Thursday, December 2, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 336]:~ ... Come to and End


~:[CH10 - Day 336]:~ ... Come to and End

My MacBook lasted as long as it could. It's not 100% dead yet, but without being able to open some of the basics, it's almost time for the graveyard. There are so many things that this MacBook went through with me from travel to virtual teaching, editing endless videos and more. In life, we often get so connected to things and when it's time to say goodbye, it's hard to let go. Regardless, with this MacBook, I'll have so many great memories, but as is the story of life, all good things must come to an end. Of course, while it's not great to get attached to materialistic things, some things have a sentimenal value that make it difficult to say goodbye. What is one of your items with sentimental value? Also, taking Venmo donations for ... jkjk 🤣 ... really, don't. RIP MacBook'15.

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