Tuesday, April 3, 2018

~:[CH7 - Day 93]:~ Days Off are Delicious

~:[CH7 - Day 93]:~ Days Off are Delicious
Yes, today was as delicious as the treat that I fed to Max today. He is always so excited to see me because I always bribe him. That was just one of the many things I got to do today on my first day off at home. Yes, we have been on break for a few days, but with two meets and a small adventure up north, today was my first "day off." Sure, we had practice, but for the most part, it was relaxing. I got to sit back and enjoy the day, play some Pokemon Go, relax at TapEx, walk around, watch some Kdramas and of course, cook. Sure, there was a laundry list of things to do, which I got to, but still, it was nice an relaxing. All that you could have hoped from a day like today. I don't think the rest of my days will be like today, but at least, for the time being, I can enjoy the comforts of doing what I want. While we all have a laundry list of things to do, always remember to take your day and do the things that make you happy, as while this world is a crazy busy place, you cannot forget about yourself.

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