Wednesday, October 7, 2015

~:[CH4 - Day 280]:~ Another Day, Another Meet

~:[CH4 - Day 280]:~ Another Day, Another Meet
In what technically is our last "hosted" meet, we raced against a much larger group from Downey, Marina and Mayfair. While we normally only have one or two schools, we had a third as all three schools invited confirmed. Regardless, it was a fun day to race despite the fact that the temperatures rose since Monday. While the times were not as fast as we had hoped for, we still managed some good races and the boys were able to take the edge in the varsity division with some nice performances. In the end, it always is nice to race on our hope course with support from various people including the volleyball team who always shows their spirit! Thanks David! The end of the night saw Sweetee Thai before I KOed at home. I was so tired. Regardless, we keep moving on as the count down for the conference this weekend begins!

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