. He had such great excitement to be on stage and almost left after the first round of fan meets. He seems like such a genuine person and you always wish for success for these types of people. After doing my round at KCon, I hustled over to Culver City and caught a screening of Blinded by the Light hosted by the Shibutanis and Far East Movement. I realized I didn't have to rush, as I arrived early and had the theater to myself for a short period before people started to roll in. The movie addressed a number of issues that we face from racism to the divide between generational beliefs to the struggle with oneself. In the end, it was quite a moving film and while there were places where I felt there could be improvement (I won't go into detail to avoid any spoilers), it definitely was a powerful and impactful film. I would definitely encourage you to check it out. Today more than ever, you can see more of how these people we see as celebrities are also just people like you and me who are chasing their dreams and trying to find a way to get to where they want to go. For now, they can enjoy their moments in the spotlights and I only hope they all can continue to find their time to shine, much like I hope we all have our opportunities. 

Saturday, August 17, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 229]:~ It's Ohana

~:[CH8 - Day 229]:~ It's Ohana
The ohana was the core of the day from morning until night. From climbing the steep slope of Sand Dune Park to the bowling alley of Carter for the Nikkei Games, I spent the entire day with members of the ohana. It's funny how big of a part they play in my lives, but you realize more every day, was you see them all the time. While we didn't bowl as well as we could, we still had a great time with the team on our lane and each of us had a decent game here and there. There were moments of exhilaration and some of disappointment, but the ups an downs of life are easily dealt with as long as you have each other by your side. By night's end, we will have reached a day we will all remember and today was a good example of why we have lasted this long, together. Life can be too difficult to go at it alone, so trust in those around you to lift you up and help you find the peace and solace that exists in the world. Yes, it's ohana and whether you're still in high school or a decade out, you'll always have a place to call home right back where we are, as it's together that has allowed us to come this far. RNR OHANA

Friday, August 16, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 228]:~ A Little Visitor

~:[CH8 - Day 228]:~ A Little Visitor
The summer brought a lot of Jordan-less days, however, it wasn't long before the summer came closer to the end and Jordan was back. This time, he was running around with everyone trying to chase after him to keep up. It's fun to watch him grow and learn, but we will see how much of a handful he is when he gets to roaming around. I spent a lot of the day at the bowling alley, as I practiced for Nikkei Games, then ended up watching a few more games of people I knew. It was exhausting, but it ended up being a valuable day. While I missed some of the work I needed to do, it was worth putting it off for now, as it's not always you have a little visitor roaming around in your house.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 227]:~ Out on the Trail

~:[CH8 - Day 227]:~ Out on the Trail
While many have been sleeping in and moping around the house all summer, my athletes and I have been hitting the streets and the trails for the past six weeks. We arrive at school way before we will have to come the start of the school year and a few times a week, we meet a second time during the day, hitting a nearby trail. I have a lot of respect for these athletes who dedicate their time and effort towards this and appreciate all that they do to make the upcoming season a success. They may have sacrificed a lot of time this summer, but in the end, I know it will be worth it for them. If you can't find us around Cerritos, there is a good chance we are out on some trail somewhere, even when the sun is baking down on us. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 226]:~ The Lineup

~:[CH8 - Day 226]:~ The Lineup
We had a pretty large freshman class this summer so we almost didn't step on campus for freshman orientation, however, we did. We got a solid group of people to help bring in new athletes and to work their way through the lineup of freshmen wandering aimless through the campus. I remember nearly passing out during my freshman orientation because it was so hot and having one of my good friends come to my aid. I knew how lost I felt and know how it feels for them. While they may bug them to sign their boards, it also is an opportunity for us to find a talent, but also for the freshman to find their calling. I think back to when we found one of our best runners in our school's history at orientation and he swore he wouldn't join. It wasn't much longer before he showed up. Time and time again, we find a diamond in the rough and that's why you never stop recruiting. It's not about the pure numbers, but rather increasing the chances of finding that running stud or person who changes your program forever. It felt like it was a little too early to be back on campus near my classroom, however, I would say that it definitely was worth it and who knows, maybe all that time paid off. I guess only time will tell if we found anyone among that lineup.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 225]:~ Sometimes in the Free Fall

