Saturday, July 2, 2022

~:[CH11 - Day 183]:~ Where the Journey Guides Us

~:[CH11 - Day 183]:~ Where the Journey Guides Us

I made a trek down to Yokohama to grab some ramen and explore the area a bit more. It was a more open day today as I changed my schedule around a bit so I could explore a bit. I was trying to leave to stop by and catch my friend before she left for work, but I heard this music carrying to the port where Gundam is located. At first I thought it was a street singer, but as I drew closer, I realized it was an event. Somehow I was drawn to that place and it ended up being a wonderful journey as I got to meet the artists after their performance. My minimal Japanese didn't help much, but I did enjoy the music and although I realized later that I had stayed far too long, it was worth the detour in my schedule. I quickly trekked back and met my friend for dinner as we enjoyed Korean food and relaxed the rest of the evening. When we lay out our journey, we often try to stay on track for efficiency sake, however, sometimes you just have to allow yourself to let the journey guide you to experiences you never expected, but needed. It was definitely a refresher on a day where the heat was overwhelming and I'm glad I followed my instinct and followed the music that guided me.

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