Monday, June 27, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 178]:~ Oh, Shoot!

~:[CH11 - Day 178]:~ Oh, Shoot!

I did a little wandering around as I was able to get some errands done before headed for a quick meal and back to meet up with my friend. We actually were meeting to do a shoot, but always get a chance to hang out and just chat as well. It was nice as there was no time pressure as we just shot casually and just listened to music all night. It's been great to see all the friends I've been trying to see again for the past few years. They've done a great job of staying connected with me and so I was always up-to-date on what was going on with them. Strangely, it felt as if I was more updated with them as I was with those at home, as the pandemic kept us apart for so long as well. After the shoot, I realized how much editing I had to do, as my other friend had asked me if I had uploaded the photos we shot. I jumped on my computer and did a little work before calling it a night, but as I did, I was able to smile knowing how many amazing moments I've made on the trip, even though I've had to work throughout. I can't believe how quickly time has passed, but even though the countdown is beginning, I am glad that it happened at all and it's nights like this that are the reason why.

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