Friday, January 12, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 12]:~ Almost Perfect

~:[CH7 - Day 12]:~ Almost Perfect
I remember back when I was younger, I barely missed a perfect game in bowling on a few occasions. I've bowled since I was very young and aimed at getting that elusive 300. However, at some point you realize, that perfect may never happen. I am not trying to say this is a sad depressive way, but something more realistic. Perfect just may never come in your lifetime and that's perfectly fine. As in life, we are sometimes told to make it perfect, but we ourselves are imperfect souls. Our imperfections are what make us diverse and interesting and make the daily grind a challenge, yet entertaining. If we lived in Perfectville, it could be quite boring, so I'm fine with the imperfection. While today was almost just that, perfect, the fact that the boys just fell short of pulling off the victory against one of the top teams in CIF, it's a part of life that we need to accept and not hang our hat over. We need to keep pushing forward and while striving for perfect, not be discouraged when we cannot get there or if we realize that we may never get there. As in the process of striving for perfection, we learn things about ourselves and we discover even more things about life that we never knew before. We find in ourselves the ability to overcome obstacles and recover from disappointments and while it may hurt, we end up coming back even stronger. While we were so close to completing that perfect day, today will still become a memory I will keep with me, much like those few times I nearly had that perfect game. Whether it will be nearly for the rest of my life or not, I will never be able to tell you that, but in the end, however things turn out, I'll be perfectly fine with that. As while perfection may never come, there is nothing more perfect that a life full of challenges, obstacles and learning. Our imperfections are truly our stepping stones towards greatness.

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