Saturday, September 16, 2017

~:[CH6 - Day 259]:~ Even in the Darkness

~:[CH6 - Day 259]:~ Even in the Darkness
It was a day to get work done and to catch up. I didn't do much on the day, but it ended up being a productive day, with a few odds and ends being taken care of. I still had time to take some signs around, to stop off at the TC and to meet up with a few people. When we met it was dark, but that darkness did not survive and each of them lit up the night for me, making it an extra special evening, even if it was just for a few moments. We couldn't really see much, but you don't need to see when you connect like we did. The darkness was definitely no match. As I spent the evening working on MUN materials for the conference, I kept appreciating the day and all the moments it had to offer. 

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