Monday, April 12, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 102]:~ Back ... Sorta

~:[CH10 - Day 102]:~  Back ... Sorta

I actually felt safer at school than I did when running errands. It's not necessarily because the changes on campus, but because my classroom looked like this, empty. For high school, it's been a little bit of a hassle, as we have the majority of our students virtual and a handful (or less) in seats. The good thing is, no student has to sit in the same seat, but the sad thing is, my focus has to mostly be on the computer. In my eyes, I don't mind being back, but having to do both, it a little bothersome. Regardless, you could see the relief on some of the students faces just to be on campus. For some, learning at home is a challenge and they need to be out and about. I understand it. Regardless, we shall learn and we shall adapt and hopefully by the fall, things can be more normal than this. We shall see how the road ahead pans out, but for now, I'll just deal with the hand I am dealt.

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