Friday, December 31, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 365]:~ Sand Trap

~:[CH10 - Day 365]:~ Sand Trap

I worked in the morning and then almost to midnight. It feels weird to have this much to do at this time of year, but instead of cleaning and cooking, I was editing. I took a break for a planned golf adventure. It's strange how our group changed with almost every trip, but with every trip, it was just as fun. With the rain, the course was muddle and the sand traps were more like water hazards. As I stood behind a pool of water, it made me think about how 2021 seemed like a large sand trap full of water. It felt hopeless if you fell into the pit of water and even when you narrowly missed the water, the sand was not much better, however, perception is a lot of how our lives will play out going forward. For many, we allow smaller miniscule things to derail us and leave us in a dismal state, but when we step back and look at the bigger picture, within that pit of despair, we might just find that silver lining, in this case, blue skies. It was a day of work and I missed spending the night with my family counting down, still, it was nice to be able to eat a nice meal, to get work done and to simple live to ring in a new year. The simple gift of the ability to breath makes 2021 another great year and although there is so much more we hope to find in 2022, let's not look at the pit of despair, rather the reflection of greater things that we can celebrate. As we say goodbye to 2021, I wish you all the greatest of days full of happiness, good health and prosperity. Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 30, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 364]:~ Still Waiting ...

~:[CH10 - Day 364]:~ Still Waiting ...

The story of the day was the same. I worked through the day, but still took a short break to see a friend briefly. The rain fell down, but we found a spot that kept us dry as we got to chat just for a short while. On the way, I was calculating in my head and figure that for over 20 months, we've been restricted. Later that evening, as I waited for this section of the video to render, I couldn't help but think about how this pause has been similar to when I edit. We always hope for it to go faster, but at times, inevitably, we have setbacks and have to wait longer. We can't always plan for how long it will take, sometimes, we just have to be patient and wait. I know that while we are tired of waiting, sometimes, there isn't much we can do and just have to sit back and wait for this cycle to complete. I thought of all the soldiers who go abroad on a mission and to those refugees who lived in camps spending years apart from their family or things they are missing out on. Although these 20 months have felt long, many others have had to struggle through difficult times for much longer whether war, conflict, natural disasters or more. As difficult as it is on our lives, I have faith that we can be strong and wait it out allowing this process to complete. Tonight, I was luck and the rendering went pretty smoothly on this section and I hope that for all of us, this cycle will pass quickly. Keep the faith and stay strong as we wait this out.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 363]:~ The Memories

~:[CH10 - Day 363]:~ The Memories

Editing is rough, but it also gives me an opportunity to reminisce. Normally when I am editing, it's for an end-of-the-season video and it will be once again. Although it doesn't have the same feel as the normal year, it still will capture the essence of the season and give these athletes the memories they've been missing the past few years. Although it took all the hours of my day, it was fun to piece it all together and remember all of these great moments of the season. As my goal is to finish the video by Sunday, I have a lot of work to do, however, as I do, it will be hard not to daydream, remembering so many of the highlights of 2021 so far, much of which came during the season. I am exciting to wrap this up and be able to share it with everyone, however, until then, these memories, I'll keep them for myself.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 362]:~ Dusk 'til Dawn & Beyond

~:[CH10 - Day 362]:~ Dusk 'til Dawn & Beyond

I always liked to see the dusk 'til dawn signs. I always wondered who exactly would interpret if I was violating the rules, as the exact time of dusk and dawn could be debated, although on many apps now, there is an estimated time. Regardless, I worked from dusk 'til dawn today and a bit more, as my deadlines approach. Every time I feel as if I got closer to the finish line, I think of something else I forgot to do. Regardless, I got a load done today and all of it was due to the grind. I ended the evening with my lesson tonight and it's actually a stress reliever even though it adds more work to the load. Not only is it fun to chat with my tutor, but also I feel accomplished, as I am doing something personal and for my own self-development. I hope that there aren't too many more of these loaded work days, but the reality is, I know there will be. Tomorrow, Thursday, Friday and beyond.

