Monday, December 9, 2013

~:[CH2 - Day 343]:~ Layers

~:[CH2 - Day 343]:~ Layers
One day removed from the game at Lambeau Field, I look back and am thankful that I survived the treacherous drive to the airport, as I saw cars stranded in the ditch of the highway and every time a car or truck would pass me, I would almost have to stop so that I could see again. Regardless, I was even more surprised that I survived the cold, but when I look at it, I see all that I wore that day including my undershirt, under armor top and bottom, long sleeve, polo, yellow jacket, packers jacket, jersey, black scarf, packers scarf, head band, beanie, normal socks (my toes were freezing), sweats, shorts, jeans and of course my undies. I was so warm. There were a good number of Packer fans headed back and we all either went to Atlanta or Minneapolis, I went to the later. In the end, I made it home, got my TapEx and then headed to the editing board, where I finished 10 min today! I'm sure my progress will slow, but if I can keep it up, maybe I can finish early for once? COUNTDOWN - Banquet in EIGHT days.

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