~:[CH8 - Day 225]:~ Sometimes in the Free Fall
Life can be a little bit crazy. Sometimes you feel yourself being sucked into the vortex, left in a free fall. Life is like that. One moment, you're on stable ground, the next, you don't know when you'll hit the bottom. In all the piles of work. sometimes you feel like your drowning, but the only hope you hang onto is that faith that you'll eventually find your way back to the top. It's easy to let go and allow yourself to hit rock bottom, but it takes a fight for you to claw your way back up and find the top again. While today I was not in a free fall, I thought about that as I saw this picture I took. I've felt those moments and know exactly how it feels to be lost, to feel alone and to feel as if there is nothing there to help stop you. Well, I am here and so are the many good people around you. While you may not see them, every step of the way, there is someone waiting to reach out their hand to help stop you from your free fall and help you back to higher ground. Yes, too often life feels hopeless, but more often, we are wrong about that. There is always hope and there is always light at the end of the tunnel, but we have to have faith. Believe in yourself and believe in those around you and instead of a free fall, you may find yourself ascending to new heights. Life is far from easy, but life is also far from being hopeless. Sometimes we find ourselves in a free fall, but just know that soon thereafter, it will be our opportunity to show just what we are made of. 

Monday, August 12, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 224]:~ There's Always Time for Food

~:[CH8 - Day 224]:~ There's Always Time for Food
It was a day trying to get back into the routine. I overslept a bit, but was able to get back on track and made a day of it. We got in our run, added a workout, and then enjoyed the day as I finished up some work, before we ended up bowling and grabbing a bite to eat. As busy as a day is, I've always realized that there is always time to eat some food. Today, the food wasn't as good as it usually is, but no matter how the food is, it always taste better with great company. We chatted and laughed and while we used a translator from time to time, we were able to get the point across. While the day quickly ended and I once again was faced with a list of things to do, I smiled knowing that soon enough, another good meal would be headed my way, as while I may be busy, there is always time for food.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 223]:~ Fairly Nice

~:[CH8 - Day 223]:~ Fairly Nice
I didn't set my alarm and it felt nice. To wake up naturally is something I haven't been able to do in some time. However, it was a day where I could work at my own pace, get some work done and then enjoy the rest of the evening. With our guest in town, we took our trip to the OC Fair and showed him around. It was fun to see him react to the smell of the livestock, but his adventurous spirit on the rides was a challenge for us all. We almost caught them all while we were there, but could't locate a bulbasaur anywhere, so we settled for what we had. In the end, we saw a day full of food, fun and just wandering around, which was topped off by the fact that someone handed us tickets to get into the fair. In the end, we were exhausted, but it was another day that was fairly nice. I always wonder if the future will continue to provided Blessed day such as these, however, instead of worrying what I cannot control, I simply will soak in all and appreciate the fact that it all happened.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 222]:~ The Elements of an Ohana

~:[CH8 - Day 222]:~ The Elements of an Ohana
It takes a lot to grow together as an ohana. It's been such a long road, but as I stand here on our last day of camp, I realize how much it takes to make it all work. It takes parents willing to send their athletes off, athletes willing to put the time and effort to make it work, it takes a crew to help prepare and organize, and a place to host it all. As we survived the week itself, I saw so many people fill their roles and step up to the plate when it was their turn. Everyone seemed to know what's going on and when something needed to be done. The athletes fulfilled their roles and the counselors did the same. When you step out into the open and see everyone doing what needs to be done, you smile, because the stress of micromanaging disappears, as everyone knows just what to do. Often times I get credit for "putting on" this camp, but without even having to assign roles, the work gets taken care of and in the end, we enjoyed a week so full of the elements of life we all can enjoy. It's easy to pass each of these camps as "another year," but in reality, every one of these camps becomes another special moment in my life. As I sat at the table of our final moments together at a post-Mammoth dinner, I smiled knowing that together we have failed and struggle together, but ultimately, we have carved our path up the mountain and found a way to come together as an ohana. Life will never give you an easy road, but when you have all these elements of an ohana, it make it seems like that's the exact path you've been given one - one paved for you. I am so grateful for all the wonderful people around me who made this week so special and helped made even the most challenging of situations bearable. RNR OHANA