Monday, December 27, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 361]:~ Drenched

~:[CH10 - Day 361]:~ Drenched

I woke up and worked all morning. As I rolled around, I thought about what I had to do and when morning came, I shot up and got to work. I focused in so much that I forgot what time it was and before I knew it, it was time to head out. I didn't realize what the weather was like outside. I saw the forecast yesterday and thought it wouldn't rain until tomorrow. The rain had already arrived. Of course, it rained the hardest when we arrived to Little Tokyo and looked towards grabbing something to eat before the game. As we stepped off the curb, we both stepped in a puddle of water despite trying to avoid it. Sometimes we are destined for those puddles, but even when we get drenched, we should know that what is awaiting us in the future will come. As we finished up and walked back towards the car, I saw this sign and though about how much truth there is in this. We will have our ups and downs, but know that even in our darkest moments, those great things that await us will be waiting for us. Take your time and don't be afraid of things passing you by. We all work at our own speed, but when it comes down to it, "what is for you, won't go past you." It was cold and the Clippers lost, but I scarfed down a birria taco in the parking lot which warmed me up and tasted so good. Yes, things here and there could have gone better today, but I know that all these trials and tribulations will help me find what is for me. 

Sunday, December 26, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 360]:~ Focused on Changing Focus

~:[CH10 - Day 360]:~ Focused on Changing Focus

Sometimes these breaks come at the right time. Things are all chaotic and you need to refocus yourself in order to become more productive. I always found that having a lot of time is detrimental to my efficiency, however, at the same time, it allows me be focused on what I want to focus on moving forward. For now, I focused on getting back into the kitchen. As while I started simple, it was definitely a nice way to change gears and while I was able to get some work done, I still was able to focus on me. I did some grocery shopping, grabbed a boba, watched dramas and in the middle of it all, got some productivity in. It's hard to focus on relaxing when there is so much to do, but maybe that is the same reason things are out of focus in our lives. Sometimes it's best if we focus on what we want to focus on and fill in the gaps with what we need to focus on. While there needs to be a balance, we can always tip that balance in our favor.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 359]:~ Don't Rain on My Parade

~:[CH10 - Day 359]:~ Don't Rain on My Parade

It's amazing how fast time flies. As we talked about a wedding decades ago, as I remember my cousins when they were born and all the ups and downs of life we've all gone through together. Life is never easy, but it's easier when you have people around you who you love. It's incredible to have such an amazing family around me and although we didn't have our normal celebration, a drive down to San Diego was well worth the trip. The weather held off yesterday, but today it rained, but never, could the rain, rain on my parade. My trek down the coast was awesome and I soaked it all in, just being able to see them together and enjoying their time together. I learned of new stories, I reminisced about the old, and today we added new memories to the archive of many. There are many things that may try to stop us from happiness, but let's not allow it to, rather let's shield ourselves from it all and squeeze out all the joy that we can when it shines through the storm clouds overhead. I hope you all have a Blessed and wonderful holiday season.

Friday, December 24, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 358]:~ The Spirit of the Holidays

~:[CH10 - Day 358]:~ The Spirit of the Holidays

One of our family traditions is meeting Santa. Everyone gets their chance to sit on Santa's lap as we celebrate together. For the second year, we decided not to meet together as a family, but for the second year, we held our Santa drive by. Our family stopped by and took a quick picture to keep at least this tradition alive. As our family messaged back and forth, we miss our gathering together under one roof, but still the spirit of the holidays is alive and well. To see everyone, even if just for a bit, was a Blessing and I am glad that at the very least, we get this. Hopefully it won't be long before we are sitting around with our food, passing around gifts, playing Bingo and more; however, for now, at least we have this. As always, as much as we can look at what we lost, let's appreciate all that we have, including each other. Happy Holidays! Ho Ho Ho!

