Tuesday, October 28, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 301]:~ Loading Up

~:[CH3 - Day 301]:~ Loading Up
It felt nice to relax a bit today. In class, I got to sit down with students who needed a little direction and also get caught up on the work I needed to do. While it may not have been the perfect class session, it was pretty good. I also got a lot of cross country work done that I have been putting off and now I can proudly say that our CIF events and banquet are almost all set to go. Practice ended up being a bit more stressful, as I had to get on the athletes to stay on task, but the varsity workouts ended up being fairly good. After practice, we darted over to Buffalo Wild Wings and enjoyed the games that were on - World Series, Hockey, and of course, the start of the regular season. Picking up Anthony Davis was great as his stat line today was quite amazing. Of course, the food layout wasn't too bad either. Afterward, I unloaded the last of my Homecoming materials and headed out to watch Fury. It wasn't too bad. I wouldn't say it was a great movie that I would go out and see again right away, but I would say that it's a solid movie. In any case, the end of the day came too soon, but I definitely loaded up on some me time. It feels great to load up on some rest and relaxation.

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