Wednesday, July 20, 2016

~ :[CH5 - Day 201]:~ The Darkness of Peace

~ :[CH5 - Day 201]:~ The Darkness of Peace
After a nice bonding practice, a little bit of wandering, completing some errands and a nice lunch meet up, I went home and felt exactly like JD. Even the smell of food as dinner time rolled around would not make me budge, as my body was asking for rest and so was my mind and soul. In some ways, that day of rest always brings with it some peace that interestingly enough found in darkness. As you close your eyes, you're surrounded by darkness, but find a way to peace. I think it is often said that in our darkest times, we are the most watched over and while some may not see it, I guess today's sleep was a good comparison to that. No, I am not in a period of darkness in my life, but something about this moment made me relate the two. I am hoping that those who are going through dark times know that there are always people you can turn to help you when you need it. Don't ever feel as if you're alone. While dreaming can easily turn into nightmares and accompany the darkness that surrounds you, in most occasions, that darkness that surrounds you, brings you peace and comfort. Yes, interestingly enough, the fatigue of walking and exploring caught up to me and the food did not awake me from this coma, but I wouldn't say this day was a waste at all. With enough food in my system and some great moments earlier in the day, my body, mind, and soul were comforted as I drifted away from reality into a world of peace and isolation. 

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