Thursday, December 23, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 357]:~ Simmer

~:[CH10 - Day 357]:~ Simmer

We live in an instant gratification world. We need it now. Overnight delivery, instant responses, and more. However, when you look at life, somethings are better when it takes time. As my dad took the wheel today and cooked up dinner, he grabbed the ham bone and boiled away. Our traditional ham holiday soup was made and it took time. I hope that for those who are younger and only know this generation, that you realize that not everything will come instantly, rather, patience and time will bring the results you want. Efficiency is great, but rushing everywhere and pushing forward without regard to the process and the quality of the product you are producing leaves you with a result that could have been so much better. Let's step back sometimes and find patience and know that time is sometimes the answer. Let the process simmer and you'll find that things might just taste a little bit better. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 356]:~ Time Flies

~:[CH10 - Day 356]:~ Time Flies

It's a little strange how fast time flies and we barely realize it. I had to be at the Towne Center and at the same time, was trying to catch up with an alum. It worked out that I was able to do both at once. It was great to chat after a long while about how everything was going since we last saw each other. I can think back to the days they were in the classroom and then we now fast forward where our once required conversation of certain topics in class, became mainly what we discussed. From politics to medicine to the economy and simply life, it was nice to have a deep conversation with these two. I was suppose to stay at there for an hour, but before I knew it, three had passed. It's weird how time flies, whether in hours or years, but sometimes the years can feel like hours and the hours like years. In the end, I had to catch up on a lot of other things I had to do when I got home, but it was well worth the quality time we spent together chatting about this and that. Soon, we will all be thousands of miles away again, however, after today, those thousand miles will feel so much closer. Until next time ...

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 355]:~ Taking a Break

~:[CH10 - Day 355]:~ Taking a Break

I got some work done in the morning, but not as much as I hoped. Motivation is always low when deadlines seem like they're in the distant future. I guess, like my students, we are all human in that sense. Regardless, I was able to get a decent amount of work done, before I headed out. I visited Aloha for the first time in awhile and it was empty when we arrived, but packed when we left. The Source was also packed and it was nice running into people that I knew. With all the craziness of the year, it was nice to not have to worry as much about deadlines and just chat, catch up and relax, no matter who it was with. Tonight was another one of those catchups and a chance to take a break. It would have been a better day if I won more of those down-to-the-wire matchups, but in the end, win, lose or draw, it definitely ended up as a great day.


Monday, December 20, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 354]:~ OFFday

~:[CH10 - Day 354]:~ OFFday

It wasn't pretty. Taking a friend to their first live NBA game, I was sad that it was such a terrible game. Regardless, a terrible game doesn't necessarily mean a terrible night. The Clippers got beaten up a bit, but we had a good time at the game, went to a free event before the game where we got free drinks, they had a giveaway I wasn't expecting and even had time to stop off at Sugarfish before the game. Yes, it would have been great if they would have won or even if the game was competitive, but it was even better that today I was off of work and had time to relax, catch up and then enjoy the rest of the day. You win some and you lose some, but when you take the best parts of a given day, you win most of the time. Here's to turning all our days into Ws.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 353]:~ Life in the Clouds

~:[CH10 - Day 353]:~ Life in the Clouds

I thought about doing a turnaround and just heading straight back home after dinner, but decided that taking a rest was the best idea. I got a bit of rest and started the trek back home in the darkness. It actually was a smooth start, but as I headed into the more central areas of California, the fog started to get thicker. First it was the fog in the darkness, which I actually got used to from my drive a few weeks ago. I got to enjoy the sunrise, but the sun disappeared into the fog and it felt a little apocalyptic. However, at times I thought, it feels a little heavenly as on either side, all I saw was what felt like clouds, feeling high above the world. Sure, it was a little scary as I had to watch carefully with visibility super low, but I soared along the road and powered through with only one short stop on the way home. It was weird because the drive felt so easy and almost divine. I am not sure if it was a carry over from yesterday, but today's drive home was indescribable and I just felt like I was on cloud 9. I was tired so I ended up resting for the rest of the day doing thoughtless work, but as I did, I kept thinking back to the drive home and just how supernatural it all felt. I would probably never hope for this type of drive ever again, however, to experience it truly was heavenly.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 352]:~ The Reward Tastes Sweeter