Friday, August 9, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 221]:~ Together We Rise

~:[CH8 - Day 221]:~ Together We Rise
Our last night is the Fireless Campfire and it always seems to be the night where we feel the most unified. From the coordination of the condo karaoke songs to the improvs, it is full of fun and laughter, and ultimately a group that unified together. This year, even the music videos were on point, as we celebrate a week long of hard work. We survived the ups and downs of the week and ultimately saw a group closer than ever. For some it opened their eyes to their potential, some learned to deal with adversity, and some made new connections that will helps us grow together and also rise together. While I am always happy that the stress of camp is over, it's moments like these that wish the camp could last even longer.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 220]:~ A Little Friendly Competition

~:[CH8 - Day 220]:~ A Little Friendly Competition
I think one of the things that helps a lot at camp is having a little friendly competition. Creating more sportsmanship for the competitive ones and more competition for those who need to have that edge. In the end, we end up with a fun-filled afternoon of games and while not all of them go so well, the athletes seem to learn and grown because of it. Honestly, I don't even need to count the scores, because ultimately, it's the fun that comes along with competing that is one of the major benefits of it all. Another day of hail reeked havoc on us today, but in the end, we survived and were able to go outside with clear, blue skies. We ended the night down in Bishop and bowled the night away, capping off a wonderful evening that was the perfect ending for a beautiful day. It was nice to see everyone growing together and ultimately, that is what camp is all about. 

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 219]:~ Oh Hail!

~:[CH8 - Day 219]:~ Oh Hail!
A lot of bad things in life. Sometimes they all come in one day like today, as we adjust our schedule, went back and forth and problem solved. As I stood at our doorstep, the hail poured down in a weird turn of events that summarized the day, Strangely, moments after, the team came together in one of the more memorable ohana moments I've encountered in my years on the team. Even when a day is mauled by storms, it doesn't mean that darkness will take over you world, rather, you must find those moments that shade you from the hail and overshadow those moments that leave you in the darkness. I once again got to enjoy the beauty of the ridge, while allowed me to find some peace among a day where storms raged on. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 218]:~ Out of the Office

~:[CH8 - Day 218]:~ Out of the Office
It's kind of nice knowing that while I am working in the summer, it gets to be in a place like this. Many jobs leave people in the office day after day, but luckily, I get the chance to venture out to places like Rainbow Falls. With a morning hike and afternoon doing repeats, it was an enjoyable, yet exhausting day, regardless, it was one where we could be out of the office. While we don't all have the luxury, take the chance to opt outside instead of staying in. We are all molded differently, but it doesn't mean we can't explore every once in awhile, especially in a place as beautiful as this. 

Monday, August 5, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 217]:~ A Time to Reflect

~:[CH8 - Day 217]:~ A Time to Reflect
Walking around Convict Lake always gives you time to reflect and think about the wonders of nature and of life. As I waited for our athletes to run around the lake, I enjoyed the beautiful weather. The blue skies, cool breeze, and calming waters is exactly what Mother Nature often provides. There is a lot of chaos in the world and while it's important to stay on top of what is going on in the world, it also is nice to find some time to getaway from it all. While it was only momentary, it was true tranquility among the busy schedule and endless list of things to do over the course of a day. In life, we have a range of emotions, but sometimes, we just need to let it all go, relax and reflect on all the good that surrounds us. 

