Tuesday, May 7, 2024

~:[CH13 - Day 127]:~ Matching & Meetings

~:[CH13 - Day 127]:~ Matching & Meetings

This always is one of my favorite assignments. Leading up to this assignment, each student is assigned 3-4 countries and has to research about their imports and exports. They then select one of their country and make a trading (dating) profile. It's fun to see their creativity come alive as they make a profile that is attractive so they can find a compatible trading partner. While some try to go to their friends, they realize they cannot work together because their imports don't match up to their exports. In the end, there's a few who struggle to find a match. It's a nice break from the stress of APs. It's not an easy assignment, but at the same time, it's fun and they don't have to focus too much. After subbing a class, I headed back home to prep for the banquet and start my series of meetings that I'll be having over the next few weeks. Planning for my projects is always exciting, but the time difference means, late night meetings - a lot of them. Regardless, it gets me excited to think of the various projects I'll be working on and I only hope that the days ahead pass smoothly and quickly.

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