~:[CH10 - Day 352]:~ The Reward Tastes Sweeter

I got a call a little before 9am. I had slept late the night before so I was just laying around. I guess we had received an extra piece when getting our pit delivery and that piece was suppose to be awaiting delivery to Tonga from Palo Alto. I got the piece and took it to UPS, but shipping wasn't possible in the timeframe they needed. I thought of all the times I panicked looking for a solution and many times, people stepped up and came through. Even when we needed help moving the pits, I got a good number of volunteers. Although there were things I would miss, I decided, it was worth it to do what many others had done for me in the past. It was strange because as tired as I was before, I didn't feel an ounce of fatigue as I made the trek to Palo Alto. There was a sense of duty and excitement as I made the trek up. In the meantime, I reached out to a friend and was able to schedule a meal after the drop off. The drop off location was a church and it led to the driver talking to me about God's plan. Things happen for a reason and I am sure that all this happened for a reason that may be revealed to us one day. For today, it was simply the satisfaction of doing a good deed. The ramen that night somehow tasted even better. It was from one of my favorite restaurants, but obviously, the day's events amplified it. To top it off, I randomly came across a decorated street and enjoyed the lights before stopping off for a rest before my drive back. It was a lot of time spent on the road, but today was a reminder that when you get the opportunity to help someone in need, take it because the reward is not what you get from it, but more so the satisfaction of helping someone in need and lifting that weight from their shoulders in the process. I'm not sure if we'll ever meet again, as he drove back to Indiana, but even if this is the last time we see each other, it definitely was an experience that changed me forever. Whatever God's plan was for today, I may never know, but all I know is that there will be a day that your time to serve will arrive and I hope that you take it on, even if it's inconvenient, it's value to our lives will be immeasurable. 

Friday, December 17, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 351]:~ The Greatest Gifts


~:[CH10 - Day 351]:~ The Greatest Gifts

It always seems around these times I have a caption like this. As we closed out our 2021 at school, I got a last minute request to pose on stage. I had to move a few scheduled things around, but ultimately, I got the opportunity to greet a long line of students before they let out for the winter break. I wasn't sure how it would all turn out, but in the end, it was a fun way to end the school year (2021). Afterward, I ventured out to delivery some gifts and lounge around getting some work done while also taking a mental break. I am grateful that we made it this far and simply being with people is one of the greatest gifts we are given. Here is to a safe and happy holidays to you all! I hope we can all appreciate the greatest gifts we have, those around us. 

Thursday, December 16, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 350]:~ Life in the Pits

~:[CH10 - Day 350]:~ Life in the Pits

Clearing out the old pits the day before was quite the challenge. They were very worn out and it definitely was an issue. It definitely showed us rock bottom as after being vandalized years ago, they slowly deteriorated and finally needed to be changed out. Of course today signaled the arrival of a new era as someone put it. The arrival was delayed, which made me move some things around, but regardless, we found some volunteers to help us out and they brought out something so beautiful. I couldn't believe my eyes to see the old pads gone and these new ones arriving. It wasn't easy and I even bruised my knee and my face a bit as I fell while moving things, but regardless, we got everything installed and it was gorgeous. Sometimes when you always get what you want, you don't realize what you have, however, when you hit rock bottom and experience life in the pits, you can truly appreciate things even more. As I closed out the night with my captains, today made me remember of how to appreciate even more, as we raise ourselves from the pits as we start a new era, rebuilding normalcy, one day at a time.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 349]:~ Getting a Kick Out of Life

~:[CH10 - Day 349]:~ Getting a Kick Out of Life

The faculty breakfast is always a wonderful to kick off the final late start of the year. As we close out 2021, I can feel the chaotic nature of everything as we try to wrap up everything. Like many, I am overwhelmed, trying to catch up, but at the same time, it doesn't feel like it's in a bad way. Yes, there is this and that I am worrying about, but still there is so much to enjoy. As the morning turned to afternoon, I enjoyed our rehearsal for our ohana as they prep for their dance finals. They have developed their routines nicely and it was definitely a joy to watch them. While many are anxious about it, when they finally got going, they seemed like they enjoyed what they were doing. Life often hands us things we don't want to do. You can either complain and feel miserable doing it or just put your best foot forward and just enjoy the whole experience. This group seemed to soak it in and enjoyed the experience.