Sunday, August 4, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 216]:~ Back on the Trail

~:[CH8 - Day 216]:~ Back on the Trail
A year had already passed and after the craziness of getting everything organized, we arrived back on the trails of Mammoth. It's always a pain to shop, pack, take care of all the reservations, and unpack, but when you finally get everything settled, you discover the beauty that surrounds you and that all the preparation was worth it. While this is another fairly young group coming to Mammoth, they'll adjust and get used to the schedule and all its craziness. By night's end, we finished up all our shenanigans and could sleep comfortably knowing that we were finally back on the trails. Often times we are so consumed by work and technology that we forget that there is a world out there to explore. There is a lot to see and so much more to do. In this time where we never know what the next day will bring, it's important that we find ourselves making the most all these moments that we have. I'm hoping for a week where this team will learn, grow, and find unity; similarly, I am hoping that our world can do the same. Our society has a lot of people who have lost their way and find senseless ways to find a solution. I pray for those who lost their lives in the recent tragedies and only hope that those around them can deal with all the current chaos in their own lives and also find their own trail to travel on; hopefully one of stability, peace and unity. 

Saturday, August 3, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 215]:~ Escape from the World

~:[CH8 - Day 215]:~ Escape from the World
There is no time during the year the reminds me more that life itself is crazy. From a practice to running around Costo, packing food into ice, shopping, paperwork, loading and more, it's a hectic time of the year and sometimes you wish that you could just escape. Today I even felt that more so as a bump in the road caused me stress, but in the end, things were even better than expected. My adrenaline was high as my mind wandered back and forth, creating even more stress in my mind, before I looked up into the sky and allowed my stress to melt away. The sky took me away as my worries and fears disappeared into this air. Life has a way of doing this. It provides you an opportunity to escape this crazy world that we call life. As I stared up into the sky, which soon would turn a cotton candy blue and pink, I could only smile as nothing else was on my mind. How beautiful was this site, but the moment itself was even more beautiful. I slowly allowed myself to escape the world and before I knew it, the stress of moments earlier would soon be forgotten. Eventually it may reappear, but for now, I'll enjoy my escape into this beautiful sky that welcomes me.

Friday, August 2, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 214]:~ Piecing it Together

~:[CH8 - Day 214]:~ Piecing it Together
We were a little short on help today, but we ended up getting it together and having enough help to fill two car loads of food from Costco on day 1 of shopping. We always wow people as we wander through Costco and today was no different. I think that things have a way of working themselves out. Sometimes you're over prepared and didn't need all the resources you had while at other times, you weren't quite ready yet. Life is like that. It's going to keep rolling and you just have to find a way to piece it together. Life is going to break you, but you have to pick up the pieces and keep moving forward. The one thing that happens when it all shatters though, is you can figure out the pieces that you want to bring with you and leave those other fragments that haven't been necessary behind. It gives you the chance to house keep your life and allow you to shed unnecessary weight and keep yourself headed in the right direction. Who know how things will go from here, but for today, we figured it out, and quickly succeeded in finishing day 1. 

Thursday, August 1, 2019

~:[CH8 - Day 213]:~ Having a Bowl

~:[CH8 - Day 213]:~ Having a Bowl
We came in a group of nearly 40, as we hit the lanes at Cerritos for our team's annual bowling day. It was a little hectic as we had an increasing number of people show up and ended up adding a lane luckily. Overall, it was more about the fun than the score and the athletes showed that while bowling may not be a future career for them, that they can always enjoy it for recreational purposes. With our afternoon practice cancelled, I had time to get boba and then organize some stuff for our practice and camp coming up. It's been a little crazy lately, but soon enough, we'll be able to finish everything up and at least have a little more time to breathe. For now though, I guess we can have a bowl.