Monday, September 29, 2014

~:[CH3 - Day 272]:~ Case of the Mondays

~:[CH3 - Day 272]:~ Case of the Mondays
It seemed as if everyone was suffering from a case of the Mondays today as it was a strangely interesting day. It was difficult to wake up and the plan for an early wake up turned into a nice comfortable sleep. My hives from the night before disappeared and it looked to be a good day. After packing up, we headed over to grab a bit to eat at the delicious Bouchon Bakery. We ventured north to grab some delicious Levain cookies before heading across Central Park to grab some pickles at Pickles & Olives, a great find!  We then headed down to Grand Central Station to eat the oyster bar. As I had to say farewell already to NYC, I couldn't do it without a quick stop at the halal cart, my second time in just over 12 hours. I took it to go with me to eat at the airport. From there, it was a bit crazy as my driver did not seem in the best of moods, the check in people at the airport had to deal with a number of people upset for their own mistakes (missing flight, overweight baggage, etc) making the check in people upset. After that I came across a number of other incidents from late passengers to bags too large to people in the wrong seats to a medical emergency on the plane. What an interesting adventure. However, in the end, my bag came out first in the terminal and I floated home to finish off a few things before heading to bed, my own bed - what a dream!

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