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 348]:~ The Other Side

~:[CH10 - Day 348]:~ The Other Side

It was a little tough being back, but great knowing there were only a few days to go until break. I stayed up late finishing up the banquet program. I sent it in last night after midnight (so technically today). I got an email saying that my order was in the office already. WHAT? It was one of those days. I was tired and worked hard, but the rewards kept coming. Things went well, I was able to finish another big project on my list, finished my Christmas shopping (or so I hope) and even reconnected with a friend in Japan for a bit. I wasn't sure if I could make it over for the game, but really tried to as one of our friend's sons plays on La Serna. It felt weird shooting photos of a La Serna athlete, but was definitely glad I made it. It was a little concerning when he went down with an injury, but luckily it was just a contusion and not too much worse. It was funny to watch him play because he has grown and changed so much and I am definitely excited to see his growth moving forward. Even better, I got to see his whole family, as they closed their restaurant for the day to check out this matchup. (Shameless Plug - Go check out their delicious sushi restaurant in Whittier, Dakara Sushi). In any case, things panned out well today and even finished the day by uploading the massive 1k photo album from the game yesterday. There are only a few more days to go and although I am running on fumes, I'll keep pushing forward until I'm on the other side, of this week that is! 

Monday, December 13, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 347]:~ The Staple of the Season

~:[CH10 - Day 347]:~ The Staple of the Season

I was debating whether to go to the game today or not, however, when I thought about how great of an experience this day is for the athletes and them not having photos from the day, I decided to make the trek over to the Staple ... wait, Arena. Yes, it's strange to call it that, but still, this day is one of the foundations of the season and is becomes one of the greatest memories the team has. It's not easy to go through the whole process of waiting and checking in, but when it gets to game time, there is no doubt that it is worth it. It was fun to watch the games and we were able to win the final two games including a nice solid win for the freshmen. While I didn't end of staying for the Clippers game (my instincts probably knew I had a lot of work to do), I definitely was glad that I went to the high school game, as it was great to see them in awe of the experience. 

Sunday, December 12, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 346]:~ Work Overload

~:[CH10 - Day 346]:~ Work Overload

This weekend was my first weekend off in quite sometime. By off, I mean with few plans and I am actually home. What does that mean? It meant, I finally got a chance to get some work done. With our schedule so impacted and things overwhelming, I decided to hold our banquet in January. It was the smartest decision I made, as I needed the time to finish up the paperwork. Strangely enough, our awards already arrived and the program is just about the wrap up. I stayed up late finishing all the work, but there still is a whole lot to do. I already converted most of the video footage, so next week, I hope to finish editing the video and boom, I can enjoy the break. I got grading to do and other things here and there to take care of, but I guess I need to take a deep breath and just try to focus on one thing at a time. When things are overwhelming, instead of looking at the big picture, sometimes focus in frame by frame and that overwhelming feeling sometimes goes away. It did and I got my work done. Hopefully tomorrow will be a wrap, at least for the program.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 345]:~ The Road to a Union

~:[CH10 - Day 345]:~ The Road to a Union

It was a work day, but I reserved the second half of the day for these two. It's special to see people travel down a path and eventually come together. It's even more special when you've known them for some time and they've had a connection with you since. To see my ohana truly become family is something I cannot describe. It's great to see them travel from their high school days to their future path. While they always don't start off linked, sometimes their paths cross again and they find themselves traveling on their journey ahead together. I knew the lighting would be a challenge, but that is just like life. There are always going to be obstacles, you're not going to always have everything fall into place, but you do what you can and make it work to the best of your abilities. The road is not going to be perfect, almost ever, but it's your ability to get up when you fall, keep striding forward and to be there alongside someone as you continue on with your journey. It was a joy to spend these special moments with these two and there is no doubt that today will hold a special place in my heart. Congratulations!

