Tuesday, November 2, 2021

~:[CH10 - Day 306]:~ Full Circle

~:[CH10 - Day 306]:~  Full Circle

I edited photos today. Our team took photos for CIF and I was able to snag this shot with my drone. It was great to be able to have a more normal season this year and our shirts reflect that circle that we've traveled to get back to where we were. Sure it wasn't perfect and definitely not predictable, however, we completed the cycle for now and arrived back at our CIF practices, I was sad for last year's seniors, however, glad that another group did not miss out on the chance for a season. It wasn't the easiest of days today as my body and mind were still tired, but I was appreciative of being out there and also with a group who was putting in the work to be their best. When I got home, my pile of work was excessive so I canceled my language class and focused on just getting it done, then resting. However, with one of my final tasks of the night being uploading the album, it was nice to look through all the photos and smile, as no matter how tired I am right now, I am simply glad that we had this opportunity. Although there are many things we are displeased with, people we may disagree with and more, let's appreciate the time we have and know that we survived this arduous path that took us closer to where we used to be. 

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