Tuesday, April 30, 2024

~:[CH13 - Day 120]:~ Keeping Things in Order

~:[CH13 - Day 120]:~ Keeping Things in Order

There's always something to organize. On my list of to-do's, my list of things to organize ranges from clothes to school materials to pictures and more. It's an endless cycle of things I need to do and it can be exhausting to think about. When you think about a mountain, it feels impossible to scale, but when you look at the step in front of you, you don't think much about it. When we want to avoid the stress and chaos of life, I think it's best if we break it down into smaller chunks. We wouldn't try to eat a hamburger in single bite, therefore, why do we try to take on these difficult tasks all at once. As I move from task to task, I keep it manageable so I can keep thinks in order and avoid stressing myself off. I take frequent mental breaks and find ways to keep myself motivated and happy. Yes, work can be a grind, but it can also be a lot easier when we take it all piece by piece. 

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