Friday, December 10, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 344]:~ Just Kickin' It

~:[CH10 - Day 344]:~ Just Kickin' It

I've been busy so I haven't seen these two for awhile now, but today I got to spend a little downtime with them. It's always nice to have a nice quiet break, but then it can be more memorable when you're exhausted, running around, trying to keep up. Usually I look for that hideaway, but sometimes being in that place is where I can still just be kickin' it. It's been a long busy week and I still have so much work to do today, however, it was nice to have a little bit of time to getaway and "recharge." Of course, it's strange to have your energy level on empty after a recharge. Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, December 9, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 343]:~ Simple

~:[CH10 - Day 343]:~ Simple

I've done such complex ramen dishes that it's weird to keep it basic. However, I still needed to go to the grocery store and so I had nothing stocked up. I kept it simple. I used a tonkatsu ramen pack and added in some picked garlic and added and egg and whatever else I had. It looked plain and simple, but truly was what I needed on this cold day. I think social media has pushed us towards a life where complexity is king, however, sometimes keeping it simple is the way to go to ultimately find the satisfaction we are searching for. Food, family and friends. When all else fails, keep it simple.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 342]:~ It's Beginning to ...

~:[CH10 - Day 342]:~ It's Beginning to ...

It's definitely getting closer to the holidays and it was no more evident than when I went to the Arena (sounds strange, right?). After another long day, I ventured out to watch the Clippers take on the Celtics. It was definitely fun and while the Clippers almost let one slip away, it was nice to see  a rookie have a breakout game and show the confidence to compete on this level. We decided to hang around a bit after the game and you get the feel of the holidays coming up. Although things have been flying by and I can barely keep up, today things slowed down a bit, as I soaked in all that was around me and truly appreciated the environment I was in. the holidays will quickly approach and it will slowly begin to feeling a lot like Christmas as the song goes and with it, let's not forget to appreciate all the wonderful moments we get the share with our friends and family. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 341]:~ Out of Control

~:[CH10 - Day 341]:~ Out of Control

I decided to go to the gym after school and catch the basketball games. My plan was just go to for a half of the freshmen game, but ended up staying for two and a half games. The freshmen won pretty handily while the junior varsity team was in quite the battle. During the second half, it felt like the referees calls were pretty lopsided, a common feel. No matter if I was right or wrong, sometimes you need to realize that things are often times out of your control. It's easy to get upset or worked up over it, but then again, there's not much you can do and sometimes you just need to let it go. There are already so many things in life that you need to worry about so sometimes it's better that you don't get worked up over things out of your control. I am not good at this, but little by little, hopefully I can get better at it. 

Monday, December 6, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 340]:~ Break for the Mind

~:[CH10 - Day 340]:~ Break for the Mind

The last two weeks have been exhausting. When laying out how things would pan out, I didn't think things through (as normal) and didn't realize how high I stacked my plate. I almost thought about not going up as I was exhausted, but I am definitely glad I did. However, that meant that Monday, I needed to give myself the time to recover. As I think about all the great times over the past few weeks, I also think about just, nothing. Yes, there is work to do, but no, today I will only do what needs to be done. Although sometimes you want to avoid having the time off, sometimes, you just need to do it. Today was the break for my mind and hopefully it will allow me to be fully re-energize for the last two weeks of school. Allow yourself the same time and take that break you undoubtedly deserve.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 339]:~ BQ

~:[CH10 - Day 339]:~ BQ

I think the feeling of defeat is common to us all. As I've watched this journey, I saw the time that they spent trying to train and prepare for this moment. The moments of missing the time by minutes, getting injured during the training or just trying to stay motived are definitely tough to watch. In life, we all face those same struggles. We look forward to reaching our goal, but sometimes forget there is a long path ahead before we get there. Sadly for many, we resign before we reach that goal. I guess the drive up to the race was kind of like that journey. I was tired after a long conference day and took the overnight drive through the darkness and the fog. It was never a journey I was truly comfortable with, but I saw my destination and I got there. Staying confident and focused through the process is one of they keys and these two made me so proud, as I got to celebrate this momentous accomplishment with them. Despite exhaustion for us all, it was easy to smile, easy to celebrate and easy to be excited. When you set your mind to that goal, especially if it's a challenging one, prepare yourself for the tough road ahead. Don't prepare for a sprint, rather for the marathon that lies ahead. You may feel great at the start, but throughout the journey, there will be ups and downs. You may fall short, but the question is, do you have it in you to get back up and try again. These two did and in the end, they got to ring the bell and earn the label of BQ. With these two being ones I have had such a close relationship with, it was even more special and I was proud to say that at the end of my journey was also a ending that I could celebrate. While we don't always get to ring the bell at the end of our journeys, keep pushing forward and hopefully one day that will be you, reaching that pinnacle you strove so hard to reach. I am confident you can do it, but the biggest supporter you need to convince before this journey begins is yourself. Congratulations again! 

Saturday, December 4, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 338]:~ With or Without


~:[CH10 - Day 338]:~ With or Without

I always know that going to their first away conference is a bit of a challenge. It's always a little rough for them at Mira Costa, regardless, I hope they take to heart what I tell them, with or without a reward, your success is based on your progress and effort. Winning an award without effort or taking deceptive meausres, doesn't geenrate growth. Not winning an award doesn't mean they weren't successful. I saw a lot of positives today from good spirits to students showing progress by giving a flawless speech without their notes to simply trying harder. I enjoyed chatting with them during lunch and at the awards ceremony. As much as they may have wanted an award, they looked happy qnd joyous simply to be around each other and that appreciation is the biggest award of all.

Friday, December 3, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 337]:~ Eat & Chill

~:[CH10 - Day 337]:~ Eat & Chill

It was a super busy week. It was fun, but still I'm exhausted. Part of me, wanted to sleep, the other part, wanted to make a trek to LA. To LA it was. With no direction in mind, we drove around and landed on Broadway before heading to Koreatown. It's amazing to think how this can be seen as chillin' but just getting out, despite the traffic, equals a fun night. The food was great and it was fun to wander without any plan except to eat and chill. Life can get busy, but don't forget to take some time to enjoy good food and chill.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 336]:~ ... Come to and End


~:[CH10 - Day 336]:~ ... Come to and End

My MacBook lasted as long as it could. It's not 100% dead yet, but without being able to open some of the basics, it's almost time for the graveyard. There are so many things that this MacBook went through with me from travel to virtual teaching, editing endless videos and more. In life, we often get so connected to things and when it's time to say goodbye, it's hard to let go. Regardless, with this MacBook, I'll have so many great memories, but as is the story of life, all good things must come to an end. Of course, while it's not great to get attached to materialistic things, some things have a sentimenal value that make it difficult to say goodbye. What is one of your items with sentimental value? Also, taking Venmo donations for ... jkjk 🤣 ... really, don't. RIP MacBook'15.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 335]:~ Star Studded


~:[CH10 - Day 335]:~ Star Studded

We talked about it, but the idea faded when the ticketing process went awry. After coming back, I had to.waste some time away from the house, so I grabbed lunch in Westwood then searched around. Although I had refreshed hourly, finally I saw a somewhat reasonable price and thus clicked the buy button. We were going. My friends helped guide me through all I needed to know and we were set. This could never top sitting next to the stage at MetLife, but it was nice to be able to go and see what could be their last possible performance as a full group for awhile as potential military requirements are upcoming. As always, it was an incredible performance and worth all the time and effort. I definitely was exhausted by night's end, but it helped that the entire day was star studded.